Cosmetic renovation of the entrance steps of a multi-storey building. Major and cosmetic repairs of entrance areas. Design and materials

Cracked old tiles on the porch?

I bring to your attention an option for repairing concrete porch steps with laying tiles. The article describes the progress of repairs carried out by the author in 2014.

At the moment, the porch has survived the winter perfectly..

This information does not claim to be the ultimate truth.

Preparatory work for the restoration of the porch steps

The first step is to remove the old tiles and the destroyed part of the base.

There are two staircases going down from the porch. On one side in front of the stairs it was necessary to make a small (1.5 by 2 meters) platform of paving stones.

Next, everything is generously coated with primer and reinforced. I used reinforcement with a diameter of 8 millimeters and laid it in increments of 30 centimeters. The reinforcement was tied together with a two-millimeter knitting wire. The edges of the reinforcement were driven into the remaining base.

Installing formwork and pouring porch steps

As a base for the formwork for pouring, an ordinary board with a cross-section of 200x50 millimeters was used, on which grooves were cut out with a jigsaw for the bases of future steps, plus 25 millimeters for the formwork boards themselves. A board of 150x25 millimeters was used for the formwork.

To fill the base, a cement-sand mixture M-300 and fine gravel, up to 0.5 centimeters in size, commonly known as sunflower seeds, were used, in a ratio of four buckets of gravel per bucket of the mixture.

When mixing the cement-sand mixture in a concrete mixer, pure cement was additionally added at the rate of approximately a third of a bucket of cement per bag of the mixture.

Laying the mortar begins from the lower steps and when pouring each subsequent step, it is controlled so that the mortar from the upper step does not squeeze out the mortar already poured inside the formwork located below the step. In order for the entire space to be filled evenly after filling each bucket, the solution is tamped several times with a probe, which I made from three scraps of reinforcement tied around the handle of an old shovel.

The formwork was dismantled on the second day after the completion of pouring.

After which, I let it dry for ten days.

To make it possible to walk into the house, I laid four boards on top of the poured steps, filling them with 40x60 millimeter beams perpendicularly.

Laying tiles on the porch of a house

The adhesive for laying the tiles was specially selected to be elastic, water-repellent and frost-resistant. Before laying the tiles, I marked the middle of the steps and started laying from the middle, since a whole number of tiles did not fit on the step and I had to cut the tiles at the edges with a grinder. The steps turned out to be 16 centimeters high, and the risers were 20 centimeters, so the tiles also had to be cut to size.

The tile had dimensions of 400x300x35 millimeters, but later, during installation, it was discovered that its thickness on one edge was normal, and on the other it was already 30 or 25 millimeters. We also had to take this nuance into account.

I glued the tiles from the bottom up, installing the risers first. When laying the tiles I used an 11 mm notched trowel. The glue was applied both to the steps themselves and to the tiles. The top of the porch itself was laid with porcelain stoneware using the same glue.

The top of the porch has a slight slope from the center towards the steps. The steps themselves are made with a slight outward slope so that water does not accumulate at the junction with the riser.

The grout for the tiles was elastic, frost-resistant and water-repellent. It was grouted with a rubber spatula, and since the tile on the front side had small corrugations, I was tired of scrubbing it off the grout.

Laying paving stones at the porch of a house

Before laying the paving stones, the old one was removed paving slabs, and everything was cleaned up concrete base. A slab was poured onto this base, onto which paving stones were subsequently glued. The seams in the paving stones were waking up cement-sand mixture and were spilled with water.

The following tool was used to repair the steps of the porch of the house

  • “baby” hammer drill with chisel and scraper;
  • grinder, discs for it on stone and metal;
  • crowbar, sledgehammer, hammer, rubber mallet;
  • electric jigsaw, hand saw;
  • level, tape measure;
  • concrete mixer 140 liters;
  • drill with mixer;
  • spatulas - 11 mm toothed and rubber.


  • reinforcement 8 millimeters; board 50*200 mm;
  • one hundred and fifty inch;
  • mixture M-300, cement, fine gravel;
  • tile adhesive and tile grout;
  • paving stones;
  • directly the tile and risers to it.

Today, housing maintenance offices that service residential buildings in our country are far from perfectly coping with their direct responsibilities. This is especially true for maintaining the condition of entrances. It is known that for long-term operation of a residential premises it is necessary to carry out regular cosmetic and major repairs.

Carrying out restoration work often falls on the shoulders of the residents themselves. In order to carry out all restoration work professionally and efficiently, an estimate for the repair of the entrance is needed, which can reflect the real amount of material costs.

Estimate for the repair of the entrance

If all residents have decided to take the important step of repairing the entrance, you need to know how to correctly prepare an estimate. This document allows you to avoid problems with repairs in the future.

The first step is to find a reliable construction company that can carry out all the work on affordable price. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a small monitoring of offers on the service market. There are a lot of companies in this industry offering their services at the most different prices. However, you should not focus only on cost, since the low price hides unsatisfactory quality and negligence.

It is best to trust the reviews of your friends who have carried out similar work, or read information on the Internet. Companies with over 5 years of experience value their reputation and try to complete assigned tasks as efficiently as possible.

As a result, about 3-4 companies are selected and an analysis of previously completed work is carried out. To obtain more detailed information and repair organization, you can use information from the Internet. Only after this can you begin to draw up estimates for each company, which will allow you to choose the most optimal option for your budget.

Estimate documentation can also be drawn up through the joint efforts of the residents of the entrance. To do this, you need to have knowledge and skills in this industry. For maximum accuracy of calculations at all stages repair work It is worth using the services of a professional estimator who is independent of any construction companies. It is a specialist who is not interested in money wrapping who will be able to display the real cost of all work and materials. In addition, he can give good advice, how and on what to save the allocated budget.

One with the most important moments during repairs is the conclusion of an agreement with the contractor. This document will guarantee the quality of work performed within the established time frame. The estimate acts as an addition to the main contract.

How is the repair of the entrance carried out according to the estimate?

All restoration work is carried out in stages. Initially it is necessary to carry out dismantling work, which consist of eliminating old paint, worn-out coatings on the ceiling and walls, windows and protective grilles are also dismantled. Of course, such manipulations will bring temporary inconvenience for residents, since there will be construction garbage and dust.

The most extended in time will be Painting works. Big sizes surfaces require a rough coat and finishing with further painting. All work must be supervised by the house manager to prevent defects or shortcomings.

What work can be included in the estimate for repairing the entrance?

  1. Ceiling.

After plastering the ceilings, the restoration work does not end, since further whitewashing or wallpapering is necessary. More are possible modern options repairs, namely installation suspended ceilings with built-in lighting fixtures. Quite often, decorative modeling is used as decoration or ceiling tiles. At the request of residents, additional lamps and chandeliers can be installed.

  1. Walls.

Standard wall painting with whitewash is a thing of the past. On this moment professional builders use in their work a wide range of decorative elements that will make redecorating a unique work of art. Paintable wallpaper or ceramic tiles are used as wall materials.

More expensive, but elegant, is the covering with plastic and wood panels. Relief plaster or applied mosaic will create an amazing atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

Of course, the choice of material remains with the customer, depending on material capabilities. If necessary, additional partitions can be erected to zone the space.

On construction market a colossal number of different floor coverings, which can be safely used for the entrance. The most popular are ceramic tiles, durable laminate, linoleum, natural parquet and even carpet.

  1. Windows and doors.

Depending on the collective desire of the residents of the entrance, modern plastic windows and reliable entrance armored doors.

Depending on the type of repair (major or cosmetic), the list of works in the estimate may vary significantly. Moreover, each type of restoration work is divided into: planned, emergency and extraordinary.

To make an accurate calculation, you should take advantage of the suggestions of professional estimators with extensive experience in this industry. They will conduct the necessary research and measurements, which will allow them to obtain the following estimate documentation:

  • a visual inspection and accurate measurement of all dimensions of the entrance will make it possible to determine and record the entire scope of work;
  • Based on the data received, a list of all necessary repairs is compiled;
  • Next, a table of the necessary building materials and their prices;
  • workers' compensation is also calculated.

The completed estimate for the repair of the entrance is put on display for general review and approval of the residents. At the same time, everyone can make their own adjustments and offer optimal options. After approval, an agreement will be concluded with a contractor who will perform all the work.

A well-prepared estimate allows you to take into account almost all the nuances and costs, which in the future can protect the customer from additional costs or fraud.

The entrance group is the face of the entrance and the most accessible place in the apartment building. That's why it's not enough to do good repair in terms of quality and aesthetics. Much more important is the convenience and functionality of solutions, as well as the wear resistance of materials and equipment.

Porch apartment building most exposed to stress and external influences. Even concrete steps, canopies and fences wear out and become unusable within a few years under the influence of precipitation, temperature changes and mechanical damage. That is why, according to the requirements of the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170 of 2003, they are repaired once every 3-5 years.

Functional purpose entrance groups dictates the requirements for their equipment, design and constructive solutions, which in turn determine the content and scope of repairs. The entrance (porch) group of the entrance to a residential building performs several important functions:

Aesthetic function- the entrance group decorates the building and entrance, therefore it must correspond to its architecture and design

Protective function- the entrance group protects the entrance to the entrance from precipitation, possible snow melting, and falling objects from a height. In addition, the entrance area is illuminated in the evening and equipped with cameras, which helps ensure the safety of residents

Energy saving function- entrance groups equipped with a vestibule help to retain heat in the entrance, reducing overall heating costs

Information function- entrance groups are equipped with notice boards (in some houses - monitors) and mailboxes

Communication function- the entrance group provides passage to landings and elevators.


The entrance group, according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491 of 2006, belongs to the common property of the owners of apartment buildings, therefore its contents and Maintenance financed from funds collected for the maintenance and repair of the common property of the apartment building, that is, at the expense of the owners. If replacement of the load-bearing structures of the entrance group is required, or its complete reconstruction, then such work is classified as major renovation MKD.

The basis for current repairs of the entrance group is an agreement between the owners of the apartment building and management company, which specifies the responsibilities of the management company, the grounds and procedure for allocating funds for repairs and the frequency of ongoing repairs.

The decision to repair the entrance group of the apartment building is made by the general meeting of owners, which draws up a statement addressed to the management company, justifying the need for repairs. After receiving the application, the management company is obliged to create an assessment commission, which makes a decision on the condition of the entrance group and the entrance as a whole.

Cosmetic (current) repairs of the entrance area are financed from the funds that the owners of the apartment complex contribute monthly for the maintenance and repair of the common property of the apartment building. If, as a result of an inspection of the entrance group, it is determined that it is subject to major repairs, then financing is provided from the fund formed under the article “Major repairs”.


A significant number of entrance lobbies of apartment buildings have already been refurbished and meet modern requirements for convenience, safety, energy efficiency and aesthetics. However, in some houses the entrance groups require, if not complete re-equipment, then repair and bringing them into proper condition.

Repair of the entrance group apartment building includes:

  • Repair of porch steps and entrance areas;
  • Repair and painting of walls at the entrance to the apartment building entrance;
  • Restoration of waterproofing, repair and painting of canopies in front of entrances;
  • Repair or replacement entrance doors, equipping them with closers and locking devices;
  • Installation, replacement or repair of notice boards at the entrance to the entrance;
  • Equipping entrance areas with devices and ramps for people with limited mobility.

When repairing the canopy, the structures are restored, replaced roof covering, level the surfaces and paint the canopy structures. If the entrance group cannot be restored or is missing, then a new one is built, taking into account modern requirements. Entrance area and the steps are repaired and then covered ceramic tiles. In the vestibule, the floor is restored using screed and ceramic tiles.

Doors are replaced or repaired, depending on their condition. At the same time, the perimeter is sealed, closers and locking devices are installed or replaced. IN Lately, metal “blind” doors are often replaced with glazed ones.

Separately, it should be said about the equipment of ramps for people with limited mobility. Such structures were not provided for in Soviet-built houses, so they have to be installed now. We will talk about the requirements for ramps in one of the following articles.


The entrance porch of a residential apartment building is part of the common property of the apartment building.

Article 39 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is regulated by legislative acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 No. 491 approved the “Rules for the maintenance of common property in apartment building"(hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

According to clause 2. of the Rules, the composition of common property includes:

c) enclosing load-bearing structures of an apartment building (including foundations, load-bearing walls, floor slabs, balcony and other slabs, load-bearing columns and other enclosing load-bearing structures);

d) enclosing non-load-bearing structures of an apartment building serving more than one residential and (or) non-residential premises(including windows and doors of premises common use, railings, parapets and other enclosing load-bearing structures).

Thus, based on the norms of clause 2 of the Rules, the composition of common property includes:

Foundation under the porch, slabs, part external wall, porch canopy (if it is built as a load-bearing balcony slab) - since they are enclosing load-bearing structures apartment building (clause “c” of paragraph 2 of the Rules);

Doors with staircase, railings, steps, canopy - since they relate to the enclosing non-load-bearing structures of an apartment building, serving more than one residential and (or) non-residential premises (clause “d” of clause 2 of the Rules).

Proper maintenance of the common property of an apartment building in accordance with the Rules is ensured by the owners of the premises by concluding an agreement with the housing and communal services management company or HOA.

That is, the residents of the house pay monthly for the maintenance of the common property of the management company under the heading “maintenance and repair of housing.” And in order to eliminate damage, prevent premature wear and maintain performance indicators, by decision of the general meeting of premises owners, the management company is obliged to carry out routine repairs.

It should be noted that, depending on the degree of destruction of the entrance porch of an apartment building, it is first necessary to determine what type of repair these defects belong to. If current repairs are required, with minor replacement of structures, then this work is performed by the management company at the expense of funds collected from residents under the heading “maintenance and repair of housing.” If the physical wear and tear of the porch has reached the maximum permissible reliability and safety characteristics, and replacement of all worn elements is required, then this already refers to a major overhaul. Funds for major repairs of an apartment building or part of its property that is part of the common property can be obtained from the Fund for Assistance to Housing and Communal Services Reform ( the federal law No. 185-FZ “On the Fund for Assistance to Reforming Housing and Communal Services” was adopted on July 21, 2007).

To do this, residents at a general meeting must decide to participate in the municipal targeted program for major repairs of apartment buildings; make a decision, documented in a separate protocol, on co-financing by the owners of the upcoming repairs in the amount of at least 5 percent of the total estimated cost, indicating the types of work for major repairs; forward this decision to the municipality (administration of the urban or rural settlement on whose territory the house is located); control the process of including a house in the program through the municipality, executive bodies authorities.

In any case, you need to start trying to get the porch repaired by organizing a general meeting of the residents of the house and contacting the management company.

Repairing a porch in an apartment building is a service that sooner or later you have to order construction companies. Indeed, despite the fact that most of them are equipped with canopies, it is not possible to completely protect concrete from the effects of weather conditions. And the harsh Baltic elements do not at all contribute to the durability of building materials.

With time rainwater washes away concrete, microcracks appear due to changes in air temperature, moisture enters them, freezes and expands. As a result, the cracks increase, and the porch gradually becomes unusable.

The residents themselves are no less eager to renovate the building's porch: constant physical impact leads to gradual wear and tear facing material, which significantly helps speed up the destructive effects of nature.

Over time, a dilapidated porch not only loses its attractiveness - pieces of cladding falling off here and there can cause falls and injuries. Therefore, it is better not to delay work such as repairing the entrance porch.

Repairing a house porch - what materials to use

How high-quality the repair of the porch of the house will be depends directly on the professionalism of the contractors and on the quality of the materials used.

Here you should draw your attention to the fact that the durability and resistance of the cladding to abrasion and the vagaries of the weather are not the main selection criteria. It is much more important that these materials do not pose a danger to people.

Let's explain - each of us, most likely, has already been “lucky” in winter to encounter a porch lined with tiles that became incredibly slippery in the cold. In order to make a skating rink with it, you wouldn’t even have to douse it with water.

It's all about the contractors' unprofessional approach to such an important task as repairing the porch and incorrect selection materials. Most likely, wanting to save money, they used tiles for interior works, whose service life is not so great, and it freezes very quickly in the cold, becoming a very dangerous coating.

That is why it is so important to approach the choice of materials as carefully as possible, because they directly determine:

  • Porch durability.
  • Safety of home occupants.
  • The attractiveness of the entrance to the entrance.

When contacting IC "Paradny Petersburg", you can be sure that all work will be carried out efficiently, inexpensively and very quickly.

Construction of a porch - estimate and what the cost of work depends on

The estimate for installing a porch depends on many factors. Let's try to understand each in more detail:

1. Scope of work.

If the porch is in good condition, and you want to carry out only cosmetic restoration, then such work will not cost you that much. If the entrance to the entrance has become completely unusable and requires complete restoration, then the price of such repairs will be much higher. In addition, the estimate for metal and concrete porch will be different.

2. List of works performed.

  • Among them may be:
  • Restoration of the concrete base.
  • Tiling.
  • Installing new or replacing old railings.
  • Rework with the addition of races and so on.

3. Materials used.

  • The Paradny Petersburg company offers its clients the following options for how to repair the porch:
  • Granite cladding in various colors.
  • Painting the steps.
  • Installation of welded or forged railings
  • Ceramic tile cladding of steps, the porch itself, facade and front door, and so on.

As you understand, each of these points will greatly influence the final cost of services. But no matter which option you choose, you can be absolutely sure that our craftsmen will perform all the work at the highest level.

Porch in an apartment building - finishing from the company "Paradny Petersburg"

If you need to repair a porch in an apartment building, contacting the Paradny Petersburg company will be the best option, because we offer:

  • Not just one-time provision of services, but long-term cooperation.
  • Guarantee for all types of work performed.
  • Services provided by experienced craftsmen only.
  • Low prices and an attractive discount system.

If you need to restore several porches in the house, repair a flight of stairs in the entrance, or carry out a comprehensive renovation of the front doors - contact us! We are ready to offer you mutually beneficial cooperation.

After our craftsmen finish the work, every flight of stairs, every entrance and every porch will be completely transformed. You won't believe that a house under your management could look so attractive. The changes will become especially obvious after our workers clear away all the construction waste.

Call if you would like your home to be transformed. Do not forget that such planned work not only updates appearance buildings, but also significantly extend its life!

Contact us! You will certainly like the terms of cooperation with the Paradny Petersburg company!

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