How to remove an air conditioner in an apartment yourself. Dismantling the air conditioner during repairs. Disassembly in winter

Qualified shutdown and dismantling of the air conditioner requires specialists to have special training and availability professional equipment. Services for removing a split system can be quite expensive due to their significant labor intensity. And below you will find out how much it costs to dismantle an air conditioner and about the process itself in more detail.

Modern models of split systems are designed for long-term operation and are characterized by high reliability. Qualified dismantling of an air conditioner implies the implementation of a whole complex complex operations, which are associated with carrying out high-altitude work. Attempts to deal with the problem on your own may result in device failure after further installation and connections.

Dismantling of household air conditioners and modern split systems is carried out by specialized companies that work in this field. A reputable company should have necessary equipment and well trained staff. We are highly qualified, which ensures the functionality of expensive equipment after its dismantling.

In what cases does it become necessary to dismantle air conditioners?

Split systems are installed by owners of residential premises ( country houses and apartments) and company management in offices. Installation and dismantling of household air conditioners most often occurs with the involvement of qualified specialists. The main reasons for the need to dismantle the device are as follows:

  • Moving a person to another place of residence.
  • Termination of lease office space with the company leaving the premises.
  • The occurrence of significant malfunctions that cannot be eliminated without dismantling the air conditioner with further installation after repair.
  • Damage to the internal or external unit of the split system, making its subsequent operation impossible.
  • Replacing a broken air conditioner that has not yet worked guarantee period, representatives of the service center.

In the latter case, the costs of the work can be recovered from the manufacturer of the equipment or its representative office. The manufacturer fulfills warranty obligations if the initial installation and connection of split systems and air conditioners, as well as dismantling for repairs, is carried out by automated companies.

It is important that this is documented, otherwise you will not be able to prove your claims in court. The equipment manufacturer will rely on warranties and refuse to fulfill obligations with good reason.

So, how much does it cost to remove an air conditioner? Average prices

We list the stages of dismantling the air conditioner

Removing an air conditioner involves performing a complex set of works that require experience and high qualifications from the performer. Dismantling, just like installation, must be carried out in a certain order, adhering to which you guarantee the preservation of the equipment in in good condition. It is important to adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  • Disconnecting equipment from the network, bleeding the refrigerant from the system.
  • Undocking the pipelines and removing the indoor unit of the air conditioner from the wall for further removal of the bracket.
  • Preparation for outdoor work and securing components and parts with safety ropes to prevent them from falling.
  • Removing the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, console bracket and other installed elements on the external surface of the equipment.

Often, work on dismantling air conditioners involves the need to carry out manipulations on high altitude. Such operations are carried out industrial climbers with extensive work experience.

To find out prices for dismantling air conditioners and calculate your costs, we recommend writing to us using the feedback form.

To dismantle the split system, find out the mechanism of the equipment yourself. The processes are similar, the steps are in reverse order. The procedures begin with the indoor unit - dismantling ends. Read on for the secrets of a split system installation wizard.

The procedure for installing split systems is the reverse of dismantling

The air conditioner is unpacked, the nameplates covered with numbers are checked, and the panel is mounted on the wall in the room. The indoor unit is mainly attached along the upper edge - do not be afraid to lift the bottom as a last resort, to get to the communications disconnection points.

Dismantling the split system

Dismantling the split system is carried out in the reverse order. About dismantling the outdoor unit:

The other steps are obvious. Anyone can withdraw indoor unit, dismantle the supporting bracket, drag the unit to its new location. It is better to use factory packaging, do not forget to check the nameplates.

We would like to thank the enthusiasts who thought of making a video. The guesses were verified using materials obtained using film cameras. We consider the review as an explanation of the material on YouTube.

Installation and dismantling of air conditioners LG, Panasonic or other brands - difficult tasks, requiring special skills and abilities. It is no coincidence that this procedure is performed by professionals, and its cost is quite high. However, in case of emergency, you can remove the air conditioner yourself with your own hands, if you know and follow correct order actions, and also have necessary tool. All stages of the process are described step by step, as well as the features of winter dismantling and nuances for split systems of different brands - in the material below.

When there is no need to remove the split system

In some cases, it is not necessary to dismantle the split system, for example, when carrying out cosmetic repairs. To hang wallpaper, there is no need to completely remove the air conditioner - just unfasten the latches, remove the indoor unit from mounting plate , unscrew it, glue the wallpaper, and then return the equipment to its place.

On a note! If the house is undergoing renovations and plastering, leveling, cladding or other actions with the walls will be carried out, it is not necessary to dismantle both blocks - it is enough to disconnect only the inner one. The length of the route should be sufficient for subsequent installation of the unit.

Precautionary measures

If the air conditioner is broken and cannot be repaired, dismantling it is very simple, since there is no need to take precautions and preserve freon, as well as the integrity of the vital important nodes. You need to act differently with working equipment. Not only dust, but also air must not be allowed to enter the system, otherwise, after installation and subsequent startup of the device in a new location, it is almost guaranteed to be damaged. Also, when dismantling the split system, it is important save freon, so that you don’t need to download it again, since this service will not be cheap.

Advice! During dismantling, you need to carefully work with the wires. When disconnecting them, it is recommended to photograph the connections or make notes. Incorrect connection can lead to equipment failure.

Only if the owner climate control equipment I am sure that he will be able to correctly fulfill the above conditions, you can begin to dismantle the air conditioner on your own.

Dismantling step by step

The need to remove the air conditioner may arise for several reasons: when moving to another home, during renovations in the apartment, to fix a breakdown in the equipment itself, etc. Depending on the situation, complete or partial dismantling of the split system may be required. How to remove only the indoor unit from the wall was discussed above, but for complete dismantling technique you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • carry out preparatory work;
  • release freon;
  • disconnect and dismantle outdoor unit;
  • disconnect the compressor (if necessary);
  • remove the indoor unit.

All actions must be performed with caution and according to the instructions so as not to damage the air conditioner.

Preparatory work

Preparatory work includes collecting the necessary tools, including professional ones. So, the master must have:

  • set of slotted and nut screwdrivers;
  • set of hexagon socket wrenches;
  • pliers;
  • manometric station;
  • pipe cutter and side cutter;
  • knife for construction work;
  • a set of open-end and adjustable wrenches;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill.

Important! If withdrawal external unit carried out at a considerable height, safety equipment will be required.

Freon release

Before carrying out work on dismantling the air conditioner, you will need to drain the freon. If you plan to reinstall the device to another location, this procedure must be performed so that collect refrigerant in the outdoor unit. There are two ways to solve this problem: the first is with a pressure gauge, the second is through a refrigerant recovery and recovery station, which is connected to a cylinder with two valves.

The device used in the latter case is equipped with its own pressure gauge and compressor, which allows you to pump out freon in liquid or gaseous form. First way

simpler, but it is only used if it is possible to start the device. Then the freon is moved to the outdoor unit using its own compressor. Second method more complicated, requires skills, and renting such a station is very expensive. Its advantage is that freon can be pumped out even in winter time

when the launch of equipment is not permissible. In addition, the outdoor unit is evacuated, and no refrigerant remains in the condenser, which is safer when transporting the device. To collect freon in the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, you need to find two fittings on it with thin and thick tubes. The first is used to transfer liquid refrigerant to the evaporator from the condenser. The second is necessary to pump freon in gaseous form into the condenser. Each of the fittings has caps covering the heads of the shut-off valves, while the gas one is equipped with an outlet with a nipple. Next, to collect the refrigerant in the outdoor unit, follow these steps:

  • remove the protective covers from the nipple and fittings;
  • connect the pressure gauge to the nipple;
  • run the split system for maximum cooling;
  • after a few minutes, shut off the flow of refrigerant into the evaporator;
  • observe the pressure gauge readings.

When the value appears on the device “-1 MPa” it is necessary to close the gas fitting hexagon and immediately turn off the split system. It should not be allowed to run for a long time in idle mode, this may result in compressor failure. That is why it is recommended to work with an assistant, and not by yourself - not everyone will be able to quickly run to the split system to turn it off.

On a note! The value “-1 MPa” indicates that the refrigerant is collected in the condenser, and a technical vacuum has formed in the remaining components.

Removing the outdoor unit

After draining the refrigerant, you should begin dismantling the units. But before this, you need to disconnect the tubes, for which you can use one of two methods.

First method- unscrew the nuts that secure the tubes to the fittings. In their place special covers are put on. This way the tubes will remain intact, but during this procedure the air will most likely end up inside the compressor.

simpler, but it is only used if it is possible to start the device. Then the freon is moved to the outdoor unit using its own compressor.- step back approximately 15 cm of the tube from the fittings and cut it with side cutters. Then the edges must be folded and clamped with a vice. With this method, the line will need to be replaced, but the procedure itself is quick, which means that air and dust are less likely to penetrate into the compressor. Similarly, you need to cut and clamp the tube near the indoor unit to protect the evaporator.

Removing the compressor

Sometimes the external unit is removed to repair the compressor. Then the dismantling actions look different - the refrigerant is completely removed from the system. To avoid loss of freon, it is pumped into a cylinder using a special station, and in the summer it can be released into the atmosphere.

On a note! When dismantling the compressor, it is not necessary to clamp the tubes or close the valves with caps, because after installing a new working compressor, the outdoor unit is evacuated with a special pump.

Compressor replacement work It is recommended to entrust it to specialists, since to carry them out you need to have a large amount of professional equipment: Vacuum pump, pressure gauge, gas burner. If the user wants to perform these actions independently, he should:

  • remove the protective casing from the external unit;
  • by using gas burner disconnect the nozzles of the discharge and suction pipes;
  • disconnect the electrical cable;
  • Unscrew and remove the fasteners holding the fan and capacitor;
  • remove the capacitor;
  • remove the fasteners and dismantle the compressor.

Now you can remove the pulley from the compressor or perform other work. Installing a new compressor done in reverse order.

To dismantle the indoor unit you will need:

  • pull out the protective plugs according to the instructions, unscrew the fasteners, remove the housing cover;
  • disconnect the power cable by disconnecting it from the terminals and remove it from the air conditioner;
  • remove the drainage tube and place a container to drain the remaining liquid;
  • cut, bend and clamp copper tubes, as on an external unit;
  • unclip the fasteners and remove the block from the mounting plate;
  • Unscrew the screws that secure the plate to the wall and remove it.

Features of the process in winter

Most modern split systems operate both in summer and winter. They can be used for heating a room or for cooling, for example, server rooms. You need to know that you can collect freon only by running the air conditioner in cooling mode. The difficulty of working in cold weather is that there is a lower temperature threshold, in which the split system functions properly. Such limitations are explained by the operation of the compressor on oil, which tends to change its consistency and become thick at low air temperatures.

On a note! For conventional air conditioners, the lower threshold is set in the range from +5°С to -5°С, for inverters – up to – 15°С or lower (maximum value -25°С).

In this regard, when dismantling equipment, it is necessary to take into account the air temperature outside. In winter, if a “winter kit” (heating compressor crankcase) is not installed on the split system, to carry out work to preserve freon you need to use a special station, since it uses an oil-free compressor.

Features of the process for different types of air conditioners

The process of dismantling an air conditioner may differ depending on its type. In domestic conditions today they are most often used split systems consisting of an internal and external unit. The process of removing them was presented above.

The second type of air conditioners for home use- This window devices. They consist of one block, which is mounted in a window or in special hole in a window prepared for equipment. Dismantling in this case is very simple: just remove the device from seat, having first removed the retaining fasteners.

In addition, they are often used in everyday life mobile air conditioners . These devices do not require installation, and therefore do not require subsequent removal.

Other types of air conditioners ( channel, cassette, column etc.) are used for cooling retail space, industrial halls, etc. Only a group of professionals can handle their dismantling.

Important! Self service and dismantling of professional climate control equipment is not allowed. To carry out any work with this equipment, you should contact specialists.

Consequences of incorrect dismantling

Improper dismantling of the air conditioner can have a number of unpleasant consequences:

  • the cooling circuit will lose its seal and/or freon will leak - fixing this problem will be very expensive;
  • dust particles or droplets of water may get inside the circuit, which will negatively affect the operation of the compressor - which is why it is not recommended to remove the split system during rain or snowfall;
  • there is a risk of the outdoor unit falling from a height, which will lead to its breakdown and subsequent replacement;
  • Mechanical damage to one of the blocks or the route may occur, which can lead to depressurization of the housing, leakage of refrigerant, and the ingress of moisture and dirt.

Thus, so that freon does not leak out, liquid or dust does not penetrate into the system, and the equipment does not suffer damage, it is necessary to act as carefully as possible and follow the dismantling rules.

So, despite the fact that it is recommended to entrust the work of dismantling the air conditioner to professionals, if necessary, this operation can be carried out independently. To do this, you will need to collect or rent special tool, and also use the instruction manual, which describes in detail all necessary actions. During work, care should be taken not to damage the equipment. To help home handyman There are many training videos available on the Internet dedicated to this operation, and the process itself is approximately the same for equipment of different brands.

The best split system models of 2019

Split system AUX ASW-H07B4/LK-700R1DI on Yandex Market

Split system Ballu BSD-09HN1 on Yandex Market

Split system AUX ASW-H07B4/FJ-R1 on Yandex Market

Split system LG P09SP on Yandex Market

Split system Roda RS-A09F/RU-A09F on Yandex Market

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There are situations when it is necessary to dismantle the air conditioning system. For example, you planned major renovation, relocating an air conditioner or moving.

To dismantle the split system, you need to know the features of this operation. Let's consider the sequence of actions when dismantling the air conditioner, as well as the consequences of incorrect dismantling of the air conditioning system.

When is it not necessary to remove the air conditioner?

Based on the scale of the planned repair and the tight fit of the indoor unit to the wall, instead of immediately starting to dismantle the air conditioning system, you can resort to another way to resolve the issue.

Case No. 1

If you plan to re-glue the wallpaper and the gap between the wall and the indoor unit is large enough, then it is not necessary to dismantle the entire air conditioner, just disconnect the unit from the plate.

Case No. 2

If during the renovation you plan to plaster and level the walls, then you can also dismantle only the indoor unit. Upon completion of the repair, the length of communication should be sufficient for reinstallation of the module.

Case No. 3

There are cases when the block needs to be dismantled along with the route. This may be caused by a number of circumstances:

  • it is planned to “lower” the ceiling;
  • the nuts for connecting the route to the module are located in the wall;
  • in order to prevent the connection of nuts inside the wall after repair;
  • to move the indoor unit.

Case No. 1
Case No. 2

How to remove an air conditioner from the wall yourself: instructions

Before you begin removing the split system, you need to prepare not only ordinary household tools, but also professional ones.

The necessary tools for dismantling the split system include:

  • pipe cutter;
  • side cutter;
  • construction knife;
  • Phillips and integral screwdrivers;
  • hexagon socket wrenches;
  • manifold;
  • open-end and adjustable wrenches;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver

In some cases, safety equipment may be needed.

Preparatory stage

After preparing the tool, study the recommendations of specialists on the correct dismantling of the air conditioning system. Most people ignore the recommendations of professionals, after which the air conditioner is dismantled with many errors.


Dismantling without pumping freon into the device leads to its leakage. Restoring freon is then quite difficult and expensive. Minimum amount financial costs - four thousand rubles.

Freon release

There are three main methods for dismantling the air conditioner yourself:

  • disassembly with release of freon;
  • preservation of freon in the device;
  • saving refrigerant in full thanks to the use of special techniques and specialized equipment.

The last method allows you to get maximum effect lossless, but other methods are also widely used.

Before carrying out work, carefully consider design features air conditioning systems. It is a closed circuit with refrigerant and includes a compressor, an evaporator with a condenser and a system copper tubes to connect all the constituent elements and ensure the supply and removal of refrigerant.

To turn off the air conditioning system without losing refrigerant, you need to pump it into the condenser. This is possible when operating in cooling mode by closing the valve from the product to the tube. It will take no more than one minute to pump the full amount of freon. After pumping, it is necessary to close the valve on the tube. With this operation you can stop the gas supply completely.


Work begins with removing the external unit. To do this, you first need to disconnect the copper tubes. The tubes are cut at a distance of about twenty centimeters from the fitting, and then the sections are caulked for complete sealing.

At long-term storage When the device is disassembled, the copper tubes are filled with nitrogen, ensuring tightness to prevent oxidation.

Work begins with removing the external unit

Outdoor unit

After disconnecting the copper tubes, remove thermal insulation. It is advisable that the operation be carried out by two people: one will work outside the building, and the other inside the room. This will greatly simplify and speed up the process.

So, one person will turn off the electrical energy, and the other will disconnect the wires.

The tubes should be straightened so that they can pass through the holes in the wall. Next, the end of the cable that is dragged into the room is screwed to them. After this, the nuts that support the external unit on the brackets are unscrewed.

At the end of the operation, the block is removed and dragged into the building. It can only be stored vertically.

Disconnecting the compressor

It is very important to dismantle the compressor in the correct way. To do this, you need to perform the following operations:

  1. Remove the cover from the external module.
  2. Disconnect the suction and discharge pipes.
  3. Disconnect electrical wiring.
  4. Unscrew the condenser and fan fasteners.
  5. Pull out the capacitor.
  6. Remove the fasteners and dismantle the compressor.

With this sequence of measures, the possibility of pipe defects is eliminated and it becomes possible repair of other components.

Indoor unit

There are cases when owners limit themselves to dismantling only the external unit. For example, when repairing a compressor. When it is necessary to remove the entire split system, it is important to take into account the existing nuances of dismantling the indoor unit.

To dismantle the indoor air conditioner module, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Remove the housing cover, focusing on the indicators located at the bottom of the product.
  2. Disconnect the electrical cable by unscrewing it from the terminals, and then carefully remove it from the split system.
  3. Unhook the pipe, installing the reservoir in advance; liquid may leak out from there.
  4. Remove the heat insulator and disconnect the refrigerant pipe.
  5. Carefully unscrew the tubes as when removing the external unit, and wrap them with insulating tape or screw on the caps.
Advice! The tubes can also be cut, squeezed and then twisted. the main objective- preventing their contamination.
  1. Carefully dismantle the indoor module and remove the mounting plate.

Features of work in winter

In cold weather, it is almost impossible to pump refrigerant into the condenser: the oil thickens greatly, and if you try to connect the air conditioner in this situation, a blower malfunction can easily occur. This situation is not terrible for air conditioner models that are equipped with a special winter kit. The equipment includes heating of the compressor crankcase and drainage, as well as a fan speed retarder.

If you have a model installed without this configuration, then freon can be pumped through a pressure gauge station to collect gas.

This station is connected to the shredder valve, similar to a pressure manifold.

Consequences of improper dismantling

Here are a number of possible consequences if you dismantle the air conditioning system incorrectly manually:

  1. Loss of tightness of the cooling circuit and leakage of freon. Eliminating this unpleasant situation will require significant financial investments.
  2. Clogging of the internal circuit of the system with dust, penetration of moisture. These circumstances especially affect the functioning of the compressor, and the operation of the air conditioner in general. Therefore, the product should not be removed in rainy or snowy weather.
  3. A heavy outdoor unit falling from a height. Even if the product falls from a small height, in most cases this will lead to its breakdown and replacement.
  4. Mechanical damage to the surface of the external module and other elements, which can cause depressurization of the circuit. Even the slightest crack can cause gas leakage and dust and moisture getting inside.

Watch the video on how to remove the air conditioner

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