How to open a hardware store? Requirements for the premises of a hardware store. Total cost, rub

IN last years The population of our country is actively building and no less actively renovating new and old apartments. Many cities are now experiencing a construction boom. And that’s why everyone needs building materials. Selling materials and other components needed for construction and renovation is a profitable business. Many entrepreneurs have understood this, which is why there are many stores with a similar focus. But there are still unoccupied niches and attractive opportunities in this business. Let's look at how to open a building materials store.

Store format

Building materials and accompanying product names are sold in different ways. On construction markets, in small stalls, in warehouse stores, in construction supermarkets and in regular hardware stores. Before starting this business, you need to understand what types of construction stores exist. And which of these types suits your capabilities. Or maybe you’ll study what’s out there and come up with something of your own. So, the conditional division of construction stores:

  1. The shops small size, from 20 to 50 sq.m. plus a warehouse of approximately the same area. Such a store usually presents one or two groups of goods, with 30 or more items. For example, wallpaper. Or paint. Or floor coverings. Along with the main group of products, related products can be sold. For example, wallpaper and wallpaper glue of several types, suitable for the types of wallpaper present in the store’s assortment.
  2. Larger stores, up to 200 sq.m. total area, the area of ​​the sales area in this case can be 100-120 sq.m. Such a store may offer several dozen product groups. There may be wallpaper, paint, several types of flooring, plumbing, boards, and pipes. The total number of product articles can reach 5-6 thousand items.
  3. Large construction stores with a sales area of ​​1000 sq.m. and extensive storage facilities. Such a store usually has at least ten departments, where you can find almost everything you might need for repairs and construction. Product groups number in the hundreds, and names in the thousands.
  4. Store-warehouse. There is no division into storage facilities and shopping room. The goods are presented to customers in the volumes and quantities that are available in the store. On average, the size of such complex trading enterprises ranges from 2000 to 3000 sq.m. But there are also small warehouse stores that sell goods of one or two directions.

Required Documentation

First you need to register in the Unified State Register as entity. After this, you can receive a certificate of registration with the tax authorities.

Typically, owners of construction stores choose one of two legal forms of doing business - (IP) or (LLC). Individual entrepreneur is convenient if you do not have a very large store and you are its sole owner. An LLC is usually used for larger businesses and when there are co-founders.

You will need to choose a tax system. This choice may depend on local laws, and laws may vary from region to region.

A convenient tax is UTII (UTII), in most regions of the country all retail enterprises, which include a building materials store, fall under it.

If your city does not provide UTII for this type of activity, then you can choose the simplified tax system -. This tax is 6% if the object of taxation is income, and 15% if the object of taxation is income reduced by the amount of expenses.

Since 2014, a new taxation system, patent, has been introduced. It consists in acquiring a patent for each type of activity. This taxation system is only possible for individual entrepreneurs.

You should receive a notification from the State Statistics Committee that your enterprise has been assigned codes according to OKVED (the all-Russian cadastre of species economic activity) that correspond to your business activities.

In addition, you will need to obtain permission from the following authorities:

  • City Administration.
  • Chamber of Commerce.
  • Fire inspection.
  • Traffic police (when organizing parking).

Shop space

Criteria for choosing a location for a building materials store:

  • Proximity to a busy highway with a constant flow of cars.
  • Area of ​​new buildings.
  • On a large construction market.
  • Close to stores of a similar focus that do not duplicate your store.
  • In the area of ​​the industrial zone of the city - there you can find suitable premises at a favorable price.
  • The premises must be in a non-residential area, so firefighters will not allow the sale of flammable substances, which make up a significant part of the range hardware store, in a residential area.
  • There must be ample guarded free parking next to the store.
  • Convenient access roads should lead to the store.
  • For a large warehouse store selling large quantities of bulky goods, it is desirable to have access railway tracks.
  • The store must comply with the requirements of the SES and fire inspection for the conditions of storage and sale of goods.

The next question that needs to be decided: rent or buy the premises? Owning a premises is, of course, convenient, but it requires large investments who won't be back soon.

Therefore, if you already have your own suitable premises, great. This will solve a lot of problems. If there is no premises and you do not have substantial initial capital, then better room rent for a store. Perhaps it will be a lease with a subsequent purchase if your store is doing well and you have a stable high income.

Shop equipment

The set of equipment is standard and simple and includes:

  • Single-sided racks attached to the walls for displaying goods.
  • Double-sided shelving, which is located in the central part of the hall.
  • Showcase cabinets with glass doors for placing small-sized goods.
  • Showcase counters for some departments of the store.
  • Retail nets for hanging suspended goods.
  • Fasteners and hooks for placing goods on the walls.
  • Packing table.
  • Cash register, one or more.
  • Trolleys and shopping baskets.

Product range

You should choose the groups of products that should be in your store after considering the following questions:

  • Store size. If you have a supermarket large area, then you can have a wide and varied range. If your store is small in size, then you need to choose one direction.
  • Availability of similar stores in your city or area. If you want to sell flooring, make sure there is no similar store nearby.
  • Buyers' needs. Study the market construction goods, find out what is in short supply and what goods are in abundance.

In any case, your store should have a wide range of products. The modern buyer is spoiled by the abundance of goods and is unlikely to return to a store with a meager assortment. If the space does not allow you to display a large amount of goods, you can work from catalogs, to order.

We list the standard product groups for a building materials store:


You can search for suppliers in person by visiting all wholesale centers in the city, or via the Internet. The first method is convenient because it is easier to agree on conditions through personal contact, the second is because you don’t have to go or drive anywhere, you just need to look through the catalogs of the companies you need and compare prices.

Don't limit yourself to suppliers that have a presence in your city, especially if your city is small. Look for suppliers in nearby major cities. This is usually more profitable.

Often large bases deliver goods to neighboring cities for free for large enough orders. In many cases, you can not only submit a request for a product, but also enter into an agreement with the supplier via the Internet.

Store employees

To open a hardware store and ensure its prosperity, you must find experienced employees. Your store should be managed by a person who has worked in this field for several years. After all, the range of goods, contacts with suppliers, and personnel management depend on it.

Sales consultants must have all the information about the product; in addition, they must understand the construction and repair process itself in order to give advice or consultation. If your store has several departments, then each should have at least one consultant who thoroughly understands the products of this department.

In addition to sales consultants and management personnel, you will need cashiers, cleaners, a warehouse manager and loaders.

Remuneration for store employees should be stimulating: salary and bonus, the size of which depends on the quality of work and the quantity of goods sold. With this approach, employees work most efficiently.

Business plan for a building materials store

Opening a small building materials store with an area of ​​about one hundred square meters, according to experienced entrepreneurs working in this business, costs 300–400 thousand rubles.

The average turnover per month is 200,000 rubles. This is with a trade markup on goods of 20-30%.

Most of the turnover goes to payments to suppliers (about 70%). That is, 60,000 rubles remain. You also need to pay salaries and taxes. There will be a very small amount left.

Therefore, opening a small store is profitable only if you have the opportunity to purchase goods inexpensively from suppliers and make a markup on it in the store of more than 30%. In addition, you need to agree with suppliers on the delivery of all goods without prepayment, for sale. And one more thing – the premises. If the rental price is high, your business may become unprofitable.

Conclusion: opening a small-format building materials store is profitable if you have inexpensive premises (preferably one that you own) and favorable working conditions with suppliers.

Opening of a store with an area of ​​about 200 sq.m. will require an amount of 1.5 million rubles, including the full cost of payment for the goods. Monthly turnover is 800-900 thousand rubles, net profit after taxes is 50-60 thousand per month.

Supermarket of building materials, occupying 1500-2000 sq.m. will require investments of 8-10 million rubles. The turnover of such a store is approximately 3 million rubles per month, and the net profit is about 150,000 rubles.

This trading option is the most profitable for the business owner and the most convenient for the client, because he can purchase all the main and related products for repairs in one place.

Promotion of a building materials store

Since competition in this business is high, and the location of the store may not always be successful from a marketing point of view - such stores are often located on the outskirts of the city or in industrial zones - advertising becomes of paramount importance.

By the time the store opens, you need to prepare advertisements in the local press, and, if possible, on radio and television. You can also install advertising posters and banners on the streets of the city, informing about the opening of a new store, its advantages and discounts for first customers.

Be sure to start your website on the Internet, because now they are looking for everything they might need. The website must be made with high quality, it must attract attention, give an idea of ​​your product range and prices. It should contain information about your work hours, options for delivery of building materials, and your contact numbers. Don't forget to update it regularly.

Another effective form of advertising is cooperation with repair and construction companies and teams. They will bring their clients to you and purchase materials from you if you give them the opportunity to receive discounts or percentages on the sales of new clients attracted.

You can attract sales representatives who will offer your product to companies involved in interior design, renovation and construction. So you can find profitable ones regular customers who will purchase large quantities of goods from you.

Be sure to issue discount cards, simple or cumulative, to regular customers. Don't forget to run promotions when new types of products appear. Invite design consultants or builders to participate in these promotions. Organize online and SMS distribution of news from your store to regular customers.

The economic crisis has affected almost all areas of activity. The number of construction projects has also decreased. However, experts note an annual increase in the market for building materials in the country by at least 20%. This allows us to judge the profitability of a business selling building materials even in difficult times. How to open a building materials store from scratch and be guaranteed to make a profit? The business plan below will tell you about this.

Correct format

In this area of ​​business, several niches can be distinguished, each of which requires different levels capital investments:

  • Small specialized building materials store. Involves the sale of materials of the same group and related products;
  • Store-warehouse. A large area with an impressive assortment. Works for both wholesale and retail sales. Requires significant startup costs;
  • Standard building materials store. Can be sold as a supermarket. Designed for retail trade of a wide range of goods.

Formalities and documentation

Selling building materials as a business does not require licenses. But some permitting documentation will be required.

First, you need to register your business. For a small building materials store, an individual entrepreneur will be enough. This form does not leave any prospects for business development and expansion; moreover, a small store in the construction industry has low profitability. It's better to start with an LLC right away.

Having chosen the form of activity, you should proceed to the selection of OKVED codes and the taxation system. You should choose the simplified tax system as the tax reporting form. OKVED codes have undergone changes since 2016; now it is necessary to select new codes for general construction work.

Selecting a room

To open a hardware store from scratch, there is no need to purchase or build a specialized building yourself. It is enough to rent a room within the city limits. The main requirement is high cross-country ability. This rule especially applies when organizing a small, highly specialized building materials store with a small assortment.

The location is preferable in a densely populated area, near houses under construction or recently commissioned. It is necessary to ensure unimpeded access for freight transport for the delivery/dispatch of construction materials, therefore multi-storey building You should choose the first or ground floor.

What is inside?

It is advisable to choose a room with an area of ​​at least 100 square meters. m. A store with a smaller area is allowed; in this case, it is more profitable to rent premises in a shopping center specializing in construction.

In a business plan for a building materials store, it is not necessary to allocate significant funds for renovations. The premises do not require expensive finishing; minimal work is enough to make the building neat, clean and dry from the inside. The main thing is safety from the point of view of the SES and State Fire Supervision.

Zoning is not required, but the presence of a separate warehouse welcome. The cashier's position should be located near the exit from the store.


To open a building materials store from scratch, there is no need to purchase expensive equipment or machinery. You will need:

  • racks, display cases, shelves for placing goods;
  • trade grids for hanging goods;
  • cashier counter and packing table;
  • a couple of tables for customers;
  • baskets or carts;
  • mobile and landline phones.

If capital allows, it is worth investing in video surveillance systems. Otherwise, you can hang decoys under the ceiling and in the corners.

Goods and services

The assortment of goods is directly dependent on the chosen store format and the available space. If this is a small store in a construction center specializing in wallpaper, it is not difficult to guess the main items in its range.

When choosing a narrow-profile store, you should immediately think about related products. So, when purchasing from clients, the client will be interested in purchasing wallpaper paste, brushes and other auxiliary items. This will generate no less income than the sale of the main product.

The following standard product groups can be included in the preliminary business plan for a building materials store:

  • building mixtures;
  • wallpaper;
  • paints and varnishes;
  • floor coverings;
  • sanitaryware and plumbing;
  • doors and interior partitions;
  • construction tools;
  • electrician

Selecting a Product Supplier

Selecting suppliers is one of the most important aspects of business organization

Trade in construction materials as a business requires high-quality, reliable and inexpensive suppliers. Before finding the right ones, a beginner will have to make an effort. Not every company will agree to enter into an agreement with new organization and an entrepreneur with no experience.

When negotiating deliveries from other cities, you need to take into account possible delays with delivery. Experts advise having several suppliers in reserve for such cases. It is most beneficial to have suppliers who produce materials in a given city or area. This allows you to purchase goods at an affordable wholesale price without intermediary.

Employees and responsibilities

When recruiting personnel to open a building materials store from scratch, the main emphasis should be on sales consultants. More than 50% of the success of the enterprise depends on them. The consultant must have professional knowledge in construction industry, be able to unobtrusively offer your help and win over the client.

The entrepreneur is obliged to encourage employees to fulfill the sales plan for the current month. This will help the business quickly pay for itself and protect the store from lazy people. It’s worth starting with the salary - it should not be fixed.

The total number of employees and the expected amount of remuneration for their labor:

Table. Total number employees

In a small store, a salesperson can act as a consultant and cashier at the same time. In a construction supermarket, the number of employees will increase several times, and there will be a need to hire security. The entrepreneur himself acts as director, his task is to negotiate with suppliers and resolve organizational issues.

Advertising and promotion

An example of a business plan for a hardware store includes a mandatory expense item for an advertising campaign. It’s not enough to open a store, you need to declare it. In this case, the most effective methods promotions recognized:

  • advertising on social networks;
  • creating your own website with a product catalog and the ability to place a pre-order or order for home delivery;
  • banner advertising in the city;
  • advertising in the media (printed publications are suitable, especially with advertisement sections related to construction).

Costs and payback

Organizing a building materials store as a business has high prospects for development and receiving a stable income. But from a cost point of view, the sale of building materials requires significant investments or the involvement of a third-party investor.

The following expenses will have to be incurred when organizing a standard building materials store, the most optimal niche in this area:

Table. Capital investments

In total, the entrepreneur’s capital expenses in the first month will be at least 965,000 rubles. In the future, this amount will be reduced to 100,000 rubles, which includes the cost of monthly rent and wage employees, as well as taxes and other payments.

Considering the high competition in this business area, you should not set a high markup on goods. 50%-60% is enough. The average monthly income will be from 4,000,000, of which about 60,000 is the net profit of the entrepreneur. Considering the above indicators, we can conclude that the payback period for a building materials store is about a year or more.

To open a successful building materials store, an entrepreneur will have to do thorough market research. It is important to choose a winning concept, study suppliers and competitors, and organize a business plan correctly. Then there is a chance to get a profitable business as a result.

*Calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to create a trading enterprise, a wholesale base of building materials in Simferopol, Republic of Crimea. It is expected that the region will actively develop in the coming years, associated with government injections, as well as with an increase in its popularity as a resort. In this regard, an increase in construction volumes is expected, and, accordingly, an increase in demand for building materials.

The main difficulties in implementing the project are related to establishing supply channels - finding a manufacturer quality materials from the range under consideration, as well as the organization of efficient logistics. First of all, attention is required to organizing the transportation of goods across the Kerch Strait, which so far is carried out only by ferry.

The project does not require use special technologies or attracting highly qualified specialists. Investment costs amount to 11,855,000 rubles.

Key indicators of the project's economic efficiency are given in Table. 1.

Table 1. Key project performance indicators


The project involves the creation of a wholesale base of construction materials in Simferopol. The main area of ​​work is lumber; In addition, it is planned to expand the range to include sand, crushed stone, and cement. Such a narrow focus at the first stage will allow us to consolidate purchase volumes and obtain a more favorable input price. In addition, this will simplify logistics and warehouse management.

The territory of the base is an unheated warehouse with convenient access roads for heavy vehicles and covered area; the presence of a railway dead end is also provided, because Delivery of goods will occur primarily by rail. In close proximity to the warehouse there is an office to accommodate administrative and sales personnel. Warehouse area – 100 sq.m., platform area – 250 sq.m., office area – 20 sq.m.

The main competitive advantage of the company is working directly only with manufacturers of building materials, due to which it becomes possible to ensure competitive prices and uninterrupted supplies of material in any volume. Narrow specialization, as mentioned above, also provides advantages in price, logistics and business management, that is, it reduces operating costs, making the enterprise more profitable.

Today, the Crimean Federal District is a very attractive area for investment. The main source of income for the region is tourism and beach holidays. Due to the blocking of such popular destinations among Russians as Egypt and Turkey, we should expect extremely high interest in domestic tourist destinations. In addition, the popularity of Crimea as a resort is ensured by its political role. At the same time, the entire infrastructure of the peninsula is in a state far from the average for the country as a whole. Mass construction of hotels and tourist infrastructure facilities begins, primarily at the expense of private investors.

In 2014, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the target program “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020”, for which 681,221.18 million rubles were allocated. budgetary and extrabudgetary funds. All this allows us to say that even in the conditions of a difficult economic situation in the country, the region will develop, and any development involves construction - both residential and industrial, as well as the reconstruction of old buildings. Thus, the need for building materials becomes obvious.

Difficulties in the industry arise due to the lack of established supply channels from Russian manufacturers, and also due to logistical limitations - communication with the peninsula is currently carried out only by ferry. To easily overcome the crossing it can be extremely useful administrative resource. If unhindered transportation of goods across the strait is established, the only serious limitation for the development of the project will be removed. According to the plans of the Government of the Russian Federation, by the end of 2018 the construction of the bridge crossing should be completed, which will finally eliminate the logistics problem. By this time, the project should have developed a stable customer base and captured a market share of at least 5% of the total lumber market on the peninsula.

Ready ideas for your business

The competitive environment in the industry has been formed, there is a fairly large number of offers, however, during the season, many suppliers have problems with logistics and product availability; in 80% of cases the problems are caused by delays at the ferry crossing. This confirms the thesis that a key role in the implementation of the project is played by: the presence of a stable supply channel and a well-functioning scheme for transporting goods across the strait. By offering a competitive price and meeting stated delivery times, you can win a significant market share. The quality of the product in this case plays a secondary role, however, of course, when choosing a supplier, it is necessary to pay serious attention to checking the quality of the product.

The business is seasonal, so it is necessary to organize a base before the onset of the construction season; the first active purchases usually begin in mid-March. To search suitable place, as well as paperwork related to enterprise registration and rent, a reserve of two months should be provided. The delivery time for goods by rail can reach 30-50 days, depending on the region of dispatch, which also needs to be taken into account. Thus, the start date for the project can be considered January 1, 2017.

As an organizational and legal form, it is advisable to choose an individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system. In the future, as turnover increases, the option of registration in the Free Economic Zone of Crimea will be considered in order to reduce the tax burden. Types and volumes of investment costs are given in Appendix 1.


The main activity of the enterprise is the sale of lumber coniferous species– edged boards and timber. In addition, the assortment includes sand, crushed stone, and cement. Full information on products is given in Table. 2. Prices are given taking into account all costs of delivery to the base warehouse. Variable costs are given in Appendix 2.

Table 2. Project assortment matrix

Lumber is used in construction for flooring, roofing, formwork, etc. The scope of application is very wide. Sand is used in the zero construction cycle, for the preparation of CFRP, concrete, plaster, etc. Crushed stone can be used in the production of concrete and reinforced concrete, when constructing highways. Portland cement grade 500 is used for the preparation of CFRP and concrete. Considering the widespread use of frame-monolithic construction technology, the high need for cement is beyond doubt.

Ready ideas for your business

As a rule, only the most General requirements in terms of quality, therefore, building a sales policy only on the consumer characteristics of a product does not make sense. All suppliers are manufacturers, which eliminates the intermediate markup of intermediaries. Suppliers are selected taking into account the possibility of uninterrupted provision of planned procurement volumes. The supplier also arranges delivery. Lumber and cement are transported by rail, and sand and crushed stone are transported by sea. Delivery time: crushed stone and sand – 10-14 days, cement – ​​up to 30 days, lumber – up to 50 days.

Monitoring competitive prices in the region showed that average level prices today are as follows:

Lumber – 9250 rub./m. cubic;

River sand – 2000 rub./t;

Crushed gravel – 2800 rub./t;

Cement PC-500 – 4800 rub./t.

At the same time, goods are not always in stock in the required quantity, especially at the height of the construction season.


Sales are carried out using both active and passive methods. The role of the sales representative is performed directly by the entrepreneur. Work is being carried out with construction organizations, including visits to construction sites directly.

Passive sales are carried out through Internet marketing, as well as through your own website. Considering the low level of quality of work of local webmasters, the development is transferred to specialists from one of the large cities of Russia. It is assumed that it is possible to make a reservation through the website. In addition, information about the company’s prices and products is posted on all local online information platforms and in catalogs. Information about the company is also placed in printed free catalogs distributed in construction stores.

The base's operating hours are Tuesday-Sunday from 08.00 to 17.00. Trade is carried out by two sellers; They work in shifts six days a week. Sales are made on the basis of full prepayment and self-pickup. If necessary, company managers can order transport at the buyer’s expense.

The pricing policy is diversified. Depending on the volume, the client may receive a discount. For regular or promising clients, a deferred payment is provided. Accounts receivable control is carried out by company managers.

The sales plan is given in Appendix 5.


The project does not provide for production of products, only wholesale trade. However, the specifics of the materials sold also require adherence to certain technologies for storage, loading, etc. In particular, loading and unloading operations bulk materials produced using a wheeled excavator based on a tractor; Loading and unloading of lumber and cement in containers is carried out using a forklift. Maintenance of the trading floor and warehouse is carried out by loaders and drivers.

Costs for equipment, staffing and wages are shown in Appendix 4.

To operate loading machines, qualified workers with appropriate permits and at least 5 years of experience are hired. For other work, special qualifications of workers are not required; they can be recruited for the season, without maintaining wages for the winter.

To form the initial warehouse stock, the following volumes of goods are required (Table 4).

Table 4. Initial warehouse stock

Table 5. Fixed costs (per month)


The project involves the execution of all administrative duties directly by the entrepreneur. He is required to have basic knowledge accounting and the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, legislation in the field of entrepreneurship and labor protection. In addition, for successful work with construction companies knowledge of technology is required construction production. All employees report directly to the entrepreneur.

To perform their primary duties, employees are subject to the most general requirements related to their field of activity.


Organizational and legal form – individual entrepreneur. The taxation system is simplified, the object is income reduced by the amount of expenses.

Investment costs – 11,855,000 rubles. Own funds – 3,000,000 rubles. It is planned to attract credit funds for the missing amount of 8,855,000 rubles. Loan term – 36 months, rate – 18%. The loan is repaid in annuity payments, starting from the third month of using the loan.

Ready ideas for your business

The calculation of financial indicators takes into account the sales volume of each type of product and the seasonality factor. The financial model of the enterprise is given in Appendix 7.


The effectiveness of the project is assessed using generally accepted integral indicators obtained by analyzing the projected financial results of the enterprise over a five-year period, taking into account the discount rate. Despite the fact that the project has a potential low level of risk, the discount rate is accepted at 24%, which allows us to judge a high financial stability project, because integral indicators are at high level(Table 1).


Table 6. Potential risks and countermeasures and warnings

The project can be characterized by a medium degree of risk.


Denis Miroshnichenko
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The most important thing for a new business is to survive and not close in the first few years. To do this, you just need to follow a few simple rules.

Despite the fact that during the economic crisis, construction volumes decreased significantly, the need for various building materials continues to grow. If you are planning to open your own building materials store, you can rest assured that it will become a profitable enterprise.

Where to start opening a store?

Before you start a business in the trading field, decide. If you have decided on construction, then consider the following important factors.

Before opening a hardware store from scratch, you need to decide on the format of the outlet and choose a trading strategy. If you do not have large start-up capital, you can think about opening a pavilion or a small store. Its assortment may consist of 20–30 of the most popular items.

Entrepreneurs who prefer to work for the future can open a larger store with an assortment of 100 items. To the very popular goods luxury products should be added - expensive flooring or imported ceramic tiles.

Material base

For a building materials store to be profitable, it is necessary to ensure a flow of customers. To do this, you should place outlet in upsetting areas or in places with good transport links. It is desirable that as many new buildings as possible be located nearby. Thanks to this, you will be able to attract more potential buyers. You can also ask how to open a hardware store in the market.

The premises for the store should be chosen in a non-residential building. Pay attention to parking and convenient access, since buyers usually come by car to buy building materials. In order not to spend a lot of money on purchasing a premises, you can rent it. Draw up a detailed business plan for a hardware store, and then decide which option is more suitable for you.

Business registration

Many people are interested in how to open a building materials store from scratch and what documents will be needed for this. To register a hardware store, you can open individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Provide the following documents to the tax office:

  • Receipt of payment of the registration fee;
  • Notarized application;
  • A copy of the applicant's passport.

After registering a business, you should purchase a cash register and register it. This is what he does tax office. This process will take approximately two weeks. Individual stores that sell cash registers, offer their expedited registration. If you don't want to wait, use this service. In this case, you will receive the documents in your hands in literally three days.


To open a small store, you don’t have to purchase special equipment.

Can be placed indoors:

  • Shelving;
  • Showcases;
  • Counters;
  • Podiums.

To purchase all these things you will have to allocate approximately 100 thousand rubles.

The most important thing is to ensure optimal conditions for storing goods.

Therefore, you should take care of:

  • Heating the room;
  • Ventilation;
  • Air conditioning.

The room should be dry, clean and warm.

The business plan for a hardware store should include all necessary communications:

  • Water supply;
  • Sewerage;
  • Electricity.
  • Recruitment

As a rule, all building materials stores are open seven days a week. The most convenient hours work - from 9 am to 9 pm. For such a schedule, you need to hire at least two salespeople.

The work schedule can be any.

A hardware store should hire only qualified, competent salespeople, since this is the only way to get ahead of your competitors.

Selection of assortment

Before you start working, you need to create an assortment. Some entrepreneurs, when developing a business plan for a building materials store, plan to offer customers wide choose goods. But this will require a large room. European building materials stores can have an area of ​​over 10 thousand square meters. meters.

You should not trade only expensive or only cheap products. Any client must find a product that suits his financial capabilities. If some item in the assortment is not in demand, you should not remove it from sale. Simply reduce the stock of these products in your warehouse.

Even beginners are well aware of how serious the competition is in the construction industry. Therefore, if you want to compete adequately in the market, we recommend that you choose narrow niche, sell a certain group of goods. Alternatively, you can offer customers a wide range or variety of wallpaper or paint.


Advertising costs largely depend on the location of the store. If there are no competitors operating nearby, advertising costs will be minimal. Otherwise you will have to play hardball competition with other stores. Many consumers prefer to shop at a place they trust.

For a full-fledged advertising campaign you will have to shell out 20–25 thousand dollars. To do this, you should use a traditional set of tools. Before you open a store, run a commercial on local television. Such advertising is usually quite effective, but it is not cheap. The spectacular exterior design also perfectly attracts buyers. Think carefully about how to name your hardware store so that the sign attracts the attention of passersby.

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Work with providers

To ensure a sufficient assortment in a large store, it is necessary to have more than 100 suppliers. If you have a large starting capital on hand, this will not be a problem. But unfortunately, many beginning entrepreneurs are financially strapped, so they try to buy goods for sale. But not all suppliers agree to such conditions. Basically they prefer 100% prepayment.

If you manage to gain trust, building materials will be supplied with deferred payment or at a good discount. Goods for sale are sold at high prices, so you won’t be able to make a good profit from them.

Some stores operate with minimal inventory. They do not want to freeze their working capital, so they make purchases several times a week. Their frequency depends on sales. In this case, you need to work clearly with suppliers. This is a rather risky form of doing business.

Business profitability

It is worth immediately noting that retail entails high costs and low profitability. But despite this, everything large companies sell at retail. A good store is the face of the company.

Wholesale and retail trade in building materials differ in organization. In wholesale trade, it is enough to find several large clients and constantly work with them, but in retail trade you need to try to satisfy the needs of all clients.

Construction materials are purchased wholesale by foremen, architects and professional builders, but goods are purchased retail by consumers who do not know exactly what they need. Therefore, you need to hire only qualified personnel to work in the store, who will help customers make their choice. How much it costs to open a hardware store can be easily calculated by adding up all the costs and adding mandatory payments to them.

Prospects for further development

A business such as trade in building materials will develop successfully, since people are constantly building or repairing something. Many new houses are delivered with rough finishing, so you have to buy quality Decoration Materials. Those entrepreneurs who can offer consumers quality products at affordable prices will undoubtedly win.

Trade in construction materials is a stable business that does not require large investments. If the trading process is organized correctly, you are guaranteed to provide yourself with an average level of income. In order not to burn out during the low season, try to change the assortment on time.

Our article today is about how to open a building materials store from scratch. You will learn how profitable this area of ​​​​business is and how to achieve quick success in entrepreneurship.

Every year the number of new buildings is rapidly increasing. In a short time, many new areas and residential areas are appearing. Naturally, a wide variety of materials will be needed for construction, so we can conclude that a business selling building materials is a profitable and promising business.

Advantages and disadvantages of a construction business

  • Great demand for the product. Construction materials are in great demand in any region of the country. Their popularity is due to the fact that a person builds or repairs something throughout his life. To do this, he needs materials, so the demand for this product not only does not fall, but also grows every year. Therefore, if you want to invest your money profitably, then Building bussiness will provide you with a stable income and high profits.
  • Product range. If you believe the statistics, then opening a small hardware store is a hopeless undertaking doomed to failure. The thing is that competition in the construction business is quite serious. You will have to fight for customers with large construction hypermarkets that offer a wide range of goods and favorable prices. Therefore, in order to interest visitors, it is necessary to provide a wide variety of goods or decide on the format of the store, for example, to sell a certain product in a large assortment.
  • Additional services. Do not forget that you can make a profit not only from selling goods, but also by providing additional services to customers. For example, not all buyers have the opportunity to independently deliver their purchases to their destination, and building materials are quite large goods. Therefore, there is a need to organize a delivery service. You can make good money by providing this service.

Building materials store: business plan

The chosen business idea needs competent implementation. A skillfully drawn up business plan will help you with this.

The business plan should outline the profitability of the idea, payback period and expected profit from the business. As noted above, the cost of opening a hardware store depends on the region and sales volumes. It is difficult to indicate the exact amount, but it is worth noting that you are unlikely to be able to open a hardware store from scratch. The only option is to find an investor who will be willing to finance your project. But finding a rich person who will believe in the success of your idea is quite difficult, so you can count on this option only if you are a specialist in this field of knowledge.

Registration of a business selling building materials

If you have the necessary start-up capital to open a business, then you can safely begin registering your activities.

First of all, it is worth deciding on the material and legal form of the activity. You can choose one of two options: registering as an individual entrepreneur or founding a legal entity - a Limited Liability Company. When choosing a form of activity, consider the volume of investment. If you plan to open a small hardware store, you can safely register as an individual entrepreneur. In case of organization big business, opening a hypermarket or a network of construction stores, you will have to register a legal entity (LLC).

Having decided on the form of activity, you should select the appropriate OKVED codes. Most convenient option- This is the payment of a single tax on imputed income.

It is also required to obtain permits for activities from the SES, fire service, city administration, chamber of commerce, and even a certificate from the traffic police (in the case of parking on the premises of the store).

Collection and registration of all necessary documents This is enough labor-intensive process. If you have little understanding of legal subtleties, then entrust this matter to an experienced lawyer.

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Location and premises rental

Its profit will directly depend on the correct choice of store location. Therefore, it is very important to choose a favorable location in the city. Choose crowded areas with high traffic. It is advisable that there are no competitors nearby.

Quite advantageous places to open a hardware store are areas of new buildings, the construction market, and the industrial zone of the city.

There are no special conditions for the store premises. The main thing is that it is located in a non-residential building. It is also advisable to provide parking and convenient access roads for loading and unloading goods near the store.

Depending on the sales volume, choose a suitable area for your store. As discussed above, small stores are unprofitable, so the area of ​​the premises must be at least 200 square meters. m. as for repairs, it’s expensive, designer interior in this case will not affect the number of sales in any way. So I recommend that you don't worry about expensive repairs. It is enough to meet the minimum requirements: the room must be clean, dry, tidy, with good ventilation. In addition, the fire and sanitary services have their own requirements for the premises, so you will have to comply with all standards (ventilation, storage conditions for goods, etc.).

Store format

Before you start implementing this business idea, you should decide on the store format by choosing suitable direction. Construction Materials are implemented differently. They are sold in small retail outlets, in stalls at construction markets or bases, in supermarkets or in narrow-profile, specialized points of sale.

  1. Small building materials store. The total area of ​​this outlet is from 20-50 sq. m. Naturally, it is impossible to place a large assortment of goods in such a room, so it is better to focus on one thing. For example, you can sell paint or wallpaper, drywall or flooring.
  2. Large stores with a total area of ​​about 150-200 sq. m. In such a room it is already possible to place a small assortment of goods. You will be able to trade several types of building materials at the same time. This could be the same paint, wallpaper, glue, parquet, tiles, pipes and much more. It all depends on competition and demand for the product. You should analyze these nuances before deciding on the assortment of your hardware store.
  3. Construction supermarkets. The area of ​​these retail outlets is from 1000 sq. m. In such stores, customers are given the opportunity to choose everything they need for construction and renovation in one place. A large assortment, favorable prices and promotions attract a large number of people, so this business format is considered the most successful. The only negative is the large financial investment. Opening a construction supermarket requires a lot of money, so, as a rule, there are several owners of such outlets at once.
  4. Store-warehouse. This business format consists of renting two separate rooms. The first is the warehouse where the bulk of the goods are stored. And the second department is a sales area for customers, where the entire range of products is displayed in small quantities. This business format is quite profitable because you don’t have to equip a large sales area or hire a lot of staff. 2-3 sales consultants, several loaders and security guards will be enough.

Construction materials store equipment

You don't need any special expensive equipment for the store. Therefore, this item will not be too costly for you financially.

Necessary equipment for a hardware store

  • Showcases and racks for displaying goods;
  • Cabinets with glass doors;
  • Retail nets for hanging goods on the walls;
  • Packing table;
  • Equipped place for cashier and sales assistant (table, chairs, cash register);
  • Trolleys and shopping baskets.

Construction store assortment

As mentioned above, the assortment depends on the area of ​​the store. Therefore, first of all, decide on the format of your outlet and after that, start purchasing goods for sale.

Standard product groups for a hardware store:

  • Wallpaper and glue. If you sell this product, then the assortment should be large enough, as they say, to suit every taste. Today, the variety of wallpapers is pleasantly pleasing; you can choose from paper, vinyl, washable and original fabric wallpapers.
  • Dry building mixtures (sand, cement, gypsum);
  • Paint and varnish products (for external and internal work);
  • Partial coverings (tiles, laminate, tiles, linoleum, carpet, parquet);
  • Plumbing (sinks, toilets, showers, hydroboxes, taps, mixers, bathroom furniture and much more);
  • Doors (interior, entrance, made of materials - wood, glass, or economical option from fiberboard);
  • Electrical equipment (lights, lamps, chandeliers, lanterns, wires, LEDs);
  • Building tools.

In general, a wide range of goods can be placed in a large area. If the store area is small, give preference to selling a certain group of goods.


For any entrepreneur, finding suppliers is a very responsible task. After all, the wholesale price of the product, its quality and business profit depend on this.

You can find good suppliers in your city or via the Internet. The most profitable option is to cooperate with manufacturers of building materials and purchase goods directly.

Hired personnel

The number of sales and, accordingly, profits will depend on the work of store employees. Therefore, finding experienced and responsible workers is a very important matter.

A sales consultant must have all the information about a product, be able to communicate with clients, and skillfully and unobtrusively offer assistance in choosing a product. It is advisable that each department have its own sales consultant who is competent in this area of ​​knowledge.

Employee salaries should be stimulating, not fixed. This way, you will protect yourself from lazy people who go to work just like that. An employee whose salary depends on sales volumes will work many times more.

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How much does it cost to open a building materials store?

As the practice of experienced entrepreneurs shows, opening a small construction stall with an area of ​​up to 50 square meters will cost you 400-500 thousand rubles. A small part of this amount will be spent on renting premises, and the main part on the purchase of goods. On average, the markup on building materials is 20–30%, which is not that much. In addition, you also need to pay salaries to employees, purchase new batch goods, pay taxes. As a result, the net profit in the first stages is minimal. Therefore, opening a small hardware store is profitable only if you purchase goods at low prices and the possibility of cheating is more than 30%. Otherwise, there is no point in trading building materials.

To open a construction supermarket, you need a fairly large amount of money, from 3 million rubles or more. But, despite the fairly substantial investments, the payback of the outlet is quite fast. Therefore, if you have money, then investing it in the construction business is quite profitable.

Advertising campaign

Opening a hardware store is not the most important thing; it is important to attract buyers to the outlet. How to do it?

Attracting customers is important nuance, without which you will not see profit. Therefore, you should not skimp on advertising, hire competent specialists in this field and the result will not be long in coming.

  • Advertising around the city. Posters, banners, advertisements, leaflets, all this attracts people's attention. Therefore, use all possible promotion methods.
  • Internet advertising. Create a website for your hardware store, where all information about the product range, contact numbers and address will be available, as well as the ability to purchase goods online.

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