Didactic game for the middle group: technological map. Technological map of the didactic game

    The teacher offers to build a car and drive it with the children to the dacha. First the teacherwarns children about the upcoming move, that they need to pack their things, load them into the car and sit down themselves. After this, a driver is selected. On the way, you should definitely tell your children about what the car is passing by. Having sorted things out at the dacha and settled in a new place, the teacher will ask the driver to bring food, then take the children to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, or to the river to swim and sunbathe, etc.

    Role-playing game type "drive" is built along the line connecting it to others gaming topics, such as “Shop”, “Theater”, “Kindergarten”, “Hospital”, etc. Drivers need to take (bring) passengers somewhere, deliver goods to their destination.

    The teacher takes on the role of a “driver”, inspects the car, washes it, and, with the help of the children, fills the tank with gasoline. Then the “dispatcher” writes out a waybill, which indicates where to go and what to transport. The “Chauffeur” leaves for the construction of a residential building. Further, the plot develops in this way: a lot of building material is needed to build a house, one driver cannot cope, many trucks and many drivers are needed, who wants to help the builders and is ready to transport goods to the construction site?

    Cargo delivery bureau. In the group, a subject-play environment is created in advance: a city street is built, transport toys are brought in ( trucks, vans), loads are prepared. The teacher informs the children that the cargo delivery office has received many orders (groceries to the store, parcels to the post office, bricks to a construction site, medicines to the pharmacy), but there is no one to deliver the goods. What to do? They make a decision to deliver the goods to their destination, distribute roles: the teacher takes on the role of the director of the bureau, distributes waybills, helps choose a travel route, and accepts new orders.

    Cars on the city streets. Created problematic situation: all cars have disappeared from the city (all transport toys are removed). What to do? How to get around the city? Children take on the roles of drivers of different cars, plan the storyline of the game, and carry out game actions.

    Busy intersection. The teacher informs the children that the traffic light is broken at the intersection, and there is a lot of traffic there. To prevent an accident from happening, a traffic controller is needed to control the movement of cars. A traffic controller is selected who, using signal cards (flags, batons), regulates traffic at the intersection.

    Taxi park.A game situation is created: the teacher loudly tries to call a taxi on the phone, but he fails. Then he turns to the children for help and a taxi fleet is created in the group.

    Rescuers are rushing to help. The teacher tells the children that there was a fire in the city (an accident, a person became ill), the residents of the burning house call the rescue services. Who's ready to help? They assign roles and discuss what special machines and services the victims will need.

    Parking.The teacher tells the children a new rule: cars cannot be parked in the wrong place on city streets, so a parking lot is needed. They choose a place for it, build it, choose a security guard who helps place cars in the parking lot and regulates their entry and exit.

    Let's clear the city streets. The teacher tells the children that there was a strong hurricane at night and now the city streets are littered with fallen trees, garbage, etc. There are traffic jams on the roads, cars cannot pass due to the rubble. What to do? What machines help people clear the streets? Who wants to help clean up the city streets? Assign roles and start the game.

    Car trip. The family decided to go on a trip in their car. What should you take with you on the road? How to choose a route on the map? What can happen on the road? What kind of meetings are possible? What stops will travelers make? After discussing options for developing the game, they assign roles and go on a journey.

    If the teacher sees that interest in the game is disappearing,you can use the following game techniques: you have run out of gas, you need to stop by gas station; The car has a punctured tire, you need to go to a car repair shop; there is a traffic jam on the road; another driver’s car breaks down, you need to take it in tow and take it to a repair shop or call a tow truck; the car has become dirty, you need to go to the car wash; the traffic inspector stops the car, checks the driver’s documents; a traffic inspector issues a fine for illegal parking or violation of traffic rules; entered urgent call still: you need to take your family to the station (to the theater, on a visit, etc.); an urgent order was received for the delivery of cargo to a cafe, for the delivery of pizza around the city; the tour desk invites you on a bus tour of the city; an accident has occurred, you need to call the traffic police, traffic police, and rescue services.

Technological map (from 5 to 6 years)

Center for Creative Play

Role-playing games:

"We are builders" ,

"Room for a doll" .

Tabletop theater "Three Bears" .

Theater on flannelgraph to fairy tales "Teremok" .

Science Center

Game - experimentation “Which house is strong?” (research of materials stone, wood).

Making a map plan "Safe path from home to kindergarten" .

House coloring pages (urban, rural).

Painting silhouettes of dishes.

Manufacturing of a high-rise building,

furniture for an apartment from unformed materials.

Construction of houses from building materials according to diagrams.

Layout games "My street" .


"The house I live in" .

Final event:

Tour of the village. Mathematics Center

Didactic game "House" (for laying out geometric shapes).

Didactic game "What changed?"

Didactic game "Count it" (verbal).

Looking at photographs with views of the village.

Reading fiction on this topic "My house" .

Creating an Album "My dream house" .

Didactic games:

"Cut pictures" ,

"We're playing shop" .

"Home - home" .

Physical education minutes, finger games, outdoor games on the topic "My house"

Children's drawings on the topic "My house" done together with parents.

Home reading with your child:

E. Alyabyeva "Everyone has their own home" , O. Vieru "New house"

Routing (from 5 to 6 years)

Center for Creative Play

Plot-role-playing games:

“We travel by bus around the city.” , "Builders" ,

"Airport" ,

"Family" .

Costumes, attributes for games. Science Center

Experimentation “Can it “boil” cold water?"

Experimentation "Whirlpool" .

Artistic and creative center

Getting to know the works of Krasnoyarsk artists (V. Surikov, A. Pozdeev).

Construction and design center

Constructor "Railway" .

Construction from the average designer using pictures. Subject:

"City on the Yenisei" .

Final event:

Photo exhibition "My Krasnoyarsk" . Mathematics Center

Didactic games:

"Find your bus" ,

"A store without a salesperson" .

Center for Literacy and Speech Development

Selection of visual teaching aids, fiction, demonstration material on the topic "Krasnoyarsk city" .

Audio recording of songs about Krasnoyarsk.

Didactic games:

"Find out and name" (plants, animals Krasnoyarsk Territory») ,

"Collect a coat of arms" .

Fitness and fitness center

Finger gymnastics "My family" , exercise minute “I am sailing along the Yenisei” .

Meeting famous Krasnoyarsk athletes (Ivan Yarygin, Olga Medvedtseva, Evgeny Ustyugov, Nikolay Olyunin, Sergey Lomanov and others). Parent Information Center

Folder - moving “They glorified our region” .

Routing (from 5 to 6 years)

Center for Creative Play

Role-playing games:


"Journey to the Autumn Forest" , "Veterinary hospital" .

Imitation of habits and images of animals in improvisations.

Theatrical masks of birds and animals.

Interesting facts about animals.

Experience with a pen.

Artistic and creative center

Coloring pages about animals.


Bird painting exhibition (Gorodetskaya).

Making a book "Animals are cartoon characters" .

Construction and design center

Various types of constructor;

materials for creativity. Subject:


Final event:

“Give me a book about animals kindergarten» . Mathematics Center

Didactic games:

"Settled into the house" ,

"Count the Birds" ,

"Magic Square" .

Counting sticks, mosaic.

Center for Literacy and Speech Development

Examination of paintings and illustrations on the topic "Wild animals and birds in autumn" .

Getting to know "Red Book of Russia" .

Card index of proverbs and sayings about animals.

A selection of books with illustrations about animals.

Reading fiction: poems, stories, fairy tales relevant to the topic.

Didactic games:

“Stories in pictures on the topic “How animals prepare for winter” ,

“Where, whose tail?” , "Zoological Lotto" . Fitness and fitness center

Outdoor games "Geese-geese" ,

"Owl" , "Jackdaws and Crows" , "By the Bear in the Forest" , "Sparrows and Cars" .

Finger gymnastics: "Bunny" , "Squirrels" , “Good animals are friends” , "Hedgehog" , “Meadow Bear came to visit” , "Glove" . Parent Information Center

Screen for parents "Rules of behavior in nature" .

Routing (from 5 to 6 years)

Center for Creative Play

Role-playing games:

"Family" , "Daughters - Mothers" , "My house" . "Meeting with guests" , "Mom's holiday" .

Costumes and attributes for games. Science Center

Experience "Secret Letter for Mom" (milk, vinegar)

Experience "edible glue" (jelly, paste).

Artistic and creative center

Materials and tools for drawing.

A selection of pictures on the topic "Women's clothing" .

Making outfits for paper dolls.

Construction and design center

Construction "Our house" , "Our street" .

Scheme, Construction Materials. Subject:

"A mother's heart is better than the sun"

Final event:

Photo exhibition “My mother also went to kindergarten” .

Mathematics Center

Didactic games:

"On the farm" ,

"A toy shop" .

Center for Literacy and Speech Development

Didactic games:

"Professions" ,

"Mom is making soup" .

Reading fiction about mothers. Fitness and fitness center

Sports leisure “Mommy and I try, we play sports” .

Parent Information Center

Consultation "Maternal folklore in family education" .

Presentation of certificates, letters of thanks mothers showing parental responsibility and social activity.

Irina Popova
Technological map for organization and conduct didactic game for the middle group “The Book of Good Fairy Tales”

Technological map for organizing and conducting a didactic game for the middle group« Book of good fairy tales»

Target: Formation in children of emotional responsiveness, empathy, respectful and friendly relationships with others.

Tasks: develop memory, attention, thinking through analysis of the characters' characters, their role in fairy tale.

Materials: didactic manual« Book of good fairy tales» , box, letter.

1. Motivation

Surprise moment box

Guys, they sent us a package!

Look here and there is a letter! It is from the people of the country fairy tales!

"We give you A book of good fairy tales so you don't forget that the bad ones there are no fairy-tale heroes, they just need help to become kind. And our gift will help you with this. Sincerely, residents of the country Fairy tales».

2. Goal setting

Guys, let's see what this is book?

Look, there are no heroes! What kind of pocket is this? book?

That's where they hid!

4. Actions

Guys, what time? fairy tale would you like to play?

How we would like to help heroes become kind?

5. Summary, reflection

How wonderful it turned out to be a fairy tale!

What kind of heroes did we get?

Guys, let's write a letter of gratitude for the gift and send it to the country Fairy tales.

You guys are great!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the organization of the didactic game “Shop” for children of the younger group Goal: to teach children to describe the item that needs to be bought, to be polite and attentive to each other, to learn the norms of behavior in the store:

Technological map of the organization NOD "Child's Rights" Technological map of the organization NOD Topic: “Children's rights” Age group: preparatory. Integration of educational areas:.

Construct directly educational activities on design for children of the middle group Topic: “Magic Birds”, using.

Technological map of the educational quest “To the Land of Fairy Tales” Title: "To the Land of Fairy Tales." Author: Mazina Olga Aleksandrovna Age group: 5-6 years. Goal: Consolidating knowledge about Russian fairy tales. Tasks:.

Project approach “Gossamer” Age group: Senior GROUP COLLECTION Topic: “What is the Great Patriotic War» Goal: formation.

Technological map for organizing joint direct educational activities with children “Flower for a Butterfly” Age group: average 4-5 years Form of educational activities: gaming, artistic-aesthetic, cognitive Form of organization: group, individual.

« Outdoor games"

2. Lesson topic: Outdoor games

4. Purpose of the lesson:

1. At the teacher level:

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“Technological map with the didactic structure of the lesson “Outdoor Games””

Technological map with didactic structure of the lesson« Outdoor games"

1. Avdienko Elena Vladimirovna

2. Lesson topic: Outdoor games

3. Place: MOBUSOSH No. 1, Novokubansk

4. Purpose of the lesson: promote the development of interest in physical education through outdoor games.

1. At the teacher level: promote the development of interest in physical education through outdoor games; promote the development and improvement of physical qualities.

2. Subject learning outcomes: choice the most effective ways solving problems depending on specific conditions; create conditions for students to master the rules of outdoor games and develop physical qualities.

- Personal learning activities: students’ establishment of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.

-Regulatory UUD: setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the student and what is still unknown.

- Communicative: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers; control, correction, evaluation of the partner’s actions.

5. Lesson type: repetition

6. Didactic structure of the lesson

7. Plan for studying new material:

Introductory and preparatory part:

    Construction, organizational moment;

    Walking and its variations;

    Running and its varieties;

    Walking with breathing restored;

    Formation into columns of two;

Main part:

    Conducting outdoor games (with volleyballs);

Final part.


    Summing up the lesson, individual comments and advice.

8. Educational and methodological complex:

    Equipment requiring special training: jump rope, gymnastic mats, volleyballs, skittles.

    Technical (or electronic) teaching aids:

    Auxiliary equipment: whistle, stopwatch.

    Didactic support:

    Literature for teachers (including Internet sites): www. edu. ru

    Literature for students (including Internet sites): Bishaeva A. A. Professional and health-improving physical culture of a student: textbook. - M., 2013. Evseev Yu. I. Physical education.

    Software (educational electronic resources on CD-ROM): educational film 2011

9. Educational pedagogical technologies: lesson with educational orientation.

10. Interdisciplinary connections: life safety fundamentals.

11. Intrasubject connections: cross-country training, volleyball, basketball.


Lesson stage


Planned learning outcomes











Organized start of lesson (1 min)

1.Organizational moment

Regulatory: development of attention, ability to evaluate the correctness of an action; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

Cognitive: extract necessary information from the teacher’s explanation and my own experience.

need for physical education, personal responsibility for one’s actions, attitude towards healthy image life.

Educational program in physical education

I check the students’ readiness for the lesson (availability of sports uniform and replacement shoes).

I'm building. Greetings.

They line up in one line. - organize themselves for work; preparing for independence.

Preparatory part of the lesson

1 . Updating knowledge

Be able to properly use accumulated knowledge; navigate your knowledge system.

observe and analyze your own educational activities and partner activities in the process joint activities;

contribute to the formation of the ability to adequately assess the correctness of the actions of oneself and a friend, focusing on the demonstration of movements by the teacher.

understand the need to comply with the rules of safe behavior during class;

I will repeat the safety precautions. I answer questions from students. I remind you of the distance - arm outstretched, follow the guide.

Students express their assumptions regarding TB.

2. Walking and its variations:

Walking on toes

Walking on your heels

Walking on the inside and outside of the foot

Heel-to-toe rolls

Running and its varieties:

One lap at a steady, medium pace

Galloping left side/right side

Easy running

Running backwards

Easy running

Fast walk

Walking while restoring breathing

Formation around the hall into columns of three.

Be able to correctly perform special running exercises.

observe and analyze your own educational activities and the activities of your partner in the process of joint activities.

Bishaeva A. A. Professional and health-improving physical culture of a student: textbook. - M., 2013.

I give commands for students to follow while walking.

I correct the performance of walking exercises.

I give commands for students to carry out while running.

I correct the execution of running exercises.

Do walking exercises.

They move around the hall following the teacher’s commands.

When moving around the hall, keep a distance of 2 steps

Do the exercises.

Do running exercises.

While moving in a circle, perform breathing exercises.

Execute breathing exercises.

3. Outdoor switchgear without items:

For posture:(4 reps.)

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

1. The left leg is pulled back, arms up, palms facing each other.

3. The right leg is pulled back, arms up, palms facing each other.

On the shoulder girdle:(4 reps.)

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.

1-4 Rotation of arms forward.

5-8 Rotate arms backwards.

On the hands:(4 reps.)

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, arms forward.

1-4 rotate the hands in inner side

5-8 rotate outward

Forward bends:(4 reps.)

1. Tilt towards the left leg.

3. Tilt at the right leg

Lateral bends (4 repetitions)

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

1. Tilt to the left;

3. Tilt to the left;

For the muscles of the trunk:(4 reps.)

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

1. turn your hand to the left side behind your back.

3. turn your hand in right side behind your back

On knee-joint: ( 4 reps.)

IP: legs slightly bent at the knees, hands on the knees.

1-4 rotate clockwise.

5-8 rotate counterclockwise.

For leg muscles:(4 reps.)


I.P: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

1. Squat, arms forward;


Leg swings:(4 reps.)

I.P: Feet slightly wider than shoulders, arms forward to the side.

1. Left leg swing, to right hand

3. Swing the right leg towards the left hand.

Jumping:(4 reps.)

I.P: Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist

1-3 jump on two legs.

4 – legs are drawn up.

Be able to correctly perform outdoor exercises that purposefully influence the development of basic physical qualities.

Be able to correctly perform outdoor activities that purposefully influence the development of basic physical qualities.

observe and analyze your own learning activities.

observe and analyze your own learning activities.

observe and analyze your own learning activities.

promote the manifestation positive qualities personalities such as discipline, organization, hard work and perseverance.

promote the manifestation of positive personality traits such as discipline, organization, hard work and perseverance.

promote the manifestation of positive personality traits such as discipline, organization, hard work and perseverance.

Evseev Yu. I. Physical education.

I’m showing the outdoor switchgear complex. I correct the execution of the complex exercises.

I show the outdoor switchgear complex and correct the execution of the exercises of the complex.

Perform the complex exercises, taking into account the teacher’s instructions.

Perform the complex exercises, taking into account the teacher’s instructions.

Perform the complex exercises, taking into account the teacher’s instructions.

Main part of the lesson

Educational component

1. Updating knowledge

Recognize dangerous moments when performing tasks.

organizing yourself to anticipate the outcome


I repeat the safety precautions

They listen carefully.

2. Formulation of the problem.

Be able to navigate your knowledge system.

Formulate your thoughts orally with sufficient completeness and accuracy of thought. Formation

goals-motives of educational activities.

understand difficulties and the desire to overcome them

I ask a question: are physical qualities such as speed and dexterity relevant to outdoor games?

Students think and give several answers.

be able to act from the perspective of the content of the subject

To develop the ability of educational cooperation and collective discussion of problems and assumptions

understand difficulties and the desire to overcome them

I’m comparing judgments. In previous classes we studied cross-country elements such as running. Now your knowledge, speed and dexterity will help you be the best in the outdoor games that we will play.

Listen carefully and remember the knowledge learned in previous classes.

Motor component

No. 1. Game “Calling Numbers”

2. Game "Day and Night"

3. Outdoor game "Feet off the ground"

Game "Fishing Rod"

contribute to the formation of the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice; understanding the rules of the game; independent performance of exercises in health-improving forms of exercise.

Use acquired knowledge and skills, develop skills in selecting the necessary physical activity.

contribute to the formation of the ability to perceive and maintain a learning task, plan your actions in accordance with the task to achieve a positive result.

determine, together with the teacher, criteria for assessing their educational activities (regulatory UUD);

build positive relationships in the learning process

(communicative UUD);

perform basic technical actions, used in the starting acceleration (subject);

contribute to the formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success and failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure.

Whistle, skittles, etc.

The columns are calculated in order. The teacher gives an example (for example, 10-4) and the answer to this example will be the player's number. The player with this number must run around the pin, run around his team and return to his place. The teacher counts the points. The team with the highest score wins large quantity points.

Tasks: practice running in different directions, act on a signal.

Description: All participants are divided into two teams. One command is “day”, the other is “night”. A line is drawn or a cord is placed in the middle of the hall. The teams stand at a distance of two steps from the drawn line, with their backs to each other. At the command of the presenter, for example, “Day!” the team with the appropriate name begins to catch up. Students from the “night” team must manage to run beyond the conditional line before their opponents have time to tarnish them. The team that manages to stain the most players from the opposing team wins.

Objectives: learn to follow the rules of the game.

Description: The driver walks around the hall with other guys. As soon as the teacher says: “Catch!”, all participants scatter, trying to climb to any height where they can raise their feet above the ground. You can only insult those whose feet are on the ground. At the end of the game, the number of losers is counted and a new driver is selected.

Objectives: develop dexterity, attention, speed of reaction.

Description: participants sit in a circle. In the center there is a driver - a teacher. He is holding a jump rope in his hands. The driver rotates the rope in a circle just above the ground. Students jump in such a way that the jump rope does not hit their feet. Those participants whose legs are hit by the jump rope are eliminated from the game.

Completing assigned tasks

Perform exercises, agree on the distribution of functions and roles of joint activities.

Diagnostics of learning outcomes

1.Analysis of participation in outdoor games.

determine, together with the teacher, criteria for assessing their educational activities

Identify your own and your partner’s actions that contributed to or hindered productive communication.

observe and analyze your own educational activities and the activities of your partner in the process of joint activities (communicative learning activities);

identify your own actions and those of your partner that contributed to or hindered productive communication (communicative UUD);

I'm building. I summarize the results of outdoor games.

Analyze their own activities and answer the teacher’s questions.

2. Solving the problem.

generalize ideas about a solved problem

I'm asking.

Students answer.


identify your own problems

observe and analyze your own educational activities and the activities of your partner in the process of joint activities. To promote students’ ability to predict the results of the level of mastery of the material being studied.

contribute to the formation in students of an understanding of the importance of knowledge about physical education and motor skills in human life.

What did we do in class today?

What did you like, what did you not like?

What was difficult, what was easy?

Were you able to resolve the problem?

Students answer.

Homework organization


I ask homework for everyone: evening walk and morning exercises.

Listen and remember to perform.

Organized end of lesson

I say goodbye

Students say goodbye.

Technological map for educational toys

« Merry carousel»

Revyakina Oksana Aleksandrovna

Abalyaeva Irina Nikolaevna

Educational organization

Municipal Educational Institution

Otradnovskaya secondary school

(preschool groups)

Creative name for a toy, game, game material

"Merry Carousel"

2-5 years



1. To form color ideas in children, to introduce them to the names of primary colors and shapes.

2. Learn to correlate the colors and shapes of different objects using the operation of comparing objects of the same color and different in color and shape;

3. Learn to group various items by color, shape.

4.Introduce the names of vegetables and fruits.

5. Learn to group objects by common feature(vegetables-fruits, round - oval, red-yellow, etc.)

6.Practise counting objects within 5.

7. Learn to distinguish the number of objects (one - many)

8. Learn to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects.


1.Develop children's speech;

2.Develop fine motor skills hands and fingers;

3.Develop memory and attention.


1.Cultivate interest in bright objects.

2. Foster independence, initiative, interest in various types activities.

Place of a toy, game or play material in educational process

(ways of using a toy or play material)

This manual consists of 2 circles with 3 types of objects attached: a small circle - geometric shapes, a large circle - vegetables and fruits. These circles can be used both together and separately. All objects on the circles are removed. The toy can be used by children in independent activities, while the teacher needs to remove the objects, or in joint activities with the teacher. All items have different fillings to develop tactile sensations, which is important for young children. With the help of the presented toy, you can perform breathing exercises, and also use it as a relaxation aid during the child’s adaptation period.

Didactic games.

1. What is this?

Age: 2 years.

Goal: stimulation to name objects.

Remove vegetables and fruits from the ribbons. The teacher shows objects and the children name them.

2. Find only fruits/vegetables .

Age: 3-4 years

From the proposed items, choose only fruits/vegetables.

3. Find the same one.

Age: 2-4 years.

Goal: finding an object from a set based on a characteristic.

From a variety of items, choose only yellow ones (red, green, purple, orange)

4. Find a pair.

Age: 3-4 years.

For each item, choose a pair according to color.

5.Find and show.

Age: 3-4 years.

(the game involves a small circle with geometric shapes)

The teacher names a figure and offers to find it from all those proposed.

6 . What do they look like?


The teacher shows the children a geometric figure and asks them to name it. Offers to find a vegetable or fruit that looks like a triangle.

7. Find and count.

Age: 4-5 years

Children and the teacher count the figures.

8. Comparison of groups of objects.

Age: 4-5 years

9. Guess and show.

Age:3-4 years

The teacher makes a riddle, the children guess and find the answer on the toy.

Materials used in the manufacture of toys or playing materials

Felt, satin ribbons, various cereals, glue threads.

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