The light in the house is light guides. Light tunnel - DIY installation for lighting a bathroom or bathroom. Artificial lighting – created by electric light sources.

home Solar lighting systems (SLS) are increasingly used both abroad and in domestic practice in the design, construction and operation of natural lighting lighting installations. Solar lighting systems maximize the amount sunlight in interior spaces residential and public buildings , while simultaneously providing a significant reduction in electricity consumption for lighting. CCO is a system that allows sunlight to be captured through a dome located on the roof and directed downward through a system of light guides. Application to inner surface light guide multilayer polymer film with high level

1) reflection (99.7%) of the visible spectrum of natural light, ensures transmission of light over distances of up to 20 meters or more without distortion of the spectral component.

Name of the method (technology) under consideration

Technology for transmitting natural (solar) light through light channels using a daylight (solar) lighting system.

2) Description of the proposed technology (method) for increasing energy efficiency, its novelty and awareness of it, the availability of development programs - This is a set of high-tech lighting elements that concentrate daylight, deliver it over a distance of up to 20 meters without loss and completely disperse it in the interior of the building. These systems have the properties of optical filters, transmitting only the visible component of natural light into the premises (without UV and IR spectra), while reducing the transfer/loss of thermal energy. This eliminates the costs associated with the use of electrical energy for lighting and air conditioning. Information about the technology is widely presented on many Internet resources. Over the past years, an extensive dealer network has been formed. The information was sent to all regions of Russia, starting from the governors of the constituent entities of the Federation. There is currently no program for incorporating this technology into modern Russian construction. The introduction of technology into modern Russian construction is “targeted” in nature and is carried out by the most professional and far-sighted participants in the construction market.

System Description

The patented design consists of a light-collecting dome located on the roof (made of weather-resistant acrylic), which is a combination of Fresnel lenses that capture direct sunlight and diffuse scattered light from reception angles (including the smallest) for its further transmission into interior space of the room. The design does not attract attention and does not distort the architectural appearance of the building.

The design of the MTR consists of:

  • Light-collecting dome
  • Flashing
  • Light guide
  • Diffuser

Application of a multilayer polymer film with a high level of reflection (99.7%) of the visible spectrum of natural light to the inner surface of the light guide ensures light transmission over distances of up to 20 meters or more, with several turns of the light guide at an angle of 90 0 .

The main costs of solar lighting systems (solar lighting systems) are their manufacture, transportation and installation. The average payback of SSO in terms of electricity consumption for lighting purposes is from 3 to 5 years for objects located at 45-55 0 latitude.

Purpose of the system

Application areas for daylighting systems include:

  • healthcare institutions and recreational centers;
  • educational institutions (universities, schools, kindergartens and nurseries);
  • housing construction projects;
  • business centers;
  • shopping centers and supermarkets;
  • sports facilities and facilities;
  • production workshops and warehouses;
  • livestock, fur farms and poultry houses, and many others. etc.

The high quality of all system components provides a ten-year warranty on the operation of the equipment.

3) The result of increasing energy efficiency with mass implementation

Mass introduction into modern construction practice of the technology of transmitting natural light into rooms through light channels will lead to the following results:

  • the positive impact on human health of continuous exposure to the visible spectrum of natural light;
  • there will be a qualitative change in the architectural forms of buildings;
  • light openings in enclosing structures (windows, skylights, atriums, etc.) will cease to play a dominant role in lighting internal spaces buildings;
  • illumination of premises with natural light will improve with minimal energy consumption;
  • energy losses/energy inflows of buildings will be reduced;
  • positive impact on the ecology of the planet by reducing conventional CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

The above consequences of using technology for transmitting light through light channels provide grounds for classify it as an energy-saving and environmentally friendly technology, which is relevant and in demand in the context of growing environmental and energy crises.

4) Forecasting the effectiveness of the technology (method) in the future, taking into account the following factors:

  • rising energy prices
  • growth of population welfare
  • introduction of new environmental requirements
  • other factors

This energy-saving technology belongs to the category of capital construction elements that reduce energy losses/energy inflows of buildings, as well as reduce the consumption of electrical energy spent on lighting premises during the daytime. These systems meet the demands of the times in energy-efficient green building. The growth of the population’s well-being will contribute to people’s increasing attention to their health, which means wide application in the construction of individual houses. Payback period for equipment when lighting large objects: supermarkets, indoor stadiums, production premises from 3 to 5 years. The systems, with a 10-year warranty and unlimited service life, are considered capital elements of structures and can be installed at any stage of construction or during reconstruction

5) Is there a need for additional research to expand the list of objects for the implementation of this technology?

All research has already been carried out. These systems have been successfully used all over the world for more than 20 years at facilities for various purposes.

6) Reasons why the proposed energy efficient technologies not used on a mass scale; action plan to remove existing barriers

  • lack of necessary vocational training designers and architects;
  • lack of a sustainable culture of energy saving among the population and professionals;
  • lack of economic mechanisms to stimulate the activities of entities using energy-saving technologies;
  • lack of a regulatory framework for the application and use of new energy-saving technologies.

7) Existing measures of encouragement, coercion, incentives for the implementation of the proposed technology (method) and the need to improve them

Issues of energy efficiency and environmental safety in all areas of social and production activities Russian society have now acquired particular relevance. This is reflected in the acceptance Federal Law No. 261 of November 23, 2009 “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” which clearly outlines the directions for solving the problem of energy security in Russia. Among these areas, special attention is paid to improving the energy efficiency of buildings.

8) The presence of technical and other restrictions on the use of technology (method) at various sites

9) The need for R&D and additional testing

10) Availability of regulations, rules, instructions, standards, requirements, prohibitive measures and other documents regulating the use of this technology (method) and mandatory for execution; the need to make changes to them or the need to change the very principles of the formation of these documents; presence of pre-existing regulatory documents, regulations and the need for their restoration


11) The need to develop new or amend existing laws and regulations

It is necessary to develop new regulations that define energy consumption standards, which will be an incentive for the introduction and use of new energy-saving technologies in modern construction.

12) Availability of implemented pilot projects, analysis of their actual effectiveness, identified shortcomings and proposals for improving technology, taking into account accumulated experience

A number of pilot projects using this innovative technology have already been implemented in Russia. The most significant include:

Education and science:

  • kindergarten No. 229 (Izhevsk);
  • kindergarten No. 20 (Sredneuralsk);
  • kindergarten No. 15 (Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Krasnodar Territory);
  • secondary school No. 35 (Krasnodar);
  • sports and recreation complex (Leningradskaya station, Krasnodar region);
  • Nizhny Novgorod Law Academy (Nizhny Novgorod);
  • sports and health complex (N. Novgorod);
  • Ural House of Science and Technology (Ekaterinburg);
  • Oceanarium and Scientific Adaptation Building (Vladivostok, Russky Island).

Medical institutions:

  • SKZD hospital (Rostov-on-Don);
  • Sochi Infectious Diseases Hospital (Sochi);
  • veterinary clinic (Krasnodar).

Transport hubs:

  • Marine Station (St. Petersburg);
  • Station complex (Anapa).

Manufacturing companies:

  • plant "Mars" (Moscow, Ulyanovsk);
  • Danone plant (Moscow region);
  • LLC "ANT-inform" (Krasnodar).

Trading companies:

  • "IKEA" in the MEGA shopping center Adygea-Kuban (Krasnodar);
  • "IKEA" in the MEGA Belaya Dacha shopping center (Moscow);
  • "YUG-Cable" (Krasnodar)
  • auto center "AvtoGAZ" (Krasnodar);
  • car dealership "Hyundai" (Izhevsk);
  • car dealership "Citroen" (Yaroslavl).

Financial institutions:

  • Gazprombank branch (Magnitogorsk);

as well as office buildings and private homes in different regions Russia.

13) The possibility of influencing other processes during the mass introduction of this technology (changes in the environmental situation, possible impact on human health, increasing the reliability of energy supply, changing daily or seasonal loading schedules of energy equipment, changing the economic indicators of energy production and transmission, etc.)

With the mass introduction of this technology in modern construction positive social results will take place: reducing worker fatigue in the workplace (up to 16%), improving the quality of student learning (up to 20%), increasing the efficiency of trading enterprises (up to 40%). The daily workload will be significantly reduced Electricity of the net, especially in the summer, by reducing the time of use of artificial light sources and reducing the required power for air conditioning.

14) Availability and sufficiency of production capacity in Russia and other countries for mass implementation of technology

The production of this equipment in Russia is limited only by the mentality of the population and management, and as a result, by the underdevelopment of the market.

15) The need for special training of qualified personnel to operate the technology being introduced and develop production

This technology has a 10-year warranty and an unlimited service life. To ensure these characteristics it is necessary to exclude Negative influence human factor. To solve this problem, periodic training of specialists in the sale and installation of daylighting systems is carried out.

16) Estimated methods of implementation:

  • introduction of a special course into educational disciplines of design specialties;
  • extensive educational work in the creative community;
  • wide advertising campaign;
  • commercial financing (energy service contracts);
  • competition for implementation investment projects, developed as a result of work on energy planning for the development of a region, city, settlement;
  • budget financing for effective energy-saving projects with long payback periods;
  • introduction of prohibitions and mandatory application requirements, supervision of their compliance.

Elimination of existing contradictions in the organization of natural lighting of large public objects is possible by using the innovative technology for transmitting natural light Solatube Daylighting System.

Thanks to their technical properties, daylighting systems create an atmosphere of comfort in the premises, and also significantly reduce energy costs for lighting, heating and air conditioning of the buildings in which they are installed. Natural sunlight is vital for human physical and psychological health. If there is not enough natural sunlight in the premises, then the excessive use of artificial lighting can cause a serious imbalance in energy consumption caused by the need to cool service and household premises

already overloaded with the heat emitted by traditional lamps. Traditionally used rooms with sunlight through standard light openings (windows, skylights, atriums), but this solution has a serious drawback: in wide and large-area rooms of public buildings and structures, when moving away from windows, an exponential decline in illumination is observed, forcing the use of artificial sources of light. Vertical windows can provide normal daylight at distances of approximately 6 m from the window. Since the level of daylight decreases with increasing distance from the window, it is necessary to increase the amount of sunlight entering through the window at the front of the room. This can be achieved by increasing the area of ​​the window opening. This will provide a slight increase in illumination to the back of the room. Similar solution leads to savings in electrical energy due to reduced electric lighting. However, an increase in the light opening will simultaneously lead to an increase in heat inflows in the summer and heat losses in the winter, which will negate the resulting savings in electrical energy for lighting. Atriums, roof skylights, and skylights placed on the roof can illuminate areas away from vertical windows, but they cannot be used when lighting deep core areas.

Innovation system room lighting with daylight

Elimination of the existing contradiction in the organization of natural lighting of large public objects is possible by using the innovative technology for transmitting natural light Solatube Daylighting System.

This technology was created in Australia about 20 years ago. Initially, the purpose of using hollow light guides was to distance the radiation source - too bright, hot, fire hazardous - from the illuminated object without loss of radiation intensity. In essence, the goal remained the same, only if previously a light source was understood as an exclusively man-made object, for example, an electric arc, then in order to apply this idea in relation to a distant “star called the Sun” several long years had to pass. After that

a romantic idea of ​​delivering light through pipes - like water or gas! – in the minds of architects and builders began to play with new facets. It turned out that with its help you can organize an ideal, environmentally flawless living space under a “green” (and not only!) roof.

The main components of this natural lighting system are a light-receiving element, a device for “transporting” light to the required distance and a light-distributing (light-scattering) unit. The light receiving device has the form of a transparent dome located outside the building: on the roof or facade. It concentrates even the smallest streams of sunlight (direct or reflected) and serves as a kind of “optical funnel” that fills the light guide with natural light.

Photo 1. Light-harvesting domes on the roof of the building

The dome is integrated into general design roof, the element of interface with the roof (flashing) protects it from moisture and does not disturb the harmony of the overall appearance of the building. The light guide is a set of joined aluminum pipes straight or curved shape, coated on the inside with a polymer film consisting of more than four hundred optical layers, which provides a reflectance coefficient close to unity even when the solar beam is rotated 90 degrees, as well as almost complete absorption of its infrared component aluminum base. Light energy losses with a path length of 12-20 m do not exceed 0.03%. In winter, under conditions of a perfectly clear sky, approximately 3 times less heat is lost through the light guide than through the light opening at the same level of luminous flux. The light enters the illuminated room through a light diffusion device - a diffuser, which is made of polymer material and has a round or square shape, various structures and sizes, however, its main properties are 100% non-glare light scattering ability and brilliant non-glare brightness.

Photo 2. Diagram of the daylighting system

This daylighting system has additional options(regulation of the intensity of the light flux - dimmer, light kit for the night, ventilation kit), the use of which significantly expands the practice of its use in innovative construction.

The applications of daylighting systems are wide and varied:

  • healthcare institutions and recreational centers;
  • educational institutions (universities, schools, kindergartens and nurseries);
  • housing construction projects;
  • business centers;
  • shopping centers and supermarkets;
  • sports facilities and facilities;
  • production workshops and warehouses;
  • livestock, fur farms and poultry houses;
  • tfi much, much more.

Examples of implementation

More than 100 thousand systems using hollow light guides have already been installed in Europe and the demand for them is constantly growing, since creating more comfortable conditions for people and saving energy during the day are obvious. In Russia, this kind of solution is still exclusive. The first large public facility whose lighting was entrusted to daylighting systems was the Krasnodar GAZ auto center. Typical architectural solutions modern auto centers do not allow traditional way, through the glazing of the walls, illuminate the areas where employees and clients are located with natural light. Using an energy-saving daylighting system, it was possible to illuminate areas previously inaccessible to sunlight, as well as reduce energy consumption and heat load on the building. The system transmits light without heat gain, which means it reduces the required air conditioning power. The lighting intensity is the same throughout the daylight hours and does not depend on the orientation of the building to the cardinal points.

Daylighting systems, having firmly entered the world architectural practice, have also found application for equipping Olympic venues in Beijing. The sports hall, owned by Beijing University of Science and Technology, is equipped with 148 systems (21 inches or 530 mm in diameter) that do an excellent job of providing daylight to the 2,400-meter sports arena, which can accommodate more than 8,000 spectators. The high light transmission of the light guide material made it possible to bypass attic barriers and ensure the transmission of light flux over more than 8 m. The diffusers included in the systems evenly scatter the light inside the room. All 148 systems are equipped with dimmers that allow you to regulate the natural illumination of the structure, providing the required comfort levels for spectators and the scenario of the events.

Photo 3. GAZ Auto Center, Krasnodar

Photo 4. Olympic venue in Beijing


Thanks to their technical properties, daylighting systems create an atmosphere of comfort in the premises, and also significantly reduce energy costs for lighting, heating and air conditioning of the buildings in which they are installed.

Their payback period for lighting large objects: supermarkets, indoor stadiums, industrial premises is from 3 to 5 years.

Daylighting systems, with a 10-year warranty and unlimited service life, are capital elements of structures and can be installed at any stage of construction or reconstruction.

Locked in multi-story hive offices, we often turn on the lamps even during the day, because the light from the windows has difficulty getting inside the large building. Meanwhile, above our heads the most amazing thing shines free source rays. Using it “smartly” is quite possible. We just need to give a new dimension to the concept of “natural light”.

I'm sure of this Canadian company SunCentral, preparing to enter the market with an original “artificial natural lighting” system. The company was created last year to commercialize an interesting development from the University of British Columbia's Structured Surface Physics Laboratory (SSP).

The latter specializes in creating and testing new materials that can reflect, absorb and refract light in different ways. In other words, the laboratory's strong point is light guides and mirrors, lenses exotic in composition and structure, as well as various technical devices based on such elements.

One of the most striking projects of the laboratory is the Solar Canopy system. It is based on a frame with a set of small lightweight mirrors, which, using tiny actuators (controlled by cheap electronic circuit) deflect horizontally and vertically to follow the sun.

These mirrors direct light to two pairs of parabolic mirrors, which compress the light flux and throw it into the vent light box covered inside mirror film. The lower part of the box is equipped with a thin prismatic diffuser, which effectively directs the light traveling down the box into the room.

In the following video, a company representative explains how the system works using a scale model as an example.

Fluorescent lamps are also mounted inside the box for illumination at night or in cloudy weather. After all, the Solar Canopy system takes the place of traditional lamps on the office false ceiling. At the same time, the automation quickly adjusts the number of included “tubes” in inverse relationship from the natural light flux, maintaining the total illumination at the same level.

Canadian experts believe that such a seemingly complex solution may turn out to be more profitable than other methods of solving the problem. But the presence of servo drives and a mirror system seems to make the design more expensive. Maybe there are more attractive alternatives?

For relatively short distances transporting sunlight can be useful simple system like a "solar pipeline". But if the beams need to be thrown 10 meters or more, you should think about other options.

Many companies from different countries already offered on the market various kinds"ray transporters", but all of them, along with obvious advantages, also have disadvantages. Some have questions regarding the limits of application, others are simply expensive, and others are not very effective.

But, it would seem, what could be simpler? Even people who are far from technology understand that the most banal system of mirrors can easily direct light into the house. But for some reason such installations never became widespread.

SunCentral explains what's going on here. Used in such cases inexpensive materials do not have the best reflectivity - 90-95%. This means that with each reflection, 10% of the light flux is lost. After several turns inside the system, the beam weakens very noticeably - the installation turns out to be ineffective.

The basis for Solar Canopy was the research of a Canadian laboratory in the field of coatings with a reflectivity of 99%, and the materials developed by SSP remained very inexpensive - this important condition for their use in fairly long light “pipes”.

This is not the first time that scientists have come up with original ways delivering natural light into the shaded depths of offices. So, glass walls The New York Times Building skyscraper is equipped with myriads of snow-white ceramic tubes.

On the one hand, they block direct sunlight, reducing air conditioning costs, and on the other, thanks to several reflections, they provide soft and diffused white light that penetrates very far from the windows. This reduces lighting costs internal parts building.

SSP built the first working prototype of the mirror trap on the territory of the so-called Great Northern Way Campus, a joint campus of three universities and one institute based in Vancouver. Including the University of British Columbia, the parent of Solar Canopy, and the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), a partner in this project.

And in 2008, SSP installed five of its light-collecting installations on the third floor of one of the BCIT buildings in Burnaby. The experiment showed that on a clear afternoon, the illumination from a “sun trap” in the depths of the room can be comparable to the degree of illumination from fully turned on ceiling fluorescent lamps.

SunCentral is currently fine-tuning and polishing the technology. Plans for the near future include installing Solar Canopy on six more buildings. And these will be buildings different designs. One of the objectives of the tests is to develop new modifications of the installation that allow it to be embedded less noticeably than in the case of BCIT, that is, into the thickness of the walls.

After such a large-scale check, it will be possible to think about starting mass production of trap modules and their wide sale. But the Canadians do not give any deadlines.

The sun is the greatest thing that human eyes can see.
Davydov Robert Borisovich

Light guides-- this is very interesting solution. Solutions for insolation appeared on the Russian market relatively recently and have not yet received proper distribution. At the moment, they are mainly used by large advanced companies.

The main advantage of light guides is sunlight, and that says it all. Man organically requires natural light, and no artificial lighting sources can replace it.

What rooms are illuminated with light guides?

Additional solar lighting is needed in basements, basements and rooms on the shady side of the building.

How does a light guide work?

The light guides use Raybender technology, patented by Solatube.

The operating principle is simple: light is captured by a light-collecting dome and transmitted through a channel into the room.

A light-collecting dome (indicated 1 in the figure) is installed on the roof or facade of the building. Light is captured even at dusk or in cloudy weather. the use of a special lens (2) allows you to increase the capture area.

The light guide channel (3) is a tubular light guide. It is capable of transmitting light over a distance of up to 12 meters with virtually no loss. in this case, the channel configuration can be quite bizarre.

At the end of the channel there is a diffuser (4). It is installed on the ceiling and looks like a lamp.

One such light guide can illuminate an area of ​​14-40 m2.

Why a light guide and not a window?

Energy efficiency

The main heat exchange in the house occurs through the windows. In winter, heat escapes through the windows; in summer, heat enters. In any case, the costs of either heating or air conditioning increase. When using light guides, there is virtually no heat loss. As a result, you seriously save on maintaining a comfortable climate in your home.

Possibility of installation

It is not possible to install a window everywhere. In the basement, a window does not make sense, but a light guide does :)

Uniform illumination of large rooms

Possible difficulties

Daylight hours

The first and obvious objection to the use of light guides is the short daylight hours in our region, especially in winter and autumn, when the sky is overcast.

The unique “solar well” technology, which was invented back in the 90s of the last century, is capable of delivering natural light to the darkest corners without energy loss and in any weather. Even rooms without windows can get their share of sunlight if you install special tubular light guides with a fantastic level of reflection, reaching 99.5%!

In recent decades, humanity has been mastering new technologies for transporting energy; a striking example of such developments was the invention of the “solar well” system. This technology allows not only to minimize the use of energy resources produced by power plants, but also to preserve people’s health, because everyone knows about negative impact artificial lighting on the human body.

Since the 1990s, some countries have been actively introducing these technologies, thereby reducing energy consumption by 40%.

What is a “solar well”, how does it work and what benefits does it bring to people?

This unique system consists of a structure built into the roof (facade) of a building from one or more sealed hollow tubular light guides, which have an internal reflection coefficient of 99.5% or more.

Thanks to this technology, this installation allows you to deliver natural light during the daytime with virtually no loss and in any weather, to even the darkest back room.

The main components of this unique system are:

Transparent dome built into the roof (facade);
- light interception system with optical reflective devices,
changing the direction of the light flux;
- roofing adapter, which ensures the tightness of the roof (facade);
- light guide and diffuser, allowing to diffuse the light flow.

The operating principle of this unique optical funnel is as follows: light passing through the transparent dome is reflected from the walls of the light guide and moves to the diffuser. In order to reduce the number of reflections, the reflective device is installed at a special, most favorable angle. Thanks to this design, natural light has the opportunity to enter the light guide in any weather during the daytime, capturing the flow of light rays from the lowest angle of the horizon.

Installing a “solar well” is not a complicated process at all, but it still needs to be done by a specialist.

Installation of the system on the roof or facade of a building is carried out using a roofing adapter, which is mounted into the ceiling or wall and prevents moisture from entering the room. The length of the tubular light guide can be adjusted, which makes it possible to supply light not only to the room located directly under the roof itself, but also to rooms on the lower levels, down to the basement areas. The width can also vary depending on energy consumption needs.

This lighting option has many advantages, ranging from ease of installation and operation of the system itself (there is nothing to break and energy consumption is 0%), and ending with a reduction in electricity consumption by almost 40%.

The effect of such a design has a positive effect not only on savings Money and safety environment, but also allows us to significantly reduce the harmful effects of artificial lighting on people’s health.

Homegrown Kulibins managed to create similar designs using only... plastic bottles filled with water!

Mechanic Alfredo Moser from Brazil in 2002, based on this technology, created the simplest design"sunwell" using conventional plastic bottle filled with water.

The idea is absolutely simple - you need to drill a hole in the roof required diameter, place a two-liter plastic bottle of water in it, observing the conditions of complete sealing to avoid moisture entering the room.

That's all - the lamp for the garage, cottage or basement is ready! By the way, such a solar spotlight can replace a 40-60-watt incandescent lamp.

Incoming electricity bills are a headache for most consumers, because they have to pay for the benefits of civilization. We all don't want to give up our microwave, water heater, or air conditioner. It turns out there are many tricks that

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