We make a bed out of wood with our own hands. DIY single bed Making decorative elements

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when the stomach sphincter spontaneously opens and acidic contents are released back into the esophagus, damaging the lining of the esophagus. One of the most effective preventive methods for GERD is changing the inclination of the bed. Body position is adjusted using a lifting mechanism, therapeutic pillows, or both methods at the same time. Using the tips below, you can greatly relieve the pain caused by reflux disease.


Part 1

Changing the inclination of the bed

    Select a material. The choice of method and material must be balanced. It is best to use a therapeutic wedge pillow or bed lifts (of any material). These means will ensure sufficient height at long time and at the same level. You can use one of three main methods:

    Set the correct bed angle. The elevation angle must be carefully measured. Most studies state that the height of the headboard should be at least 15-20 cm. Medical sources confirm that this angle of inclination actually prevents acid reflux in the lying position.

    The area of ​​the shoulder blades also needs to be raised. The transition of the esophagus to the stomach is located in the area of ​​the lower edge of the shoulder blades. Accordingly, to stop acid reflux, the area of ​​the shoulder blades must also be elevated.

    • By leaving your shoulder blades at the same height, you may find that reflux has not disappeared, and your general condition has even worsened, as tension and pain in your neck and back have been added.
  1. Never use multiple pillows to raise the head of the head. In this case, the angle of elevation of the head can cause compression of the stomach, due to which reflux will intensify and the general condition will worsen.

    • Try to avoid using regular pillows when sleeping as they can create additional tension in the abdominal area by pushing out stomach contents. You can also easily slide off such a pillow, and therapeutic effect will disappear.
  2. Understand Why these methods work. In an upright position, acid reflux occurs less frequently as gravity pulls the acidic contents down. As soon as you change the position of your body, gravity ceases to hold back the contents in the stomach, and you are surprised to find it back in your mouth.

    • Raising the head of the bed significantly reduces the likelihood of contact of the esophageal mucosa with the acidic contents of the stomach. In some cases, getting up also relieves sleep disorders.

    Part 2

    Preventing Acid Reflux
    1. Don't eat before bed. A late meal will ruin all your efforts! Go to bed with an empty and dry stomach. The last meal is at least 3 hours before bedtime, and it is better not to drink anything 2 hours before you go to bed. Violating this rule increases the likelihood of acid reflux.

      • Never lie down after eating. Wait at least 3 hours before taking a horizontal position. This is enough to digest food so that the stomach becomes empty.
    2. Avoid fatty foods. Fatty foods (fried foods, fast food, etc.) take longer to digest, so your stomach is fuller. And the longer food sits in the stomach, the greater the chance of reverse reflux.

      • Chocolates contain a lot of fat And caffeine, which also negatively affects GERD. Also, chocolates may contain coconut oil, which stimulates the production of acid in the stomach, and the likelihood of acid reflux increases even more.
      • Stomach acid production is stimulated by foods such as fried foods, tomato paste, alcohol, garlic and onions.
    3. Chew some gum. Chewing gum increases saliva production, which is natural remedy to counteract acid reflux. Knowing that you will have to eat something inappropriate, bring a pack of chewing gum with you to reduce the likelihood of possible complications.

      • Choose your gum carefully. Peppermint flavoring may cause acid reflux because peppermint instantly relaxes the muscle valves while increasing acid production in the stomach.
    4. Wear loose clothing. Clothes that are too tight put pressure on the stomach, and the acid under additional pressure seeks any outlet from the stomach, so the likelihood of acid reflux into the esophagus increases.

      • If you are going to have a big meal or eat foods that stimulate acid reflux, try not to wear tight clothing (including underwear) to help relieve the condition.
    5. Avoid coffee and orange juice. Drinking coffee makes a person energetic due to the caffeine it contains. But caffeine also stimulates the production of stomach acid, and increased acidity increases the likelihood of stomach contents being reversed. Likewise, you should stay away from anything that increases acidity (such as orange juice).

      • Juice from oranges and other citrus fruits contains a lot of vitamin C (or ascorbic acid). Ascorbic acid increases stomach acidity, increasing the likelihood of acid reflux.
      • To reduce acid production, you should also avoid carbonated drinks and teas with added caffeine.
    6. Start playing sports. Physical activity reduces pressure inside the abdomen and has a beneficial effect on a person with GERD. The main thing is that the duration of the workout should be at least 30 minutes a day. You can divide this half hour into several small approaches. For example, a 10-minute walk three times a day equals one 30-minute walk.

      • A daily 30-minute walk can also help you lose weight. If you're bored of just walking, try gardening, swimming, walking the dog, or window shopping, etc. window shopping without shopping.
    7. Control your weight. Overweight and obesity increase the likelihood of GERD. The stomach experiences pressure from stored fat, and the chances of its contents escaping into the esophagus increase. In some cases, losing weight is enough to get rid of GERD.

      • Avoid overeating. This will simultaneously control your weight and reduce the likelihood of acid reflux. It is better to divide the same amount of food into small portions, increasing the number of meals, and the stomach will not be overloaded.
    8. Stop smoking. Smoking is one of the factors that increases the risk of developing GERD. Long-term smoking experience also increases damage to the esophagus and can cause cancer. When you quit smoking, you will feel instant relief.

      • Quitting smoking is necessary not only to get rid of GERD. By quitting smoking, you will significantly reduce your risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases, and you will also notice that your skin, hair, nails and teeth look much better.

    Part 3

    Drug therapy
    1. Consider taking antacids to neutralize the acid. Magnesium aluminum hydroxide (liquid) and other antacids neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach and esophagus. Relief, accompanied by a feeling of mild cooling, is observed already when the fluid passes through the esophagus.

      Taking proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) is one of the the best ways prevent acid reflux. Inhibitors block the activity of the pump that produces hydrogen, which is necessary for acid formation. Accordingly, reducing the amount of acid reduces the likelihood of acidic contents entering the esophagus. For maximum effect

      • PPIs are taken 30 minutes before breakfast.
        Daily dose of different PPIs:
        Omeprazole – 20 mg once a day
        Lansoprazole – 30 mg once a day
        Pantoprazole – 40 mg once a day
        Esomeprazole – 40 mg once a day
      • Rabeprazole – 20 mg once a day.
    2. PPI inhibitors can cause side effects - headache, abdominal pain, gagging. Consider taking an H2 blocker (histamine). H2 receptors are dedicated exclusively to the production of acid in the stomach, so blockers

      • H2 receptors counteract acid production. Your doctor may prescribe them as an alternative to PPIs.
        The daily dose of different H2 receptor blockers is:
        Cimetidine – 300 mg 4 times a day
        Ranitidine – 150 mg 2 times a day
        Famotidine – 20 mg 2 times a day
      • Nizatidine – 150 mg 2 times a day
    3. H2 blockers may cause side effects, including headaches, constipation and diarrhea. Visit your doctor to get an expert opinion.

      • Drug therapy is an essential addition to the treatment of GERT at home. Typically, medications neutralize the acid or block its production. In addition to antacids (which can be purchased at any pharmacy or even a grocery store), your doctor will be able to prescribe the best remedy for your particular case.

    Acid is an important component of digestion and stomach immunity. Long-term drug therapy can disrupt the functioning of the digestive system. Use of any medication for longer than 4 weeks must be done with your doctor's approval.

    Part 4
    1. Explore GERD You are not alone.

      GERD syndromes are widespread among the population of most countries. Recent studies have shown that 7% of the US population experiences acid reflux daily, and 15% of the population experiences it at least once a week. The esophagus is the food passage tube that connects your mouth and stomach. In the stomach, food is mixed with acid to prepare it for absorption by the body. This is where “acid” appears and “acid reflux” begins.

    2. Know your risk factors. There are many factors in daily life that contribute to the development of GERD. Among other things, acid reflux is caused by the following reasons:

      • Pregnancy . The rise of the uterus changes the position of the stomach and other internal organs, pushing them up and forward, resulting in the creation of conditions for acid reflux.
      • Smoking. Smoking increases stomach acid levels. It also weakens the sphincter, which blocks the return of food from the stomach to the esophagus.
      • Obesity. Excess fat puts pressure on the stomach and increases pressure in it. When the pressure is very high, the acidic contents are forcefully squeezed into the esophagus.
      • Tight and tight clothes. Any restrictions in the abdominal area increase the pressure inside the stomach, causing acid reflux.
      • Rich food. The stomach stretches at the top to increase in volume. This increases the amount of acid near the junction of the stomach and esophagus.
      • Lying horizontally on your back. The horizontal position of the body (especially after eating) shifts the contents of the stomach to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe connection with the esophagus.
      • Diabetes. If diabetes is left untreated, nerve tissue is damaged, including the vagus nerve (vagus), which is responsible for controlling the stomach and intestines.

It is very difficult to create all the conditions for a comfortable life in a small house. Kitchen-dining room, bedroom, bathroom, workplace- zones we can’t imagine without modern house. But even in a small area you can not only place everything you need, but also do it in style!

Main paths rational use There are practically only three spaces in a small house:

  • development of space in height - creation of a second tier;
  • installation of folding multifunctional furniture;
  • maximum use of angles.

Here are some striking examples creative approach To increasing efficiency spaces of a residential building with a small area.

We raise the beds above our heads

The bed usually takes up the most space in the house. And this statement becomes especially obvious when the bed comes off the floor, releasing several scarce square meters. The bed can be raised on racks, or it can be hung from the ceiling!

Creating the second tier

If the height of the room allows, then it is advisable to raise not only the bed, but also the whole tier above the floor, creating almost a second floor.

We use folding compact and multifunctional furniture

In this matter, the imagination of furniture designers and designers has no limits: wardrobe-bed-bathroom, shelves-TV-wardrobe-bed, bed-office-wardrobe, sofa-2-story bed, etc.

Making good use of room corners

The corners of the rooms are usually empty or occupied by something completely useless, while this is one of the most capacious places in the house in which you can place, for example, a corner desk, a TV table or even special corner drawers.

When on bed rest, we recommend making the bed higher. It will be more convenient for you and easier for the person caring for you: your back will not get so tired.
Here are three options for how to increase the height of the bed.
If you are undergoing physiotherapy treatment, you should check whether the bed can withstand the additional load.

How to increase height metal bed

Since drilling and attaching metal or wood to a metal bed is difficult, it is easier to place the bed legs in small wooden boxes. This method of stand can be used for any bed, especially if you need to give the bed its original height.


A. Base - plywood 9 mm x 90 mm x 90 mm, 4 pcs.
B. Smaller sides - plywood 9 mm x 72 mm x 1 50 mm, 8 pcs.
WITH. Big sides- plywood 9 mm x 90 mm x 150 mm, 8 pcs.
D. Block - durable wood, area corresponding to stand x required height.
E. Forged wood screws No. 8 x 25 mm.
Fastening with glue and screws.

Operating procedure

1. Drill holes for base A and sides C.
2. Drill in the sides B auxiliary holes with a diameter equal to half the diameter of the screw.
3. Attach sides B to sides C.
4. Attach assembled sides B and C to base A.
5. Sand and paint to match the bed or coat with impregnation.
6. Cut the blocks to the required size.

This way to increase the height of the bed is simple and effective, but take the time to choose the material. The wood must be well dried so as not to split under the weight of the bed itself and the person lying on it. Glued sheet plywood is suitable for this purpose.


A. Extensions - well-dried wood, diameter approximately equal to the diameter of the bed leg, length - the height to which the bed needs to be raised + 150 mm, 4 pcs.
B. Nuts and bolts - approximately 5 mm, 8 pcs. C. Washers - as large a diameter as possible so that the wood does not split when the nuts are tightened.

Operating procedure

1. Drill holes for bolts in the bed legs and extensions A.
2. Bolt the extensions to the bed legs.
3. Paint it to match the bed or cover it with impregnation.

Metal stands for wooden beds

The stand made from angle steel or angle aluminum is very durable. It can be installed quickly.

Modern furniture stores never cease to amaze with the variety of bed models, as well as their functionality. But for various reasons it is not always possible to choose what you need. In this regard, there are a large number of options on how to make a comfortable and practical place to sleep and relax with your own hands.

Model overview

You can make almost any type of furniture at home. Before making a particular type of bed, you need to decide on its model. Depending on the purpose, a drawing is designed and materials are selected. Regular bed own production can be supplemented with built-in drawers for storing bedding or seasonal clothing. This is very convenient, since the room is not cluttered with furniture to place things, thereby leaving free space for living.

Such beds are not difficult to make, the main thing is that all the parts are well processed and polished, otherwise the drawers will get stuck in special openings.

Let's look at the main models:

  • One of the most common beds is two-tier. This type of bed allows you to save space and comfortably accommodate two people at once. As a rule, such beds are bought for a children's room. The housing must be durable and of high quality to avoid accidents.

  • If there is not enough space in the bedroom, then great solution will make a transformable bed or wardrobe bed. This model can perform a functional load during the day, and in the evening turn into a comfortable place to sleep and relax. Such beds can be different sizes and configurations. The most important thing when making them yourself is to choose a reliable and correct lifting or folding mechanism so that there are no distortions or creaks in the furniture when it is used for its intended purpose.
  • Another option for saving space would be to make a podium with pull-out bed. One and the same place can combine several zones. At night it is a place to sleep, and during the day it is a work space.

  • Suitable for rooms such as a loggia or living room chair-bed. Such furniture is convenient because it can be used every day, it does not take up much space, and when guests arrive, it can be easily transformed into a full-fledged sleeping place. It will also be pleasant that it won’t take a lot of effort, time and money to make it yourself.
  • Creative idea there will be creation hanging bed . The structure itself consists of a frame and a frame with a lamella. When installing it, you need to have enough free space, since during use it will sway, and if there is little space around, then there is a risk of waking up from a collision with a wall or furniture. For manufacturing, preference should be given to lightweight but durable materials.

Bringing a little magic and fairy tales into the bedroom will help "flying" or "hovering" bed. It is unique in that it has a cantilever fastening system, so the footboard is without support, thus visually it seems that the bed is suspended in the air. Very often they attach from below LED backlight to support the idea of ​​flight. In addition to a soft mattress, such a place to relax is suitable for both children and adults.

If you decided to make a bed yourself, then it is better not to be limited by standards and come up with an unusual and creative model, saving a good amount on it.

Beds can be for both children and adults. Children can make sleeping places in the form of a car, a house or an hanging ship, it all depends on imagination and means.

For babies under 5 years old, it is better to make a crib with a limiter, since during their sleep many of them actively move and sometimes fall to the floor. The limiter can be attached separately and can be removed over time. As a rule, it is made of metal, wood or plastic. It is easy to sew a cover on it so that the child does not touch the “bare” metal or wood.

Every child's dream is to have his own little house, where he can play and have fun, but it will be even more interesting to have his own home-bed. This sleeping place has many design options and models:

  • In the first case(and simpler) a regular bed frame is made, and 4 beams with a roof frame are attached to the top of the support rails without any additions. All parts are carefully processed and sanded if they are made of wood, so that the child does not scratch the surface of the skin. A light canopy is hung on top of this entire structure. An LED strip along the contour of the base of the roof of a sleeping house will look original as a night light. This way you get a beautiful and cozy crib.
  • In the second case the house is made in more detail, namely with a full roof and a facade that will serve as the side of the bed. This option is suitable for bunk beds, where there is a real staircase along which children will go to visit each other.

When making a bed for adults You can experiment with form and functionality. It will look very interesting round bed. However, it will be difficult to do it yourself, so if you have little experience in this matter, it is better to order the parts from a professional joiner or carpenter.

When you want to do big bed, but lacking funds, designers suggest using wooden pallets. For a double bed you will need 6-8 pallets, which are fastened together in rectangular shape, and a regular mattress is placed on top, and the bed is ready.

If the bedroom is small in size, then you can create an ergonomic and compact sleeping place with your own hands. It is best when the bed has a sliding mechanism, which will allow you to assemble it into a small and compact sofa after sleep. Or equip a sleeping bed drawers, which will fit pastels, seasonal items or other items that are rarely used.

Very often they make a floating bed with panels built into the wall that serve as a table. They can accommodate night lamps or medium-sized floor lamps.

The headrest deserves special attention. It can carry both semantic and decorative meaning. In most cases, the headboard of the bed is used as a decorative element, complementing the space with an unusual shape or ornament. In the second case, functional, it is better to make it soft and voluminous so that it is comfortable to lean on when reading or watching a movie.


When making your own sleeping bed, it is better to adhere to certain standards. In this case, it is much easier to choose a mattress and bedding (sheets, blanket, duvet cover, etc.).

Sleeping places are divided into three categories: single, double and one-and-a-half:

  • Single beds Designed for one person to sleep comfortably. Her standard sizes in width - 80-100 cm, and length - 180-190 cm. The length and width parameters can be adjusted to suit your own height and body volume. The length should be 15-20 cm greater than the height of the sleeper, and the width is calculated from the average thickness of the person at the shoulders plus 25-30 cm on each side.

  • Single bed is an intermediate option. It can accommodate 2 people with average volumes or two children. Regular sizes: width – 120 cm, length – 200 cm. There are “extra” models, where the width is increased by 20-30 centimeters.

  • Double- This is a large, large-sized bed that provides comfortable rest for two people at the same time. The width of the bed varies from 160 to 200 cm. The length is most often 200 cm. There is a variety - a “king size” bed or, in simple terms, a triple bed. Its width is more than 200 cm. It is intended for sleeping parents with a small child or for tall and large people.

To make a bed optimal sizes, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. If a sleeping person actively tosses and turns over, then the width of the bed must be made larger so that he does not fall on the floor while sleeping.

Current styles

For a comfortable rest, it is best to make the bed under general style rooms. Otherwise, resonance will be created in space. In addition, the selection should be made depending on the size of the room itself. There are several current styles, which can be divided into 3 large groups: for small, medium and large bedrooms.

Small bedrooms

For such premises will be suitable bed in the style of High-tech, Minimalism, Loft, East Asian style:

  • Beds in style High tech They are distinguished by their originality and interesting design, which is most often complemented by practicality and functionality. Such sleeping places have unusual shapes and modern look. The presence of correct geometric shapes and shiny surfaces is mandatory. The dominant color scheme is pure and life-affirming colors: white, yellow, red, green, etc.

  • Sleeping beds in style Minimalism They are distinguished by their simplicity and composure. Distinctive feature is ergonomics, simplicity of form and the absence of pretentious and unnecessary details. As a rule, the design involves light and solid colors: white, gray, milky.

  • East Asian direction The bed style has many features. The most obvious one is the earthiness, namely the low height of the bed relative to the floor. The shape has clear lines, sometimes there is a canopy.

  • Not so long ago, at the beginning of the twentieth century in the USA, there appeared unusual style interior called Loft. This design appeared when the room was not originally built as a living space. It was specially converted into a residential area. Usually this upper floors factories or workshops. The apartments are distinguished by their scale and simplicity of design.

Under the influence of such premises, designers began to create a whole series of furniture (chairs, tables, beds, etc.) dedicated to this style. As for the beds, they stand out for their simplicity and neutrality in color scheme. A distinctive feature is also the presence of “rough” elements. For example, the headrest may have metal rivets or artificial abrasions.

Medium sized rooms

For medium-sized bedrooms, beds in Provence, Country or Modern style are suitable:

  • Style Provence subconsciously perceived as something airy, light and unpretentious. Such beds are suitable for connoisseurs of classics and general sophistication in the interior. The sleeping beds have impeccably regular and clear shapes, which are combined with the airiness and volume of the bedspreads and pillows. The main highlight is the headboard (it should be beautiful and soft), as well as the whimsicality of the supporting legs (they can be curved, twisted or carved). The predominant colors are pastel shades.

  • The most practical and comfortable bed styles include the style Country. Sleeping area squat and has massive shapes. The materials for its production are taken only natural, namely pine or oak. Sometimes there are decorative elements made of metal, for example, on the headboard or legs, or fabric covers are sewn in khaki, saffron, marshy or earthy shades.

  • Direction called Modern It is distinguished by its roundness and smoothness of shape. Modern style involves mixing materials in harmonious proportions, for example, wood and metal, plastic and textiles. Colors may be completely different.

Large spaces

The large room allows you to place beds of any style, but sleeping places in the Baroque, Empire, Rococo and, of course, Classicism styles will add special sophistication:

  • Baroque sometimes called pretentious because it implies abundance decorative elements, gilding, rich and dense materials for bed upholstery. In most cases, the bed is large and massive headboard, which can be supplemented with stucco. Color also has great importance. Usually these are shades of blue, silver, pistachio, gold, pink, red.

  • Empire style is one of the unique styles that combines luxury and aristocratic modesty. To make beds in this manner, only the highest quality and expensive materials such as mahogany wood, bog oak or nut. The size of the bed is also impressive. The forms have straight and clear silhouettes without pomp, as in Baroque. For upholstery, fabrics with deep and rich colors are used (indigo, pure gray, emerald, purple, etc.).

  • The style also boasts its softness and comfort Rococo. The shape of the bed is smooth, without sharp corners. Decorative elements are presented in gilding, textured carvings and the perfect smoothness of the lacquered elements of the main bed frame. The colors of the style are soft, close to pastel tones.

  • As designers say, if you have no ideas for choosing a style, then there is nothing better classics. Such furniture is distinguished by its reliability, durability and functionality.

The body is made without frills, of the correct shape. The materials for making beds are high quality and durable. It can be wood or metal. The color palette is very restrained, but may include bright, but not flashy, decorative elements. There are white, black, gray and other pastel shades.

Currently everything large quantity designers and craftsmen are encouraged not to strictly follow one direction, but to intelligently combine them with each other, which will allow them to combine simplicity of form, elegance and convenience at the same time.

Selection of materials

Competent selection of materials for making your own bed is one of the main points in creating furniture. As a rule, its choice depends on the calculated amount and the chosen design:

  • The most common material is wood. To ensure that the bed lasts a long time and does not spoil your health, it is better to give preference to pine, oak or ash. Yes, wood is expensive, but it will repay you with its durability and environmental friendliness. In addition, the frame will be quite strong and light. The only drawback of wood is its sensitivity to air humidity. If the bars are not treated with stain or varnish, there is a risk that they will begin to rot or become moldy. If the bed is constantly located in an unventilated area with dry air, wooden product may dry out and crack.
  • If you don’t have enough money for solid wood, then it can be replaced with plywood or fiberboard tiles - MDF. This bed usually lasts about 10 years. Thanks to synthetic inclusions, chipboard does not grow mold, and pests do not grow in it.

Many people do not choose this material because of its unnatural appearance, lack of beautiful texture and pattern. Plywood also contains a small percentage of formaldehyde resins, which evaporate when the material is heated or damp. In this regard, you should not make a crib for a child from MDF panels or plywood.

  • Currently, the fashion for beds with a metal frame has begun to return. This material has long been valued for its distinctive characteristics, such as strength, reliability, resistance to temperature fluctuations and the ability to create original shapes and patterns. The material itself is harmless and does not emit unpleasant or toxic odors. But at the same time, it has several disadvantages: large weight of the structure, tactile discomfort and risk of injury. IN winter time years, the body of such a bed will be cold and uncomfortable if you touch it. Moreover, metal is a hard material in its structure, and if you hit it, it will leave a bruise or hematoma.

To lighten the weight of the bed, you can make the body from a metal profile pipe. These are hollow iron tubes that are easily welded to each other. They come in round, oval and square sections.

  • In order to save and sell the remaining materials, you can get an unusual bed from leftovers PVC pipes or polypropylene(if, for example, a bathroom renovation was done). It is better to make a bed for children from such material, since under the heavy weight of the mattress and adults, the frame can crack or deform. If you still choose them, then it is better to give preference to polypropylene pipes. They are more durable and rigid in their characteristics. To assemble such a bed, it does not require much time and effort; you just need to make the main box and cross slats so that the weight of the sleeping person is correctly distributed along the entire perimeter. Experimental designers advise making each side of the main body from several rows of tubes, this way the structure will be more durable and reliable.

How to take measurements?

One of the important points when making a bed is measuring the parts and space where it will be located. The scale of the future sleeping place can be based on 2 parameters: the size of the room and the dimensions of the future mattress. The bed should be proportionate to the external space and succinctly complement the room. Therefore, if the room is large, then you can afford large and bold sizes.

As for the dimensions of the mattress, it is better to proceed from concrete example. A standard double mattress is 2 meters long and 1.4-1.8 meters wide. The height depends on the weight of the sleeping person - the heavier he is, the thicker the covering should be.

After measurements of the “soft” component have been made, you should begin arranging the dimensions of the body part of the bed. The inside must match the dimensions of the mattress. If its width is 1.4 meters, then the width of the body should be 16 mm larger on each side so that there is a small gap for comfortable placement of the mattress. Accordingly, the headrest dimensions will be calculated as follows: 1400 mm + 16+16 = 1432 mm. The length of the side parts is also calculated: 2000 +16+16 = 2032 mm.

The height of the bed is calculated from the individual parameters of the person according to the standard that the bed from the floor should end at approximately knee height. The mattress should “peek out” by about 10 cm to protect your feet from hitting the body of the sofa. The height of the headboard can be taken arbitrarily, but it should also be proportionate to the overall part of the bed. For example, if the bed level is 600 mm, then overall height the headboard will be equal to 1 meter, i.e. + 400 mm.

Based on the above examples, you can set the following dimensions of the bed and the number of parts for its body:

  • Headboard: length – 1432 mm, height – 1000 mm (1 piece);
  • Opposite wall: length 1432 mm, height – 600 mm (1 piece);
  • Side parts: length – 2032 mm (2 parts). The height of these parts depends on the material used and the model of the bed. As a rule, the height is 200-150 mm.

It is very important not to forget to calculate the inner lining of the slats on which the lamella or a solid sheet of chipboard will be laid. The long side parts should rest against the short ones at the top. The top and bottom slats must be equal to the dimensions of the mattress, namely 1400 mm in length and 50 mm in width, side panels– 1968 mm by 50 mm, since you also need to subtract the width of the small slats into which they rest (32 mm). Each part is required in duplicate.

This is how the main body of the berth is calculated. Next, you need to calculate the length and height of the internal racks, which will additionally support the lamella and mattress being laid. This is very simple to do, they will be equal to the main height of the bed (600 mm), and the length should correspond to the internal upper or lower support rail (1400 mm).

After all the measurements and calculations, you can begin to implement the resulting drawing.

Step by step instructions

In order to make a high-quality bed yourself at home, you need to maintain a certain stage and sequence. The following will describe the phased construction of a standard double bed. For its base you will need high-quality wood, such as pine.

To work with wood, you will need a tape measure, a construction pencil, self-tapping screws measuring 65 and 40 millimeters, metal corners for fastening 45-50 mm wide, a Phillips screwdriver, a hammer, a small saw, sandpaper, wood glue or PVA.

Before purchasing wooden blocks, you need to make an accurate drawing indicating the scale and future holes for fastening.

How to develop a drawing?

In order to draw a detailed drawing of the future bed, you need a sheet of paper (you can take it with a millimeter line for convenience), a pencil and a ruler. The first thing you need when designing is to decide on the model of the bed and the mattress under which the frame will be assembled. If you wish to create a non-standard and unusual bed You can also make a mattress yourself. A simple model of a rectangular sleeping bed is easy to design.

The drawing must be made in three copies: top, side and front view.

In the top view, the width and length of the body along the inner walls are usually marked. The data directly depends on the dimensions of the selected mattress. In the figure, you must immediately note the intended thickness of the wooden blocks, as well as their number. It is better to calculate in millimeters, since than more precise calculations, the better quality the furniture will be. For convenience, craftsmen mark with strokes the places where fastening corners will be located or screws will be screwed in.

Side panels, as a rule, consist of two boards connected to each other using dowels - these are rounded cylindrical rods approximately 1.5 cm in height and no more than 0.5 cm in diameter. Next comes a persistent transverse bar, and on the sides there are 2 bars with holes for self-tapping screws or bolts for connection to the front panels. It is worth marking the places of gluing and fastening. In the front view, namely the headboard, you need to indicate its height, width and the number of boards required for its construction.

With the help of a clear and correctly executed drawing, you can calculate the number of required boards and fasteners for them, from here you will immediately see the required amount for the implementation of the project.

If the drawing fails, then there is always the opportunity to contact a furniture showroom or workshop, where they can tell and show how to make it.

For a double bed you will need: for the main frame and legs - 50 by 50 mm timber with a length of 2200 mm made of pine - 15 pieces. You also need a pine board (2000 mm by 100 mm, 20 mm thick) in the amount of 22 pieces.

After collecting all the basic materials for work, you can begin assembly. If the boards are not treated, then you need to cover the wood with stain in advance so that it does not mold or deteriorate during use.

How to assemble?

The standard main box has a height of 150 mm, and the width of the beam should be 50 mm. In this regard, you need to glue 3 bars together. The next procedure is as follows:

  • The surfaces to be joined are treated with glue and compressed, it is advisable to put a load on top for better coupling of materials. You should wait a day until it dries completely. The resulting part must be measured again and any irregularities eliminated after gluing.
  • For a complete frame you need: 2 side boards (length 2200 mm), another board (2100 mm) for the longitudinal lintel in the middle, as well as 2 wooden panels for the headboard and end part (each 1610 mm long).

  • For a reliable and durable connection of corners, a small fragment is sawed off at the edges of the bars– 40-50 mm. As a result of this, the corners are firmly fastened, but the parts still need to be lubricated with glue. The parts also need to be strongly compressed or pressed down with a weight until the glue completely hardens.
  • There is another way to connect the bars in the corners, namely, internal gluing of parts cut to size. To do this, you need to first assemble a rectangular frame on the floor. Next, the end parts are coated with glue and pressed forcefully at both ends of the side panels. After this, the bars are screwed to each other with self-tapping screws for a reliable joint. Do not forget about the evenness of the corners so that the bed does not have bevels.
  • After the main box is glued and fixed, you can begin installing the internal jumper rail.

It is needed in order to give greater rigidity and strength to the product. It must be attached exactly in the middle, so the center of the box must be found on the back side, and not on the outside.

  • . For greater reliability, craftsmen advise strengthening the legs with metal corners, as well as making additional ones in the middle of the side panels for greater stability and even distribution of the weight of the sleeping person. After the glue has dried, you can put the body and legs in their normal position. Internal slats are attached to the sides of the bed frame at a location pre-marked on the drawing.
  • thickness 30-35 mm. They will serve as future support for the beams, which, in turn, will support the mattress. The supports are placed so that they are flush with the center partition. It is very important that they do not lie flush against the side walls, as this can cause squeaking when you lie down on the bed. Therefore, there should be a small space - 5 mm, which will ensure their free location. The bars themselves should not be placed or fastened close to each other. Ideally, the distance between the boards to be laid should be 30-50 mm. For reliability, the cross bars are fastened in 3 places with ordinary nails or self-tapping screws (to avoid cracks, it is better to pre-drill holes for fastening).

  • After all the parts are installed, it is time to remove errors that appeared during work. These could be glue residues, cracks that need to be filled with putty or new timber installed, and burrs sanded down. You should not skip this point, since the aesthetics of the appearance and the safety of the sleeper depend on it. If the wood originally purchased was not sanded, then it must be made absolutely smooth using grinder or regular sandpaper.
  • A perfectly turned bed should be cleared of sawdust and small shavings. Then you can varnish it. To do this, it is better to use a brush or a special sprayer. The most important thing is to follow safety rules during the process and wear a respiratory mask to avoid inhaling fumes. Layers of varnish must be applied on both sides, as it protects the wood from bark beetles and mold. Apply the next layer only after the first one has completely dried.
  • During the drying process of the bed there is time to make the backrest. It can have different shapes and sizes. Headboards can be semicircular, rectangular, lattice or completely absent, but with it the bed looks more concise and familiar. It's very easy to make. You can take 2 or 3 bars, glue them together, put them under a press and wait for them to dry completely. Then the wood is processed like the rest of the bed and attached to the main frame using self-tapping screws or the same PVA glue.

  • Sometimes the headboard is screwed or hung on hooks above the bed, this is a decorative element. In this case, you can custom-cut an unusual pattern on a single piece of wood. This headboard will be a wonderful and unusual addition to the bed.
  • When all the parts are installed and the varnish is completely dry, it’s time to put the mattress in its place. After this, the bed is ready for further use. If you want to wooden bed was original and unusual, then an interesting idea would be to cover it with fabric.

How to cover with fabric?

The process of upholstering and decorating a bed is not complicated, but it requires care and accuracy of calculations. Before you begin the process, you need to decide on the textiles and type of covering.

There are several types of fabrics for decorating a sofa or bed:

  • Flock. This coating has been known for a long time and has a good reputation. The material is a non-woven fabric with a pile of acrylic, viscose, cotton, etc. applied to it. The fabric is very durable, does not fade in the sun, and is also easy to clean.
  • Velours. The material is very pleasant to the touch, has a vertical pile structure. Its composition is dense and durable. This upholstery will last a long time and will delight you with its practicality and price.
  • Chenille. This fabric is created by weaving pile between the threads. The pile can be acrylic, polyester, viscose or cotton. According to its characteristics, the material is very high quality and durable, giving the bed an expensive look. The fabric does not attract dust and is easy to care for.
  • Jacquard. It is very beautiful, dense and unusual material. As a rule, it has a complex pattern, which is made with silk threads. The fabric is multi-layered, so it is wear-resistant and holds its shape well.
  • Faux leather. Modern leatherette, which is no worse in quality than genuine leather. The material will pleasantly please with its price, variety of embossing and colors. Any dirt can be easily removed with a damp cloth.
  • Genuine Leather. Leather fabric is very expensive and has a number of features. It must be wiped frequently with a damp towel and special wax applied, otherwise the leather will crack. Otherwise, this is a high-quality and durable material.

After the bed has been assembled, you can move on to covering it:

  • For work you will need decorative and simple fabric (for internal parts), foam rubber or batting, specialized glue for furniture, scissors, construction stapler, hammer, decorative nails, tape measure.
  • It is best to start work from the headboard, if it exists. It must be separated from the general body of the bed. Next, a 5-centimeter piece of foam rubber is taken and cut to its shape. The process itself is not easy, so it is better to use a carpenter's knife. The finished cut is attached to the wood using glue. It should be applied not to foam rubber, but to front part wooden panel. For greater strength, it is better to secure the edges with a stapler.
  • While the glue dries, you can cut out your chosen fabric for upholstery. It is very important that there are allowances of 10-15 cm on each side. Fastening the material should begin from the lower corners using a stapler, since then it will be easier to level the fabric over the entire surface area. Once the fabric is taut, it's time to hammer in decorative nails so the staples won't show.
  • When decorating the headboard is finished, it's time to move on to the main body. To begin with, strips of foam rubber are prepared. They should be the same size as the outer sides of the bed frame. They are also attached with glue. Foam rubber is not attached to the place where the headboard is attached. The frame can be sheathed with technical or decorative fabric. The material is gradually stretched and attached using the same stapler.

  • If it is a technical fabric, then a cover must be put on top. It must be sewn with a zipper or Velcro so that it does not slip and is easy to put on.
  • When the main box is covered with fabric, you can attach a headboard.
  • Above is an example of a simple covering with decorative fabric, but there are other methods of textile upholstery. The most popular and fashionable today is the carriage bed frame. As a rule, only the headboard is decorated in this way, but the entire sleeping area can be decorated.
  • For work you will need foam rubber with a thickness of 5 cm, a plywood frame in the shape of the head of the bed, wood glue, scissors, upholstery fabric, decorative buttons or nails, 2 thick needles, a drill with a round nozzle and a stapler.
  • The first step is to make markings on the foam rubber in the form of identical squares, rectangles or rhombuses. After that it is glued to the plywood. At the joining points of rhombuses or squares it is necessary to do round holes using a drill. The diameter should be approximately 10 mm.
  • Sheathing material is applied on top. Next, needles are taken, and with their help, decorative buttons are sewn through the fabric and holes and at the same time neat folds are formed, which are secured to the ends of the body. You should sew slowly and carefully, otherwise the fabric may become beveled, and then you will have to redo the work all over again.

Spectacular examples in the interior

If you decided to make a homemade bed for your bedroom, this does not mean that it should be boring and ordinary. Self-production initially implies a certain amount of creativity and creativity in the work. This is especially true for cribs.

This image shows that the profile bed is not only a place to relax, but also a small entertainment area in the form of a slide, Swedish wall and rope.

And in this example you can see the dream of many children. The bed is made in the form of a house, where it is always calm and you don’t have to be afraid of monsters under the bed.

It is clear from the image that this is the room of an adult child. The sleeping place is very functional, it is easy to clean and will not take up extra space. For the older generation, a more ergonomic bed is suitable, on which you can sleep comfortably and also hide things inside until needed.

Lovers of magic and miracles can make a floating bed come true. It is done quite simply, but the result will delight you every time and inspire you to new achievements.

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