Insulation of the warehouse. Insulation of warehouse walls Insulation of vegetable stores with polyurethane foam

Preface. In this article we will consider an important issue for companies whose activities are related to the rental and operation of warehouses. In order to reduce the organization’s costs for heating warehouse premises and create a comfortable climate for employees to work, it is necessary to insulate the warehouse walls, roof, floors and hangar gates. It is these issues that we decided to pay attention to in this material.

Insulation with foil insulation

A special feature of warehouse premises is the huge space with concrete floors and large gates, such warehouses are often impossible to heat until comfortable temperature for a person. To avoid ruining the warehouse owner’s electricity bills, it is necessary to insulate the warehouse for the winter: get rid of “cold bridges” and seal warm air leaks.

First of all, it is necessary to think through the loading and unloading process, which would take the minimum possible time to open the gate. It is also necessary to pay attention to the thermal insulation of the roof, concrete floors and walls from the inside of the warehouse. Let us further consider the question of what is the best way to insulate a warehouse for the winter and describe some ways to insulate warehouse premises from the inside.

How to insulate a warehouse from the inside

The insulation of warehouses and hangars differs from the thermal insulation of a residential building, since it requires processing of huge spaces, structures and work at height. In addition, it is often impossible to stop warehouse activities even for some time, therefore, all renovation work will have to be carried out by construction workers inside at night or while the plant is operating.

How can you insulate a warehouse from the inside for the winter:

1. Mineral wool(glass wool) – classic and quite cheap material. Mineral wool is fireproof (this is a significant plus for a warehouse where highly flammable substances or goods are often stored), the material is not subject to rotting and decomposition. Disadvantage basalt wool is the ability to absorb moisture and the low density of the slabs - this requires the construction of a frame where mineral wool slabs will be laid, and protection of thermal insulation vapor barrier membrane from getting wet.

2. Polystyrene foam or penoplex– maximum cheap insulation, the slabs are easy to install and no production shutdown is required. Extruded polystyrene foam has the best characteristics and is perfect for insulating concrete floors in warehouses, roofs and walls, since the material is very durable, yet lightweight and is not afraid of high humidity. Polystyrene foam is less durable; in addition, the insulation is easily flammable and emits harmful substances during combustion, which is unacceptable due to fire safety.

Hangar vaults insulated with polyurethane foam

3. Spray polyurethane foam- a very popular method of insulating roofs and walls in industrial premises and warehouses. Sprayed polyurethane foam (PPU) is a lightweight and durable material, does not ignite and has low thermal conductivity.

Polyurethane foam is quickly applied and forms a seamless coating that is resistant to moisture and without “cold bridges”.

The material can be applied to any surface: wood, concrete, metal. The disadvantage of this insulation is its high cost, as well as the impossibility of carrying out all the work while the warehouse is running.

How to insulate a cold warehouse in winter

How to insulate gates in a warehouse

To insulate gates in a warehouse, you can use polystyrene foam or penoplex. The material is light, durable, and not afraid of precipitation. You can use sheets 50 mm thick, which are inserted into a frame made of 50x50 mm wood blocks. The timber is pre-treated with an antiseptic, and all remaining seams between the foam sheets are sealed with polyurethane foam.

When the entire area of ​​the gate is insulated, it is mounted on top moisture resistant plywood or OSB. The whole technology is no different from insulating garage doors. The gate can also be insulated with mineral or glass wool, which is also placed in a frame made of wooden blocks. The width of the beam must correspond to the thickness of the thermal insulation layer, which can be calculated using a calculator.

Before laying basalt wool, the entire frame and gate are covered with a moisture-proofing membrane. After laying the insulation, the frame is again covered with moisture insulation, so that the mineral wool is protected from getting wet on all sides. Next, bars are attached to the frame to create ventilation gap so that moisture evaporates from the surface of the film, and the gate is covered with plywood or OSB.

How to insulate a roof in a warehouse

Insulation of a hangar roof is often difficult due to the significant height of the structure and its lightness, which is why it is often impossible to use heavy structures. A simpler, but more expensive way to insulate the roof in a warehouse is to hire specialists who will quickly spray polyurethane foam onto the structure. Polyurethane foam will create a continuous layer without seams and will not load the hangar roof.

Cheaper, but still labor-intensive method- this is the creation and insulation of the ceiling. This method in many cases it is simply impossible to implement due to significant loads on the light structures of the walls and roof of the hangar. If the warehouse has concrete walls and overlap, then there should be no problems. You can use any roll or slab insulation for this.

Mineral wool or expanded polystyrene slabs should be laid in a pre-constructed timber frame. The distance between the bars should be 1-1.5 cm less than the width of the mineral wool or glass wool sheets so that the insulation fits as tightly as possible to the bars. Additionally, the thermal insulation should be secured with dowels using fungi and covered with a vapor barrier to protect it from moisture.

How to insulate a concrete floor in a warehouse

Scheme of insulation of concrete floors on the ground

The concrete floor should be insulated during the construction of the hangar. Thermal insulation is produced by insulating the earthen floor with polystyrene foam or penoplex. Insulation slabs are laid on pre-leveled ground (to do this, fill the foundation from the inside with soil or sand). A caracas of reinforcement is knitted on top, and the floor in the hangar is filled with a thick layer of concrete.

If you need to insulate the floor in a hangar after construction is completed, then this work will require significant financial costs. Because it will be necessary to re-lay insulation and pour concrete where cars and forklifts will drive. In those rooms where there is no significant load, you can insulate the floors along the joists, using polystyrene foam or mineral wool as a heat insulator.

This technology for floor insulation was described in detail earlier in the article “Which is the best floor insulation in a wooden house” and will not be difficult. All work on insulating the hangar from the inside for the winter can be done in stages, so as not to completely stop the work of the organization.

The issue of insulating warehouses is as pressing as the problem of reducing heat loss in winter when the gates are open. Sometimes vestibules are used for these purposes, which significantly complicates the loading and unloading process. Another popular option is the use of heat guns, which can quickly warm up the air in the room after it has cooled down with the gates open.

It is very difficult to heat a warehouse, especially a large one, even if you spare no expense on heating and install a couple of heat guns. Without holding insulation works all these attempts will turn into a lot of wasted money. In order for the staff inside the building to feel comfortable even in the cold season, the warehouse needs to be insulated. You can also find out in a separate article.

Since the insulation prevents not only cold but also heat from entering the room, in the summer it will be quite cool inside.

How to insulate a warehouse

Warehouses are insulated like the rest. The only difference is that the insulation must be as efficient as possible and installed without cold bridges. Remember that through cracks and defects in the insulating layer money escapes, which can be spent on more necessary purposes. Therefore, the choice of materials and technologies must be approached as thoughtfully as possible.

Unfortunately, for the insulation of warehouses, completely inappropriate materials are often offered. suitable materials. Therefore, before ordering a service, you need to understand all the options offered. What you definitely shouldn’t agree to:

  • Various types of mineral wool. Many companies point out as a plus that these materials have been used for a very long time. Consider whether you need outdated technology. The thermal conductivity index of 0.040 W/(m*K) was previously considered excellent, and for this reason one had to put up with the disadvantages of mineral wool - increased moisture absorption and installation complexity. When used, they even ignored the facts that one type of mineral wool - the so-called glass wool - causes damage to the respiratory tract of the skin and eyes, and other options contain harmful phenol. Cheap mineral wool, which smells unpleasantly of phenol and formaldehyde, is especially dangerous. It is impossible to insulate the warehouse with it - the staff will feel uncomfortable being there, and the stored property will acquire an unpleasant smell of paint and hospital. Nowadays, when there are more effective, simpler and safe materials, there is no need to insulate yourself with mineral wool. Moreover, its active promotion is associated only with the low price of the material and the opportunity to receive additional profit;

  • - another material often proposed for insulating warehouses. The panels consist of two layers of plastic with insulation sandwiched between them. Sandwich panels are harmless to health and do not emit odors. However, the material has a serious drawback - the difficulty of installation caused by its poor ductility. Sandwich panels are quite rigid, so they cannot be bent. You have to cut the insulation into small fragments that are connected to each other. This leads to the formation of cold bridges at the joints, through which cool air penetrates into the warehouse. Another disadvantage of sandwich panels is their large weight, which gives high load on the foundation and walls. In addition, sandwich panels burn. Therefore, if it happens at the warehouse short circuit in the wiring, the structure will burst into flames with the release of acrid black smoke;

  • - another super-budget insulation that many companies are promoting. Even children know that polystyrene foam burns, and the fire service, which will fine the warehouse owners, is aware that when it burns it releases toxic substances. Another disadvantage of polystyrene foam is its attractiveness to rodents. Mice and rats chew easily soft material and carry it into holes, and sometimes settle in the thickness of the plastic. Such insulation threatens a constant mouse smell in the warehouse and damage to things that rodents will spoil along with the foam;

  • good material, possessing high rate energy saving, but unfortunately very expensive. In addition, it requires the construction of various lathing for laying basalt mats and slabs. This type of insulation is more suitable for an apartment, house or office, but not for warehouse.

What material is suitable for warehouse insulation?

An excellent option is insulation by spraying polyurethane foam on the outside or inside of the walls. External insulation is much preferable, since it allows the warehouse to continue operating. In this case, the dew point - the area inside the wall where water vapor turns into water - does not reach the interior of the room. It falls on the thickness of the insulation, where water simply cannot condense. Therefore, with this type of insulation, the walls do not “cry” and mold and mildew do not grow on them.

The disadvantages of external insulation are that it cannot be carried out during the cold season, in strong winds and high humidity.

If the warehouse urgently needs to be insulated in the middle of winter or it is very rainy in your area, it is better to choose internal insulation. True, in this case you will have to unload the entire warehouse, remove all existing valuables and stop work until the insulation and finishing are completed. But, fortunately, polyurethane is quickly applied and dries in a short time. Finishing can be done the very next day after spraying. Therefore, the warehouse will not remain closed for a long time.

How to insulate a warehouse with polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam (PPU) is a porous insulation formed by spraying from two components. A reaction occurs between the polyol and the isocyanate of which it is composed, accompanied by the formation of polymer insulation and the release of a large amount of gas. As a result, during spraying, a porous mass is formed, increasing in volume up to 10 times.

When expanding, polyurethane foam fills cracks, irregularities and voids, forming an even layer without joints or seams. Cold bridges do not form in it either.

Don’t be confused by the use of toxic, flammable isocyanate when producing polyurethane foam. The polyurethane foam resulting from this reaction is completely harmless and neutral, and the air bubbles formed during spraying are filled with ordinary carbon dioxide, so they also do not contain any poison. There will be no permanent stock unpleasant odor and harmful fumes. The only thing you have to do is ventilate the warehouse after completion of the work.

The insulation is covered on top with a layer of material that insulates it from ultraviolet rays that decompose polyurethane foam. If desired, PPU can be covered with siding or special finishing boards.

Polyurethane foam has one of the lowest thermal conductivity rates - 0.020 W/(m*K), which is two times lower than that of mineral wool, polystyrene foam and basalt wool. Therefore, the material can be applied in a layer twice as thin as other insulation materials. This allows you to practically not reduce the area of ​​​​the room and its height. The small thickness of the layer is also due to the lack of lathing necessary for insulation with roll and slab materials.

This material can also be used to insulate the floor of a warehouse. This technique is much more effective than filling expanded clay between the joists and laying damp cotton insulation. Polyurethane foam is quite durable, so it does not break or crack during use.

Along with insulation, the floor is often waterproofed; you can read about this in another article.

Roof structure

The construction of roof structures is divided into attic and non-attic. Industrial buildings are made at a slight slope to drain precipitation; they are usually roofless. Attic roof types are mainly pitched structures with an inclination angle of about 30-70° and load-bearing elements in the form of rafters, large panels and trusses.

Lathing is laid on the rafters and trusses, usually from wooden beam, or boardwalk. It serves as the basis for a roof made of rolls waterproofing materials. Additionally, before laying the rolled carpet, if there is such a need, vapor and heat insulation is made with special materials.

For spans of 10-12 m, they are built as a system with hanging rafters. It is a structure, the main load-bearing part of which is roof trusses resting on the walls of the building. A vertical headstock (suspension) is installed in the center of the truss. It is connected to the walls rafter legs, serving as a load-bearing basis for the roof. To give the structure rigidity, struts running from the base of the beam rest against them.

The following materials are most often used for this design:

  • For hanging rafters- boards or beams;
  • for the lower chord and tensile racks - steel profile or pipes;
  • for farms - reinforced concrete or steel.

Single or gable roofs from large ribbed reinforced concrete panels are built with a central support, which can serve as interior wall. The panels rest on it and external walls structures. The span of the structure, as a rule, is 6-6.4 m. Fastening is steel anchors. Asphalt or cement strainer and the rolled carpet is glued. Nowadays, panels are predominantly made from waterproof concrete, which does not require waterproofing, so there is no need for it.

Industrial roofs of buildings with a height of more than two floors are protected with brick parapets.

Industrial roofing without purlins is formed by reinforced concrete slabs, which are both a load-bearing element and the base of the roof. A cold roof is built from heavy concrete, after laying the plane is leveled with asphalt mastic or cement mortar followed by gluing the rolled carpet.

Foam concrete is used for insulation, mineral insulation, a screed is made on top of them and roll waterproofing is glued.

Sometimes flat roofs do without slope. To avoid overheating, in some cases they are protected by filling them with water to a depth of 5-15 cm; before the onset of winter, the water is drained.

Chimneys and ventilation outlets require a special device for connecting the roof to them. To do this, collars are made of tin, closely adjacent to the pipe; the collar is placed above the plane of the roof. If the covering is asbestos-cement slate, then the collar on the ridge side is inserted under the roof, and on the overhang side it is placed on top of the slate sheets.

Industrial buildings with a height of more than two floors are fenced with brick parapets or gratings according to MRTU 20-4-65.

Basic requirements for thermal insulation of industrial and administrative buildings

When we talk about thermal insulation of an industrial building, we immediately mean the presence of an aggressive environment, large areas, metal constructions and, as a rule, tight deadlines for completing work. Therefore, the materials that will be used to insulate an industrial building must:

  • install quickly so as not to slow down production processes for a long time;
  • do not be afraid of the alkaline and acidic effects that are present in the air;
  • if possible, protect metal structures of walls and roofs from excess moisture and corrosion;
  • inexpensive.

If there is a question about insulating an administrative building, then there are also some requirements:

  • insulation should not spoil the overall aesthetic appearance of the building;
  • be installed quickly, since the administrative building is constantly in sight;
  • thermal insulation must have low price
  • The service life of the insulation should be as long as possible in order to avoid costly repairs.

And in both cases, of course, we should not forget about EFFICIENCY. The building must maintain the required temperature conditions.

As we see, the requirements for insulation of industrial and administrative buildings a lot and they are all quite serious. But for sprayed polyurethane foam insulation this is not a problem.

Materials for insulation of industrial buildings

It is important to remember that the specifics of thermal insulation industrial buildings determined, first of all, by their purpose and location. In all cases, comprehensive work is required to improve the overall thermal protection of the building

Therefore, it is quite logical that for each individual part of the structure should be used different material, suitable for a specific purpose. You can read more about ways to insulate buildings here. For example, mineral wool slabs with combined insulation are best suited for roofing.

In general, the process of insulating an industrial roof includes several stages:

  • Laying galvanized steel profile sheet.
  • Installation of vapor barrier (polyethylene film).
  • Installation of insulation (mineral wool).
  • Installation polystyrene foam boards followed by installation of the roofing system.

Stages of thermal insulation of walls of industrial buildings

The load-bearing walls of the structure must be made of brick, concrete and its varieties (foam concrete, aerated concrete). The structure of these materials has specific features that prevent the passage of cold air.

When using cement or bitumen glue, PPS boards are installed. It is necessary to use only varieties that are designed specifically for the facades of premises. For greater safety, you can install fireproof cutouts made of mineral wool.

The final stage is giving the walls the necessary appearance with help decorative plaster. To do this, a reinforcing mesh is applied over the slabs, and then a layer of plaster.

This method of insulating the walls of industrial buildings is very popular in Europe. Its peculiarity is that after using this technology there is no need to update the insulation itself. It is enough just to change the outer decorative layer from time to time, which can crumble over the years.

Talking about industrial insulation, it is worth taking into account the fact that the thermal insulation of industrial buildings must be comprehensive. In this regard, we must not forget about floor insulation.

Stages of floor insulation

Installation of floor slabs to provide stability to the future insulated structure.

Laying PPS slabs. Their size depends on the area of ​​the room and is selected individually in each specific case.

Installation of the waterproofing layer.

The final stage is screed. Laying plywood and gypsum fiber to increase thermal insulation properties floor, as well as the stability of the entire structure.

This insulation technology is usually used specifically for reinforced concrete coverings of premises (industrial buildings). She has best characteristics and is designed to increase the thermal stability coefficient of the building as a whole.

Features of industrial thermal insulation using polyurethane foam

The methods described above are classic and provide good performance in terms of thermal protection. However, technology does not stand still, and the thermal insulation of industrial buildings is also taking on new forms. In particular, this applies to the use of polyurethane foam (PPU), applied by spraying.

  • Long service life. If technology is followed using modern equipment, polyurethane foam can last more than 50 years.
  • Safety for human health.
  • He endures negative impacts environment and is resistant to fungi and mold.
  • No technological seams. Thereby thermal insulation characteristics industrial buildings are increasing significantly.
  • The process of spraying polyurethane foam can be carried out in the shortest possible time, which is also a plus for the entire production rhythm.

Of course, when insulating industrial facilities, many nuances always arise. This applies to both the choice of materials and the method of application (which in turn depends on the purpose of the object and its location).

Ignoring at least one of the points can significantly reduce thermal protection production premises, which will inevitably lead to additional costs in the future. Second required condition - A complex approach to the entire industrial facility. If these conditions are met, it is achieved best effect. And the process of insulating an industrial building will be practical and effective.

How to insulate a cold warehouse in winter

How to insulate gates in a warehouse

Photo: insulated warehouse gates

To insulate gates in a warehouse, you can use polystyrene foam or penoplex. The material is light, durable, and not afraid of precipitation. You can use sheets 50 mm thick, which are inserted into a frame made of 50x50 mm wood blocks. The timber is pre-treated with an antiseptic, and all remaining seams between the foam sheets are sealed with polyurethane foam.

When the entire gate area is insulated, moisture-resistant plywood or OSB is mounted on top. The whole technology is no different from insulating a garage door. The gate can also be insulated with mineral or glass wool, which is also placed in a frame made of wooden blocks. The width of the beam must correspond to the thickness of the thermal insulation layer, which can be calculated using a calculator.

Before laying basalt wool, the entire frame and gate are covered with a moisture-proofing membrane. After laying the insulation, the frame is again covered with moisture insulation, so that the mineral wool is protected from getting wet on all sides. Next, bars are attached to the frame to create a ventilation gap so that moisture evaporates from the surface of the film, and the gate is covered with plywood or OSB.

How to insulate a roof in a warehouse

Insulation metal roofing hangar

Insulation of a hangar roof is often difficult due to the significant height of the structure and its lightness, which is why it is often impossible to use heavy structures. A simpler, but more expensive way to insulate the roof in a warehouse is to hire specialists who will quickly spray polyurethane foam onto the structure. Polyurethane foam will create a continuous layer without seams and will not load the hangar roof.

A cheaper, but at the same time labor-intensive method is to create and insulate the ceiling. In many cases, this method is simply impossible to implement due to significant loads on the light structures of the walls and roof of the hangar. If the warehouse has concrete walls and ceilings, then there should be no problems. You can use any roll or slab insulation for this.

Mineral wool or expanded polystyrene slabs should be laid in a pre-constructed timber frame. The distance between the bars should be 1-1.5 cm less than the width of the mineral wool or glass wool sheets so that the insulation fits as tightly as possible to the bars. Additionally, the thermal insulation should be secured with dowels using fungi and covered with a vapor barrier to protect it from moisture.

How to insulate a concrete floor in a warehouse

Scheme of insulation of concrete floors on the ground

The concrete floor should be insulated during the construction of the hangar. Thermal insulation is produced by insulating the earthen floor with polystyrene foam or penoplex. Insulation slabs are laid on pre-leveled ground (to do this, fill the foundation from the inside with soil or sand). A caracas of reinforcement is knitted on top, and the floor in the hangar is filled with a thick layer of concrete.

If it is necessary to insulate the floor in a hangar after construction is completed, then this work will require significant financial costs. Because it will be necessary to re-lay insulation and pour concrete where cars and forklifts will drive. In those rooms where there is no significant load, you can insulate the floors along the joists, using polystyrene foam or mineral wool as a heat insulator.

This floor insulation technology was described in detail earlier in the article “Floor insulation in wooden house which one is better” and will not be difficult. All work on insulating the hangar from the inside for the winter can be done in stages, so as not to completely stop the work of the organization.

The issue of insulating warehouses is as pressing as the problem of reducing heat loss in winter when the gates are open. Sometimes vestibules are used for these purposes, which significantly complicates the loading and unloading process. Another popular option is the use of heat guns, which can quickly warm up the air in the room after it has cooled down with the gates open.

Coating structures

industrial buildings are usually
are satisfied with the roofless ones. They consist
from load-bearing and enclosing structures.

Load-bearing rafters
structures are trusses, beams,
arches and frames. They support the fence
part, giving it an appropriate
roofing material, required slope.

Fencing includes
flooring ( reinforced concrete slabs,
asbestos-cement or metal
sheets, etc.), vapor barrier, insulation,
leveling screed and waterproofing.

In non-insulated
There are no (“cold”) coatings
vapor barrier and insulation.

In one-story
industrial buildings are the most
coatings made from large-sized
slabs laid along the top chords
truss structures. Using
flooring made from small-sized elements
the latter rest on purlins laid
to the rafters

What material should you choose for warehouse thermal insulation?

If you decide to insulate your warehouse, then it is best to choose polyurethane foam for these purposes. It has a lot of advantages:

Easy to install. Insulation work using this material will take no more than 1 day. Agree that such terms are quite attractive;

Saving. In addition to the fact that your goods will always be safe, you can save on heating. Insulating warehouses with polyurethane foam reduces energy costs by 50%. A one-time investment in insulation will help you save for years to come;

Durability. Polyurethane foam
It can serve as insulation for several decades.

Why is it worth using our help to insulate a warehouse?

Have you decided to insulate your own warehouses, but don’t know who to entrust this work to? Contact the MasterPena company.

We have been providing insulation services using polyurethane foam for more than 7 years. Our specialists have extensive experience in this field and use modern equipment.

The MasterPena company takes on projects of any complexity. And the result of its work and the materials used are guaranteed for up to 50 years. We use only certified polyurethane foam.

All work is completed as quickly as possible - up to 1 day. At the same time, the cost of our work is very affordable. In fact, you only need to pay for the material itself. Its delivery, installation and calculation of the cost of all work are carried out absolutely free.

Warehouses are designed to store various materials and goods. Often, the storage of certain groups of goods requires special conditions, including a certain temperature, humidity, and generally microclimate. To create these conditions, the room must be isolated as much as possible from the effects of conditions external environment, that is, to seal and thermally insulate. In cold climates, house facades are not able to retain heat indoors on their own. The result is high heating costs, the low efficiency of which is due to the high thermal conductivity of building materials.


Today, for thermal insulation of premises of any type, many modern insulation materials, which are designed to solve various tasks. However, polyurethane foam, or PPU, is best suited for insulating warehouses. This heat insulator has unique characteristics, so far unattainable for other materials. In particular, PPU has the most low coefficient thermal conductivity, which allows you to recoup investments in thermal insulation in just two seasons, and subsequently save up to 50% on energy resources for a long time.

Find out the cost of thermal insulation for your specific premises

We will call you back at a time convenient for you


The only drawback of polyurethane foam is its exposure to ultraviolet rays. However, this problem can be solved by simply painting the thermal insulation with any paint that will protect the surface.

Naturally, it is impossible to create the necessary microclimate in the warehouse only by thermal insulation of the room. Therefore, in combination with insulation, it is necessary to take care of high-quality, well-designed ventilation. This complex will help make your warehouse an ideal place to store any goods.

Most modern private entrepreneurs, as well as various firms, enterprises and factories, have warehouses at their disposal. As a rule, they are stored in warehouses finished products, goods for sale, Consumables raw materials and much more.

Whatever is in these buildings, if the warehouse is not properly insulated, in cold winter or hot summer periods years, the contents of the warehouse run the risk of becoming unusable or losing their original characteristics.

Advantages of using polyurethane foam as roof insulation

Roof insulation using polyurethane foam has many advantages over other insulation materials:

  • there is no need to dismantle the old roof;
  • polyurethane foam insulation has the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient, which makes it possible to reduce the thickness of the thermal insulation layer;
  • no special preparation of the roof surface is required;
  • PPU material has great adhesion to most building materials;
  • the ability of polyurethane foam to flow around surfaces of any shape and any bends;
  • fill defects and cracks, forming a continuous, smooth, seamless coating;
  • short deadlines for completing roof thermal insulation work using polyurethane foam (work speed is about 300 m2 per day);
  • Icicles do not form on a roof insulated with polyurethane foam.

Thanks to the unique properties of polyurethane foam, it is possible to insulate the roof both from the outside and from the outside. inside. When applying polyurethane foam to the outer surface of the roof, the PPU coating must be protected from sun rays. For these purposes you can use liquid rubber or urethane mastic. Coatings made from these materials will protect the thermal insulation layer of polyurethane foam from ultraviolet rays, create additional waterproofing of the roof and increase its service life.

When using sprayed rigid polyurethane foam for roof insulation in comparison with traditional methods thermal insulation saves time by 80%, and saves money by 50%. In terms of quality and durability, PU foam insulation technologies are many times superior to other insulation methods.

When repairing roofs with polyurethane foam, there is no need to remove the worn-out coating; in addition, all structures present on the roof are additionally sealed, and the absence of thermal bridges prevents the formation of condensation. During roof thermal insulation work using polyurethane foam, there is no need to stop the activity of the entire room, which is also an important advantage of using polyurethane foam.

Polyurethane foam is applied to the surface using a special spraying unit high pressure and within a few minutes the polyurethane foam becomes rigid.

Nuances of fastening insulation

Whatever material is chosen, it must be firmly fixed to the base. For these purposes, you can use two methods:

  1. Bonding to bitumen. A labor-intensive and expensive process, justified only if there is concrete base, since more expensive specialized dowels will not be required and there will be no need to drill holes for them.
  2. Mechanical fastening using special telescopic dowels. They have a very wide cap, due to which they cannot pierce the waterproofing and thus do not violate the tightness flat roof.

Exists building code, according to which the waterproofing carpet is attached to the insulation in the same way as it is attached to the base. At mechanically fastenings, it is better to use a polymer-bitumen weld material as a vapor barrier. Its special elasticity helps to tighten without consequences the small holes inevitably punched by the dowel on which the insulation is attached. If two-layer insulation is used, the slabs must be laid “in a staggered manner” so that the joints of the slabs of the lower layer are necessarily covered by the upper one. In this case, the so-called “cold bridges” do not form. Each insulation board is secured with at least two dowels.

Layers « roofing pie» must be securely fastened

Temperature and comfort inside a building largely depend on proper insulation of the flat roof. By choosing the right materials and carefully observing construction technology, you can get a magnificent structure that will last flawlessly for many years, both as a traditional covering and as the basis for a relaxation area, terrace or roof garden.

Calculation of the roof covering of an industrial building

Required heat transfer resistance.

The parameters of the enclosing structure are selected based on the required heat transfer resistance, calculated using the formula:

— heat transfer resistance of the enclosing structure; — estimated indoor air temperature (); — minimum outside air temperature (); n— coefficient taking into account the location of the enclosing structure, is adopted according to the table SNiP -3-79 (accepted for roofing n=1); — heat transfer coefficient, depends on the smoothness of the inner surface of walls and ceilings and takes values ​​according to SNiP (smooth ceilings); — heat transfer coefficient, determined according to SNiP (for roofing); - standard temperature difference between the air temperature in the room and the temperature internal surfaces enclosing structures, is accepted according to SNiP (based on the condition “industrial buildings with normal operation”); R— thermal resistance of the construction material, determined by the formula

- thickness of the total layer,

Thermal conductivity for normal mode and normal climate, i.e. mode A:

Knowing this, we derive from formula (*) the thickness of the roofing materials:

where is the thickness of the insulation, hence,

For roof insulation we use mineral wool mats, and for waterproofing - three layers of roofing felt on a bitumen base with a total thickness of 15 mm.

Thermal characteristics of roof insulation materials.

Table No. 2.

— mineral wool mats at density.

As waterproofing:

- roofing material for density and -bitumen for density. From here we find the average thermal conductivity value for waterproofing: .

We substitute these values ​​into the formula (**):

We round the resulting value to a multiple of 50 mm. Then, the thickness of the mineral wool layer should be at least 0.05 m


Because — the condition for heat transfer of the enclosing structure is met, therefore, the calculation is correct.

Thermal inertia:

— thermal resistance of the i-th layer.

S 1 = 0.46 - heat absorption of mineral wool, W/ (m2*C);

S 2 = 4.425 - average heat absorption of roofing material and bitumen, W/ (m2*C);

d 1 = 0.05 - thickness of the mineral wool layer, m;

d 2 = 0.015 - thickness of three layers of roofing material on a bitumen base, m.

l 1 = 0.05 - thermal conductivity of mineral wool, W/ (m*C;

l 2 = 0.19 - average thermal conductivity of roofing felt and bitumen, W/ (m*C).

Conclusion: for roof insulation we use mineral wool mats, and for waterproofing - three layers of roofing felt on a bitumen base with a total thickness of 15 mm.

As a filler window openings We choose double glazing in metal frames.

Advantages of polyurethane foam insulation of buildings

Firstly, the thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam is quite low, so even with a small thickness of this insulation on the roof or walls of a building we can always talk about high efficiency(30 mm polyurethane foam at a coefficient of 0.019 W/m*K).

Secondly, the closed cellular structure of polyurethane foam does not allow water or steam to pass through, so the water absorption rates of polyurethane foam are also low. And this speaks not only about preservation of insulation properties
throughout the entire service life, but also about the anti-corrosion protection of metal structures.

Thirdly, polyurethane foam is installed using a foam generator spraying method
, which implies the absence of fasteners, guides, as well as acceleration and simplification of the installation process. In addition, sprayed polyurethane foam is held so tightly that its dismantling is possible only by crude physical methods.

Fourthly, PPU is not afraid of the impact of any chemical reagents(except for concentrated alkalis and acids).

Fifthly, polyurethane foam is applied to the surface in a seamless layer that completely repeats its structure and shape, so you don’t have to worry about a damaged facade. When insulating the facade of a building, you can always paint it with polyurethane foam, apply plaster over it, or use a ventilated facade system.

Choose single-layer or double-layer thermal insulation

First of all, you should consider the installation of a flat roof - insulation can be planned in two ways:

Single-layer thermal insulation system. home distinguishing feature: the entire insulating layer is made of flat roof insulation of the same density. If it is intended to equip a roof that is in use, then it is laid on top of the heat-insulating layer concrete screed. This system is most often used during repairs. old roof or in the construction of garages, warehouses and industrial buildings. The two-layer thermal insulation system is designed differently. Upper layer 30-50 mm thick is made of insulation of increased strength and density. It is designed to redistribute mechanical load. The lower one, with a thickness of 70 to 170 mm, performs the main heat-insulating function

This design allows you to significantly reduce the weight of the roof and, accordingly, reduce the load on the floors, which is very important when renovating old buildings. Exist modern materials, combining the properties of both layers

These insulation materials have a hard top edge and a softer bottom edge. Installation of such slabs occurs very quickly and reduces the time and labor costs for installing the coating.

The two-layer system guarantees the absence of through seams in the thermal insulation layer

The cost of insulation with polyurethane foam (PPU) depending on the volume in m3.
Type of work The cost of insulation when ordering an area
Up to 5 m3 5-10 m3 10-20 m3 >20 m3
Spraying of polyurethane foam medium density 8-12 kg/m3 6000r/m3 5500r/m3 5000r/m3 Negotiable
Spraying polyurethane foam with an average density of 25 kg/m3 11000r/m3 10500r/m3 9500r/m3 Negotiable
Spraying polyurethane foam with an average density of 35 kg/m3 14000r/m3 13500r/m3 13000r/m3 Negotiable
Spraying polyurethane foam with an average density of 45 kg/m3 18000r/m3 17500r/m3 16000r/m3 Negotiable
Special conditions construction companies and an architectural bureau!

The price may change depending on the difficulty of accessing the surface.

Minimum order 30,000 rubles.

The Poliservis company offers services for insulating warehouses with polyurethane foam. Efficient system insulation allows you to create an optimal microclimate in warehouses and ensure the maintenance of standardized temperature values ​​for storing goods or equipment.

Practical insulation for warehouses

Operational properties and installation technology allow us to consider foamed polyurethane insulation as effective solution for thermal insulation of warehouse premises.

The main properties of insulation include:

  • long service life;
  • water resistance and heat resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to rodents;
  • 100% adhesion to any type of substrate.

The polymer material is environmentally friendly and equally effective for external and internal insulation.

PPU installation technology

Foamed polyurethane is applied by spraying using special equipment. This method allows you to create a seamless coating of the required thickness on surfaces of any complex shape. Due to good adhesion, the material is installed without lathing and the use of mechanical fasteners. The hardening time of the foam does not exceed several hours. The method of application and the absence of fasteners make it possible to extremely reduce time losses on thermal insulation.

Insulation of warehouses in Moscow and the Moscow region

By contacting our company, you can place a profitable order for fast and high-quality insulation warehouse premises. We have good prices for services and offer discounts.

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