Do-it-yourself solid fuel boiler with high efficiency. How to make a long-burning solid fuel boiler with your own hands: drawings and assembly instructions. Material for heat exchanger installation

Modern solid fuel boilers– these are technological installations that allow high-quality heating a private house, while saving on resources. In this article we will talk about how to assemble a solid fuel boiler with your own hands, and what types of such units there are.

What is the real efficiency of solid fuel boilers

Manufacturers of heating equipment, in particular solid fuel boilers, offer a wide range of products with different characteristics.

Based on the design of the solid fuel boiler, all products can be divided into the following groups:

Traditional solid fuel boiler, homemade, including appearance resembles a stove or potbelly stove with the most necessary elements– combustion chamber, door, ash pan and chimney. Using the ash pan, you can regulate the draft by opening and closing the damper. Such designs are considered quite reliable, since they do not contain any technological elements, such as temperature sensors or thermometers, automatic block controls or electronics. In this case, the main design element of a solid fuel boiler is a heat exchanger that transmits thermal energy coolant. The heat exchanger can be tubular or made in the form of a container made of solid steel sheets.

There are, however, more complex devices that can also be classified as traditional. They are equipped with baffles and throttle valves to make it easier to regulate traction, and hot air traveled a greater distance before exiting the chimney. Such partitions significantly increase the efficiency of the boiler, since more thermal energy is transferred to the coolant, and does not just “fly out into the chimney”. You need to understand that boiler efficiency is a very important indicator.

For such boilers, you can use almost any fuel - wood, coal, pellets and even garbage. The main thing is that it is as dry as possible. In terms of performance boilers simple designs can hardly claim 50% efficiency, and in most cases it is only 15-20%. The problem is that the fuel burns too quickly, without having time to transfer all the thermal energy to the water in the heat exchanger. As a result, large quantity the heat is simply discharged into the chimney or its excess causes the coolant to boil. For example, firewood needs to be added to the firebox every hour, and coal will last for 2-4 hours, but it still burns with excess energy and large heat losses.

More economical and productive modern boilers with baffles and throttle valves. In them, the combustion temperature of the fuel can be adjusted, and one load of fuel lasts for 8-12 hours. Therefore, the efficiency of such installations often reaches 80%.

Boilers with pyrolysis combustion type

Also used for pyrolysis boilers solid fuel, in particular firewood, however, the principle of their operation is radically different from the installations described above. They are able to heat a house much longer and more efficiently, and use fuel more economically. In this regard, the cost of such units is approximately 1.5-2 times more than others.

The secret of gas generator (pyrolysis) boilers is that under the influence high temperature and when there is a lack of air, the wood is converted into charcoal, releasing pyrolysis gas.

This reaction requires a temperature between 200℃ and 800℃. This releases a large amount of energy, which dries the wood and heats the air. Pyrolysis gas moves through pipes into the combustion chamber, where it ignites when mixed with air - this is how most of the heat is generated.

Active carbons participate in oxidative processes during the combustion of pyrolysis gas, therefore the smoke coming out of the pipe consists mainly of carbon dioxide and steam - the content of harmful components is negligible. Besides, pyrolysis boilers in principle emit much less smoke than classic installations. Since the fuel burns with virtually no residue, gas generator boilers They rarely need cleaning.

It is worth noting that a fairly high combustion temperature can be achieved even with raw firewood, however, in this case, the boiler’s performance will drop almost by half, which means fuel consumption will increase by the same amount.

Thanks to automation, the combustion intensity in such a boiler can be adjusted to save fuel and create an optimal temperature in the room.

Please note that making a pyrolysis heating boiler using solid fuel with your own hands is quite difficult and very dangerous. In the event of assembly errors, such an installation may explode.

Long burning fuel units

The idea of ​​creating long-burning solid fuel boilers with your own hands will certainly seem attractive to many. The beauty of such structures is that you only need to put firewood in them a couple of times a day. A long-burning boiler differs from a traditional unit in that combustion in it begins from the top of the fuel stack. In this case, air is also supplied to the fuel chamber from above.

The design of a long-burning solid fuel boiler assumes the presence of a water circuit around its body, so the water in it is heated efficiently at any stage of the process. Since when the boiler is operating, not the entire bookmark burns at once, but only upper layer fuel, it lasts for almost 30 hours. A number of universal solid fuel boilers when using coal can operate for up to 7 days on one fill.

This design is not structurally complex and does not have any precision instruments that need to be connected to electricity. Therefore, their price is quite acceptable for the consumer. In addition, it is quite possible to assemble a solid fuel boiler using ready-made drawings with your own hands. home handyman. You can make a heating boiler with your own hands and save a lot of money.

Here are a few disadvantages of these designs. You cannot add fuel to a running boiler. Firewood for the boiler must be well dried (no more than 20% humidity) and cut into small logs. Coal can only be used High Quality, with low slag content. In addition, units of this type are limited in power - as a rule, no more than 40 kW.

Another type of solid fuel boilers is pellet units. Their difference is that wood waste pellets are used as fuel. Most of industrial models have a special hopper from which granules are automatically fed into the firebox.

Cast iron and steel structures - what are the differences?

Whatever material the boiler is made of, it is very important that it meets the basic operational characteristics. Let's look at them in more detail.

First of all, you should pay attention to the material of the heat exchanger – cast iron or steel. If you want to use ready-made circuit solid fuel boiler - it’s unlikely to be possible to make a cast iron heat exchanger with your own hands. Such work requires both special equipment and special knowledge and skills. Therefore, you can purchase ready-made sectional structures, which are disassembled before transportation and reassembled on site.

Cast iron heat exchangers tend to become covered with dry rust - a special film that protects the walls of the unit from destruction. In addition, wet rust also forms much more slowly than is caused by long term operation cast iron products– from 10 to 25 years. Other advantages of cast iron heat exchangers include the absence of the need for frequent and complex maintenance. Cleaning of such devices is rarely required, and carbon deposits practically do not reduce the efficiency of the boiler. If it is necessary to repair or increase the power of the unit, you only need to replace the defective sections or increase their number.

The disadvantages of cast iron products are:

  • the large mass of the boiler implies the presence separate foundation;
  • difficulties in the assembly process and high transportation costs;
  • sensitivity to thermal shock - cast iron does not like temperature changes, so contact of a hot surface with cold firewood or cold water may be detrimental to him;
  • high thermal inertia - heating the boiler requires long time, but its subsequent cooling occurs slowly.

Concerning steel products, then they are less sensitive to temperature changes and are not afraid of contact with cold objects. This property allows, when assembling solid fuel heating boilers according to drawings, to equip them with sensitive automatic elements. And thanks to their low inertia, such units quickly warm up and cool down - this allows you to regulate the air temperature in the house. At the same time, you can make a drawing of a long-burning solid fuel boiler with your own hands, which will allow you to take into account all the nuances.

In appearance, steel boilers are solid welded units that are quite difficult to transport, although their sensitivity to mechanical damage is much lower than their cast iron counterparts.

The possibility of repairing steel boilers is, from the point of view of some experts, very doubtful. Repairing, as well as welding a boiler with your own hands according to a drawing at home, is quite difficult; over time, leaks may form at the seams in it. In fairness, we note that everything depends on the worker’s skills in working with a welding machine. But repairing a cast iron heat exchanger is still easier - you only need to replace the sections.

As a rule, boilers with cast iron heat exchangers are non-volatile and inexpensive, so they can become a worthy alternative already installed heating equipment in the event of a power outage. Coolant circulation in such units occurs naturally, without the use of a pump. However, the batteries must be installed in such a way that when heated, water moves freely through the pipes under the influence of pressure in the boiler.

Assembling a boiler according to a finished project

The easiest way would be to build a solid fuel boiler out of brick with your own hands. Its design is popular and does not require complex calculations. Such a boiler can be used for several purposes at once, which is why they are installed mainly in kitchens. It is noteworthy that even beginners can assemble such a unit on their own.

During the work you will need a grinder, welding machine with electrodes, sheet steel, bricks, materials for oven mortar, pipes and metal corners. For those who have never held welding in their hands, it is best to cut the parts according to the drawing of a solid fuel boiler, and entrust the welding work to a professional. This is important, since the quality of the seams directly affects the durability of the boiler.

Positive point self-construction heating equipment is that you can select the size of the solid fuel boiler and firebox, as well as calculate its power for specific needs. In addition, it can provide hob or a brick vault so that heat is accumulated during the burning of wood and then redistributed to the heating system.

The heat exchanger is most often made rectangular, using a rectangular profile and pipes with a cross-section of 40-50 mm. Thanks to the profiles, the joining of pipes is easier, and the seams are more durable.

Step-by-step instructions for building a solid fuel boiler

So, the whole process of how to make a boiler with your own hands according to the drawings can be divided into several successive stages:

  1. Using a grinder, you need to cut blanks from pipes and profiles. The profiles will be racks, in them cutting torch need to be cut round holes for joining with pipes. You will need to make 4 holes along the Ø50 mm pipe in the front pillars and the same number in the rear ones. In addition, we also need holes for inserting into the heating system. Sagging and deposits as a result of cutting or welding must be cleaned with a grinder so that they do not interfere with the movement of water through the pipes.
  2. Next, the blanks are assembled into a single structure. Two people will have to work - the welder will need an assistant to hold the tubes in a stationary position. To make it more convenient, you can place the racks with pipes on a flat surface and weld the front and back parts of the boiler.
  3. Now you need to ensure the supply and drainage of water from the boiler. TO finished frame The inlet and return pipes are welded, and the ends of the rectangular profiles are welded with pieces of metal 60x40 mm.
  4. Before installing the heat exchanger, it is checked for leaks. To do this, install it vertically, close the bottom hole and fill it with water. If there are no leaks at the seams, then you can continue working.
  5. The boiler body is built from brick and a heat exchanger is built into it, leaving a gap of at least 1 cm between them. The register must be installed so as to create a rise towards the outlet hot water. The level difference between the outlet and the front right upper corner of the heat exchanger must be at least 1 cm. This will improve coolant circulation and eliminate air pockets.
  6. The brickwork should overlap the heat exchanger from above by 3-4 cm. A cast-iron slab is laid on top of the masonry. The chimney is installed at the discretion of the owners - brick, metal, or led into a ready-made pipe.

How to increase boiler performance

A self-assembled solid fuel boiler, as a rule, is characterized by significant heat losses associated with the loss of heat into the chimney. Moreover, the straighter and higher the chimney, the more heat is lost. The way out in this case would be to create a so-called heating panel, that is, a chimney curved shape, which allows more thermal energy to be transferred brickwork. The brick, in turn, will give off heat to the air in the room, heating it. Often such passages are arranged in the walls between rooms. However, this approach is only feasible if the boiler is located in the basement or on ground floor, or subject to the construction of a bulky multi-stage chimney.

Alternatively, you can increase the efficiency of the boiler if there is chimney install a water heater. In this case, the heat of the flue gases will heat the walls of the chimney and be transferred to the water. For these purposes, the chimney can be made from a thinner pipe, which is built into a pipe of a larger cross-section.

Most effective way The efficiency of a solid fuel boiler will be increased by installing circulation pump, forcibly pumping water. This will increase the productivity of the installation by approximately 20-30%.

Of course, the boiler must be designed so that the coolant can circulate independently if the electricity in the house is turned off. And if it is available, the pump will speed up the heating of the house to comfortable temperatures.

  1. Why is a solid fuel boiler so good?
  2. Main components of a solid fuel boiler
  3. Tools and materials for DIY
  4. We make and launch a homemade boiler
  5. Features of installing a TT boiler with your own hands

For many years, firewood, coal and peat were the only available sources of fuel. That is why the use of homemade solid fuel stoves has a rich history. However, recently, stoves have been replaced by boilers using solid types fuel. Many craftsmen independently develop the design of such devices and make them at home with their own hands.

In this article we will look at what a homemade solid fuel boiler is, what are the features of its design, what materials and tools are needed to make it yourself, as well as what are the nuances of installation and assembly.

Why is a solid fuel boiler so good?

A solid fuel boiler is one of the most popular heating devices. They are used everywhere not only in Russia, but throughout the world. There are several reasons for this popularity:

  • solid fuel is cheaper than other types of fuel;
  • firewood and coal are more affordable than gas or electricity;
  • simplicity of boiler design;
Photo 1: Lighting up a homemade wood-burning boiler

The simplicity of the design allows you to assemble a solid fuel boiler with your own hands without any problems. Anyone with a little knowledge of welding can cope with this task. It is enough to pick necessary tools, prepare materials, sort out diagrams and drawings and you can start working.

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Main components of a solid fuel boiler

If you are determined to assemble a boiler for your country house with your own hands, then first let’s get acquainted with the diagram of its device. A classic water heating boiler is a very simple device. Structurally, it consists of the following main components and assemblies:

  • firebox

    Structurally, it is a compartment in which fuel burns.

  • ash pan

    The section directly under the firebox in which ash accumulates.

  • grate (or grate)

    Most often it is made of cast iron, such as the one, but steel ones are also found. Through the holes in the grate, the ash enters the ash pan, from where it is then removed manually.

  • firebox and ash pan doors

    Serve to lock the corresponding chambers.

  • chimney

    A pipe for removing smoke and gases arising during the combustion process.

  • heat exchanger

    A device that transfers the energy of burning fuel to a coolant, such as water. Structurally, it is a container. At the top and bottom of the heat exchanger there are pipes for connecting to heating system. During the combustion of fuel, the coolant heats up, rising in top part containers, from where it enters the heating system through a pipe. After going around the heating system, it returns to the heat exchanger through the lower pipe. This closed cycle ensures heating of the room.

Photo 2: Solid fuel boiler from a gas cylinder

As you can see, the design of a solid fuel boiler is quite simple and even without special skills, it can be assembled with your own hands. For this we need a drawing, as well as a certain set of tools and materials.

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Tools and materials for DIY

Before you start creating a homemade solid fuel boiler, you need to prepare everything necessary materials and tools. In the process we will need:


To manufacture a household heating device using solid fuel, you will not need following materials:

  • steel sheets from 5 mm thick

    The use of thick steel sheets allows you to avoid burning through the boiler walls and achieve strength and durability of the structure.

  • metal corners different sizes

    Angles are used to form stiffeners and connect steel sheets to each other.

  • firebox and ash pan doors

    It is better to purchase cast iron doors for a homemade boiler in specialized stores.

  • pipes different diameters round and rectangular

    Steel pipes will be needed in the process of manufacturing the heat exchanger.

  • grate

    The grate, as well as the doors for the firebox and ash pan, are best purchased in the store.

Photo 3: Making a homemade solid fuel boiler


In order to make a solid fuel boiler yourself, you need to have the following tools on hand:

  • welding machine

    When making a boiler with your own hands, the lion's share of the entire process is occupied by welding work. You must have experience in welding or entrust this task to professionals.

  • Bulgarian

    The grinder is useful for cutting steel sheets and preparing holes in various parts of the boiler.

  • measuring and marking devices

    To cut correctly necessary preparations for a future solid fuel boiler, it is necessary to measure and mark them. To carry out this stage of work you will need a tape measure, corners, level and chalk.

  • metal working tools

    We will need: pliers, hammer, grinding wheels various sizes, electric drill, etc.

Important! When working with metal and a welding machine, you must be extremely careful and follow safety precautions. All work must be carried out with gloves that protect against cuts, and when welding, use protective screen for eyes.
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We make and launch a homemade boiler

In order to start making a homemade solid fuel boiler with our own hands, we only need its diagram. There are many design options. There is even a variety with hob. The figure below shows a drawing of a simple heating device that runs on solid fuel:

Photo 4: Drawing of a homemade solid fuel boiler

As you can see, everything is quite simple and you will be able to make such a boiler yourself. We use as a basis gas cylinder, which is ideal for this purpose. So that's it preparatory work completed and you can proceed directly to marking and cutting parts, and then to assembling the boiler itself.


Using a marker, directly on the bottom of the propane tank body, mark a rectangular hole for installing the ash pan door. Along the perimeter of the upper part of the body we draw a cut line for the top.

Making a boiler lid

Along the previously marked line, cut off the top of the balloon. We weld strips along the cut line sheet metal 3-5 mm thick so that a groove is formed into which the top cover fits tightly. We cut off the valve of the cylinder, and in its place we cut a hole with a diameter of 150 mm. The cover must be equipped with handles for ease of installation and removal, as well as clamps for fastening to the main part of the boiler.

Photo 5: Gas cylinder with the top cut off

Making a chimney pipe

From the end of the cylinder, in its upper part, we cut out a hole for attaching the gas outlet pipe. Subsequently, a chimney pipe will be attached to it.

Preparing the ash pan chamber

We cut a rectangular opening at the bottom of the cylinder. Then we will install a door in this opening that tightly closes the ash pan.

Photo 6: Cut a hole in the boiler blank for the ash pan

Making an air supply system

From steel sheet, 5 mm thick, cut out a round disk with a hole in the middle. The diameter of the disk should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the inner part of the cylinder. We weld several guides from the corners to the surface of the disk.

Photo 7: We make our own air supply system

We design a heat exchanger

There are quite a lot various options heat exchanger designs. What they have in common is that they all represent a flow circuit. We will manufacture a heat exchanger based on the water jacket principle. Structurally, it will be a rectangular tank, inside of which we will place our firebox from a propane cylinder. At the top and bottom of the heat exchanger we will make pipes for connecting the supply and return lines.

Photo 8: We manufacture the body of the TT boiler ourselves

Boiler assembly

We assemble all the parts of the firebox and place it inside the tank. An opening must be made in the heat exchanger housing to access the ash pan. The tank is welded on top and a sealed boiler is obtained with a firebox in its center.

For more information on how to make a solid fuel boiler with your own hands, watch the video:

The operating principle of such a solid fuel boiler is quite simple. The heat exchanger tank is filled with water and connected to the heating system. The firebox is filled with wood through the top lid. The filling on top is ignited and an air supply device is inserted into the boiler, and then the lid is closed. Firewood burns from top to bottom, thanks to which the heating device operates on one stack for a long time. As the wood burns, the air supply device moves lower and lower towards the ash pan. After the wood burns out, the boiler is cleared of ash through the bottom door.

If you don’t want to spend money on expensive gas and other boilers, then you will probably be interested in how you can make a solid fuel boiler with your own hands. The efficiency of such a boiler is approximately on the same level as a stove, and making a boiler with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Drawings of solid fuel boilers can be easily found in open sources and be guided by them when working. Today we will tell you how you can make a solid fuel boiler with your own hands and what you will need for this.

Design of solid fuel units

There are different designs of solid fuel boilers. Some are designed so that with their help you can not only heat the house and heat water, but also cook food. This will increase the efficiency of the solid fuel boiler and reduce space heating costs.

To work on making a solid fuel boiler with your own hands you will need drawings, materials and tools. Boiler solid fuel type consists of the following elements:

  • a box for burning solid fuel, which is equipped with grates to supply air in the required quantity;
  • throttle valves to shut off the channels after the flame dies out and control the air draft force;
  • liquid reservoir. Water in the heating system serves as a coolant. The reservoir may be a tubular-shaped heat exchanger;
  • chimney to create draft, which removes fuel combustion products outside.

In addition, an important but optional element of the system is a thermal accumulator, which evenly distributes heat throughout the premises. This is a metal container the right size, which you install yourself on a solid fuel unit, and accumulates thermal energy during active combustion. When the fire is temporarily stopped, the carrier circulates along the highways, pumping air.

Also, an additional hot liquid storage tank for domestic needs can be installed above the thermal accumulator in order to provide better comfort for residents.

Before you begin assembling a solid fuel boiler with your own hands, you need to make drawings of the boiler and the entire heating system. Such drawings can be found on the Internet and ready-made, but it is better to adapt them to your home, since you need to create your own approach to each heating system.

Tools and materials for work

To assemble a boiler that runs on solid fuel with your own hands, you need to prepare the following:

To purchase Construction Materials By favorable price, it is best to contact a company that deals with metal rolling and can provide a good discount.

The boiler assembly work involves welding, so complete list of working tools looks like that:

  • an inverter or other welding machine that can be used at home;
  • measuring instruments, including tape measure, building level and corners;
  • high power grinder;
  • electric drill with drills;
  • pliers and forceps.

You need to start working only if you have the skills to work with welding and other tools that will be required when assembling the boiler.

Making a solid fuel boiler with your own hands

With proper organization of the assembly workflow, there will be nothing complicated in the work. It is advisable to assemble the boiler in a specially designated room, for example, in a workshop. Parts for the boiler made on a workbench.

Features of manufacturing body parts

The key element of any heating boiler, regardless of what fuel it will run on, is the firebox. To make a firebox with your own hands, you only need quality materials, which can withstand maximum temperature loads of up to a thousand degrees. So, case manufacturing process boiler consists of the following actions:

To make such a square hole you need steel mark, then take an electric drill and make holes in the corners. Next, a through cut is made with an angle grinder and drawn from the center to the edge.

Making a water tank and heat exchanger

In order for a solid fuel boiler to be as efficient as possible, it should be equipped with two water tanks. They are made on the basis of sheets of of stainless steel, from which you need to cut rectangles of the required size and weld them together. Remember that to carry out welding work you need not only to have a special apparatus, but also have the appropriate skills, or entrust this work to professionals by contacting a specialized workshop.

And the heat exchanger is a kit simple pipes, which are used in water supply systems. They are welded together so that they ultimately form a so-called flow cycle, which has the maximum permissible external area. Thus, it is possible to achieve the most efficient heat transfer between the coolant and the burned fuel.

Features of assembling a solid fuel boiler

It is worth noting that the design heating devices The fact is that there is a lot of metal in them, naturally, this affects their weight. Therefore, the assembly of the finished boiler must be carried out at the place where it is directly installed.

The assembly includes the following steps:

Sand for this purpose should be used well washed; it should not contain any dirt or any organic elements. Before work, it will need to be heated in a flame to burn out everything unnecessary from it. If this is not done in advance, then during operation of the boiler an extremely unpleasant odor will form.

The last stage of work is in installing the top plate. All finished stainless steel tanks must be placed on top of the stove and connected to the appropriate circuits of the system. Then you need to put the doors of each bin in place and do a test run of the unit to check how it works.

One of the requirements that is put forward for boilers using any fuel, regardless of the place of application, is high efficiency. They should also have low thermal inertia and have a fast power control function.

Also choose heating device You should use one fuel or another depending on the area where you live. A solid fuel boiler is best suited for regions with cold climates and severe winter frosts.

If you want to assemble a solid fuel boiler with your own hands, then at the right approach and strict adherence to the instructions, you will receive an economical heating unit and save huge amounts of money on its purchase, installation and operation.

Today there are many buildings and structures left that are heated by a classic stove and solid fuel boiler. In fact, there are practically no differences between them, even their efficiency is the same. In this regard, homeowners in Lately give preference to the latter. Building solid fuel boilers with your own hands is not difficult - their installation does not require special skills or professional tools.

There are several types of solid fuel boilers. However, the complex design of some of them does not allow them to be built without special skills. There are two groups of heating installations:

  • 1. Classic;
  • 2. Pyrolysis.

Production technology

Compared to a conventional oven homemade boilers on solid fuels have some differences, especially with regard to heat transfer. Standard equipment design:

  • Chimney - necessary to create draft and remove carbon monoxide;
  • Firebox with grates - required to maintain a sufficient air level;
  • Damper system - used as an air draft regulator;
  • The tank is its main task of heating water for the heating system.

Tools and materials

Having carefully studied the design of the equipment, it becomes clear that to create a boiler you will need:

  1. River sifted sand;
  2. Steel sheet with a thickness of at least 5 mm;
  3. Two doors;
  4. Cast iron grate;
  5. Stainless steel sheet;
  6. Metal corner;
  7. Furnace throttle valves;
  8. Heating pipes;
  9. Measuring instruments: corner, building level, tape measure;
  10. Inverter type welding machine;
  11. Electric drill with a set of drills;
  12. Pliers.

Despite the fact that the manufacture of solid fuel boilers does not require special skills, the ability to operate a welding machine is prerequisite. Experience with metal cutting tools and the availability of the required protective clothing will also be useful.

Preparing body parts

The main part of a solid fuel boiler is the firebox, temperature regime here it can reach up to 1000 ⁰С. That is why when choosing a material you should be guided by the appropriate characteristics.

For a longer service life of the unit, its walls are made of heat-resistant steel. If it is not available, you can use the regular one, only in this case it must be double. The side, front, back and bottom walls are cut out from a single sheet of steel using a grinder.

Any solid fuel boiler has its own standard dimensions, which should be transferred to metal measuring instruments or a long ruler. In addition to the chamber walls made of steel profile pipe It is necessary to cut out the stiffeners, and from the corner - reinforcements for the joints.

Holes should be made in the front wall of a size equal to the dimensions of the door of the combustion chamber and ash bin. Please note that before performing this work it is necessary to apply clear markings. Then use a drill to drill holes in the corners. To prevent damage to the steel sheet, point the grinder from the center to the edge.

Water tank and heat exchanger

The most efficient are long-burning boilers equipped with two water tanks. They are made from stainless steel sheet in the form of rectangles welded together.

A heat exchanger is a set of ordinary pipes that are used in a water supply system. They are welded so that the resulting maximum possible flow cycle is formed. Thanks to large area the most efficient process of heat transfer between the coolant and the combustible fuel is achieved.

Boiler assembly

Due to the high metal consumption, the finished boiler , made with your own hands, it has a lot of weight, so it is best to assemble it directly at the installation site.

Before installing the equipment, it is necessary to lay the foundation. For these purposes, heat-resistant brick is used. The bottom of the ash pit is installed on the masonry, and along its perimeter there are vertical racks, connected to each other by welding.

Guides are welded into the body itself, onto which the grate bars are subsequently laid, and then the heat exchangers are mounted. Vertical stiffeners are welded on the outside of the firebox. The final stage: the homemade boiler is almost ready, all that remains is to mount the outer walls and the top plate.

The gap between the walls is filled with sand. This is necessary for additional heat accumulation, as well as to prevent overheating of the furnace walls. For backfilling, calcined river sand, in the content of which organic inclusions are excluded. In addition, it will help prevent the occurrence unpleasant odor during the combustion of solid fuel.

Stainless steel tanks connected to the circuits are placed on the top plate. The chamber doors are installed - the boiler is ready for operation.

Pyrolysis boiler

Such wood-burning boilers operate on the principle of pyrolysis, that is, the transformation of solid fuel into a gaseous state under the influence of high temperature in conditions of lack of oxygen. It is much more highly efficient; the operation of such a boiler is characterized by an increased duration in comparison with classic boilers running on solid fuel. Fuel is added, depending on its type and quality, from 1 to 3 times a day.

To make a boiler you will need:

  1. Metal pipe with a thickness of at least 3 mm and a diameter of 300 mm;
  2. Welding machine;
  3. Pipe with a diameter of 60 and 100 mm;
  4. Metal sheet 4 mm thick.

Cut a pipe 100 and 80 cm long. Cut the bottom from sheet metal and weld. Additionally, you can weld the legs.

Next, make an air distributor. To do this, you need to use a grinder to cut a circle from sheet metal with a diameter 20 mm smaller than the main pipe. Drill a hole with a diameter of 20 mm in the middle of the circle. At the bottom of the distributor, install an impeller with metal blades by welding. Their width should not exceed 50 mm. Then a pipe with a diameter of 60 mm is welded to the top of the regulator. Its height should be higher than the height of the boiler. The pipe is equipped with a damper on top to regulate the air supply.

A door is cut out for cleaning ash at the bottom of the boiler. A chimney pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is welded to the boiler plate. In a horizontal position, its length should not exceed 40 cm, after which it goes into the heat exchanger.

Cut out the cover with a hole for the distribution pipe. It is worth considering the fact that it should fit tightly to the firebox.

A pyrolysis boiler requires limited access to oxygen. Therefore, fuel is placed in it with the minimum possible amount of free space.


When solving the problem of how to heat with a solid fuel boiler with your own hands, you must strictly follow the above tips for installing it. This will ensure that you end up with an economical and budget-friendly device capable of heating a room with the smallest temperature differences in different time days.

Solid fuel boilers are the most in an economical way heating any room. Availability of fuel, independence from the energy system, ease of operation - all this determines the enormous popularity of boilers among the population. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to purchase really high-quality equipment, so many of them are looking for how to make a long-burning solid fuel boiler with their own hands - drawings, diagrams, explanations and reviews. In our article you will learn by what principles it works heating equipment, what are the features of structures and their subsequent operation.

Types of boilers

All existing solid fuel boilers can be divided into 3 groups:

  • pyrolysis;
  • classic;
  • pellet

There are a number of other classification features, but it is the principle of fuel combustion that is decisive when choosing a boiler.


In boilers similar type the fuel burns slowly with minimal air access, due to which the amount of combustible gas increases and when it is re-combusted, the boiler efficiency increases to 85-90%. And although some believe that it is very difficult to make such a boiler with your own hands, we will tell you and, most importantly, show you how to make a long-burning pyrolysis solid fuel boiler with your own hands (see drawings below).


Structurally, this is a standard wooden stove, where due to the smaller size of the combustion chamber, the fuel burns a little slower. As a rule, it is precisely these boilers that people prefer to make themselves. You will also learn how to make such a classic unit in the article.

The design of such boilers is notable not only for their ease of manufacture, but also for the ability to connect a second circuit to produce hot water simultaneously with heating.


This is the most efficient boilers, the efficiency of which is close to 95%. The main advantage is a fully automatic process, where pellets loaded into a hopper are poured into the combustion chamber via an auger. Complex design and automation do it self-production difficult.

Types of fuel

Today, solid fuels on the Russian market are presented in large assortment. This:

  • firewood, including euro (compressed pine or deciduous sawdust),
  • granulated biopellets (compressed sawdust, peat, waste Agriculture etc.);
  • coal - all varieties and fractions of stone and anthracite;
  • waste from wood processing and agricultural production.

In order for heating to be cost-effective, it is recommended to purchase or manufacture a universal boiler that can operate on any type of fuel. If you decide to purchase such equipment, pay attention to those that operate on alternative fuels, and switching is very quick and easy. These may be the following options:

  • electric combos;
  • solid fuel combos;
  • universal, using any combination of fuel.

Design and operating principle

The principle of operation of such a boiler is relatively simple - it is pulled up from below cold air, passing through the walls of the chamber, it heats up, rises and heats the room.

In long-burning boilers, unlike traditional ones, air access should be as limited as possible. In order to increase combustion duration and reduce the amount of free space in the combustion chamber, it is necessary to load fuel as much and as densely as possible.

Required materials and tools:

  • pipe 0.3-0.5 cm;
  • metal sheet 0.5-0.8 mm;
  • metal corners;
  • fittings;
  • pipe with a diameter of 25 cm (you can use an empty gas cylinder);
  • Bulgarian;

Manufacturing process

  1. We are constructing an air supply controller. To do this, weld a large bolt to the pipe. Next, use a grinder to cut out a circle along the diameter of the pipe, make a hole at the edge so that the bolt fits in freely, and connect the cover to the bolt with a regular nut. This circle will subsequently allow you to control the amount of incoming air and, accordingly, the intensity of combustion.

  1. On the same pipe, use a grinder to cut out small horizontal gaps - air will flow into the firebox through these holes.
  2. From metal sheet Use a grinder to cut out a circle with a diameter 0.5-1 cm smaller than the diameter of the firebox. Make a hole in the center of the circle where you insert a pipe with a plug. Weld it 200-300 mm from the end.

  1. Prepare the boiler body. If a gas cylinder is used as a base, it is necessary to remove its upper part with the tap, if cylindrical pipeØ 25 cm, brew the bottom hermetically.

  1. Making a chimney. In the upper part of the cylinder, moving 10 cm from the edge, cut out a circle Ø 100 mm with a grinder and weld a thick-walled pipe.

  1. Installing an air supply pipe, for which you cut a hole in the bottom of the firebox for the pipe and insert the pipe so that the vent extends beyond the boiler body. Be sure to place it below the chimney to ensure normal air circulation in the system.

  1. Making a heat dissipating screen. To do this, cut out a circle Ø 20-22 cm from a 10 mm sheet. To make it convenient to use the screen, you can weld a handle to it, for which fittings are suitable.

  1. Manufacturing of convection casing. Make a cylinder from a metal sheet with a diameter 5-7 cm larger than the diameter of the firebox. You weld the oven base and the convection chamber together. The boiler is almost ready.

  1. Making the top cover for the boiler. If a gas cylinder was used, the previously cut off part will act as such a cap. If the boiler was made from a sheet, cut out a circle of the same diameter from it and, for ease of operation, weld handles from fittings to it.

In order to ensure optimal air circulation, we recommend welding the legs or support to the bottom of the boiler with a height of 25-30 cm. The material can be metal corners or a channel.

You can see the operating principle of such a long-burning boiler here:

Video 1 Operating principle of the Slobozhanka model boiler

Video 2 Long burning boiler

When manufacturing the boiler, keep in mind that the responsibility for safe work The boiler is mostly carried by the body. To manufacture it, it is necessary to use heat-resistant thick-walled steel with a thickness of at least 5 mm. The thicker the steel, the slower the housing will heat up and the longer it will retain heat.

How to make it yourself

The fundamental difference between a pyrolysis unit and a traditional one is the presence of 2 combustion chambers, where fuel is burned in the first, and the produced flammable gas is produced in the second. A grate is mounted between these chambers, through which air circulates.

The principle of coolant movement through such a boiler is demonstrated in the figure

To make a pyrolysis boiler you will need the following materials and tools:

  • sheet 4 mm;
  • pipes 2 mm thick;
  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • grinding wheels;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • strips, fittings and corners.


You will find in the video how to assemble the pyrolysis boiler correctly and in what order.

Video 3 Manufacturing and testing of a solid fuel boiler 15-25 kW

You can make a long-burning solid fuel boiler with your own hands. To do this you will need drawings, materials, correct calculations and patience. As a result, you will receive an energy-efficient and low-maintenance heating system that will operate trouble-free for decades.

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