How much wallpaper per area calculator. How to calculate the required amount of wallpaper for a room (video). Calculation of the amount of wallpaper for standard gluing

Wallpaper is the most popular means of decorating walls in residential premises. With their help, you can make absolutely any design in a room without resorting to unnecessary financial costs. When choosing wallpaper, consumers face a problem the right choice number of rolls. How to calculate the number of wallpapers correctly?

What is needed for the calculation

Usually, the roll label indicates an approximate scheme for calculating the amount of wallpaper. To find out the value yourself, you need to calculate the following parameters in advance:

  • Wall surface area.
  • Roll width.
  • Roll length.
  • Ceiling height.

The length and width of the wallpaper roll can be seen on the label upon purchase. Knowing the values ​​will help you correctly calculate the amount of wallpaper per room.

Main types of wallpaper depending on width

Some 20 years ago, all the wallpapers in the countries former USSR had standard parameters length and width: 50 cm by 10 m. modern world The market for renovation materials involves a large number of different types of wallpaper. Let's consider the main ones:

  • Standard rolls. They have a width of 50 to 55 cm. The most common type of wallpaper. Length parameters can vary from 8 to 12 m for wallpaper on paper or vinyl based. If their base is fabric, then the length parameters will be 15 m. This type of wallpaper is optimal for pasting walls with a ceiling height of 300 cm.
  • Roll 60 cm wide. This type of wallpaper was widespread in the 90s. 20th century. However, now they are practically not used. The length can be from 8 to 10 m.
  • Roll 74 cm wide. European type of wallpaper. They have standard length. It is 10 m.
  • Meter rolls. Appeared about 10 years ago. However, they have already gained popularity. Roll widths range from 100-106 cm. Manufacturers produce meter wallpaper With different meanings length. The standard one is 10 m. Rolls of length 12 and 25 m are also produced.

Find out the area of ​​the room

Main stages of work:

  1. We draw a floor plan.
  2. We carry out our own measurements.
  3. We make the necessary calculations.

We draw the floor plan ourselves

How to count the number of wallpapers for one room? Before you get started, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Paper.
  • Ruler.
  • Pencil or pen.

It is necessary to draw a plan of all rooms in the room. For this you will need a ruler and a pencil. Absolute precision and scale ratios are not required here. The main thing is to schematically depict the room required for the calculation.

After the walls are schematically depicted, the location of windows and doors in the room should be indicated on the plan. The scale and precision values ​​also do not have to be respected.


How to calculate the number of wallpapers? To do this, you should find out the values ​​of the sides of 1 roll and the surface area of ​​the walls of the room. To calculate the last number yourself, you need to do the following:

  1. To work you will need a tape measure. With its help you need to measure the length of the walls of the room. To do this, measurements are taken along each wall. The height of the measurements does not matter. It all depends on which place is most convenient to work. You can measure the length along the baseboard, in the middle of the wall or right under the ceiling.
  2. In a similar way we find the value of the height of the walls.
  3. To avoid errors in the calculation, it is recommended to measure all 4 walls of the room in a similar way. Then the values ​​will be most correct.
  4. We measure the height and width of the doors and window openings using a tape measure.
  5. We calculate the area of ​​each wall. To do this, multiply the length value by the resulting height value. The number found will show the area of ​​one wall of the room. From it you need to subtract the area of ​​the opening (window or door). To calculate its area, you also need to find the product of the sides.
  6. In a similar way, you should find the area of ​​​​each of the walls of the room. To find the total quantity square meters to be wallpapered, the resulting values ​​must be summed up.

Find out the required number of rolls

To calculate, you will need to know the perimeter of the room. To find it, you need to get the sum of the lengths of all the walls of the room.

The resulting perimeter must be divided by the width of one roll. It is indicated on the wallpaper label. The resulting value will show how many wallpaper sheets will be needed to cover the entire room, excluding window and door openings.

Next, you should calculate how many canvases one roll of wallpaper is enough for. To do this, the length of the roll should be divided by the height of the room. The resulting number will show how many whole strips you can get from one roll.

How to calculate the number of rolls of wallpaper to cover the entire room? To do this, the previously obtained value of the total number of wallpaper sheets should be divided by the established number of strips from one roll. The resulting value is rounded to a whole number. We have determined the total number of rolls needed for one room.

You should purchase wallpaper after all measurements have been taken. Following these rules will allow you to learn how to correctly calculate the amount of wallpaper for a room.

Using a tape measure, measure the length of each wall and add up the results:

3 + 4 + 3 + 4 = 14 m, or (3 + 4) * 2 = 14 m.
We found out the perimeter of this room. It is equal to 14 m.

Dividing the perimeter of the room by the width of the wallpaper, we get the number of strips of wallpaper , necessary for gluing this room:
14 / 0.5 = 28 stripes.
Now let's count how many stripes you can get from one roll. To do this, divide the length of the roll by the height of the wall.
10 / 2,5 = 4

The resulting number is always rounded down to the nearest whole number. Next, the number of strips required should be divided by the number of strips that can be obtained from one roll:
28 / 4 = 7 rolls.

It is advisable to purchase one roll more than required. If any area becomes dirty or damaged, you will always have the opportunity to use an additional roll.

Preparing walls for wallpaper

To prepare the walls for wallpaper, you need to thoroughly clean the room. The bedding on the floor is completely changed - the old one is removed.

Of the tools for marking the surface of the wall and wallpaper, an ordinary one is best suited pencil medium hardness (TM or ST) - neither ball pen, nor a marker will work, as traces of them can then appear on the wallpaper.
To draw lines you will need a ruler length 50 cm and a plumb line, but it’s best to use a level.

For cutting wallpaper(and cutting edges) you will need scissors (long) and a wallpaper knife.
For application adhesive composition On the wall and wallpaper you will need brushes and rollers.

In addition, for work you will need containers for preparing glue and water for rinsing the sponge. You will need a tray for the roller, since it is extremely inconvenient to draw glue onto the roller from a bucket. You will also need a stepladder when gluing wallpaper.
Working with glue is a dirty job, so be sure to wear protective clothing. A robe, an apron, a headscarf, old sneakers or used sneakers, a rag in your pocket for wiping your hands...

If you don't have a big one sliding table, on which you can lay out a full-length panel of wallpaper, then you will have to work on the floor. And working on the floor requires more
careful insulation of the floor because glue gets on protective covering on the floor is inevitable.

There is still a long way to go before cutting and spreading important work, This .
In any specialized wallpaper store you will see not only a table for estimating the number of rolls you need, but, more importantly, a consultant who will expertly answer all your questions.

Due to cutting losses, the actual area that can be covered with one roll of wallpaper will be 15% less than indicated on the roll. The percentage of trimming losses can increase depending on how much space the repeating wallpaper pattern takes up. The amount of “pattern repeat” is indicated on the wallpaper packaging. You can compensate for these additional losses by adding the pattern repeat value to the measured value of the room wall height.

Measuring the dimensions of a room

Walls . Measure the length of the wall to the nearest 10 cm. (If the entire room will be wallpapered, then sum up the length of all the walls to determine the perimeter of the room.) This should also include the length of the window and door openings. Measure the height to which the wallpaper will be glued, to the nearest 10 cm. When measuring the height, baseboards and top decorative trims are not taken into account. Ceiling. Measure the length and width of the ceiling to the nearest 10 cm.

How to measure non-standard surfaces

Projecting ceiling structural elements. If you are wallpapering over protruding ceiling structures, add the width and length of each side to the measured wall area.

Perhaps it is not only the most traditional way, but also the most universal. Considering wide choose wallpaper in construction stores, each person will be able to choose wallpaper for their home or office that will best suit them in terms of cost and quality.

Often, when customers come to a wallpaper store, they are already quite savvy about the quality of wallpaper and the price per roll. They know which wallpaper and which manufacturers are best to buy and paste on the walls.

But the question arises about the number of rolls needed for wallpapering walls. In this article we will try to give an example of how to visually calculate how many rolls of wallpaper are needed to paste a room.

If you prefer simple wallpaper that does not have a pattern at all, or has a small pattern that does not require selection when pasting walls, then calculating the number of rolls for a specific room is quite simple.

It is necessary to take measurements of the room, determine the length and width of the room. After this, all that remains is to multiply the length by the width.

Below is the calculation diagram S area of ​​the room.

Calculation example:

Room length= 3.9 meters (or 3 meters 9 centimeters)

Room width=3.45 meters (or 3 meters 45 centimeters)

S area of ​​the room=3.9x3.45=13.45 meters, rounded to big side up to a whole number.

As a result we get S=14 sq.m(or 14 square meters)

After this, we determine in the tables below the number of rolls required for the room for wallpapering.

Example of calculation according to the table:

In the example above we got 14 sq.m, if we chose wallpaper width 53 centimeters, then we next look at table No. 1 in the left column room area with number 14 . Depending on the height of the room, select a column name in the table ceiling height(if our room height is 2.65 meters, then look in the column for ceiling height Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters).

As a result, with a room (floor) area equal to 14 sq.m., for roll width 53 centimeter, Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters, V table No. 1 we get - we need 10 rolls.

Accordingly, with a room (floor) area equal to 14 sq.m., for roll width 70 centimeters, Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters, V table No. 2 we get - 7 rolls of wallpaper

And with a room (floor) area equal to 14 sq.m., for meter wide wallpaper 106 centimeters, Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters, V table No. 3 we get 5 rolls of wallpaper.

That's all the arithmetic is.

Below are 3 tables depending on the width of the wallpaper (for 53, 70 and 106 centimeters):

Table No. 1 53 .

Ceiling height up to 2.5 meters

Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters

Room area

Number of rolls

Room area

Number of rolls

For wallpaper width 53 centimeters and 10 meters long

Table No. 2 designed for wallpaper of equal width 70

Ceiling height up to 2.5 meters

Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters

Room area

Number of rolls

Room area

Number of rolls

For wallpaper width 70 centimeters and 10 meters long

Table No. 3 designed for wallpaper of equal width 106 centimeters and 10 meters long.

Ceiling height up to 2.5 meters

Ceiling height 2.6 - 3 meters

Room area

Number of rolls

Room area

Number of rolls

For wallpaper width 106 centimeters and 10 meters long

Note: In tables Room areas are indicated by gender(not wall area), calculations are made for an average standard room, which usually has one door and one window.

You also need to take into account that when calculating the number of rolls of wallpaper using tables, sometimes you need to use and take into account the selection of a pattern existing on the wallpaper itself. If the wallpaper needs to be adjusted, then for every 6 rolls of wallpaper you need to add one more roll.

If you don’t want to manually calculate how much wallpaper you need for a room, if you didn’t understand something when describing the calculations, or if for some reason you can’t calculate how much wallpaper you need yourself, then this will help you online calculator.

Calculator for calculating the amount of wallpaper per room - calculate online

We won't bore you with tedious mathematical calculations. You just need to measure the basic parameters, and the wallpaper calculator itself will roughly calculate required quantity wallpaper for your room.

Fractional numbers must be entered with a dot, not with a comma! Those. 5.2 - wrong, 5.2 - correct ! The calculation is approximate. The result values ​​may differ slightly from the true value, because... all rooms are different and have various characteristics: square, rectangular, with protrusions. Plus, the windows and doors in the room, as well as their location, will have some influence on the error. If you decide to hang wallpaper with a pattern adjustment (rapport), then for every 6 rolls you need to add another roll to the result.

An example of calculating wallpaper for a room using our calculator: room width - 3.21 meters, room length - 3.75 meters and room height (ceiling height) 3 meters. We decided to buy wallpaper length 10 meters, width 1.06 meters.

Thus, we substitute our numbers into the value fields and get the result - 4 roll. If our wallpaper requires adjusting the pattern, then you can safely add another roll, for a total of 5 rolls of the meter paper we like.

Those who want more accurate calculations and measurements can read the article above " how to calculate how much wallpaper you need" and calculate manually.

Wallpapering requires care and proper preparation. We are talking about determining the amount of wallpaper that will be required for the job. This is where the difficulty arises, since not everyone is able to carry out the calculations on their own.

But in reality there is nothing super complicated in this procedure. It is important to take correct measurements on several parameters and take into account a number of additional factors. Let's talk about how to perform calculations and what to pay close attention to.

Calculating wallpaper for a room - correctly and without extra effort

The option of carrying out calculations seems appropriate. There are many online calculators on the Internet through which you can perform all the required operations. But you shouldn’t trust them too much - it’s impossible to take into account all the nuances there. Manual calculations are more accurate and are preferable.

Calculation of rolls by room area:

They are performed in this order:

  1. Measurements of the parameters of the required room. To do this, determine the length of the room, its width and height. In the presence of suspended ceiling or baseboards, their dimensions are not taken into account. You should be extremely careful when measuring the gaps above the windows, doorways, niches and ledges. If you combine wallpaper or inserts into it, you should initially think through the scheme of work and then proceed to measurements;
  2. If you carry out calculations along the perimeter, you need to multiply the width with the height, and then multiply the resulting value by 2. For example, length = 6 m, width = 4 m, add the values ​​and multiply them by 2, we get a total of 20 m. Let’s take this as an example meter wallpaper - with a roll length of 10 m and a width of 1 m, 20 strips will be needed;
  3. Calculations by area involve multiplying the sum of the width and length by the height of the room, followed by multiplying the totals by 2. That is, (4+6x2.5)x2=50 sq.m. A roll 1 m wide and 10 m long has an area of ​​10 sq. m. It follows that the number of rolls is 50/10 = 5 pieces.

When choosing wallpaper, remember that models with a pattern require taking into account the displacement of the canvas. The offset is equal to the height of the gap that exists between the repeating elements. Information about this can be found on the markings on the packaging of the rolls or you can measure it yourself.

Calculation for one wall

After the basic measurements have been taken and the need for the total amount of material has been determined, you should calculate the wallpaper for one wall. The algorithm of actions does not differ at all from the one described. The difference is that one wall with all its protrusions, niches and other structural elements is taken as the basis.

The calculations themselves can be carried out both by area and by perimeter. There is no particular significance - the main thing is to carry out all the measurements correctly.

How to calculate the required footage

Well, all that remains is to figure out how to calculate the wallpaper footage, that is, the total length of the coating that will be required for the job. The process is not particularly difficult and even those users for whom wallpapering is an unusual curiosity and not a familiar process can easily cope with it.

The table for calculations includes a little - the height of the room, and accordingly the length of the strip, as well as the total number of strips around the perimeter of the room. By multiplying the values, minus windows, doors and other things, you can get the footage that will be needed during work.

How to calculate the number of rolls

The length of one canvas is known, we calculated the number of canvases that is required. All that remains is to divide the footage of the required wallpaper by the number of canvases that one roll can contain. This way we will know how many rolls are needed.

For example, 20 canvases are needed per room, the length of the canvas reaches 2.5 m, the length of one roll is 10 m. It turns out that one roll can accommodate 4 canvases. It follows that the entire gluing work will require 5 rolls.

When answering the question of how many rolls you need, you need to remember to buy additional ones in reserve. The fact is that in the process of work, emergency situations arise. No one is safe from marriage. And buying the missing piece in the future can be problematic, since wallpaper even from the same series may have differences in shades.

It must be remembered that over time, the fabric may become abraded, become dirty, or become mechanically damaged. Here you simply cannot do without gluing a new canvas.

How to calculate liquid wallpaper

Let’s also consider the issue of calculation liquid wallpaper. The main difference from other variations is the complete absence of seams. Thanks to this, it is possible to form a holistic and logically complete coating with excellent aesthetics.

The formula of the material is characterized by its safety and environmental friendliness, which makes it possible to use similar type finishing with virtually no restrictions. You just need to correctly determine the number of packages that will be required to cover the planned area of ​​the premises.

Information about this is available on each package. Often the consumption varies between 3-5 sq.m. on a flat surface. We take the average value of 4 square meters. We determine that for an area of ​​50 square meters, approximately 12.5 packages (50/4) will be required. You should purchase liquid wallpaper with a reserve, about 1-3 packages per room, depending on the size and complexity structural elements. Applying the substance to an uneven surface may entail additional costs - you should prepare for this in advance.

As you can see, nothing too complicated. You just need to be careful and careful, remembering that even a minor mistake can have serious consequences. There is no need to rush if this is your first time doing this procedure. It’s much easier to double-check once again than to later “rack” your brain about where to find the missing couple of meters of wallpaper. Remember - even seemingly insignificant details should be taken into account. Good luck with your calculations and apartment renovation.

A tape measure will help with this, but the type of wallpaper must also be taken into account. Wallpaper with a pattern, paper, vinyl, fabric wallpaper, they all have a specific length and width, as well as pasting on the walls, so the calculation must be carried out taking into account all factors, and not just the size of the room. There are several options for calculating the required amount of wallpaper per room.

The amount of wallpaper can be correctly calculated by knowing the perimeter of the room being wallpapered. The perimeter is the sum of all sides, which means the perimeter of the room is the sum of all sides along the length. How to get this number? In order to measure the perimeter, you will need a construction tape. The length of all rooms must be measured with a tape measure, resulting in 4 walls, 2 walls will be the same length, the remaining 2 walls will have a different length. Let's consider this using the example of a wall whose perimeter is 4x2. Two walls are 4 m long and 2 walls are 2 meters long. The formula is as follows: 4x2+2x2=12 meters perimeter of the room.

  • Find out the height of the walls;
  • Calculate how many strips of wallpaper come out of one roll of wallpaper;
  • Calculate the number of strips of wallpaper required for the room;
  • Calculate the number of wallpaper rolls needed.

The height of the walls of the room is measured in the same way as its width, using a tape measure, the tape weighs a little, it is very convenient to measure. Standard height walls in residential premises and apartments are 2.5-3 meters. To find out how many strips of wallpaper will come out of one roll of wallpaper, you need to divide the height of the walls by the length of the wallpaper in the roll, but to do this you need to know how many meters of wallpaper there are in one roll. If a roll of wallpaper is standard, it has a length of 10 meters, if the height of our walls is 2.5 m, then the calculation formula will be: 10: 2.5 = 4. It turned out that 4 stripes will come out of one roll of wallpaper. Once the number of strips of wallpaper from one roll has been calculated, you can calculate how many strips of wallpaper from the selected roll will be required for a given room. To do this, you need to measure the width of the wallpaper roll and divide it by the perimeter of the room.

With standard wallpaper with a width of 53 cm and a 12-meter perimeter of the room being pasted, as in the example, the following formula is obtained: 12: 0.53 = 23, rounded up, which means that 23 strips of wallpaper will be needed to paste the room.

And the last step is to calculate the quantity necessary wallpaper per room. The required number of strips for a room must be divided by the number of strips in a roll using the formula: 23:4 = 6, rounded. It turns out that for a room with an area of ​​4x2 meters you will need 6 rolls of wallpaper with a reserve.

Approximate calculations are given, since each room and room in it may have different heights, widths, differences, so it is worth making calculations accurately and carefully, taking into account possible unevenness of the walls and ceiling.

How to calculate the area of ​​walls in a room (video)

How to calculate wallpaper by room area

To carry out this calculation, it is necessary to measure the entire area of ​​the room and its wall along the entire perimeter as follows:

  • Measure the length, width and height of the wall surface;
  • Add the length and width of the walls and multiply by 2, because the building has 2 identical walls and multiply by the height of the wall;
  • Multiply the width of the roll by the length.

After measuring the area of ​​the room, you can calculate required amount wallpaper for gluing. Using the example of a room with an area of ​​4x2 m, you can create a formula for calculating wallpaper, 2x (4 + 2) x 2.5 = 30 m 2, which gives the area to be covered. Next, you need to calculate how much area one roll will cover. Using a standard roll as an example, we obtain the formula: 0.53 m (standard roll width): 10 m (standard roll length) = 5.3 m 2 . With one roll of standard wallpaper in width and length, you can cover 5.3 m2 of walls. The last step, in order to correctly calculate the required number of wallpaper rolls for a 4x2 meter room, you need to divide the surface area by the area of ​​the wallpaper roll, for example, 30:5=6. To wallpaper a room with an area of ​​4x2 m and a height of 2.5 m, you will need 6 rolls of wallpaper. As a result of the first measurement, and according to the results of measuring the area of ​​the room, 6 rolls of wallpaper come out.

Calculations according to the formula are very accurate; there will be no excess or lack of wallpaper, but when calculating, it is worth taking into account the characteristics of the room for which the wallpaper is being applied.

It is better to take wallpaper with a small supply in order to be able to restore the wall in case of damage to the wallpaper, than to then look for similar wallpaper that you may not find; an extra piece will always come in handy.

Calculation of wallpaper according to the picture

The most difficult calculation of the required wallpaper for a room is the calculation of wallpaper with a pattern; this is difficult because the pattern must be selected, during which a lot of waste is generated. If there is a mow on the walls, uneven corners or there is a difference in the height of the walls, differences in the drawing are possible. Correct sticking wallpaper with a pattern, accurately selecting the ornament, will provide good view rooms, without defects.

An important factor is the methods of wallpapering. Wallpaper with a pattern is glued only joint to joint to achieve harmonic combination drawing.

To choose the right amount of wallpaper with a pattern for a room, first of all, you should focus on rapport, the permissible distance between the elements of the pattern. This indicator is individual for each type of wallpaper and pattern on it. On wallpaper with floral patterns there is less rapport, but on wallpaper with geometric shapes and lines there is always more rapport. Wallpaper with geometric lines will cost more than wallpaper with floral patterns.

On each roll of wallpaper that requires selection during the gluing process, the exact repeat option is indicated:

  • Geometry – above 50 mm;
  • Floral print – up to 50 mm;
  • Abstraction – 10-50 mm repeat.

The required number of wallpapers with a pattern is calculated based on the width of the surface to be pasted and its area, as when selecting regular wallpaper. The only feature is the rapport indicator on the roll. A high rate of rapport leads to the fact that you will have to buy 2 or more rolls more than regular wallpaper without a pattern, and there will be a lot of leftovers.

Before choosing wallpaper with a pattern for your home, you need to calculate the area to be covered, the amount of wallpaper needed and the price. Will it be affordable? Waste from wallpaper with a pattern is very difficult to match to slopes and openings, and they almost never fit anywhere.

Ready calculations of the number of wallpapers

In order not to waste time on measuring and calculating the area for wallpapering, a ready-made calculation table will help you accurately and quickly calculate the required amount of wallpaper on the walls, which you can view and get ready-made indicators.

Based on the finished table, you can get data on:

  • The height of the walls and ceilings of the room;
  • Perimeter of the room;
  • Roll length;
  • Number of rolls and strips of wallpaper.

The table data is approximate and when cutting strips of wallpaper before gluing, you need to leave a little extra length to hide possible gaps on the walls.

Using ready-made indicators for calculating the walls of a room, as well as taking into account the width of the wallpaper rolls, you can make the calculation quickly and accurately.

Calculation of the number of wallpapers (video)

Always wallpapering labor-intensive process It’s even more difficult to choose the exact right amount of wallpaper for the room. Conducted accurate calculations the size of the room, using a tape measure and sometimes an assistant, you can get the correct indicators and calculate the required amount of wallpaper. When everything goes well in the repair, the repair will not be a burden, but a pleasure.

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