An example of grave design from 2 burials. Decoration of a grave in a cemetery: official requirements and modern trends. Required materials and tools

A burial site is not only a grave. This is a large area where you can plant flowers and arrange paths marble chips or crushed stone, install benches and a table.

It is very important to separate the burial site from outsiders and install a fence. It can be metal, marble, granite, wood, etc. Each material is made in various forms. The fence helps make the grave look well-groomed, tidy and give it a finished and finished look.

Installing tiles

Decorating burial sites with tiles is widespread. This helps to achieve a well-groomed look for a long time, prevent the growth of weeds and maintain cleanliness.

Arranging a grave with granite tiles - best option, however, its cost is quite high. It is original, beautiful and noble. To decorate a grave with granite tiles, you need to prepare drainage system and the foundation, otherwise, due to soil subsidence, the surface will become uneven and the tiles will move. The foundation is made according to all the rules: piles are installed in drilled passages to a depth of more than 1 meter, formwork is installed, concrete is poured (to improve the quality of the foundation, concrete is reinforced).

Decorating the grave with marble tiles is another option worthy of your attention. Marble is cheaper than granite, but looks just as elegant and dignified.

If you want more economical option, then consider paving slabs. Today, the market offers a huge selection of paving slabs, differing in color, texture, size, shape and quality. In addition, to install such tiles on a grave, you do not need to first fill the foundation - just prepare the soil: remove surface layer, cover with reinforced film and fill in wet sand, and then a mixture of sand and cement.

Laying crushed stone

It is often used to decorate a grave. decorative crushed stone, which helps to level the surface and achieve cleanliness and order in the area. Decorating a grave with crushed stone with your own hands is quite possible, but first you should carefully study all stages of the work, including:

  1. Raising the ground level;
  2. Leveling the site with sand;
  3. Coating the sand with a special agent to prevent weed germination and soil subsidence;
  4. Installing crushed stone and leveling the surface.

Despite the significant share of cremations, the number of burials with a coffin continues to prevail in the total volume of burials in Moscow and Moscow Region. Thus, questions about registration of a cemetery plot, registration and re-registration of the person responsible for the burial, division of responsibilities within one burial, as well as the rights and responsibilities of the relatives of the deceased remain extremely relevant.

Registration of any burial, first of all, requires the receipt of certain documents. First of all, in the morgue where the body of the deceased was received, it is necessary to obtain. After this, it is necessary to register in the civil registry office (MFC) at the place of registration or death of the deceased.

*In addition to the stamp death certificate, the registry office also issues a death certificate in form No. 33. This certificate is required to receive funeral benefits.

How to order a new burial?

At the moment, new burials are carried out either in open cemeteries in Moscow or in service areas of closed cemeteries (also known as family burial grounds). The cost of burial services in open cemeteries is minimal, since the cemetery administration has free plots and does not carry out special measures to prepare the burial site.

For more information about burial rates in Moscow cemeteries, see.

Service areas of closed cemeteries are places for new burials, formed by redevelopment of the territory of closed cemeteries. Special preparation of the site is reflected in the cost of burial services. As a result, the cost of burial in closed cemeteries in Moscow becomes significantly higher than in open ones.

The order of a new plot in the cemetery can be carried out either by the relatives of the deceased or by a person who was not related to the deceased. The burial order is made through the cemetery administration upon presentation of:

  • stamp death certificate,
  • applicant's passports.

How to order burial in a related grave?

If the relatives of the deceased have a related burial in one of the Moscow cemeteries, they have the right to bury the deceased in this area, subject to the availability of free space for another burial in the fence or “coffin on coffin” upon expiration of the sanitary period from the date of the last burial (15 years) . Decor related burial at the cemetery is carried out by the person responsible for the burial or in the presence of a notarized power of attorney from the person responsible for the burial.

To register a related burial (burial in a related grave) at the cemetery, you will need to contact the cemetery administration and provide:

  • stamp death certificate,
  • documents confirming the relationship of the deceased with those previously buried on the site (birth certificate, marriage certificate),
  • passport of the applicant (responsible for the burial),
  • passport (certificate) for burial.

Any actions related to burial in a related grave must be carried out directly by the person responsible for the burial and with his consent. All cases of burials and exhumations without notifying the person responsible for the burial are illegal.

Is it possible to purchase a cemetery plot in advance?

IN last years Among the residents of the capital, a tendency has emerged to select a plot in the cemetery in advance, including for family burials. In this case, the site is “reserved” taking into account several burials. Uniting deceased relatives in one place greatly simplifies the care of the burial, and also reduces the cost of maintaining individual graves.

More information about service areas (areas for family and clan burials) can be found in

What documents must be presented on the day of the funeral at the cemetery?

On the day of the funeral, the following documents must be provided to the cemetery administration:

  • death certificate,
  • customer's passport,
  • invoice for funeral services,
  • grave certificate,
  • burial payment receipt.

What is a burial passport and why is it needed?

A passport (certificate) for burial is a document that is issued when ordering a plot in a cemetery and indicates the consent of the cemetery administration to provide this plot for burial, as well as the rights of the person responsible for the burial to indefinitely rent this plot and his right to carry out burials on the plot entrusted to him. The burial passport shall indicate:

  • name of the person responsible for the burial,
  • name of the person buried in the plot, date of birth, death and burial in the cemetery,
  • cemetery address,
  • burial plot and number,
  • plot size,
  • date of issue of the certificate.

The burial certificate must have the signature of the head of the authorized local government body in the field of burial and funeral business and the appropriate seal.

The grave certificate is extremely important document, ensuring compliance with the rights of the person responsible for the burial. If you have a properly executed burial passport, the person in charge of the grave will protect himself from illegal seizure of the site or part of its territory, unauthorized burials and subburials, and unauthorized installation of gravestone structures.

Who is the person responsible for the burial? What rights and responsibilities does he have?

The person responsible for the burial is the person to whom the passport (certificate) for the burial was issued. As the name implies, the person responsible for burial is the person who has the right to carry out burials on the site, as well as install gravestone structures (monument, base, fence).

Carrying out burials or installing grave structures without the consent of the person responsible for the burial is illegal. When carrying out new burials at the site, the person responsible for the burial must contact the cemetery administration in person or issue a notarized power of attorney for a relative or other person carrying out the burial on behalf of the person responsible for the burial.

If you are responsible for the burial and discover that an unauthorized burial has taken place on your site, you can submit a written statement to the cemetery administration, the public relations department of the State Budgetary Institution “Ritual” (if the cemetery belongs to Moscow) or seek compliance with the law through the court .

In accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government dated 04/08/2008 N 260-PP (as amended on 10/02/2012) “On the condition and measures to improve funeral services in the city of Moscow” (clause 5), the person responsible for the burial is obliged to maintain grave structures and green spaces (decorated grave mound, monument, plinth, flower garden, necessary information about burials) in proper condition. If the grave is not cared for for a long period of time (at least 20 years), the administration of a city or municipal cemetery has the right to form a commission that will draw up a report on the condition of the grave to recognize it as abandoned.

If the cemetery's archive books contain information about the person responsible for the burial, he is notified in writing of the need to care for the grave and contact the cemetery administration.

If the historical and cultural value of an unkempt grave is established, its safety is ensured in accordance with the legislation on the protection and use of historical and cultural monuments, and it is cared for by cemetery workers at the expense of funds allocated from the budget of the city of Moscow.

How to re-register responsibility for burial?

Re-registration of burials from one responsible person to another can be carried out both after the death of the current person responsible for the burial and during his lifetime.

It should be noted that when considering citizens’ appeals on the issue re-registration of burials due to the death of the person responsible re-registration of burials is carried out upon a written application from citizens to the relatives of those buried.

The primary right to re-register a burial place has: spouse, children, parents, adopted children, adoptive parents of the person responsible for the burial. In the absence of first-degree relatives or their written refusal to re-register burials in their name, the following have the right in the second place: full and half-siblings, grandchildren, grandmothers, grandfathers, both on the father’s and mother’s sides. In third place have the right: full and half brothers and sisters of parents (aunts and uncles). In fourth place have the right: relatives of the third degree of kinship - great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. In the fifth place have the right: relatives of the fourth degree of kinship - children of his own nephews and nieces (cousins ​​and granddaughters) and siblings of his grandparents (great-grandparents. In the sixth place have the right: relatives of the fifth degree of kinship - children of cousins grandchildren and granddaughters (great-great-grandsons and great-granddaughters), his children cousins and sisters (great-nephews and nieces) and children of his great-uncles and grandmothers (great-uncles and aunts). In the absence of relatives of previous orders or their written refusal to re-register burials in their name, the following have the right in the seventh order: stepsons, stepdaughters, stepfather and stepmother.

Re-registration of a burial site due to the death of the person responsible for the burial must be made upon presentation of the following documents:

  • statements from relatives re-registration of burial,
  • death certificate of the person responsible for whom the burial is registered;
  • documents confirming family relations to the buried, and in their absence - a court decision;
  • burial registration certificates, if preserved.

* Photocopies of the above documents must be attached to the application.

Re-registration of responsibility for burials before the archival period and in the absence of archival data on burials is carried out on the basis of a decision of the commission of the State Budgetary Institution "Ritual" upon a written application from citizens, in the presence of a well-kept grave and for relatives of those buried upon presentation by them:

  • statements;
  • death certificates of the buried person;
  • documents confirming family relations to the buried person (their degree of relationship and the right to monuments, fences and other gravestone structures must be confirmed relevant documents, and in their absence - by a court decision).

When re-registration of burial by the responsible person during his lifetime it is necessary to provide a written statement from the person responsible for the burial, as well as from the person to whom the burial is re-registered. In this case, the new person in charge of the burial must provide documents confirming the family relationship to the buried, and in their absence, a court decision recognizing the relationship.

In addition, the law provides for the possibility division of responsibility for graves within a related burial(presence of two responsible persons each with a certificate for one of the two graves at the burial site). To do this, you must contact the cemetery administration and provide stamp certificates of death of the buried, documents confirming the family relationship of both responsible persons with the buried and with each other.

Why can’t you sell a cemetery plot and a niche in a columbarium?

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of funeral business, a cemetery plot is provided to Russian citizens free of charge on an indefinite lease, that is, it does not become the property of the person responsible for the burial. That is why the purchase and sale of burial plots by private individuals is illegal and cannot be carried out on legal grounds.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that when renting a grave site free of charge and indefinitely, the relatives of the deceased are charged for the provision of a range of services for each new burial (preparing the site for burial, digging a grave, burial, forming a grave mound, installing a tombstone and fence etc.).

What are the powers and responsibilities of the cemetery administration?

In accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government dated 04/08/2008 N 260-PP (as amended on 10/02/2012) “On the state and measures to improve funeral services in the city of Moscow” (clause 4), the following powers are defined for the administrations of city and municipal cemeteries and crematoria (as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated October 2, 2012 N 530-PP):

4.1. Responsibility for organizing funeral services in the cemetery and crematorium, as well as for the sanitary condition of the territory of the cemetery and crematorium rests with the administration of the cemetery and crematorium, which is obliged to ensure:

  • timely preparation of graves, burial of the dead (dead), urns with ashes, preparation of registration plates;
  • operation of the irrigation water pipeline, public toilets, lighting, systematic cleaning of paths common use, passages and other areas for household purposes (except graves), timely garbage removal;
  • compliance with established norms and Rules of burial and cremation;
  • maintenance in proper order of mass graves and graves under state protection, and other burial sites for which budget funding is allocated;
  • safety and maintenance in proper condition of burial sites, gravestones and architectural and artistic tombstones that are objects of cultural heritage and recognized as such in the prescribed manner;
  • providing citizens with rental equipment for caring for a grave against the security of its value;
  • fulfillment of other requirements provided for by regulatory legal acts Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

4.2. The cemetery administration has the right to provide the following additional services:

  • acquisition, production and installation (dismantling) of grave structures;
  • production and fastening of photoceramic and metal products on grave structures;
  • performing sculptural works;
  • repair and restoration of grave structures;
  • architectural and landscape design of graves;
  • care of the burial site.

The provision by the cemetery administration of additional services at cultural heritage sites is permitted only on the basis of a permit issued in the prescribed manner by the body for the protection of cultural heritage sites.

4.3. Property and other disputes between citizens and the cemetery administration are resolved in accordance with the procedure established by law.

First of all, even before installing a permanent monument, it is advisable to take care of the visual or real boundaries of the site, which will make it easier to give it a neat appearance and further care behind him.

Fences around the grave are made from a variety of materials. The most common are relatively inexpensive metal options- welded and forged. Usually in the absence extra funds people opt for welded models, especially since they can be chosen cheaper and then easily installed with their own hands. To do this, it is enough to correctly measure the perimeter of the site and dig shallow holes for the legs of the fence in the right places. After installation, the holes are filled with earth mixed with stones, and sometimes concreted for strength.

Paving the area is the next stage of refining the grave. It is desirable because otherwise the area will seem unkempt. There are several options for DIY paving.

For blind area paving slabs or porcelain stoneware, it is necessary to clear the area of ​​vegetation (removing roots), level it properly and compact the soil. Then you need to prepare a cushion of sand (which is usually wetted with water) or reinforced concrete. Next, make a break with ropes for even laying of the tiles, which should be adjusted closer to each other.

Filling with crushed stone or decorative tinted chips (most often marble) also gives the grave a neat appearance and blocks the appearance of weeds for a while. Such a stone backfill must be made thick enough and limited by well-reinforced sides made of strips of stainless metal or metal profiles. Some people use painted boards and other available materials for this.

A simple sand pillow will be even cheaper. But for it you will need to bring quite a lot of sand, and it top part It is advisable to update it periodically (at least once a year). To create a special color effect, you can look for sand of different shades.

A living lawn inside a fence always looks elegant and especially neat. Special lawn grass it is necessary to sow in the spring, water on time, weed and trim (otherwise the area will end up with bald spots or, conversely, will be too overgrown).

Not everyone can provide additional regular care for a real lawn. Therefore, many choose its artificial analogue. Now exists big choice this kind of coverage different prices behind square meter. Most optimal choice for the cemetery - this is a latex lawn with a short pile of medium hardness. Long “grass” will be more difficult to clean from all kinds of debris: twigs, leaves, seeds, lumps of earth, and so on. And with a short one, all this can be easily swept away with a stiff brush or synthetic broom. This covering is placed directly on the ground, freed from weeds (to be sure, they can be treated with herbicides for this in a couple of weeks) and well compacted. Sometimes a black film backing is placed under the lawn. The joints between the pieces can be secured with special jumpers, and the coating itself can be nailed around the perimeter directly to the ground with nails with wide heads in the same color. As a result, the site will get a very presentable look for very little money.

Planting. Many people love it when there are flowers and trees on the graves of their loved ones, which are planted in the flower garden and next to it. The main thing when choosing plants is to take into account the characteristics of the soil in the area and whether there is a shadow on it or, on the contrary, a sunny place. In accordance with this, you need to choose varieties of flowers and shrubs. It is also necessary to take into account the importance of constant care for planted plants, which will need to be watered, weeded, and dried stems and flowers removed in a timely manner.

The grave is the last refuge of the deceased; it must be ennobled and its condition monitored in order to thus pay tribute to the memory of the deceased. As a rule, installing a tombstone, fencing and performing other work on the arrangement of a cemetery should be carried out in the first year after death. But all the beauty that was brought to the cemetery during the process of arrangement can quickly lose its appearance if it is not constantly updated.

Landscaping the territory of a cemetery is a very important moment that must be approached with the utmost seriousness. People often turn to companies that specialize in arranging graves in cemeteries. But it is better to carry out all the arrangement work at the cemetery yourself; the main thing is that you first need to decide on the scope of the arrangement work and purchase all the necessary materials.

What does the beautification of the cemetery territory include?

This process is very complex and often lengthy, because a huge amount of work needs to be done:

  • Installation of a monument
  • Arranging the burial area, this procedure includes installing a fence, tiles and covering the surface of the ground next to the grave, as well as other work.
  • Replacement of ritual items in the cemetery
  • Cleaning the area around the burial and removing excess garbage from the cemetery
  • Constantly maintaining the refined appearance of the burial site

You can often see unfurnished graves in a cemetery, but this does not mean that relatives do not remember and respect the deceased. On death loved one life does not end and along with the bitterness of loss, relatives must also continue to do ordinary everyday things. In addition, the arrangement work is not done in one day, and many people simply do not have the opportunity to go to the cemetery all the time. But still, at least minimal decoration should be present at the grave.

Options for arranging a burial site

Typically, the burial site is not limited to just one grave, but has a small cemetery area around it, which can be arranged as desired.

Important! The burial site must be surrounded by a fence so that strangers do not touch the grave during visits.

The fence can be forged, marble, granite or wood. Now you can order almost any design for a cemetery. It will give a finished, furnished look to the resting place.

Slab decoration

The stove is beautiful and at the same time practical solution problems of arranging a cemetery site. It will help prevent the growth of weeds and keep the garden tidy. appearance burials.

A granite slab is a very noble finish for a cemetery, but its cost is high. But, if relatives decide to make such arrangements at the cemetery, then they should do everything according to the rules. Before laying the slab, you must fill the area with gravel and lay the foundation. The foundation is needed to avoid cracks in the slab when the soil subsides. The foundation is arranged according to the following algorithm:

  1. Piles are driven into pre-prepared holes to a depth of at least 1 meter.
  2. Formwork is prepared from wood or metal.
  3. Concrete is poured.

Advice! To improve the strength of concrete, it is reinforced.

Marble slabs are more common than alternative options from granite. This design in a cemetery looks no less noble, but costs several times less.

If the budget for the arrangement is very modest, but you want to complete the work high level, then you can lay out the cemetery area with paving slabs. Now construction market offers a huge range of this material. Tiles vary in color, texture and shape, so originality can be achieved by using them.

There is also a lot of work involved in arranging paving slabs, but it is simplified by the fact that there is no need to pour a foundation. Simply remove before installation upper layer and cover the surface of the soil reinforced mesh. Afterwards, the entire structure is covered with wet sand and a mixture of gravel and cement. Paving slabs are already laid on the prepared surface.

Covering with crushed stone

A good option would be to simply improve the area around the grave in the cemetery with crushed stone. This design will help level the area and hide all surface imperfections. Now you can choose any color of gravel in the cemetery, depending on the taste and preference of the customer. In addition, crushed stone is a durable and reliable material that is resistant to precipitation and temperature changes, which will be especially valuable for arranging a cemetery.

When decorating a cemetery, it is not necessary to use only crushed stone; pebbles, crimson quartzite and serpentine are perfect.

There will not be any particular difficulties when covering the area in the cemetery near the grave with crushed stone. To do this, you need to lay spunbond - this is a film that will prevent weeds from breaking through the embankment of crushed stone. It is very important that such a film allows moisture to pass through, so there will be no stagnation of water or puddles near the grave.

You can fill the cemetery area with sand before covering it with spunbond, and then lay the material on it. After such preparation, you can pour out crushed stone or stone chips. The layer should be approximately 2 - 5 cm.

Crushed stone is used very economically. In general, one burial can accommodate about 180 kg of stone.

Decoration with flowers and grass

If you don’t want to do such hard work in the cemetery, you can use artificial grass for the cemetery or plant it alive. Artificial grass sold in rolls. If you buy them required amount, then you can make a semblance of a natural lawn in a cemetery for a long time, which will look very lively and interesting among the cold stone monuments.

Artificial turf will last a long time and special care there is no need for him. You can also buy seeds of ordinary grass for the lawn, but it will need to be processed so that the lawn looks neat, and constantly traveling to the cemetery means that not everyone can cut the grass.

In the flower beds near the grave in the cemetery you can place a variety of flowers. When choosing them, you need to take into account the preferences that the deceased had. Maybe he or she loved a particular type of flower. If you don’t have in mind those plants that the deceased liked, then you can plant those that seem more touching and noble, most suitable for improving the cemetery.

The cemetery is no place for being very pretentious, tropical plants, vegetation should be simple and look concise. The main thing to remember is that in a cemetery, moderation in everything is important; you don’t need to make a garden out of a burial, it’s enough to plant a few accents in different places.

Relatively color range There are also some restrictions. It is best if the color green and silver dominate. Bright colors Cemetery designs can include pure red, pink and blue. Everyone independently chooses the color with which to decorate the burial, but again, one should not forget about the measure.

But when choosing plants for a cemetery, you need to rely not only on external beauty, but also on practicality. After all, the soil in cemeteries is usually sandy or clayey, deprived nutrients. In order to survive in such soil, and even with insufficient moisture, plants must be unpretentious.

Landscaping of gravestones in the cemetery is carried out perennial plants, which can grow for many years without transplantation. They must also be fully consistent with the growing region and be frost-resistant. People typically don't visit the cemetery very often, so fast-growing ground cover plants may begin to grow out of control and grow beyond the area where they are planted. And those plants that need constant care will simply die. Therefore, before deciding which ones to plant in the cemetery, you need to decide what you want to achieve in the end.

An excellent solution for a rarely visited gravestone in a cemetery would be a creeping one:

To create flowering accents when arranging a burial area, begonias, primroses, lilies of the valley, delphinium, daylilies, boxwood peonies and many others are often used flowering plants, which will be in place here.

Additions to the arranged burial

According to tradition, treats are brought to the cemetery for birds and other animals, and those who come themselves commemorate the deceased. For this ritual, a table and benches are required in the cemetery so that you can sit down.

They also come in completely different shapes and different materials. Often landscaped along with stone slab There is also a stone table with benches. This is of course beautiful and chic, and also looks very monumental, but to deliver such a structure to the cemetery, you will need truck with a crane and manipulator, and installation will be difficult.

Along with arranging the covering of the cemetery site and installing curbs, it is possible to cast a table with a bench from concrete. But such products will not be durable, since over time the concrete begins to crumble. After a year, the edges of the table and benches in the cemetery will crumble a little.

Among other things, the grave needs a fence to be separated from the rest of the cemetery. The fence gives a finished look to everything that has been done before it. Fences can also vary in the material from which they are made. They come in metal, concrete and stone.

Small burials can be equipped with a concrete fence made of several constituent elements. Its cost allows you to not spend much on such a fence, without sacrificing beauty and practicality. However, such fences will not last more than 15 years; they are very susceptible to wear and tear.

Granite and marble fences for a cemetery are real works of art. They are, of course, expensive, but they last a very long time and look original and presentable. You can order a product based on an individual design project.

The most common type is considered to be metal fences in the cemetery. They fit very beautifully and organically into the atmosphere of the cemetery, are durable and easy to care for. Forged Products They are made by blacksmiths, so their price is noticeably higher than just metal ones. In order to make the arrangement more original, you can cover the product with a patina, which will give it a golden tint.

Any fence in a cemetery requires regular maintenance. To maintain a refined appearance, it needs to be cleared of debris, painted and repaired. Dirt and dust can be removed with water or by special means, suitable for the type of material. Concrete and stone fences in a cemetery can often crack. If a crack appears on the surface, it must be treated with putty and coated with a special compound that will provide protection.


Decorating a grave in a cemetery is a mandatory ritual, as it shows all the love and respect for the deceased. It is not necessary to install monumental monuments in the cemetery; everything can be done simply, but tastefully, especially since there are now a huge amount of materials. This is both budget gravel and picturesque artificial turf, and noble granite and marble slabs.

Losing a loved one is always a huge grief. I would like the last refuge to be a neat place and to keep the bright memory of the deceased. Decorating the burial site will help create an appropriate atmosphere of sadness and grief. In the text you will find examples and photos of grave design.


Granite paving stones

Creates reliable coverage of the area and also performs a decorative function. Average cost by Leningrad region is about 10,000 rubles per 1 m², taking into account materials and work.


  • Durability.
  • Strength.
  • Wear resistance.
  • The burial ground is protected from erosion.
  • Easy to replace individual elements in case of damage.
  • The service life reaches several decades due to the naturalness of the material.

The downside is the high cost.

Paving slabs

Another option for landscaping the site is to install paving slabs.


  • Practicality.
  • Low price (from 2500 to 4000 per 1 m², taking into account work and materials in the Leningrad region).
  • Solves the problem of track blur.
  • Ease of dismantling allows you to move the tiles and lay them again.
  • Ability to create complex patterns.
  • Wide variety of tile shapes.


  • Fragility.
  • Destruction of material by natural and external influences.

Granite or marble chips


  • Cost-effectiveness of the material (from about 105 rubles for 25 kg).
  • Environmental friendliness of marble.
  • Easy to fill and the ability to do it yourself.
  • Neatness of the area.
  • Easy to care for.


  1. Stone fence durable, has a presentable appearance and does not require additional finishing.
  2. Granite products They are unpretentious in care, but the downside is their high cost.
  3. Wrought iron practically unaffected natural phenomena, but due to the creation individual design fencing, its cost will be high. If you choose patina or paint as an additional finish, the paint will need periodic updating.
  4. Metal fences are in demand due to their durability and wide selection design. Moreover, the price of such products is lower than that of forged or stone ones. However, the metal is susceptible to corrosion and needs regular cleaning and protection. To ensure that the metal fence lasts as long as possible, use varnishes, polymer coatings or paint.

As a rule, natural stones are used as materials for making a monument.:

  • marble;
  • gabbro-diabase;
  • granite.

The base and flower bowl are made from the same materials.

  1. The marble monument is considered the most inexpensive option. Granite monuments will cost a little more. And the cheapest ones are monuments made of rubble stone, sometimes even without treatment.
  2. Monument in classical or modern style will cost less than one decorated with flowerpots, bas-reliefs and sculptures.

To give the burial site completeness, you should consider installing a table and bench. Typically, these wooden or metal products are inexpensive.

During installation decorative elements, pay attention to their symbolism:

  • Arch means the transition of the deceased to better world(the top of a monument or part of a stone fence may have this shape).
  • Birch, grape or oaktraditional symbols infinity of existence.
  • Angel is the personification of sadness, grief and protection of the deceased in another world.
  • Open book- a symbol of the Gospel.
  • Roses- the personification of spiritual purity and innocence.

There are some subtleties in the design of Muslim graves. Islamic law does not allow excessive decoration of a burial site., therefore, usually the shape of the obelisk is a rectangle with a rounded top like a turban with a minimum of decorations, and all kinds of bas-reliefs and excesses are excluded. The inscriptions are primarily traditional - the names and years of life of the deceased, sometimes written in Arabic script of a sura of the Koran.


How to decorate it beautifully with your own hands?

First of all, the burial site should look peaceful. By giving the grave a well-groomed appearance yourself, you are putting a piece of your soul into the process. Installing a monument, fence, flower bed, as well as laying tiles is quite a troublesome task that is best left to specialists. But there will be no problems with landscaping and laying pavement.

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