Wooden porches to the house. Porch for a private house - beautiful and modern design (100 photos). Separate foundation for the porch

The first thing people see when they come to visit is the porch, a kind of calling card of the owner of the house. It is important that it is not only beautiful, but also durable. Looks especially cozy wooden porch, which you can build with your own hands. In this article we will tell you how to make a porch with a canopy made of wood using examples of ready-made projects.

How to build a foundation on stilts

A wooden porch is a fairly lightweight structure; it does not require a complex strip foundation. If the staircase structure is built using stringers (strings), then a foundation on supports is sufficient.

Advice! Wood is good for piles coniferous species, it is durable and does not rot even in humid climates.

Attention! In order to make such a structure more stable, we attach the outer support to the wall of the house with hardware (screws or nails).

Making steps

We calculate the number of steps. The main thing here is to adhere to several rules:

  • the number of steps must be odd;
  • The width of the steps should be 36-45 cm, the height no more than 20 cm.
  • The width of the porch is taken to be at least one and a half times the width of the front door.

We outline the profile of future bowstrings on a board. Because the support is connected to the logs on the porch, then we cut out spikes on the bowstrings and stringers.

Attention! If you want to build a porch with a patio or attic, then you need to install two auxiliary stringers and bowstrings for the stability of the structure.

To attach stringers and strings with lags, a tongue-and-groove design is used. To do this, you need to screw a board with grooves to the platform log, into which the spikes of the bowstrings and stringers are mounted. For reliability, the structure is reinforced with steel brackets.

The final stage of making the porch

  1. First you need to lay boards on the area in front of the entrance. The boards are adjusted as close to each other as possible, because over time the wood will still dry out and come apart. Some experts believe that it is necessary to leave a distance of 2-3 mm between the boards so that water can flow there, and the distance that forms after the wood shrinks is not critical for people.
  2. After this, risers and treads are laid. They are connected to each other using the tongue-and-groove principle. Using a similar method, we attach the bowstring and riser. For strength, you can additionally connect the structure with self-tapping screws.
  3. A fence for the porch is made if there are more than 3 steps. On a wooden porch, metal railings made of stainless steel or wood look best. You can also cover the flight of stairs with non-slip rubber mats for safety.

Rules for painting a porch

  • Before applying paint, the wood must be treated with a primer. It preserves the properties of wood.
  • It is not recommended to coat soft wood with transparent varnishes, because... Over time, a lot of dirt and sand accumulate in their surface. Here's a tree hardwood, on the contrary, it looks beautiful if you cover it with transparent varnish.
  • It is recommended to cover a pine porch with several layers of paint, updating it every 3-5 years.
  • Re-coating is applied only after the old one has been removed.
  • Alkyd paints are mainly used to paint porches; they are the most resistant to abrasion. Other paints are less popular due to their strong, unpleasant odor (oil-based), low durability (water-based) or high cost (reactive).

Making a canopy over the porch

First, choose the material for the visor:

  • polycarbonate Differs in variety color range, suitable for any home design. In addition, it is strong, durable, very easy to work with, but it costs more than other materials.
  • metal. A cheap and simple option for a visor. However, to make a canopy out of it, you need to have experience in welding. In addition, without additional anti-corrosion treatment, the metal visor will quickly begin to rust.
  • corrugated sheeting This material is easier to work with than metal, and a wide variety of colors makes it similar to polycarbonate, only cheaper. However, the big disadvantage is that if the top layer is damaged, this material will quickly succumb to corrosion. Thicker sheets of corrugated sheets are much more expensive.
  • lightweight PVC boards. Just like corrugated sheets, they can be considered an analogue of polycarbonate. However, unlike corrugated sheeting, PVC is more durable and reliable.
  • metal tiles. Great option, if you have leftover material after laying the roof. If you purchase a different material than what the roof is lined with, it will be very noticeable. Some people don't like this material because of the noise it makes from the rain.

Having chosen the material, we make a sketch of the visor. Its length will be equal to the distance from the door to the extreme point of the canopy, and its height is calculated from the height of your house. It is also necessary to tilt the visor 20°.

We make parts for the corners from wood. We take the length of the rafters equal to the height of the canopy slope. From the corners we make struts and a wall beam. We connect the entire structure with self-tapping screws. We mount the frame above the entrance: the wall beam is fastened with screws, and the struts with anchors. As lathing we use bars or planks, which are laid out at a distance of 30 cm from each other. We lay the sheets of the selected material end to end and secure them with self-tapping screws. We fix metal strip to the top of the slope, and to the bottom - the cornice.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this technique is given as an example of making a porch. If you wish, you can come up with an original design for railings, decorate the canopy with forging, make a large terrace on which you can drink tea, or build a porch-patio where it would be appropriate to place beautiful flowers in pots. It all depends on your skill and imagination.

DIY wooden porch: video

DIY wooden porch: photo

Construction of a suburban or village house, cottage and even dacha cannot do without building a porch. It is considered external extension to the building through which they enter interior spaces and come out of them. The porch also has other functions - preventing the appearance of drifts in winter time and dirt getting into the room, as well as thermal insulation. The aesthetic component of this design also plays a significant role. This architectural element must necessarily be in harmony with the appearance of the house, consistent with its general style direction.

Design diversity

What exactly should it be like? modern house porch? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. And a lot here depends not only on the appearance of the building, but also on the availability of free space, as well as on the materials used in the construction of the house, financial capabilities, needs and wishes of the residents. Options interesting ideas there may be many, but in any case, when constructing a given building, they are usually guided by the following rules:

  • practicality;
  • security;
  • comfort;
  • ergonomics;
  • aesthetics.

A porch for both home and cottage can be of any shape - rectangular, square, round or even non-standard. The main thing is that it matches the entire structure, is convenient to use and performs its other functions. All of them can be divided into 2 large groups. These extensions are:

  • open;
  • closed.

Constructions open type have only handrails and railings, but can be without them if there are fewer than three steps on the stairs. An open porch is most often used in dachas and in houses that are not used year-round.

They can be of a permanent nature or attached, which can be removed inside the premises during departure or when winter period. If the porch has walls on one or more sides, it is classified as closed. They are usually connected to a vestibule, terrace or glazed veranda and are their continuation. Enclosed areas provide better protection from bad weather and allow you to create additional space for resting or storing things. It is precisely these designs that can be found in most country houses and cottages where people live throughout the year.

When equipping a porch, you need to think about a canopy or canopy to protect from rain and sun. Polycarbonate canopies are quite popular today. They look good in combination with complex structures extensions as in country houses, and at the dachas. For the open porch of a small country house or an extension with a vestibule, a canopy is better suited, which can be made from a wide variety of materials.

What material is suitable for building a porch?

When constructing a porch, you can use various materials, usually linking them with the overall design of the house. Otherwise, such an extension will look alienated from the building and will not fit into its exterior. However, it is absolutely not necessary to make it from the same material as the main structure; the main thing is that they combine with each other and are in harmony.

To the most popular building materials that are used in the construction of the porch include:

  • tree;
  • concrete;
  • brick.

Any of these materials can be used either as the main one or in combination with others. Metal extensions do not fit very well residential buildings, they freeze quite quickly and look somewhat mean against the general background. And if we consider stone as a material for a porch, then it has a fairly high cost and is difficult to install.

Advice. When combined various materials When building a porch, it is necessary to observe the measure and carefully select them so that they are in harmony with each other. Otherwise, such a design will look tasteless.

Wooden or brick porch: which is better?

Wood is an affordable and practical material. He is practically ideal option not only for simple country houses, but also for more substantial wooden structures. You can build such a porch quite quickly and inexpensively with a design to suit any color and taste.

Extensions made of wood are easy to adjust if necessary. At any time, if desired, they can be given a different shape or change color. However, this material also has disadvantages. Structures made from it do not have durability; over time, they require repair and replacement of individual parts or the entire porch.

Attention! When building a wooden porch, the surface of the material must be protected from adverse external influences– from rotting and damage by insects or rodents. In order for a wooden structure to last longer, it is necessary to cover it with varnish or paint.

Concrete is also a practical and economical material. Extensions using it are strong and durable. Combines well with other materials. Brick porches are much less common today than before, but still remain quite popular. They have good strength and attractive appearance. Of course, a brick extension would be out of place in a small country house. But for high-quality buildings, such a porch is perfect. They look especially good in a brick house. In addition, during their construction, there is often a surplus of bricks purchased with a reserve. Therefore, the remaining material can be used to decorate the entrance to the house.

A beautifully decorated porch can add a special charm to even the most modest country house. A correct selection materials and competent planning extensions will make it strong, durable, practical and convenient to use.

Porch design: video

Porch for a private house: photo

A house always begins with a porch, this is its main entrance, this is its calling card, one might say. And, at the same time, the final chord of construction. The point is in the work done. In addition, it has a purely functional purpose - protecting the entrance from wind, rain, snow, so it must be beautiful, comfortable, and durable. Of course, the design should not contradict the design of the entire house. A powerful red brick structure will look strange wooden house with carved shutters, for example. And here is a wooden object attached to brick house can completely serve as its decoration. If the house is small, then the porch should not be made into a monument that outweighs the proportions of a private house. And most importantly: a house without this element has an unfinished appearance.

How to build a porch for a private house with your own hands

There are a lot of construction options and materials offered. Choose the one that suits you best, prepare everything you need and get to work.


It is not difficult to assemble the structure of such a porch

You can make the simplest wooden structure yourself, even if you don’t have any special skills in construction. First, let's choose a design.

There are three main types: simplified, built-in and attached porch. A simplified design is a platform and a canopy over the entrance. Let's consider the most common option: a platform, steps and a protective canopy, which is located above the door.

Porch option with a small terrace

Even for such a light and simple structure we will need . This will not be difficult at all, because for such a wooden porch we can make a foundation from piles. We will impregnate the support beams with an antiseptic. Having calculated where the supports should be, we dig holes under them to a depth of 80–90 cm. We immerse the supports in these holes strictly vertically, checking the level. At 30 cm, we first fill the hole with crushed stone, compact it tightly, then a layer of soil, and then concrete it.

You need to make a foundation for the porch

After the cement has completely dried, you need to level all the supports in height, make cuts for spikes, nests and other preparatory work.

Making steps

Now it's time to choose the string on which the steps will be located. It comes in two types: with embedded steps and with cut out ledges. Since the second option is simpler, we will do it. Let's select several thick edged boards for the bowstring and obliques. The length must be chosen in accordance with the number of steps. The rules here are simple: quantity:

Obliques are needed so that the steps have additional internal supports. On first edged board Using a construction square, we mark the profile of the stairs. We cut off the excess and use the first board as a template for preparing the remaining parts.

The strings are attached to the lags using a tongue-and-groove connection, for which a transverse board with selected grooves must be nailed to the lags, and tenons must be cut at the ends of the ribs and bowstrings. After the bowstrings and obliques are secured to the logs, their lower ends must be installed on a reinforced and leveled platform. Now the frame of the future staircase for the porch is ready. It's time to lay the floor and steps. You should try to lay the boards for the floor of the site as tightly as possible so that cracks do not appear when they dry out. After the site is ready, it is necessary to install risers and treads, which are also connected according to the “tenon and groove” principle, like a riser with a string: this will give the connections the very rigidity that is needed. Here, in fact, everything is ready.

If the porch stairs have more than three steps, it is worth making a railing.

Step-by-step installation steps


Concrete porch

We calculate materials. The volume of concrete required for pouring depends on the width and height of the structure, as well as the number of steps. If we make concrete ourselves, we must remember that per 1 cubic meter. m of concrete is 340 kg of concrete, 1.05 cubic meters. m of sand and 0.86 cubic meters. m of crushed stone. You also need to calculate necessary waterproofing and fittings. If the frame is reinforced, then each step requires 2 bars of reinforcement.

The porch has a concrete base

We are making a foundation for the future porch. In the place where we will set up the object, we need to dig a small pit with a depth of 30–40 centimeters. We pour a 10 cm layer of gravel on the bottom and compact it thoroughly, a layer of sand on top, and then moisten it so that the sand completely fills all the spaces between the crushed stone.

We make a formwork frame. We will install board formwork on the sides. You can use plywood or chipboard for formwork. The main thing is that the formwork should follow the shape of the steps. We strengthen the formwork with pegs and spacers. The formwork must be aligned in height and level. Let's cut pieces of boards, equal to length and the width of the risers and nail them to the formwork itself. All formwork must be treated from the inside with a lubricant so that the concrete does not stick to the wood. Roofing material must be laid down to waterproof the concrete.

Step-by-step steps for building a concrete staircase

Please note: the steps of the stairs must be made with a slight slope so that water flows freely from them.

We reinforce the formwork. This is necessary to ensure that the concreted areas have a rigid structure. It is better not to skimp on reinforcement when building a concrete structure. For a medium-sized porch, approximately 150 meters of reinforcing bars will be needed. In order to be able to make a canopy and railings in the future, it is necessary to leave outlets from the corner or pipes on each side.

Preparing the harness

We are concreting. Prepared concrete mortar put in formwork. You need to start from the bottom step, evenly distributing the solution and constantly compacting it. Under no circumstances should empty spaces be left. After all the formwork is filled, we level the surface and now we need to let the structure dry for about a week. After this, you can remove the formwork and start finishing this object.

Staircase with forged elements

Metal with forged elements

A metal staircase can decorate both a brick and a wooden house. When starting to build a metal porch, you should also first make a sketch. It makes it easier to calculate the quantity required material and avoid making mistakes when installing parts.

Simple staircase with forging elements

Let's decide on the size of the stairs. Everything needs to be calculated so that two people can easily walk on it, and the steps are convenient for going up and down.

  • the width of the stairs must be at least 1 meter;
  • the number of steps is odd;
  • stairs - from 26˚ to 45˚;
  • the height of the steps should be from 12 to 20 cm;
  • the width of each step is not less than 25 cm;
  • the overhang of one step over another should be about 30 mm.

Just like under any other, under metal porch need to be pawned.

Metal structure consists of three elements: the staircase itself, the railing to it and the canopy; the staircase is usually made from channels.

Arrangement of the entrance to the house

Let's consider one of the design options for a metal staircase, which we will make ourselves. Let's prepare two channels equal in length to the future staircase. We place them the width of the future staircase, say, 1 meter from each other. Now you need to mark and cut the corner to the size of the step, not forgetting to make an increase for the weld. We weld one end along the office to the channel. Then we take the next cut piece of the corner and weld it along the edge to the previous corner, then to the channel. So gradually weld all the corners.

Installation of the base of a metal staircase

Now you can connect the L-shaped elements to each other with an equal angle. Please note that the bottom of each step is connected by a corner with a shelf facing outwards. You can fill the steps with any suitable material: wood, porcelain stoneware, chipboard, plywood. It is better to fasten with self-tapping screws and silicone glue.

Entrance staircase with canopy or closed

For such a porch, the foundation is especially important. Of course, it is best if it is planned together with the entire house. But there are often cases when it is attached to an already existing house, in this case we call it an “extension”.

Seating area near the entrance to the house

Closed entrance to the house

One way or another, the extension is a fundamental structure. Therefore, having calculated the parameters of the glazed porch area, we pour the foundation for it. Of course, a glazed extension is not for permanent residence with heavy furniture. Therefore, the foundation can be made of piles. After the foundation is prepared, all the piping is done, the concrete is completely dry, the walls can be laid. We choose the material so that it does not contradict the design of the house. Of course, this is a frame building. The frame can be made from wooden beams, from metal profile. Some owners, wanting to make the porch more substantial, lay out such a porch from brick or timber. If we talk about frame construction, then it is certainly cheaper and much easier to install.

Frame extensions come in two types: frame-panel and frame-frame. In the first case, the panels are already ready, you just need to take the time to assemble them; in the second, the fitting is done on site.

The main work is done. Now we need to work on the glazing and the door. For glazing we use wooden or plastic. We order the door with glass and according to the verified dimensions. We choose the stairs from all possible options.

The glazed porch-veranda is very convenient because in the summer you can sit here and drink tea in bad weather, and in the winter you don’t have to drag snow with you when you enter the house.

Porch construction diagram

The steps should be 30 cm long and 16 cm high, but do not forget that when making the first step, it is necessary to take into account the addition of sand and tiles. Because of this, the first stage is always slightly higher than the rest.

Brickwork during the construction of a porch

Very often, cinder blocks remain after construction. They can be laid in the foundation: it will be stronger, and we can recycle the remains of cinder concrete.

We lay out the porch area from brick. At the same time, we lay the side wall, which can be immediately covered facing material- brick, for example. We gradually form the steps using backfill and face brick. We will lay out two rows of backing bricks in the middle, and lay out the outer part with facing bricks.

So, we are gradually forming the remaining steps. Don't forget to process the brick special means from the appearance of salt stains. After the masonry is completed, we complete the construction or finishing brick. We use special glue for fastening. We complete the construction by installing a canopy.

Video: building a brick porch

Set up a place nearby small flower garden, place pots or flowerpots with flowers. Add some quirky little touches to complete the look.

In most existing houses (with the exception of semi-basements and basements), the mark of the finished floor of the lower floor, that is, the zero mark, is located at a distance of at least 40 cm from the ground surface. In order to get into the house you need a staircase, over which it is logical to install a canopy or canopy to protect the extension and people from rain and snow. All these elements are combined into a single structure - the porch. The easiest way to build a porch for country house made of wood, but other materials can also be used. It doesn’t matter what you decide to buy or build a porch for your house with your own hands, projects and photos will help you choose the appropriate option.

Wooden porch with mini veranda

The main types of porch designs

Along with its functional purpose, the porch also serves as an additional decoration of the house. As a result, there are quite a large number of types of designs, but basically the division is based on the type of placement of the porch relative to the house - it can be:

    built-in; when some part of the house in its middle or one of the corners is allocated for its placement, and the structure of the stairs and landing rests on the common foundation of the house;

    speaking; when it is located outside the perimeter of the external walls, representing a free-standing extension; such a structure rests on its own foundation; in some cases, it can rest on metal or reinforced concrete consoles, specially installed in the foundation during the construction of the house.

Video description

Examples of various options for making a porch in the video:

What materials can a porch be made from?

Before you build a porch in wooden house first of all, you need to decide what is best to make it from, because the design and material from which the porch is made must correspond appearance facade of the house. Of course, for a wooden house, a wooden porch is best suited, but if brick cladding is used or the base is lined with stone, then the appropriate porch will be suitable - brick or stone. The most commonly used materials for constructing porches:

  • reinforced concrete;

    brick, cinder block or solid stone blocks;

    metal (for constructing load-bearing frames).

Also, combination options are often found.

What types of stairs are there?

A porch staircase usually rests on a square or rectangular platform that is level with the floors of the house. The site can be simple with minimum area from 2 to 4 m² or extended and have additional space for placing flowers or creating a small outdoor seating area.

Sometimes, at the level of the top of the basement of a country house, a gallery is installed, which can adjoin the house on one side or encircle it on several sides. The porch can be part of such a gallery. If the porch has more than three steps, be sure to install a railing that turns into a fence for the site.

The steps of the porch can be adjacent to the site:

    on one side (parallel to the facade);

    on both sides (perpendicular to the facade);

    on three sides (combining the 2 previous options); a special case is semicircular steps and a platform.

Open and closed porch

The porch can be open or closed type. The open one has only light fencing in the form of railings. The closed one has protection installed along its entire height from the floor to the visor. It can be made either solid or in the form of glazing. Which of these types is preferable depends on the taste of the owner and design project country house.

Enclosed porch with panoramic glazing

On the one hand, a glazed porch provides additional protection from wind, rain, heat loss, protects the structures of the steps and landing from adverse atmospheric influences, and prevents “uninvited guests” from entering the house. On the other hand, it requires additional costs for glazing, additional doors, and grilles.

In our catalog, you can get acquainted with the most popular companies providing suburban construction and site development, among the houses presented at the exhibition is Low-Rise Country.

When the porch area is expanded and it is planned to use it for recreation, glazing will greatly interfere with unity with nature. In this case, it is better to choose an open porch. Also, an open porch sometimes looks preferable to a closed one from an aesthetic point of view, especially if the glazing is made of plastic windows.

Options for constructing a porch for a house

If the porch is made for a wooden house, then it is logical to use wood as the material. The supporting frame in this case is made of wooden elements, which are suitable smooth beams square or rectangular section with a minimum width of 50 mm (50 x 50, 100 x 50, 100 x 100). With the stringer type, three stitched boards with a thickness of at least 30 mm can be used as an inclined beam (the total width of the stringer will be about 90 mm).

You can use rounded logs as stringers and steps.

Porch for a log house

If country house built from chopped logs, its porch can be built in the same style. This log porch will have log walls and board steps. Depending on the span (width of the stairs), the thickness of the board for the horizontal part of the step (tread) should be chosen so that it is not unsteady and does not bend under a load of less than 150 kg. This can be checked by placing three fifty-kilogram bags of cement on it in the middle, one on top of the other.

The diameter of the logs should correspond to the diameter of the logs from which the house was built. The basis for the side walls can be concrete columns, buried in the ground below the depth of its freezing and protruding above the surface to a height of 15-20 cm. The length of the logs should coincide with the length of the horizontal projection of the platform and stairs. The logs are stacked one on top of the other to the required height. If the porch is being built at the same time as the house, its ends facing the wall can be cut into it.

Massive porch made of chopped logs on a concrete pad

Otherwise, they are fastened to the wall and to each other with inside using corners, brackets, strips, etc. After laying and securing the logs, stepping back from the wall to the length of the platform, from above they begin to cut down vertical and horizontal sections for future treads and risers of the stairs. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to buy a porch like this for a country house made of metal. finished form. In most cases, this work is done to order and individually.

Porch for a timber bath

If there is a bathhouse on the site with a floor located above the surface of the ground, its entrance can also be decorated with a porch. Making such a porch from timber for a bathhouse would be the best option. You can make a frame from timber with rectangular or inclined (stringers) elements. It is also easy to fold from timber side walls and cut out places in them for the supports of the steps.

A timber porch is most often made together with a veranda

Nuances of staircase arrangement

Treads and risers wooden stairs can be fixed to horizontal and vertical frame elements. Such a system most often requires side cladding and protection, as a result of which an internal closed cavity is formed under the steps. It is necessary to provide access to such a cavity for its regular cleaning and inspection. technical condition designs.

Also, the steps are installed on special inclined beams - stringers. Stringers can be made from rolled metal beams - I-beams, channels, or wood.

Option with a combination of materials

Not recommended for use as stringers solid beams or logs. It is better if the stringers are made of 2-3 boards, sewn together using screws or nails. This design is more resistant to bending stresses arising in an inclined beam.

The design of the staircase on stringers, on one side, rests on a platform with load-bearing horizontal support beams, which must also be metal or wood. The beams, in turn, rest on the walls.

In the area where the stringers and beams meet, vertical supports are installed. Such supports must have their own supporting platforms and can be made of brick in the form of columns with section dimensions of 380 x 380 mm (1.5 bricks) or metal pipes with a diameter of 150-200 mm. WITH opposite side the platform beams are supported on the wall using anchor bolts or brackets. The structure on stringers is most often made open at the bottom with the absence of continuous cladding under the steps.

Open staircase on stringers

All before use wooden elements must be impregnated with antiseptics to protect against rot and mold, and also treated with fire retardants to fire safety. Metal parts are treated with agents that prevent corrosion, and are also protected with paint and varnish coatings, which may include bitumen varnish (black), red lead (red-brown) or chromium oxide (green) on natural drying oil.

Video description

A few more staircase options in the video:

Base for stairs or when a porch needs a foundation

The upper side of the staircase is adjacent to the wall of the house, and the lower side rests on the ground. To prevent damage to materials, depending on the weight of the staircase, its lower part is installed on a support platform or a full-fledged foundation.

Bulk support platform

Lightweight porches in the form of a spatial metal frame made from a rolled angle, sheathed with wooden boards, can be built according to a foundationless scheme, resting on one side on a system of anchor bolts installed in the wall of the house, and on the other side on a supporting platform.

To prepare such a platform, you need to dig a pit in the ground at the support site with a width corresponding to two widths of the staircase treads. Its length must be no less than its width flight of stairs, and the depth is 20-25 cm from the soil surface.

This pit should be filled with crushed stone in layers no more than 5 cm thick with layer-by-layer compaction. After filling the crushed stone, a flat asphalt concrete platform is arranged on top.

Light porch without foundation

Monolithic support platform

Another way to construct a porch staircase in a private house, its steps and platforms, is to use monolithic reinforced concrete. After installing the inclined and horizontal beams, the formwork is sequentially installed for each of the steps, starting from the first, and filled with concrete of class B20-B25, (M250-M300). In this case, the stringers can be hidden in the body of the concrete.

Reinforcement of the step itself is carried out in the inclined lower part with a mesh with cell sizes of no more than 12 x 12 cm from rods with a diameter of at least 10 mm. The riser (vertical part) is reinforced with the same mesh. A mesh with 10 x 10 cm cells made of reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm should be installed in the upper horizontal part. Between reinforcement and outer surface The product must be provided with a protective layer of concrete more than 1 cm thick.

Arrangement of a monolithic platform for a porch

The reinforcement is connected to each other exclusively with binding wire without the use of welding, so as not to disrupt the molecular bonds in the metal.

Separate foundation for the porch

Brick, cinder block or blocks of wood are also used as a base for steps. natural stone. Sloping walls are made of brick or stone with supporting horizontal and vertical sections in the upper part, coinciding with the dimensions of the treads (horizontal parts) and risers (vertical parts) of the steps. For such a construction of steps, it is necessary to use strip foundations with the base laid below the depth of soil freezing (1.5-2.0 m). The steps themselves can be made of wood or reinforced concrete.

It is good if the foundation of the porch is completed simultaneously with the foundation of the house. It is not recommended to rigidly connect the foundation of the protruding porch to the foundation of the house, since uneven deformations of the soil base due to unequal loads in the steps and the platform may cause defects in the form of distortions and cracks.

Heavy porch on foundation

Types and types of visors

Porch canopies can vary in several ways:

    by geometric shape;

    by material;

    according to the method of fastening to the facade.

Canopies can be single-pitched, double-pitched, in the form of a profile, which is the surface of a segment of a ball or ellipse, cut along the diameter into 4 parts. Gable canopies, triangular or arched, form a small pediment in their central part.

It is better to choose a single-pitched canopy for a porch with steps perpendicular to the facade, and for steps installed parallel to the facade - a gable one.

Depending on the coating material, visors can be:

    metal - from galvanized sheet metal roofing or profiled sheeting;

    plastic – made of durable plastic different color and profile – smooth, wavy, etc.; the color of the plastic can vary from transparent to a wide variety of colors, from which it is easy to choose a shade to match the facade of the house;

    wavy asbestos slate - regular or painted polymer compounds to increase its strength and durability.

The canopies are secured to the facade using anchor bolts embedded in the wall.

Attaching the canopy to the wall - Option 1

Attaching the canopy to the wall - Option 2

The external canopies of the porches are usually supported in the corners adjacent to the facade on metal or wooden triangular brackets, and in the corners far from the facade - on pillars, which can be wooden, metal or very rarely brick. In addition to supporting supports, they also perform a decorative function, as they can be finished and decorated in a wide variety of ways.

There are porches in which the canopy is the ceiling of the balcony above, decorated in the same style as the porch.

Design and original ideas

Wood is a very convenient and easily processed material, so it can be used for the most free design solutions decoration of a wooden house. A wooden porch can be decorated with various carved elements of cornices and pediments. Wood can be used to make turned and carved pillars that support the canopy and balusters (vertical posts of the railing), as well as the railing itself. An interesting porch for a wooden house will be obtained if you use wicker mats made of reeds, wicker or willow twigs. A porch for a country house made of metal is suitable for almost any building; buy in this option both a classic design option without frills and beautiful products with hand-forged fences with floral or abstract patterns.

Video description

A selection of beautiful and original solutions on video:

And a few examples in the photo:

Budget, but beautiful and neat porch

Glazed porch with small staircase

There are no unnecessary details in this project - simple and tasteful

A beautiful house has a beautiful entrance

Despite its simplicity, creating such a veranda requires precise calculations

Option to mask the space under the steps

Here the steps and veranda fit very harmoniously into the overall exterior

An original solution - instead of the usual steps at the door, there is a full-fledged open veranda in front of the entrance

You can’t install such a porch right away in a house on stilts - you have to wait until the shrinkage process of the log house is completed

Practical, modern and inexpensive option open veranda protected from the sun

Very beautiful finish porch, plus night lighting of steps

The original design of a path for a double-sided porch

What the porch of your home should look like depends only on your financial capabilities, taste, and ability to listen to the advice of designers, architects and planners. If there is such an opportunity, it is worth trying to simulate the house along with the porch in some computer design program. This approach makes it possible to most consciously choose the appropriate type of porch and the materials from which it will be made.

The fashion for non-standard architectural forms is returning. And every home owner wants to give his mansion unusualness and originality. This can be done by building a porch. This architectural element will add elegance to the entrance group of the house and enliven general form buildings, and will also serve as protection from snow and rain.

But what type of extension should you choose so that it fits harmoniously into the exterior of the mansion? We will look at what size, shape, configuration, type and style a porch can be in this article. And the most worthy porch options country house Photos from our gallery will be demonstrated clearly.

The design and purpose of the porch

The veranda for the home has become such a common household item that few people think about its role. The main purpose of the extension is to make visiting the home more comfortable for a person.

Since the porch is the center of the building’s facade, it needs to be made as attractive as possible. It is often erected after the construction of the house, so care should be taken to ensure that it matches the style of the mansion. For this purpose, a project for the porch of a country house is being drawn up.

On a note: The more harmonious the overall picture is, the more worthy the veranda itself will look.

Photo of the front porch of a private house - classic design

Types of extensions

Modern types of porches for the house - elegant and convenient designs, built from modern building materials, which decorate the entrance to the home, making it original and functional. Extensions can be classified into several categories.


The first thing to consider when drawing up a porch project for country and village houses, cottages, small dachas- their size. It is determined by the dimensions of the mansion, as well as building regulations(minimum width is 150 cm, length - 180 cm). For small house a small porch of a simple configuration that matches it in style and proportions is suitable.

Small extension with neat semicircular steps

To standard suitable for home medium-sized concrete structure. Its height is selected individually, based on the dimensions of the mansion.

Openwork metal forged porch

A luxurious mansion has a large porch. It can be low (with a staircase of only 1-3 steps) and located along the entire length of the wall of the house.

A large terrace for a wooden house is a great place to relax

Advice: Having calculated the optimal dimensions of the extension, they are included in the construction plan.

If the building is located on uneven terrain, for a convenient approach to it, a porch of the house with a high base is built. Since the platform is located at a certain height, a staircase with big amount steps equipped with railings for safe descent along them.

High entrance porch private house, photo

On a high porch, rounded columns will not be out of place. These will serve as supports to support the canopy over the outer door.

Advice: with help design techniques columns can be turned into decorative elements, decorating the front entrance of the house, giving it style and respectability.

High front porch made of concrete with columns


If we evaluate this design from an aesthetic point of view, then it is almost impossible to find two identical porches. Today you can find verandas of various shapes:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • trapezoidal;
  • semicircular;
  • round;
  • asymmetrical.
Please note: The shape of the porch is selected individually, in accordance with the overall design of the facade. Square and rectangular extensions have clear lines and give the house rigor and neatness, while round extensions give softness and warmth.

Rectangular and square views of the porch of a private house, photo

The semicircular porch looks unusual and unique. With this simple technique, a mansion can be made more original. The photo below shows a semicircular porch to a brick house.

On a note: It is not at all necessary that the entire structure has the shape of a circle - a rounded canopy or steps with rounded edges is enough.

Add spice to the architecture of the cottage by adding a semicircular porch, photo

A non-standard solution would also be a corner design. A round porch located on the corner of a rectangular house looks very impressive.

The side circular design accentuates the building's exterior

A corner street extension can be not only round, but also trapezoidal, triangular shape. The complex geometry of the structure should not be dissonant with the main structure, but create a single concept with it.

An example of an original corner porch of a private house, photo

Placement in relation to the house

Porches can be located differently in relation to the mansion. This way you can build an attached structure - a horizontal platform with steps located in front of the entrance to the house.

Attached design for a summer house with a semicircular canopy

The built-in porch, which has a common roof with the house, looks elegant. Such a combined extension should create a single architectural ensemble with the mansion and the adjacent plot.

Cozy internal veranda can be used as a place to relax


When developing a porch design, you can choose any materials that match the style of the house, from traditional ones (wood and natural stone) to more modern ones (concrete, metal, brick).


In construction, there are several structural types of porches. An open structure is an extension with a small platform, not equipped with a canopy or railings. This design is used in places that are used mainly in the summer (for example, in the country).

Advice: Open-type structures should not be built in areas where precipitation occurs frequently.

Open porch with semicircular granite steps

A structure equipped with a roof or canopy is a covered structure. It has no walls, only railings that protect the extension from the street.

Outdoor covered structure

Structure with walls or glass panels and a canopy is called closed. The room is a full-fledged veranda, can have lighting and heating and be used as a gazebo.

Original glass enclosed porch brick house, photo

A type of closed extension is a porch with a vestibule. This is a small-area design that provides a comfortable microclimate in the home.

On a note: vestibule - a transition zone on the border with the street, protecting housing from the cold.

Photo of a closed porch to a house like a vestibule

A popular type of extension is a porch-veranda. It is a place for leisure and recreation, and can be closed or open.

Enclosed polycarbonate porch – modern design

A harmonious addition to a cottage made of natural wood would be wooden veranda. And if the extension is closed, it will only improve the thermal insulation of the mansion.

Small closed porch of a wooden house, photo

If the mansion has more than one floor, then you can connect the porch to the balcony. In this case, the connecting element can be columns. In the same way, you can combine the platform with a bay window - the protruding part of the second floor.

Porch with bay window under the balcony

A spacious porch-terrace can be used as a place to relax. The large area can accommodate a table, chairs and even sun loungers.

An open terrace with a porch is arranged under common roof with a house

An option for a non-traditional design design is a mini gazebo on the terrace. With the help of plants and comfortable furniture the building can be made more comfortable.

Round porch-gazebo

Extensions may differ not only in purpose and design, but also in the design of the staircase. A staircase with one flight is considered standard, but there are other varieties.

Staircase with flight on two sides

Exit to the site can even be organized from three sides, and the staircase itself can be semicircular or complex geometric in shape.

Note: the canopy and railings not only perform practical functions, but also serve as decoration and design elements entrance group mansion.

Beautiful staircase built in a semicircle


In order for the extension to harmonize with the house, it is better to think through its design in advance. Thus, a stone structure can be designed in the style of a medieval fortress. For its design, facing stone and forging can be used.

Play with contrasts - decorate stone structure fresh flowers

Adherents of strict lines and symmetry will like the classic design of the extension in the European style. Its components are glass door, openwork lattice, many colors.

An extension created in the best European traditions

How to make a veranda for a wooden Finnish home? Project of a porch of a wooden house in Scandinavian style provides a symmetrical facade with a porch of simple design (with a canopy and stairs). And when designing and finishing it, they try to preserve the texture of natural wood.

Neat extension in Finnish style

The porch of a wooden village house can be decorated in the Russian style. For this, logs and carved parts are used.

Russian style - types of porch of a wooden house, photo

How to build a porch and what design to choose

The main parameter by which the type and configuration of the extension is chosen is its combination with the mansion. Everything needs to be planned out at the design stage. To prevent the structure from sagging, it must be built on a strong and solid foundation(according to all SNIP standards). A canopy is erected for protection from bad weather. Thus, the porch of a mansion is not only an important architectural element, but also a relaxation and comfort area.

Bottom line

The porch, like a business card of the house, can be of any configuration and size. The most important thing is that the structure protects the mansion from cold and bad weather, and also creates an overall harmonious architectural ensemble with it.

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