Air heating system production. We consider air heating of industrial premises - calculation and diagram. How to choose the right heating scheme

Since competition in the domestic market is growing every day, manufacturers are forced to pay attention to all cost items. If you look at this list, the cost of heating various industrial premises will be far from the last position. Since the cost of energy resources has increased, their percentage of cost has also increased.

Air heating of production premises

If earlier such a question as choosing the most economical option, was not yet so acute, now it is positioned in the category of the most relevant. Air heating of a production facility in such a situation is often considered as the most effective and at the same time the most economical option.

Operating principle

Air heating of a production facility consists of a heat generator and pipes through which masses of hot air are transported. These routes lead to premises such as workshops, change houses, warehouses and others. Hot air, which runs along thermal routes, is under high pressure. Air injection is achieved through fans that are installed in front of the heat generator. In addition to heating mains, air is also distributed through separate mains.

This occurs due to mechanical dampers or distribution mechanisms operating automatically. It often happens that heating of industrial premises is presented as a mobile device. Such devices are called heat guns - one of the methods from the category of types of heating industrial premises.

Using heat guns you can heat any industrial premises in the shortest possible time, be it air heating workshops Air heating has its advantages, as it allows you to solve the problem of recirculation of air flows.

Advantages of air heating

Among the advantages offered by air heating of industrial buildings are the following:

  • Efficiency that reaches a value of 93%. In order to organize air heating of industrial premises and enterprises, there is no need for intermediate heating devices.
  • Such systems can be easily integrated with systems such as ventilation. Thanks to this, the room can be maintained at exactly the required temperature.
  • Air heating has a minimal level of inertia. The room temperature will begin to rise as soon as the equipment is turned on.
  • Due to the fact that such room heating is the most efficient, it is possible to increase the economic performance of production.
  • The cost of production is slightly reduced.

System design

In order to organize air heating of premises, it is necessary to draw up all the necessary design documents. It is best to entrust this matter to professionals in this field. Otherwise, improper organization can result in increased noise levels in the premises or an imbalance in thermal conditions.

The organization of such an issue as heating and ventilation of industrial premises should resolve the following issues:

  • Identify the preliminary level of heat loss that will be characteristic of a particular room.
  • Calculate the power of the heat generator taking into account unproductive heat costs.
  • Calculate the amount of heated air, as well as the required temperature regime.
  • Determine the diameter of the channels through which air flows, and also identify possible pressure losses due to negative characteristics of the main line.

After the calculation of the heating system of an industrial building has been made, and such a project has been drawn up, you can purchase the necessary equipment.

Installation work for installing an air heating system storage facilities can be done either by the company’s employees or by seeking help from employees of specialized companies. Having ordered equipment to make air heating of a warehouse or other premises, you will receive dampers, air ducts, inserts and other standard components from the manufacturer.

Additionally, you will need to purchase materials such as:

  • aluminum tape;
  • flexible lines;
  • installation tape and insulation.

It is extremely important to insulate some areas, as this will prevent condensation from forming in the problem areas. To do this, you can put a layer of foil insulation on the walls of the pipelines. The thickness of such self-adhesive insulation can vary, but the most used is foil, which has a thickness of 3 to 5 mm.

Highways can be either rigid or flexible, it all depends on the geometry of the room or on the design plan. Some sections of highways can be connected to each other using reinforced tape and plastic or metal clamps.

In order to complete installation work To organize an air heating system for industrial premises, the following actions will be needed:

  • installation of lines through which hot air is supplied;
  • installation of distribution sockets;
  • installation of a unit that generates heat;
  • laying a layer for thermal insulation;
  • installation additional devices and equipment.

In industrial or warehouse premises, heating systems for industrial premises are complete and very effective; they provide the space with heat. It is not without reason that such systems are used to organize heating of shopping centers, the number of which is now increasing day by day. The main advantages of such a system are considered maximum efficiency and efficiency. Gas is also used infrared heating industrial premises is also a fairly effective option.

Many people think that heating industrial premises is no different from heating residential buildings. In fact, here it is necessary to take care of many aspects, for example, maintaining the appropriate temperature conditions, the level of dust in the air, as well as its humidity.

In addition, you should take into account the features of the production process, the height and size of the room, as well as the location of the equipment in it. The selection, design and installation of a production heat supply system should begin after calculating the required power.

Heating calculation

To carry out a thermal calculation, before planning any industrial heating, you need to use the standard method.

Qt (kW/hour) =V*∆T *K/860

  • V – internal area of ​​the room requiring heating (W*D*H);
  • ∆ T – the value of the difference between the external and desired internal temperature;
  • K – heat loss coefficient;
  • 860 – recalculation per kW/hour.
  • The heat loss coefficient, which is included in industrial premises, varies depending on the type of building and the level of its thermal insulation. The less thermal insulation, the higher the coefficient value.

    Air heating

    Most enterprises during their existence Soviet Union used a convection heating system for industrial buildings. The difficulty in using this method is that warm air, according to the laws of physics, rises, while the part of the room located near the floor remains less heated.

    Today, more efficient heating provides industrial premises.

    Operating principle

    Hot air, which is preheated in the heat generator through air ducts, is transferred to the heated part of the building. Distribution heads are used to distribute thermal energy throughout the space. In some cases, fans are installed, which can be replaced by portable equipment, including a heat gun.


    It is worth noting that such heating can be combined with various supply systems ventilation and air conditioning. This is what makes it possible to heat huge complexes, something that could not be achieved before.

    This method is widely used in heating warehouse complexes, as well as indoor sports facilities. In addition, such a method in most cases is the only possible one, since it has the highest level fire safety.


    Naturally, there were some negative properties. For example, installation air heating will cost the owners of the enterprise a pretty penny.

    Not only are the fans needed for normal functioning, cost quite a lot, and they also consume huge amounts of electricity, since their productivity reaches about several thousand cubic meters at one o'clock.

    Infrared heating

    Not every company is ready to spend a lot of money on an air heating system, so many prefer to use another method. Infrared industrial heating is becoming increasingly popular every day.

    Principle of operation

    An infrared burner operates on the principle of flameless combustion of air located on the porous part of the ceramic surface. Ceramic surface differs in that it is capable of emitting a whole spectrum of waves that are concentrated in the area infrared radiation.

    The peculiarity of these waves is their high degree of permeability, that is, they can freely pass through air currents in order to transfer their energy to a certain place. The stream of infrared radiation is directed to a predetermined area through various reflectors.

    Therefore, heating industrial premises using such a burner allows for maximum comfort. In addition, this heating method makes it possible to heat both individual work areas and entire buildings.

    Main advantages

    On this moment namely application infrared heaters considered the most modern and progressive heating method industrial buildings thanks to the following positive characteristics:

    • quick heating of the room;
    • low energy intensity;
    • high efficiency;
    • compact equipment and easy installation.

    By performing the correct calculation, you can install a powerful, economical and independent heating system for your enterprise that does not require constant maintenance.

    Scope of application

    It is worth noting that such equipment is used, among other things, for heating poultry houses, greenhouses, cafe terraces, auditoriums, shopping and sports halls, as well as various bitumen coatings for technological purposes.

    The full effect of using an infrared burner can be felt in those rooms that have large volumes of cold air. The compactness and mobility of such equipment makes it possible to maintain the temperature at a certain level depending on the technological need and time of day.


    Many people are concerned about the issue of safety, since they associate the word “radiation” with radiation and harmful effects on human health. In fact, the operation of infrared heaters is completely safe for both humans and equipment located in the room.

    Heating a production facility is not an easy task. The thing is that, unlike residential buildings, such objects are usually built under some kind of technological process, and their sizes are impressive. Thus, it is not uncommon to find even such production facilities, the size of which amounts to several thousand. square meters. And the ceiling height can be 20-25 meters. However work zone The area that really needs heating is often only 2 square meters. So how do you heat such an industrial space?

    Apply here traditional methods– air or water heating? The efficiency of such systems when used in huge workshops will be minimal and are unlikely to give the desired effect. But the cost of their maintenance will be simply prohibitive for the enterprise, and hundreds of meters metal pipes will quickly become covered with rust. But what option should I choose then, or should I leave the production workshops without heating at all?

    Which autonomous heating for industrial premises to choose?

    But first you need to decide on the types of production premises, their characteristics and functions. So, most often there are warehouses, workshops and actually industrial buildings. When choosing efficient heating The features of such systems should be taken into account, which include:

    • maximum efficiency;
    • possibility of heating rooms with large areas;
    • If possible, heaters should heat the air both inside and outside.

    In addition, there is a choice the required system, as a rule, are also influenced by such factors as the specificity production process and the cost of equipment, as well as much, much more. Next, we will look in more detail at the pros and cons of each possible option.

    This type of heating is quite often used in industrial buildings. It has both its advantages and disadvantages. The first include:

    • constantly heat air environment - from 100 degrees and above;
    • you can both heat and cool the room after work as quickly as possible;
    • the number of storeys of the object does not matter, since steam heating can be arranged in a building with any number of floors;
    • small sizes main pipeline and heating equipment.

    This perfect option in order to heat production periodically. Moreover, such systems are better suited for industrial facilities than heating using water as a coolant.

    The disadvantages of this type of heating include:

    • strong noise during operation;
    • It is extremely difficult to control steam flow, and, consequently, heat transfer.

    Depending on the choice of fuel, such an installation can now cost from 32,000 to 86,000 rubles for a medium-sized industrial enterprise, with a total area of ​​up to five hundred square meters, and a ceiling height of up to three meters. However, steam heating should not be used in facilities where flammable gases, dust and aerosol are released into the air.

    Water heating systems for industrial premises

    In this case, the heat source can be the local boiler house of the enterprise or even district heating. The main element of such a system is a special boiler that runs on gas, electricity or solid fuel. Of course, it is best to choose gas or coal as the latter, but the latter option will be somewhat more expensive. Other types of fuel will cost the organization much more, and therefore it is hardly advisable to use them.

    Features of water thermal installations

    When using water as a coolant to heat a building, you need to take into account following features such systems:

    • constant high blood pressure;
    • high temperatures;
    • are used mainly for moderate heating of objects (the temperature on average should be kept at plus ten degrees), unless, of course, this is detrimental to the production process.

    Such heating can be done either local or centralized; and it is distinguished by the following features:

    • air masses are constantly on the move;
    • the air is regularly changed and cleaned;
    • the temperature is more evenly distributed throughout the rooms;
    • harmless to humans.

    The heated air enters the workshop through air ducts, where it is mixed with the existing air. Moreover most of it then passes through special filters, is heated again and used. Thus, energy losses are minimized. In addition, such a system provides air supply from outside, which already corresponds sanitary standards. However, if during the production process itself some harmful substances, then such a recycling system is unlikely to be effective and safe. In this case, you will have to completely remove all the air coming out.

    Note that when using local heating air, the heat source is located in the center of the building. The latter is usually taken as SAI, heat guns etc. However, only the air inside can be processed in this way, and fresh air masses will not be supplied.

    Airborne solar collector

    Heating systems using electricity

    If the size of the production premises is small, then maximum comfort for workers can be achieved using electric infrared emitters, which, by the way, are often installed in warehouses. However, the main devices for such systems are still the so-called thermal curtains. Let us add that the cost of heating with electricity costs the enterprise approximately 500,000 rubles per season.

    Ceiling systems

    Ceiling heating systems are now very popular. Moreover, special radiant heating is widely used not only at production facilities, but also in greenhouses, conservatories, and even in residential buildings. This kind of heating differs, first of all, in that not only the air in the room is heated, but also the floor, walls, and even all objects located in the building. Let us note other advantages of ceiling systems:

    • long service life;
    • little space is required to place them;
    • the equipment weighs little and its installation is simple;
    • suitable for any premises.

    Experts believe that such systems are advisable to use in facilities with insufficient electricity use. The rate of heating of the room is also considered a noticeable advantage. And if this factor plays a decisive role, radiant panels are ideal for production premises.

    How to choose the right heating scheme

    However, no matter how good they are ceiling systems radiant heating, it will be problematic to use them for Soviet-era buildings. The thing is that the buildings of that time already had large heat losses. Therefore, for such facilities they often choose a more economical option, for example, using alternative fuel. However, when choosing a specific scheme, you should also take into account the fact that there are SNiP standards for heating industrial premises:

    • the project should be done taking into account the heat costs for heating air, equipment and objects, as well as other heat losses; and the latter can be no more than 3 degrees difference between the air temperature inside and outside the room;
    • permissible parameters of the coolant used are 1.0 MPa pressure and plus 90 degrees temperature;
    • It is preferable to use water as a coolant if it is not possible to justify the use of other liquids;
    • when heating with electricity, the entire facility must meet the relevant requirements;
    • usually, landings not heated;
    • gas equipment is used only when gas combustion products are removed in a closed manner.

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    Industrial air heating systems widely used for heating production workshops, warehouses, construction sites, various commercial facilities, agro-industrial enterprises and agriculture.
    The air supplied to the premises has a temperature of +40 – 50 o C and is distributed through a system of air ducts having a variable cross-section.

    Industrial air heating cost-effective, it can be combined with a ventilation system, which significantly reduces total cost.

    But due to low specific heat capacity air and large heat loads, the use of air for heating purposes is effective when large volumes of warm air are supplied, which in turn leads to huge oversized air ducts and powerful fans that require significant energy expenditure to transport air.

    However, industrial air heating is currently most widely used in modern enterprises and objects.

    Equipment for industrial air heating

    Heating the air in the supply ventilation unit.

    The supply unit has a unit, usually with an electric heater or a water heat exchanger.
    The air supplied to the premises, passing through this unit, is heated and distributed through air ducts, ventilation and heating of the premises occurs.

    Air heating in special installation(heat generator, air heater, etc.)

    Heat generators installed indoors or outdoors, their power is calculated based on the total heat losses of the object, which must be compensated by the supply of warm air. Air distribution is also carried out through air ducts.
    The efficiency of these installations is very high and can reach 95 – 98%. Air is heated by combustion natural gas or liquid fuel burner, while high-temperature combustion products, passing through the heat exchanger, give off their heat to it, which in turn heats the air supplied to the premises. With this method of heating the air, it is possible to reach the temperature of the air leaving the heat generator up to +90 o C.

    Heat generators have a powerful high-performance supply fan that supplies several thousand cubic meters of warm air per hour and therefore often combine air heating and ventilation when designing, thereby reducing the overall cost of the systems.

    Heat generators or air heaters have a wide range of thermal powers - from approximately 10 to 1000 or more kilowatts of thermal power and a variety of designs that allow them to be installed on the floor, on walls or under the ceiling indoors, as well as outside, next to the heated room or directly on the roof building.

    Basically, heat generators “work” on a system of metal air ducts that distribute air across several rooms and over a large area at once.

    Air heating by small, low-power units distributed throughout the room.

    Often for heating large areas and volumes, small power plants are used - fan heaters.
    Fan heaters structurally consist of a fan, heat exchanger or heating element and control unit.
    Hot water is supplied centrally from the boiler room to each room fan heater .

    Passing through the heat exchanger fan heater, hot water or another coolant transfers part of the heat to the air, which is blown through the heat exchanger using a fan and through a guide grille or louvers it enters directly into the air environment of the room.

    This method of heating premises is convenient when it is necessary to heat large areas at relatively low heights of production or warehouse premises.

    In this case, there is no need to install a cumbersome network of supply air ducts, although you will have to lay pipelines to each fan heater to ensure the supply of coolant (water or antifreeze).

    Application of industrial heat generators

    Industrial heating workshop

    Energy-efficient air heating in a factory can solve the problem of maintaining effective control temperatures in production premises.

    We have solutions for air heating of large open and rack storage warehouses with small industrial units - floor or suspended heat generators running on gas or diesel fuel, as well as fan heaters using hot water to heat the air.

    Frost protection or complete warehouse heating – we tailor our solutions to your specific requirements.

    Our specialists will inspect your warehouse free of charge, provide assistance and give recommendations on heating the warehouse, taking into account the storage features - open or on racks.

    Industrial heating workshop

    Energy-efficient factory air heating can solve the problem of maintaining effective temperature control in production areas.

    We can design factory heating systems using underfloor and suspended air heaters, powered by gas or diesel fuel or using hot water.

    Industrial heating of a warehouse

    We have solutions for air heating of large open and rack storage warehouses and small industrial installations - floor or suspended heat generators running on gas or diesel fuel, as well as fan heaters using hot water to heat the air.

    Frost protection or complete warehouse heating - we tailor our solutions to your specific requirements.

    Our specialists will inspect your warehouse free of charge, provide assistance and give recommendations on heating the warehouse, taking into account the storage features - open or on racks.

    Industrial garage heating

    Heat generators f. are ideal for heating garages and auto repair shops. Metmann.

    Metmann heat generators will support comfortable temperature in garages of any size, including installations located outside, with air distribution through ducts capable of maintaining good quality air.

    Industrial heating of agricultural facilities

    We offer a quiet, energy-efficient agricultural heating solution that helps maintain optimal growth of agricultural products and create a comfortable environment for staff and customers in greenhouses, conservatories and other climate-controlled facilities.

    Our air heating systems can be designed using the most modern heat generators, specially designed for air heating of greenhouses and conservatories.

    Industrial heating of hangars with equipment (ships, aircraft, etc.)

    We have experience in air heating solutions using energy efficient and cost effective air heating systems using gas or diesel powered heat generators for hangars with large open spaces, high ceilings and frequently opening doors and gates.

    We have experience in placing heat generators and fuel tanks for them inside containers (such as sea containers), next to the hangar. In this case, the air supply in the hangar is carried out through metal air ducts with air distribution through special aerodynamic nozzles, providing the necessary shape and length of the air stream

    Industrial heating of sports facilities

    We offer air heating solutions for all types of gyms and recreation centers, providing comfortable conditions with minimal costs energy and operating costs.

    Our Metmann and Apen Group air heating systems provide highly efficient air heating for gyms, leisure centres, swimming pools and other recreational facilities.

    Our specialists guarantee you assistance and recommendations in accordance with your requirements for sports and recreation

    Infrared space heating

    Increasing competition in the domestic market forces manufacturers to pay attention to all cost items. Not least on this list are the costs of heating industrial premises. With the increase in the cost of energy resources, their percentage in the overall cost structure has increased noticeably. The issues of choosing an economical option for heating industrial premises have moved from the category of “long-term” to the category of urgent ones. Air heating is often considered as a way out of the situation - one of the most economical and effective options.

    Operating principle

    Air heating consists of a heat generator and closed routes through which heated air masses are distributed throughout the production workshops, warehouses, change houses and other premises. Naturally, the heated air is supplied under pressure. It is pumped by a fan, which is mounted in the circuit in front of the heat generator. Air is distributed along individual lines using mechanical dampers or automatic distribution mechanisms.

    Often, heating systems for industrial premises are presented in the form mobile devices. Portable heat guns are characterized by high performance and are able to very quickly warm up any room. All air heating options additionally solve the problem of recirculating air flows. This has a positive effect on the overall sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The air heating method has undeniable advantages:

    1. The efficiency reaches 93%. When organizing heating, the installation of intermediate heating devices is not required.
    2. Heating systems of this type can be fully integrated with ventilation systems. This allows you to constantly maintain an optimal microclimate inside production complexes.
    3. Very low level of inertia. Immediately after activating the equipment, the air temperature in the room begins to rise.
    4. High efficiency has a positive effect on the economic performance of production and reduction in production costs.

    Along with this, air heating also has obvious disadvantages:

    1. Constant technical maintenance of the active elements of the system is required. It is quite difficult to modernize already operating installations.
    2. To avoid interruptions in heat supply, a backup power source is required.

    System design

    To organize air heating system compilation is required project documentation. The development of the scheme and the execution of calculations should be entrusted to experienced specialists. It is desirable that they have practical skills in implementing such projects. Otherwise, an imbalance cannot be ruled out. temperature conditions or increased noise levels in production areas.

    An organization that undertakes to plan a heating scheme for industrial premises must effectively resolve many issues:

    1. Determine the expected level of heat loss in each individual room.
    2. Taking into account unproductive heat consumption, calculate the power of the heat generator.
    3. Calculate the amount of heated air and the expected temperature regime.
    4. Determine the diameter of the air-conducting channels and the pressure loss due to the negative aerodynamic characteristics of the pipeline.

    After drawing up the project, you can begin purchasing equipment.

    Air heating installation

    Heating of production workshops

    Having a clear plan for the location of components and assemblies of the system, it is very easy to carry out installation work by the company’s employees. However, if you wish, you can contact specialized companies. At self-installation First of all, attention should be paid to the completeness of the delivery. Manufacturers supply air ducts, dampers, inserts and other standard elements to order.

    In addition, you can additionally purchase the following materials:

    • flexible lines
    • aluminum tape
    • insulation and mounting tape

    Insulating some areas is very important because it helps prevent condensation. For this purpose, a layer of foil insulation is laid on top of the pipeline walls. self-adhesive base. Its thickness may vary. The most in demand are materials with a thickness of 3-5 millimeters.

    Depending on the geometry of the premises and design solution Rigid or flexible lines are installed. Individual sections are connected to each other using reinforced tape, plastic or metal clamps. All installation work boils down to performing the following set of actions:

    • installation of warm air supply lines
    • installation of distribution sockets
    • installation of a heat generating unit
    • laying a thermal insulation layer
    • installation of additional equipment

    Air heating in warehouses, production and utility rooms is a complete heating system. It is characterized by efficiency and high efficiency.

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