Living room with workplace: subtleties of room zoning. Ideas for the interior of a living room with a work area Wall designs for a living room with a computer desk

A living room with a study in the same room is not uncommon in conditions of shortage of free space. square meters. When organizing a work space in the living room, you need to plan everything in advance. Create correct interior A room that has to perform several functions at once is not always successful. Every little thing, every detail is important here. However, you should not be afraid of change. If you approach this issue correctly, it can turn out to be very interesting and comfortable interior, in which all family members, and even guests, will feel comfortable living.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you take on remodeling perhaps the most important room in the apartment, you should identify all the advantages and disadvantages of this remodeling. Let's first consider all the possible benefits:

  1. Lots of light. The living room is usually the largest and most Light room in the apartment. And sufficient lighting is very important for any work.
  2. No need to win a room from anyone. The living room by definition is common area, that is, it does not belong solely to any of the inhabitants of the living space. This means that you will not need to ask permission or ask someone to give you this place. And you can calmly go about your business without distracting anyone or disturbing your household.
  3. Possibility to update the design. When re-equipping the space of a room, the most unexpected ideas may arise, the implementation of which can completely transform the room, and it will become the brightest and most original place in the apartment.
  4. Space saving. It often happens that a personal room is too small to provide space for any activity. But there is no opportunity to occupy another room due to the lack of free space.
  5. The ability to do several things at the same time. You can do your work and at the same time communicate with everyone else in the family or watch TV, as long as it does not distract you from what you are doing.

However, the idea of ​​combining a hall and a work area is not without its drawbacks:

  1. Since the room is intended primarily for receiving guests and is a place general collection all family members, these factors can be distracting, preventing you from concentrating on your work. Extraneous conversations, loud TV sound - all this distracts attention and can affect the quality of your actions.
  2. Inconvenience for other residents. If your activity involves the presence of extraneous noise, it may disturb those who will be in the room at the same time as you.
  3. The workplace should always be in perfect order, so every time you finish work you will be required to thoroughly clean the room. If you work with papers, you need to put them away every time so that someone doesn’t accidentally sweep them off the table or put a cup of tea on them (after all, many people like to eat in front of the TV).

If you sew, in addition to cleaning up trash on the floor, be sure to carefully hide all dangerous objects such as scissors or needles so that children or someone else does not inadvertently grab them.

Place for a work area.

If you are determined to place your work in the living room, you need to determine how to properly zoning the room. There are several most common options for how to most successfully equip a work space:

  • Balcony. If the living room has access to a loggia or at least a balcony (even a small one), this will allow you to get additional room for work. If the apartment design allows, then the wall between the room and the loggia can be demolished, thus increasing the space, and instead of the wall, install a plasterboard partition with a niche for storing things, papers and other items you need for work. Often in the wall between the loggia and the room is inserted window unit. It can also be dismantled without touching the lower part of the wall - it can be conveniently adapted under a table.
  • Niche. This could be the perfect place to work. A niche is easiest to separate from the rest of the space. And the lack of daylight can be compensated for by additional built-in lamps. Moreover, they can be mounted not only in the ceiling, but also in the walls along the entire perimeter of the niche.

  • Corner. Most often, the space in the corner is empty as it is too inconvenient to put anything significant there. But for a desktop, the corner is quite suitable. This placement is often chosen by mothers who are forced to combine work and childcare. For this option, furniture on wheels is suitable to make it more convenient to get up from the table.
  • Near the window. This option has several undeniable advantages. Firstly, you can use the window sill as a table. If necessary, it can be extended to the desired width. And secondly, workplace there will be enough light. Alternatively, you can place the table between two windows. Then the light will come in evenly from both sides.

Living room zoning

If none of the standard solutions suits you, there is only one thing left - zoning the space. The simplest thing is to divide the room into zones for work and relaxation using lighting. It could be a table lamp, wall sconces near the table or built-in ceiling lamps. If this is a computer desk with shelves for office equipment, you can use LED strip. Such lighting will look very original and make the living room stylish and modern.

In addition, in the living room you can make multi-level ceiling and place built-in lamps, for example, above the sofa and above the desk.


Experts recommend planning combined rooms in this way: so that the person sitting at the workplace has his back turned to the main room. This is necessary so that he can concentrate. Ideally, it is advisable to separate the two functional areas using a partition. It can be either solid, which is the remnant of a wall, or made artificially from various materials, or light, such as a portable screen or curtain.

The latter are very convenient because, if necessary, they can be removed and the integrity of the room restored. Dividing space into zones can also be done using pieces of furniture. It could be a closet stylish slide, part of a wall or shelf with niches. This option is good because it completely hides the seated person from prying eyes.


Sometimes there are rooms non-standard shape- for example, pentagonal, or having all kinds of niches, in which you can also organize an isolated space for work. They can be equipped with additional storage space. However, the second option is not without some inconveniences - while working, you will stare at a blank wall, and the lack of natural lighting will force you to spend money on additional light sources.

Also, zoning of the room can be done on an additional elevation. This kind of original pedestal is often obtained if a loggia or balcony is connected to the main room. In this case, there is often a need for additional floor insulation.

Great idea– zone the room using finishing materials . This can become the highlight of the entire interior. To implement such an idea, you can use not only various wallpapers, but also various materials for finishing. For example, if the main part of the living room is wallpapered paper wallpaper, then the part that will be work area,can be finished plastic panels, decorative plaster or just wallpaper with a different texture.



The interior of any room, and especially a multi-tasking space, is determined by the furniture. For the guest and relaxation area it is standard: this is a set upholstered furniture, the size of which depends on the availability of free space, and various options table: coffee table, serving table, dining table, transformer - there can be many options, and most often a cabinet for audio and video equipment. As for the business space, difficulties may arise here.

Depending on the type of activity, you may need very different furniture. If the work is of an intellectual nature and is performed primarily on a computer, then a comfortable chair and a light table are needed.

Since the age of bulky monitors is a thing of the past, and they have been replaced by lightweight laptops and compact all-in-one PCs, often only a small table and an outlet nearby are enough to charge the battery. And to store documents, disks, stationery and other things, you can hang a small shelf.

If you are engaged in some creative activity and need, for example, a sewing or knitting machine for work, then a comfortable sitting place is important here too. Only in this case it should not be easy chair, and a chair with a height-adjustable backrest. You should also consider a storage system for working materials - yarn, threads, fabric, and so on. This could be a shelving unit with glass doors or a chest of drawers.

If necessary, they can act as a space delimiter. Whatever the furniture, it is advisable that it does not look like foreign body, but was in harmony with the surrounding environment. For example, if the TV stand and coffee table are made in one color scheme, then the desktop must be selected in color. Especially if working space not protected by any partitions.

In order not to clutter the room with unnecessary furniture, you can use what you already have - for example, dinner table, if available, or a TV console. For the same purposes, you can choose transforming furniture. Today's stores are ready to offer customers various options: a folding table or chair, a retractable tabletop, and even a table that turns into a sleeping place.

Combining a living room with a work area will help you in a situation where you don’t have the opportunity to set up your own office. In this case, the room acquires two functions at once: it combines the possibility of rest and work.

Living room with work area: pros and cons

This design solution has its positive and negative qualities. Good side is that such a combination, in addition to saving space, makes the interior more original. In addition, living rooms usually have good lighting, which creates favorable conditions for labor.

But there are also pitfalls. For example, extraneous sounds from the recreation area can distract from work, and household members, not wanting to disturb the person working, simply will not be able to have a good rest.

Before deciding on this design move, it's worth weighing the pros and cons.

Where should the work area be located?

If you decide to combine a work area with a relaxation area, you first need to decide on its location. The office should be located in the side of the room, for example, in the corner. If it is located in the center of the room, household members will not be able to rest.

It is especially appropriate for the work area to be located near a window that will provide natural light.

A work area can become completely isolated if it is placed on a balcony or loggia. It is very important to take care of insulating this area so as not to freeze during the cold season. If the balcony is small, you can destroy the partition so that everything you need fits in this area. But when locating the work area in this place, it is worth considering the disadvantages, for example, noise from the street can distract from work, and dust in warm time may cause damage to equipment.


One zone will be the hall, and the second will be the office. The division must be clear. You can apply your own ideas or borrow them from famous designers. There aren't many options for a pentagonal room. A piano will fit well into the fifth corner.

Workplace zoning provides comfort to both the working person and his household. Partitions are used for this different types. For example, solid partitions provide complete insulation. Screens and curtains can act as light partitions, which will additionally create coziness in the room. You can also separate the work area with furniture if you place cabinets so that they hide the entire work area.

Decorative panels will serve not only as screens, but also as decoration. Aqua panels or 3D panels will look very beautiful and stylish. Plastic screens connected to electricity, in addition to the above functions, will be an additional source of light, and in the dark everything looks as impressive as possible.

You can put a large aquarium as a partition: it is quite expensive, but the result compensates for the costs. This method will delight guests with its originality and beauty.

The work area can be highlighted using color. If the living room interior is quite bright and catchy, it is recommended to make the work area in neutral colors to ensure maximum concentration on work.

However, do not forget about the main rule: the work area, in addition to comfort and discreet style, should not stand out too much in the living room. In this case, the room will not look harmonious.

In addition to these techniques, you can also transform the space, for example, create a niche in the wall. This solution will be as comfortable as possible for the employee. It is possible to place the work area on a small podium; this will qualitatively highlight the work area among other items, but it will not be very convenient or practical.

It is recommended that the work area be positioned with its back to the main part of the living room so that the worker is not distracted. However, placing the office facing the seating area can also be beneficial if there are small children who need to be looked after.

Furniture placement

Most important point in this matter - comfortable and beautiful placement of work furniture in the room. With the space for receiving guests, everything is simple: you should place a TV, a coffee table, a sofa or a couple of armchairs here. Coffee table can be classic or “transformable”, which, if desired, can be expanded, which will make it look like a full-fledged dining table.

Convenient solution for the work area there is furniture on casters, which can be easily taken out, for example, during the holidays, when the family is expecting a large company.

Of course, it will be more convenient for the company to relax in free space.

In order to successfully place the necessary furniture without the effect of cluttering the room, you first need to remove from the room what you can do without. Excess furniture and objects will clutter up the space as much as possible and interfere with free movement. Bulky furniture also looks outdated; it is better to replace it with multifunctional items.

After this you need to place the desktop - essential element interior on which it takes place most of work. It can be placed diagonally in relation to the room itself. This way the entire corner of the room will be occupied, which will make the work area especially cozy. The table itself should not be too large; the presence of drawers and compartments for placing equipment (computer, printer, etc.) is a plus.

If the size of the table allows for excess, you can place sweet photographs, decorative candles or figurines on it.

The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, so that the accessories do not distract from the important work.

In especially small rooms you can use extendable tables– when assembled, they take up virtually no space. On balconies or loggias, you can use the window sill as a table if you expand it with plasterboard. Often in small living rooms the work area is hidden from prying eyes, for example, hidden in a closet.

The selection of a chair is very important: comfort during work affects performance and does not harm the musculoskeletal system.

A transparent table and chair will harmonize with any interior without attracting undue attention. It is appropriate to place an outlet near the table so that you do not have to stretch wires and extension cords across the entire room, which will cause discomfort to the residents and will look sloppy.

To store things, you can use racks, which can also serve as a screen. Don't forget about wall shelves, which take up virtually no space. They can be filled with literature, folders, and so on.

Placing a sofa in the work area is not The best decision because it reduces labor productivity. On the contrary, placing a cork board on the wall is very convenient. You can attach notes, reminders, and current documents to it; this will help save important sheets that household members may mistakenly throw away or simply get lost in a pile of other papers. In addition to practical benefits, this element can be used as a decoration that attracts attention.

Despite all the options, the most convenient is making custom-made furniture. This method will help you realize all your design solutions in life.


It is known that colors affect the performance and general psycho-emotional state of a person:

  • Cool shades of colors increase concentration at work;
  • Bright colors(yellow, green, blue) affect the creative mood, this perfect option for people whose work involves creativity and the need for creative thinking. However, you should not use these colors separately, as they will distract from the main work;
  • Blue color has a calming effect and helps to concentrate, while blue is too relaxing and distracts from details;
  • Red color in small quantities gives a supply of energy and confidence in own strength;
  • Warm shades will only distract from the task at hand; this is the worst option for accountants and those whose work involves precise calculations and in-depth analysis.


Most often they give preference to the classic or colonial style. Perfect fit discreet style– high-tech, minimalism, loft. This style will not distract from work and will not allow you to relax too much. They also use the colonial style in a diluted form.

Ladies, especially lovers of needlework, prefer to decorate their workplace in Provence or shabby chic style.

Decorating a room using a set of furniture is much easier than choosing a composition from individual items adhering to a certain style. For example: a wall with computer desk. Its configuration depends on the size and purpose of the room.

Feature of the wall in the living room with a computer desk

Peculiarity similar design is about versatility. Of course, you will have to allocate a certain area of ​​space for it, but this measure will more than pay off with numerous advantages.

  • Capacity.
  • Possibility of installation taking into account the characteristics of the room.
  • Compactness.

The furniture wall consists of open and closed elements for different purposes:

  • wardrobes;
  • pencil case for books;
  • glass display case for dishes and collectibles;
  • TV stands and related equipment;
  • drawers for documents;
  • built-in computer desk.

There are models that even have in their design folding bed. This option should be adopted by owners of small one-room apartments.

Design modern walls diverse. There are products in which the tabletop is one of the shelves of an open shelving unit.

A folding or retractable surface makes it possible to quickly create a comfortable workplace, and then easily return everything to its original position.

There are sliding wardrobes that hide a mini office behind a sliding door.

Options for placing a computer desk in a furniture set

Installation of a computer desk is carried out taking into account certain requirements; this must be taken into account when choosing a wall.

  • Ergonomics.
  • Functionality.
  • Sufficient lighting.
  • Possibility of creating an isolated zone.
  • Compact and discreet.

The classic arrangement involves filling one of the walls from floor to ceiling with a furniture set. It is advisable to choose it if it is necessary to place a large number of things. This option is suitable for spacious rooms. The table is located in an improvised niche between the cabinets.

In a mini design, the tabletop is often hung on the wall and fits well with cabinets and shelving.

The corner configuration saves space, helps to efficiently use space and has good capacity. Interesting solution will become a tabletop with the function of rotating around support post. After work it is easy to return to its original position.

General selection criteria and design

When choosing a furniture product, you should pay attention not only to the configuration of the wall, but also to evaluate the quality of its execution.

Manufacturing materials and coatings

A number of materials are used in the production of structures.

  • Tree. Considered the best option. Has high performance qualities, but, unfortunately, the price of solid wood furniture is unaffordable for most. Wooden surface varnished to protect and highlight the design.
  • Chipboard. The material consists of pressed shavings, sawdust and resin. Must be present at the top decorative coating. Its destruction during operation leads to the evaporation of phenols and formaldehydes, which are dangerous to humans. This is why it is so important that all edges are securely closed. The material is afraid of moisture. Under its influence, the slabs swell and deform. Typically used to create a frame.
  • MDF. Fiberboards do not pose a health hazard, since lignin and paraffin act as binders. In terms of density, they are close to natural wood and have the ability to acquire curved shape, which increases decorative characteristics. Tolerates conditions well high humidity, but are sensitive to temperature increases. Mainly used for facade decoration.
  • Fiberboard. It is obtained from wood waste by dry and wet pressing. The thickness of the material is 4 mm, so it is used only for the back surfaces and bottoms of drawers.

Individual elements can be made of glass, metal, mirrors.

Used for surface finishing different technologies and materials.

  • Laminating involves decorating with special paper, which is embossed and varnished. It is considered not very durable.
  • Melamine coating is highly resistant to various factors (humidity, temperature changes). Consists of paper coated with a layer of resin.
  • Lamination allows you to achieve strength and reliable protection. It is a film created on the basis of melamine resin. It can have a different texture: smooth or reliably imitating natural materials.
  • Postforming is used for objects with smooth lines. The surface layer consists of paper and a plasticizer, which takes on a given shape under the influence of temperature.
  • Veneering consists of gluing thin sheets of natural wood. Allows you to give furniture a noble look.

The end edges are covered with paper, PVC film, veneer, ABS plastic or a special profile.


The facade is responsible for the visual perception of the wall.

There are various versions available.

One-piece doors are made of the same material. They are distinguished by their strength and significant weight.

More room for implementation design ideas gives an option consisting of a frame and an insert. The frame contains special grooves into which the panel is installed. Combination allowed different materials, creating unusual shapes.

For modern interiors often choose furniture with a lot of open shelves or shelving. With their help it is convenient to zone the space. They look more light and airy. The only problem is the need to constantly remove dust.


Front fittings for furniture include handles, locks and decorative elements.

The opening of the facades is carried out thanks to hinges, lifting devices, roller systems.

  • Sliding doors move on special slides parallel to each other. They allow you to save room space, but at the same time part of the internal volume is lost. Another disadvantage is that the view of the cabinet's contents is reduced.
  • The swing version works thanks to the loops. It is considered the most reliable and durable, but it is necessary to leave enough free space for normal functioning. The folding modification is complemented by a mechanism that promotes smooth movement and reliably holds the sash in place. horizontal plane. Has a load limit of 9 kg.
  • The lifting system is equipped spring block or gas lift. This design is used for the upper compartments.
  • Ball and roller guides are installed to pull out drawers. The first option ensures full opening, silent and smooth operation, and can withstand significant loads. Roller systems are more affordable in terms of price. But you need to be prepared for loud sounds when moving the box, partial visibility (about 2/3), and a short service life.

Types of wall designs with a computer desk

The wall in the living room with a computer desk can be solid or consisting of individual elements (modules).

The first option is a structure that, after assembly and installation, takes on a finished form. This piece of furniture largely determines the style of the interior, so its choice must be approached responsibly.

The modular type makes it possible to change places of objects at will. Thanks to this approach, it is easy to make changes to the usual environment. Some sections are placed near the table, creating a full-fledged work area, while the rest can be installed separately.

Individual parts of the structure are often attached directly to the wall. For these purposes they use furniture hinges and mounting plate.

The first method is considered more affordable, but requires more effort and time.

Usage mounting plate makes work easier. An important condition is: smooth walls and angles 90°. Hinges are mounted on cabinets. The presence of adjustment screws allows you to perfectly align the position of objects.

Selection rules

If you decide to purchase a wall with a computer desk, then it is important that the latter meets ergonomic requirements.

  • The height is chosen so that the tabletop is at the level of the solar plexus of a sitting person.
  • The depth should provide the correct distance to the monitor. The minimum value is 45 cm.
  • The width depends on what types of work are planned to be performed. The lower border is 60 cm.

It is worth providing space for system unit, other equipment, holes for wire exit, etc.

If a set of furniture is intended for the living room, then a TV is often installed in it.

A necessary condition is to ensure free air movement to avoid overheating of the electrical appliance.

The size of the wall depends on the availability of free space. A bulky product will look awkward in a small room and will take up all the available space. For such cases, you should choose the mini option.

A wall with a computer desk will make it possible to rationally use the space of the living room and children's room, provide a comfortable workplace, and solve the problem of storing things.

Many of us have to work from home from time to time, if not regularly. But, unfortunately, not everyone’s living space allows them to allocate a separate room for an office or workshop. Today we’ll talk about how to create a comfortable workspace in the living room without harming its design.

Workplace in the living room - where exactly should it be placed?

To answer this question, decide what time you usually have to work from home.

We work from home during the day

If you work at home mainly during daylight hours, it is better to place your workplace in an area with good natural light. After all, sunlight improves mood and increases performance. A traditional approach with obvious advantages is a work station in the living room near the window. You will not only “catch” daylight, but you will also probably find a place for shelves with books or documents. In this case, the desktop can be made to order so that its tabletop and window sill form one whole. This not only looks harmonious, but also saves space. IN small room You can do without a table at all; a wide window sill will successfully cope with its role.

You are especially lucky if your living room has a bay window. After all, this multi-faceted glazed “lantern” seems to have been created to create a comfortable work area, the main advantage of which is excellent uniform lighting from all sides. A curtain or blinds will protect you from direct sunlight.

If the apartment has an insulated balcony or loggia, a work area can be equipped there. This way, you'll get the most out of all your square footage without taking an inch away from the living room itself. Sometimes it is advisable to combine this area with the living room. In some cases, to do this, it is enough to simply remove the window block between the room and the balcony, and attach the tabletop to the rest of the wall partition. With this minimal disruption, you'll maximize your living space and create a workspace with plenty of natural light.

We work at home in the evening

If you have to work at home mainly in the evening, first of all you need to take into account that the living room is common room. And, as a rule, it is in the evenings that the whole family gathers here to chat or watch TV. Therefore, the work area in the living room should be located so as not to infringe on anyone’s interests: it should be comfortable for some to relax, and for others to work. How to achieve this?

You might like the idea of ​​a neat console table placed close to the back of the sofa. With this arrangement of furniture, the work area and the relaxation area in the living room are outlined, but not completely separated. Sitting down at the table with work or handicrafts, you will be close to your loved ones, you will be able to maintain a general conversation or watch an interesting program out of the corner of your eye.

If classes require concentration and increased attention, you should move your workplace away from the TV. The worker will be less distracted if he sits with his back to the living room. The table can be installed in the gap between the cabinets or between the cabinet and the wall. Such an impromptu niche will create a feeling of isolation from everything that is happening around you and will help you get into a working mood.

Work area in the living room - are partitions needed?

When deciding whether the work area in the living room will be separated by a partition from the rest of the room, take into account the size and shape of the room, the location of the windows, as well as the number of inhabitants of the apartment and the type of your occupation.

The partition is not an end in itself, but a tool that must be used wisely. After all small room it can make it even more cramped, but it can give proportionality and comfort to a long rectangular room.

The photos below show a beautiful living room with a workplace in a small studio apartment. The owners installed a narrow table for two in a shallow niche specially created for this purpose, but did not separate the work area from the rest of the room with a partition. Look how spacious this small yet seamless multifunctional space feels.

And the room is on next photo gives the impression of being too elongated and somewhat dull. Zoning the workplace with a neat partition in this living room would be quite appropriate.

It is not necessary to block the living room if there is only one free artist living in the apartment, because he will not interfere with himself. He can place his workplace absolutely anywhere, even on a console shelf next to the TV. But for a family man this will be extremely inconvenient: try to concentrate when football or melodramatic passions are boiling over your ear!

If he lives in an apartment big family, a living room with a work area located behind a partition will become a real salvation for a person engaged in mental work. There are many ways to separate your refuge from the noisy world of the living room: a solid plasterboard “wall” in the spirit of minimalism or a popular design with niche shelves, a bookcase or light translucent plastic, glass panel with decor or partition with increased sound insulation made of frosted glass blocks, sliding panels or just heavy curtains...

The list doesn’t end there, the choice is yours.
The main thing is that in this corner you can concentrate without interference, as well as place work supplies, folders with documents, and even allow yourself some creative chaos. After all, you got not just a workplace in a common living room - you created a piece of your own personal space.

Living room with work space... in the closet

The lucky person whose main work tool is a laptop can afford to work without even getting out of bed. For him, organizing a workplace is more a matter of self-discipline.

It’s more difficult for those who deal with a lot of paper documents. And it’s really difficult for needlewomen when they are faced with the need to organize their workplace in a common living room, especially if the room is small. Where can you store kilometers of fabrics and ribbons, kilograms of yarn, mountains of beads, piles of accessories and other treasures without cluttering the room? Moreover, so that everything is at hand, otherwise it will take hours to find the right scrap or thread.

Let's turn to the experience of previous generations. They lived long before the advent of digital media in a very “material” world, and therefore they came up with a secretary. What do you prefer: a vintage-style bureau with a hinged lid or modern model With retractable table top? Or you can make a custom-made spacious wardrobe organizer, which will have several folding and pull-out work surfaces.

In the depths of this furniture there is room for a personal office with an extensive paper archive, and for a home workshop with all its tools and consumables. At the right time, the magic wardrobe folds up easily and quickly so as not to disturb the order in the living room. You don’t have to worry that needles or important papers left on the table will fall into the hands of a young fidget, because everything is securely locked. Finally, the psychological moment is also important: open the closet - and you are at work, close it - you can relax and unwind.

Look at the selection of our photographs and make sure that a living room with a workplace arranged in a closet is beautiful and very comfortable.

Design of a living room with a workplace - briefly about the main thing

When thinking about the design of a living room with a workplace, you can go in two ways: either emphasize the work area, or, conversely, make it as invisible as possible. The main thing is that the result is an interior that is comfortable for you and your loved ones.

The work area in the living room is highlighted by contrasting furniture, decorative partitions, color and texture of walls, lighting and multi-level ceilings. You can organize a work area on the podium, using it as a spacious storage system. At the same time, it is important not to forget that the work area and rest area are parts of a single space, and there should be no stylistic dissonance between them.

Choosing furniture

Furniture for a living room with a workplace should not only be comfortable, but also harmoniously selected. The task can be simplified by purchasing a wall with a work desk already provided. Such furniture sets functional and, as a rule, discreet laconic design. With their help it is easy to create a complete interior of a modern living room.

But for a small room a wall is not the best option, it may simply not fit there. In this case, pay special attention to the choice of desktop. It’s unlikely that anyone will like a living room with a massive office-style desk. Compact narrow tables, possibly foldable, are preferred. Models with two legs that are attached to the wall at the back, as well as tables-shelves and tables-window-sills, save space and make space easier. They can be equipped with a retractable part, where you can easily hide writing utensils and even a laptop.

Check out the design of this wonderful living room. At first glance, you wouldn’t understand that the photo shows a living room with a workplace. The hostess simply hid her low glass work table behind the back of the sofa. From the front door, the work area in this bright living room is practically invisible.

Playing with color

To decorate the work area, calm neutral colors are traditionally used: white, light gray, beige. Light light green and shades of blue are also popular. They are believed to promote concentration.

All-out bright reds, deep purples and other intense colors tend to overwhelm you quickly, but they work well as small accents. A chair and a couple of such accessories in the work area will make the design of the room more lively. The main thing is that these color spots find a response in the overall palette of the living room.

Previously, the living room was used mainly for receiving guests. It was rarely used for family recreation or as a workplace.

But now the situation has changed radically.

People of our time strive to maximize the productivity of their work with the help of the comfort that a personal account provides.

But what if you don't want to look for a separate room for your workspace?

An excellent choice is to allocate a work area in the living room. To do this, you will not need to completely change the renovation or layout of the living room. It is enough to use certain types of partitions.

But you should understand that creating a small office in your living room is not an easy task. Your actions can easily violate the fine line of comfort in your home.

To avoid this, you need to approach the matter responsibly.

Choosing the best place in the living room to organize a work area

It is worth understanding why the choice falls on the living room. In normal modern apartment there is quite a bit of space for organizing a work area, and your bedroom will not contribute to comfortable activities and increased productivity.

Now we realized that the living room is the best option. But how to arrange the furniture and where to set up the small workspace itself?

The most the best place is located near the window. And if you have a balcony, then combining it with a workplace is a very good solution.

If you locate your work area near a window, then there will be no problems with natural light.

But it is worth understanding that in dark time days or in bright sunshine, it will be difficult to work.

It is necessary to take care of lighting table lamp or other bright light sources.

If you want to separate the work area from the rest of the living room, then use special partitions. They are quite easy to find in building materials stores.

If not, position your chair and table so that you are not distracted by the TV or other external factors.

Of course, the amount of space allocated for a workspace is purely individual, but it is recommended not to use more than a third of the living room space. Otherwise, you risk turning the entire living room into a study.

Choosing furniture for organizing a workspace in the living room

To make your workspace stand out from other areas in the living room, you should choose the right furniture.

It should be compact and meet your personal requirements, which depend on your type of activity.

Don’t forget about the mobility of furniture.

It should be quickly assembled and disassembled, because if you need to free up space in the living room, large and bulky interior items will get in the way.

Here is a sample list of furniture that can be installed:

Desktop. Don't choose too big or small table. It should be easy to understand. If you need to put a computer on it, then choose special types such tables.

Nightstand. It will help you organize your documentation and hide unnecessary things from view.

Soft and comfortable chair. There's no need to choose regular chair, since it is unlikely to fit into the interior of your workplace.

Let's summarize

Small workspace in the living room - great choice For more apartments, because it is almost impossible to allocate space in other rooms.

But if you decide to organize such a “mini” office for yourself, then think about its layout in advance: will you separate this area with a partition or limit yourself to arranging furniture? Choose the furniture you need.

After that, do what you have planned. Now you will have a luxurious workspace that will increase your productivity without compromising the comfort of your home.

Photos of ideas on how to zone a living room with an office

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