Pyrolysis or pellet boiler. We consider the models, design and operating principle of pellet boilers with automatic fuel supply. Design features of the line

In places where there is no centralized systems gas supply, solid fuels are very popular heating boilers. They are much more attractive than liquid diesel ones, since fuel costs are lower. Pellet boilers with automatic feeding are leading in the rating of user choice. They win comparisons based on a whole set of evaluation criteria. Especially if you create a system that does not require intervention in its entire operation. heating season.

Pellet fuel

Pellets are compressed, crushed wood. The granules measure 6-8 mm in diameter and 50-70 mm in length (average values). No adhesives or foreign chemical additives are used in the manufacture of fuel cells. The production technology is as follows:

  • wood-containing waste is thoroughly dried;
  • after grinding, a second drying cycle occurs, during which the moisture content of the raw material is brought to 2-3%;
  • V special installation small sawdust is exposed to high temperature, pressure, steam;
  • When pressed, wood releases oils and resins that work like natural adhesive composition, combining sawdust into a fairly strong granule with a moisture content of up to 15%.
  • what types of pellet boiler burners are used;
  • type of fuel supply system;
  • characteristics of the ash residue removal structure.

If you use a non-recommended class of pellets, the boiler will reduce efficiency and require maintenance procedures. I don’t want to see this at all during the heating season. A correctly selected pellet boiler, equipped with automatic fuel supply and removal of ash residues, will not require intervention in its operation.

Sunflower husk pellets

The mass market offers not only pellets created exclusively from wood residues, which are considered fuel High Quality. In practice, you can purchase pellets made from the husks of sunflower, buckwheat, and other cereals, containing crushed seeds of various fruit crops. The nature of the feedstock affects the amount of heat released during combustion and the mass of fuel that a pellet boiler will consume per day, week, month.

How does a pellet boiler work?

Operating principle of a pellet boiler

There are several operating schemes for pellet boilers. Classical - involves pyrolysis of fuel, decomposition of wood-containing raw materials at low oxygen content. The gas formed during this process serves as the main energy carrier and is burned in a special chamber.

Pellet boiler classic type rarely found on modern market. It requires a powerful power supply (pellets are processed continuously by heating with a heating element), is sensitive to the quality of the fuel, and is equipped with automatic metered air supply into the pyrolysis chamber. The equipment is difficult to set up and requires periodic maintenance and diagnostics.

A medium-power household and industrial pellet boiler, which can be bought in stores, operates according to the dual combustion scheme of fuel and flue gas. It all works as follows:

  • pellets are fed into the primary heating chamber. Pyrolysis takes place in it, under the influence of high temperature from the heating element, the granules release flammable gas, and the ignition procedure takes place;
  • The flue gas formed during the pyrolysis process enters the secondary combustion chamber, where the pellet burners are located. They can be different types, for example, volumetric, directional (torch), fireplace;
  • Pellets are fed into the afterburning zone by a screw, they are subjected to direct action flames and burn almost completely.

The efficiency of the boiler directly depends on the type of burner and the quality of the fuel. IN good systems One burned kilogram of pellets can produce as much heat as half a liter of diesel fuel.

How do the efficiency of boilers with different burners differ?

Supplying fuel to a pellet boiler

Its efficiency depends on which pellet boiler burners are used in the equipment. The most effective systems are those that use a volumetric burner (also known as a retort burner). Boilers of this design allow the use of low quality pellets.

Average efficiency indicators are for boilers with a flare (directional) nozzle, and the lowest are for fireplace insert installations, where pellets burn naturally, in an isolated area, while the flue gases are burned in a separate chamber. For these types of installations, the use of high-quality fuel is recommended.

Despite the low efficiency indicators in their class, pellet boilers with a fireplace chamber have an undoubted advantage: they smoothly release heat, operate silently and can be installed even in the residential area of ​​houses.

What should automation provide?

Pellet boiler automation

Depending on the wishes of the owner, a system of any complexity can be built. Automation ensures the following individual functions:

  1. Monitoring the temperature of the coolant and exhaust gases of the boiler (it determines the need for cleaning).
  2. Supply of pellets from the storage hopper.
  3. Removal of ash residues.
  4. Notifying system owners about emergency and critical situations.
  5. Remote control of heating operating parameters.

In order not to dwell on this issue in the future, let us consider what can be understood by a storage bin. There are two main options:

  • in the room where the solid fuel pellet heating boiler is located, a steel container with a conical outlet at the bottom is installed to supply pellets to the screw system;
  • The storage bin is small room. Pellets are poured into it through the loading window, and the volume of fuel reserve is calculated so that it is enough for the heating season. In this case, the granules are fed by a screw or vacuum pump into a small intermediate bin.

If you decide to make a pantry or other room to store a supply of pellets, it is necessary to provide it with microclimate parameters recommended by the fuel manufacturer for long-term storage pellet

Types of pellet boilers by degree of automation

There are fully automatic and semi automatic boilers

On the market you can buy a number ready-made solutions, partially or fully automated pellet boilers. May be offered:

  • granule control and screw feeding system;
  • a storage hopper, the volume of which is designed for several days of boiler operation, a pellet supply system, automatic control of parameters and notifications;
  • a complete set of automatic tools, which include remote control, diagnostic, monitoring, warning and ash removal systems.

Important: solid fuel heating units based on wood pellets (except for a separate segment of models with fireplace combustion chambers) require power supply for electronic components, the blower and the fuel supply system. The problem of uninterrupted power supply is easily solved by purchasing special UPSs, which are offered by both the manufacturer of pellet boilers and many other companies.

Let's consider the features and capabilities of equipment options with varying degrees of automation.

Mechanized pellet boilers

Mechanical pellet boiler

This type of semi-automatic boilers will be attractive to those who have limited finances and are willing to devote time to cleaning and maintaining the system. The installations do not put forward strict requirements for fuel quality; the storage bunker is designed for a day or two of operation. The owner needs to devote from 5 to 15 minutes a day to clean the heat exchanger, reload fuel, and control ignition after the start command.

The main advantage of mechanized boilers is versatility. It is immediately laid down by the manufacturer. The units not only operate on pellets of any quality, but are also equipped with separate fireboxes for burning wood, granulated coal, and other energy sources in manual mode.

Semi-automatic pellet boilers

Semi-automatic pellet boiler

More complex installations require minimal maintenance. The manufacturer does not offer a ready-made storage bin. The systems are equipped with a screw or vacuum feed, automatic ignition and control of boiler operating parameters.

The owner is required to independently organize a storage bin or granule storage room, and also spend approximately 20 minutes per week on cleaning the installation from ash. This figure is given based on experience in operating boilers using DINPlus class fuel; such pellets are considered high quality products.

Fully automatic boilers

Fully automatic pellet boiler

The most advanced systems do not require owner intervention. Everything is automated: fuel supply, ignition, ash removal, in which the waste is compressed, does not generate dust, and is reduced in volume.

When a fully automatic pellet boiler is installed in a house, it is rational to involve specialists in solving the problem. They will calculate the volume of the intermediate storage bin, install and configure a system for supplying pellets from the storage room, as well as means for remote control of the heating and alarm system.

When purchasing a fully automated boiler, it is wise to take care of creating a storage room that will accommodate the number of pellets needed to complete the heating season. It is also rational to arrange a separate place for the accumulation of ash residues.

How to estimate how much fuel you will need for the season

Burning fuel in a boiler

To calculate the amount of fuel, they use both the standards specified by SNiP and actual experience in using heating equipment. For supporting optimal temperature V winter period, in a house insulated according to industry standards, 100 watts of heating power per hour per 1 square meter is required. m area.

This SNiP figure is used to select any heating equipment, from oil electric heaters to boilers different classes. In practice, taking into account the experience of actual operation of the equipment, the calculation is as follows:

  • an average house with an area of ​​100 square meters will require 10 kW of thermal power per hour according to a theoretical estimate;
  • due to the presence of warm and cold days, the average calculated energy production can be halved, to 5 kW per hour;
  • per day, a solid fuel pellet boiler must produce 120 kW of coolant;
  • the pellet manufacturer indicates the calorific value of its product, on average it is 5 kW per 1 kg;
  • According to an average estimate, 24 kg of pellets will be required per day to heat a house.

The last step is to take into account the decrease in boiler efficiency due to the accumulation of soot and ash residues in the combustion chamber. Daily consumption It is rational to increase the energy carrier by 5% for high-quality raw materials and 10% for low-grade fuel to compensate for efficiency losses. After this, the actual consumption of pellet boilers for heating a house per day will be obtained.

The total mass of fuel that needs to be purchased to complete the season is calculated by simply multiplying the number of days by daily consumption. The longer the time period, the more accurate the calculation. If a short interval is assessed, for example, only 90-120 days with the lowest temperature, it will be necessary to take into account the climatic region, as well as the degree of insulation of the house. If there is no confidence that the building meets the heat loss standards according to SNiP, it is recommended to increase the calculated consumption of pellet boilers by 5-10%.

Rational assessment is important

It is important to choose the right boiler

All automatic pellet boilers show good results. However, it is always worth remembering that the lower the degree of user participation in their work, the higher the price engineering solution. She literally grows geometric progression. Therefore, an automatic household pellet boiler must be chosen rationally.

Inexpensive units will require daily cleaning, reloading and ignition in a semi-automatic mode, but will be able to operate on fuel of any quality with a stable efficiency indicator. At the opposite end of the scale are completely automated systems. They clean, load, maintain and manage themselves. However, their cost is very high.

Pellet equipment with automatic fuel supply is a progressive technology that uses special wood fuel pellets. For their manufacture, pressed shavings, sawdust or other wood residues are used.

The main advantages of this type of equipment are:

  • reliable and thoughtful design;
  • easy installation and startup;
  • environmental Safety use;
  • economical operation.

Our catalog contains models from different manufacturers representing popular global brands. You can also buy a pellet boiler from us Russian production, which are initially adapted to local climate conditions.

Solid fuel pellet boilers with automatic fuel supply

Latest pellet boilers with automatic fuel supply - great choice For country cottages where there is no central gas line. This heating equipment is reliable and durable. The security system here is thought out to the smallest detail, so you do not need to constantly monitor the operation of the heating equipment. When the flame in the burner goes out, fuel leakage is absolutely excluded. If there is a power outage in the house, the boiler will not stop working, using the loaded pellets to the end.

In other words, for pellet boilers, automatic fuel supply is an innovative development that significantly simplifies the operation of this equipment.

Russian-made pellet boilers

The price of Russian-made pellet boilers with automatic fuel supply is significantly lower than that of foreign analogues, so you can save your money cash. It is worth considering that the quality of our boilers is constantly improving. Therefore, when using Russian-made heating pellet boilers with automatic fuel supply, you do not need to worry about the reliability or durability of your purchase, since this domestic equipment uses progressive and highly efficient technologies. According to experts, Russian pellet equipment able to withstand intense loads for several decades.

Pellet boilers with automatic fuel supply

Owners of this equipment primarily note its high efficiency, as well as versatility of use. Indeed, there are units that can use not only pellets, but also other things solid fuel. The price of a pellet boiler with automatic fuel supply in the Technodom online store partly depends on the exchange rate situation, since many models are imported from other countries. In the catalog you will find everything necessary information concerning one or another model. This is about detailed descriptions, application features and photographs.

In St. Petersburg and Moscow, you can also buy a pellet boiler with automatic fuel supply at the manufacturer’s price at the company’s representative offices that are open in these cities. For consultations, call the indicated phone numbers.

The essence of pyrolysis combustion technology (in other words, dry distillation) is that under the influence of high temperature and a lack of oxygen, wood decomposes into two components - volatile pyrolysis gas and charcoal(aka coke). This process occurs at temperatures from 200 to 800 degrees Celsius, and it is exothermic in nature, that is, it occurs with the release of heat. When pyrolysis gas is mixed with atmospheric oxygen at high temperatures, the combustion process starts, which is used to heat the house. Characteristic feature Such combustion is that the combustion of this gas requires significantly less oxygen than the combustion of wood during conventional firewood combustion, due to which the combustion temperature is higher, therefore, the efficiency and duration of combustion increases. In addition, pyrolysis gas reacts with active carbon during combustion, which provides very high environmental friendliness such combustion - the flue gases leaving the boiler contain very few harmful impurities. In fact, the smoke of such a boiler consists of carbon dioxide(its pyrolysis boiler emits up to three times less than usual) and ordinary water vapor. Ash and soot during pyrolysis combustion are also produced much less than during ordinary combustion.
The pyrolysis boiler operates in four stages:
1. Drying of wood and release of gas - this process occurs at a temperature of 450 degrees.
2. Combustion of wood gas mixed with secondary air - temperature 560 degrees.
3. Afterburning of pyrolysis gas at a temperature of 1100 degrees – the temperature maximum of the process.
4. Removal of exhaust gases using a chimney trunnion. At this stage the temperature does not exceed 160 degrees.
The pyrolysis boiler consists of several chambers and has gates for selecting the desired operating mode. The need for dampers is due to the fact that for the release and combustion of wood gas it is necessary to heat the boiler to a fairly high temperature. high temperatures, for which the boiler operates for some time in the mode of an ordinary solid fuel boiler. After reaching the desired temperature, the boiler chamber is completely loaded with firewood and the dampers are switched to the pyrolysis combustion mode.

Prospects for pyrolysis boilers for the Russian market.

In Russia, solid fuel is not only the most common, but also the most affordable. First of all, of course, this applies to firewood - the abundance of wood in our country determines the relatively low cost of this type of fuel on the Russian market. Therefore, the Russian buyer most often prefers solid fuel boilers heating systems running on gas or other types of liquid fuel.
In the same time, pyrolysis boilers have quite a lot of advantages over other types of boilers that burn wood or coal. The high efficiency of this type of boiler and the ability to add firewood once a day can be decisive for the buyer, despite the slightly (sometimes significantly) higher cost of pyrolysis type boilers.

Potential buyers of pyrolysis boilers can be owners of private houses, cottages, garden plots- in general, any residential suburban buildings. The option of installing pyrolysis boilers should be especially attractive for owners of energy-saving houses - heating such a house requires so little energy that a pyrolysis boiler can operate on one stack of firewood for more than a day. The ability to precisely regulate the combustion process of wood gas allows you to use exactly the power that is necessary for heating under given weather conditions for a certain volume of the room.
Unfortunately, the Russian consumer is still little familiar with the operating principles of pyrolysis boilers and cannot fully appreciate the benefits of purchasing such heating system. However, as information about pyrolysis-type boilers spreads among ordinary people, more and more buyers will give preference to this type of boiler.

Range of pyrolysis boilers on the Russian market.

Today, the range of pyrolysis boilers available to Russian buyers is quite wide. First of all, these are products of such companies as ATMOS, DAKON, OLYMP, OPOP, VIESSMANN. The leader among countries producing pyrolysis boilers, whose products are represented in Russia, is the Czech Republic.
Let's look at some features of pyrolysis boilers of individual brands.
DAKON boilers have an efficiency of 85-88%. The boiler power is adjustable from 50 to 100%, in addition, the boiler is equipped with a thermostat on which you can set the required coolant temperature. DAKON pyrolysis boilers can have a steel or cast iron body - cast iron is considered more durable, less susceptible to corrosion under the influence of resins and acids, as well as low-temperature corrosion, which allows such a boiler to be actively used in autumn and spring. The disadvantages of pyrolysis boilers from this company (however, this disadvantage is typical for most pyrolysis boilers) include their dependence on the availability of electricity - it is necessary for the operation of the fan. However, very little energy is required - about the same as it is needed to burn a light bulb - so the problem of power supply can be solved by installing a diesel generator or any source alternative energy(for example, a wind turbine).

In connection with the problem of energy supply, the gas generator boiler from OPOP should be mentioned. The only model of pyrolysis boiler produced by this company is completely energy independent; in addition, their boiler can operate on both wood and coal (coal is preferred). During operation of the OPOP boiler, secondary air is not pumped by a fan, as in most designs, but is sucked in using a special tube as a result of the movement of gases in the combustion chamber. This makes power adjustment somewhat more difficult - such adjustment is made by opening the primary and secondary air dampers more or less. The boiler efficiency is at the level of 85%.

Another company that produces completely non-volatile boilers– ROJEK. Pyrolysis boilers from this manufacturer work with both forced and natural regulation of the thermal fluid. In addition, ROJEK can boast that their pyrolysis boiler can be operated at a return water temperature of only 40 degrees Celsius without reducing the service life of the boiler. A pleasant feature is the absence of condensation and tarring of the boilers.

Another market leader in pyrolysis boilers is ATMOS. Boilers of this brand are distinguished by traditional quality. After the wood burns out in the ATMOS boiler, the fan turns off automatically, which is not always observed with other companies. Also, in ATMOS pyrolysis boilers, the combustion space is made of ceramic, which significantly increases the efficiency of the boiler. The fuel tank is different large sizes, which allows you to heat the boiler with large wood and reduce its preparation to a minimum.
Of course, products from other companies also have their own characteristics, positive and negative sides. However general principle They still have the same job, and the differences are sometimes not that significant.

Advantages and disadvantages of pyrolysis type boilers.

We have already discussed above some of the features of pyrolysis boilers, which distinguish them from the vast number of boilers operating on solid fuel. In general, we can say that the main difference between pyrolysis-type boilers and traditional boilers using solid fuel is their high efficiency and, accordingly, high efficiency. Summarizing all the features of boilers of this type, we can highlight the following advantages and disadvantages.

- in the process of burning wood (especially if this firewood contains a large amount of moisture), it is impossible to reach temperatures as high as those achieved when burning pyrolysis gas.
- burning wood gas requires a significantly smaller amount of secondary air than burning conventional wood or coal. Accordingly, with the same amount of air, the efficiency of gas combustion is higher, the temperature is higher and the combustion time is also longer.
- the combustion process of pyrolysis gas can be easily controlled and adjusted, which makes it possible to automate the operation of such a boiler to approximately the same extent as the operation of gas or liquid fuel boilers. Traditional solid fuel boilers do not provide this opportunity.
- when wood gas burns, an extremely small amount of ash and soot is formed. Therefore, the pyrolysis boiler rarely needs cleaning - usually no more than once a week.
- combustion of pyrolysis gas occurs with low emissions into the atmosphere harmful substances, which will appeal to lovers of environmentally friendly heat sources.
- a pyrolysis boiler works longer on one load of firewood than a conventional solid fuel boiler.

- relatively high cost of pyrolysis boilers - on average, boilers of this type are 1.5-2 times more expensive than solid fuel boilers.
- quite high sensitivity to moisture content in firewood. As the percentage of moisture in wood increases, the boiler output decreases sharply.
- most pyrolysis boilers are energy-dependent and require connection to the electrical network. True, the boiler consumes very little energy (since it is mainly required for the fan), so any source of alternative energy, a generator or a conventional electrical network can completely supply the pyrolysis boiler with electricity.

Heat generator

Now let's return to pellet technologies. In our opinion, the most interesting are pyrolysis boilers that use pellets as fuel. Below is a sample from our favorite firm, SolarFocus.

No less popular than gas ones, their only drawback is considered to be the low level of automation of the combustion process. This problem can be easily solved by installing a pellet boiler with automatic loading and supply of fuel into the home heating system.

These solid fuel boilers got their name due to the fuel they use - pellets. They are granules pressed under pressure from wood waste and Agriculture: sawdust, wood chips, husks. During the production of granules, their humidity is controlled - finished pellets contain 12-16% moisture. This property of granules ensures the efficiency of the combustion process and high efficiency pellet boilers.

The granules have small size and good flowability, making their automatic feeding possible into the boiler from a specially constructed bunker. The duration of operation of the boiler on one load depends on the size of the bunker; it can range from several days to two weeks, and for industrial pellet boilers - a month or more.

The design of pellet boilers is generally no different from that of boilers; the principle of their operation is also similar. In this case, pellet models are equipped with a burner that has a special device for automatically feeding pellets.

Boilers with automatic pellet supply are equipped with automatic ignition - heating element, installed in the first chamber, heating the air stream, from which the surface of the granules begins to smolder. After ignition and the start of steady smoldering, the pellet heating element is turned off.

Combustion of granules in the boiler occurs in pyrolysis mode- pellets in the firebox smolder slowly with a uniform and dosed air supply. Flue gases generated during smoldering are forced by a fan through the burner into the afterburner chamber, where they burn out, transferring heat to the walls of the heat exchanger.

Pellets burn almost completely, leaving a small amount of ash. It ends up in the ash pan, which is separated from the combustion chamber by a grate. Ash removal in most household models is carried out mechanically, but some powerful boilers are equipped with automatic ash removal - a conveyor belt.

Fuel supply system for a pellet boiler

Domestic pellet boilers with automatic supply of pellets are equipped with a built-in hopper, while the supply can be bulk, when the pellets enter the firebox under their own weight, or auger. The volume of such a bunker is small; it is usually enough for 12-48 hours. To extend the time continuous operation boiler without additional loading, install an external bunker of larger volume.

    It can have different designs:
  • A box made of metal or canvas on a frame, in the lower part of which a conveyor and a damper are installed, the lifting of which occurs upon a signal from the boiler controller.
  • Can be used as an external bunker separate room, equipped with a feed mechanism. It is convenient to place it below ground level, for example, in a basement, and load pellets through a hatch or a hinged window.
If a room is used as a bunker, it is necessary to monitor the humidity in it so that the pellets do not get wet or cake, otherwise the auger mechanism may become clogged and decrease in efficiency boiler

Advantages and disadvantages of pellet boilers

The price of pellet boilers is quite high, so before purchasing you need to consider all the pros and cons of installing them.

The undoubted advantages of boilers include:

  • complete automation of the combustion process, minimizing boiler maintenance;
  • pellet boilers are equipped with various protections and have a high level of safety;
  • environmental friendliness of the fuel - when burning pellets, almost no soot and soot are formed, there is no release of harmful substances into the atmosphere;
  • pellets are produced from wood processing waste, which allows them to be disposed of profitably and reduce the amount of graded wood burned as firewood;
  • the cost of pellets does not exceed the price of dry chopped firewood.

The disadvantage of pellet boilers is their energy dependence.
If the power is turned off, combustion in the boiler will stop and ignition will become impossible. For this reason, experts recommend installing additional source electricity - a generator whose power must exceed the maximum power consumption of the boiler in any mode.

Calculation of boiler thermal power

One of the main indicators is the thermal power of the model, that is, the ability to heat a room of a given area for a long time and effectively. Heating specialists use a complex calculation that takes into account all the influencing factors: the geometric dimensions and shape of the building, the height of the ceilings, the presence and total area of ​​windows, the efficiency of insulation and the presence of heated adjacent rooms.

For a consumer who decides to heat a private house using a pellet boiler with automatic feed, there is no need to go deeper into complex calculations, it is enough to divide the total area that he plans to heat by 10 - for middle zone, and by 8 - for the northern regions.

For example, for Moscow, the boiler power for heating a house is 200 square meters will be 200 / 10 = 20 kW, for St. Petersburg 200 / 8 = 25 kW. Using this principle, you can calculate the required power for a house with any area.

Review of pellet boiler models

Boiler supply and installation companies offer quite big choice boilers both imported and Russian-made.

    The price of heating equipment depends on several factors:
  • thermal power;
  • configurations;
  • level of automation and availability of built-in protections;
  • type of loading and bunker;
  • possibility of using the boiler for combustion with other types of fuel;
  • body material;
  • manufacturing company.

In order not to overpay for a brand, you need to compare specifications offered models and choose the most suitable pellet boiler with automatic feed.

Czech boilers OPOP BIOPEL

Range of steel pellet boilers from famous manufacturer, equipped with a large built-in hopper. Power of various models - from 10 to 200 kW, making it easy to choose the appropriate modification for domestic needs, industrial facilities, and small production.

Boilers OPOP BIOPEL equipped with a vertical three-pass heat exchanger, which improves heat removal and increases efficiency - for these boilers it reaches 92%. A special smoke turbulization system stabilizes draft and combustion mode.

All models equipped with weather-compensated regulation and electric ignition, as well as a control function via the Internet. Additionally, they can be equipped with self-cleaning systems for the heat exchanger and burner, and ash removal. When ordering them manual cleaning The boiler is required only once per heating season, and without self-cleaning systems - once a month.

Price the least powerful model OPOP BIOPEL 10 kW - from 285 thousand rubles.

Boilers Kostrzewa Pellets Fuzzy Logic, Poland

The model range includes units with power from 15 to 100 kW, which can work not only on pellets, but also on firewood, briquettes, and coal. The boilers are equipped with retort burners with replaceable containers for various fuels. Ignition is carried out with hot air.

The dimensions of the built-in hopper allow the production download once every 1-4 weeks depending on the power of the model. The dimensions of the fuel chamber allow boilers to operate on wood and coal without removing the pellet burner. The design of the ash pit and its dimensions allow it to be cleaned no more often than the hopper is loaded. Turns on during cleaning and loading exhaust fan to avoid dust formation.

All models have high level of automation and have a built-in controller and sensor and, as well as a lambda probe for the best regulation of the combustion process. The automatic return water supply uses the bypass principle and regulates its temperature.

Price models Kostrzewa Pellets Fuzzy Logic 15 kW - 270 thousand rubles.

Wirbel EKO-CK PELLET-SET boilers, Austria

Represent universal solid fuel boilers with built-in pellet burner. The block-type body made of special steel 5 mm thick and its design with the possibility of installing a hopper on any side makes the equipment easy to install.

Standard models equipped with auto-ignition and pellet supply, but can also work manually on wood or briquettes. Control is carried out from the remote control, and it can also regulate the operation of the heating circuit pumping equipment. Cleaning and Maintenance boiler does not take much time and produced no more than once a week.

Price for a 20 kW equipment complex - 300 thousand rubles.

Boilers Grandeg Bio, Latvia

Simple and reliable heating units made in Latvia with increased fire safety and a sluice gate in the firebox, preventing flame from entering the bunker. Boiler steel housing ensures long lasting service life - more than 20 years. The fuel hopper can be installed on either side of the hull. Models from this manufacturer can work stably on pellets of any quality, firewood or briquettes.

Price for a 25 kW model - 347 thousand rubles.

Boilers Svetlobor, Russia

The lineup includes thermal models power from 20 to 170 kW. Boiler automation is at the level of the best Western analogues: automatic feeding, ignition, cleaning and ash removal allow the owner not to approach the boiler during operation at one load. The loading size depends only on the volume of the external bunker; fuel is supplied to the boiler using pneumatic supply. With this high level automation boilers Svetlobor characterized by unpretentiousness to fuel quality.

Price - from 250 thousand rubles.

Pellet boilers Obshchemmash, Russia

Russian-made equipment from the Obshchemash company is represented by two lines: Valdai and Peresvet.

Valdai boilers with a power of 15-200 kW designed for heating residential and industrial buildings. They are equipped with all the automation necessary for a pellet burner: auto-ignition and automatic fuel supply, burner self-cleaning, and a controller that regulates the mode. The unit can be controlled remotely via GSM.

Price - from 138 thousand rubles.

Peresvet models differ from Valdai in the possibility control - via Wi-Fi and Internet, an enlarged pellet hopper and the ability to operate on other types of fuel.

Price - from 146 thousand rubles.

Boilers "Teplodar-Kupper", Russia

Cheapest model Russian production, equipped with the necessary functions for automatic feeding of pellets, auto-ignition and maintaining the combustion process and uninterrupted operation. The difference between these models is the built-in heating element, which can work either separately, in maintenance mode, or simultaneously with the burner at times of maximum load.

Price- the lowest of all presented models, Cooper-OK in fully equipped with a power of 15 kW costs 92 thousand rubles.

The choice of a pellet boiler with automatic supply of granulated fuel depends on preferences and financial capabilities. All models presented in the review are certified and safe.

I apologize to the developers and manufacturers of pellet burners for the oil in the title of the topic!

Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with a client.

A fairly intelligent installer, a well-read forum member, saw the light yesterday after talking with our sales specialist!

Imagine, he spent quite a lot of time finding a pyrolysis boiler with a pellet burner. Moreover, he needed a pyrolyzer that would burn off the exhaust gases of the burner.

The task was to find a boiler that high efficiency would burn the pellets. And my interlocutor did not know that each pellet system is designed and manufactured for the purpose of complete mechanical and chemical afterburning of pellets.

The topic was created for people who want to understand the principles of burning pellets in all kinds of systems and to eliminate technical illiteracy among the population.

I took the first burner that came to hand and attached it to the message.

Please note: all flare burners have a secondary air supply system (this is what ordinary people call pyrolysis).

By the way, I noticed that when people say “pyrolysis” they mean the afterburning of exhaust gases. In their opinion, pyrolysis consists in the fact that the fuel gases, after which it is burned in a certain way, as a result of which there is no mechanical or chemical underburning.

Dear, pyrolysis is the gasification of solid or liquid bodies under the influence of high temperatures in an oxygen-free environment!

Very conditionally, pyrolysis boilers can be called pyrolysis, and even then not all (pyrolysis is not found in its pure form in all pyrolysis boilers). Pyrolyzers can be called miners (but they have already been called miners) and some pyrolyzers.

In a word, forget about pyrolysis!

Do not look for pyrolysis pellet burners (they are all pyrolysis, in the sense that they all have a system for afterburning exhaust gases and the efficiency on dry pellets in optimal modes is about 93 - 98%)!

Do not look for pyrolysis pellet boilers for the purpose of more complete afterburning of pellets. Pyrolysis pellet boilers are designed to work with wood and pellets!

Well, to be completely honest, I’ll tell you: indeed, under certain conditions, almost all pellet systems can work very inefficiently. The efficiency of, say, retort burners can drop to 50% and, indeed, some manufacturers install lambda probes in their products and come up with ways to reduce chemical burnout.

But, dear ones, forget about it! On your 150 - 200 m², all these systems will never pay off! IMHO! (Ready to fight off the rotten tomatoes!)

Keep it simple!

And you will be happy!

So that the topic does not immediately die, we ask the developers and manufacturers of pellet systems: Post some messages and pictures. Look, thanks to us there will be more people in this world who understand us!

And less rotten tomatoes! Otherwise you will get confused again and confuse everyone! Read more carefully and between the lines!

Articles By topic:
How and how much to bake beef
Baking meat in the oven is popular among housewives. If all the rules are followed, the finished dish is served hot and cold, and slices are made for sandwiches. Beef in the oven will become a dish of the day if you pay attention to preparing the meat for baking. If you don't take into account
Why do the testicles itch and what can you do to get rid of the discomfort?
Many men are interested in why their balls begin to itch and how to eliminate this cause. Some believe that this is due to uncomfortable underwear, while others think that it is due to irregular hygiene. One way or another, this problem needs to be solved.
Why do eggs itch?
Minced meat for beef and pork cutlets: recipe with photo
Until recently, I prepared cutlets only from homemade minced meat.  But just the other day I tried to cook them from a piece of beef tenderloin, and to be honest, I really liked them and my whole family liked them.  In order to get cutlets
Schemes for launching spacecraft Orbits of artificial Earth satellites