How to make an outdoor swing. DIY garden swing: a selection of design ideas and ways to implement them. How to make a tire swing

To diversify your holiday at the dacha, there are comfortable swings in the shade of garden trees where you can relax and recharge your batteries. We want to tell you how to make a garden swing with your own hands, because it is doubly pleasant when using the product of your own labor also brings joy.

Preparing to build a swing

Choosing a site on the site

A swing is not just a bench or a stump with a seat; this type will be a stationary and relatively capital object, so you need to choose an appropriate place for it.

This means that we need to take into account all the nuances of this structure, namely:

  • Mobility. Part of the structure is a moving unit that performs damped oscillatory movements under the influence of gravity, like a pendulum. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the maximum stroke of this pendulum in each direction and take care that there are no obstacles within these limits: trees, stumps, bushes or pieces of garden furniture;
  • Stationarity. To ensure the movement of one part of the structure, it is necessary to securely fasten its other part - the support frame. To do this, we will have to bury the racks in the ground and concrete them to a depth of 60 - 70 cm;
  • Site quality. You've probably noticed constant puddles and dirt under your yard or homemade swing, since the ground under the seat is constantly being rubbed off by your feet during braking, and a depression is formed there where water and dirt accumulate. Therefore, in order to use the attraction comfortably, you should immediately rid yourself of this misunderstanding - do concrete screed or lay tiles, rubber, or at least make a backfill of gravel.

For normal and long work structure, it must be installed as level as possible, that is, when the seat hangs freely in the lower position, the chain or cable must be perpendicular to the top crossbar.
To control this parameter, it is most convenient to use a plumb line.

It is also important to remember that it is very dangerous to be in the vibration zone of the amusement ride bench, as you can receive a strong blow and seriously injure part of the body. Therefore, this area should either be restricted from access or ensure that no people or animals enter it while the swing is in operation.

Another aspect that is often forgotten is that the attraction will most likely be permanent place your children's games, so it is better to think in advance about how to limit the zenith, or the highest point to which the pendulum can be swung. Otherwise, children, unwisely, can swing it up to a full revolution around the crossbar, wrapping the chains around it and falling upside down.

From all that has been said, we can draw the following summary: the place for it should be spacious, level, free from obstacles and be in line of sight relative to the house for control and safety.

Choice of material and type of construction

Several factors will depend on the choice of design type and materials:

  1. Reliability;
  2. Durability;
  3. Price;
  4. Safety;
  5. Relevance from a design perspective.

As a rule, for self-made They use two types of materials: wood and metal, as well as their combinations. Concrete works and we will not consider work on landscaping the site for now.

Metal models, at first glance, are more reliable and durable, and all other things being equal, this is so. However, metal is also susceptible to corrosion, and if it is not processed correctly, this advantage is easily lost.

On the other hand, properly selected and treated wood with timely care demonstrates quite acceptable reliability indicators comparable to metal.

If we consider these materials from the point of view of safety and artistic value, then wood will be the undisputed leader here (unless, of course, your garden is designed in the style of a Gothic cemetery and is not replete with forged bars and fences).

It is also important that the processing wooden parts much simpler and does not require tools such as a grinder, electric and gas welding, metal drill, etc.

If we talk about the cost, it's really beautiful forged frame will cost much more than high-quality wood, and the use of banal pipes or corners will result in a “freak” that will spoil the beauty and atmosphere of a country estate.

We consider the most suitable from the point of view of feasibility to be a wooden structure, reinforced with metal parts in some places.

Making a swing

Before you start work, you need to draw up a work plan and drawing. You can easily find drawings of a garden swing with your own hands on our website, or you can make them yourself.

  1. We take 4 three-meter beams 100x100 mm and make two L-shaped structures connected at an angle of 50 - 55 degrees using furniture bolts;

  1. We retreat 60 cm from the lower end of the support and divide the remaining part by three. At the level of the border of the first and second thirds we install strings from edged boards, two for each leg. We fasten with bolts.

  1. Now we connect the resulting frames with a 100x100 mm crossbar made of oak timber. We select the length of the crossbar so that the width of the frame is 50 cm greater than the width of the seat.

  1. We dig in the legs of the structure to a depth of 70 cm, where 10 cm will be a backfill of crushed stone and sand. Next, we concrete the pits with a 1:3:5 solution of cement, sand and crushed stone. We set the structure plumb so that the thread is perpendicular to the crossbar;

We treat the part of the support beam that will be immersed in concrete with bitumen mastic.


Nice wooden swing in the country - perfect place for relaxation and joy for children of any age. We told you how to make them yourself, the nuances are in the video in this article.

A good-quality wooden swing in a summer cottage that matches the overall style of the landscape is a joy for children and adults. Purchased publicly available models usually do not differ in quality and variety. It is much more interesting and useful to approach the process yourself and do country swing, giving your site a unique flavor. After all, there is nothing particularly complicated about it.

Wooden swings are divided into three main types:

    • frame, standing on stationary supports (classic version);

Frame swing

    • suspended on ropes or cables, such as a “bungee”;

Hanging swings, bungees

  • “scales” or balancing swings. This type of swing is for two.

Any model is played out in such a way that all neighbors will envy, and household members will choose their favorite corner of the garden or yard.

Where to place it?

If you choose the classic bungee, hang it on the nearest tree that inspires confidence in terms of strength. When selecting a location for other types of structures, it is reasonable to take into account the following factors:

  • sufficient distance from walls, fences, trees, wires, thorny bushes and sharp-pointed objects;
  • illumination It is advisable that the sun hits the site until the evening. This way the wooden material is protected from dampness;
  • It is better to immediately select a smooth surface relief so that you do not have to carry out additional work;
  • the place should not be “windswept.” Drafts are fraught with rapid colds.

It’s good if there is sand or soft lawn under the swing. This will help you avoid getting seriously injured on a stone or reinforcement if you fall.


You can do without it. But if a serious project is conceived with a claim to long-term service, then it is better to prepare a drawing of a swing for reasons of saving material. Designing a homemade swing is not difficult.

General provisions that reflect the drawings of a garden swing made of logs:

  • frame structure;
  • sizes. For a swing, this is the height and area of ​​the base;
  • The places of fastenings and reinforcing elements must be marked;
  • number of seats and their type;
  • length of suspensions and their type.

Example drawing wooden swing

Material selection

It is important to focus on the quality of the material from which the swing will be made. High-quality wood will not only ensure the durability of the structure, but also guarantee safety of use.

Species such as cedar, oak and larch will not disappoint expectations. Spruce, pine and birch are also quite durable.

The lumber must be selected dry, without traces of mold or areas of rot. There should be no falling knots, crevices, or holes made by pests. A wooden swing will not require a large volume, so you can check each board and timber.


To make a wooden swing you will need:

Strong branch on

  • mixture for concrete mortar;
  • nails, screws, bolts, angles (in accordance with the project);
  • tape measure and plumb line;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • antiseptic for processing wooden parts;
  • grinder (or drill with attachment);
  • screwdriver

This is the main arsenal. When everything is ready (material, drawings and tools), we begin to make a garden swing from logs.

Caring for a wooden swing

  1. Annual treatment with a special compound or painting will save the product from rotting and pests.
  2. From the end to the beginning of the season, it is necessary to cover the swing with waterproof material.
  3. Avoid rust on metal parts.
  4. Do not give disproportionate loads.

Such swings will delight more than one generation, provided these simple and understandable rules are followed.

And if they fit better into the design of your garden, then it will be more difficult to make them. But they will last you longer.

at 05/06/2017 1,864 Views

A chair-cushion for such a swing can be easily sewn from an old bedspread, however, it will not be as durable as, for example, a wooden one, and besides, it is better to protect it from moisture

We go to the dacha to relax and work. We dream of lying in a hammock, drinking tea on fresh air, but this is not enough for the child. Its energy requires intelligent use, and it is in our power to create the right conditions for this. A simple and practical way is to buy or build a swing with your own hands. So let’s talk about what kinds of swings there are, what they are made of and how to build them.

  • Material
  • Building a wooden swing
  • Let's build together
  • A seat woven from wicker with a backrest will provide children with a comfortable rest on the swing

    Children's outdoor swings: types

    When choosing children's swings for an outdoor garden, parents are obliged to check them for absolute safety for the child. Let's consider what manufacturers offer us for our treasures.

    For seat safety, a swing must be provided in front of the chair. horizontal bar that will provide protection for your child

    First of all, swings are divided according to the material they are made of. They can be wooden, metal and plastic.

    Children's wooden swing for the garden They are environmentally friendly, durable, easy to assemble and beautiful in appearance. Impregnation of wood with a special composition increases the service life of products.

    An old skateboard is also suitable as a seat for a swing, because its board is very strong and durable

    You will have to tinker with such a wooden airplane swing, but the result is worth it, your child will feel like a real pilot

    Metal swings are considered to be the most reliable and durable models. They can be forged, collapsible, welded. They weigh a lot, but this is justified by their strength and installation stability.

    A hanging swing, the seat of which is made of metal rings, will become a real decoration of your yard

    For a children's swing, it is possible to use any options as a seat, for example, a part from a ski lift

    Plastic designed for the little ones. Light and bright, they are perfect for children under 5 years of age, but they are afraid of winter frosts and fade in the sun.

    For children, a fabric seat with an enclosing structure around the perimeter will be comfortable and safe, where the child will feel confident

    Swings are also distinguished by type of construction: hanging and frame.

    Swing frame type in the form of a red wooden sofa - bright accent for your site

    Frame, of course, is preferable for children, since they have high resistance, they can be freely moved to different corners of the site, they are durable and quite safe to use.

    A simple swing can be made special - a little imagination and boring seats turned into colorful animals that will be much more interesting for your children to play with.

    Hanging The models are simple and do not require special skills to assemble. To set them up, you need a supporting crossbar, a strong rope and a board for the seat. It is desirable that it has a back.

    Choosing for a swing bright colors, you can lift your children’s spirits even more

    Car tires can be an excellent material for children's swings if you use a fun coloring for them.

    Swing-chaise lounges designed for children under 3 years of age. They are usually short, with soft back and a chaise lounge seat.

    Chaise lounge with soft seats- a safe swing option for a small child

    All these models can be purchased in stores, but if you decide not to spend money and build a children's swing for your dacha with your own hands, we will help you.


    There are two options for materials for structures with supports: metal and wood. Unfortunately, a children's metal swing for a summer house will require special skills from you. If you are not a blacksmith or a welder, build metal carcass will be problematic. And you will also have to look for pipes for supports.

    To make such a swing you will need very little: wooden chair and chains - and unique decor ready for your yard

    Children's swings are not particularly demanding in terms of design. For children, the main thing is movement, and a rope suspended from a thick tree branch with a board for sitting can provide it.

    The optimal solution that any parent can implement is building a wooden swing.

    Building a wooden swing

    The simplest design is a children's hanging swing for a summer house without a frame. It’s great if you have a large tree with a low, thick branch on or near your site. They threw two ropes over it, built a seat from improvised materials - and the swing was ready. As a seat, you can use tires traditionally loved by summer residents, high chair, abandoned skateboard, piece of board, old ice cube. In general, everything that you think is suitable for a child to ride comfortably.

    The easiest way to organize a swing is to use a tree branch as a base.

    In such a round rocker on a soft pillow, tied to the base so that it does not “fly away”, it will be pleasant to spend time not only for children, but also for adults

    To build a frame swing, we first decide on the location. It should be located close to the house, but away from the fence and trees. Then we will need lumber and tools. We choose coniferous species, but others are also possible, the main thing is that the tree is dry, durable, and without defects. We carry out pre-treatment of wooden parts: we clean, sand, and treat with a special compound to increase moisture resistance. For the swing we will need:

    Beautiful and robust design swing chairs will not leave indifferent not only children, but also adults

    • two pillars
    • rope (approximately 6 m)
    • crossbar
    • ring-shaped pendants (hooks are possible)
    • fastener
    • For frame stability, the side supports can be made in the shape of the letter “L”

      Advice! Please note that nails are not suitable for fastening the swing parts; it is better to use bolts.

      With your own hands you can build such a hanging swing-bed where your children will play

      From the tools we take a shovel, a hammer, a drill, a tape measure, a plane, a grinder, paint and brushes. Well, the springboard for work is ready. Let's move on to step-by-step design.

      To create such a miracle swing you only need old chair, rope and bright paint

      • We carefully remove debris from the area under the swing and level the area.
      • We dig two holes for the posts to a depth of 90-100 cm.
      • Before installing the pillars in the holes, we will treat the lower part, approximately 50 cm, with tar. This way we will protect them from rotting.
      • We attach the crossbar to the posts. It is desirable that the diameter of the crossbar matches the diameter of the pillars.
      • We install metal parts using special fasteners. They can be purchased at the store.
      • We use a grinder to process sharp corners.
      • We attach ropes or chains to the crossbar, checking their reliability with our own weight.
      • We tie the ends of the ropes to the seat, having previously drilled holes in it.
      • U-shaped children's outdoor swing with green spaces vertical racks will provide shade and aesthetics for this simple design

        We got the letter "P".

        Advice!For children it is better to attach the seatbnot two ropes, but four. To do this, take two lengths for each rope, fold them in half, and thread the ends into the seat.

        If you are confused by this option, you can build a more stable structure by taking four pillars for the frame and placing them in the form of a block letter “L”. The sequence of work is almost the same, only you will need to dig four holes, cut the tops of the pillars at an angle, and connect them with metal parts. Between the pillars, below, at a height of about 50 cm, stiffening ribs should be nailed on both sides of the swing. This design creates opportunities for creating a real children's country corner. By increasing the distance between the posts, you can nail a long crossbar and add a rope or climbing ladder to the swing.

        Children's wooden swings for the garden are environmentally friendly, durable and easy to assemble

        A rocking chair for relaxing and entertaining a child, made from a wooden pallet

        Let's build together

        Now you know how to make a children's swing in the country from wood yourself.

        An original bright children's swing, the seat of which is made of fabric with elastic bands

        A funny swing in the shape of a deer will bring joy to every child

        If the first experience does not disappoint you, do not stop there. The child is growing, or maybe you are planning the birth of a second baby, and one swing will not be enough. Build children's swings and slides at your dacha together with your neighbors or friends. Maybe among them there will be metal craftsmen, and then you will get an eternal swing for children of any age.

        Multi-colored swing baskets will not only bring joy to children, but will also noticeably transform your yard

For a dacha, a swing is as important as a barbecue or a gazebo. Without them, it is impossible to imagine a family vacation in the lap of nature: both adults and children love to swing in the shade. Swings for outdoor dachas are structurally and externally slightly different from rocking chairs intended for indoor use: they must use weather-resistant materials, a different type of fasteners and supports are installed, such structures must be durable and reliable.

About the types of swings for the dacha area, as well as about them design features can be found in this article.

Swing type

As a rule, rocking chairs on suspensions are installed in summer cottages. This is the simplest and at the same time universal design, on the principle of which many types of different rocking chairs work.

It is on hanging swings that children most like to ride; they are also suitable for adults and are often used for family recreation.

For younger children, you can install a balance swing in the garden, which works on the principle of scales. This design is the safest, because the rocking chair is located at a low height, the child will not be able to swing too much.

Creating a balance beam with your own hands is very simple: you will need a long board and metal or wooden supports.

Important! When installing a balance swing at your dacha, you must remember that two children should use it at once, and the weight of the kids should be approximately the same.

Still, hanging swings are considered more functional; there are many varieties of them. But there are several general characteristics for any type of suspended structure:

  • type of fastening (on wood, on a frame or frame, to one point, to two or to four points);
  • suspension (swing for a summer house on chains, use of rope or nylon ropes, metal rods, etc.);
  • number of seats(family varadero, individual rocking chair - egg, large wicker playgrounds or hammocks, double swings on chains or suspended from a strong rope);
  • seat option (web swing made from nylon rope, budget swing made from tires, hanging chair or a sofa, bench, simple seat made of wood or plastic).

Each type of hanging rockers for a summer residence has its own characteristics: some designs are easy to make with your own hands, others are better purchased ready-made, there are budget options and expensive models, the design of which uses the latest technologies.

Simple metal or wooden swing

The most common design is a rope with a board seat tied to a thick tree branch. You can make such a swing in half an hour; all you need to do is find a strong rope and choose a good branch of some old tree in the garden.

You can use not only a board as a seat, but also a car tire, old skateboard or even an unnecessary wooden chair with the legs cut off. It is enough to show a little imagination, and you will get a stunning exclusive swing that will definitely become a decoration summer cottage and a favorite pastime for children.

More complex design garden swing involves installing a frame. It can have different shapes, but most often there are frames in the form of the letter “A” or “L”. For the manufacture of such supports, both logs and durable timber are suitable. For those who can use welding machine, there is another option - to build a frame from metal corners or pipes.

The wooden “legs” of the frame must be deepened into the ground so that the swing is more stable and does not become loose over time; the support pillars will have to be concreted. The depth of the pits should be at least a meter; sand and crushed stone should be poured onto the bottom. It is recommended to wrap the “legs” of the rocking chair (or rather, those parts of them that will be in the ground) with roofing felt or pour hot bitumen on them, and then sprinkle them with sand - this will prevent the wood from rotting.

There is an option to make a frame from just two supports and a crossbar; it is assembled in the shape of the letter “P”. It is better to make such rocking chairs for small children, since under the weight of an adult the frame will quickly become loose and lose stability.

Advice! To strengthen the U-shaped support, it is recommended to bury the pillars at least 120 cm and be sure to concrete them.

You can make a small canopy over the rocking chairs or install them directly into a pergola or gazebo. To create additional shadow they are often used climbing plants, you will need to create an additional frame for them. Such a swing with flowers looks very romantic and tender.

Metal structures are more reliable, but do not forget about the susceptibility of metal to corrosion. The swing is on the street all year round, therefore temperature changes and high humidity is inevitable for them. Metal parts must be painted with high-quality dyes, then they will last for decades.

The metal frame is often made in the form of a triangle. This is necessary in order to reduce pressure on the lower part of the supports - the metal in these places often bends or cracks. Triangular supports can also be concreted by digging a deep trench. Or you can secure the swing with meter-long anchors with a hook at the end; this method is only suitable for dense soils.

When the frame is ready, all that remains is to take care of the hangers and secure the seat. Can be used as a fastener for chains or ropes various parts or fasteners. The main requirement for them is to ensure a strong and movable connection.

Attention! For suspension, it is better to choose a rope with a cross weave; it creates additional friction - the swing will not move too quickly. Metal chains are more practical and durable, but children can get hurt by sticking their fingers between the links, so it is recommended to use plastic tubes or hoses on these hangers.

It is necessary to understand that the swing should only move in two directions, other directions should be excluded. In addition, it is better to limit freedom of movement, because the speed of the swing at the extreme points sometimes reaches 60 km/h - this is too much for small children. Therefore, for suspensions made of metal rods, which “accelerate” more than other structures, it is recommended to use special braking couplings or bearings.

Double swing on chains

For families with two or more children, a double swing with chains is suitable. They are designed in the same way as a regular swing: they consist of support posts and a crossbar. It is necessary to understand that the load on the frame will be twice as large, therefore its strength must correspond.

Advice! Before “putting it into operation”, it is recommended to place the largest adult on the seat - if the swing holds up, you don’t have to worry about the children.

There are several designs for such rocking chairs: the seats can be between two supports or one seat can be moved outside the frame (then the crossbar should be longer and stronger).

The frame can also be either metal or wood. Any material for suspensions and seats is suitable. Double swings on chains are more durable, because metal links wear out much less than ropes or ropes.

Hammock swing

Hammocks have gained popularity due to their convenience and functionality. On hanging beds It’s nice to relax in the shade of the trees, here you can read a book, rock your baby to sleep and even sleep.

Hammock swings can be either “lying” or intended for sitting: this is a chair made of fabric with soft pillows, cocoons made of dense, bright material in which you can wrap yourself and hide inside from the whole world.

Important! Today there are very high-quality hammocks made of polymers on sale. Sleeping on such a swing is as comfortable as sleeping on orthopedic mattress. Additionally, models are equipped with mosquito nets and special canopies from rain and sun.

Hanging chair

A chair suspended from a tree or a metal frame has become popular relatively recently. Today, such a swing, an egg, basket or cocoon, woven from rattan, willow or polymer material, can be found in recreation areas and gardens country houses and dachas.

The chair, in fact, can be anything, this includes:

  • a round swing made of hoop and cobwebs in the form of macrame;
  • wicker shape in the form of an ellipse, ball, cocoon or basket;
  • regular rattan furniture;
  • hanging folded hammock.

A swing in the form of a chair is usually attached to one point - then it can rotate or swing in any direction. But it is quite possible to fix the rocking chair like a regular children's swing and it will only be able to swing back and forth.


Varadero is the name of a garden family swing made in the form of a bench. Such rocking chairs cannot be called full-fledged swings, because their swing amplitude is very small. Varaderos are more suitable for a relaxing holiday than for active children's games, which is why they are most often used by adults.

There are a lot of designs of such swinging benches on sale; they can have awnings and beautiful curtains. You can find models that are a whole tent with a rocking chair inside.

It is quite possible to make a varadero yourself: their frame is made in the same way as the supports for a regular children's swing, and the bench itself can be made of wood or metal.

Advice! The easiest way is to connect two perpendicular to each other wooden pallet. You can decorate them with a mattress, blanket and colorful pillows.


A swing is simply necessary for every dacha, because it can keep children occupied and make the rest of adults even more comfortable. Depending on the purpose for which rocking chairs are needed and who will use them, the design and material are chosen. To make the simplest swing, such as a hanging hammock or chair, all you need are available materials and desire.

Swings are not just for fun. For adults, they calm nerves, improve mood and put thoughts in order; especially if you sway and contemplate the clouds in the sky. Children and teenagers on swings train their vestibular apparatus, develop coordination of movements, and, as they say, feel physics with their whole body. Schoolchildren who know how to swing well on swings, as a rule, do better academically and immediately grasp such difficult concepts as, for example, the moment of inertia of a body.

Making a garden swing with your own hands is not a difficult task. Who, as a child, did not swing on a plank suspended from a tree branch on ropes? Or didn’t he flop into a river or pond while swinging on a bungee? And having at your disposal a certain amount of material, a simple tool and not entirely crooked hands, you can build a relaxation corner in any situation, which in its effect is not inferior to a rock garden arranged according to all the rules, see fig.

Dacha grace

Outdoor and yard swings are placed wherever there is space. At the dacha, too, in general, there is not an abundance of it, but for yourself it’s worth figuring out how to collect dacha pleasures into one eden: you save space, and, if you really want to relax, then there are beds that make your hands callused, your eyes didn't cause calluses. Here, as usual, everyone is their own boss. However, there is a very good universal option: hang a swing for a summer house in a pergola, see fig. If it is, of course, strong enough for this. Dig some more and arrange it nearby decorative pond– and a do-it-yourself piece of paradise is ready on less than 1 acre.

About metal swings

They most often make their own swings from wood: it is more familiar, more comfortable and easier to work with. But if, say, the whole world were to equip a children's playground, then a stronger and fireproof structure would be needed, so that the urchins would not have to be pulled back every now and then, and it would be difficult to damage the swing by hooliganism, which, alas, will not be tolerated. In such a case - in Fig. Below is a drawing of a classic, so to speak, yard swing made of metal: pipes, corners, strips, rolled wire, with a canopy. In the future, we will pay more attention to wooden swings, except for those cases when metal is needed for strength: for a sports corner for a teenager, etc.

Note: There are also cases when metal is like construction material for swings are chosen according to other criteria. For example, at pos. 1 pic. on the right is a forged swing. Their production requires high skill, and to order it is very expensive, but the prestige is obvious. But at pos. 2 in the same place - a metal swing made from channel scraps. For those who know how to handle a welding machine and an angle grinder, their construction is a half-day job, and the bright coloring masks the utilitarian nature of the material.

The best for children

People don’t start swinging on the hanging swing right away. For kids who have just learned how to properly rearrange their bottom two, it’s just right to ride on a pendulum swing. Which, by the way, also develops motor skills and strengthens the musculoskeletal system. Parents who have built a children's pendulum swing for their offspring are soon convinced: abrasions on the knees and elbows, broken noses, roaring and resentment from both have noticeably decreased. Although, of course, it’s still not without it. But the swing will help children develop reasonable caution and common sense, avoiding serious injury.

It is known how a pendulum swing works. Shown in Fig. This option is interesting because it requires as many as 11 nails for metal fasteners:

Parts marked (!) are made of hard, fine-grained deciduous wood - oak, beech, hornbeam, walnut. The ends of the pendulum axis do not need to be ground to a perfectly round shape: it is enough to plan them more or less evenly so that they fit into the sockets with a slight interference, and shake the board several times to get it to work in. If the fibers in the axle and support posts are oriented mutually perpendicular (which can be easily observed by cutting them from one board), then the swing will last for many years, and the rubbing surfaces will soon become mirror-smooth and durable, as if they were turned from steel on a machine.

The pendulum swing can be made portable so that, say, you can take it to the veranda for the winter. 2 ways to do this are shown there, pos. a and b. According to method a, the ends of the racks are concreted in an unusable tire; Method b is obvious and simpler, but both riders may fall to the side along with the swing. By the way, you can get a lot of other benefits from old swing tires; We will return to them later.

Swings for older children are made hanging, like for adults (see below), with some features:

  • The supporting beam of the swing is made of timber with an extension to which a ladder leads, see fig. on right.
  • It’s even better, if there’s enough space, to put an additional lower support on the side, so that in addition you get a horizontal bar, see fig. below. In this case, all sports section, in addition to the horizontal bar crossbar, it is preferable to make it from profile pipe, then the entire structure is stronger, cheaper and technologically simpler.
  • Suspension of a rocking chair for children who already know how to swing is best suited to the rope scheme 2-2 (see below). Then you can, without risking pinching or even breaking your finger with the chain, swing, it will take your breath away. And the right materials and design of the suspension will not allow you to “spin the sun” and dive down from its highest point, or turn into a projectile fired from a sling, unable to group for landing, like acrobats.

Note: When choosing or designing a swing, do not neglect safety precautions! When swinging at full swing, the speed of the rocker at critical points of the trajectory exceeds 50 km/h! Accordingly, the result of falling or falling from a swing will be equivalent to an accident at the same speed.

There are also swings for newborns and infants. There are many benefits from them, but they are medical equipment. It is strongly not recommended to make such a swing yourself, but choose store-bought ones and use them only as prescribed by your pediatrician.

For babies from about six months old, whose eyes are already looking meaningfully (this means that their vision has developed and they see clearly), a children's swing for little ones will be useful, see fig. on right. They cost a lot, but making similar ones yourself is very easy from pipes, PVC or propylene, and cutting plywood, see video:

Video: baby swings for babies

Just don’t forget to cover the ends of the pipes with polystyrene foam: at that age, a finger can fit into a small hole, and you want to stick it there. They swing a child in such a swing, holding the suspension with their hands; in an apartment, the same one would be suitable as a cross member plastic pipe, the weight is light.

Note: the swing is most often the basis children's corner. What else is needed for it, and how to put it all together, requires a separate description in parts. For example, you can watch the following video:

Video: children's playground with swings in the “Hacienda” program

To adults and everyone, everyone, everyone

Now it’s appropriate to ask: how is a swing designed for the whole family? So that both adults feel comfortable swinging, and children also enjoy it? It is quite possible to find a compromise: the seat should have a double backrest, but not be very massive. The seat is strong enough so that a large child can stand on it. We use a chain suspension, because the rope will stretch under such a load. Its design should ensure fairly easy swinging without outside help, limiting the angle and speed of swinging, and long swinging after it.

It is advisable to make a family swing from wood for the reasons stated above: they are more comfortable and do not require complex instrument or special equipment. It is also highly advisable to make do with 1-2 standard sizes of lumber, and what is cheaper - a regular edged board. For durability, the workpieces are impregnated with biocides (antiseptics) and water repellents (water repellents).

Since the swing is not a residential building and will dry out very quickly in the air, there is no point in spending money on expensive branded products. Used motor oil (waste oil) is suitable as a biocide, and a water-polymer emulsion or, instead, PVA or water-based tile glue, diluted 3-5 times, is suitable as a water repellent. The pieces cut to size are first impregnated with processing, and after 3-7 days with emulsion.

Drawings of a family swing of this “classic” type are shown in Fig; The length of the legs is given based on their penetration into the ground by 0.5 m:

Their peculiarity is that they are built entirely from boards, without the use of more expensive scaffolding, as can be seen from the material sheet, pos. 2. To pos. Figure 3 shows the method of adjusting the supports before assembly: a crossbar board is used as a slipway. The legs, cut to size and at an angle (see below), are applied to the slipway and spread to the required width (at the same time, the accuracy of the cutting is checked). Then the blank of the lower strut is applied, set parallel to the building stock according to the distance of its ends from it, and marked for cutting in place. The upper ones are made from scraps of the lower spacers.

Note: in Fig. on the right is a method of marking leg blanks based on an angle between them of 30 degrees. Markers on a steel bench square are made from several turns of soft wire with bent ends.

Swings of our own design

You may have a question: how to make a swing completely yourself? Schemes and drawings are good, but if there is already material (let’s say, left over from construction) that is clearly enough for a swing, but does not fit into this design? And I don’t want a standard product, I want something of my own. Finally, in Fig. at the beginning it is clear that the most gorgeous original swing They are generally obtained from dead wood and waste from garden pruning. How to make a beautiful, comfortable, durable and safe swing from all this? Well, let's get started. Order:

  1. Dimensions;
  2. Foundation and method of attachment to the ground;
  3. Support frame;
  4. Suspension methods and designs;
  5. Suspension units;
  6. Rocking chair, also known as a seat;
  7. Methods for hanging a rocking chair.

Finally, let’s look at a few more non-trivial designs and special, but built on the basis of ordinary, special-purpose swings.

Dimensions and proportions

The dimensions of the swing are calculated, firstly, based on the width of the park bench seat for 1 person - 60 cm; the minimum value is 40 cm. The height of the seat above the ground is taken a little more than the standard chair height of 40 cm, so that, on the one hand, you can swing without touching the ground with your feet and at the same time, stretching your legs, you can slow down; on the other hand, to make it more comfortable to sit down/stand up. Usually they take 50-55 cm, but in general they adjust it to suit themselves by adjusting the height of the suspension, see below.

Note: for paired swings with longitudinal swing, the height of the suspension of the board (boat) is taken to be 0.7 of its length. For boarding and disembarking, a platform is then needed, and for the rocking chair, a smoothly acting brake (in case someone gets sick on it, or he/she gets scared and panics), activated by the operator from the ground. Therefore, paired swings with longitudinal swing are almost never used in everyday life.

Hanging swings consist of a supporting frame (2 support posts+ crossbar), suspension system and rocking chair, also known as a seat. The distance from the edges of the seat to the side supports is taken at least 150 mm for a chain suspension of type 2sh-4 or 4-4 (see below), for any other chain suspension from 250 mm, for ordinary rope suspensions from 350 mm, and for any suspension with 1 attachment point at the top – no less than 0.7 total height suspension system. These requirements are based on the fact that with any swing, lateral rocking is inevitable, and the rocking chair touching the support is unpleasant and, if the rocking is strong, dangerous. That is, if, for example, we have a 40 cm seat suspended on ropes, then the width of the span between the supports should be at least 35+40+35=110 cm.

The distance from the seat to the crossbar should be no less than the height of the person on the swing, so that, firstly, you can swing while standing, and secondly, so that when you suddenly get up you don’t hit your head. It is taken within the range of 190-220 cm, depending on the available material.

The angle between the legs of the side supports is 30-40 degrees; most often - 30. Then, if you take half the blanks standard length 6 m, i.e. 3 m, then taking into account the depth of the legs and the thickness of the workpiece, it will be possible to stand up to your full height on the seat. In addition, the area occupied by the swing is reduced.

Note: the thickness of the material of the load-bearing parts is taken based on a 3-fold overload during swinging. For a high-quality wooden beam it will be from 150 mm in height, and for steel pipes– from 40 mm in diameter or square side.

Ground anchorage

The legs of a wooden swing are either dug into the ground 1 m or more, or concreted to a depth of 0.5 m. Then, taking into account 10 cm gravel bed, holes under your feet need to be dug with 2 shovels, i.e. 60 cm. In both cases, the ends of the legs, before installation in the pits with a margin of 15-20 cm in length, are either impregnated with bitumen mastic (40% bitumen and 60% white spirit or solvent), or poured with bitumen heated almost to a boil, and, barely cooled down, sprinkle with sand; This method better protects against rotting.

To pour bitumen, bricks are placed under the foot so that the end can also be poured. They pour it in a thin stream, for which it is convenient to heat the bitumen in an unusable tin with a pulled-out spout. Having poured one side, the leg is immediately turned over and the other side is poured, trying to get it onto the end as well. Sand is sprinkled in the same order.

With a metal swing, the situation is more complicated: a thin pipe compared to a log or timber can, over time, either turn out of the ground or break on the concrete itself, because This is where the loads are concentrated during swinging. Therefore, metal outdoor swings common use needs to be done with support frames in the form of a solid triangle and concreted into the trench, then the metal beam embedded in it will take on a significant part of the effort and relieve the load on the legs.

The legs of the swing without additional supporting elements, like those shown above from the channel, are concreted to a depth of at least 1.2 m, regardless of the freezing depth in the area, then the channel will be able to transfer part of the loads to the concrete. It is best to tie a regular metal swing at the bottom with an additional supporting frame and attach it to the ground with anchors at least 1 m long, see fig. This, by the way, will allow, if necessary, to return the land to economic use without any problems.


Country swings are most often made on a frame of 2 A-shaped supports connected by a transverse beam. Sometimes, if the swing is equipped with a rigid awning, the frame is made on 4 posts with a canopy, see below. In hot sunny places where an awning is needed all summer, this provides some material savings.

IN Lately The frame on λ-shaped supports is becoming increasingly popular, on the left in the figure:

During construction, it saves a whole beam of wood, which is significant given current prices for lumber. But this is a swing only for adults: when swinging at full swing, the supporting beams may not hold up - the wooden ones will break, the metal ones will bend. By the way, you can’t make a λ-frame from ordinary structural steel; it will bend right away. We need very expensive special steel.

Frames with a traverse (in the center in the figure) are known to everyone: a swing on a branch is what it is. Specially traverse frames are made for acrobatic swings with 1 point of suspension of the rocking chair; on them, having mastered the swinging technique properly, you can write intricate pirouettes. In this case, the wood on the frame is double thickness, and the concreted ends of the legs must have firmly attached crossbars.

A type of traverse frame is a metal mobile one. They are made of high-quality steel, loads, moments, center of gravity, etc. mechanical intricacies are accurately calculated. Popular (and very expensive) swing-chaise lounges are made in a similar way, on the right in Fig.

Wooden frames


The most effective and, in many cases, inexpensive swings are made from logs. It is not necessary to take debarked and rounded ones: as already mentioned, pruning waste and dead wood will go. The frame from the latter, if the trunks are still strong and powerful, does not need additional reinforcement, pos. 1 in Fig. Swing frames are made of commercial logs, especially if they are mobile, i.e. not dug in or concreted, needs to be reinforced with struts, pos. 2 and 3. In the latter case, the same amount of material is needed, but the frame covers the sky less. The question arises, why aren’t the frames recessed? In order not to spoil the lawn or paved area, in Fig. it is seen.

If the swing is dug in or concreted, then the most economical and durable frame is like that of a Chinese swing, pos. 4. Although such swings have long been known in Russia; They were often made in birch forests, tying together the tops of trees in pairs. The “Russian-Chinese” swing can also be made non-recessed by providing an additional frame at the bottom. A drawing of such a design is given below. rice: legs - logs or square beams, crossbar - timber 180x80, bottom frame - from boards 150x40.


Regular, non-profiled wooden beam makes it possible to construct swings larger than a log. It is easier and cheaper to make a swing with a permanent canopy for hot countries, pos. 1 in Fig. A conventional frame on A-shaped supports made of timber (item 2) will also be simpler and stronger: under the weight of the rocker, the legs compress the crossbar (item 3) and the more the swing is loaded, the stronger the frame holds. In the frame of the “Russian-Chinese” swing made of timber, at the top you need, as for logs, only 1 fastening unit, pos. 4, and installing a canopy over a swing made of timber on A-shaped supports is also not difficult, pos. 5.

Moreover, a crossbar made of timber can be used in the same way as for the legs, i.e. reduced cross-section (100x100 mm), if you reinforce it at the ends with overlays from the board, and the hanging points of the rocking chair are placed close to them, pos. 6. Then the bending moments of the crossbar will, as it were, flow into the compressive legs, and the tree holds the compression load well.

To enhance this effect, the crossbar is sometimes placed below the tops of the supports, pos. 7, but the gain in strength turns out to be illusory, but the extra fasteners are noticeable and cost money. Using this principle, it is better to cut off the tops of the supports and additionally secure the crossbar on top with overlays, pos. 8. Then it will be possible, if the crossbar is 150x150, and the legs are 200x200, to make the crossbar extensions up to 1.5 m, and hang a children's swing on ropes to them, attach a ladder with a slide, etc. The result will be a family swing and sports corner with a material consumption of only slightly more than for one swing.

And another question: is it possible to replace the timber with a board, say, 150x40? It is possible, as shown in pos. 9, only it is no longer possible to make extensions and the height of the supports will have to be limited to approximately 1.8 m. The swing will be just as strong, but much cheaper than timber swings. Well, it will take more work - marking, cutting, stitching.

Note: The “classic family” swing described above is even more economical, but its legs must be concreted, otherwise the plank frame will be fragile. And those shown in pos. 5, 6 and 9 are mobile, they can simply be placed on the ground or floor.

How to install the frame?

The swing crossbar must be horizontal, otherwise the rocking chair will wobble unpleasantly on any suspension. Setting it up with a bubble level is difficult and troublesome; using a hose level is not much easier, but laser level- a plane builder, of course, they don’t just do that on the farm.

You can set the crossbar of the swing using one of the oldest leveling devices - the Egyptian plumb line, see fig. It fell out of use in ancient times due to low accuracy, but it is enough for a swing. You can use a bucket of sand as the bottom load, and the top weight, in addition to the usual plumb line, can be any piece of iron - a bolt, a nut.

Hangers and Pendants

The suspension of the rocking chair determines the convenience, comfort and safety of the swing. This rather complex node should:

  • Prevent swinging as little as possible within safe limits.
  • Gently absorb the energy of the rocking chair if the swing speed/angle is outside the permissible limits.
  • Ensure rocking without jerking and with as little sideways wobble as possible.
  • An acrobatic suspension should provide the same in 2 planes.

Rocking chair suspension schemes are indicated by formulas of the form n-m-k, where n is the number of suspension points at the top, m is the number of intermediate suspension points, and k is the number of them on the rocking chair. Somewhat similar to the wheel formulas of steam locomotives, but this is pure coincidence: for a steam locomotive, m cannot be equal to 0, because denotes the number of moving axes, and for a swing - easily.

Some types of rocking chair suspensions are shown in Fig:

Suspension type 1-2 with a soft flexible rocking chair (not shown in the figure) is called a flying trapezoid. Suspensions of types 1-m-k are used in swings on traverses. Garden and country swings are most often hung using methods 2-4 (the simplest), 2-2-4 (prevents it from swinging excessively) and 2sh-4 (also you won’t swing too much and there’s no wobbling).

Of particular note is the 4-4 suspension. It’s actually not a swing: how do you swing on something like that? However, it is sometimes used for original garden benches (on the left in the figure):

Some find a little erratic rocking to be soothing. But most often, the 4-4 method is used to hang swing gazebos, right there. A matter of taste, some people like it. The eastern rulers of the past, and even the present, they say, simply delight in such people in the company of their concubines.

Chain, rope or traction?

Hanging a swing on a rope is the easiest and, if you know how to tie some sea knots (see below), does not require expensive additional fasteners. But the rope, as you know, stretches, and the spiral weave does not limit the swinging in any way. Therefore, firstly, it is better to hang the simplest children's summer swing on ropes, pos. 1 in Fig. below. Secondly, take a cross lay rope, see fig. on right. It has a lot of internal friction, which is why riggers don’t like it (the efficiency of lifting mechanisms drops), but for a swing this is exactly what is needed so that a foolish child does not do a somersault. The diameter of the nylon cross rope for swings is from 24 mm.

Chain suspension, pos. 2, expensive, but in terms of its totality of characteristics it is optimal in all respects: the chain is strong, its wear is immediately visible, it almost does not slow down small swings, and it dampens excessive swings due to friction in the links. However, due to the latter circumstance, the smallest ones in swings on chains for adults can seriously pinch their fingers; For children's swings, small-gauge chains are used.

The rocking chair on rigid rods (positions 3 and 4) is usually suspended on bearings. It swings very smoothly, without the slightest wobble, and, as they say, even a mosquito will swing on it. But such swings without additional safety measures are dangerous: you can crash your head into stone fence or a curb at a speed of under 60 km/h - this is no longer an incident, this is a tragedy. Therefore, on-site swings with rigid rods for children should, firstly, be equipped with a rocking chair with a fence, as in a swing for children, pos. 3. Secondly, it’s still impossible to let a child on them without adult supervision.

In a public yard swing on bearings there must be a swing limiter - you never know who can get in there and how can they swing? The rocking chair hits against a simple stopper made of a pipe (see figure), which is unpleasant. In good branded models of swings with rigid rods, the bearing suspensions are made with a built-in hydraulic brake, which operates on the principle of a viscous coupling in cars with AWD drive, but such suspension units are expensive.

Sometimes rocking is also limited by connecting the rigid rods of the rocking chair to the frame with lengths of chains, pos. 5. But, generally speaking, this is not the best solution: due to the different mechanical characteristics of the suspension links, even a small and completely safe swing on such a swing occurs with noticeable jerks.

Note: There is also a whole class of luxury swing suspensions based on systems of balanced levers, springs, and hydraulic shock absorbers. It’s clear that it’s expensive and you can’t do it yourself.

Suspension units

The critical points for hanging the swing are the attachment points. They bear very large alternating loads and are subject to abrasion. A small burr on the rubbing surface of the fastening will give very noticeable jerks when rocking. Therefore, the choice of design of fastening units must be approached with all responsibility.

The cheapest, but also the worst option is S-shaped hooks, pos. 1 in Fig. Huge loads are concentrated in their crossbars, the probability of sudden destruction is high, therefore such fastening is only permissible for swing benches suspended no higher than 0.5 m and the design of which allows them to sway barely.

The most reliable fastening– on clamps with carabiners, pos. 2. The main load falls on the top of the crossbar beam, which is absolutely safe. It is only necessary that the carabiners have safety teeth and an anti-friction insert: the sliding of the suspension rod in the eye of the carabiner is already emergency mode with excessive swinging.

Reliable clamps still spoil the appearance of the swing, so fastenings are most often made with eye bolts, pos. 3. Preconditions their maximum reliability - the bolt must pass through the crossbar, under the nut, regardless of the material of the crossbar, a steel washer of at least 60 mm in diameter and 4 mm in thickness must be placed, and the nut must be firmly locked. When swinging, spring washers of all types do not prevent the gradual spontaneous unscrewing of a single nut!

The reliability of the eye bolt is absolute - the neck of the eye (ring) is subject to great stress. The slightly more expensive U-hooks and shackles, pos. 4. A blind hole is drilled in the crossbar under the hook bar and it is inserted there tightly. Without being able to straighten out even a little, the hook will withstand an incredible load, because... The destruction of a metal begins with micro-disruptions of the bonds between its crystallites.

The eyebolt, U-hook and, to a slightly lesser extent, the rigging shackle significantly weaken the deadbolt, because the concentrated force applied from above tends to break it just where the beam is weakened by the hole, and the fastening pin, as it swings, “breaks” it. The washer weakens this effect, but does not eliminate it completely. As a result, where it would be possible to get by with a 100x100 mm solid beam, you have to install 150x50 mm, and in anticipation of swinging at full swing, even 200x200 mm.

Conspicuous, but ideal in all respects, are the through fastenings with an overlay and an upper suspension, pos. 5 and 6. The shear forces from them spread freely to the sides along the beam and tend not to tear, but, on the contrary, to compress the hole, as if it does not exist; the beam now becomes equivalent to a solid one. In addition, although such a suspension looks like a 4-4, it is kinematically equivalent to a chain 2-2-4, but it dampens excessive swing even better and more smoothly. If the suspension with overlays is rope, then between the carabiner and the fire (loop) of the cable you need to place a solid ring, pos. 6.

Also, rings connect the branches of the 2-2-4 chain suspension. The upper branch is welded to the ring or soldered brazing, and the lower ones slide along it freely, pos. 7. Only then will the 2-2-4 chain suspension acquire the required kinematics.

Rope hangers are good because they allow you to easily adjust the height of the rocking chair, but, made “chain-by-chain”, they require a fairly large number of expensive fastening, locking and adjusting parts and assemblies, positions. 6,8 and 9. However, all of them, with one exception that is easily accessible for self-production, can be replaced with marine units for the appropriate purpose. The reliability of maritime units has been tested for thousands of years maritime practice, and their complexity exists only in the popular imagination.

You don’t need to know 200-400 knots, like a boatswain of a sailing fleet, or at least 20-40, like a current yachtsman, to build a swing; 7-9 is enough for everything, see fig:

A – anchor knot, or fishing bayonet, for attaching a cable to a carabiner with an anti-friction gasket or an intermediate ring. Up to 5 hoops (turns) can be inserted into the eye. A simple mark is applied to the running (free) end of the cable and it is used to connect the running end to the tensioned one, shown in the red frame. The fastening holds until the cable rots or the eye rusts. The anchor knot is non-tightening, it is not difficult to untie it: just remove or cut the mark that tightens the ends.

B – bed knot, also non-tightening. Suitable for the top suspension of temporary, say, for weekends, children's swings.

B – bayonet with rim, the same as B, but for adults.

G – locking knot, or figure eight. For lower mounting of children's swings through holes in the board.

D, F - sealing the end of the cable with a turnip and a simple disk button. The same as G, but for adults, and the cable tails do not dangle. Although, in general, it is better to fasten a rocking chair on ropes by the bottom without any knots at all, as described below.

Z – net knot, for tying 2 ropes crosswise anywhere without cutting.

And - this is how a loose loop is knitted on a solid rope. You can hang an umbrella, a siphon with soda, attach a shelf or something else.

Note: There are also simple knots for tying 2 ropes, identical or different, for example. weaving knot. However, it is strongly not recommended to assemble a swing rope suspension from pieces.

It remains to solve the issue of adjusting the rocking chair on the ropes. To do this, you need 2 cuttings of a strong hard board from 30 mm (oak, beech, elm, walnut), from which running, or hanging, rope stoppers are made - deadeyes, see fig. on right. Such gizmos were used to regulate the tension of the rigging of ancient sailing ships, and nothing happened - the oceans were crossed, America and India were discovered. Deadeyes are used in conjunction with the rocking chair suspension method described below.

Rocking chair and its fastening

A rocking chair for adults is, in general, garden bench without legs. They choose it according to their taste and on the back with the fifth point. From below, an adult rocking chair is supported by a pair cross beams, and eye bolts or U-hooks are inserted through their ends, as in pos. 4 drawings of a “classic family” swing at the beginning. Fastening to any points on the top, as in pos. 1 Fig., extremely unreliable. When rocking, the centrifugal force should compress the rocking chair and press it against the supports, and not stretch and tear it away from them.

Children love to swing on the flying trapeze, pose. 2 in Fig. below. You can make one yourself from tarpaulin, strengthening the ends with wooden strips, inserted into pockets sewn at the bottom and equipped with eyelets. But you can’t install eyelets for curtains, they are weak. If you don’t have sailing eyelets at your disposal, you can sew their substitutes from a steel ring and harsh, properly waxed or resinous thread, pos. 3.

Children's rocking chair made of boards with two-point suspension, pos. 3, it is not recommended to do it by any means, there is a high probability of overturning. If you are going to make a rocking chair on 2 points, then from logs, as in pos. 4, and hang the rocker from the board at 4 points, passing the cable through the holes, pos. 5.

However, the best rope suspension for both children and adults is a loop in the grooves, pos. 6. For adults, the lower support bars of the rocking chair are made wider, with a projection of 100-200 mm. They do not interfere; on the contrary, with a slight rocking, you can put a book on them, put a can of beer, etc. What if there is a lateral swing, they will serve as good bump stops and shock absorbers. The suspension in the grooves is absolutely reliable and can be easily assembled and disassembled. Adjusting the height of intermediate points with deadeyes allows you to change within a fairly wide range not only the height of the rocking chair, but also the kinematics of the suspension.

Tire swing

Perhaps the most favorite swing for children is the one made from tires. The reasons for this are not only psychological or ergonomic; a rocker made from a tire is an excellent shock absorber in emergency situations, and an excellent swing material for an adult craftsman-dad. An unusable tire can simply be hung on a branch, pos. 1 in Fig., by cutting it, a flying trapezoid is obtained without much difficulty: the presence of steel cord in the mass of durable rubber allows you to do without eyelets. A solid tire will go on a rocking nest for collective gatherings of small children, pos. 3. When two or three people swing each in their own way, the trajectory of the rocking-nest on the suspension 1-3 or 1-4 makes even a person who knows mathematics and physics well scratch his head thoughtfully.

Finally, from the cut and folded different ways tires, we get single rocking chairs not only for children, but also for adults, pos. 4-6. The popularity of swings made from tires is so great that some sports and toy companies and companies specializing in goods for children produce, especially for swings... square tires, pos. 7! All that remains is to exclaim after the author of “Tartarin of Tarascon”: “Has anyone ever heard of something like this?”

Curiosities, but to the point

Since we are talking about funny swings, let’s touch on some more of them, but they are quite suitable for their intended use. For example, hammock swings, on the left in the figure, although the hammock itself is already a recumbent swing. There is probably something about swaying with additional degrees of freedom that owners like. In any case, there will be no harm.

Children will probably like the device in the center, but it is impossible to name it without sinning against Russian grammar. A swing, not a swing. And the author posted a photo of the one on the right with a note: the easiest way to recycle an old car. The comment was in English, so it is quite possible - in many Western countries, delivering a car to a landfill or selling it for scrap costs a lot of trouble. And here the great inertia of the heavy rocking chair allows you to swing for a very long time, the canopy turns out by itself, and soft sofa will not reduce comfort.

Not those, but the swing

Finally, about swings, direct descendants of children's pendulum swings, but quite adult ones. And not for entertainment, they help cope with arthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis without expensive treatment. Reviews from doctors are positive.

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