Low basal temperature during pregnancy. What does a high basal temperature mean? What does a high basal temperature mean?

Measurement Rules

To use BT as an informative indicator, you need to observe temperature fluctuations over several menstrual cycles, at least three. Measurement Rules:

  • It is better to measure temperature rectally - this way the influence of air temperature is less;
  • carry out the procedure every morning, including menstruation days;
  • Before thermometry, you cannot get up and engage in any activity, so it is recommended to knock down the thermometer and leave it by the bed in the evening, when preparing for bed;
  • the indicators are recorded in a notebook, and at the end of each cycle a graph is drawn (one scale is the day of the cycle, the second is the thermometer readings on that day);
  • thermometry time - 10 minutes;
  • It is advisable to wake up at the same time every day;
  • sleep before measuring BT should last at least 6 hours;
  • Lack of sleep, alcohol abuse, taking medications, and colds can cause an increase in basal temperature, so these factors should be avoided.

As you can see, the method requires high motivation and discipline. However, if you broke a rule, please indicate this in a note for the relevant day. If on this day the readings deviate significantly from the curve of the graph, they are not taken into account.

BT in the first phase of the cycle

The first phase of the menstrual cycle is called follicular, or menstrual.

The first day of the cycle is considered the first day of menstrual bleeding. Usually the temperature in the follicular phase is low, less than 37C in the rectum.

The duration of the phase is about 14 days. The end of the first phase corresponds to the moment the egg leaves the follicle - ovulation. Before ovulation, BT normally decreases, and after it increases, which is due to the production of the hormone progesterone by the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum forms at the site of the ruptured follicle and produces progesterone within 10-12 days.

BT in the second phase of the cycle

From the moment of ovulation, the luteal phase begins, also known as the corpus luteum phase. It lasts as long as the corpus luteum remains active (12-14 days).

BBT increases after ovulation, remaining approximately 0.4 C higher than before ovulation for approximately 10 days. The corpus luteum gradually degrades and progesterone levels drop. At this stage, there are 2 possible scenarios:

1. If fertilization does not occur during the existence of the egg, that is, the woman does not become pregnant, the BT decreases, and after a few days menstruation begins, and the cycle begins from the beginning.

2. If fertilization has occurred, the basal temperature rises in the period before menstruation; after this, BT continues to remain at an elevated level (about 37 C), and menstrual bleeding does not occur.

Changes in BT during pregnancy

An increase in basal temperature during pregnancy occurs due to the work of the placenta. The placenta, the tissue connecting the mother and fetus, produces progesterone. Thus, although the corpus luteum is no longer active, the high temperature is maintained due to the activity of placental progesterone.

Progesterone continues to be synthesized throughout almost the entire period of pregnancy, but usually the mother’s body quickly adapts to this hormonal background, and body temperature drops to normal values.

Thus, if before menstruation the temperature rises to 37 C, and then menstruation is delayed, pregnancy can be suspected. However, the fact that body temperature rises before menstruation is not sufficient to confirm the presence of pregnancy.

It should be noted that when analyzing BT, a more important role is played by the difference in temperatures before, during, and after ovulation, and not by the number on the thermometer on the day before menstruation.

That is, if the temperature before menstruation is 36.9 C, and before ovulation it was 36.7 C, this is less likely to indicate pregnancy than a reading of 36.6 C before menstruation in a woman who is characterized by a decrease in readings before ovulation up to 36.1 C.

In the first case, the difference is 0.2 C, and in the second - 0.5 C. That is why BT can be considered as a diagnostic sign only if the woman monitors her constantly over several cycles.

Factors that increase temperature

Let's talk about factors that can cause an increase in basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle, and, in fact, before menstruation.

An increase in basal temperature may also have external causes not related to hormonal levels:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the body - viral or bacterial infection, the presence of a focus of inflammation (boil, abscess). Symptoms may be mild, especially if the infection is in its early stages or is indolent.
  2. Gynecological problems.
    For example, in women with endometriosis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa), the body temperature rises before menstruation and is usually 37.0-37.3 C.
  3. In some cases, the temperature rises with severe allergic reactions.
  4. The influence of external factors listed in the list of restrictions during the period of BT measurement. These include alcohol consumption, stress, intense physical activity and overwork, active sex, and medication use.

Thus, elevated body temperature a few days before menstruation is not a reliable sign of pregnancy.

  • BT is a good way to monitor the functioning of a woman’s reproductive system;
  • the method helps to identify hormonal disorders;
  • fluctuations in BT throughout the cycle are caused by the work of the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone;
  • Normally, in the absence of pregnancy, 2 drops in temperature are observed during the cycle - before ovulation and before menstruation;
  • the highest BT is achieved on the day of ovulation, when the egg ruptures the follicle;
  • the absence of fluctuations in the schedule usually indicates the absence of ovulation;
  • during pregnancy, BT increases and may remain at an elevated level for several months;
  • the absence of a premenstrual decrease in BT is not a reliable sign of pregnancy.

Realizing that there is a new life in her, the woman strives to find out as much as possible about her situation. This is especially important for those who are worried about any reason. Basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy will help monitor the process daily and identify dangerous signs so that the expectant mother can get help in a timely manner if necessary.

Read in this article

Why measure BT

Basal temperature is another indicator of gynecological health. Due to the natural difference in its values ​​at each stage of the cycle, women plan pregnancy. Daily measurements and charting make it possible to find out the day of ovulation. Before menstruation, the BT value reaches 36.7-36.9 degrees. By the time the egg matures, it increases to 37-37.1. If conception does not occur, after ovulation its values ​​decrease again. If there was no ovulation at all, then the temperature will be approximately the same throughout the entire cycle.

Basal temperature 37 is a sign of pregnancy, which appears, perhaps, earlier than others. Delayed menstruation, morning sickness and other symptoms will appear later. In the meantime, maintaining BT at this level for 2 weeks will let the woman know that she is now responsible for another life, and it’s time to start providing suitable conditions for its development. And although this is not an indisputable sign of pregnancy, it can become a reason to conduct a test, abandon bad habits that are interfering with it, and establish a normal routine.

Normal basal temperature after conception

A fertilized egg needs special conditions to attach to the wall. The body creates them with the help of the hormone progesterone, which begins to be produced in increased quantities compared to the previous one. With its help, the uterus prepares to accept the fertilized egg, then allows the membranes and placenta to develop. For this reason, basal temperature during early pregnancy also increases, but up to certain limits.

Usually its value varies among different women from 37 to 37.3 degrees. Staying within these limits means that the process proceeds without unpleasant surprises, as it should. What basal temperature in early pregnancy may depend on the characteristics of a particular organism. Normally, it is capable of deviating from average values, reaching 38 degrees. But to make sure that this is not evidence of any danger, it is better to see a specialist.

Daily fluctuations in BT

Measurement of bt in early pregnancy should be carried out at the same hours in the morning. Such indicators can be trusted, since the body has rested, and no external factors have yet been able to influence it. Physical activity, eating, emotions, even wearing clothes inherent in wakefulness inevitably change its meaning. Usually, the basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy rises above 37.3 degrees during the day, but this does not hide any threat. At this time, its values ​​can change every hour under the influence of the already mentioned factors.

By the end of the day, the body “digests” everything accumulated during the day, but is already preparing for rest. However, taking measurements at this time of day is also pointless. The indicator will still be high, and it is impossible to understand whether this is caused by natural causes or health problems. In the early stages of pregnancy, basal temperature in the evening is usually about 1 degree higher than normal. An informative measurement at this time will be if the woman slept for at least 5 hours during the day. But it is unlikely that anyone will follow such a strange regime for all 12 weeks of the initial stage.

When and how to measure BT

Bt during early pregnancy is measured in the morning before waking up, when the biological activity of the body is minimal. The thermometer is placed 2 cm into the vagina or rectum and held for 3-5 minutes. During this time, the device will sense and display the real temperature values.

Each measurement should repeat the previous one. That is, you cannot insert a thermometer into the vagina today, and into the anus tomorrow. And the manipulations must be carried out at the same time; you can only be late and rush for an hour. The thermometer should always be the same as before.

Basal temperature is important in early pregnancy to measure accurately. This is real if:

  • Do the procedure only in a horizontal position, without turning on your side or standing up. Sitting down in bed, a woman increases the flow of blood to the pelvis. In this case, the thermometer will show high values ​​that do not correspond to reality;
  • Take measurements after at least 5 hours of sleep, this is the only way the readings will be correct;
  • Do not have sex for the entire period of BT control. Sexual activity stimulates its increase. Or at least make sure that the break between the measurement and the act is at least half a day;
  • Do not take medications. Most of them will distort the picture, and the indicator may turn out to be significantly higher or lower than normal values. But basal temperature is controlled in the early stages of pregnancy due to a possible threat to the condition. In this case, there may be no danger, but the number on the thermometer will show that there is;
  • Have breakfast after measuring. Food also affects the value of the indicator;
  • Do not be sick. Even a slight runny nose can change the BT value.

Why do you need a schedule?

A BT chart during early pregnancy is necessary if a woman seriously decides to monitor this indicator. As the fetus develops, various changes occur in the mother's body, mainly related to hormones. It is not surprising that basal temperature is also unstable in the early stages of pregnancy, the graph will prove this. Usually it looks like this:

  • On the day of fertilization of the egg, the value balances between 36.4 and 36.7 degrees;
  • Over the next 3-4 days it rises by 0.1 degrees daily and reaches 37;
  • For another 2-3 days, the basal temperature remains the same;
  • On the day of implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine mucosa, it decreases to 36.5-36.6 degrees;
  • Over the next 2-3 days, the indicator values ​​gradually rise, reaching 36.8-37 degrees;
  • For about 2 weeks, the numbers on the thermometer can fluctuate from 36.7 to 37.1. But the values ​​should not be lower than those observed on the day of ovulation.

The graph of basal temperature during pregnancy in the early stages should include not only the numbers of the indicator and the days of the cycle, but also the accompanying circumstances. BT values ​​can be affected by illness, medication, and stress. The attending physician should learn about each of them in order to have a complete picture of the development of pregnancy.

When basal temperature deviates from normal

It is worth saying that an increase in basal temperature and maintaining it at certain values ​​is not an absolute sign of pregnancy. Sometimes it can mean something completely different. But if a woman, using a test, is convinced that conception has occurred, she does not always have to control this indicator. Usually the doctor insists on measuring BT if there have been problems with pregnancy in the past, in order to catch them at an early stage. This way there are more opportunities to neutralize negative factors.

Why is your basal temperature too high?

An excessive increase in basal temperature occurs due to the inflammatory process occurring in the body. In most cases it is associated with the reproductive sphere, but not always.

Another reason for too high BBT may be an ectopic pregnancy. The fertilized egg, despite its abnormal localization, develops, which means that progesterone is produced in the usual amount for pregnancy. At the same time, there is an inflammatory process in the body that can increase both body temperature and BBT.

A woman needs to listen to the sensations in the lower abdomen and monitor the discharge. If instead of clear ones they come out brown, an ultrasound of the fallopian tubes and abdominal cavity should be done.

Possible threat of interruption

A decrease in basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy occurs when there is a threat of termination. The main reason for this in most cases is a lack of progesterone. The hormone ensures the creation of conditions for the development of the fertilized egg: loosening the upper layer of the inner lining of the uterus, securing the embryo in it.

Thanks to it, the basal temperature also increases in the early stages of pregnancy; 37 is its average value for the first 2 weeks after conception. A lower indicator is a reason to take measures to prevent rejection of the fertilized egg, which may begin soon. If, in addition, a woman feels pain in the abdomen or notices blood-stained discharge, she needs help immediately.

Frozen pregnancy

Low basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy can also be a sign of fetal fading. This means that the embryo has stopped developing. For what reason this happens, one can only speculate. But you need to be aware of this situation, since the fetus does not always come out on its own. It is necessary to remove it, and the sooner, the safer it is for the woman. In the short term, this is done using the vacuum method, and after recovery, after a while you can plan a pregnancy again.

Stopping the development of the embryo is accompanied not only by a decrease in BT, but also by other symptoms, the main one of which is the disappearance of other signs of its existence. The woman's mammary glands also stop enlarging. In this case, the level of progesterone also drops, because the corpus luteum no longer needs to produce it.

Does low BT occur during normal pregnancy?

The normal basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy is quite arbitrary. It is not at all necessary that the body will demonstrate its meanings as if from a textbook. Its individual characteristics may be such that during a normally developing pregnancy the indicator will not reach the average throughout the entire 12 weeks, when it makes sense to measure it. And a low BBT during early pregnancy will not prevent you from carrying and giving birth to a healthy child.

The indicator must be monitored and values ​​compared over time. If at other times its values ​​also do not coincide with the norm, you should not take this as a threat to pregnancy. For example, if BT during ovulation is less than 36.4, the indicator in the first 2 weeks may not reach the milestone 37 degrees.

Measuring basal temperature is useful for the first 3 months, when its values ​​are informative. Further they have no decisive significance. But even in the first trimester you should not overestimate them. Basal temperature only becomes significant in the context of other signs. Therefore, if there are any discrepancies with the average numbers, you should not worry, but it is better to go to an antenatal clinic to make sure that everything is in order.

If a patient’s basal temperature rises, this does not mean that her health is bad. Let's figure out why basal temperature is high, the reasons for its increase, and what is recommended to do in such cases.

What should you know about basal temperature? This indicator should be measured in a state of absolute rest after sleep, when the woman has not yet gotten out of bed. This temperature is not obtained in the armpit area, as we usually do with a cold or other pathologies, but in the mouth, vagina or rectum.

BT is very sensitive to all processes occurring in the human body. Its level is regulated by biologically effective substances - hormones.

Does basal temperature increase before menstruation?

Of course, because then significant changes occur in the body. Any deviation when the basal temperature rises may indicate disturbances in the body’s functioning.

If a woman is not pregnant and, according to the results of diagnostic examinations, she is healthy, then from the first day of the cycle the BT parameters are 36.4 - 36.8. If ovulation is about to occur, there is no increase in basal temperature: on the contrary, it drops slightly to 36. This phenomenon is called a drop in basal temperature: it occurs with an increase in estrogen levels.

What does high basal temperature after ovulation mean?

Why does basal temperature increase after ovulation? After the oocyte exits the fallopian tube, a corpus luteum forms in place of the follicle. It produces a significant amount of progesterone, a hormone that maintains pregnancy. The cause of increased basal temperature in such cases lies in a surge of the hormone progesterone. It rises to 37.2 sometimes even to 37.5. This is the reason why basal temperature rises before menstruation: the growth of the substance progesterone ensures an increase and thickening of the inner layer of the uterus, necessary to maintain normal attachment of the oocyte.

If there was no conception, then you don’t need a lot of progesterone. Its quantity is decreasing. And if the basal temperature is high in the morning and the test is negative, this indicates that this situation should soon return to normal. However, sometimes there are cases when ovulation occurs without an increase in basal temperature.

You should consult a doctor if your basal temperature persists during your period to find out why it is elevated.

The above fluctuations are normal for each monthly cycle.

How does BT change during pregnancy? If a woman is pregnant, her basal temperature chart will be slightly different. The basal temperature is increased - the reasons will then lie in the fact that the embryo has successfully implanted into the mucosa. This means that the woman will not have a premenstrual decrease in BT.

Factors that increase BT are:

  • the embryo has successfully implanted into the uterine mucosa;
  • the corpus luteum is not destroyed, but continues to secrete the hormone progesterone in large quantities;
  • the placenta continues to mature and produce significant amounts of progesterone.

It is the right amount of progesterone that is necessary to maintain pregnancy. This substance prevents spontaneous interruption of the gestation process. Until childbirth, women’s BT indicator is elevated - that is, higher than 37 degrees. And this is the norm: the alarm should be sounded when this indicator decreases, which indicates hormonal deficiency.

Basal temperature should be measured before the end of the first trimester. It is not advisable to do this further: the placenta takes over the responsibilities of progesterone. Therefore, the values ​​will be uninformative and, in some cases, useless.

From this we can conclude: if progesterone is produced in the body in the required volume, then the basal temperature remains elevated.

Why is basal temperature rising? Its increase does not always indicate that pregnancy has occurred. There are certain disorders of the endocrine system that cause an increase in basal temperature.

If in the first phase of the monthly cycle such important parameters remain above 37 degrees, then this indicates that there is a lack of estrogen in the body. In this case, the egg does not fully mature, which means ovulation cannot occur. If the follicle grows, then under such conditions it slowly turns into a cyst. Accordingly, this condition signals infertility.

It is not advisable to judge from a cycle alone that a woman has become infertile. A healthy patient who is in active age experiences an anovulatory cycle at least once a year. This condition is a physiological norm. The same fact suggests that the level of basal temperature should be observed for at least three monthly cycles. This is the only way to judge any dynamics.

It is advisable to pay attention to such reasons for the increase in basal temperature.

  1. Inflammation of the appendages. The temperature rises sharply and stays this way for several days.
  2. Death of the oocyte during the period when an ovulatory drop in temperature was expected. This can happen due to improper development of the oocyte, as a result of which it dies.
  3. An increase in basal temperature can also occur with endometritis, that is, inflammation of the uterine mucosa.

Normally, a high basal temperature can be in the second half of the cycle and provided that conception occurs.

If your core temperature has risen once and it hasn't happened again, there's no need to panic. This may be after coitus the day before, using certain medications, or drinking alcoholic beverages. If a woman got out of bed at least an hour before the procedure, this may indicate a diagnostic error.

If a constant increase in basal temperature is recorded, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This is especially important before the start of the next monthly cycle. Such a woman should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Only timely diagnosis makes it possible to detect severe pathologies and facilitate their timely treatment.

A healthy woman resorts to measurements most often because of the desire to conceive a child. BT during pregnancy differs significantly from the indications that are observed in other periods of life. If there are appropriate BT indications, which are inherent in pregnancy, then we can talk about a successful conception. BT also becomes interesting in each period of gestation - from 1 to 40 weeks.

Basal temperature data is taken in three places:

  1. In the mouth.
  2. In the rectum (rectally).
  3. In the vagina.

The most accurate readings are temperatures measured in the rectum. They are reduced in the first phase, that is, to 37°C. They range from 36.2 to 36.9 degrees, which is individual. The most important thing is that the BT readings in the second phase (the release of the egg into the fallopian tubes, that is, after ovulation) are at least 0.4°C higher than the previous ones. This “morning” temperature persists until the onset of menstruation:

  • 1-2 days before menstruation, BT drops.
  • On the day of menstruation it increases.

Basal temperature is strictly controlled by the level of hormones produced by the body. During pregnancy in the second phase, the temperature gradually increases or is already high until menstruation is missed or even more. This indicates high levels of progesterone and estrogen, which regulate the process of maintaining pregnancy.

Based on basal temperature, you can calculate days favorable for conception, as well as periods when you don’t have to worry about the safety of sex. This is also regulated by hormone levels. Basal temperature also helps to identify various abnormalities in reproductive function. For example, at 3 and 4 weeks of pregnancy (according to obstetric indications), the temperature should be more than 37°C.

If there is a delay, but the basal rate drops, this indicates a negative process of conception (pregnancy is not observed).

How to measure?

Basal temperature is an easily changing thing. A woman must follow the rules of her measurement to get the correct data. These rules are the same for all women: both pregnant and non-pregnant.

You should use one thermometer, which can be mercury (preferably) or digital. It is inserted into the rectum 2-3 cm and held for 5-7 minutes. Measurements are taken strictly at the same time (the run-up can be up to 30-60 minutes maximum). Everything happens in the morning, when the woman has just woken up and has not yet gotten out of bed.

Other rules for drawing up a BT schedule are:

  • Measurements are taken over 4 consecutive menstrual cycles for a more reliable picture.
  • Measurements are taken after waking up from sleep, which should last at least 5 hours. In the morning, a woman should, without getting out of bed or stretching, take a thermometer and measure her temperature.
  • While the temperature is being measured, you should lie still.
  • All data is recorded in a notebook, where the date and exact data about the BT are indicated. At the same time, notes are written down regarding what distorted the BT readings, for example, the use of alcohol or medications the day before.

Basal temperature is not taken during the daytime. Only in the morning is it reliable. With activity and movement, body temperature rises, which distorts the readings.

BT distortion can be affected by:

  1. Alcohol consumption.
  2. Sexual contact the day before.
  3. Diseases in which the general body temperature rises.

During pregnancy, it should be taken into account that BT is within normal limits for 2 weeks after conception. Then hormonal changes occur that distort the data. At week 9, BT will not be of much interest than at week 1 or 2. However, if the doctor has prescribed it to be measured, then his recommendations should be followed.

Diagnosis in the early stages

During pregnancy, BT remains high until pregnancy delay and beyond. Diagnosis in the early stages is made after conception in the first weeks. The temperature rises to 37 and above (by 0.4-0.5 degrees) and on the day of the delay it will rise by another 0.2-0.3. However, everything is individual: in some women the temperature may not rise above 37°C.

The BT schedule will sometimes behave strangely during the first week. For example, on the 6th day the basal temperature may drop, which does not indicate pathologies. Sometimes this occurs after ovulation on days 7-10, which indicates implantation retraction, which may be accompanied by bleeding.

The next day or 2 after the drop, the temperature rises again to a high level. Such changes in the second phase may indicate fertilization.

Other signs of pregnancy may include the following cases (if there is no short-term temperature rise in the second phase):

  • Increased BT is observed for 3 days or longer than in previous cycles.
  • High BT lasts at least 18 days - a sure indicator of pregnancy.
  • A third upward jump in temperature is observed, dividing the graph into 3 phases.

Low BT during pregnancy

You should pay attention to what the basal temperature is when pregnancy occurs. Its normal value is 37.1-37.4°C. However, sometimes lower temperatures can be observed. Low BT is not an alarming sign during pregnancy, but you should pay attention to it.

Gynecologists often advise measuring BT throughout the first trimester. This occurs in cases where a woman has previously had miscarriages, threatened miscarriage, or fading pregnancy. Low temperature in the first trimester may indicate:

  • Lack of progesterone, which regulates normal gestation.
  • Threat of spontaneous abortion.
  • Freezing of the fetus.

A sharp drop in basal levels below 37 degrees may indicate insufficient progesterone production. In this case, visiting a doctor should be mandatory, especially if other alarming signs arise:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Increased uterine tone.
  3. Bleeding.

You should not panic that BT has dropped to 36.9°C if there is no discomfort, abdominal pain, or bleeding. This is not considered normal, but the individual characteristics of the female body may play a role here. You should be examined by a doctor so as not to worry about low BT.

If BT drops to 36°C, this is an abnormal sign. Here, fetal freezing or spontaneous termination of pregnancy may occur. In any case, you should consult a doctor urgently.

It is also necessary to make a visit to the gynecologist if BT drops to 36.8 degrees or below and lasts for a long time. This may require testing for hormone levels. However, if low BT appears only once, then you should not worry. This could be an error in measurements or a temporary change in the condition of the female body.

What does increased BT mean?

A high BT should also attract attention. What does her increased performance indicate? If 38°C is observed for a long time, then you should seek medical help, since we are talking about inflammatory processes in the body or ectopic pregnancy (BT may be normal in this case).

A slightly elevated BT (37.7-38°C) is normal, which may indicate individual characteristics of the body.

We should not forget about the various factors that influence BT measurements. If a woman takes medications, is sexually active, and moves after waking up, then the indicators will be different, which is natural.

A slightly elevated BT is quite normal if the woman feels well and nothing bothers her, and her hormone levels remain normal.

Internal BT at various stages of pregnancy

Changes in internal BT at different stages of pregnancy should be considered:

  • The 3rd week corresponds to the 1st embryonic week. At this stage, BT shows 37-37.5-37.7 degrees and slightly higher. A mark below 37°C indicates deviations and the threat of termination of pregnancy.
  • The 4th week is marked by BT indicators in the range of 37.1-37.3°C, the maximum limit is 38°C. Higher rates indicate infectious or inflammatory processes.
  • The 5th week should be stable within 37.1-37.7 degrees. If it repeatedly increases or decreases, then you should pay attention to other signs: nagging pain, hardening of the abdomen, softening of the mammary glands, etc.
  • Week 6 remains the same: 37.1-37.7°C. If the temperature increases or decreases significantly, then we may be talking about fetal death.
  • The 7th-8th weeks are marked by BT indicators within the range of no lower than 37.1-37.3 and no higher than 38 degrees. If the indicators are abnormal, you should undergo additional health diagnostics (ultrasound). By the end of this period, the fetus becomes less susceptible to various factors, but it is better to continue to maintain a BT schedule.
  • The 9-10th week should maintain the previous indicators within the range of more than 37 and below 38 degrees. Otherwise, the help of a doctor is recommended.
  • The 11th week is marked by a slight decrease in BT to 37-37.2°C. If the temperature remains high, then you should consult a gynecologist.
  • The 12th week is determined by BT levels of 37-37.8, maximum 38 degrees. Ideal values ​​are 37.6-37.7°C.

In subsequent weeks, the BT level remains within normal limits - around 36.6-36.8 degrees. Too high or too low BT indicates hormonal disorders, threat of miscarriage and other pathologies. At the 40th week, BT increases to 37.4 degrees or more (by 0.5-0.8°C). Some women also experience a high fever before giving birth.


Basal temperature helps in solving many problems, including throughout pregnancy. It’s not enough just to conceive, you also need to carry it to term, which is 40 long weeks. A lot can happen during this period. For a favorable prognosis, it is necessary to measure BT throughout pregnancy in order to note deviations from the norm and seek help in time.


elevated body temperature - for several months from ovulation to the 3rd day. cycle

I am worried about elevated body temperature (not basal) starting from the 13th day of the cycle 37.2 -37.6 - I feel a little cold until the third day, just when menstruation is already waning. I used to have this happen a week before my period, but now it happens more. Now I am taking drugs for thrombophilia, Vessel Due F and Clexane - prescribed when planning a pregnancy, but my hematologist says that the temperature cannot be related to this, I have already had a consultation with a pulmonologist - they thought there was a hidden inflammation. process in the lungs, but...

Increased basal temperature

Hello everyone, please tell me, the basal temperature has been holding for more than a week, 37.2 periods should start on Monday, I bought a test with a negative result, the doctor at the hospital said wait. Is there a chance that I'm pregnant? Today I took a test, two lines, although the second one is barely visible, my period has started, though it’s not as heavy as always, but it’s there, can it happen that I’m pregnant during my period. And when can I do the test again?

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