Annual climbing plants

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Vertical gardening has always been popular, because climbing plants can transform any wall, fence or balcony and easily give any garden an exotic or romantic look.
For these purposes, you can plant and and annual vines. Each has its own advantages. Today we are talking about summer vines.

Annual climbing plants

An indisputable advantage over perennials is that annual climbing plants will very quickly and effectively decorate any area with flexible vines and flowers of any color, and next year you can experiment and do everything in a completely new way.

With the help of climbing plants you can cover unattractive walls and fences; in addition, they will protect them from the adverse effects of rain or sun and help preserve good microclimate in room. With the help of vines you can create a shady alley, for example, from the gate to the wicket; pergolas are built for this purpose various shapes and from various building material. You can make it out of vines cozy gazebo in the garden. Lianas are also good for landscaping balconies, and they can either hang from the balcony in a picturesque colorful cascade or shoot upward along stretched trellises. When landscaping balconies, it is very important to choose plants for the side of the house where the balcony is located, as well as plants that can withstand drafts and winds (if not glass balcony, Certainly).

Let's look at some of the most popular annual vines:

1. – the height of this plant varies depending on the variety from 30 cm to 2.5 meters, the flowers can have a variety of colors, flowering lasts from the beginning of July until frost. Seeds can be sown in May immediately open ground, can be grown as seedlings to achieve earlier flowering.

2. – height can reach five meters. Beautiful flowers white or of blue color appear in July and decorate the vine until October. It is a capricious plant, loves sunny places and regular watering, it is difficult to take root, grows well only in the ground, and is not suitable for containers and balconies. Seeds are sown for seedlings in early March.

3. – reaches a height of up to 2.5 meters, flowering lasts from July to September, blooms with large flowers about 5 cm in diameter. Not whimsical enough, although he loves moderate watering and sunny places. Suitable for growing in hanging pots and on the balcony. Grown through seedlings.

4. – the plant can reach three meters in length, blooms for a long time from mid-June until late autumn. It grows very quickly, is unpretentious and shade-tolerant. You can plant the seeds directly into open ground.

5. – for vertical gardening, choose varieties with long shoots, they can be up to 3 meters, bloom from July to late autumn. Unpretentious, loves sunny places, does not tolerate transplantation, seeds are sown in May immediately permanent place. In the photo: foreign nasturtium.

6. – there are several varieties of climbing beans that can be used in vertical gardening plot. In addition, its fruits are very healthy and tasty. Depending on the variety, the length can be from two to four meters. The most beautiful and popular variety of climbing beans is the fiery red bean.

7. – can reach a height of up to 4 meters, looks very interesting, thanks to the large green leaves and small pumpkin fruits; in addition, the plant is very unpretentious.

8. (popular name- crazy cucumber) - a fast-growing, unpretentious vine, blooms in July-August, has a fruit - a hedgehog-shaped ball. Propagated by seeds, which are usually sown before winter.

Many annual climbing plants come from warm countries, where they grow as perennials, and in our climate they die at the first frost, therefore they are used as annual plants and their seedlings should not be planted before the threat has passed return frosts. Many annual vines prefer sunny places. In order for the plants to branch well and bloom profusely, they must be pinched as soon as they grow to a height of 10 cm.

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A variety of garden flowers lianas found wide application, as in professional landscape design, and in amateur . The relevance of such plants is not surprising, since the plantings look impressive, are easy to care for and, most importantly, climb, and therefore are suitable for forming living walls.

In this article we will talk about the main characteristics of vines and their selection in accordance with the characteristics of the garden. In addition, we will present a number practical advice and recommendations that will be useful when growing and caring for these plants.

Main characteristics

The name liana comes from the French word "liane", which means "to bind". This species includes various climbing plants, annual and perennial, woody and herbaceous.

Currently, there is a wide range of these plants on the market, and therefore you will certainly be able to choose the option that will suit the characteristics of your personal plot.

Perennial and annual vines for the garden, in order to stay in an upright position, find support through tendrils. The plant is able to rise to a certain distance above the surface of the earth and develop leaves and flowers there.

The original habitat of lianas is rainforests. Thanks to selective method During the cultivation of garden plantings, numerous climbing plants suitable for cultivation in temperate latitudes were cultivated.

However, unlike tropical and subtropical analogues, decorative vines for the garden, grown in Europe, are unable to form impenetrable thickets, and therefore in wildlife cannot give the landscape characteristic features characteristic of the tropics.

Main classification

The photo shows vines in their natural habitat

To simplify the classification, we immediately note that a liana is not a variety of plants, but their life form. The numerous varieties of climbing plants can be divided into two main types: perennial and annual garden vines.

Representatives of both groups are represented by both decorative and fruit varieties. Let's consider those categories of climbing plants that are most widespread in our latitudes.

Annual vines

Annual unpretentious vines for the garden are diverse, among them we should mention morning glory, passionflower, decorative variety beans, etc. In addition, there are hundreds of other types that can be successfully used for or suburban area.

Despite the obvious differences in appearance of these plants, there are also characteristic common features, which cannot be ignored. For example, all annual vines are characterized by the presence of long stems with virtually no lateral branches. In addition, almost all vine flowers for the garden look very attractive during the flowering period.

Annual varieties can serve as an excellent decoration for a balcony, terrace, fence and the entire garden plot as a whole. It is advisable to plant annual climbing plants in places where there is a lot of sun and the earth is often dug up. Thanks to the diversity of species, it becomes possible to combine vines and create very interesting combinations.

Important: Carefully ensure that the seeds of climbing plants do not fall into the soil and do not germinate near other flowers. As a rule, a sprouted vine completely displaces other plants in the flowerbed.

Perennial vines

Perennial garden vines are represented by hundreds of varieties of plants suitable for planting in a personal plot.

Among these varieties we note the following:

  • Climbing rose - has become widespread due to its rich and long flowering. Despite the fact that the plant blooms once a year, the inflorescences retain their original appearance from mid-summer until almost the end of autumn.

To provide optimal conditions for growth climbing rose, for planting it is necessary to select an area that receives maximum sunlight. There are no special requirements for the composition of the soil, but the more fertile the soil on the site, the more likely it is that the planted rose will be properly accepted.

The real test for climbing roses is the harsh winter. Therefore, they must be carefully wrapped, starting from the first ten days of November. In this way, it will be possible to cover and preserve young shoots that will produce flowers next year.

We wrap the shoots non-woven material, and sprinkle the roots generously with sawdust.

  • Campsis - these perennial garden vines are ubiquitous due to their unique flowers that look like a trumpet.

The plant is unpretentious to care and quickly spreads along pre-prepared supports.

Moreover, these perennial flowering vines for the garden actively bloom almost all summer. This duration is achieved due to the large number of unopened buds, which open gradually.

The flowering of Kampsis is accompanied by a characteristic pleasant aroma, which is especially noticeable in the morning and evening hours.

  • Ivy is a garden vine for Siberia, since the plant is extremely unpretentious to its living conditions. Some people fight this variety of vines as if they were a weed, while others, on the contrary, cultivate them as a decorative planting.

The fact is that ivy is characterized by amazing vitality. In addition, it is ready to grow on any soil and is able to cling to any support.

Important: Ivy has a well-developed root system, which dries the soil within a radius of several meters from the planting site. Again, despite the dense foliage, which provides dense shade, the surface on which the ivy crawls will never be damp.

When planting ivy near a wall, you can arrange wire supports. To do this, vertical rows are stretched in increments of half a meter and horizontal rows with a distance of 20 cm from each other.

After planting the plant, you will need to secure the shoots at the bottom of the support, after which your participation will no longer be required. It is not necessary to prune these evergreen vines for the garden, unless individual shoots extend beyond the allotted limits.

  • - a perennial climbing plant with powerful shoots, lush foliage that changes color depending on the season.

The plant is unpretentious to the type of soil and can be planted in any corner summer cottage. It is advisable that the place where actinidia will be planted be sunny.

An important point in caring for the plant is regular, abundant watering.

As already mentioned, such vines are distinguished by powerful shoots, for which you need to build a reliable support that is resistant to mechanical loads with your own hands.

  • The grapes are intended for cultivation in the southern part of the Russian Federation, since in the harsh climatic conditions the plant simply will not take root or will die in the first winter.

The plant is characterized by abundant foliage and clusters of berries that vary in shape and color depending on the variety.

The vine, unlike other climbing plants, grows slowly, but forms powerful vines, which subsequently become woody and send out lateral shoots. The plant begins to bear fruit at 3-4 years, depending on the variety.

Important: In the fall, grape fruits attract starlings and other birds that are not averse to eating the berries. Therefore, be prepared to harvest the crop in a timely manner, otherwise bird noise and droppings will decorative design plots will be guaranteed.

  • Wild grapes are climbing plants that cling to any vertical surface slightly rougher than glass. Due to the ease of cultivation, the plant is widely used when decorating various construction projects, fences and other structures.

The plant is distinguished by abundant foliage, which is bright green all summer, and turns red by mid-autumn.

For good growth wild grapes, it is advisable to make a strong, reliable support. The weight of a vine stretching several meters is impressive, and therefore, if you let the plant along the wall two-story cottage, the upper support points must be secured with anchor bolts.

Important: The plant requires virtually no maintenance, except that in the spring you need to clear the shoots that did not survive the winter and trim those branches that have grown too much.

  • Honeysuckle - a climbing plant is represented by several varieties, which differ from each other in the presence or absence of flowers.

During the flowering period, honeysuckle emits a pleasant aroma, which is especially noticeable at night.

Like most vines, honeysuckle is undemanding to the quality and type of soil, but for optimal growth it is advisable to plant the plant on sandy and loamy soils.

The plant practically does not get sick and does not suffer from damage caused garden pests. Young shoots may freeze in harsh winters, but with the onset of spring they are replaced by new shoots.

Important: To better tolerate severe frosts, during November it is recommended to remove the plant from its support and lay it on sawdust, and cover it with non-woven material or sprinkle it with the same sawdust.

With the arrival of spring, the plant should be carefully secured to its original support. Honeysuckle older than two years does not need insulation.

  • Clematis - has beautiful flowering. Inflorescences can be of different shades (this determines the price of a particular variety). As a result, you can choose the variety of plant that suits your needs. to the greatest extent will fit into the decor of the site.

Clematis, unlike other vines, is demanding in terms of conditions. Firstly, you will need a lot of sun, and in addition, you will need soil with a minimum amount of sand and clay impurities.

The plant is heavy, and therefore you will have to take care of a strong vertical support. As a support, you can use construction polymer meshes with a maximum cell size. The network is attached to wooden sheathing, which in turn is printed on the wall of the house.

The plant should be pruned when the height of the vine reaches 2 meters. Pruning allows new, younger shoots to grow.

Important: Pruning features may vary depending on the clematis variety. Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, you should consult a specialist about a particular case.


Now you know what the instructions are for choosing vines for decorating a suburban area. In addition, now you know the features of growing these plants with your own hands.

You will find more useful and educational information about it by watching the video in this article.

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