Work crews for building a house. How to find a team of builders to build a house - my experience. From friends through word of mouth

You can leave a request for measurements on the company’s website, after which the manager will promptly agree on the time and place of the surveyor’s departure. In the presence of finished design project or sketch, the period for drawing up full estimate documentation does not exceed 1 working day.

A surveyor’s visit to you to determine the scope of work, as well as drawing up an estimate, is free, and a consultation with a professional estimator will allow you to decide on the best option carrying out repair- finishing works.

The company's specialists have in their arsenal the entire range of professional equipment and tools from leading manufacturers, which allows you to perform construction and finishing work on high level. All activities are monitored by a qualified foreman and site manager.

The personal manager is also ready to answer all questions related to the ongoing repair and finishing work. If necessary, you can independently monitor the progress of the repair thanks to the “photo report” service provided. It should be noted that all personnel have Russian citizenship, are highly qualified, and are allowed to work only after special training and certification.

In 2010, changes occurred related to mandatory licensing of the activities of companies engaged in construction and finishing works. Currently, such organizations belong to the SRO category and are required to have a permit allowing the implementation of plumbing and electrical installation work. Thus, repair work is carried out in accordance with the ISO-9001 standard, SNiP and SRO approval.

The tariff schedule provides for both the use of your materials in the work and the purchase and delivery of all consumables by the company itself. When choosing materials, special attention is paid to quality and the availability of relevant certificates. The work always uses exclusively high-quality materials from leading, well-established manufacturers, and the quantity and main parameters are necessarily fully specified in the estimate documentation.

As practice shows, it is advisable to entrust the selection and purchase of rough materials to professionals. Decoration Materials can be purchased directly by you. If necessary, a company specialist will advise you on their selection and acquisition.

These services are included in the list of tariffs and must be specified in the contract. If necessary, the company’s specialists will take care of all the problems associated with the procedure for removing and storing interior items or furniture.

After carrying out the entire volume repair work, the craftsmen will remove all the garbage, after which dry and wet cleaning premises. It should also be noted that phased implementation repair allows you to minimize all the inconveniences that may arise during the work process.

After signing the contract, you make a standard advance payment for the purchase of materials. All work performed is paid only upon delivery, after you have signed the acceptance certificate. Staged payment involves making Money after acceptance of each stage of work. If you need to make a non-cash payment, you must obtain details from your personal manager.

An important nuance is that the full cost is specified in the contract and remains unchanged at all stages. Price changes are possible only at your request, if the scope of repair work changes. The ability to pay for all materials after delivery and repair work after they are completed completely eliminates any risks.

Repair work begins with the preparatory and dismantling stages, during which all old finishing and quality training surfaces. The entire process of renovation work conventionally includes several main stages, represented by design, budgeting, purchasing materials, preparation, finishing, as well as placement of furniture and equipment.

Draft and fine finishing are complemented by work with plumbing fixtures, heating and water supply systems, as well as electrical wiring, so repairs are carried out by finishing specialists, electricians, plumbers, plasterers and carpenters.

Cosmetic repairs do not involve replacing windows and doors, aligning wall or ceiling surfaces, as well as replacement of electrical wiring and plumbing communications. Implementation overhaul consists of carrying out a large amount of work, including removing the old finish, leveling all surfaces and replacing communications, as well as redevelopment.

Eurorepair belongs to the category of completely professional and high-quality repair work, characterized by the use of the most modern equipment and latest technologies. Such repairs include the most complete range of activities carried out in accordance with a professionally developed design project.

The cost of repair work is an individual indicator. The formation of the final price is influenced by several main factors, including the volume of all necessary work, the general condition of the premises and the complexity of repairs.

Of course, the total cost cosmetic repairs, will be an order of magnitude lower than performing a major overhaul. A properly compiled design project and estimate documentation.

The company’s specialists are able to perform work at a high level, regardless of its degree of complexity and volume, therefore we are ready to offer both turnkey repairs and individual species works However, comprehensive repairs are always more profitable solution, allowing you to save about 25-30% of total cost.

Before finalizing the scope of partial repair work, it is recommended to obtain advice from qualified company specialists.

The development of a design project includes the preparation of a measurement plan and a draft drawing, as well as a list of construction and finishing materials and visualization. If you wish, you can provide the company with a sketch you have made yourself, which should show the desired location of the furniture as accurately as possible, lighting fixtures And electrical outlets.

The company takes a responsible approach to all stages associated with repairs, therefore, the contract concluded between you and the company, as a contractor, provides a guarantee not only for the components used and construction and finishing materials, but also for all types of repair and finishing work performed.

The certificate of delivery of the object is signed by you only after acceptance of the work. If necessary, by specialists service department and technical support, prompt on-site visits and quick fix any problems or malfunctions that arose during operation. View the template standard contract you can upon request sent to email companies.

Below I will describe my experience of how I chose builders to build a permanent residence house.

After reading this manual you will receive complete guide to action and my personal experience about how not to make a mistake when choosing builders and then not regret the lost money, time and nerves.

I’ll say right away that the builders don’t like such instructions and a couple of times they wrote me completely unflattering comments.

At the end of the article I wrote it down and posted it detailed video, which will give even more answers.

Here are examples of the most popular Russian forums about construction

Many people write there that the builders were a scam, did a bad job, missed deadlines, didn’t complete the job, etc.

Or maybe people were just looking in the wrong place and in the wrong place?

Where to look

Below I am writing a list in order of increasing probability of a successful outcome, that is, at the end there are more useful options, but it’s better to read everything so as not to step on other people’s rake.

From friends through word of mouth

The best option is word of mouth. If you have friends who have been built good house, then let them give you the contacts of the builders, but there’s a problem right away - you’re unlikely to find such acquaintances. Even if someone has built a good house, the builders will still turn out to be scoundrels whose hands grow from the wrong place. I don’t consider luxury renovations with budgets of 10 million or more. So we’ll discard this option.

Via the Internet via sites

You look through 5-10 sites, call 3-5 times, they will tell you that you need a project, and then they can calculate the cost. And in 99% percent they will offer to do the project and then calculate the cost. No one will talk to you without a project, and if they do, they will include 200% in the price as a safety net. As a result, having wasted 2-3 hours, you will start looking for other options.

In large companies

It all depends on who you run into. If the manager is smart (this happens extremely rarely, since they work on a salary and a minimum percentage, there is no motivation), then he will be able to find something for you. But again, without a project, the cost will not be realistically calculated.

sketch out your wishes on a piece of paper and select a project on the Internet, this will greatly speed up the selection of builders and determination of the construction price

IN large companies, after agreeing on the project, each edit will cost you very little. There, in order to change something, multi-stage approvals are needed and it’s easier to leave it as it is. In addition, they will stipulate in the contract that deviation from the project entails an increase in cost, up to 200%.

Via Message Boards

There are several large sites, below are links to them

There are a lot of advertisements there and among them you can find a good team for building a house, but keep in mind that you will have to call at least 30-50 advertisements, and then somehow filter out unscrupulous workers, and there are 99% of them on advertisement sites. They do not value their reputation, constantly change phones, jump off objects halfway and then re-place themselves under new data.

Through Avito I found one foreman, and a Moskvich. He is a foreman, he has 2 teams and he works with them himself. But his price tag turned out to be higher (the difference was 100 thousand rubles) than that of the builders I found elsewhere.


This is the only place where performers value their reputation.

And there is only one large normal forum - Forum House. Here is the link

I will write below detailed instructions as I was looking for. Maybe you can find something else, but in my opinion this is the ideal option.

When to start looking

Autumn-winter, by March, so that you have already selected a team and drawn up a plan for entering the site.

Otherwise, if you start looking in January-February, then God forbid you will be put on a waiting list for the fall, since everything is booked out in the summer, and a good specialist is never without work. Considering that building a house on average takes 2-3 months, then during the season (when the weather permits) you can make a maximum of 2-3 houses.

Building out of season (from late autumn to early spring) is bad, long and tedious.
But much cheaper

My builders (who built for me) are working all year round, but building in cold weather takes longer, productivity and quality drop significantly, so take this into account.

How I was looking for a good team to build a house

Search for builders on the Forum House website

I’ll say right away that this is not a quick job, but in the end you save hundreds of thousands of rubles, and most importantly, your nerves and time, since rebuilding or looking for another team halfway is very dreary.

Go and register on the exchange as a customer

There they entered confirmation via SMS to the phone.

  • Create 3 accounts (not one or 2, but 3)
  • Place your order

And you create 3 such orders (one from each account - that is, supposedly 3 new users make 3 different orders), only you will need 3 different numbers for confirmation (an SMS code will be sent).

Make orders differently and do not create them on the same day, it’s better with a break of 2-3 weeks, here’s why:

  1. so that they don’t suspect that you are the same person.
  2. good specialists do not sit on the forum all the time, but mostly newcomers or intermediaries do. To catch specialists, we distribute orders over time.

When creating accounts, use different computers or different browsers (programs through which you view websites - Opera, Chrome, Mozilla)

Next, collect applications. Many applications will overlap. You can safely bargain with contractors on overlapping requests and see how willingly a person concedes in price. Having received at least 20 applications, you will already have an understanding of the average price.

I chose from more than 100 proposals and negotiated with about 20 foremen and crews. At the exit I already had to choose from three

This full-time job, which takes several weeks, but it completely pays for itself

What questions to ask.

To understand the topic of a builder or not, you will have to delve into the construction technology yourself. There is no way without this.

I will describe the questions using an example frame house. For other types of houses, you can make a list yourself.

Questions for builders about frame houses

1. The sequence of the outside wall pie (facade, wind protection, insulation, vapor barrier, interior decoration) many people get confused where which film is placed

2. Is a ventilation barrier necessary for a frame house (definitely yes, if the answer is “no”, I recommend immediately weeding out such builders)

3. Which side to install the vapor barrier - villi inward or outward (outward, as they collect drops and prevent them from penetrating deep into the wall)

4. We want big windows from the floor, won't a lot of heat escape through them? (if they say that we will install a good double-glazed window and it won’t work, then they will immediately refuse, since any coating will fade in 2-3 years and through large windows you will have heat in the summer, and in the winter you will get tired of heating the house)

5. Is the thickness of the insulation different in the walls and ceiling? (there should be at least 20-30% more in the ceiling. Some insulate the walls with 150 mm, and put 100 mm in the ceiling roll insulation poorly rolled out and then they wonder where the heat goes)

6. The most important question!!!
Higher load bearing capacity Is the block 150*150mm or the thin bars knocked together 50*150? (if they answer that one is thick, then they will immediately refuse, because 99% of the time a single beam will turn out over time, it will dry out and weaken)

After choosing the ones that are suitable for price and level.

Viewing current objects (visiting houses under construction)

Ask to see current or completed projects - see how the situation is at the construction site.

What to pay attention to

  • Cleanliness on site.
    If the worker is a pig, then they will build you a house too.
  • Compliance with technology
    There are a lot of subtleties here, and you better delve into the technology. For example, they almost always do the insulation poorly, the insulation is not sealed evenly, and then the house gets cold in the winter. Someone, for example, blows mineral wool under pressure, but there is no way to check this in the walls and it is not a fact that it will be distributed 100% evenly and tightly.
  • Talk to your neighbors.
    The neighbors can tell you better than anyone how the crew behaves. Neighbors almost always react normally to such questions, and the fact that you turn to them with a request will almost always add to their self-esteem.
  • Take the phone number of the owner of the house being built and talk to him. If the builders are against, take this number from your neighbors, and the builders will suffer negative karma for their mistrust and secrecy.
  • Find out the last and first name of the builders and run them through Yandex using such queries
    Full name – reviews
    example link %D0%B2%20%D0%9C%D0%B8%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%B8%D0%BB%20%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0 %BB%D1%8F%20%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B7%D1%8B%D0%B2%D1%8B

Entrust everything to one company or divide it among different contractors.

I divided it into different ones. It's cheaper, better quality, but much more tedious. Considering that they built my house alone, and others handled the heating and electrics, there were no difficulties, since I initial stage brought it together and they worked together despite the fact that I drew up the project myself and knew 100% what would happen where.

But usually they build a house and only then realize that they had to install wiring in the floor or install water and sewerage. But these are already the problems of those who did not draw up the project or built not according to the drawings but according to the way things were done (and these are 95%).

And the most important thing is that each team blames the previous one, saying that they did it wrong, and the previous ones have already gone to another site and will only be able to redo it in 2-3 months.

In the end, the question is debatable - which is better? For example, there are few specialists in heating and they work only for themselves, and if your foreman connects them and takes on warranty obligations, then he will definitely add 20% (50-100 thousand) to the estimate, and if you negotiate with them for straight, then in the event of an accident, they can jump off, saying that the house was built clumsily.


Enter into warm, trusting relationships with all builders, don’t bargain if the guys have already started working and don’t spare money (if they say buy an Italian crane for 500 rubles, and not a Chinese one for 150, then it’s better), in the future this will allow you to get a good one, and most importantly, quick warranty repairs.


Everything you write in the contract will give you absolutely nothing. Since you and him will be sent to hell, one in 1000 will reach the court, and the most important thing is that the court order still needs to be executed, and the bailiffs certainly have nothing more to do than extract your 200,000 from a hard worker who doesn’t even have a home of his own.

Therefore, I am writing instructions on what to pay attention to when making an agreement with the team, the foreman, in a good dialogue and subtly hint that if there is a delay, the payment will be proportionally cut. But it’s better to write everything down on paper according to the form (it won’t be superfluous)

1. Deadlines

Dates for the start of construction, completion dates for each stage (I paid in stages, but it’s up to you to agree), deadlines for the delivery of the object.

The final amount. But there is such a point, for example, it is difficult to calculate the roof 100%, as well as the area of ​​the facade or the amount of insulation (I calculated it in Archikad, my error was 2-3%, but still in terms of money it is 20-30 thousand). Therefore, it is better to discuss the cost of materials and if there is not enough, then buy more, than to set a fixed amount and the builders will buy with a reserve and keep the rest for themselves.

3. guarantee

The warranty extends to engineering systems, because if the house was built correctly (and we chose the right builders), then nothing will happen to it.

In any case, state that if something breaks, the contractor (performer) undertakes to fix the problem within 2 days. Because if a pump or boiler flies, then without water and heat you will quickly lose oak.



1. Before you start selecting builders, decide what you want (outline a project, select appearance Houses).

2. Look for builders through friends or forums, that is, where people value their reputation.

3. Call 30-50 builders/companies, communicate, clarify the intricacies of the technology, be meticulous.

4. Ask to visit objects under construction in order to check whether the construction technology is being followed correctly and whether the construction site is in order.

5. Bargain wisely and choose from the offers that you like. Don’t lower the price too much, as you’ll regret it later (they’ll save money on you, and, as you know, crap leads to crap).

7. Conclude an agreement in which you clearly state the deadlines (if you don’t comply, then prescribe fines) as well as warranty conditions (if something breaks, so that they come and fix the breakdown within 1-2 days).

You can spend 2-4 weeks calling, searching message boards, reading forums where there are tens of thousands of dissatisfied people.

Or you can write to me, I will advise you on the best course of action, I will give you contacts of the builders who built my house, and I will also help you avoid all the mistakes that I made.

If you need a team of builders to build a house, you can hire them at a competitive price right now on Experienced performers will be able to begin completing the task immediately after agreeing on the terms of your cooperation or within the agreed time frame.

The construction of a summer house (bathhouse, outbuildings) in the Moscow region, ordered on YouDo, is carried out in accordance with current engineering standards and technologies. For your future home, you can choose one of finished projects or order the creation of a new one from Yuda performers. The price for the services of specialists hired on will be 20-30% lower than the cost of work carried out by specialized services in Moscow.

How can it be profitable to order the construction of a summer house in the Moscow region?

To find by construction country houses turnkey and/or extensions around them, create a corresponding task on YouDo. Formulate as precisely as possible your requirements for the workers you are looking for and indicate them in the application. Further, the terms of cooperation will be further agreed upon with the contractor (foreman) found on Yuda. You will install:

  • what types of buildings are required (private residential building, bathhouse, garden or outbuildings), as well as their number
  • projects of houses being built
  • when a team hired by YouDo must begin and finish the construction of a private house, garden gazebo etc.
  • types of materials that are needed for the construction of houses made of brick, timber, monolithic panels, etc.
  • price for the services of a team of builders, etc.

During the negotiation process, you can also discuss possible discounts for the construction of a summer house in Moscow and the conditions for receiving them.

Cost of builders' services in Yuda

In the profiles of teams registered on you can find information about how much it costs to build a country house from logs or other materials. Prices are approximate and depend on the conditions under which the work will take place. The final cost of the order depends on:

  • type of services that require a team of builders to build a house: turnkey construction of a building or its individual parts (foundation, walls, roof, etc.)
  • complexity of building a house (depending on the project, conditions of the area on which the building site is located, etc.)
  • time frame allotted for building a house in Moscow

You can save significantly when ordering large volumes of work, as well as during long-term cooperation with the selected Yudu contractor. There are always free workers on; you can order their services around the clock. A team of builders hired on YouDo to build a house will complete your task efficiently, inexpensively and in a short time.

Nowadays, many people think that finding a team of builders is very simple. The range of companies allows you to really think so. But in practice, the customer faces a number of difficulties. And despite numerous advice on choosing specialists, it gives preference to insufficiently qualified workers. Construction and repair work is expensive these days, do you need to pay twice? After all, not only self-taught builders are to blame for poor work, but also customers who were negligent in choosing a team. On our website you can find a team using the service for selecting proven specialists.

  • We learned about the brigade thanks to an announcement at the bus stop.
  • The company offered a very low price.
  • The construction and repair project was not provided.

The customer’s first mistake is a negligent attitude to the search

First, let's look at the first point. You can find builders very quickly, but why is there such a rush? After all, you can fall for the bait of scammers. If you want to find a truly reliable company, it is better to start your search as early as possible, at least six months in advance. It is worth noting that professionals are always busy with work during the construction and repair season. Therefore, the customer should be surprised that everyone in the company sits idle in the summer, waiting for a new order. Only by agreeing with the company administration in advance can you expect that in the summer there will be no queues at right time active work will begin.

A good team can have a schedule even six months in advance, and this should not be forgotten.

Regular orders for construction teams who really have excellent qualifications are the norm.

The second mistake the customer makes is searching for the cheapest prices. Construction companies with an excellent reputation can, of course, offer attractive discounts to their clients. But the prices will not differ much. If a team of builders asks for a very low payment for their services, you should seriously think about it. Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. Therefore, you should not cooperate with dubious companies that try to lure customers with low prices.

The third reason is there is no clear plan. If a customer begins to cooperate with a construction company, but is not provided with a design for the upcoming construction work, which means you need to think seriously. The presence of drawings is a mandatory component; without it, the processes of arranging the premises will not begin. The company must offer not only its own options, but also listen to the customer, take into account his wishes and, of course, if necessary, make changes to the project. By previewing the sketch, the customer will be able to avoid unpleasant situations that may arise at the end of all work. In order to avoid disagreements, you need to familiarize yourself with the drawings before starting and make changes if necessary.

How to find quickly

Various situations arise, so many people have a question: is it possible, in principle, to find qualified workers quickly? Naturally, there is a chance to start cooperation with the best players there is practically no market. However, there are still several ways to find suitable option as fast as possible.

Firstly, to find a crew, it is better to use specialized sites, the so-called construction exchanges, where construction companies offer their services. For example, the site, here you can select construction team in almost any region.

Secondly, you need to familiarize yourself with the construction company’s website. Having visited the resource, it is worth looking not only at the sketches that are presented as examples, but also at photographs that illustrate the entire process of building a house. By the way, if there are builders in the pictures who will work on the customer’s project, this is real luck. After all, now you can rarely find photographs of workers on websites; projects are often presented by models.

When getting acquainted with projects, it is important to review the work in order to assess the level of complexity of the processes being performed. For example, if a company is engaged only in apartment renovation, will the employees of this company be able to cope with the construction of a cottage? Even if the manager assures that the team will be able to cope with all processes at the proper level, you should not trust him. If there are no examples of work already completed, then there can be no confidence that the result will meet expectations.

Thirdly, in order to determine whether a construction company is offering a low price, it is worth communicating on a specialized forum. Many community members have already built a house or made renovations and are not lazy to share their impressions.

And fourthly, construction company may already exist on the market for a long time, but at the same time have employees without work experience. For example, if the number of orders increases, new teams need to be created - no one wants to lose money. Therefore, the customer has the right to look at the portfolio of each team member and make sure that in case of cooperation, real professionals will take on the work.

Finding a team of builders is not difficult, however, in order not to end up disappointed in the work of specialists, you need to choose a company wisely and follow simple advice.

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