How to decorate the walls in the terrace. Finishing the veranda at the dacha. Choosing finishing materials

Veranda or terrace in a private house - perfect place for the recreation of its inhabitants.

To make it comfortable and create an atmosphere of home comfort and peace, it interior design needs to be given the appropriate look.

The most commonly used material for constructing a veranda is wood. And before proceeding with the interior decoration of the veranda, it is necessary to coat the wood parts with an antiseptic solution.

It must be taken into account that this is a non-residential and unheated room, therefore special requirements are imposed on the materials used for interior decoration. So that the interior decoration of the veranda has good quality for a long period of time. appearance and didn't demand frequent repairs, it is required to use high-quality, moisture-resistant materials. If you have basic skills in performing repair work finishing the veranda can be done with your own hands.

This work must begin with drawing up an estimate. Plan the order of work, select and purchase the necessary materials in advance so that the interior finishing can be done quickly and efficiently. List of works for finishing the veranda:

  1. Selection of materials.
  2. Ceiling finishing.
  3. Covering the walls of the veranda.
  4. Floor covering.

What materials are used to finish the veranda?

If you want to receive beautiful finish verandas, the choice of quality materials is critical. The peculiarity of the selection of materials is that in most cases an unglazed veranda attached to a house is more like an open terrace, which is seriously exposed to the external environment. Therefore, the material must not only correspond to a specific design, but also be resistant to high humidity, temperature changes and sunlight.

The most common material for such work is wood lining. This material can be used to cover both the walls and the ceiling of the veranda. It's environmentally friendly natural material, has a beautiful appearance and a pleasant smell of wood.

Drywall is waterproof. Environmentally friendly, non-flammable material, easy to install, easy to process, allows for a wide variety of finishing.

MDF is a material that imitates wood. Durable material, the surface of which is made with wood imitation. However, when it gets wet, it swells and loses its quality. Can be used for finishing closed verandas.

PVC panels. Inexpensive, moisture-resistant material, has a rich texture, a wide variety of colors and shades. Easy to install, easy to clean. Durable and non-flammable material.

Siding is a practical, inexpensive material. Available various colors, with imitation wood, House block, lining. Not subject to rotting, resistant to fire, temperature changes, has long term service, easy to maintain.

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Ceiling finishing procedure

The process of making a ceiling begins with its preparation. First of all, it is necessary to treat the wooden structures of the veranda ceiling with an antiseptic and fire retardants. Then install the frame under the sheathing. The frame is made of bars measuring approximately 30x50 mm. Before installation, the bars are impregnated with an antiseptic.

After it has dried, using self-tapping screws, the bars are attached to the roof rafters in increments of about 50 cm, maintaining horizontality, which is maintained using a level.

If the veranda is closed, the ceiling is insulated, which allows you to use the veranda until late autumn. To insulate the ceiling, first install waterproofing film and attached to the rafters, then insulation is installed between the rafters. Mineral wool or expanded polystyrene is used as insulation. After completing this work, the ceiling is sheathed with clapboard or other material.

The lining is laid perpendicular to the frame slats and nailed into the end with thin galvanized nails. After installation, the surface of the lining is sanded and varnished.

When covering with PVC panels, a starting profile is installed in the corner of the room on the sheathing; it helps to assemble the panels together. Then a panel sheet is inserted into the profile groove. It is attached with self-tapping screws or special holders. The next panel is placed in the groove, secured, and so on. During installation, a compensation gap of about 2 cm is provided, which is then covered with a plinth.

Similarly, the veranda ceiling is sheathed with siding and MDF.

To install drywall instead of wooden blocks as lathing, it is better to use a special metallic profile. Elements are installed on the profile, to which sheets of plasterboard are attached using self-tapping screws.

After this, the surface of the veranda ceiling is puttied, cleaned, and it is ready for finishing. As a finish, you can paste it with vinyl wallpaper, paint it or cover it with artistic plaster.

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Veranda wall cladding

A frame made of wooden blocks is installed on the walls, the verticality of which is checked with a level. If necessary, the walls are insulated. WITH outside A waterproofing film is installed on the wall, which is secured with slats, then insulation is installed and the sheathing is attached. Wooden elements are pre-treated with an antiseptic. Then lining or other finishing material is attached to the frame. And their finishing is carried out.

The choice of materials for the interior decoration of the veranda is no less important than the arrangement of the interior of the house itself. However, finishing materials summer veranda inside are selected according to different criteria than for heated areas of the house.

Let's figure out which items in the hardware store will help create a comfortable environment in a cozy veranda for protection from the summer heat or a great mood on rainy days.

Structurally, a veranda is a light frame extension to one of the walls of the house, and not necessarily on the sunny side. It can be open in the form of a canopy or closed with extensive glazing.

Between the two extremes there is still a huge variety of design solutions, including extensions on the second and even third floor, with passage directly into the house or access only from the street.

Differences between a veranda and interior spaces Houses:

  • Subject to temperature changes, close to external environment, with the exception of heated covered verandas;
  • Sudden changes in humidity require the material to have good resistance to moisture or high vapor permeability;
  • Copious amount sunlight, including scattered, forces the selection of materials that are resistant to ultraviolet radiation and local heating;
  • Design more often frame type on a pile foundation tied to the base of the house, which imposes a limit on the weight of finishing materials.

It is better to opt for one of the following materials:

  • wood;
  • wooden or PVC lining, siding;
  • aluminum and steel panels, corrugated sheets;
  • profile systems (with or without glazing).

An option is often offered for cheap finishing of the veranda with polystyrene boards. However, polystyrene foam, by definition, is not resistant to UV rays, of which there is too much in a veranda open to sunlight, even in a diffuse form. Even after a year of operation, the texture and strength of polystyrene is reduced by half.

It is important to consider that the veranda is most often a room open to view, and therefore even the interior decoration should be more compatible with the design of the facade of the house, and not with the interior interior.


  • Rating: ideal material for a veranda;
  • Material format: timber, edged board;
  • Features of use: treatment with antiseptics and fire retardants is required.

Wood – traditional material for the construction of extensions to the house, including a veranda. A frame is assembled from timber, resting on a columnar foundation and a canopy covered with any available roofing material, preferably as lightly as possible.

Edged board opens up a lot of possibilities on design and decoration of the veranda. This can be a completely enclosed veranda with an extensive glazing block or a simple open area with a canopy.

Australian style. Along the perimeter of the veranda, built on a simple frame of wooden beams, the height under the canopy is divided in half. The bottom part closes edged board 40x20 (50x25) with intervals of up to 50 mm between each row of boards and on both sides of the support posts.

To increase the amount of light entering the veranda, the rows of cladding on the outer and inner sides are equal in height. To ensure darkening of the lower part of the sheathing, the rows are shifted along the outer and inner sides of the frame. So significant gaps remain that do not impede the passage of air, but the light does not penetrate.

In the American style (Western), the veranda is a simple open frame structure, raised above the ground on a columnar foundation with a wooden floor and railings around the perimeter.

For the European region of our country, wooden enclosed verandas with extensive glazing areas have become more popular. The entire lower part is sewn up with a board in one or two rows, tightly joining them together.

The upper part is allocated for glazing to maximize sunlight. To enjoy fresh air, more often the glazing is made removable or with lifting sashes.

It is important to remember that wood for use as interior decoration of a veranda must be treated and impregnated with fire retardants and antiseptics.

Wood coniferous species is no exception, even with its own protection against pests and rot, fire treatment remains an important requirement.

As exterior finishing a combination of stain and varnish/paint is suitable, choosing the shade and stain and color paint coating to match the interior design or to match the exterior of the home.

Wooden lining and plastic panels

  • Rating: impeccable appearance and easy installation.
  • Material format: panels and strips of wood or polyvinyl chloride, fixed to a prepared frame.
  • Features of use: it is advisable to use wooden lining from solid wood, and PVC panels must be protected from UV rays.

For lining or siding, the principle of use is similar to a regular edged board with the difference that the result is obviously aesthetic due to quality training surfaces. Availability of locks at the end facilitates installation of cladding inner surface veranda walls.

An important advantage of wooden lining is that it can be used for both internal and external decoration of an extension.

It is advisable that the selected siding or lining be designed for arranging the facades of the building, even for the interior decoration of the veranda. This is the only way the result will be durable and of high quality.

Aluminum and steel panels, corrugated sheets

  • Rating: practical, but not always aesthetically pleasing.
  • Material format: panels, profiled sheets of aluminum or galvanized steel.

Profiled sheeting finds application at almost all stages of construction and in all situations; it is simple and affordable structural element, which can be used to build the walls, subfloor and ceiling of the veranda.

The frame can be a 40x20 (40x40) profile pipe and the profiled sheet is attached to it using bolted connection or welding. The corrugated sheet, opened with enamel or polymer film, will also act as interior decoration without spoiling the appearance of the extension.

Aluminum and steel panels are used in a similar way to PVC panels and siding. However, unlike the latter, panels can be decorated not only in the color of metal with a mirror surface.

There is a wide variety of solid-color solutions to choose from in any store according to RAL catalogs, as well as textured and even textured options for wood, stone, etc.

An important advantage of corrugated sheets and panels is their resistance to impact environment, which other materials cannot compare with. However, in the sun the metal becomes very hot, which can turn the veranda into inferno.

In this case, double-sided finishing of the walls of the veranda with separation by an air gap or any available thermal insulation material will help.

Aluminum or PVC profile systems

  • Rating: excellent option.

The development of profile aluminum and plastic window systems greatly simplifies the task of building a maximally illuminated and at the same time protected veranda.

PVC profile in combination with double-glazed windows or light sandwich panels, fittings for sliding or folding sashes creates a very attractive offer for creating a practical, well-lit veranda at reasonable prices.

The main advantage of profile systems is the ease of installation. It is enough to assemble the veranda on the spot, like a construction kit, in a matter of hours, having prepared in advance only a platform raised above the soil surface. Interior finishing for profile systems is not relevant, since they themselves already form a high-quality and durable surface inside and out.

At the same time, the PVC profile has an unpleasant feature - when the temperature drops, the plastic loses strength and becomes deformed. To keep it in excellent condition, it is necessary to maintain an indoor temperature of at least 10 °C. all year round, because they are plastic profile structures should only be used for closed verandas with heating.

Aluminum profiles will in most cases cost more than plastic, but this will not be a pointless waste. Metal constructions easier and take up much more less space, leaving most fencing areas for glazing.

Metal is not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity. Due to their excellent appearance, they are most popular among developers of luxury housing.

Other materials

So far, attention has been paid to the external fencing of the veranda and finishing options. At the same time, for the wall combined with the house, there is more room for choice. This is how plaster and everything are used effectively possible types facade finishing which will be appropriate.

Use MDF, OSB boards and similar composite materials in interior decoration verandas, for covering walls or as a subfloor, this is not the most practical idea.

They can be used in closed heated rooms and at the same time they won't last long open area or canopy. Changeable humidity and temperature will have a detrimental effect on these materials, even despite additional impregnation and protection.

For hemming the ceiling of the veranda, it is allowed to use suspended ceiling from plasterboard, but it is better to choose moisture-resistant plasterboard or special offers, such as Knauf plasterboard for facade finishing or analogues.

The veranda is a room that serves as a passageway, dining room and recreation area. In order for the veranda to be not only comfortable, but also functional, it is important to correct finishing. This room is divided into two types: a built-in veranda (it is a continuation of the house, built simultaneously with all the walls of the house) and attached veranda(built some time after the construction of the house).

Before the interior lining of the veranda, they initially inspect the room, take the necessary measurements, and after all this they begin to search for a suitable one. inexpensive material.
To finish the veranda the following is prepared:

  • Construction Materials;
  • fasteners;
  • tools.

Most suitable materials for interior decoration:

  • Styrofoam;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • mineral wool;
  • drywall.

They are attached to the wall using special screws, nails or staples. If your veranda is attached, do not forget to insulate the floor and ceiling.

Stages of finishing work

Once the materials are prepared, begin creating the project. Decide how you plan to use the veranda in the future, whether it will be heated, and how much money you are willing to invest in its complete arrangement. The main question is what to sheathe with unheated veranda inexpensive and beautiful, worries many owners of a private home. Everyone knows that the cost of finishing materials is very high.

Think over the interior of the veranda. Use your own sketch, or you can find a ready-made one on the Internet, a magazine or a special book on creating a design. Only after this is it determined exact amount necessary materials. If the veranda will serve as a living space in the future, it will be insulated and finishing work will be carried out both inside and outside the veranda.

When finishing the walls from the outside, first of all, windproof and moisture-proof material is fixed, and only then the walls are covered with siding.

As soon as the walls on both sides are sheathed, begin the interior decoration of the room. Thermal insulation materials they are sheathed with clapboard or plasterboard, and the ceiling is also sheathed with these sheets. Linoleum, tiles, plywood or parquet are placed on the floor, depending on the financial situation. The last stage of finishing is painting. The color will depend on the future purpose of the room.

I would also like to note that the choice of cladding materials primarily depends on the purpose of the room. Drywall is suitable for rooms with high humidity, because during the manufacturing process the sheets undergo special heat treatment. If you decide to give preference to polystyrene foam, then carefully select the sheets; they should be as dense as possible. But remember that rodents live between the wall and the foam and will destroy the sheets very quickly. Do not forget about ventilation of the room so that condensation does not accumulate. They make a decision taking into account the features of the veranda. Below we will talk in more detail about all the nuances of covering an unheated veranda.

The main criteria to rely on when inspecting a premises

  • room temperature and humidity;
  • age of the building.

Location of the building on the south or north side in to a large extent depends on further cladding with specific materials, since the humidity on one side or the other will differ significantly. For example, on the sunny side it is strictly not recommended to use materials that include cellulose fibers in the cladding. But plastic-based materials will fit quite well on the sunny side of the veranda. They not only better quality materials based on cellulose, but also much more affordable.

The temperature on the veranda is also very important for further work with her. It is necessary to take into account such nuances as the frequency of use of this room and the regularity of people staying here. The more often people are here, the less likely it is that unwanted mold will continue to appear due to water condensation. And, accordingly, vice versa. This must be taken into account when further purchasing the necessary materials.

The age of the building, including the veranda, also plays a very significant role. If the building is young and recently built, then it is time to put off the veranda cladding while the foundation shrinkage procedure is underway.

Temporary finishing of the veranda

If you can’t wait and really want to start finishing the veranda, then there is one simple way. This is done using cement particle board. This material is not subject to shrinkage and is not afraid of condensation, since it is not afraid of high humidity. The stove is quite inexpensive.

If price does not matter, but the comfort and aesthetics of the room are a priority, then there are several ways to solve this issue.

You can sheathe the veranda temporarily until the foundation shrinks. For such a case, a tongue and groove board is perfect. Suitable for a wooden veranda built recently. But it’s better not to sheathe traditional way- vertical sheathing, and horizontal masonry - tongue-and-groove sheathing boards on a cross lath. Finishing is carried out with a maximum gap at the tongue-groove joint with the presence of insulation. The insulation is made of foamed polyethylene. This technique is used to prevent the cladding from being torn off from the walls in the future when the building frame shrinks.

Sheathing of this type will last quite a long time. Let’s say that after three or four years they update it independently, without much effort and great expense. To begin with, they are engaged in dismantling. We remove all the trim. Including insulation with sheathing. Then you should renew the wood by applying several layers to it protective equipment. The first layer will be antiseptic impregnation. Then the stain is applied, and after drying it is varnished. But it is possible to simplify the task. Nowadays, construction stores can easily purchase a special wood product based on varnish and stain, which is also quick-drying. This will reduce the wood processing time several times.

After the dismantling and processing have been successfully completed, they proceed to almost similar covering of the veranda. The only difference is that gaps in the joints between the boards should be eliminated. This method of interior decoration is suitable for any premises made of wood, including baths. For premises based on brick and blocks, the interior and initially high-quality finishing of the veranda is carried out immediately. Since the shrinkage of such buildings is significantly less than that of wooden ones.

Popular materials for covering verandas

Currently on the market building materials presented quite a large assortment for interior decoration and decorative wall decoration. Here is a small list of these materials:

These materials can easily cover the inside of any room. Some of them will even last for decades, since they are not afraid of temperature changes, excess humidity, or condensation. Most of the materials from this list will fit perfectly into any interior, and are not expensive.

Many people who have started repairing a veranda are wondering how to do the paneling of the room with high quality and at the same time not costly. This is done only if the materials for the cladding are purchased of the highest quality, and the finishing is done independently. But sometimes you can’t do without a professional look. Especially when they are sheathing a cold veranda and selecting materials for its finishing.

Materials for covering a cold veranda

An unheated room, including a veranda, requires a more detailed selection of finishing materials. For such premises it is quite difficult to choose materials for wall cladding so that the quality of the finishing materials does not change their appearance after finishing. This list is small and only includes OSB boards with moisture-resistant grades, PVC panels and softwood lining.

But under no circumstances try to sheathe an unheated veranda with materials such as MDF and fiberboard, as well as materials based on cellulose fiber. After such finishing, even if you strengthen these building materials with various paint and varnish impregnations, they will quickly become unusable and fall off due to swelling.

The most suitable option for wall cladding cold veranda There will be PVC panels. They are good because they are not subject to shrinkage, rotting and are moisture-proof. In addition, they have an incredibly huge color palette. They have an affordable price compared to lining made from valuable coniferous wood or oak.

Before finishing the walls on the veranda with PVC panels, preliminary covering with a supporting frame made of galvanized profile is required. To do this, galvanized profiles are nailed to the walls in horizontal rows in increments of up to 60 cm. To keep the veranda warm, insulate it with isolon or isofol before covering it. These are inexpensive and practical insulation materials. But if the walls are warm, then the best insulation will serve mineral thermal insulation with inner layer lining vapor barrier membrane.

Well, since plastic is not a breathable material at all, before insulating the veranda they think about additional ventilation: the problem of condensation will periodically bother you. And for country houses, especially in winter time when all the gardeners are leaving and the houses are not heated long time, you can’t do without flow ventilation. Because due to low temperatures due to frost, frost appears on the walls due to the accumulated vapors in them.

In this case, PVC panels are not a very good material for covering a cold veranda. In addition, plastic panels are fire hazardous and low quality. Therefore, if you decide to sheathe a cold veranda, then the best finishing material will be lining made of coniferous wood. This finish will delight you for decades.

Four quality classes of lining

Typically, lining is divided into classes, each having a certain quality, there are four in total.

  1. Extra class. Lining is expensive, and therefore more durable. The pattern on such a lining does not have knots or distortion of the fibers. Sheathing is permissible not only on the veranda, but also inside the living space.
  2. C-class. This type of lining is the cheapest. Designed for lining a shed or utility rooms. But it is not suitable for finishing a veranda due to its very low quality.
  3. A and B classes. This type of lining is most suitable for covering a cold veranda. The quality of the lining is more or less acceptable. There are, of course, knots and even cracks on it, but they are on the end side.

When purchasing lining, professionals do not trust the written quality class on the packaging. And be sure to open it in the store before purchase to exclude the presence of defective products. Therefore, when purchasing lining, do not be lazy and act in the same way. A quality check will help to avoid poor-quality wall finishing on the veranda.

Wall finishing with clapboard is not much different from covering with PVC panels. Initially, the same sheathing is made, only from wooden planks. Well, then the lining is laid and nailed to the sheathing with staples from a special gun.

To cover the walls on the veranda, it is not necessary to purchase lining made from expensive wood. The most acceptable option would be materials made from spruce and pine. The lining is pre-polished and coated with wax. Just right to trim open and unheated premises. On sunny days, when the sun's rays hit such a paneling, it will smell like pine.


Having sorted out all the materials for covering a cold and ordinary veranda, we can say with confidence that the budget option will be finishing from fiberboard. For comfort, materials made from cellulose fibers are suitable. And for warmth, comfort and beauty, MDF panels are suitable. And, without a doubt, they do not forget about the presence of ventilation.

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A veranda is an external extension to a house. It can be open or closed. With the help of a veranda, your home can become more attractive and spacious. The extension can be either summer, that is, open, or winter, insulated. But you need to know what to cover it with so that you can use it even in the winter cold.

Extension rules

If the veranda was not planned initially and was completed later, you need to know the rules for its extension so that you do not get unexpected surprises in subsequent operation. The main rule is the correct choice of building materials. It could be a metal frame. It can be covered with durable plywood or plastic. This appearance of the veranda does not spoil the overall picture of the house and has a completely aesthetic appearance. It is also impossible not to say that the addition of a veranda needs to be legalized. To do this, there are various design bureaus; you need to create not only a project, but also obtain a building permit. All this is done to ensure that no problems arise when selling the house.

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Exterior decoration of the veranda

If the finishing of the veranda inside is finished, you can start finishing the outside. The easiest way would be to cover the veranda with clapboard. The lining can be wooden. But in the presence of all kinds of impregnations and antiseptics for wood and when exposed to the environment, such cladding very quickly loses its decorative purpose. Treatment will have to be carried out every year, and this is not always suitable.

If still selected wooden lining for covering the veranda, you should remember that it is attached only with the tenon facing up. Fixation should occur in two rows: from the side of the tenon and from the side of the groove itself.

Finishing using lining has a number of advantages. Strength, wear resistance, very convenient installation, good sound insulation. This is the most advantageous type of finishing. And most importantly, if several sections need to be replaced, this can be done without destroying the entire skin. And it is very possible to achieve an absolutely flat wall surface. It must be remembered that lining is used for external and internal cladding. Therefore, it is produced in different thicknesses. For external cladding, a section of 18x105 is used. Such clapboard can be used to cover not only the veranda, but also the house itself, a bathhouse, a sauna, and a gazebo. Using this lining you can create an interesting surface with relief. The lining will give the veranda a special flavor, and the smell coniferous tree will create comfort and a pleasant atmosphere.

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Siding finishing

IN Lately Finishing the veranda with siding has become very popular. Even if the house is painted, it is possible to choose desired color siding so that the veranda does not differ from the main ensemble. Used frequently vinyl siding. Its price is quite reasonable and it is very easy to install. To cover the veranda, you should use horizontal siding that has locking connections. You need to look at it in detail yourself technological process siding installation.

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External veranda cladding process technology

External finishing work on the exterior of the veranda begins with the installation of the sheathing. Here you can use unedged board, which has a thickness of thirty millimeters. You can use timber. A board or beam is attached vertically over the entire surface of the wall, the distance should be forty centimeters. Additionally, it is necessary to install bars around windows and doors, as well as in the corners and along the outer and inner lower edges of the trim being produced.

The next step is to install the starting profile. It is installed at the bottom. It must be secured to the sheathing itself with self-tapping screws. The position strictly horizontally should be checked with a special level.

Now you can mount corner profiles along the external and internal corners, and then around windows and doors. Major Warning: Bottom Edge corner profile should be lowered below the starting beam or board by five millimeters. Now you can begin cutting and installing the panels themselves.

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Siding cutting and installation

Cutting siding made from vinyl is very easy. Tools needed for this:

  1. Metal scissors.
  2. Hacksaw.
  3. Jigsaw.

It is considered very important that vinyl expands when heated, so each panel must be made five millimeters shorter than the wall. Now you need to install the siding. This needs to be done in stages.

  1. You should bend the panel slightly in the center and insert its edge into the groove of the corner profiles.
  2. Having aligned the panel, the bottom edge needs to be inserted into the starting strip.
  3. The edges are fixed with self-tapping screws through ready-made holes, but the self-tapping screw should not be pressed tightly against the sheathing. The hole should be oval. The distance between the sheathing and the screw head is one and a half millimeters.
  4. The action is repeated, the next siding panel is inserted into the profiles at the corners, snapped into the groove of the installed one and fastened like the previous one.
  5. Before installing the last level strip, you should mount the finishing profile; to do this, cut the required width of the strip of siding, snap it into the strip, and simply insert the free lower edge into the finishing profile.

Exterior decoration is modern form design. Its advantage is that the entire finish consists of slats, which are made of different materials. They are fixed using various elements. The fastening itself occurs using building material.

The exterior decoration of the veranda, like the decoration of the entire house, requires preparation and experience. When installing veranda cladding, you need to create ventilation systems. They are usually mounted under a rigid frame, which consists of a metal profile. This finish is called modular. The frame is easy and quick to install. When finishing the exterior of the veranda with siding or clapboard, you need to sew up the pediment of the dacha itself with the same material. Then the picture will be complete.

We should talk about what other materials can be used to cover and insulate the veranda. There is a finishing material called planken or finishing quarter. It is similar to lining, but it does not have joining grooves. The plank must be installed end-to-end, but with gaps. This way the facade will be well ventilated. Planken is easy to install, it is economical and practical. When shrinking the veranda, it does not require intervention. Planken, like the finishing quarter, is intended to create a façade with ventilation.

To cover the veranda, you can choose a block house, this is a type of lining. The block house is made from natural wood, it is inherent cylindrical shape on the front side. There are tenon grooves on the ribs, like ordinary lining. The block house is made from coniferous trees and larch. Its wear resistance and durability are affected by thorough drying. It is economical and practical. To ensure that it does not crack during installation, it must be treated with special compounds. For plating wooden verandas You can use imitation timber. Unlike real timber, its front surface is flat.

Sheathing the outside of the veranda is half the battle. In order to make it cozy even in the cold season, it should be insulated before covering it. You can choose any insulation, it can be polystyrene foam or mineral wool. But here you have to choose based on your budget. For example, polystyrene foam is considered affordable, but it is not fire resistant and emits when heated poisonous gases. Mineral wool afraid of moisture, it should only be used in conjunction with a vapor barrier.

It is recommended to use penofol as insulation for the external walls of the veranda. This modern material, which consists of foamed polyethylene, it is covered aluminum foil. It can be used as a heat reflector. Can be used alone or with other types of materials.

Now you need to figure out which side is better for insulation. You can insulate both outside and inside the veranda. But experts recommend doing insulation from the outside; it reduces the space from the inside.

It should also be said about such a finishing material as facade brick. Covering a veranda with façade bricks means building another veranda around the veranda. Although this finishing will make the veranda more massive, it will be much warmer. You should consult with experts whether the foundation can withstand such a load. This must be done without fail.

The veranda can also be sheathed with corrugated sheets, having previously been insulated. Corrugated sheeting is a durable and reliable material. Covering with such material has a number of advantages. The first advantage is its low weight, which makes it possible to carry out the sheathing work yourself. Other advantages include: ease of installation, good thermal properties, strength, corrosion resistance, attractive appearance, variety of colors, and most importantly, affordable cost. This cladding protects against environmental influences, is very easy to maintain, and provides excellent waterproofing.

In addition, covering the veranda occurs very quickly and requires almost no physical effort during operation. The corrugated sheeting is durable and resistant to gusts of wind and is perfect for outdoor work. The cladding should be carried out on a pre-made frame. Corrugated sheeting should be applied to an insulated wall. It can also be attached to an existing old frame. You should start fastening the sheets from the corner and continue in one direction. Installation is carried out using special screws; these screws have a rubber gasket.

The heads of the fixed screws can be painted to match the profiled sheet itself. You need to screw in the screws parallel to the veranda slab. At the corners at the joints it is necessary to strengthen special strips, and the outer corners should be covered with special profiles, which can also be made of other materials. Covering the outside of the veranda with corrugated sheets does not take much time, the design itself is attractive, and the service life increases.

Of course, the choice of material for covering the outside of the veranda depends on the taste of the person and his economic capabilities. The choice of materials is very diverse.

A veranda is not just a non-residential premises. This is the “face” of the house, where summer period you can have breakfast while enjoying the morning coolness. And if the veranda is insulated, it can become a full-fledged recreation area even in winter. A complete finishing of the veranda will help with this.

General requirements for materials

To materials that are used for finishing works, quite strict requirements are put forward:

  1. Resistance to temperature fluctuations. Regardless of the type of veranda (open or closed), usually the temperature inside and outside is almost identical, provided that the building is not heated.
  2. Moisture resistance. High humidity is another problem that the finishing material must cope with. This is especially true for the open type of veranda.
  3. Resistant to fading. Typically, verandas are rooms with a lot of light, which is why the finish can fade under bright sunlight, losing its aesthetic qualities.
  4. Safety.
  5. Price.
There are several requirements for materials

These qualities apply to materials that will be used both inside and outside the veranda.

From this video you will learn some useful tips for decorating your veranda with your own hands:

External works

When choosing what to cover the outside of the veranda with, you need to focus on the appearance of the house, otherwise the room will stand out from the overall picture. Universal materials can be combined with almost anything. The following are called universal:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • stone and brick.


Wood is difficult to work with. Without proper care, this material quickly deteriorates. Its positive aspects include the following features:

  1. An attractive look, which is achieved through a variety of textures.
  2. Thanks to wood, you can implement veranda projects in any style. From Old Russian, decorating the corners of the room with carved pillars, to modern modern with a slightly processed wooden surface. It looks great with glass, stone, brick, wood and forged elements.
  3. Environmentally friendly.

The disadvantages include:

  1. High exposure to weather conditions. Various impregnations and coatings protect against environmental influences, but do not guarantee complete protection of the veranda. In addition, procedures to protect the tree will have to be done regularly, which takes time and effort.
  2. Wood is a fire hazardous material.
  3. Financial component. The tree is expensive. Add to this the cost of regular board maintenance and you get a pretty substantial amount.

Bricks and stones

Usually, not the entire veranda is made of stone or brick, but only the foundation and several pillars that support the roof of the structure.

Let's look at the positive aspects:

Disadvantages of the material:

  1. Stone and brick are expensive materials.
  2. Not compatible with wooden houses, which can become a problem if you are building a veranda in the country.
  3. Labor intensity of construction.


Plastic is one of the most popular materials. Its advantages include:

  1. Low price.
  2. Ease of operation and installation of the casing.
  3. Wear resistance and resistance to weather conditions. High-quality plastic can withstand extreme heat and frost.
  4. High sound absorption and excellent thermal insulation properties.
  5. The material can withstand high loads.

  1. Under the influence of the sun and temperature changes, the material loses its decorative properties over time.
  2. This is an artificial material.

Internal arrangement of walls

The interior decoration of the veranda is carried out with the following materials:

  • lining;
  • decorative plaster;
  • PVC panels;
  • MDF panels.

They all have their own installation specifics.


The interior decoration of the veranda with clapboard is a classic design option.

For a veranda, standard thin lining 5-10mm is usually used. As a rule, this is a board made of wood, wood processing products or plastic. There are differences depending on the profile. There are:

  1. Standard profile. This option features beveled edges that create noticeable gaps between the panels.
  2. Calm. It features relatively soft transitions due to the small angle of edge stitching.
  3. Europrofile. Once the coating is assembled, it forms a specific pattern.

The boards are connected using a special system consisting of tenons and grooves. But keep in mind that working with lining is very difficult. Wooden panels shrink or swell, but plastic ones are not so whimsical.

For installation you will need the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • clasps (special metal latches).

The lining can be positioned horizontally or vertically. You can also try installing it at an angle. It depends on your skill, imagination and the characteristics of the room. And one more tip - do not try to squeeze the tenons into the grooves all the way.

Lining is one of the types of veranda finishing

Decorative plaster

To decorate the veranda from the inside, plaster is often used. This is a mixture that, after being applied to the wall, turns into a finished coating. There is a huge variety of different coatings:

  • plaster, which contains colors to give the walls the desired color;
  • plaster imitating stone;
  • Venetian, which repeats the texture of marble.

The appearance of the veranda also depends on the technique of applying the material. Different results can be achieved by simply using a little more plaster or making different types strokes. In addition, with the help of plaster you can create sgraffito - stucco paintings on the walls.

MDF and PVC panels

MDF panels (Medium Density Fiberboard) are wood fibers that were obtained by processing solid blocks of wood. After this, the chips are pressed under high pressure and temperature. The veranda can be sheathed with slabs up to 10 millimeters thick. The finished block has the following qualities:

  • It has high performance sound absorption;
  • withstands high and low temperatures;
  • convenient to use.

But the material also has a minus - it reacts poorly to moisture (swells and disintegrates). If condensation often appears in the veranda, MDF panels will not be suitable.

For ease of use, several formats of MDF panels are made:

  • separate sheets;
  • lining, etc.

They just need to be secured to the wall with screws.

PVC panels are a material made from polyvinyl chloride. It's very comfortable. Since the panels are plastic, they can be bent to fit any room shape.

PVC panels have the following positive aspects:

  • light weight;
  • high resistance to contact with water;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • low cost.

But there is also a minus - the material cracks in the cold. So if winters are harsh and the temperature often reaches -15, it is better not to use PVC panels in an unheated veranda.

If you do all the work yourself, it is advisable to choose a material with pins and grooves for quick installation. The working process is as simple as with MDF.

Special fasteners are used for installation. You need to screw the panels in place with a screwdriver. To avoid damaging the material, perform the operation on low power. If you bought a kit ready for installation, then you can do without a screwdriver at all, using only clamps and screws.

Improvement of ceilings

The ceiling is the part of the structure that bears the heaviest load. It is constantly exposed to moisture due to seasonal precipitation, and in winter it must also withstand the weight of snow. Finding the right material is not easy. It must be at the same time: durable, lightweight, and moisture resistant.

Two materials meet these parameters:

  • polycarbonate;
  • weaving.

They are easy to install and do not require special care.

The ceiling is one of the heavy elements


Polycarbonate is a transparent modern material. It is very reminiscent of glass, but without its disadvantages. In particular, polycarbonate is durable and very lightweight.

It has several types:

  1. Monolithic. It is a solid material produced in the form of plates. Externally it resembles glass. It can withstand loads and is therefore better suited for roofing.
  2. Cell phone. Inside, this polymer has a honeycomb division. It is less transparent, but has the same high light transmittance. This polycarbonate retains heat much better and is much lighter than its monolithic counterpart.

Polycarbonate can be transparent or colored. It is easy to secure the material. To do this, create a frame on which you need to install the sheets. They are fastened using galvanized self-tapping screws with thermal washers to prevent leakage.


If you want an original ceiling on the veranda, then the cheapest alternative is design solutions may become a wicker option. In appearance, it looks like the walls of a basket, but it looks stylish. Typically used for weaving:

  • thin moisture-resistant plywood;
  • veneer.

The installation procedure in the house is quite simple:

  1. Saw the sheet into several even strips. To do this, you can use a machine so that the cuts are neat, otherwise the weaving may be fragile.
  2. Weave the fabric on a flat surface. Weave in a checkerboard pattern, tapping the protruding edges with a rubber mallet.
  3. Hide the “tails” of the stripes on the wrong side of the weave.
  4. Since the structure is quite heavy, it is impossible for one person to lift it. To make the job easier, use ropes around the edges. It is better to lift from the door side.
  5. The material can be secured with slate nails.

To hide the joints, install skirting boards. For greater aesthetics, coat it with varnish.


The final chord in the design of the veranda is the choice flooring. The options may be the following:

  • terrace board;
  • tile;
  • rubber;
  • linoleum;
  • cement.

To finally make your choice, think about whether you will walk on the veranda barefoot or in shoes. In addition, you can lay a carpet or rug on the floor in the veranda.

Terrace board

Deck board is essentially treated lumber. This is a three-layer design:

  1. Bottom layer. This is a covering with ventilation slots.
  2. Middle layer. There are cavities here that allow the wood to expand without deforming the overall structure.
  3. Upper. This front part boards, that's why it's smooth.

This material has many advantages:

  • the board is easy to install;
  • the floor is not much different from wood;
  • The coating is durable and heat-intensive.

To prevent the floor from deteriorating, it is better to give preference to boards that are varnished. Installation must be done on a frame with lag through it. Moreover, the logs need to be placed perpendicularly with an interval of 40-60 cm. After this, the board can be fixed. It is better to use nails or screws as a fastener.


The slab is a difficult material to install. But the difficulties are worth it, since the tiles have the following positive qualities:

  • it is impact resistant;
  • easy to clean and withstands precipitation;
  • differs in a variety of designs.

Installation of tiles is carried out according to the following steps:

  1. First, the surface needs to be leveled.
  2. Next comes the screed.
  3. Preparation of materials. You will need special tile adhesive.
  4. The tile is leveled. Special crosses must be installed between the corners to equalize the dimensions of the seams.
  5. Next, mask the joints with a special grout. If grout gets on the tiles, don't worry. It will wash off the surface, but will remain in the gaps.

But there is one difficulty - cutting. This must be done if the premises non-standard sizes. This operation is almost impossible to do without a tile cutter, although you can try replacing it with a grinder.


If the classic wall decoration in the veranda is lining, then for the floor it is linoleum. The coating is made from polyvinyl chloride in combination with polymers. The advantages of the material include:

  • waterproof (but only if attached in one piece);
  • impact resistance and wear resistance;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • huge assortment;
  • low cost.

Even a non-professional can install the material. The main thing is that the floor surface is fairly level. Next you need to roll out the roll, level it and secure it near the baseboard. If the linoleum has been cut, individual sections can be fastened together using a special strip. But due to the fact that the material allows cold to pass through, insulation must be used.


Rubber coating is the rubber that covers the floor. On the market it is presented in slabs or monolithic blocks. From positive aspects materials can be distinguished:

  • impact resistance;
  • absolute waterproofness;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • phenomenal wear resistance;
  • wide choice of design solutions.

It is important here that the floor is level. To connect the boards together you need polymer glue.

The installation procedure is similar to working with regular tiles. But in this case, crosspieces are not needed, because the plates fit more tightly. If roll rubber is used, the joints are sealed using a soldering iron or construction hair dryer.

Rubber has its own nuances

Cement mixtures

You can finish the floor in the veranda in the standard way using cement. Despite the banality, the option remains the most labor-intensive. At the same time, you can lay such a floor even on monolithic foundation. As a result, you will get a coating that is different:

  • impact resistance;
  • waterproof;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

It does not require careful care. True, after cement mixture installed, it needs to be polished to a shine with a special machine.

There are many other versions of finishing materials such as OSB boards or self-leveling flooring, but all of them are in less demand among consumers.

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