Is it possible to make a soft roof in winter? Is it possible to cover the roof in winter? At sub-zero temperatures, pay attention to

The term “soft roof” means a direct or inverse arrangement of layers of bitumen - polymer mastics and fiberglass-based materials, fiberglass and polyester fabric.

In this article we will look at the device in winter period, And is it possible to do soft roof in winter?

We will also touch upon the issues of operating soft roofs in winter time and removing snow from the surface.

First, let's look at existing species soft roof.

In official documents, another term is used to refer to soft roofing - roll roofing.

The design and repair of soft roofs is established by a Code of Practice SP 17.13330.2011 SNiP II-26-76"Roofs".

The document classifies roll roofs as straight and inverted roofs, with an insulation layer made of bitumen, bituminous - polymer material, various membranes and mastics.

With a carpet made of rolled material with a gravel or coarse-grained topping, it varies from 1.5 to 10%, from bitumen-polymer material with coarse-grained topping - from 1.5 to 25%.

To create a slope along a horizontal base, use a screed cellular concrete monolithic installation. The screed can be laid on the base or on the insulation. It is possible to use special shaped additions made of slab insulation.

Soft roofs with a slope of ≥ 25% are performed subject to the use of hot mastic and rolled material with heat resistance of 90° C, or cold mastic heat resistance 100° C.

Composition of a soft roof with a direct arrangement of layers looks like this:

  • Base;
  • Slope-forming layer;
  • Vapor barrier;
  • Insulation;
  • insulation from 2 – 4 layers of bitumen roofing material, upper layer has a fine- or coarse-grained topping.

The number of insulating layers is taken taking into account technical characteristics roof material and slope

In an inversion roof, the layers are arranged in the reverse order:

  • Base;
  • Slope-forming screed;
  • Waterproofing carpet;
  • Insulation;
  • Filter material;
  • Load of gravel or concrete slabs.

Inversion roofing is performed with large areas and on exploited roofs.

Materials for soft roofing

A large number of roofing materials are produced in Russia. To carry out repairs or install new
roofs in winter Suitable materials with flexibility on timber with a diameter of 15 cm at a temperature of -25° From the brands Technoelast, Uniflex, Linokrom, Bipolykrin, Bikrost, Krovlyaelast and others.

The common thing is bitumen - polymer resin, applied to a base made of fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester.

Materials intended for fusing have a special film underneath that melts when heated - it serves as an adhesive.

Roofing materials without film are glued to bitumen-polymer mastics. Materials for the lower layers of the carpet are produced without mineral sprinkling; materials for the top layer have coarse or fine-grained sprinkling.

Major repairs and minor repairs - what's the difference? Difference between major repairs and minor roof repairs are significant. To assess the condition of the roofing pie, pits measuring 1x1 m are selected in several places, Based on the exposed areas, the number of layers of the carpet is determined

, type and condition of insulation, presence of vapor barrier. Major repairs involve replacement

, assessment of the condition of the insulation: if it is not in working condition, replacement of the insulation is required. If the insulation is in working condition, measures are taken to dry it.

NOTE! For minor repairs on defective areas of the roof, replace the carpet or lay additional layers waterproofing material. When performing repairs or installation by a contractor, each layer of roofing materials requires.

drawing up acts of hidden work Previously used slab insulation made of foam concrete and polystyrene are not able to meet the requirements of current standards for the resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structures and they are completely changed. In addition, current standards have tightened the requirements for vapor barrier of insulation: previously, insulation from moisture vapor from residential and office premises was not required. Respectively,

To install a vapor barrier, it is necessary to dismantle the insulation.

Waterproofing and vapor barrier layers made of roofing felt, roofing felt, glassine, whose service life is no more than 5 years, definitely require replacement.

Common defects Defects most often arise due to technology violations performance of work, non-compliance design solutions

, carelessness of the staff and lack of care from the owner of the house.

Regular inspection of the roof, timely detection of swelling, vegetation, cracking and delamination of the material can prevent leaks and wetting of the insulation.

The most effective method - filling the roof with water and draining the water after identifying the locations of defects - is possible on flat roofs and with special equipment.

  • Leaks occur after precipitation or within 1-2 days later. There may be flickering leaks that appear periodically.
  • Leaks of the first type indicate mechanical damage to the covering, improper installation or poor-quality carpet material.
  • Leaks of the second type appear due to poor-quality sealing of junctions and in the case of incorrect installation fencing and drainage system.
  • Flickering leaks they talk about microcracks in the roofing material and insufficient size of aprons at the junctions.

Now let's talk about whether it is possible to lay soft tiles in winter?

Installation of soft roof in winter

Is it possible to install a soft roof in winter? Winter is not the best best time for roofing work. However, if necessary and following the rules, you can lay a soft roof in winter:

  • Laying in winter should be done under a special awning;
  • Work with water-based solutions at a temperature not lower than +5° C;
  • Thoroughly dry the base before applying mastics and primers;
  • Soft roofing becomes very hard in winter and becomes brittle, so it should be thoroughly heated;
  • Warm up the carpet material at room temperature before laying it within 1-2 days.


Application gas burners for work on the roof it is allowed with non-combustible insulation(stone and basalt wool, fiberglass). When using insulation of flammability group G4 (expanded polystyrene), fusing should be carried out with a construction hair dryer!

The quality of roofing work in winter depends on compliance with the rules for working with materials. Soft roof installation at negative temperatures:

  1. The base must be smooth and dry;
  2. The screed for the slope must mature;
  3. Contact of porous insulation with wet materials and screeds is not allowed;
  4. Before fusing the waterproofing layer, surfaces (insulation, plastered parapets, ventilation shafts) must be primed with a primer;
  5. The junction areas must be protected with aprons.

Installation of roofing on a flat roof

Laying a soft roof in winter requires more technological operations: warming up the carpet material at room temperature, drying the base, heating the material before laying with a gas burner or hairdryer. As a result - additional waste of resources and money, low labor productivity. Subject to compliance technological maps according to the material manufacturer, laying soft tiles in winter is possible, but not economically feasible.

Temperature conditions and roofing work

In regulatory documents no direct ban holding in winter repair work on the roof.

The main requirement for outside air temperature is written in SNiP 3.04.01 - 87 “Insulation and finishing works”: Roofing work can be carried out in the temperature range from -30 to +60° C.

Work with flammable mastics is allowed down to -20° C.

Works with aqueous compounds without antifreeze additives– not lower than +5° C.

Possibility of performing work in to a large extent depends on the technical characteristics of the material. If the passport indicates flexibility on a beam with a diameter of 15 cm at a temperature of -25 ° C, then at -30 it will break.

So, repairing a soft roof in winter at sub-zero temperatures in detail.

We repair soft roofs in winter

Urgent roof repairs can be done in winter two ways:

  1. Replace the defect patch from roofing material;
  2. Seal the leak with mastic based on polyurethane.

In the first case, the work is carried out as follows:

  1. We clear the leak area from snow and ice;
  2. Dry the leakage area with a gas burner or a hair dryer;
  3. The amount of roofing material required for sealing, pre-heated to room temperature, is evenly heated with a hairdryer or burner from the bottom until the pattern changes;
  4. We apply the patch to the leak site, align it from the center to the edges, eliminating swelling;
  5. Glue by tapping with your hands or with a special roller.

Procedure for using mastic:

  1. Clean the leak area;
  2. Dry;
  3. We prime;
  4. We apply a layer of geotextile to the area to be repaired and secure it to the base with a stapler;
  5. Pour a layer of polyurethane mastic;
  6. After polymerization of the first layer (7-8 hours), we apply the second layer of mastic.

Preparation for repair

The first method is faster and easier, the second method is more reliable.

After repairing a flat roof in winter, it is advisable to leave there is a 5 cm layer of snow on it for protection from solar radiation and bad weather.

Roof care

If a problem or minor defect is noticed in time, it is easier, faster and cheaper to eliminate. In order not to bring the roof of the house to a state of repair, an inspection of the serviceability of the coating is necessary during the calendar year.

Is it necessary to clear snow from a soft roof? Yes, definitely!

In winter, it is necessary to clear the soft roof of snow: with a flat roof, heavy snowfall can exceed the permissible load on the roofing slabs - and this is a disaster! With a pitched roof, excess snow will fall off in an avalanche during the thaw. Cleaning soft roofs from snow is a mandatory procedure for roof care.

Is it possible to walk on a soft roof in winter? Urgently we do not recommend do this, since the coating becomes very fragile in winter and there is a high probability of damage to the coating.

This simple inspection will allow you to notice problems in time and make minor repairs.

  1. Ceilings top floor- to detect stains;
  2. Roofs - to detect swelling;
  3. Roof junctions with parapets and at elevation differences;
  4. Fastening aprons and sealing seals.

At sub-zero temperatures pay attention to:

  • Icicle formation;
  • Ice plugs in funnels;
  • Icing of sections of walls near drainage systems;
  • The amount of snow on the soft roof.

Walking on a soft roof in winter is strongly not recommended!

In the fall, clean the roof and drainage system of fallen leaves. The topic of roof repair work is as broad as the number of roofing materials and technologies. If it is not possible to carry out repairs yourself, there is always the opportunity to turn to professionals. The roof of your house requires respect - the longevity of the building as a whole depends on its condition.

Useful video

Now we invite you to watch a video on repairing soft tiles in winter:

In contact with

In most cases, such materials are fiberglass, which has a bitumen coating on both sides. If the weather outside is hot, dry, you can stick such material without using forced heating, which means that natural conditions are quite sufficient ( sun rays). But there are other circumstances, therefore, the question at what temperatures a soft roof can be laid varies somewhat, although the main condition is heating.

Temperature characteristics of laying bitumen shingles

First of all, it should be noted that soft roofing materials come in two types:

  1. Rolled.
  2. Tiled.

Installation can only be carried out if the outside temperature is at least 5 °C. Although the ideal option involves dry and also hot weather, wet or rainy weather is unacceptable - the base must be dry. Such requirements are due physical properties bitumen - if the temperature is below 5 °C, it simply hardens and cannot be glued.

If the lower limit is determined by a temperature of 5 °C, there is no upper limit at all under natural weather conditions for asphalt shingles. For example, in the southern regions the air temperature in the sun can be very high, and in Libya a heat of 58 °C in the shade was recorded. But such heat is not a hindrance, the main thing is that the roofers can work at the same time.

But not every time it is possible to install a soft roof in dry and sunny weather. If the sun does not help with adhesion, use bitumen mastic and a gas burner - forced heating of the material is performed. If an urgent need arises, installation using a gas burner is also done in frosty weather - when there are leaks or snow flies into the attic, the weather cannot be taken into account. But roofers usually try to avoid such options, which greatly affects the speed of the production process.

When laying bitumen shingles, the base plays an important role - most often: chipboard, OSB, FSF plywood or edged board. But for high-quality installation Above-zero temperatures or even very hot weather are not enough. The fact is that wood has the ability to absorb moisture, which often accumulates during storage. Therefore, if the base is wet, then no amount of heat and scorching sun will help to glue the soft roofing material.

Temperature characteristics when laying TECHNONICOL roofing

Laying TECHNONICOL type rolled roofing material is somewhat different from identical work with bitumen shingles. Of course, you can use two methods for fixation:

  1. Mechanical fastening (screws, roofing nails, slats).
  2. Fusing onto the roof base.

But in this case, we are interested in only one possible option - fusing, in which we have to resort to forced heating. Nevertheless, the requirements for fixing roll materials are very similar to the requirements for bitumen tile coverings and, above all, a dry base. There is one important advantage in this situation - the use of a gas burner allows you to dry out the moisture immediately before installation, if the base, of course, is not wooden.

Fixing TECHNONICOL type rolls using the fusing method can only be done using molten bitumen, but no amount of hot and sunny weather will help here. Here, to create the proper temperature, gas burners are usually used as the most convenient tool. It should be noted that this method is only applicable for flat roofs, and the reason for this is a completely natural physical dependence. The situation is explained by the banal flow of bitumen from the sloping surface, and there is no way to simultaneously operate the burner and glue the roof.

But, despite the fact that heating is artificially created here, some restrictions on the temperature regime still exist. The most suitable weather is considered to be with air temperature from -5 °C to +25 °C. Starting from -6 °C and below, TECHNONICOL hardens greatly and its installation becomes simply impossible. But if the air warms up above 25 °C, the material becomes too soft, which also makes fixing it extremely difficult. For these reasons, it is not recommended to store rolls in the cold or in the open sun.

The ideal time for roofing work with such material is considered to be spring, late summer and early autumn. The situation is considered when the air is heated from 6 °C to 20 °C, which is most convenient for production activities. But in situations where the roll turns out to be frozen (the conditions for its storage were not met), use construction hair dryer for heating. But TECHNONICOL, softened in the sun, can no longer be cooled and you need to wait for suitable weather.

From this we can conclude that the temperature conditions for both roll and tiled roof very similar, although there are some nuances. By following these instructions (they are usually given by the manufacturer), you can quickly and efficiently re-cover your home.

Soft tiles in Lately literally filled construction market. It's all because of the manufacturers of bituminous materials who tried to find a unique roofing covering, and they achieved it. Laying soft tiles is carried out even in winter, but under certain conditions, and you will learn which conditions in this article.

Where did soft tiles come from?

A material such as bitumen shingles certainly could not be produced in a country with low oil production. People first started talking about it in the mid-19th century in America. And even then it was used quite widely.

Of course, the coverage of that year was very different from the modern one. The main raw material was regular cardboard, which was coated with bitumen on both sides, and then attached to the roof. By the way, no one still knows the real inventor of such a simple coating. Only in 1903 a patent for cut tiles appeared. Henry M. Reynolds, of the Grand Rapids Company, was the owner. The first samples of roofing material did not have good aesthetics, and the shape had only two types - rectangle and hexagon. As for the color, they were standard colors, which were set with natural sprinkles in gray and red shades.

The name “tile” for this product appeared only in Europe, and the old name “shingle” remained in the country of the inventor. Due to its positive qualities, this material quickly gained popularity wherever it appeared. This is confirmed by the villages and towns in various countries, in which you can always find a roof made of bitumen shingles.

As time passed, the structure of the product changed. At first it had clear and simple components - fiberglass and cardboard. By the way, fiberglass was used only in the sixties of the 20th century. As a result of this, some companies called their products organic shingles.

At that time, such roofing material was covered with only two types of bitumen - soft and hard. If the first one was used, then the body of the cardboard was completely impregnated, and when using solid materials, only its sides were coated. Despite the fact that a large amount of bitumen product was used, such a roofing coating did not meet many requirements, in particular waterproofing. Therefore, it was decided to use fiberglass.

Previously, they could not even imagine that gluing together several shingles could improve the quality of the product, and they thought so until the beginning of the 20th century, until the decision was made to laminate tiles in the 60s.

Around the same time, the topping also began to color, giving the material variety. color range. The attractive appearance gave the products competitive qualities, which were only used by emerging manufacturers of building materials. Over time, the appearance of the tiles began to imitate most known coatings, for example, wooden shingles, but at the same time had a more best qualities. Among them are strength, stability, and service life. As a rule, such tiles serve reliable protection for 25 years.

But as you know, everything flows, everything changes, and today in some states of America you can find manufacturers who can give a lifetime guarantee on their product. Impressive, isn't it? By the way, the old base in the form of cardboard is gradually disappearing and can rarely be found in any tiles, except perhaps in rolled material - roofing felt.

Installation of soft tiles in winter

In winter, the construction of houses, as a rule, freezes or proceeds very slowly. What to do if, before the construction of the house is completed, all that remains is to lay the roofing material, but soft material is used as a covering. Is it possible to install it in cold weather? The answer is yes, but there are a lot of nuances here. So let's look at the most important ones.

Laying soft tiles in winter is carried out only if there are heat guns or special infrared heaters. Such units help to warm up not only the roofing material itself, but also the bedding under it. Thanks to the underlay layer on bitumen roofs, maximum sealing of the surface is achieved.

In the summer, the air temperature allows you to do without heating devices, but even they will not save the material in severe frosts, so if the temperature outside is low, then it is better to leave the idea of ​​covering the roof until later. suitable conditions, otherwise you risk getting a low-quality roof that will leak the next year.

So, the question “is it possible to lay soft tiles in winter?” deserves a mixed answer. At certain temperatures, for example, down to -5 o C, this work can be done using heaters, but to achieve maximum quality, it would be best to wait until spring.

Finnish soft tiles

The phrase “soft roofing” immediately evokes an association with roofing felt, but construction has long presented us with better quality products. One of them is Finnish roofing. This type of roofing has an attractive appearance, practicality and ease of installation.

Composition of Finnish soft tiles

The Finnish company recently released a roofing covering that attracted the attention of literally the whole world. It looks like a piece element in the form of tiles, the edges of which have a figured ending. Standard sizes This material is 30-40 cm wide, 4-6 mm thick and 1 meter long.

All roofs with a slope of at least 11 degrees can be covered with soft tiles, which is probably one of the reasons for such a sharp popularity of Finnish material. But enough about popularity and size, let me tell you about its structure.

  • Outer layer. On the outside, this roofing material is covered with basalt granules or other stone chips. This surface gives the material a kind of armor that does not allow ultraviolet rays and mechanical damage to harm the coating.
  • Impregnation. It's no secret that soft roofing uses special modified impregnating mixtures that increase the waterproofing properties of the material
  • The main raw material is fiberglass, which, when compared with the cardboard used in roofing felt, is much stronger, therefore, the product itself is better.
  • The bottom layer contains some quartz sand or silicon to prevent the tiles from sticking together during storage

The name “Finnish roofing” should not be taken as correct. This combination of words has become attached to the product only because this roofing material was produced in Finland. Today, many people produce such products, but the quality remains unchanged. Popular companies are Icopal, Tegola and Raflex.

Installation methods

Soft material means convenience during installation work, and when transporting it, you don’t have to worry about the integrity of the structure.

Thanks to innovations in construction industry, Finnish roofing has several methods of fastening.

  1. Self-adhesive method. The adhesive layer on some types of coating is a mixture of bitumen and rubber, which is protected by a film until the required moment. To fasten such a product on the slope plane, it is necessary to separate the protective film, place it in the desired place and press the tile a little so that it sticks to the sheathing. The only obstacle to installing self-adhesive plates on the roof surface may be negative temperatures. It will not allow gluing due to the hardening of the important layer

The structure of this material is as follows:

  • Basalt topping
  • Oxidized bitumen
  • Fiberglass layer
  • Oxidized bitumen
  • Adhesive mass with frost-resistant impurities
  • Quartz or silicon sand
  • Protective film
  1. Mechanical method. Here, fasteners are used as fasteners, and therefore this type is somewhat cheaper compared to its self-adhesive counterpart. As a rule, ordinary roofing nails equipped with a wide head are used as fasteners. All fastening points must be covered by the sheet lying on top. This will create an airtight and reliable coating.

IMPORTANT: The lathing for this roofing must be done using a continuous method, and there should be no strong differences in height or sharp elements on its surface. To achieve an ideal surface, developers often use OSB boards rather than edged boards.

As a guide, I will list the main layers of a Finnish tile roof.

  • Roofing material
  • Lining layer
  • OSB board, or continuous lathing from boards
  • Waterproofing layer
  • Insulation boards
  • Vapor barrier membrane layer

Positive and negative qualities of soft tiles

Not long ago, manufacturers of roofing materials received a new competitor - Finnish tiles. It very quickly found its niche and became the main competitor of metal roofing and ondulin.

Why in such a short time this product received such high sympathy? It's all about her merits.

  • Wear resistance. Finnish roofing outperforms the same roofing material many times over, because its service life is more than 70 years, while the latter’s lifespan is only a decade
  • Resistance to temperature changes. This property delighted residents of the northern regions, where temperatures reach -50 o C. The temperature range of this coating is from -60 o C to +150 o C
  • Versatility. Soft tiles can be used on roofs with a slope of more than 11 degrees
  • Economical. This property was discovered as a result of comparing waste metal tiles and Finnish roofing. At the same cost, the latter produces much less waste
  • Easy to install. Due to its structure, installation can be done on your own
  • Decorativeness. Manufacturers are trying to improve their product every year and are producing an ever-increasing assortment in terms of colors and types.

Despite such chic positive traits, this material still has disadvantages.

  • Expensive. A product with a self-adhesive surface is quite impressive, and the simple appearance is also quite good
  • There is no possibility of laying the covering on flat roofs
  • High demands on the base surface
  • Mandatory laying of the lining layer

Finnish roof good decision For country house . This coating will give your comfort a rather interesting and intricate look, and you will become a constant object of admiration from neighbors and guests.

The use of soft roofing in private suburban construction– one of the most relevant topics today. This material has many advantages. It is lightweight, has high sound and heat insulation qualities, is resistant to corrosion, fungi and microorganisms, guarantees absolute tightness of the roof, and gives it a very attractive appearance.

It can be used to cover roofs of a wide variety of configurations. In addition, soft roofing has long term operation and low cost. Another important advantage of this material is that during rain the noise level is quite low.

In addition to high technical and operational characteristics, soft roofing has another advantage: it is so easy to install that you can even handle the work yourself.

General characteristics and types of soft roofing

Soft roof– a modern building material made on the basis of fiberglass sheets impregnated with rubber bitumen on both sides.

A distinctive property of rubber bitumen is its high degree of tightness and moisture resistance. It is these qualities that explain the popularity of this roof in modern construction. The soft roof also contains a special coating, which increases its wear resistance and does not allow the rolled covering to stick together.

This material is an ideal choice for covering roofs with a slope angle of less than 11 degrees.

Soft roofing includes flexible or bitumen tiles, roll or membrane roofing.

Soft tiles

Soft flexible or bituminous shingles are otherwise called piece soft roofing, roofing tiles, shingles, shingles. Perhaps this is the most common type of roofing, which is an analogue of the ceramic variety of tiles.

Soft tiles are flat sheet with figurative patterns carved on one edge. The basis of soft tiles is non-woven pressed fiberglass, which can withstand heavy loads and is almost not subject to deformation. This type of tile comes in different shapes: triangular, oval, hexagonal. Usually it has a size of 1x0.33 m.

One of the main advantages of soft tiles is the ability to use them to cover roofs with domes and towers or roofs of unusual shapes.

Roll roofing

The second name for this type of roofing is bitumen-polymer. Often it becomes the only solution for installing roofs on agricultural buildings, reinforced concrete and brick buildings.

Roll roofing is made from fiberglass or synthetic material. This guarantees high waterproofing properties of the material.

The disadvantage of roll roofing is its vapor permeability.

Since a burner is used when laying roll roofing, it is necessary that the material does not burn, but melts. Otherwise, the installation cannot be of high quality.

Membrane roofing

Other name membrane roofing– roofing made of PVC membranes. It consists of membranes made of TPO, EPDM and PVC.

One of the most important features The technology of this type of roofing is that the seams are fixed using hot air, and this guarantees a high level of their strength. The membrane is attached mechanically using additional adhesives. Fastening can also be carried out to the roof screed. Thanks to the membrane structure, the strength, reliability of the canvas and long service life are guaranteed.

Tools required for installation

Laying flexible roofing Even one person can do it. To install a soft roof you need following materials and tools:

  • hammer;
  • sealant;
  • mastic;
  • roofing nails;
  • trowel for mastic;
  • ridge-cornice strip;
  • waterproofing carpet;
  • end and cornice strips;
  • work gloves.

Ventilation system design

Purpose ventilation system is to ensure free air circulation, which is necessary in order to prevent the formation of condensation in the lower segment of the base. Without quality ventilation in rafter system Rotting processes may begin, and in winter icicles or ice will form.

The main details of the roof ventilation system are exits and vents, gaps between the base and waterproofing of at least 5 mm in size. Provide natural ventilation possible through the device ventilation holes, evenly distributed under the eaves overhangs.

Installation of cornice strips

Cornice strips are made on a metal basis and are attached to a lining on the overhangs of the cornices. They are necessary to protect the edges of the sheathing. Fastening is carried out using installation nails, between which a 100 mm step must be maintained. In the places where the cornice strips join, an overlap of at least 20 mm in length must be made.

Installation of gable strips

Gable strips are also made of metal and are attached at the roof ends to the lining layer. Their main function is to protect the edge of the sheathing. Fastening is carried out similarly to fastening of cornice strips.

Valley carpet

The purpose of this element is to protect the roof from rain and snow. It is chosen according to the color of the tiles. Fastening is done using roofing nails. The overlaps should be carefully glued.

When performing installation, remember to remove protective film from the bottom surface of the material. Laying of eaves tiles is carried out at a distance of 1 to 2 cm from the eaves edge along its overhang, clearly joint to joint.

Laying ordinary tiles

The process of laying the main part of the tile roof begins from the middle of the overhangs towards the ends. As a rule, 4 nails are used to fasten sheets. If the roof slope is very steep or there are strong winds, at least 6 nails should be used.

The first row is installed in such a way that its edge is located at a distance of no more than 1 cm from the upper end of the eaves tiles.

The joint points are covered with petals. When laying the next rows, you need to ensure that the tips of the petals coincide with the level of the cutouts of the previous row. Along the edges, the bitumen shingles are cut and glued (to a width of at least 10 cm).

Before installation begins, it is necessary to mark the slopes with chalk - draw horizontal lines on them. This is necessary to accurately install the sheets in an even row. If the geometry of the slopes is violated or installed on them additional elements (dormer windows, pipes), marking using chalk helps to align the rows.

Laying ridge tiles

To obtain ridge tiles, the cornice tiles are cut into three parts at the perforation points. After this, it is laid with the short side on the ridge parallel to it. Each part must be nailed with four nails: two on each side. At least a 5-centimeter overlap is made on top of the nails with a subsequent tile sheet.

Lining layer

In places of possible leaks, it is necessary to create a lining layer: at the ends, valleys, and overhangs of cornices. During installation, it is necessary to observe the direction from bottom to top and overlap: in the transverse direction it should be 10 mm, and in the longitudinal direction - 150 mm. Overlapping areas are coated with bitumen mastic.

Ridges and valleys are respectively reinforced by 250 and 500 mm. The valleys are equipped with a lining layer on both sides, along eaves overhangs and ends it is laid to a width of at least 400 mm.

The lining is nailed to the base every 200 mm using galvanized roofing nails. The purpose of the lining carpet is to protect it from moisture, as well as from destruction if the process of laying a soft roof is suspended.

Preparatory work

The base for fastening the soft roof must certainly be solid. This is the main difference between installing a soft roof and installing other types of roofs.

For example, when installing metal tiles, a sheathing is made with gaps between the beams, since this is a rather rigid material. This distinguishes it from a soft type roof, for which it is necessary to build a solid foundation.

When choosing an edged board, it must be kept in a stack in advance so that it reaches a natural, uniform level of humidity.

It is better to purchase boards in winter and use them in summer.

Their width should be no more than 100 mm. It is preferable that the material be of uniform thickness and sawn to band saw. Maximum permissible humidity wood – 20%.

The method of laying a soft type roof involves laying materials of this type with the seams shifted or staggered. In this case, a gap of 1 cm must be maintained between them. The surface must be smooth, dry, and clean. The quality of installation and the service life of the soft roof depend on these conditions.

A prerequisite is the presence of roofing pie the following layers: a waterproofing layer laid on the rafters, mounted from the outside overlapping onto the base of a waterproofing roofing carpet, and when planning an attic - insulation based on mineral wool.

Features of installing a soft roof

Installation of a soft roof is best done in dry, warm weather. The minimum temperature for work is not lower than plus 5 degrees.

If it is necessary to carry out installation in winter, before starting work, the tiles must be kept in a room with room temperature. You can also use a hot air torch.

The need for a certain temperature regime is associated with the specifics of the shingle, which is a sheet consisting of 3 or 4 tiles. It is attached to the surface using nails or placed on inside self-adhesive layer.

The tightness of a tile-based roof is ensured by exposure to the natural heat of the sun's rays. Under their influence, the sheets are soldered to the base and to each other. At low temperatures This does not happen, so it is not possible to achieve high-quality insulation.

When installing a soft roof, you should use tiles from 5-6 packages at the same time, choosing one element at a time: this will avoid significant differences in shades if it is necessary to repair the roof using elements from a different package.

This quality is another advantage of this material: a slight play of colors and shades makes it much easier to replace tiles and gives its matte surface a more beautiful appearance.

How to choose mastic?

When laying the top layer of a soft type roof, it is necessary to use a special bitumen-polymer material, which makes it possible to create an elastic continuous coating that can withstand mechanical and temperature deformations of the base.

According to the technology for installing soft roofs, in order to attach the rolled material to the roof, you need to use cold and hot mastics.

As a rule, cold mastics are used for the construction of internal layers of the roof, and hot ones for the outer covering.

The category of cold mastics includes bitumen and roofing felt, and the hot ones include roofing felt and tar. The composition used must necessarily contain bitumen, a dust-like mixture or a fiber-based filler. From dusty materials it is necessary to separate gypsum, lime and ash.

Preparation of bitumen mastic

Bituminous mastic can be purchased at finished form, or you can cook it yourself. To do this you need to take bitumen and filler. By mixing two parts bitumen and diesel fuel and one part filler, you can get a cold mixture. In one boiler you need to prepare diesel fuel and filler, and in the other you heat the bitumen (its temperature should be brought to 180 degrees). After the liquid from the bitumen has completely evaporated, the contents of both boilers are mixed.

For preparing hot mastic you will need a boiler. In it, bitumen is heated to 200 degrees. During the heating process, filler is added to it. It is very important to ensure that the temperature does not drop below 160 degrees during the procedure.

To check the quality of the mastic, it is heated to 60 degrees and laid at an angle of 45 degrees. If the coating drains, then its quality does not meet the requirements. If the mastic does not drain, you need to wait until it dries. If the material is of high quality, then cracks will not form on it.

The process of laying a soft roof

Immediately before starting installation, you need to walk over the wooden surface with a solution of bitumen and diesel fuel. Then you need to start covering with mastic. This should be done slowly.

At the end this process we need to move on to laying glassine and roofing felt. Installation begins from the middle part of the cornice and moves towards the ends - to the right and left. Before applying the underside of soft tiles, it is necessary to remove the film to protect the adhesive.

When using cold mastic, you must wait 12 hours after applying the layer. If hot mastic is used, the layers can be applied one after another.

All roofing parts must be nailed using 4-6 nails.

The instructions for laying soft roofing require that when installing the rolls, an overlap of 7 to 10 cm should be made.

In all cases, without exception, the basic rule of overlap must be observed: lay each top row in such a way that the fastening joints of the previous one are covered. Depending on their number, the next new layer is displaced: with two layers it is displaced by half, with three - by 1/3. After this, the excess is cut off at the edges and glued with mastic.

With high-quality installation, modern soft roofing materials can last about 30 years.

Laying roofing material near ventilation pipes

  • Roof areas located around pipes and antennas require correct insulation of joints and careful fastening of the material. The installation process is greatly simplified when using pass-through elements. Without these components, the tightness of the coating is compromised.
  • The installation locations for ventilation and pipes should be noted before laying the tiles.
  • After this, holes are cut. The edges of the underlayment will be glued around them using mastic. The upper surface of the carpet should be spread along the contours of the parts that will need to be glued and nailed. The tiles are laid on top of the mastic.
  • The junction points between the upper part of the walk-through part and the bitumen shingles must be treated with sealant. Having reached the ridge line, it is necessary to use special ridge elements of a soft roof. They are bent over the ridge, glued to it and nailed with nails.

Repair work

The frequency of repairs is directly dependent on the base on which the tiles were installed and also on the price of laying a soft type roof.

Wood lumber, concrete and cement screed react differently to soft roofing, which causes certain damage.

Cleaning the damaged area

Before starting work, it is necessary to decide whether there is a need for such work at all and in what form it should be carried out. For this purpose, a damage assessment is carried out. If holes form in the roll coverings, they will need to be filled with mastic. In this case, it is necessary to observe the sequence of materials used for this purpose.

Roll roofing can only be repaired in a completely clean area, which is very problematic, since roofing material There is a special sprinkle. Therefore, before starting repair work, the required area should be very thoroughly cleaned.

The crumbs are removed using process oil. When cleaning roofing felt, it is better to use anthracene oil, and for roofing felt, solar oil. These products remove the coating and soften the surface for further work.


Having prepared the area, you can proceed to the main work. If the flaws are small, it is recommended to use a simple mastic with a patch. This solution will not work if all roofing layers are broken.

If several layers are damaged, the area should be cleaned of the old layer of mastic and dried. Then prepare a mastic mixture with sawdust or sand. All damage is filled with this mixture to smooth out the edges. The mastic should extend at least 10 cm from all ends of the patch.

To apply the mixture to hard to reach places use a regular spatula. If a water bubble appears in the roof, repairs are carried out in the same way as for a regular hole. In this case, the main task is to determine the source from which the water comes.

If cracks appear, the roofing layer must be cut to the bottom edge. After this, debris and mastic are removed, and then the area is dried and filled with new mastic. For small cracks, incisions may not be made. They are closed with a patch and mastic. If small cracks appear throughout the area, it must be prepared and covered with a layer of heated mastic.

Restoration of sprinkles

After completing the repair, the topping layer should be restored. This is necessary to prevent overheating and melting of the mastic layer. It is necessary to level the surface and cover it with a layer of sand. Any excess coating that does not adhere to the roof will be removed on its own over time.


  • Soft roofing is very popular due to its lightness, tightness and affordable price.
  • Before installation begins, a ventilation system must be installed.
  • In places where leaks are possible, it is necessary to install a lining layer.
  • Before installation begins, it is necessary to prepare the base.
  • To achieve tightness of the coating, it is better to carry out work in dry, warm weather.
  • Cold and hot mastic are used to attach the rolled material to the roof.
  • To maintain the tightness of the soft roof, it is necessary to properly isolate the joints around ventilation pipes, and fasten the material very carefully.
  • The frequency of soft roof repairs largely depends on the quality of installation of the base.

You can learn more about the technology of laying soft roofs from the training video.

We are pleased to welcome you to the website of the roofing company "Stroy-Alliance"
The main and priority activity of our organization is the high-quality performance of work on the installation and repair of flat roofs. We will reliably carry out the following work:

Laying of laying and built-up vapor barrier.

Each type of these plates has its own advantages and disadvantages. Call and we will offer the brand of insulation that is suitable specifically for your case.

We will carry out work on creating slopes from expanded clay or using wedge-shaped thermal insulation.

Installation of cement-sand and prefabricated screeds.

Reliable brands roofing waterproofing. No fiberglass as a base for rolls. Only fiberglass and polyester. Traditional technology Repair of soft flat roofs includes fusing of roofing roll materials using gas burners. This method of installing and repairing flat roofs is intuitive and has been used for over 30 years. The practical experience of performing such work by specialists of our organization is 17 years. We use it as a roofing covering quality materials TechnoNikol company.

Polymer-bitumen grades with a thickness of more than 6 mm (for two-layer laying) Service life roll covering from 15 years old. Strict adherence to work technology.

Domestic and imported polymer membranes. All components for installation are available. Three automatic welding machines. Teams with 10 years of experience in installing roofs using PVC membranes.

Prompt visit to the site. Reliable defect removal. Roofers of the Stroy-Alliance company are certified by TechnoNikol.

We will draw up a commercial offer based on the technical specifications or defective statement within 1 business day. If necessary, we will calculate the cost according to government rates.

In our activities we use only proven technologies and use materials that have undergone many years of testing under real operating conditions. As a matter of principle, we do not work with materials that have low technical performance and a short service life. We deliver basic materials to the site directly from manufacturing plants, avoiding intermediaries.
We offer to potential customers various methods performance of work. This also applies to the optimization of grades of materials and technologies used during installation. roofing structures. We know how you can save without losing quality!

Do you want the repair or installation of flat roll roofing to be carried out with high quality, without violations of technology and in a short time?
Call now or leave a request and our roofers will get to work!

Advantages of cooperation with the Stroy-Alliance company

The Stroy-Alliance company is proud of its team. Due to the fact that we have no “staff turnover”, over the years of our existence, the company’s employees have acquired invaluable experience and trained in Russian and foreign companies. All this guarantees that our specialists will prevent errors, take into account every nuance in the work and ultimately provide a high-quality product. Stroy-Alliance specialists strictly fulfill their obligations under the contract, therefore our company is considered reliable partner. Expensive modern equipment that we use for installation, repair of flat, soft, built-up, bitumen roofing, installation of roll roofing, roof waterproofing - an advantage of Stroy-Alliance, as this allows minimizing work time without loss of quality.

  • We have more than ten years of experience working with PVC membranes. We provide our services at a wide variety of facilities: shopping malls, warehouse terminals, private homes;
  • We install membrane roofing in the shortest possible time (from 500 square meters in a day);
  • Quick preparation of estimates, preparation of a full package of documents when putting the facility into use (acts of acceptance of completed work, acts of hidden work, etc.);
  • Installation of roll roofing made of PVC membranes, repairs, installation of weld-on flat roof carried out by us throughout the Central Federal District of Russia;
  • The work of the Stroy-Alliance company fully complies with tax legislation (VAT is deducted when concluding a contract);
  • Installation and repair of flat roofs is carried out using a variety of methods (modern and traditional);
  • The visit of a technical specialist is carried out with maximum efficiency and completely free of charge;
  • The brands of materials used are agreed upon with the Customer;
  • When providing services, we use the latest foreign equipment;
  • Citizens of the Russian Federation work in the brigade.

Place your roof repair worries on the shoulders of our specialists!

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