Combing the lawn mechanically after winter. Spring lawn care at the dacha: its restoration after winter. Caring for rolled lawn after winter

: 10 stages

The winter period is the hardest in the life of a lawn. It is often subject to freezing, excessive moisture, various diseases, trampling. Bald spots appear yellow spots, pits, tubercles. You can repair all this damage if you know how to care for your lawn in the spring.

IN spring time The lawn requires the most attention. At this time, the foundations for his growth and development throughout the season are laid. After winter, a lawn requires care and attention, just like a garden. However, the mechanism of its revival has a specific character.

Lawn care in spring is carried out in stages. Experts advise performing work in the following sequence:

1. Discharge of melt water
2. Weed removal
3. Combing
4. Feeding
5. Watering
6. Aeration
7. Restoration (repair)
8. Treatment
9. Fight against unwanted animals
10. Haircut

When does lawn work begin in the spring?

Lawn care begins in early spring when the first warming occurs and the snow begins to melt. First of all, it is necessary to destroy the ice crust - crust. It prevents the penetration of oxygen and disrupts plant respiration. You can break thin ice with a rake, and thicker ice with a pitchfork.

As a rule, this work can begin at the end of March, when the thaw sets in. In any case, you should familiarize yourself with the forecasts of weather forecasters. If there is a possibility of frost returning, you should wait until April.

Before you take care of your lawn, stock up on wood planks. They will have to be used to move around the site. Otherwise, you risk trampling and further injuring delicate plants.

1. Discharge of melt water

Lawn care after winter begins with draining melt water. To prevent the lawn from being covered with puddles in the spring, arrange drainage system. If drainage is not done, this can lead to the formation of holes and plant rotting. In this case, you will have to drain the water manually.

It happens that part of the area has already dried out, and in some places there is still snow. It is necessary to ensure its rapid melting. Try to distribute the snowdrifts throughout the area. Then the lawn after winter will not be subject to excessive waterlogging, and upper layer the soil will dry out evenly.

2. Weed removal

With the beginning of spring, weeds awaken. It takes away nutrients and moisture. At the same time, the earth becomes depleted and dries out. Weeds also spoil decorative look lawns. They can be dealt with in two ways: removed mechanically or chemically.

The mechanical method is more labor-intensive. Weeding can be done manually or using a shovel, hoe, or root extractor. Weed rhizomes must be carefully pryed and pulled out completely to prevent the subsequent appearance of the weed by vegetative division root In this case, you need to try not to remove too large clods of earth. This method is used in small areas.

Lawn care large sizes requires the use of chemicals to remove weeds - herbicides. The chemical solution is prepared immediately before the start of treatment in accordance with the dosage indicated on the package. It is applied locally to the weeds with a brush or sprayer. Selective herbicides should be used that kill weeds and do not harm lawn grass.

Working with herbicides requires special care. Processing is carried out in calm weather with mandatory use funds personal protection(working clothes, respirator). Children or pets should not be nearby.

3. Combing the lawn

Remains of dry grass are a breeding ground for infections and insect pests. They need to be removed by combing turf rake. This process is called scarification. Before fertilizing the lawn in the spring, it is necessary to comb it to better penetrate the fertilizer to the roots.

The main tasks of scarification:

- removal of “felt” (dead parts of plants)
- destruction of moss
- improving access of sunlight to shoots
- loosening the crust on the soil (improving air exchange of roots and reducing the risk of diseases)

Before caring for your lawn grass, make sure the soil is thoroughly dry. Otherwise, combing may cause roots to be pulled out. lawn grass. You should walk with a rake over the entire area of ​​the site in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Collected waste must not be stored on the lawn. It can be used for compost or taken away.

It is recommended to use a rigid rake with twisted teeth. With them it is possible to clean lawn felt with the highest quality. If you have young lawns, caring for them requires increased care. In this case, soft fan rakes are used.

4. Feeding the grass

In April-May, lawn care continues after winter. When set positive temperature regime, the lawn is fertilized with complex fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen. They also contain phosphorus, potassium and other useful trace elements. Fertilized shoots will recover faster after winter and will be denser and brighter.

It is best to apply fertilizer when the lawn grass has not yet begun to actively grow. Fertilizing must be distributed evenly in strict accordance with the standards specified by the manufacturer. You can use a special sieve for this.

Under the influence sun rays granules can “burn” the emerging grass cover. Therefore, it is better to fertilize the lawn in the evening or in cloudy weather. Perfect time- before the rain. If the weather is dry, the area should be watered generously to dissolve the granules as quickly as possible.

5. Watering the lawn grass

Watering with a jet is not permissible, it washes out the roots and damages the cover. The best system lawn watering - drip. Perfect option- automatic with several sprayers covering the entire area of ​​the lawn.

You need to water in the evening so that less water evaporates and more is absorbed. Don't overdo it. To avoid overwatering, control the volume of water.

Place glass cups on the grass in different places. Record the time during which a little more than 1 cm of water is collected in them. This is a one-time watering rate. In accordance with the results obtained, set the timer for the automatic watering system.

6. Soil aeration

Vertical puncture of compacted soil is called aeration. Can be compared this process with ventilation. Aeration greatly improves the penetration of air and water into the soil. Puncture holes provide artificial gas exchange: oxygen penetrates to the roots and is removed carbon dioxide, which inhibits the growth of lawn grass.

The simplest tool for aeration is a garden fork. The puncture depth should be at least 10 cm. The appearance of the lawn does not suffer in any way. Can be used special devices, for example, spiked aerator sandals. Such a walk on the lawn will not only provide ventilation to the roots of the plants, but will also pump up your legs (which will be very useful before the beach season).

If you have a large lawn, you can make maintaining it easier by purchasing an aerator rake. They have thin teeth-plates that cut the soil horizontally. This tool allows you to combine combing and aeration into one procedure. There are also roller aerators that have a spiked roller. They are even more convenient to work with.

7. Lawn repair

Areas damaged in winter in the form of bald spots and uneven areas require restoration. It is also sometimes necessary to touch up the edges of the lawn. Restoration includes the following procedures:

- digging up “bald” areas
- bedding soil into holes, cutting off the tubercles
- compaction (with a lawn roller or barrel)
- sowing grass mixture
- watering
- mulching

8. Lawn treatment

Yellow zones, gray spots on the grass, mold, mildew, mosses, lichens are lawn diseases. They can be treated chemicals or by removing affected areas and reseeding. Chemicals, as a rule, need to be sprayed 2 times with breaks of 2-3 days.

It is necessary to constantly review the area and identify unhealthy trends in time. Owners who know how to properly care for their lawn recommend disease prevention every spring. To do this, you need to treat the lawn with iron and copper sulfate.

9. Control of unwanted fauna

Moles can live on the lawn in summer, earthworms, ants. They worsen the decorative appearance of the lawn, damage it, and also cause discomfort to people. The fight against them must begin even before they appear.

Install against moles mole parrots (scaring sounds). Although worms improve soil aeration, they also make earthen piles, crushing grass. Mulching will protect you from such troubles. To prevent ants from bothering you when relaxing on the lawn, we treat you with “ akkelik."

10. Lawn mowing

Lawn grass begins to grow at a temperature of +5, so in May it reaches a height of 10 cm. It’s time for the first haircut. This work should only be carried out with a lawnmower on dry grass. The grass cover is mowed to approximately half its height (up to 5 cm) to allow it to recover after winter. All subsequent haircuts will not be so gentle.

A mowed lawn will not delight you with its well-groomed appearance for long. The second haircut should be done after a couple of weeks. You can cut your hair lower - 3-4 cm. It is worth continuing to adhere to this frequency (once every 2 weeks). The cut grass does not have to be removed from the lawn - it will serve as mulch and natural fertilizer.

What to do with the lawn in summer, autumn, winter?

Lawn care begins in early spring and ends in late autumn. Your lawn needs periodic attention throughout the season. However, the most labor-intensive spring activities are already behind us.

During the summer months, lawn grass requires care in the form of fertilizing, weeding, cutting, and watering. It is advisable to carry out aeration 1-2 times during the summer. You also need to trim the edges of the lawn.

Caring for lawn grass in the fall involves the same work as in the summer. However, their number is gradually decreasing. Haircuts and watering are becoming less and less. In rainy times, the lawn is repaired by overseeding and fertilizing with potash fertilizers. Before winter, the area is cleared of leaves and aerated.

In winter, the vegetation on the lawn enters a dormant period; it is advisable not to disturb it. Avoid walking or storing anything on the lawn. You cannot fill the skating rink in this place in winter. If the winter has little snow, it is recommended to throw snow from the paths onto the lawn to protect it from freezing. Winter is the time to prepare tools and equipment for lawn care

Lawn care using special equipment

Most lawn work is quite labor intensive. If you have seeded a large lawn, lawn care is easier to carry out using special equipment. It saves time and effort.

A mechanical seeder can be used to disperse fertilizer. This way the granules are distributed more evenly. For combing, scarifiers or special nozzles on the lawn mower. Electrical combers at the same time aerate the lawn. There are also motor aerators, which are indispensable when processing particularly large areas.

Buying a rolled lawn

If you do not have a lawn or it is in poor condition, then you should think about purchasing a rolled lawn. According to statistics, this is what most homeowners around the world choose. This is a ready-to-roll sheet of turf on which grass has already been grown.

Caring for a rolled lawn does not require much effort. However, it also needs to be cut, watered, fertilized and combed. The appearance of a new rolled lawn is always perfect, and the subsequent appearance depends on how you look after it.


Lawn traditional decoration suburban area. Thanks to careful care, in summer it looks bright and juicy and serves beautiful background For flowering plants. Owners are often disappointed when they see their lawn after winter. Proper care in the spring it will help restore the former beauty of the lawn.

First work in spring

Lawn care work after winter begins in early April. Make sure that the snow lies evenly over the entire area. If snowdrifts form, scatter the snow evenly.

An ice crust appears on the ground in spring. It prevents air from penetrating the root system of plants, which leads to its death. The crust is easily removed with a rake.

In April, the snow begins to actively melt and puddles form on the surface. Stagnant water is detrimental to turf. To make the water drain away faster, the ground is pierced with a pitchfork. Piercing the soil helps air penetrate to the roots. If this process is neglected, carbon dioxide accumulating in the top layer of soil will slow down the growth of grass and provoke the development of destructive diseases. Walking on the lawn during this period is not recommended, as traces will remain. The main work to restore the coating after winter is carried out when the soil is dry.

Garbage removal and aeration

After the snow has melted and the soil has dried, you can comb out the turf and remove debris. A fan rake works best for this task. The grass is combed out in two mutually perpendicular directions.

The lawn cleared of debris is aerated or ventilated. This process feeds the roots with oxygen and prevents fungal diseases. For two days before aeration, the lawn is watered generously. Traditionally, aeration is done with a pitchfork, the soil is pierced to a depth of 8 cm. Lawn large area easier to handle with special aerators.

Fertilizing the lawn after winter

A combed lawn looks unsightly: the grass is pale and sparse, there are bald spots, and spring soil exhausted by frost. At the beginning of the growing season, complex nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the soil. Part spring fertilizers includes:

  • nitrogen – makes the grass thicker and greener;
  • phosphorus – strengthens roots;
  • Potassium – makes the lawn resistant to disease and drought.

An important condition for fertilizing is dry grass and moist soil. The result of fertilizing is visible almost immediately. The grass begins to grow intensively, becomes thicker and more resistant to trampling.

If the spring is dry, then mulching is carried out after fertilizing. This process:

  • moisturizes the soil;
  • loosens the soil and improves water absorption;
  • enhances the development of adventitious roots.

For mulching, peat and sand are mixed in a 1:1 ratio, and a glass of lawn grass seeds is added to each bucket of the resulting mixture. Before mulching, the lawn grass is mowed down to 3 cm. The mixture is evenly scattered over the lawn so that the grass is not completely covered. The mulch mixture is leveled with a rake.

First lawn mowing

When the grass reaches 10 cm in height, the lawn can be mowed. The first time the lawn is cut to a height of 5 cm. After two weeks, the grass is cut again to a height of 3 cm. Only dry grass is cut, otherwise the lawn mower will leave marks.

Weed control

Weeds on the lawn begin to grow immediately after the snow melts. They can be dealt with mechanically and chemically.

Hand weeding is a more gentle method that is used in small areas. Root extractors or a trowel make weeding easier. If the root is not completely removed from the ground, the weed will grow back in this place.

Chemical weeding is used over large areas. Special selective herbicides destroy weeds without harming lawn grass. Chemical weeding requires the use of personal protective equipment. Treatment is not carried out in windy weather. The grass is treated by spraying or brushing the leaves.

Possible problems after winter and ways to solve them

If you want to see on your site in summer beautiful lawn, care after winter, fertilizing and watering will help achieve the desired result. Situations arise when additional measures are required: sowing, treatment, removal of excess moisture.

  1. The lawn thins out after winter. If the resulting bald spots small size, then they are covered with pieces of turf taken from under bushes or from the edge of the lawn. Large bald spots require additional grass seeding. To do this, the soil is loosened with a pitchfork, sand is added to it, and then grass is sown. Areas with newly sown grass do not require any special care except for regular watering. A greenhouse over a seeded bald spot will speed up the growth of new grass. For his device polyethylene film is fixed on pegs.
  2. Puddles appear on the lawn after winter. The reason for this is the highly compacted soil. To allow water to drain away from areas where it accumulates, the turf is cut and removed. The soil is loosened and mixed with peat or sand in equal proportions. After the surface becomes smooth, the cut turf is returned to its place.
  3. In spring, snow mold appears on the lawn. It looks like a white mass sticking together grass leaves. If the disease has just appeared and has not yet spread, it is enough to cut the grass short at the affected area. After this, the lawn is treated with an antifungal drug. If the mold spreads severely, the lawn will have to be re-seeded.

After winter, the lawn often loses its attractiveness: bald spots appear on it, and unevenness forms in some places.

During this period, the green lawn needs care more than ever. If action is not taken in time, the lawn grass may eventually die.

To prevent this from happening, you need to know some nuances and follow certain rules. About them and we'll talk In this article.

Restoring the lawn after winter

After the snow melts, the first thing to do is take care of and cleaning the area from leaves, as well as herbs:

  • Rolling. As mentioned above, in the spring, irregularities in the form of hummocks or ordinary protrusions may appear on the lawn. To eliminate them, rolling is required (usually carried out by the end of April). Unfortunately, it is impossible to do it on your own - this requires special equipment - roller or roller. The design allows specialists to press and smooth out bulges. Lawn leveling services are usually inexpensive. Most companies charge for work 10 rubles per 1 sq. m;
  • Combing the lawn in spring- the procedure is mandatory. The deadline for its implementation falls in the middle or end of April, when the earth finally dries out. The essence of the process is that using special rakes(fan) removes dry leaves, straw, and debris. This must be done carefully, trying not to damage the herb rhizomes.

Watering the lawn

A lawn is a must in both spring and summer water.

Methods and schemes for watering a green lawn directly depend on its size. For example, in small areas it is used drip irrigation(read about how to organize it, but for large ones you can’t do without a sprinkler.

Let's talk about everything in order:

  • Small lawns. In this case, drip irrigation is suitable. To do this, it is used with small holes, from which water flows out little by little (drops). If your lawn is small, you can water it by hand. In this case, you may need a special device for the hose - a sprinkler;
  • Medium lawns. For them, as a rule, sprinklers are used (special attachments for a garden hose). The choice of its configuration depends on the shape of the lawn. If it is square, then a swinging sprinkler is suitable for the hose, and if it is round, a circular one is suitable;
  • Large lawns. For such lawns, a retractable sprinkler is used. However, to use it, you need to lay it underground water pipes and automatically extending sprinklers. This system is very expensive and not every lawn owner can afford it. Most economical option– sprinklers with surface (stationary) arrangement of nozzles.

Time and norms for watering the lawn, water consumption

The most best time for watering the lawn - morning.

This will eliminate the possibility of burns on the grass. Some sources say that you can water the lawn in the evening hours.

Note! Spring watering The lawn can be started in the first ten days of April (the snow should have melted and the soil should have dried out). Starting from September, it is no longer worth performing this operation - a sufficient amount of moisture accumulates in the ground after the beginning of the autumn rains.

Under no circumstances should you flood the lawn - the grass may start rot.

Most best option for hot summer - 2 or 3 times a week, the rest of the time it's enough 1 or 2 times. Water consumption: per 1 sq. m. usually takes about 15-20 liters. water.


In spring, the lawn is fed 2 times: immediately after How will the snow melt and when will the first haircut be made?(usually this moment occurs in mid-May):

  • In the first case, only nitrogen fertilizers, for example, urea (5 grams per 1 sq. m.);
  • The second feeding is more abundant. They are used for it nitrogen (10 grams per 1 sq. m.), superphosphate (3 grams per 1 sq. m.) and potassium sulfate (5 grams per 1 sq. m.).

You can fertilize your lawn dry and liquid methods:

  • Dry method usually used in small areas. To do this, it is enough to evenly scatter the granules over the surface;
  • At liquid method the necessary fertilizing is diluted in water. Water the lawn with the resulting solution (using a watering can). This method is considered the most effective - nutrients penetrate the soil much faster.

Important tip! It is best to apply fertilizer before rain or watering. This will allow all beneficial microelements to be quickly absorbed. Try to ensure that the granules of the preparations are distributed evenly over the surface of the lawn.

Weed control

There is no escape from weeds. Of course, on a densely sown lawn there are much fewer of them, but we cannot talk about their complete absence.

There are several ways to get rid of unnecessary grass:

  1. Mechanical. This method involves manual removal of weeds. This usually happens this way: using a garden knife, the roots of the weed are carefully dug up and thrown away. Also in a good way The best way to combat weeds is to cut them as much as possible - this action weakens the plant, and after a while it dies. It is worth noting that the above methods are good when the lawn is young. On a mature lawn, it is better to use chemicals;
  2. Chemical. This method is based on the use of special chemicalsherbicides. They, as a rule, do not harm lawn grass, but they fight well against weeds. It must be said that herbicides are continuous action(kill all weeds) and electoral(affect certain types of weeds, for example, dandelions). The product is available in the form of a liquid concentrate or powder. The effect of liquid preparations can be seen after a few days, and of dry preparations in at least a week. Of course, today lawn owners have their own favorite products. These include, for example, the drug "Tornado"(kills all weeds, available in powder form) and "Lontrel 300"(acts locally, produced in the form of a liquid concentrate). You can buy the above drugs at any agricultural store. The price is quite high: from 1 thousand rub. up to 4 thousand rubles. In addition to herbicides, you can pick up a diffuser or spreader in the store (it can be useful for seeding lawn grass). Also, to use liquid herbicides, you will need to purchase a special sprinkler.

Caring for rolled lawn after winter

Caring for a rolled lawn in the spring is almost the same as caring for a regular seeded lawn.

His comb, aerate(punctures in the soil) using a fork. The distance between the holes made should be approximately 10-15 cm.

This simple manipulation allows you to enrich the grass roots with oxygen. We must not forget about feeding. At the beginning of May you can make your first haircut. The most ordinary lawn mower will do for this.

How to protect your lawn in winter

In autumn, a lawn is a must prepare for wintering.

If this is not done, in the spring there may be nothing left of the green lawn - it will rot or freeze.

Let's look at the main stages of preparing the lawn for the winter:

  1. In order for the lawn to survive the winter well, special preparation is needed. To do this, in October (usually at the end of the month), any phosphorus-potassium fertilizer (5-10 g per 1 sq. m.). This will help improve the winter hardiness of plants and also stimulate the growth of grass roots. Fertilizing should be done on a dry and windless day;
  2. To prevent rotting of the lawn, it is necessary to carry out the procedure airing the ground– aeration. For this you will need pitchforks. With their help you need to pierce every 15 cm. soil (puncture depth - 8-10 cm). This operation (it can be done both in spring and autumn) will help saturate the roots of the lawn grass with air;
  3. It will also help reduce the likelihood of lawn rot. timely leaf removal;
  4. It is not recommended to trim the lawn before the onset of winter - short stems may not survive the winter.

If you properly care for your lawn: water and fertilize on time, your lawn will delight you with an attractive appearance throughout the summer and fall.

You can watch detailed information on how to restore your lawn after wintering in this video instruction.

Nutrition: the basics

First spring work lawn care should begin with fertilizing. Some gardeners recommend spreading fertilizer over melting snow. This is not very effective, since half of them will be carried out of the soil with melt water. Be patient, wait until the soil warms up to 10°C and then feed the grass nitrogen fertilizers at the rate of 0.5 kg per 1 hundred square meters (this corresponds to 1.2 kg of urea or 1.5 kg of ammonium nitrate).

It is better to divide the first feeding into two “portions” (for example, 0.6 kg of urea per hundred square meters) and apply them at intervals of a week.

The fertilizer mixture must be evenly distributed throughout the lawn. For this it is better to use a manual sprinkler.

Our advice:

It is not justified to use complex fertilizers in early spring that contain, in addition to nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and microelements. It is better to apply them in early May.

If the weather is dry outside, then after fertilizing you need to water the lawn so that the fertilizers are well dissolved and do not burn the plants.

Spring lawn care: comb and chop

A couple of weeks after fertilizing the soil, the lawn needs to be “combed out”. Use a rake for this purpose. They will do a great job with fallen leaves and dry grass.

After you have cleared your lawn, you should aerate it. Special aerators or garden forks will do this job well. If you use a fork, make sure that the depth of the soil puncture is at least 8 cm. At this depth, air will easily flow to the roots.

Our advice:

If your lawn is large area, then it will be difficult for you to care for it manually. Then concentrate your efforts on those areas where water stagnates.

Down with the weeds!

At the end of April and beginning of May, weeds begin their “expansion”. IN spring period It is advisable to start weeding the lawn. You can use two weeding options:

  1. Organic - for these purposes, use a narrow weeding scoop or special lawn forks.
  2. With the help of chemicals. Selective herbicides show their effectiveness in the control of dicotyledonous weeds (lintur, makstar, golf and others), as well as dandelion and clover.

Herbicides should be avoided if the lawn mixture contains legumes.

Reseeding empty areas on the lawn

If you see withered grass or bald spots on your lawn, then you need to reseed the lawn in these areas. First you need:

  • level the area, roll it with a roller or compact it with boards
  • loosen the top layer and sow a mixture of lawn grasses
  • the seed rate for overseeding is 50-60% of the initial sowing rate

Leveling out the bumps

Hummocks can form due to soil heterogeneity and uneven moisture in winter. When caring for your lawn in early spring, they should not be left on the lawn as they will spoil its appearance. Even rolled lawn can “bubble” after winter. Rolling the lawn with a roller helps get rid of bubbles and bumps.

Lawn care after winter: and getting rid of snow mold

Snow mold may develop on the lawn if there has been a thaw in the winter. The result is the formation of mycelium of several types of pathogenic fungi, which cause a fluffy pink coating on the grass and a fluffy light gray coating

Snow mold is easily noticeable in cloudy and windless weather on an unmowed lawn. It looks like a thin layer of snow.

  • The most disease-resistant herbs are: many varieties of red fescue.
  • The following have an average degree of resistance: meadow and reed fescue.
  • Most vulnerable: meadow bluegrass and perennial ryegrass.

Our advice:

To protect the lawn from snow mold, it is necessary to carry out autumn or early spring treatments with fungicides (foundazole).

Tatyana Yukhimenko, landscape architect
© Ogorodnik magazine

It's hard to find a lived-in one land plot, where the improvement of the adjacent territory is not given enough attention. By planting lawn grass, you can create an excellent natural backdrop, thereby providing ground cover for half or most of your garden plot.

Benefits of Perennial Lawn Grasses

Plant crops for the lawn can be either single or perennial. Perennial varieties herbs differ in several characteristics:

  • have increased frost resistance;
  • V winter period Such crops are characterized by the complete death of the above-ground part of the plant;
  • with the beginning of the spring season, plant shoots grow again from the preserved root.

Such lawns sprout, gradually filling the soil. Perennial lawn varieties provide dense landscaping and give abundant flowering further. The main condition for impeccable appearance lawn, uniform coverage and color saturation is the correct measures to care for the vegetation, including planned fertilizing procedures. The issue of landscaping requires special attention with the arrival of warmth and snow melting, when it is necessary to fertilize the lawn after winter in order to restore it.

Features of care in the spring

Absolutely all plants need regular feeding. Such replenishment is especially relevant in the spring, as the growing season begins. Recommendations regarding fertilizing the lawn state that the procedure must be carried out three times, but it should be noted that the first application of fertilizers is carried out after the snow has melted. This method of fertilizing is based on the absorption of all useful elements by moist soil.

The effectiveness of fertilizing depends on the following factors:

  • applying fertilizers exclusively to moist soil;
  • compliance of the type of fertilizing with the planted plants;
  • fertilizers applied in the spring are mostly different increased content nitrogen;
  • the rationing of consumed fertilizers varies within the range of 30 – 50 g/m2;
  • The best period for feeding is the moment before the young shoots begin to appear.

Methods for applying dry fertilizers

Having properly planned the time and selected the type of fertilizer suitable for the planted varieties of grass, you can begin activities to replenish the soil and planted crops.

There are several ways to apply fertilizer to wet soil:

  1. Manually spreading dry fertilizer over an area with a lawn that has not yet emerged. This method is quite ineffective due to excessive labor intensity and the possibility uneven distribution nutrients on the surface of the earth.
  2. Distribute fertilizer using a mechanical garden spreader. This method will not only shorten the duration of the work, but also save the consumption of applied fertilizer.

Related procedures for restoring a perennial lawn

Fertilizing the lawn in the spring is far from a one-step procedure, based solely on the scattering of dry nutrients.

To help perennial lawn to recover and ensure its most attractive appearance, the following work should be gradually implemented:

  1. After fertilizing the soil, a pause of 1.5 - 2 weeks should be maintained. During this period, no actions should be taken towards the development and improvement of this site.
  2. After the allotted time has passed, as the top layer dries lawn area All detected plant debris should be thoroughly removed.
  3. It is necessary to get rid of the crust formed over the winter by carrying out work when the plant felt is lifted from the surface of the earth by performing vertical movements.

In parallel with verticulation, scarification is encouraged, which involves a kind of scraping of unnecessary elements at the site of grass germination. If it is not possible to feed the lawn immediately after the snow melts, this can be corrected by applying additional fertilizer after scarification is completed.

The need for mandatory site aeration

Fertilizing will not give positive results if steps have not been taken to aerate the area. Considering the fact that during the winter the soil becomes denser, harder, and accumulates carbon dioxide in quantities that are detrimental to lawn plants. The flow of air to the roots of plants may not only be hampered, but blocked. To avoid oxygen starvation of the roots, aeration work should be carried out in any available way.

The most common ones are:

  • using special gardening equipment that allows you to change attachments and soil penetration depth parameters;
  • manually, using ordinary garden forks.

Such manipulations will ensure not only the flow of oxygen into the soil, but also contribute to the accelerated oxidation of applied fertilizers.

In the second half of April, care should be taken to implement measures aimed at controlling weeds. The most effective method is to apply herbicides at the formation stage.

Video - restoring the lawn after winter

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