Cleaning water at home. Simple water purification at home. Traditional cleaning methods without filters

There are a lot of completely reliable household filters for water purification that will solve the problem. This filters for drinking water, which are built into the sink, faucet attachments, filter jugs, installations for pre-purification of water throughout the apartment. But when the filter fails, and the problem needs to be solved at least for a while, we remember more simple ways cleaning tap water.


Chlorinated tap water tastes and smells unpleasant. But chlorination is necessary to neutralize microorganisms present in the water. To neutralize microorganisms present in water, it is chlorinated. It is not recommended to drink chlorinated water; chlorine has the ability to accumulate in the body and, when boiled, forms very harmful chemical compounds. The effect of chlorine can be neutralized by settling the water. Simply pour tap water into a large container and leave for 7-8 hours. Impurities heavy metals and chlorine compounds will evaporate during this time. Important! Use ¾ of the settled water for drinking and food, discard the rest.


A simple method of preparing melt water at home is suitable for those who have a spacious freezer. Cold water in plastic bottles must be placed in freezer and wait until about half of it freezes. In the middle of the volume there remains unfrozen water, which is poured out. Ice is thawed and used for drinking. The idea behind this method of water purification is that pure water freezes first, leaving most of the impurities in solution. Even sea ice is mostly composed of them. fresh water, despite the fact that it forms on the surface of a salty reservoir. It is important to know: you can only use water that produces clear ice for food. If the ice looks cloudy, the water from it is saturated with harmful substances. Therefore, doctors recommend only clear, clean ice to defrost and drink. Melt water from it is very beneficial for the skin, so you can actively use it for washing.

Silicon enrichment

Silicon has strong bactericidal properties, in fact it is the best natural water filter, but the question is - where to get it? Silicon can be purchased at some pharmacies or ordered from an online store. Its cost is not high - 230−250 rubles per 150 g. In addition, silicon also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties, helps improve metabolism, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs gastrointestinal tract, preventing the occurrence of pathologies, promotes rapid elimination from the body of waste, toxins, carcinogens and other harmful substances. Before using silicon for the first time, you must rinse it thoroughly. running water, then add water and leave for 2-3 days. You need to drink in small portions, at least 2-3 glasses per day. Periodically (once a week) the crystals must be washed to remove any deposits that have formed.

Activated carbon cleansing

Activated carbon is included in household bulk filters for water purification. This is an effective water purifier, after which tap water tastes and smells better. since coal absorbs almost all harmful substances found in tap water. To purify water using activated carbon, you need to place it on a container of water. homemade filter in the form of a fabric or gauze bag filled with activated carbon - powder, granular or in tablets (the tablets must first be crushed). True, such an improvised filter cannot be used for a long time; it requires replacement after a few days.

Cleansing with silver

The ions contained in silver actively purify water. Silver has bactericidal properties, so you can pour water into a large glass container, place a silver object (with 999 purity) inside and let the water sit for 8-10 hours. The only thing is that it is not recommended to drink only such water as silver - silver toxins can accumulate, creating an excess of silver in the body, which can lead to metabolic disorders.

Photo: seasons. agency / Jalag / Wrage, Götz, fotoimedia/Ingram.

For owners country houses The issue of water purification is particularly relevant. With centralized water supply, it undergoes multi-stage filtration, as a result of which it is purified from bacteria, heavy metal salts and other dangerous impurities. In an individual residential building, all concerns about ensuring that the water extracted from the well is harmless fall on the shoulders of the owner.

From this article you will learn:

    How to filter water in your home with your own hands

    What is a professional water filtration system for home?

    Where does the design of such a system begin?

    What affects the effectiveness of a home water filtration system?

What are the features of water filtration for a private home?

Usually the water in a private house comes from an artesian well or well. Many people think that since the source is located deep underground, the water undergoes natural filtration and the output is crystal clear and healthy. This is far from true. And the point is not even that it may contain sand or particles of silt. The biggest danger cannot simply be seen. These are bacteria and many different toxic substances. In terms of the minerals it contains, water also does not always meet safety standards. Usually the norms for the content of iron, calcium, fluorine and magnesium are significantly exceeded. In small doses they are necessary for humans, but in high concentrations they are very dangerous for the body. Calcium promotes the formation of scale on dishwasher heating elements and washing machines, as well as water heaters, which eventually leads to breakdowns. Too much iron in water causes rust stains to form on clean laundry.

Before you start choosing a water filtration system for a private home, the price of which is quite high, it is worth giving a sample of the liquid for analysis. As a result, they will be installed chemical composition water in your home, its compliance sanitary standards, the presence of various impurities, excess iron, magnesium and calcium. You can request this service from one of the many laboratories. This data will help you choose a water purification system that is most suitable for your conditions.

Among the common problems that have to be solved when filtering water at home are the following:

    Water hardness is much higher than normal, i.e. it contains a lot of magnesium and calcium salts;

    High percentage of iron;

    Mechanical pollution - silt and sand;

    Presence of bacteria;

    Industrial pollution if the house is located near a busy highway.

How is it possible to filter water in a private home with your own hands?


The most basic way to filter water at home is to boiling. Under influence high temperature it is sterilized - viruses and microorganisms die. To be completely confident in the effectiveness of this filtration method, the water should be boiled for at least 15 minutes. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid. This is necessary to destroy all harmful compounds.

There are many disadvantages to this method:

    Boiling does not remove chlorine compounds from water. Moreover, they take on particularly dangerous forms that contribute to the occurrence of cancer.

    The salts crystallize and coat the walls of the vessel in which the boiling occurs.

    Boiled water becomes lifeless; it is not dangerous to the body, but you should not expect any benefit from it.


Another method of filtering water at home, which does not require the use of any devices, has long been considered settling. You just need to pour it into a wide bowl and leave for at least eight hours. This time is enough for chlorine and other volatile impurities to evaporate. If you stir the water from time to time, the process will go faster. However, this method does not work against heavy metal salts; they will remain in the water, partially settling to the bottom. Therefore, it is recommended not to use a third of the water remaining at the bottom for food.

Using table salt

Another proven method of filtering water at home is using salt. For two liters of liquid add a heaped tablespoon table salt, mix and leave for half an hour. This helps purify the water from pathogens and heavy metal salts that are harmful to health.


Bacteria can be killed not only by high, but also low temperatures, so freezing water is another common filtration method used at home. A container of water, plastic or metal, but not glass, is placed in the freezer. We must not forget that water, turning into ice, increases in volume, so you should not fill the container completely.

This purification method is based on the property of pure water to freeze faster than water saturated with salts. It is important not to miss the moment when half of the water turns into ice. It is necessary to pour out the part that remains liquid, as it contains all the harmful impurities. Wait for the ice to melt. This water is as pure as possible and very healthy.

Use of silicon

Filtration of water at home using silicon is not as common as other methods. A small washed piece of silicon is placed in a jar and poured cold water. The container is placed at home in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight, and covered with a clean cloth. In a couple of days the water will clear and be ready for drinking. There should be from 3 to 10 g of silicon per 1 liter. The water from the bottom also needs to be poured out, since all the harmful substances are concentrated in it.

Using shungite

Among the innovations in simple methods of filtering water at home, we can mention the use of shungite. It has the ability to accumulate harmful impurities and bacteria on its surface, so from time to time the stones must be thoroughly cleaned using a stiff brush.

To prepare shungite water, a large stone (about 100 g) is poured with a liter of water and left for three days. Then the water must be drained and used only top part excluding sediment on the bottom.

Unfortunately, such water is not indicated for everyone; it can be harmful if a person is prone to thrombosis, he has increased acidity or there are any diseases in the acute period.

Use of activated carbon

Can be used to filter water at home Activated carbon. It is included in most industrial cleaning devices. Coal will help neutralize possible unpleasant odors, and will also absorb all harmful substances.

You will need one tablet per liter of water. After 8 hours, the water will be completely clean and free of foreign odors.

Use of silver

The ability of silver to free water from viruses, bacteria and poisonous chemical compounds known to mankind for a very long time. A silver spoon or coin, whatever is found in the house, is placed in the vessel and left overnight. The next morning, clean water is ready, and it does not lose its beneficial properties yet. for a long time. Silver water has no equal in its destructive effect on bacteria.

Folk remedies

There are several folk methods to make water at home free of various impurities:

    Cleansing with a bunch of rowan. You should put it in a container for two to three hours, and you will get water of the same crystal purity as after using silver or activated carbon.

    Cleansing with willow bark onion skins, juniper branches and bird cherry leaves also bears fruit when filtering water at home, although the process will take at least 12 hours.

    Cleansing with vinegar, iodine, wine. It is important to observe the proportions here: per liter of water take 1 teaspoon of vinegar or 3 drops of iodine (5%), or 300 g of young wine. The filtration process lasts from two to six hours. These substances do not affect all microbes, and they will not remove chlorine.

Use of magnets

And in the end, we will touch on a method that has many supporters, but its effectiveness is very doubtful. This is home water filtration magnets. It is proposed to create a magnetic field around a vessel with water, which will supposedly miraculously cleanse it and give it healing properties. It is even claimed that if you place a magnet on water pipe, all water will be instantly purified.

It is clear that this method is powerless against chlorine and bacteria; the most that can be expected is that they will be attracted to the magnet tiny particles iron and even then is unlikely.

What is a home water filtration system?

All methods of water purification at home, which are described above, can hardly be taken seriously. They require too much trouble, and there will not be enough purified water for the needs of even one person, not to mention big family. To provide your household with safe and tasty water, you need to think about creating a real water filtration system for your home. The price of such an issue is the health and well-being of all family members.

In order for truly clean water to flow from the tap in your cottage, it must go through several stages:

    Filter rough cleaning to remove mechanical impurities.

    A filter that makes water softer.

    Fine filter (removes nitrates, petroleum products and heavy metals).

    A filter that destroys bacteria and microorganisms.

The complete process of filtering water in a private house from a well consists of the following procedures: mechanical cleaning(all visible dirt is removed), electrochemical (minerals and iron are removed), catalytic clarification (water becomes clear), sorption purification (removes petroleum products) and biopurification (kills microorganisms).

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a device for filtering water at home, it is worth familiarizing yourself with exactly how they work. Eat various options cleansing:

    Rough cleaning. This filter contains a mesh with small cells on which fragments of silt, sand, and small debris settle.

    Aeration. Its action is based on the ability of oxygen to oxidize iron. Manganese and hydrogen sulfide are also removed from the water.

    Deferrization. If there is a lot of iron in the water, it is immediately noticeable. The liquid turns brown and sediment forms at the bottom. Filtration occurs as a result of a reaction involving special additives with iron dissolved in water. After oxidation, an easily removable precipitate is formed.

    Softening. To make water for the home softer, it is used ion exchange resin. It makes it possible to replace calcium and magnesium ions found in filtered water with sodium ions. Reverse osmosis filters can also make water soft. Only water molecules can pass through their thin membranes. All impurities, including microorganisms, settle in the filters.

    Fine cleaning. Well water often suffers from the presence of various harmful impurities - nitrates, pesticides, heavy metal salts. Coarse filters are powerless against them, so another filtration stage is extremely necessary. Devices containing sorbents, polymer filler or fine-mesh membranes are suitable for it.

    Disinfection. To rid water of bacteria, viruses and microbes, treatment with UV filters is used. Compared to chlorination, this method is completely safe and does not spoil the taste of water.

Water filtration for the home: myths and facts

Doubts about whether it is worth installing a water filtration system in a private home, the price of which is quite high, are reinforced by misconceptions that are widespread among ordinary people. They relate to the quality of water that has passed through the filters and its beneficial properties. There are a lot of opinions on this matter, and often they are diametrically opposed. In order not to be tormented by doubts, it is worth finding out the point of view of professionals.

Myth 1. “Filtered water must be prepared before drinking.”

Fact: water that has passed through the filtration system meets all sanitary standards required for it regulations. It does not require any additional preparation at home and can be safely used by both adults and children.

Myth 2: “Infants should not be given filtered water.”

Myth 3. “Filtration is expensive.”

Fact: even the most simple models suitable for high-quality water filtration in a private home. Their price can vary from 10 to 50 US dollars. As a result, the purest water will be 10 times cheaper than purchased in bottles.

Myth 4. “Filtered water does not contain minerals.”

Fact: Excess calcium and magnesium levels are normalized during the filtration process, which helps protect household appliances from scale. Otherwise, the water retains its beneficial properties. Passing through the filtration system in the house, it gets rid of only those substances that negatively affect it. taste qualities and color. Filtered water should not be confused with distilled water, which truly lacks all minerals.

How to design a water filtration system for a private home

To select the composition of filters required for specific house, preliminary carrying out of two types of research is required - chemical and biological analyses. Taken together, their results will give the most complete picture of the quality of water in the well, its composition and the content of impurities in it.

For maximum accuracy, the study should be repeated during the flood period. Often seasonal rise groundwater contributes to a sharp deterioration in the quality of the produced fluid. Wells and Abyssinian wells that are shallow in depth are most susceptible to this risk. If we make calculations only for normal operation, then during a flood the entire increased load will fall on the filtration system in a private house. The price of premature filter replacement in this case will become an unexpected expense for the owners.

TO artesian wells this does not apply. They are quite deep, so we can limit ourselves to analyzing the chemical composition.

A water filtration system for the home, the price of which is affordable for ordinary people, should not only do an excellent job of removing harmful substances from water, but also provide the necessary performance. To do this, specialists need to correctly calculate the water consumption needs for the home. The initial data when designing a water treatment system are:

    The type of source from which water is drawn for the house (well; sand, artesian or Abyssinian well).

    Initial water quality obtained as a result of analysis.

    Required quality of cleaning. Not only drinking water must be filtered, but also that which will be used household appliances available in the house. Of course, in this case the cleaning will not be so thorough, but such water is more favorable for long term technical services.

    Availability storage capacity. With its help, even a low-capacity filtration system can provide continuous water supply to the home.

    Average daily volume of water consumption.

    Required water treatment capacity.

Based on these parameters, the configuration of the water filtration system for the home is determined. The price for it will depend, among other things, on how high the cleaning requirements are. Experts recommend limiting yourself to main filters to meet the household needs of the home. As for drinking water, a set of filters is required to guarantee complete deep cleaning.

According to the standards established by law and reflected in SNiP 2.04.01-85, The average daily amount of liquid is about 200 liters for each resident. This includes the total amount of water consumed - for the shower, for sewage, and for domestic needs of the entire house. If drinking water filtration will be carried out separately, then the requirement is calculated separately for this block.

In the photo: water filtration scheme in a private house

There are some factors that are considered mandatory for the correct operation of the system, Therefore, when designing it for a specific home, the following points should be taken into account:

    To install filters, it is necessary to provide a heated room so that the system does not freeze (this can be a basement or ground floor Houses; mini-systems serving only one water point can be placed directly under the sink).

    The filtration system must have a connection to the sewer system to get rid of dirty water remaining after washing its elements.

    Water must be supplied to the filtration system under a certain pressure, its value is indicated in the accompanying documentation.

If the purification system is designed in compliance with all conditions, then any, even heavily contaminated, water that passes through it will be suitable for drinking and meet the highest requirements.

This task is not easy and requires high level training of professionals in the field of water treatment. Fortunately, there are a large number of companies on the Russian market that are capable of designing and installing water filtration systems for the home. The price for these services may seem high to someone, and he will decide to create a water purification system on his own. But a non-specialist has virtually no chance of picking up optimal set filters for the home, and even more so to carry out competent installation of the entire system.

We advise you not to skimp on the health of your loved ones and to contact a reliable company that will perform the entire complex to solve water filtration issues. necessary work– from collecting water for analysis to launching the system in the house. She will also carry out service maintenance filters.

This is exactly what Biokit is. On our website you can see the widest range of filtration equipment presented, the purpose of which is to make the water flowing from the tap in your home as healthy and tasty as possible.

Biokit specialists will come to the rescue if you:

    We decided to connect the water filtration system at home ourselves;

    Do you want to understand the process of selecting filter materials;

    Need replacement materials for your home's filtration system;

    Interested in troubleshooting or solving problems using specialist installers;

    Do you want to get answers to questions that are important to you over the phone?

Let Biokit install your water filtration system and your family will enjoy clean, healthy water!

The choice of purification method depends on the composition of the water itself and the available capabilities.

Tap water supplied to apartments has different levels of harmful components.

That's why there is a need to select the optimal method of post-treatment, with which you can effectively reduce the amount of harmful substances.

In some cases, a person has to use water from natural sources. In this case, the task of disinfection comes to the fore.

In order to objectively make a choice in favor of one or another cleaning method, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​its advantages, disadvantages and application algorithm.

Main methods home water purification without filter are:

  • Advocacy;
  • Boiling;
  • Freezing;
  • Distillation method;
  • Carbon adsorption;
  • Cleansing with silver;
  • Iodization;
  • Shung grafting;
  • Silicon processing;
  • Use of tourmaline;
  • Herbal cleansing.


This the most easily accessible and cost-effective way tertiary treatment.

The result of this process is the volatilization of chlorine gas and the precipitation of heavy metal salts.

Defending is considered a simple but ineffective technique. Only the upper third of the water volume is freed from chlorine. The lower layers contain increased amount pollutants.

According to the rules, water must be kept in an open container for at least 24 hours. After this, it is carefully drained to less than half the volume.

The settled water, without any further treatment, can be used to water plants or fill an aquarium.


A simple, convenient, cheap and relatively effective method. the main objective boiling is the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, chlorine and low-temperature gases (radon, ammonia).

However, the method also has its disadvantages:

To level out Negative consequences, It is recommended to use already settled liquid for boiling and limit the boiling time to 15 minutes. In this case, the water container must be open.

Attention! Not all microorganisms die when briefly heated to 100 degrees!

Most pathogenic bacteria (staphylococcus, typhoid bacillus, Shigella, Koch's bacillus and others) They die when boiled within a few seconds. However, there are also more resistant microorganisms.

An example would be the hepatitis A virus, which dies in boiling water only after 5 minutes. Anthrax spores, which can withstand boiling, show even greater endurance.


The method is based on a physical and chemical phenomenon, according to which crystal clear water first turns into ice.

The substance with impurities freezes last. The instructions for using freezing are simple.

Water is poured into an open container and placed in the freezer. When half of the liquid freezes, take out the ice and drain the rest. Thawed ice is ready for use without any additional processing.

Distillation method

Obtaining pure, salt-free water is based on distillation. Technological process in everyday life requires special equipment - a distiller. It is a system consisting of a container in which water is heated, a tube through which steam moves, and a container in which the purified liquid is collected.

The method has two undeniable advantages:

  1. There is almost complete liberation from salts.
  2. When heated, microorganisms die.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  1. Light organochlorines are carried along with the steam.
  2. Water loses biologically essential microelements.

Important! Long-term consumption of distilled water leads to the leaching of potassium, iron, manganese and other physiologically important elements from the body.

Carbon adsorption

Thanks to the porous structure the substance actively absorbs mineral and organic impurities.

The cleaning option is simple and convenient, but it also has disadvantages. The sorption capacity of coal is limited.

Home instructions for use are simple. Several tablets are placed in a gauze bag and placed in a vessel with water.

The sorbent dosage is 1 tablet per 1 liter of liquid. Functional analogues of coal are crushed coconut shells or ground fruit tree seeds.


Silver is a metal with pronounced bactericidal properties. This is the basis for its use in biological treatment liquids.

In terms of its level of action, silver is equivalent to bleach. This metal is even used in swimming pools for disinfection. It is known that water supplied to international space stations is preserved with silver.

For bio-purification at home, it is enough to place a silver object in a container of water.

But with this method, the proportion of metal passing into water will be low.

To get a more pronounced effect, it is necessary to use a solution where silver is in ionic form.

Carefully! It has been scientifically proven that in high concentrations silver has a negative effect on living cells. Therefore, it is undesirable to abuse this method.


Iodine is widely used in medicine as a disinfectant. This property is also used for domestic purposes. The advantage of iodine is its high bactericidal ability.

However, along with this advantage, the method has significant disadvantages.
  1. Firstly, only biological treatment occurs.
  2. Secondly, the water acquires a characteristic iodine odor.

This greatly limits the use of iodization. An analogue of this method can be bromination. But the use of bromine is expensive, so it is not widely used at home.


Shungite is a fossil mineral with unique physical and chemical properties.

This is an excellent sorbent that absorbs:

  • chlorine,
  • nitrates,
  • heavy metals,
  • organics.

Shungite has bactericidal properties. The mineral contains a large number of trace elements, thanks to this, the water is mineralized when infused.

Important to remember that the mineral has limited sorption capacity. Microbes, accumulating inside the stone, are able to live there. Therefore, the shungite filter should be periodically replaced with a new one.

Silicon processing

To find a suitable water purification method, you need to know which pollutants are present in the greatest quantities.

Before starting household post-treatment of tap water or natural water, it is worth collecting information about its composition.

The ideal option is laboratory analysis or household tests. Such data will help you navigate in choosing the right water purification method.

Important! If the same container is used for cleaning and disinfection, it must be washed periodically. In the light, water “blooms”, that is, green algae appear in it, which remain on the walls of the vessel and deteriorate the quality of each subsequent portion of water.


The quality of water supplied to apartments and houses is regulated by sanitary and hygienic standards. Despite state control, water supplied to consumers does not always meet standards. Help to cope with the problem that arises household methods tertiary treatment.

The presented review makes it possible to objectively evaluate the entire range of methods and choose the most suitable one in specific conditions. Cleaning at home allows you to save on expensive modern ones.

With proper implementation and combination of methods, the output can be water with good organoleptic and chemical characteristics.

Every person needs water to live, we drink it, use it to prepare food for ourselves, and wash our bodies with it. We are used to it as a matter of course that when we open the tap, we get water from the tap. But this water is far from perfect quality, so it requires additional cleaning. But how can you do this at home without expensive industrial multi-level filters?

What's wrong with tap water?

Water - this is a source of not only liquid, but also mineral salts for the body; a person cannot do without water, it must always be in our homes. But tap water is intended for domestic needs - washing dishes, bathing and laundry. It is better not to use it for drinking; it contains too many chloride compounds. They are added to water to disinfect it from viruses and microbes that can be dangerous to human health.

However, chlorine itself is unsafe: it negatively affects body proteins, irritates the mucous membranes of the digestive system, disrupts the intestinal microflora and causes general allergization of the body. In addition, chlorine in water also forms by-products that are potentially dangerous to the body and require prior removal from it.

In addition, the quality of tap water also depends on its hardness - the amount of calcium and magnesium salts, as well as impurities of iron and other minerals. If there are a lot of salts, this can negatively affect the kidneys; if there are few minerals, the body will suffer from a lack of them, the skeleton will become more fragile, weakness will appear, hair loss and dry skin.

The taste of food cooked with tap water and the taste of food cooked with purified water are very different. Fragments of rust, dirt, scale and other impurities can get into the soup or second dish from tap water. A coffee or tea in general will be frankly spoiled, despite the most expensive varieties of the raw materials themselves.

By the way, it has been proven that even strong chlorination does not kill Giardia cysts, and you can easily catch them when drinking raw water. Therefore, do not neglect at least the simplest methods of water purification, then your health will be significantly supported.

Water purification methods

We present to your attention the simplest ways to purify water.

Boiling water

This method, of course, will remove germs and viruses from it, but not chlorine compounds. As the temperature rises, chlorine reacts with salt impurities in water and converts them into chlorine compounds, which are unsafe for health. In addition, boiling deposits some of the salts on the walls of the dishes; look into your kettle and see how many of them are there.

Water settling

This is one of the simple and cost-effective ways to purify water from chlorine. Chlorine is a volatile compound; when water sits for 6-8 hours, all the chlorine dissolved in it will evaporate. Stir the water several times - this will help the chlorine separate more actively.

The disadvantage of this method is that heavy metal salts are not removed during settling.

Freezing water

One of the most effective ways Water purification at home without the use of special devices is freezing it.

How to purify tap water?

Water is a special compound, a solution of ions, it contains an admixture of so-called “heavy” deuterium water. These are special heavy hydrogen ions from water that negatively affect the health of the elderly and children. Such water freezes before the total mass, remove the needle mesh from the deuterium water, and freeze the rest in an open plastic container(It is better not to freeze glass containers: when water freezes, it expands and the glass may burst).

After freezing, the ice will have layered look– at the edges there will be cloudy ice with impurities and harmful compounds, in the center there will be clear water. This cloudy ice defrosts faster, is drained, and the core is used for drinking and cooking. The only drawback of melt water is that it contains few useful salts; to drink it, it is better to add 100 g of mineral water to a liter of such water.

Water purification methods (continued)

Coal cleaning

This method of water purification is known to avid travelers and military personnel. To clean a glass of water, you need 1 tablet of regular pharmaceutical charcoal - it is pounded, wrapped in gauze and filled with water, after 15 minutes the water is filtered through a fine sieve. This water tastes good and has no odor. However, coal does not protect against viruses and microbes - in conditions wildlife Such water still needs to be boiled additionally.

Silver cleaning

Silver is believed to neutralize microbes and some metal salts, although silver's cleaning power has been greatly exaggerated. It is recommended to leave a silver item - a spoon or a special pendant - in a container with water overnight. Water sedimentation and disinfection work simultaneously.

Water purification with magnets

Another popular method that has questionable effectiveness. It is recommended to surround a container with water with magnets and leave the water for several hours. Option: wrap magnets around the pipe that supplies water to the tap. This method does not protect against chlorine and microbes, but theoretically it can purify water from iron and its salts due to magnetization.

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