New large MLM companies. Rating of network marketing companies in Russia

Network marketing as a type of business is conquering new heights. However, not everyone knows him well - some trust him and are happy to cooperate with similar companies, others try to stay away from MLM trading and sincerely consider it a scam and a “pyramid”.

Network marketing and financial pyramids - similarities and differences

The second category of the population is only partly right - the principles of network marketing are actually similar to financial “pyramids”. It lies in the fact that in order to make a profit you need to attract other people. However, this is where the similarities end.

Simply put, in the second case, you can bring as many new participants as you like, but if they don’t buy anything, then the income of the “agitator” will be zero.

With the first option, the opposite is true - the client receives a percentage of the contributions of new members. However, the amount of the down payment is usually quite significant and can range from $100 to infinity. The participant most often does not receive a real product or acquires something that does not have a high value in the real world.

How to choose a company for cooperation

For those who have decided to start a career in network marketing, experts advise choosing the right company to cooperate with.

Here you need to pay attention to the following factors:

Training and information for consultants

For a beginner, this is very important - to have the opportunity to attend various trainings and consultations with more experienced sellers. Many companies offer step-by-step systems training that allows everyone to quickly move up the career ladder. In addition, MLM organizations often offer training and promotional materials.

Company reliability

There are two ways here - choose a start-up company or one that has already proven itself in the market. In the first case, you can find yourself at the very beginning of the business and have more opportunities to attract new clients and get “quick” money. But here the “pitfall” is the new name of the company: firstly, the quality of its products is unknown to anyone, and secondly, it can quickly cease to exist.

The second case – going to work for a reputable company – also has its pros and cons. From positive aspects: the products of this company are already known to the consumer, so they sell better. Moreover, it is unlikely to break up in the next few years. But there are also disadvantages - such companies already have enough distributors, and competition among them is high.

Manufactured products

It must meet the following requirements:

  • high quality and environmental friendliness are required condition! After all, network marketing is built on the principle “ word of mouth", and in the case when the buyer is dissatisfied with the quality of the purchased product, he will recommend to his friends not to use it;
  • a wide range - in this case, each buyer will be able to choose something special for himself and his family. How many advisors can be successful trading only two or three positions?
  • affordable prices - they should be such that 95% of the country’s population can afford to purchase this product;
  • not a very long validity period - this is necessary so that the client purchases these products as often as possible. If a product has a shelf life of several decades (for example, tableware), then the distributor will have to constantly be on the lookout for consumers. The ideal product to trade is cosmetics, household chemicals, perfumes, hygiene products, .

Rating of companies

Continuing the topic, you can casually note that a company for cooperation is chosen based on its financial performance. And this is logical - the more sales a company has, the better its products are in demand among consumers, the more stable it develops and the faster it grows.

The ranking for 2018 is as follows (in billions of dollars):

  1. Amway – $9.50
  2. Avon – $6.16
  3. Herbalife – $4.47
  4. Vorverk – $4.00
  5. Infinitus – $2.88
  6. Mary Kay – $3.70
  7. Perfect – $3.58
  8. Natura – $2.41
  9. Tupperware – $2.28
  10. Nu Skin – $2.25
  11. Tiens – $1.55
  12. Primerica – $1.41
  13. Ambit Energy – $1.40
  14. Oriflame – $1.35
  15. Belcorp – $1.20
  16. Telecom Plus – $1.17
  17. New Era – $1.16
  18. Jeunesse – $1.09
  19. New Avon – $1.01
  20. Young Living – $1.00

In Russia there is a Direct Selling Association (DSA), main goal which is the development of the network marketing industry. She is also involved in protecting consumer rights and monitoring compliance with ethical standards when doing business.

This association includes only 21 MLM companies out of many companies operating in the country:

Senior members of the APP:

  1. Amway
  2. Herbalife
  3. Mary Kay
  4. Oriflame
  5. Tupperware
  6. Tiens

Active members of the APP:

  1. Jafra
  2. Coral Club
  3. Mirra
  4. Morinda
  5. Nu Skin
  6. Tentorium
  7. Faberlic
  8. Florange
  9. Associated members of the APP:
  10. Accord Post
  11. AlliancePrint
  12. Filuet

Based on this data, you can choose an excellent company for cooperation and start, albeit small at first, but your own reliable business.

Hello, friends!

As a person who has a passion for all kinds of analytics and statistics, I decided, purely out of curiosity, to look at the statistics of queries on the Internet for a key phrase “registration in... followed by the company name”. And find out for yourself which network company enjoys the most attention among those who want to connect their destiny with network marketing. On the Internet, of course. 🙂

To collect statistics, I used the Yandex Wordstat service, with which I regularly consult about website traffic by keywords and phrases.

Without further ado, I made the algorithm for collecting statistics extremely simple - I consistently entered the phrase “registration with Faberlic” into the search bar, “registration in Oriflame” and so on. Moreover, the service told me, for example, that people much more often type like this: , that is, the phrase backwards. But this does not change the essence.

One more thing, it happens that search phrases contain contain various options company spellings, for example, “avon”, “avon”, “avon”. In this case, I did not add up the number of all requests with different spellings of the company name, but simply took the most popular phrase. Because if I also added, the stratification in the top ten would be even more contrasting.

During my research, it turned out that only eight made it into the Top Ten popular companies that exceeded the 100-search mark. The rest were unable to cross the threshold of 100 requests for the phrase “registration with (-company-)”.

So, first place and the company gained national love Oriflame With 1774 those interested in the opportunity to register.

Oriflame statistics

Second place With 1142 The company won “votes” Avon, although it is not purely online, the brand is very famous and popular. Although Avon is ahead of the Leader in our rating in terms of sales volume, there are fewer people willing to subscribe there. Probably everyone has already been “rewritten”. 🙂

Avon Statistics

The third place of honor is held by the company, the largest Russian network company - 824 "vote".

Faberlic statistics

What’s interesting is that all three leading brands are “cosmetic” companies (in the sense that the product core is cosmetics), apparently the most attractive product for doing network business and direct sales.

Fourth place occupied by the company Vision499 “voices”. Although I suspect that many of the requests were for a different Vision. Most likely someone wanted to know how to register computer program Nero Vision. 🙂 There may be an error in the vote count. I immediately made a reservation, there may be inaccuracies.

Vision Statistics

Then he steps on his heels Amway488 requests, and honorable fifth place. Don't be offended, Amway people, let us offer you to share fifth place with the Visionaries.

Amway statistics

On the sixth bedside table debutant on the Russian market - a German company LR163 request. Apparently Heinrich Erdman and the galaxy of Frenchmen who once conquered Russia in the dashing 90s know how to stir up interest in network marketing and their company. Who's last in line for “Polo”?

LR Statistics

Seventh place the network giant in Ukraine and some regions of Kazakhstan has companies Tian De. A company legally registered in Russia and selling Chinese goods has collected 134 request.

Tian De's statistics

The company closes the Cool Eight of the Top Ten Most Requested Registrations Siberian Health, dialed 129 “voices”. Eighth place!

Siberian Health

Other companies, such as Mary Kay, Coral Club, Tentorium, Herbalife, Argo and many others did not receive more than a hundred requests per month, so they were not included in my list.

What conclusion can be drawn from these statistics? My conclusion is this: people are interested in the products offered by network companies, people are interested in the companies themselves, people want to engage in network marketing. And the Internet will only grow. So we have something to work on, friends.

Gentlemen and ladies, you can draw the appropriate conclusions.

P.S. What a cat you are! I completely forgot! Nominee out of competition! 720% per annum on deposits, fans of Sergei Mavrodi receive out of competition (for non-compliance with some principles of network marketing) pride of place in my report With 1478 impressions. The “partners” in Rus' have not yet changed! 🙂

MMM-2011 statistics

The number of distribution companies specializing in MLM is increasing every year. This is due to the fact that this business is profitable and quickly generates income. It’s easy to do without even leaving your home. If you study in detail the basics and concept of MLM marketing, you can achieve excellent results in just 2-3 months.

What is network marketing

MLM business is a multifaceted concept that opens up many prospects. It implies the concept of selling services and goods, based on the formation of a network of independent sales agents who not only sell products, but also have the right to attract new partners who will be endowed with similar rights. The income of each networker is formed from commissions from product sales and additional remuneration (bonuses), which directly depends on the volume of personal sales of attracted sales managers.

History of Network Marketing

Karl Rehnborg is considered the founder of the MLM business. He developed ideas that later turned into an entire industry with huge multi-million dollar turnover. In 1927, in the USA, Rehnborg began working hard on creating nutritional supplements. He distributed the developed drugs for testing purposes free of charge to his friends, who subsequently refused to take them.

After Karl realized that free things were not valued, he began selling dietary supplements: the results were not long in coming. Information about the drugs spread quickly, and the number of people interested in them increased. Karl Rehnborg could not independently satisfy the requests of all clients, so he had to come up with a new scheme. He invited his friends to provide information about dietary supplements, and, subject to successful sales, promised to pay commissions. The history of network marketing began with these events.

In 1934, the first big company California Vitamins. It operated a sales system in which the consumer of a product became its distributor. In 1939, the marketing company was renamed Nature's Sunshine Products, but the principle of drug distribution remained the same. Network agents independently attracted new clients to cooperation, advised them, drew up sales plans, came up with individual sales schemes, and offered to create their own network.

The MLM company fully provided networkers with goods and paid commissions on time. This is how a new definition appeared in MLM - single-level marketing. The business story did not end there: a new round was set by the American Way Corporation (abbreviation Amway), created in 1959 former employees Nature's by Jay Van Andel and Rich de Vos.

What is the merit of these people in the development of MLM business? They began to sell not just one product, but several. The list of products offered to consumers has been expanded food additives, chemistry for household and household goods. Soon, network marketing companies appeared on the world market. They began to operate successfully in Russia, China, and England. Their importance has become enormous both for people and for the economies of many countries.

Types of Network Marketing

The MLM business is developing rapidly, and its varieties are becoming more diverse every year. The main types of network marketing are as follows:

  • Puff marketing (the most popular, adapted to the Russian market, its striking example is companies selling cosmetics - Avon Products, Faberlic, Mary Kay, Oriflame. The essence of this type of marketing is that the company’s concept is based on the work of certain layers of employees at several levels.
  • Pyramid. This type of marketing involves the following scheme of work: there are founders who find several people selling services and goods, they subsequently find several more people and control their activities, and so on ad infinitum.

How does network marketing work?

Principle of operation Russian companies MLM is the same:

  1. First, a person undergoes an interview, during which he is introduced to further prospects and emerging opportunities.
  2. Then the person is told that he must, using the network, attract new people, the greater their number, the greater his monthly income.
  3. How does network marketing work? New employees, becoming distributors of the company, independently promote it, for which they receive commissions, contributing to their own development and the development of the business.

The essence of network marketing

What is MLM (multilevel marketing), what is its essence? This is one of the most popular and effective ways legal promotion of services and goods. MLM companies offer unique products that are becoming in demand both in individual cities, regions, countries, and throughout the world. MLM business is not only about direct sales. To succeed in this field, you don't have to sell anything.

The main components of multilevel marketing are well-organized intellectual distribution, efficient use all its possibilities and advantages. In other words, the main essence of network marketing is that consumers, being at the same time partners of a company, develop its network and make a profit from turnover.

Network Marketing Principles

MLM business is based on the following rules:

  • equality for all;
  • helping others;
  • minimum costs upon entry;
  • availability of residual income;
  • pyramid structure (this principle of network marketing ensures the constant development of the business and its stability).

Network Marketing Structure

Running through the MLM business and not noticing the main thing, many never achieve the desired results. Why? Because they don’t know how to properly build a network marketing structure. What is structure? These are people who take part in organizing trade turnover, and the final income directly depends on their number. It may include acquaintances, friends, complete strangers. The main task is to skillfully unite them and constantly motivate them for successful advancement.

Network companies

There are many companies that specialize in MLM business. They sell cosmetics, chemicals, household appliances, household goods, other products. A detailed list of network companies operating successfully in Russia is given on the Mlmbaza website, the most popular:

  • Life;
  • Oriflame,
  • "Siberian Health";
  • Faberlic;
  • Avon;
  • Primerica;
  • Shaklee;
  • Talk Fusion;
  • Nevers;
  • Vitamax;
  • Zepter International;
  • Kirby;
  • Atistek;
  • Lurk;
  • Pravda.

Working in network marketing

Anyone can try their hand at multi-level marketing business. Companies provide training in network marketing, but not everyone can master this profession. A distributor of an MLM company must be able to organize the sale of products and draw up schemes for the effective distribution of services and goods. The profession obliges you to attract new partners, expand your client base (network), apply intellectual resources, use the network, and set up a system that will generate income directly for the company and the networker.

Network business on the Internet

The World Wide Web opens up incredible opportunities for networkers. Using her gifts, you can make a fortune without leaving your home. On the Internet, products are promoted through their own websites, information groups, blogs, and communities. The main task of the distributor is to find target audience, create an effective sales information network, constantly improve and develop it. Network business on the Internet has the following advantages:

  • the ability to conduct business from anywhere globe;
  • possibility of attracting potential partners from any regions, cities and countries;
  • many information programs that provide prompt assistance in solving organizational issues, conducting education and training;
  • the ability to sell through online stores with an integrated order basket;
  • possibility of learning online.

How to make money in network marketing

To achieve success in this business, you need to follow several simple rules:

  • be a sociable person who is not afraid to approach strangers with an offer;
  • be able to interest, present products in a bright and unusual way;
  • actively involve your relatives, acquaintances, and colleagues in the matter;
  • constantly improve yourself, increase your intellectual level;
  • skillfully build a pyramid by attracting new people in order to not only earn commissions from sales in network marketing, but also provide residual income.

Cons of Network Marketing

Before starting a career as a distributor, you need to familiarize yourself with the main disadvantages of the MLM business. This is the only way to understand how correctly the direction of activity has been chosen. List of disadvantages of network marketing:

  • unstable income;
  • great moral stress, constant pressure from clients;
  • the need for material investments;
  • high level responsibility for the people involved.

Benefits of Network Marketing

MLM marketing has both its pros and cons. He teaches how to receive unlimited income, which depends on the aspirations and character of a person. Another advantage of network marketing is financial independence. Network agents have a free work schedule, plan their day independently, make decisions, gain new skills, the opportunity to develop socially, and improve their status. These advantages cover all the disadvantages of this type of activity.

Video: how online business works

To make it easier for you to make a decision, I carried out comparative assessment 10 MLM companies, according to 13 parameters, which I tabulated for clarity. Since the table turned out to be quite cumbersome, full version will be available by subscription.

What is network marketing

MLM, or network marketing- This is a method of selling goods in which a network of independent agents is created who sell products and attract other agents.

MLM allows you to realize the concept "Home work" And "earn money on the Internet", however, the success of the implementation of concepts depends on the right choice network company (not all companies welcome independent work in the Internet).

This article discusses the main parameters of the offers of the most popular MLM companies in Russia:

  • Amway is a world leader in MLM selling cosmetics, household chemicals, vitamins, weight control products, tonic drinks, etc.
  • Oriflame is a Swedish chain company selling cosmetics, accessories and clothing.
  • LR is a German MLM brand specializing in body care cosmetics, perfumes, fashion accessories.
  • NL International is a Russian network company owning 18 trademarks. This is a balanced nutrition Energy Diet, sports nutrition, coffee, tea, dietary supplements, decorative and caring cosmetics, household chemicals.
  • Siberian Health is a domestic chain brand that produces cosmetics, balms, children's syrups and dietary supplements.
  • Tiens is a Chinese network company selling dietary supplements, decorative and caring cosmetics, and medical devices.
  • Faberlic is a Russian network company specializing in caring and decorative cosmetics and clothing.
  • Avon is an American chain company that sells decorative and caring cosmetics, accessories and clothing.
  • Mary Kay is an American MLM company that sells decorative and caring cosmetics.
  • Herbalife is an American chain company selling weight loss cocktails and dietary supplements.

Comparison of MLM companies in Russia

AmwayNL InternationalHerbalifeFaberlic
residentUSA, 1959Russia, 2000USA, 1980Russia, 1997
Price policyDistributor pricesingle pricedistributor pricedistributor price
price, % discountdiscount from 15 to 23cash-back from 10 to 34discountup to 35
Starting conditions (Activation)discount from 15% - registration, 23% discount - registration. fee 1500 rub. And annually -670 rub.4000r - cash-back 490r. purchases 20,000 rub. - 7,600 rub.Partner set - 2070 rub. Max. benefit - purchase of 5000 VP (1VP=70 rubles)4000 rub.
Business online, %15 35 17 34
reputation on otzovik.ru230 / 53 13 / 50 68 / 61 82 / 89
group volume8% - VAT4-21% 1- 5 % no data
Mentor BonusNoyes, 1000 rub.Noeat. difference between prices.
in Yandex
85079 160498 18400 191165
office, logistics16 offices.270 data40 offices.
The approaches of all companies are different, it is difficult to bring them to common denominator, so please clarify information about your companies in the comments. Your activity will allow you to change your position in the ranking!

Company's mission

The mission defines the values ​​that the company offers to society, customers and employees. In the MLM industry, the mission defines the marketing plan of a network company, which in turn serves as a business plan for developing your own network business. Analysis of the mission of organizations gives the following results:

  1. Mary Kay and Avon have no place for men;
  2. Wu, Herbalife and Tienshi - there is no mission on the Russian-language website;
  3. Amway's Russian-language website either has an incorrect translation or its mission is not formulated for people. I can only assume that it is product-oriented;
  4. Oriflame, I think, has an excerpt from the mission.

Conclusion: Before deciding to cooperate with companies from the numbered list, it is necessary to clarify the issue of Mission, since it will directly affect your income and success. I would not work with the companies from point 2 at all.

Country of origin

Any company is a resident of the country in which it is registered as entity. As a rule, the home country market is the main market of the MLM company. The company will remain in its native market until the end!

In business practice, there are often cases when companies leave secondary markets, closing the business completely or leaving a small representative office to monitor the market. Thus, at the present period, OPEL, CHEVROLET, HONDA have curtailed or significantly reduced their business in Russia.

The second important factor in the location of the headquarters is an understanding of the mentality of secondary markets and the ability to adapt to the rapidly changing realities of these markets. It is obvious that a domestic company will adapt to changes in its “native” market faster.

Conclusion: Based on the “resident” criterion, it is preferable to choose a domestic MLM company.

Price policy

Distributor price— the price at which a networker buys goods from his company. There is also a catalog price - at which it is recommended to sell the product. This business scheme has three serious flaws:

  1. The product inevitably passes through the hands of the networker, i.e. checkered (or other) handbags and " sales agents Entry prohibited” do not disappear anywhere;
  2. The goods have to be sold at a discount, since it is not customary for us to profit from our own. The amount of the discount depends on the professionalism of the entrepreneur. For beginners, the discount is higher and they naturally earn less;
  3. As the product passes through your hands, it is inevitable to go through sales, which many try to avoid.

Single price policy- is devoid of these shortcomings and allows you to focus on additional income and building own business. This policy is used by one company from the list - NL International.

Conclusion: quick income in NL International is easier to realize, especially for beginners.

Price and activation of a contract in MLM

The price and quality of MLM products are higher than those of competitors of the traditional (linear) distribution system (read). The inflated price is compensated by a system of discounts and the opportunity to develop a network business.

Activation of a contract in MLM- this is a confirmation of the seriousness of business intentions and increased competence in the assortment of the network company. You can read more about activation!

For an MLM distributor, the product costs 10 - 45% cheaper. The most generous offers are from Mary Kay, LR, Faberlic. The stingiest ones are Siberian Health, AVON, Oriflame.

Business entry (activation) is less expensive with LR and Amway. Tiens and Herbalife have very high barriers to entry.

Conclusion: most interesting conditions LR and Mary Kay are offered to enter the business.

Mentor Bonus

What is a Mentor Bonus?— this is the fee for attracting new entrepreneurs to the MLM structure. This type of reward is very relevant at the start of your network activity, allowing you to earn money immediately and practically from scratch. The mentor bonus is paid only to active managers. In the list studied by NL International and Mary Kay, the mentor bonus is clearly formulated. At Faberlic, it is present as the difference between the prices of the sponsor and the newcomer, at LR and Siberian Health - these are gifts, dinners and travel (which are very vaguely visible at the start).

Conclusion: choice in descending order - NL International, Mary Kay, Faberlic, LR, Siberian Health.

Income per group volume

This is the largest type of income in MLM, the whole “salt” of network marketing. Since the topic of the article is to help beginners in choosing an MLM, I only consider group volume in starting qualifications. It will be difficult for you to make money when starting out in LR, Herbalife and Tiens. You get a profitable start with NL International, Faberlic and Mary Kay.

Conclusion: the best offers are given (in descending order) by NL International, Faberlic, Mary Kay.

Business online

The extent to which an MLM company is liberal in relation to the independent promotion of its managers on the Internet, the implementation of the concept will be successful. "Home work" And "earn money on the Internet".

The methodology for calculating this parameter is as follows: the ratio of private pages of managers (websites, pages on social networks, pictures, advertisements in Yandex, etc.) to the total number of responses by company name in the search, as a percentage. The higher the value, the more liberal the MLM company is towards the Internet.

The worst indicators are for American companies Amway, Herbalife, Avon. The best results are from Tiansha, NL International, Faberlic. A clear illustration of the current restrictions are profiles on Instagram - where there are restrictions, you will see a palette of advertising blocks instead of content.

Conclusion: Your online business potential will be significantly limited in American companies and is capable of organic growth in Russian.

MLM reviews (reputation)

My research into MLM reviews is based on an analysis of materials from Wikipedia and Links to information about those companies for which there are materials were taken from Wikipedia. The reviewer provides live information about the interaction of MLM companies with people.

Almost all companies have positive reviews about the quality of their products. Negative information concerns three aspects: inflated promises/expectations; easy money, easy to earn and persistence, which turns into obsession when recruiting candidates.

According to Otzovik, the numerator is the total number of requests, the denominator is the percentage positive feedback. The leader is Faberlic (it is worth noting that this company has a lot of laudatory reviews from the Prokopyevsky district Krasnoyarsk Territory- i.e. I do not rule out cheating). The rest of the companies are in a tight group, with the exception of Tiansha - an extremely negative attitude of respondents associated with misleading and extortion during recruiting and other nuances.

Conclusion: I would not cooperate with Tiens, Herbalife.

Popularity of search query in Yandex

In terms of search queries, Avon is the leader by a wide margin. The company's popularity is based on the democratic nature of their price segment and a large base of potential consumers with low incomes.

Conclusion: Avon is a business for women by a threefold margin.


An office is like the flag of a military unit. If it is there, there is a team and there is regularity of business; if it is not there, it is partisanship. It’s easier and less expensive to meet and hold team events in the office (than, for example, in a cafe or on a bench in a park in winter).

As a rule, logistics are tied to the office - order pick-up points, stores. The shorter the path from the product to the buyer, the fewer errors and misunderstandings occur (wrong product, complaints about quality and quantity). Factor of impulse purchases, with long delivery, desired in given time, can cause disappointment and departure of newcomers.

Having an office is a solid business and a guarantee that the company is aimed at long-term success and cooperation.

MLM Companies with their own network of offices (more than 11): NL International, Faberlic, Oriflame, Siberian Health, Amway.

Companies with few offices (less than 11): LR, Tiens, Mary Kay, Avon, Herbalife.

Conclusion: Implement your business idea for a small town It’s easier with NL International (270 offices) and Faberlic (more than 40).

Rating of MLM companies in Russia

After analyzing and digitizing the initial parameters, we obtained a rating of the attractiveness of cooperation with MLM companies. When I made my choice in MLM, I did not find similar material, I hope it will be useful to you.

Rating of MLM companies in Russia

MLM CompanyPosition in the ranking
NL International1
Mary Kay3
Siberian Health4
You can get the full calculation methodology by subscribing to the news!

Conclusion: Every company has its own millionaires. The question is their quantity. What is important is your desire and decision to succeed in this difficult matter. The rating only tells you where you can get the desired result faster. The choice is yours!

no similar articles.

I provided statistics on search queries on the Internet using the Yandex Wordstat service. Much water has flown under the bridge since that time. How are things, I wonder, four years later, in April 2016?

This time I slightly changed the rating conditions. Last time I analyzed the popularity of companies based on people’s interest in them from the point of view of cooperation. Therefore, I studied mainly search queries using the key phrase “” when it came to Faberlic statistics.

This year, I decided to analyze search statistics for higher-frequency queries and used only the company name in the query.

For those who do not quite understand what the Yandex Wordstat service shows, I’ll explain a little.

For example, you are interested in how many people enter queries into Yandex with the word Faberlic. Type the required keyword in the statistics line and get the number of impressions with this word. In the picture we see that over the last 30 days there have been 947,453 requests in Yandex containing “Faberlic”. The Yandex statistics service takes into account all requests with the word Faberlic: “how to become a Faberlic consultant”, and “Faberlic catalog”, and “”, and many others.

Thus, it turns out that the higher the numbers in statistics on keyword or phrase, that more people are interested in this phrase on the Internet. Accordingly, we can conclude that the more people on the Internet are interested in Network Company, the more popular it is among the population. Of course, for a more qualitative analysis, it would be good to have data on turnover, dynamics, product range, know the average bill, the number of consultants and consumers. But unfortunately, network marketing companies in Russia do not publicly post such data. Therefore, we will operate only with those numbers that are available to us. In addition, these figures quite realistically reflect brand recognition and popular love.

As a result of statistical research, the following results emerged:

The table shows only companies that received more than 100 thousand search queries per month in Yandex. Pay attention to the significant gap between the top three.

Now let’s compare how the statistics for the key phrase “registration with a company” have changed.

In this table, I was primarily interested not in the ratio of numbers between companies, but in the dynamics. She's impressive. If in 2012 only 824 people were interested in registering with Faberlic, then in 2016 there were already 3,643 people. An increase of 324%. And this applies to almost all leading companies in the rating. Thus, we can conclude: more and more people use the Internet to shop and obtain the necessary information.

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