When is the best time to dig? When is the best time to dig a well in a country house or countryside - time of year. Rules for digging a well

For those who are accustomed to checking all their affairs with the clues of the stars and planets, we give this hint: it is best to start digging a well when the Moon enters the signs water element. The most favorable time in this regard is considered to be the time when it is in Pisces, and even growing. The rest of the advice will be purely “earthly”, practical.

How to choose the time to build a well on summer cottage or in a private household, and whether it is even worth choosing it specifically depends on how you intend to dig this very well. If you are going to use the services of a specialized organization from start to finish, then by a certain time the start of the “well” operation may not be predicted. As a rule, such organizations have powerful special equipment and experienced specialists. Therefore, even if you start working in the right time, the equipment will help to cope with the problems, and the specialist will determine to what depth the well really needs to be dug, even if the “first water” appears very quickly.

Checking the area for water

Conduct exploratory drilling to determine whether the chosen location is suitable for having a well there can be done in any season. You won’t be able to do this on your own; you need to call a specialist with a portable geological drill. Such a device can drill a well more than seven meters deep. What does this give? Reconnaissance will not only show whether there will be water in the well, but will also indicate the composition of the soil and its bearing capacity (if this indicator is insufficient, then the rings installed in the well may simply drown and go into the ground). Exploration using a drill can be done in the spring, summer, autumn, or winter, and the process of constructing a well in the chosen location can be postponed until a favorable time.

Groundwater is going down - it's time to dig a well!

The ideal time to dig a well is considered to be the time when groundwater goes deep from the surface of the earth. A well dug at such a time will always be full. The logic is simple: if you got to the water at a time when it was most difficult to do so, then in “wetter” times you will have it even more so! If you start building a well when the waters approach the surface, there is a risk of making it not deep enough. Especially if you are new to this business. As a rule, inexperienced people believe that the work is finished when the well begins to fill with water. If you started digging when the groundwater was high, then there is a high probability that such a well will simply stand without water for about six months and the work will have to be redone, deepening it perhaps two meters (these are seasonal fluctuations in the water level).

Groundwater is “hidden” during dry periods and in winter, when frost hits. But in winter it can be difficult to dig. Despite the fact that in most of Russia in winter the ground rarely freezes deeper than 1.2 meters, you will still have to spend additional effort - clearing snow, warming up the ground, it will be more difficult to deliver necessary materials. Therefore, the best time to dig a well is considered to be the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, before the rains begin. The groundwater already goes deep, and no additional difficulties arise during the digging process. The end of winter, before the snow begins to melt, is also considered a good time.

By the way, if the well shaft runs through quicksand, then such a well can only be dug in winter (a period of summer drought is also suitable, but there may or may not be drought, and winter happens every year). At other times, laying a well through quicksand will be incredibly difficult, if not impossible.

Water abundance has increased - it’s better not to dig!

The worst time you can choose to build a well is early spring and the rainy period of autumn. However, if prolonged rains suddenly strike at the end of summer, this is also a signal that it is better to abandon the idea of ​​digging a well. Increasing water abundance can play a cruel joke on you and, as mentioned above, create the illusion that the well is ready, while the installation of one or two more rings is required to complete the work. Read about it here.

Go on vacation!

If you decide to dig a well yourself, then you need to take into account that digging it slowly on weekends is not an option. Having started this work, you need to continue it without interruption until it is finished. Therefore, having determined what time would be best to dig a well, schedule a vacation or take time off to coincide with it. Timing the process of digging a well with your vacation is risky - what if it happens during the rainy season?


The presence of a suburban area sooner or later prompts its owners to equip a well to ensure water supply. And one can hardly envy the residents of the holiday villages in which centralized water supply: We all imagine what quality the water flows through it. That is why many people prefer not to risk their health by abandoning water that is too hard or too soft, sometimes rusty or simply undrinkable, in favor of natural well water.

Among other things, in a huge number of SNT and cottage villages, there are simply no communications. In this case, digging a well is simply necessary. Also, we are regularly contacted to install septic tanks made of reinforced concrete rings on the site, for the same reason.

Having decided to equip an underground water source on their site, the owners are immediately faced with the following question: “when to dig a well?” The answer to this can only be given by specialists, since the time for constructing an underground source on a site and its choice depends on many factors, which we'll talk In this article.

If you are going to entrust this important task to a specialized organization, then you will not have to guess the time to start the work process. In this case, qualified specialists and professional special equipment will instantly cope with unforeseen problems if the construction of the well occurred at an inappropriate period. Professionals will masterfully determine to what depth you need to dig.

When is the best time to dig a well on your property: time of year

In the case of a well, there are no time restrictions - drilling can be done at any time of the year, but approaching equipment on soft ground can cause it to get stuck and damage the road. Construction of a well is also possible all year round, with the exception of a short period of 2-3 weeks during the spring flood. There is no ideal time of year for this work, but if carried out in winter or dry summer, you can be 200% sure of sufficient water levels. As a rule, seasonal fluctuations in water levels reach one to two meters. Digging a well in winter is also possible, and it does not seem so challenging task, as it may seem from the outside.

If you decide to find out from different companies When they dig wells and whether they do it in winter, then remember that some specialists are not mentally and physically ready to work in cold weather. Although this period and the time after it is the ideal time for “exploration” of the occurrence groundwater, the level of which is close to what happens only in extreme heat. And if water is found in frost or heat, then it will always be present on the site.

Considering that well digging must be done continuously, we try to complete all the work in one day or, at most, two days. The work is carried out directly by our teams, without any intermediaries, so we can agree on any day convenient for you, on weekdays or weekends. You do not need to take a vacation that you will completely devote to arranging the well - just entrust this task to professionals with relevant experience. This way you will be absolutely calm that everything is going according to plan and you won’t have to redo anything.

By ordering the installation of an underground source from the Kolodtsy-Kopaem company, you will save yourself from enormous hassle and avoid additional financial and time costs for organizing the water supply of your site. We will provide you not only with clean and truly tasty water, but also with maximum freedom of movement around the site, as well as a convenient location of the well.

When is it better to dig a well on a plot or in a dacha? everyone who decides to do it is interested in own source water. It often happens that “experts” advise to postpone this issue, but the family insists on starting work immediately. Whom to listen to? What is the right thing to do?

Definition of an aquifer

In any case, the first priority will be to determine the aquifer and its depth. Usually, big problems does not arise here. There are quite a few ways to find water. The most common is to use a frame for this purpose. This method has no scientific basis, but in most cases it works quite accurately.

For more precise definition layer, you can use test drilling. You can do it yourself if you have the equipment, or you can contact a specialized company that provides such services. In this case, an accurate result is ensured, for which, however, you will have to pay. You can look at your neighbors' plots. Usually everyone has a well. If you draw a mental line through two sources of water in neighboring areas, and start at a place on this line, then the water will not take long to arrive.

In search of water deposits there is no little help nature will provide. They give a completely reliable hint:

  • vegetation coloring;
  • the growth of certain types of grasses and shrubs;
  • animals, birds, insects;
  • natural phenomena - fog, dew.

An aquifer can be detected using technical means - a barometer, silica gel test and test drilling. Well digging specialists have modern technical means to determine the presence of water.

The growth of willow on the site indicates the presence of moisture underground

If it happens that you have to dig a well in winter, summer ways Finding water certainly won't work. Therefore, the occurrence of the aquifer must be carried out in the summer.

More detailed information on how to find the location of water can be found on the website.

Advice. When determining the aquifer on your site, you must use all available methods in order to draw the correct conclusion based on the data obtained.

Types of wells

Water sources in private farmsteads are divided into three main types - wells, Abyssinian and mine wells. The first two types do not require digging of the ground and can be installed at any time of the year. With shaft wells, everything is much more complicated, despite the fact that they are also widespread.

Mine wells

Among them, the most common are wooden and reinforced concrete. Fundamental difference there is nothing in them, except for the barrel material. Wooden wells are still widely used in rural areas, especially in the outback. They are significantly inferior to reinforced concrete ones, especially in terms of service life. But their construction is cheaper.

Wooden well

Well made of reinforced concrete rings

Wells made of reinforced concrete rings are in widespread demand. They are practical and can be erected faster than wooden ones. You can dig such a water source yourself, with your own hands. But, as practice shows, it is better not to do this. Considering the large weight of the rings and the considerable volume of soil that needs to be thrown out of the mine of the future source, it is better to start work on its construction with 2-3 assistants. This will be especially true if you have to dig a well in winter.

When constructing mine wells, the collapse of the walls and gas contamination of the mine is possible. This also suggests that carrying out excavation work alone is not only undesirable, but also dangerous. The most correct option for constructing your own water source on the site would be to entrust this work to specialists.

For your information. If not quality construction a mine well is most vulnerable to “overwater”.

When to dig

Before you start arranging a water source on your site, you need to carry out a series of preparatory work. One of them is site reconnaissance. After finding the location of the aquifer, you need to determine the nature of the soil and make its assessment. If the soil is sandy, then there will be no obstacles when digging at any time of the year. If it is clayey, it will become problematic to work in winter, and in some cases it is simply impossible.

The qualitative assessment of soil is a very important indicator. If it load bearing capacity low, there is a possibility of losing the rings. It’s just that under their own weight they can go down and drown. To avoid such troubles, exploration of the site is carried out.

Choosing the right time to construct a well is one of the most important tasks during its construction. The thing is that if a mistake is made at this stage, there is a chance of being left without water in the summer. By observing several important rules during construction, your well will be constantly filled with clear cold water:

  • correct determination of the start time of work;
  • continuity of the well digging process;
  • thorough sealing of the seams of the well shaft.

Let us consider in more detail the first, basic rule - determining the start time of work. How to recognize him? There are no big difficulties in this matter.

Many years of experience show that the best time of year for such work is the end of summer and beginning of autumn. It must be remembered that when digging a well in winter, it turns out to be of the highest quality. Just as when finding the location of an aquifer, it is impossible to determine the digging time in one way. It is recommended to use several here. The more there are, the more accurate the result will be.

The process of digging a well by hand

You can use the lunar calendar. The well will be successful if it is installed at a time when the Moon is in the constellation Pisces, especially if it is waxing at that time. By the way, other signs of the water element also promise good luck in this matter. The phases of the Moon and its movement can be found on Internet sites.

A survey of neighbors will help you decide on the start of work on the site. If the water from their wells has “gone”, then this indicator will become the most reliable in determining the start of digging time. This method will be especially reliable when neighboring wells are located around.

The favorable time for work is determined by the level of occurrence groundwater. Therefore, it is important to determine at what level they lie. But this is not enough. The main thing is to choose the moment when their maximum decrease occurred. This will be the most perfect time for the construction of a well.

The use of technology by specialists in the construction of a well

And, of course, the most the best option– entrust the digging of the well to specialists. In this case, quality guarantee will be provided. They will accurately indicate the depth, amount of material and correctly determine the presence of an aquifer. (By the way, they have special devices for this). True, the work in this case will be more expensive. But the costs will be more than compensated by the presence of tasty and clean water and its constant availability in the well.

Why can't you dig at this time?

No matter how passionate the desire to dig a well in the spring is, so as not to have problems with water in the summer, this should not be done. The reason is the level of groundwater. Early spring characterized by excess moisture. Almost all of it goes into the ground. Melting snow and rains contribute to the rise of groundwater. This will lead to the fact that having dug a shallow well, it will fill with water. The trouble is that this water will go away as soon as the groundwater begins to fall. The well will dry up.

Prolonged rains in the summer will also push back the dream of having your own well. The reason is the same - high level groundwater. In this case, it is better to postpone the digging work to a later time. Perhaps even postpone it for a year. Construction of a well is a serious undertaking, and eliminating mistakes made is not a pleasant pleasure.

Constructing a well on a site is quite a troublesome task. It is enough to make a mistake when starting work, and all the work may be in vain. Of course, a lot can be improved. But it’s better not to let things get to that point. And you will have to work hard, and it will become quite expensive. Digging a well is perhaps the only event when it is better to lose a whole year than to rush.

After reading the article, it is not difficult to decide when is the best time to dig a well. The key to success will be making the right choice time of work. A well-constructed well will delight the owner of the site for the rest of his life. Clean, cold water will bring a lot of pleasure, especially in the hot summer.

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When to dig a well? Where to dig? How long will construction take? Perhaps these are frequently asked questions. There is an opinion that it is impossible to dig a well in winter and most best time The years for this are summer and autumn. Actually this is not true. We will look at what is the right time to build a well in this article.

Summer and autumn - time summer seasons, when almost every house has owners and guests every weekend, and when the water from the well has special demand. And then need forces you to build your own well with spring water on your plot near your house. A well can be built at any time of the year, with the exception of spring, when abundant melt water do not allow you to go into the ground and reach clean aquifers. Wells dug in winter last a long time and turn out to be truly rich in terms of volume and quality of water!

Warm weather, long daylight hours, and other amenities for the construction of many objects - wells, houses and everything else, have a huge stir in the summer. Sometimes there are queues for wells, but having received a ready-made well in the summer, it needs time to form, and it is not always possible to immediately drink crystal from it clean water. The water in the well settles naturally for up to two weeks. At first, the water is cloudy or sandy and not suitable for drinking. The water must settle until all the sand has settled to the bottom, and only then can water be supplied to the house. Immediately after the well has been dug, it must be closed to prevent penetration sunlight and debris getting into the well, and most often from mice and moles who are eager to drink spring water. After you close the well, no matter what - with a well house or a hatch, or just a temporary iron sheet, it needs complete rest! Excessive pumping (with the exception of clay wells) threatens to dry out and even worse, the well may become covered with sand or silt and will be damaged in the future. Each well is like a living organism, a young well is too weak and needs to be formed in a natural way, for this you need to take water only when necessary, and not pump it out just to see what is at the bottom and where the water is oozing from, for us this is just curiosity, and for a young well this is a huge and destructive stress. A well built in winter will be in the desired mode than one built in the summer, when water consumption is many times more in demand than in winter time. By the summer, with your stay at the dacha or in the house, the well will get stronger and it will be more difficult to spoil it than a fresh well that has just been built.

In the spring, after the snow melts, most wells are considered formed, and some wells need a second stage - cleaning the well, greasing the seams, clay castle around the well, which will prevent rainwater from entering the well. In some cases, clay castle around the well is done immediately after the well has been built, but it is considered temporary, and after the snow melts and heavy rains, the soil around the well will shrink one way or another, and then the time will come to make a major clay castle, it is built only after the well has gone through everything formation time. The full formation stage occurs only after heavy rains or with melting snow.

In fact, judging by the time of year, it is only in the spring that the construction of wells becomes impossible, since during the period of snow melting the groundwater level remains high. This water is not suitable for drinking, and the correct depth of the well cannot be determined during this season. Such wells - with the wrong depth, as a rule, dry up in winter or dry summer. And often, at the end of spring, the water simply goes away. The only way out in this situation is to deepen the well, which is not always possible and there are many reasons for this - a crooked well shaft, displacement of rings, boulders, a previously deepened well, as well as the cost of deepening services, which is 2-3 times higher than the cost of construction . The reason for this is the difficulty of working in a narrow repair ring, in which no one can turn or turn, so the work period for deepening the well is extended. And during the time that the well is being deepened, the team is able to build 2 new drinking springs, so the price depends on the construction time and the complexity of all the work. To prevent such an annoying mistake, you need to wait for dry weather, or wait for frost. But in winter, all chores go into hibernation and no one wants to go to the dacha in cold weather to clear snowdrifts and start construction. You do not have to be present at the site during the construction of the well; as a rule, one meeting with the foreman is enough. In most cases, the brigade does not need to be provided with housing, since the brigade arrives at the work site by personal transport, works all day and leaves, and after resting, arrives early in the morning and starts working again.

The construction time of a well depends on its depth and complexity of the soil; most often, a well with up to 12 rings is built from 2 to 4 days. By and large, building a well in winter is a difficult and not easy task, since it is a cold time for the team. But there is also a plus in this not an easy task - during construction it is deep well in winter, craftsmen do not need to supply additional oxygen to the bottom of the well; in winter, at the bottom of the well the temperature is above zero and the air is more dense due to subzero temperature over the well. They are also created in winter additional favorable conditions for digging both deep and shallow wells - the ground freezes an average of a meter and prevents precipitation from getting into the ground, while an “artificial drought” is created and does not interfere with the work of the team ground level water, unlike in summer, when this level is higher.

Well built in winter period, in the summer it will hardly be possible to dry out. “But how will people work in such cold weather?” - you ask. It all depends on the hard work of the team. Trained by many years of experience working with wells, including in the winter season, our craftsmen are always ready to work for you! In the winter of 2013, the “Well for the Dacha” craftsmen built more than 700 wells, and in the winter of 2014, more than 1,000 drinking wells.

It is important to determine the time for the source device in advance drinking water. Before this, geological exploration of the soil is carried out. High-quality composition soil gives an understanding of when it is better to dig a well at the dacha (the time of year is determined by the results of a geological examination of the site). Dine growing, location determination using plants and others traditional methods allow you to find out where the water comes closer to the surface.

Review of seasons for digging wells - pros and cons

When determining the best time of year to dig a well, the properties of the soil are taken into account. For sand, it is more convenient to start work in any period except summer. Clay is difficult to develop in the cold. In summer it dries out, which is also an unfavorable factor. Loam behaves in a similar way, and in both heat and cold it is impossible to dig a well without mechanization.

Assessing climatic seasonal conditions, experts concluded that each season has characteristic features.

Specialists do not see much difference, since their experience, knowledge and material and technical base allow them to carry out work in any conditions. But still, if anyone decides to dig on our own, he will have to take into account all the pros and cons that each season has.


The difficulty is that spring floods and raising the level of the perched water do not make it possible to accurately determine how deep the hole should be. At this time, digging a well is recommended only if the soil consists of sand. But it can collapse or shift if it rains and a floating rock forms.


During this period, everything depends on rainfall.

If there is a lot of precipitation, you won’t have to dig much to reach the water, but next year, when there may be very little rain, the water will go away and the well will dry up. Therefore, you need to build on the weather conditions in the region.


Late autumn is not a good choice.

If there is a lot of precipitation, wells are not dug at this time of year. Digging is recommended only if the depth of the aquifers is known. This is also not the best option for clay, since if it rains, water will fill the hole and will have to be pumped out. Optimal time– second half of August and beginning of September.


This is the most profitable time of year if you hire a specialized team.

Lack of demand for the service leads to a reduction in cost due to seasonal discounts. But this is only if the work is performed by special equipment. It will not be possible to dig a well by hand, as the soil will be frozen. And this will be a monolith that cannot be crushed even with a jackhammer, especially if you have to dig through clay or loam.

  1. For a long time, people engaged in digging wells began to work according to the lunar calendar. Watchmen say that this should be done when the moon passes the constellation Pisces. Moon calendar can be purchased at almost any store that sells printed products. The exact start and end dates of work can be found on specialized websites or smartphone applications.
  2. Before you start digging, it makes sense to talk to your neighbors. If they have a well on their property, they will be able to provide reliable information. The level of groundwater even in adjacent areas may differ, but neighbors will accurately tell you about seasonal changes in level. And therefore you can navigate how deep you need to go.
  3. Some people use the agricultural calendar as a guide. It can be seen from those who seriously garden or grow various crops in the garden. Greenhouses and greenhouses are a different matter, and such people may not have it. As a rule, wells are dug before the sowing season and immediately after harvesting.
  4. It is important not to give up the dig halfway. Work must be carried out without interruption. If the summer resident is employed, this must be done over the weekend. It’s even better to play it safe and take a couple of days off or a vacation. The fact is that the completion date of digging may be delayed, and the reason for this is hard soil plates. To complete them you will need to spend additional time.

The convenience of contacting specialists is obvious, especially if they have the necessary equipment at their disposal specialized equipment and tool. In this case, nothing will prevent you from digging a well at any time of the year.

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