How to poison moths at home. How to get rid of moths in the house forever using folk remedies. We use chemicals

The presence of moths in an apartment and house affects the appearance of things and the quality of food products. Among moth repellents, you need to choose those that are suitable for a specific type of insect. It is necessary to get rid of not only adults, but also to destroy egg-laying and larvae.

You can determine the appearance of moths in an apartment by:

  • the formation of islands without fur on an expensive fur coat;
  • small holes in fabrics;
  • small grayish worms in cereals, flour;
  • egg laying in the corners of the wardrobe, on furniture.

The eaters of things and food are larvae, which need food for development. If you do not eliminate the place where moth eggs are laid, the larvae will continue to hatch, and it will be very difficult to save a fur coat, books, and other household items from their gluttony.

Main types of moths

There are several types house moth. And the butterfly looks different depending on its diet and habitat in the house.

Clothes moth

The most popular type of moth in the world lives in closets where the owners' belongings are located. Adults are butterflies with a wingspan of 12 to 18 millimeters. The transparent wings are uniformly colored in a light yellow tint. The front ones are narrow with gray gloss and fringe.

The female lays hundreds of white eggs per season, from which a larva emerges, similar to a grayish worm up to 7 millimeters long.

food moth

The food pest starts in the kitchen. If the cereals are in bags, then the moth makes its way there, laying eggs. An adult butterfly has brownish or gray wings with light spots. Eggs laid in bulk products, dried fruits, and nuts are visible to the naked eye. Then whitish larvae appear in the bags. Butterfly caterpillars devour food, leaving excrement inside. You cannot eat contaminated cereals or flour.

  • under the shell walnut;
  • in dried fruits;
  • in the bread bin;
  • inside cereals, pasta;
  • in flour;
  • in ground spices.

Sometimes the pest is even found in garlic.

Cereal moth

One of the varieties of food moth is the cereal moth. It can live only in cereals, avoiding other food products. It is difficult to notice the grayish butterfly. She flies at night. Occasionally they notice her during the day, but she moves so quickly, rushing from side to side, that it is difficult to catch her. The pest is capable of infecting all the cereals in the cupboard in a short time. If you don’t catch it in time, you will have to throw away bulk products contaminated with eggs and larval waste.

Fur coat

This dangerous pest prefers to feed on fur and felt. The wingspan of the butterfly is from 10 to 16 millimeters. The front ones are golden in color with brown spots or dots. The front edge of the wings is covered with light fringe. On the hind wings the fringe is darker.

Elongated oval-shaped eggs are light gray and large. The fertility of a female butterfly is up to 120 eggs. From them larvae emerge, which build themselves a cover from the lining threads of the fur coat. In the spring, caterpillar worms pupate. Until this time, they harm fur products.


Previously, this type of moth was classified as a clothes moth, but over time it was differentiated. The butterfly has narrow and long wings. Their color varies from dark to light golden with a reddish tint. During the day, butterflies hide in dark corners and fly out at night. The female lays yellowish eggs. The higher the air temperature, the faster the eggs develop. The development of caterpillars also depends on the air temperature in the apartment. The larvae prefer dry and dark places. They belong to the group of keratophages. Butterflies can damage furniture upholstery and book bindings.


A type of furniture moth is a small butterfly with light yellow wings, a wingspan of 9-14 millimeters. Egg laying can be found in woolen items. Then larvae with a brownish head and a white body appear in the closet on the 6th day after laying eggs.

You can see butterflies in the fall, when they emerge from their pupae. Adults do not feed on keratids, and sedentary larvae are voracious. Their molt cases and excrement can be found in the folds of shawls and sweaters.


Pests of grain stocks can live in warehouses. The butterfly has a body length of 9 millimeters, and the span of narrow lanceolate wings is up to 11-19. On the front wings, yellowish-gray, there are 2 black spots. The hind wings are painted in light gray tones of a bronze tint, with fringe visible along the edges. It is difficult to distinguish the color of a butterfly from the color of wheat grains.

During its short life of 1-2 weeks, the grain moth lays eggs in clusters. The female's fertility is 150-200 oval, milky white eggs. The pest's caterpillars are born yellow-orange and then change color to milky white. By gnawing the grain shell, they penetrate inside, where they feed on the endosperm. Inside the shell of the grain, one half may be occupied by a caterpillar, and the other half by its excrement. Pupation also occurs there. Over the summer, moths in barns produce 3-4 generations of pests.

How dangerous are moths?

The damage that moths cause at home is associated with damage to:

  • wool and woolen products;
  • things made of fur;
  • books;
  • furniture upholstery;
  • stocks of crackers, cereals and flour;
  • nut harvest;
  • dried fruits

Things and food become unusable. You have to get rid of them. The grain moth destroys grain reserves by 40% if the pest is not destroyed in time. Adults do not feed, but carry pathogenic organisms on their paws, contaminating food products. If a moth appears, then it is necessary to take all measures to get rid of it.

Causes of moths

We need to know where the harmful insects in our homes come from in order to take preventive measures. Most often, a butterfly flies into open vents and windows. If the conditions at home are favorable for its reproduction, the moth climbs into secluded corners and lays eggs. Another way for insects to enter is through ventilation odors and cracks in windows. Butterflies bring eggs along with food shared by relatives and grandmothers. Pest eggs are carried by domestic animals. When an adult cat or dog is given away, the fur should be carefully examined. After all, in addition to fleas and ticks, you can find moth eggs.

When a flying pest appears, you need to get rid of it as soon as you find it.

Fighting methods

Moths should be fought sparing no time or money. But even the most effective remedy will not help destroy the insect if the closets remain a mess, and clothes and shoes are not properly cared for.


Chemical control methods are the most effective, which is why consumers often choose them. A popular drug against all types of household insects is Dichlorvos. It is used against mosquitoes, ticks, and cockroaches. It will also help get rid of moths. But there are other effective pesticides made using the latest technologies.


This method of treating premises from different types pest control is based on spraying tiny particles insecticide. Prepare a solution for aerosols using hot and cold fog generators. The working solution is crushed into aerosol particles. Usually they take poisons dissolved in trihydric alcohols or diesel fuel.

It is convenient to fight moths with aerosol insecticides, but before doing this you need to clear the room or closet of things and household items. It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning, home cleaning.


The best product was developed by employees of the Disinsection Research Institute and Moscow State University. The laboratory controls the production of insecticide protective equipment Switzerland.

The drug is used to destroy butterflies at all stages of development, as well as for preventive purposes. The main substance, as a carrier of poison, permethrin is dissolved in isopropyl alcohol. The aerosol differs:

  • 100% destruction of the pest;
  • low toxicity for humans and domestic animals;
  • pleasant smell of lavender;
  • duration of action.

After treating pieces of furniture and clothing, the spray does not leave any traces. Before spraying moth habitats, shake the can. Irrigate damaged items until wet, holding the bottle at arm's length. The procedure for treating the internal surfaces of cabinets, drawers, suitcases lasts 2-4 seconds.

After disinfestation, leave the home, returning after 30-40 minutes for ventilation.


It is better to destroy a pest with an instant action drug than by other means. Keratophages die after treating cabinets with outerwear, upholstery, and carpets. The poison is used in warehouses, museums, workshops, archives, and libraries. The drug belongs to class 3 in terms of toxicity. Its poison is based on permethrin and is combined with a hydrocarbon repellent.

Particles of the pesticide enter the insects and their larvae, producing a nerve-paralytic effect.

The advantage of using an aerosol is its safety for humans, animals, and fish. But during disinfestation, it is better to remove the aquariums, take away the cats and dogs, and remove the children and adults. After spraying, ventilate after half an hour.

Anti-mol Stop mole

The remedy for flying insects and their larvae is an insecticidal spray packaged in aluminum cans of 125 milliliters. Particles of the solution have a destructive effect, penetrating through the respiratory and digestive systems and the chitinous cover of the moth. By settling on the walls of furniture and the inner surface of cabinets, the pesticide protects the house from the appearance of pests in the future. They are capable of killing moths long after the aerosol is sprayed.



The drug is ideal for fumigation against moths. It works on plates and liquid solution. The toxicity of the fumigant to humans is low. But it is not recommended to breathe toxic fumes for a long time. You need to turn on the fumigator by opening the cabinet doors in order to influence the butterfly hidden in the dark corners of the furniture.


Fumigators, powered by electricity, heat a plate saturated with toxic chemicals. Liquid works on the same principle. Its vapors have a detrimental effect on moths and mosquitoes. You need to turn on the device for several hours, taking a break from its operation. During the exposure of toxic fumes, it is necessary to remove pets and an aquarium with fish from the premises.


The drug acts like all fumigators. It is enough to plug the device into the network for 10-15 minutes, and the butterflies will begin to die. The liquid contains a pesticide along with a solvent and an evaporator. The liquid belongs to toxicity class 3. The pesticide is effective against flying insects in the house.


You should use a fumigator of this brand in the same way as the others. Before treating the home, it is necessary to remove children and pregnant women. The fish should be removed from the aquarium. It is worth turning on the fast-acting remedy for several hours a day. It is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior of the moth. If the insect continues to reproduce, it is better to turn on the fumigator again.

Pheromone traps

If clothes moths and wool moths can be fought with aerosols, then traps are better suited for the food species. Pheromone devices work by attracting insects with their favorite scents. Set traps on kitchen cabinets. The butterflies fly in, the larvae crawl in and die. The inside surfaces of the traps are coated with special glue or impregnated with an active insecticide.


The effectiveness of the anti-moth product is:

Within 3 months, pests enter the trap. So they get rid of them completely.


Bait on adhesive based purchased to combat food moths. Female type pheromones attract male pests. Hence the interruption of insect mating. The female will not be able to lay eggs, the life cycle of the moth is interrupted.

The trap is fixed with the sticky side on the surface of the kitchen cabinet, leaving it for a long time until the insect is removed.



They produce plates impregnated with insecticidal solutions. They are inserted into fumigators or set on fire. During combustion, harmful insects are expelled from the apartment by smoke.

"Clean house"

This brand produces various forms of insecticides against moths. The plates are used by inserting them into the fumigator. They act safely and gently, without causing allergic reactions. Butterflies slowly die under the influence of the insecticide.


Long-lasting plates are suitable for fumigators. The effectiveness of the insecticidal form has been tested by time. It is necessary to use plates and spirals only in the open air if they are heated by ignition with matches.


Sections of this brand help in the fight against moths and their larvae. But it is best to additionally use other means in the form of aerosols and solutions. Then it will be possible to completely destroy the pest.


One of the cheapest and simple ways control is used when single specimens of butterflies are found in the apartment. Apply dust in wide stripes on the doors of cabinets, chests of drawers, and along the seams on upholstered furniture. The procedure is carried out wearing gloves, after which hands are thoroughly washed with soap and running water.

Temperature treatment

Ultraviolet irradiation

The effect of sunlight on moths is destructive. This is why insects hide in dark corners where ultraviolet radiation does not penetrate. Destroy larvae and oviposition of moths with quartz or ultraviolet lamps. They are used to treat clothes, and then the surfaces inside the wardrobe.

Folk remedies

Tansy from moths

Tansy flowers are collected in summer. Bunches of grass are hung in the kitchen. You can place the dried inflorescences in linen bags and place them on the shelves of the closet. The smell of tansy repels insects, but does not kill them.

Artemisia grass

The strong bitter smell of wormwood effectively affects insects in the apartment. They leave a person's home. Butterflies will not fly into the window if the smell of wormwood comes from there.


Lavender flowers have an excellent repellent effect. A sachet of dried herbs can be placed in the dressing room. It is useful to keep bags of lavender in the kitchen.


Sprigs of mint spread the aroma throughout the apartment. It is worth putting bags of dried grass next to the fur coat stored on a hanger, inside woolen blankets and clothes. Moths will never settle where there is a scent of mint.

Orange peels

Citrus peels do not need to be thrown away. Fresh, they spread aroma throughout the house. Lepidoptera insects do not like this smell. If there is a gray moth, it will quickly leave the apartment.

Caucasian chamomile

Dried chamomile flowers from the Caucasus have a strong scent. Inside the plant there is a toxic substance called pyrethrum, which is used against many household pests. But it is safe for humans. Chamomile powder is poured into the hidden corners of the closet to destroy moths and their larvae.


Geranium has a repellent effect. Often flower pots help to cope with pests of the house and plants. The aroma of the flower repels moths. It is unlikely that a butterfly will fly into a house where geraniums bloom on the windowsills. Therefore, it is necessary to use the flower to protect against insects.

horse chestnut

When the chestnut blossoms, white candles are collected. They are ground into powder and placed in bags. Place chestnut nuts on the shelves. Throughout the year they will protect clothes and food from moths.

Vinegar and garlic

Fragrant tobacco

Tobacco flowers have a pronounced aroma, which allows the plant to be used in pest control. The plants are dried and filled with pads and bags. They are suitable for displaying on shelves in all areas of the house.

Scented herbs

Many plants that are pleasant to humans are not tolerated by flying insects. They do not like the aroma of eucalyptus, strawberries, pine needles, citrus fruits. Instead of a sachet, you can put soap with the appropriate scent inside the wardrobe.

Essential oils

Used in the fight against insects aromatic oils. They are powered by special lamps to freshen the air. By moistening cotton pads with 1-2 drops of eucalyptus, clove, lavender, and fir oils, you can protect your home from harmful insects.


Mothballs are still in demand for moth control. But if previously clothes were saturated with the smell of powder, now flavorings are added to the preparation.

Burnt honey

Moths leave the apartment if they smell honey heated on the fire. If you overheat the product a little above normal, the pests will fly out of the house.

How to get rid of moth eggs and larvae

Since things suffer from the gluttony of larvae, and not adults, we first need to destroy them:

  • washing clothes after prolonged wear;
  • having given a fur coat or sheepskin coat to the dry cleaner;
  • disinfecting wool and fur items under a quartz lamp;
  • ironing outerwear with a steam iron;
  • placing clothing infested with larvae in the freezer.

If butterflies are found indoors, you need to shake out all the clothes in the closet and dry them in the open air. Place sachets with fragrant herbs on the shelves.


You can prevent the appearance of moths in your apartment by folding clothes and hanging them clean in the closet. When putting shoes into boxes, you should remove the insoles.

It is better to hang fur coats separately from other clothes. Before cleaning, they must be dried and ventilated in fresh air.

Store cereals and flour in airtight containers. You should check there more often. If worms appear, you need to throw away the cereal. Rinse and dry containers. It is better to purchase bulk products in stores rather than from hand. Moths also lay eggs in nuts. Therefore, there is no need to store them for a long time. It is better to buy fresh products rather than expired ones. There should not be high humidity in the room. So the moth will definitely start. If you sort through food often, then pests will not appear.

You can put cigarettes in the pockets of your winter clothes; their smell will help you avoid being attacked by a butterfly. Scented herbs and orange peels are placed in the cabinets. These herbal remedies will reliable protection from the appearance of moths in the house. You can place dried orange peels in bowls and mix them with pepper. Used to protect blankets and blankets from moths Bay leaf, wrapped in gauze.

Good day! Every summer, my grandmother goes through things in her closet and hangs them out on the balcony to dry. This year, this tradition was also observed. While going through coats and fur coats, grandma discovered a moth flying out of the wardrobe. And on the things themselves are pupae of this insect.

This situation shocked her. How and why she appeared, because she always keeps her home clean and tidy. At this time we just came to visit her. Grandma told us about her problem.

My wife advised her on proven medications and within a couple of days our Antonina Nikolaevna was beaming with happiness. All insects were defeated. In this article you will learn: moths in the apartment - how to get rid of them, what to use traditional methods, types of pests, what anti-moth preparations exist.

Moths in the apartment: how to get rid of them once and for all

This harmful insect has been annoying people for decades, and not everyone knows how to remove moths. This small creature creates a lot of trouble and problems. But in order to expel the enemy from your home, you need to get to know him better - learn the habits and fears of the pest.

Moths in the apartment: how to get rid of them

There are many varieties of moths, but we are interested in how to get rid of house moths (food, furniture, clothes). If you find a flying moth, you should not chase it, because it is just a harmless male. And at this time, the female lays silvery eggs somewhere in a dark corner, this is a source of danger for your food and clothing.

To find out how to remove a moth, you need to familiarize yourself with its favorite habitats. Most often, moth nests are located in dark, warm places where there is little fresh air.

The most dangerous are the caterpillars, they eat everything around. In one day, a small caterpillar can gnaw a hole through your favorite coat or fur coat. Food products are also affected, especially cereals and dried fruits.

How to get rid of food moth

Dry food products most often suffer from food (grain) moths. Nests are located in stocks of flour, nuts, dried mushrooms, dried fruits and various cereals. After all, for such moths the most important thing is a warm place and lack of ventilation. First you need to sort through all the supplies and pour the products into tightly sealed jars, or place them in plastic bags and tie them well.

How to remove food moths if the food is severely damaged? You find a moth nest in dry food and it is badly damaged - these products must be thrown away immediately. Because consuming contaminated supplies is very harmful to health.

If the moth has not yet had time to settle in the supplies, but is just beginning to appear there, such products should be carefully reviewed and the source of infection removed.

How to remove moths from cereals and dry foods. After you have thrown out the moth nest, in dry foods it looks like lumps of cobwebs with larvae and caterpillars. Products (cereals, dried fruits, mushrooms and nuts) must be dried in microwave oven or oven.

It is better to use an oven. The products are placed on a baking sheet and dried for 20 minutes at a temperature of 70°C with the door open. Then place it in a tightly closed container. The next step in the question of how to get rid of moths in the kitchen is to disinfect the shelves in the closet where the contaminated products were located.

To do this, you need to prepare a soap solution and use it to thoroughly wash each shelf and cabinet doors.

Then do the same operation, but with clean running water. After drying, treat each groove and crack with table vinegar or lemon juice. To do this, use a regular brush, shaving brush or kitchen sponge. Allow the cabinets to dry thoroughly for 2-3 hours before filling.

To no longer wonder how to get rid of food moths, use these little secrets. Cereals and dry foods are best stored in glass or metal jars with tight-fitting lids. You can also place garlic cloves, orange peels or young walnut leaves on the shelves.

To more effectively repel the pest, garlic cloves can be placed in a container with cereals and dry foods.

How to get rid of moths in the kitchen using traps. There are special traps for moths; they can be purchased at grocery stores and supermarkets. They look like a triangular box with a sticky substance inside. This trap works using pheromones, which attract moths and prevent them from escaping into the wild.

Traps should be installed in food cupboards and changed every two months. If you have exterminated all the pests, it is better to leave the traps to avoid a relapse. How to get rid of moths and prevent them from appearing in the kitchen. Don't stock up on too much dry food.

If you buy cereals or flour in stores, then at home place the products in the freezer for several hours.

Or even store the cereals in the refrigerator, this way you will definitely get rid of the pest. Conduct general cleaning in supply cabinets at least once a month.

How to remove moths from an apartment

Unlike kitchen moths, which appear mainly in the warm season, indoor moths live in apartments all year round. Find a nest of such a moth - difficult task. But anything is possible if you put in the effort and ingenuity. The moth devours everything in its path, and even if you hid your favorite things in synthetic fabric or plastic bags, this is not an obstacle for the moth, and it will easily gnaw its way to the delicacy.

To find out how to remove moths from an apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with its diet. The moth prefers to devour: fur, felt, natural velvet, book bindings, wax, wool and even feathers. Caterpillars are very tenacious; they can easily live without food for a whole month.

And they die only at temperatures below zero. Therefore, they can live in an apartment in a secluded dark corner for up to two years.

How to get rid of moths and their larvae? First you need to find the source of the infection - go through all your things. If there are larvae on clothes, they need to be shaken out of the window, and things should be hung in fresh air and bright sun. Also, a sharp change in temperature kills harmful larvae.

Place the items in a plastic bag and place in the freezer for 20 minutes, and then warm at room temperature, repeat the procedure five times. If moths have infested leather, fur or wool products, they can only be removed with the help of dichlorvos-based preparations. This is the only effective remedy.

The most common location for house moths is a closet. How to get rid of moths in a closet. For this purpose, special pest control agents are used.

Naphthalene is used very often, but in addition to protecting against moths, it also causes harm to humans. After all, it contains harmful components that lead to unpleasant diseases. Therefore, its use is not recommended. When purchasing a moth repellent, choose one that does not contain naphthalene.

Now the market is full of modern anti-moth products, these can be tablets, briquettes or plates. They are placed in a closet and changed every six months. In order not to wonder how to get rid of moths again, you need to prevent their appearance. All woolen items in the closet should be washed, and fur coats and fur coats should be treated with anti-moth products.

Also, during the warm season, fur products should be stored in special cases, or wrapped in thick paper soaked in moth repellent.

It is necessary to protect not only the products, but also the cabinet itself. First, do some general cleaning, vacuum all the nooks and crannies in the closet, and wipe all the shelves with a vinegar-based solution (3 tablespoons of table vinegar per 1 liter of water). And let it dry thoroughly, after which you can fill your closet with clean and treated clothes.

How to remove moths from a closet folk remedies. Not everyone likes to use chemicals, because natural ingredients are much healthier for humans. Therefore, dried bouquets of geranium or lavender are placed in the closet. Some people make pillows with cloves and lavender and place them on the shelves in the closet.

You can also use essential oils: orange, clove, lavender, fir or geranium. Treat a piece of cotton wool or gauze with oils and place it in a closet, so moths will not get close to your things, and the smell will be wonderful.

Moths do not like cleanliness and fresh air, so the apartment needs to be ventilated and cleaned as often as possible. In addition to cabinets, moths can also live in carpets and upholstered furniture. The most effective way to kill moths is to vacuum carpets and furniture at least twice a month.

Particular attention should be paid to cleaning skirting boards. Carefully vacuum all crevices, especially in dark corners, as moth nests are most likely to be found there. The larvae can also be found in the corners of windows or inside lampshades. The next step in the question of how to get rid of moths is mechanical restoration and ultraviolet irradiation.

Moths do not tolerate noise and vibrations, so infected items are knocked out, combed and shaken off, thus removing loosely attached larvae.

Bright rays of the sun cause lightning damage to the moth, and within an hour it dies. Moths are afraid of high and low temperatures. Therefore, to get rid of the larvae, it is enough to freeze or heat them.

If the fabric is subject to fading, you can put the item in the freezer, or use steam to destroy the pest. But you need to remember that at low temperatures the larvae and eggs die within 24 hours.

We use chemicals

It is very difficult to get rid of moths without using chemicals. Nowadays you can find a lot of anti-moth products in supermarkets and stores. There are plates, tablets, briquettes, and sprays, there are even anti-moth sections. Plates, briquettes and tablets are considered the most economical.

They contain an alloy of naphthalene and camphor. Such products (plates, briquettes, tablets) are placed on upper shelves cabinets and bedside tables. Heavy vapors of camphor and naphthalene gradually sink down, thus preventing the reproduction of moths.

The funds are valid for six months. This method is really effective, but in addition to killing moths, it causes harm to the human body. Before use, the tablet or plate must be wrapped in gauze.

How to remove moths using anti-moth sections. This method is the most convenient, but before using it you need to carefully read the instructions. There should be only one section in a room measuring 15 m2. It should also be installed away from food and children's hands.

Before use, the protective tape is removed and the section is placed in the upper corner of the cabinet. You can choose the scent of this section (lavender, tangerine, chamomile). If you have Small child, you can purchase a special section to protect children's clothing.

One anti-moth section distributes moth-killing vapors over 0.5 m3 and can last for six months. After which the device should be replaced.

When using any chemical, you need to read the instructions in detail to reduce the risk of contact harmful substances into your body.

Traditional methods

The use of naphthalene is considered a folk remedy; our great-grandmothers resorted to it. But how disappointed they would be to learn that mothballs only repel adult moths, while the larvae and caterpillars do not suffer one bit.

Also, naphthalene produces saturated steam, from which cancer can develop. When using folk remedies, you need to remember that they only repel new moths in animals, and in people. Therefore, using this product is not recommended.

If you have larvae and caterpillars, only chemicals will help.

How to get rid of moles using herbs and essential oils. As you know, moths do not tolerate strong odors, so natural lavender essential oil is used to repel them. A piece of cotton wool or gauze is soaked in this oil and placed in a closet. You can also hang dry lavender branches wrapped in gauze.

In addition to lavender, moths do not tolerate other odors: garlic, orange, strawberry soap, kerosene and tobacco. Therefore, you can make small cloth bags with these components and place them on the shelves in the closet. Garlic is most often used to combat grain moths.

To do this, place an unpeeled clove in a container with cereal, so you will definitely get rid of moths once and for all.

How to remove moths using indoor plants. Coleus and fragrant geranium are very unpretentious helpers in the fight against moths. Growing such a plant is as easy as shelling pears, and it will bring a lot of benefits, because moths cannot stand its aroma.

Since you will not put the flowerpot in the closet, tear off a few leaves from the bush and place them on the shelves; when the leaves are dry, renew them. If you use plants and essential oils to fight moths, remember that they only repel moths and do not destroy their larvae and eggs.

Tips: how to remove and avoid the appearance of a pest

In order to avoid the appearance of moths, you need to regularly ventilate your apartment. Carry out a deep cleaning at least once a month. Wipe walls, shelves, furniture, windows and chandeliers. Moths can appear where you least expect to see them.

For example, on the spine of a book, or in old trash hidden on the mezzanine. Therefore, the most important advice is to throw away everything unnecessary. Why keep things that have already outlived their usefulness? After all, by keeping your old trash, you risk paying with a hole in your new fur coat. Therefore, be realistic and say goodbye to your old stuff without a doubt.

Also, when stocking up on dry goods, don't make purchases for the year. Buy everything in moderation, and store grains in a glass or metal container with a tight-fitting lid.

It is better not to use plastic bags for storage, because pests can easily get into them. In order not to think about how to remove moths from dry foods, buy good quality flour and cereals. Because cheap cereals contain dust, which makes it easier to get started.

After purchasing dry products, it is better to place them in the freezer for an hour, this way you will avoid the appearance of moths. Many people think that moths don’t like dirty things; this is a colossal mistake. In dirty things, the moth gets wound up faster, and consumes such things with a huge appetite.

Therefore, only clean, washed items should be in the closet. Note that the moth never eats clothes that you often wear; her favorite treat is things hidden away.

Most interesting fact– moths do not tolerate the aroma of fresh newspaper. That's why our ancestors wrapped woolen scarves and fur hats to the newspapers. You can also place dried orange peels and horse chestnut kernels in the cupboard; their aroma repels moths very well.

Kerosene is considered another effective remedy, but its smell can incapacitate not only moths, but also humans. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it, although in the army this is how they poison the pest. How to remove moths from hard-to-reach places.

To prevent moths from appearing in dark corners, on favorite clothes or on book spines, use aerosols. Before using them, read the instructions and spray the product in the right places.

Most often they are applied to furniture upholstery, shelves with books, clothes, dark corners and chandeliers. Also do not forget about upholstered furniture, folding sofas, mezzanines and storage rooms. Moths can grow where there is dust and dirt. Therefore, carefully clean the premises, do not leave any places uncleaned, because these are where moths can appear.

Folding furniture You need to vacuum not only from above, but also from the inside, paying due attention to the corners. In order not to worry about how to get rid of house moths, all things hidden in sofas, closets or mezzanines should be packed. It is also better to immediately treat things with special anti-moth products.

If you are not a supporter of chemistry, use folk remedies. Wash the areas themselves with soapy water and ventilate. Afterwards, place your things and arrange the lavender branches.

When cleaning, do not forget to vacuum curled carpets, because they most often contain a source of infection. Also air your winter clothes at least once a month during the warm season. If you follow all the tips and keep your apartment clean, you won’t have to worry about how to get rid of moths, but rather prevent their appearance.

Many people blame the flying moth for all their troubles. It is considered to be a major pest, eating fur, wool and spoiling your favorite things. But as it turned out, this is a false accusation. The moth is not to blame for anything; it does not feed on anything at all. Its main task is to lay eggs and die.

This is where the problems begin, because the newly minted caterpillars are very voracious. But mother moths are prudent and lay harmful eggs in furs, carpets, wool, etc.

This way, after birth, babies have something to eat. Caterpillars can only do one thing - eat and eat almost constantly. What’s most interesting is that synthetic fabrics are not digestible by caterpillars, so they consume them faster and more than regular wool or fur.

The caterpillar builds itself a cover from the eaten wool, which it subsequently feeds on. How to get rid of moths and prevent their occurrence. To do this, you need to find places where moths lay their eggs. After all, they are the ones who sometimes cause irreversible damage to beloved things.

As you know, moths cannot gnaw through paper or cardboard boxes. Therefore, pack clean things in such materials, and put lavender or other products in them.

Let us recall the most important rules for exterminating pests. Moths do not like cleanliness, fresh air, and bright sunlight. Most often, nests are located in dark places (cabinets, shelves, corners). It is the eggs and caterpillars that you need to get rid of, because the flying moth itself is harmless.

The eggs are silver-white in color, and the caterpillars reach a height of one centimeter, and can be identified by their black head. You can only get rid of the moth family with the help of chemicals, since folk remedies only repel the moth.

Anti-moth agents should be used very carefully, following the instructions.

After removing the wrapping, it is better to place tablets, plates and briquettes in a gauze bag, and only then send them to the top shelf. In order not to worry about how to get rid of moths, keep your entire apartment clean.

Do not allow dirt, dust and unnecessary things to accumulate, because in addition to moths, other harmful and dangerous pets can live there. Having familiarized yourself with the types of house moths and methods of combating them, you can easily protect your home, clothes and food.
Source: ""

Fighting moths at home

A moth is a rather annoying and nasty insect that creates a lot of problems and harms things and products. Today, there are about 30 species, each of which lays larvae in certain places, from clothing to cereals.

Some are trying to kill them, but as practice shows, there is no point in this, because... They destroy mainly males, who do no harm to things, but females lay larvae in different places and our main goal is to get rid of them, but they usually hide in a variety of places. How to fight such insects?

Of course, you can purchase various chemical control agents, but there is a possibility that children will accidentally pick them up or try to taste them, or pets.

Today we will tell our readers how to get rid of moths in an apartment using folk remedies.

  1. An excellent means of control is dry lavender herb, which should be placed in small canvas bags and placed in things, cabinets, and pantry where you store cereals and flour, which moths are so keen on. The moth cannot stand the smell of lavender and will quickly disappear.
  2. Also, moths cannot live where you place dry tangerine or orange peels, small bouquets of walnut twigs and leaves, tobacco and wormwood.
  3. Make it a rule every summer to take out all your clothes to dry, and always in the sun’s rays - moths really don’t like sunlight and die immediately.
  4. Frost has the same effect - take your clothes outside in winter or open balcony and after an hour, all the moths will die from a sharp temperature change.
  5. If you find clothes on which there is a nest with moth larvae, then in winter we take it out onto the balcony and then wash it in hot water or put it in the freezer if it happens in the summer.
  6. Aired items should be packed in plastic bags and covered with citrus peels or lavender.
  7. You should store flour and cereals in tightly closed glass containers and check them at least once a month for the presence of larvae.
  8. Love to admire indoor plants– place geraniums, which we destroy moths. Place flower pots close to the closet and in the kitchen.
  9. Buy lavender oil at the pharmacy, soak tampons or pieces of material in it and wrap them in polyethylene, pierce them in several places with a thick needle and place them in a place free from things in the closet.
  10. The essential oil will begin to evaporate and saturate the air in the closet and the moth will die. The effect of the tampon lasts two weeks, then it should be changed to a fresh one.

In order to destroy the moth and not give it a chance to reappear in your home in the future, you need to know what the moth loves and what it avoids or is terrified of.

Of the many species of moths known to science, we will limit ourselves to considering the species that live in residential buildings. For the kitchen this is a grain moth, but in living rooms Carpet, felt, furniture, clothing and fur moths can exist quite comfortably.

Fighting grain moths

In the presence of comfortable conditions - high humidity and lack of ventilation, the grain moth becomes a full-fledged mistress in the kitchen. Having gained access to cereal grains and their derivatives, female grain moths lay eggs on them. large quantities eggs.

Small larvae, hatching after some time from the laid eggs, eat everything edible around them with incredible appetite: buckwheat, rice, wheat, rye, barley, flour, pasta and dried fruits. The grown caterpillar connects individual grains with a web, glues them to itself and drags this food supply behind it, crawling from place to place.

At the end of the development phase, the caterpillar finds a secluded place in the cracks of cabinets or behind baseboards, creates a cocoon around itself and turns into a pupa, from which a moth butterfly eventually emerges.

All types of cereals, flour and dried fruits should be stored in tightly closed containers. If it was still not possible to protect the products from moths, we study the degree of their deterioration. If the cereals are significantly spoiled by larvae, we immediately get rid of them.

If the moth caterpillars have just started their “work” and have not had time to spoil food supplies, we carefully sort out such grains in the microwave for 3-5 minutes or in the oven of a gas stove at a temperature of 700 C for 20 minutes. The oven door should be slightly open.

You can destroy the eggs and larvae of kitchen moths by subjecting the cereals to cold treatment. A temperature below 00 C and half an hour will be enough.

I wash all the cabinets, shelves, and drawers in the kitchen with warm soapy water, and then go through them again with clean water. We coat every groove, every crack, every hole with a brush dipped in vinegar or saline solution.

Having carried out the titanic work of removing the “uninvited guests”, all that remains is to put sprigs of geranium or lavender in the kitchen cabinets and on the shelves, pour in a handful of tobacco or peels of citrus fruits - all these smells will scare off moth butterflies, which means that the appearance of eggs and larvae of this voracious insect will be more likely for us not a threat.

Fighting wool moths

For convenience, the community of clothes, carpet, felt, furniture and fur coat moths that feed on fur, carpets and wool will be called by one collective name - wool moth. Representatives of this family of household pests are similar in appearance to grain moths, but are extremely tenacious and resistant to temperature changes.

They reproduce and reproduce all 12 months of the year, they can go without food for more than a month, but if they find something edible for themselves, they are able to chew through plastic film or synthetic fabric that has become an obstacle to the treat.

They feast on almost everything: fur, felt, wool, velvet, feathers, book bindings, wax - this is an incomplete list of what wool moth caterpillars are able to eat.

They live for about two years, then turn into a pupa, from which a moth later flies out. It is mandatory to regularly clean the apartment: we clean carpets, upholstered and hard furniture. The eggs of moth larvae are loosely attached to the villi and fibers of carpets and clothing, so by vacuuming or shaking out these items, we can quite easily get rid of clutches of insect pest eggs.

We dry and air all items at least four times a year. Fresh air and bright sunlight are detrimental to wool moths. We clean and wash winter clothes, pillows and blankets before storage.

Do not forget that stains of dirt, grease or sweat are a favorite delicacy of wool moth caterpillars; it is from such stains that these pests begin to feed, subsequently eating away fabric or fur along with the dirt.

On the shelves and in the sections of the wardrobe we place, as in the case of grain moths, tobacco, citrus peels, sprigs of lavender or geranium, a piece of cotton wool moistened with fir or lavender oil.


We place fumigation preparations in the form of tablets, plates and sections on the top shelves of wardrobes and wardrobes. Active substances, from which these preparations are composed, evaporate and, falling down, saturate the air with vapors that repel moths. Naphthalene, “Antimol” and “Prayer” are effective for six months.

We use contact agents in the form of solutions and aerosols to treat clothing, upholstered furniture and carpets. The preparations “Supromit”, “Aeroantimol”, “Suprozol”, “Dichlorvos” and “Neofos” destroy both butterflies and caterpillars and eggs of harmful insects. Contact agents against moths are effective for three months.

The flying moths that cause your “applause” are harmless male insects.

Therefore, while you are chasing them, female butterflies make their way through cracks in furniture and folds of clothing into darkened and secluded places to lay eggs, from which voracious and omnivorous offspring will then hatch. It is better to prevent moths from entering the apartment by checking in advance and regularly preventive actions. And may this uninvited guest never be in your home!
Source: ";"

Insect control methods

Moths (lat. Heterocera) - a collective name for relatively small insects from the order Lepidoptera (butterflies (Lepidoptera). The common moth is a small butterfly, the larvae (caterpillars) of which feed on keratin (horny substance) obtained from wool, fur coat hairs, and carpet pile.

It is precisely because of their feeding on keratin that moths are classified as keratophages, i.e. organisms that feed on keratin. By eating keratin, the larva leaves behind waste products, thereby spoiling the product. Of course, a moth larva cannot eat an entire fur coat or carpet, but it can ruin it forever marketable condition products are not a problem for her, because... one larva can easily make a hole through a regular wool or wool blend sweater in just a day!

Moth caterpillars (larvae) are able to digest not only keratin, but also other poorly soluble substances.

Therefore, in addition to keratin, they can also feed on technical felt, which is used for heat and sound insulation, bristles, feathers, fur, leather, dried meat and fish, book bindings, museum collections, etc.

In search of food, moth caterpillars are able to gnaw their way through materials in which they cannot develop (cotton, silk, synthetic fabrics). Moths go through several stages in their development: laying eggs, from which caterpillars, pupae and, in fact, the moth butterflies themselves are born.

We often see butterflies fluttering around the apartment. The lifespan of a moth is 1-2 months.

I would like to note that you need to fight not so much with butterflies, but with the eggs that they lay and the caterpillars that subsequently emerge from them, because It is the caterpillars that cause all the damage to products. At one time, a female moth lays up to 100 eggs.

It is important to know that moths do not like sunlight and prefer to live in dark and secluded places, such as in a closet with clothes or in a linen chest of drawers. The hatched larvae (or caterpillars) also prefer not to be seen by humans and live modestly in dark corners, usually in the woolen items themselves, where it is almost impossible to detect them.

Or it is possible, but only after they have destroyed some of the clothing with great appetite to such an extent that it is no longer possible to visually notice the problem. Once the caterpillar has successfully pupated, it magically turns into another moth, ready to lay eggs again and again.

Some types of moths, for example clothes moths, can reproduce all year round in an ordinary city apartment!

On this moment According to various sources, the number of moth species is about 40. Some are agricultural pests, others are domestic pests. The most well-known household pests are fur moths, clothes moths, furniture moths, and grain moths. Among agricultural pests, the barley borer, as well as rye, cabbage and apple moths can be particularly distinguished.

Types of moths

There are:

  • Fur moth (Tinea pellionella)
  • The insect is a shiny clay-yellow color, the front wings in front of the middle often have two small dark dots and one larger one behind the middle. The lower wings are light gray, with a yellowish tint, with a span of 15-16 mm. It feeds mainly on clothes made from natural material.

    The caterpillars are white, worm-shaped, almost naked, with eight very short abdominal legs, with transparent skin through which the contents of the stomach are visible; the head is brown.

    The caterpillar attacks mainly furs, lives in a portable case and gnaws all the hair on its way, regardless of whether it eats it or not.

  • Furniture moth (Tineola biseliella)
  • The butterfly is a brilliant light yellow color, with a rusty-yellow head and slightly brownish forewings at the base. It is classified as a special genus due to the absence of labial tentacles.

    This species, described by the St. Petersburg entomologist Hummel (“Essais Entom.”, III, 1823), was later studied by Radoshkovsky (“Proceedings of the Russian Ent. Obshch.”, III, p. 44 channel.) Furniture moth caterpillars feed first on the hair stuffing of furniture , and before pupation they come out and eat winding paths in the furniture cover, while following the direction of the patterns of matter; pupate on the underside of chairs, sofas, etc., where entire nests of their white, silky cocoons gradually accumulate.

    Development of caterpillars in winter time lasts about 5 months, and in summer - 2 months. Pupation begins in February. The flight of butterflies continues in March, April and May; They fly again in July and August.
  • Grain moth (Tineola granella)
  • A silvery-white insect, with a variable brown pattern on the front wings and a gray belly and hind wings, up to 15 mm in span. Butterflies fly twice: in spring and at the end of summer. Each female lays up to one hundred eggs on grains: rye, barley, wheat, etc., gluing 1-2 eggs per grain.

    The caterpillar connects several grains into a bundle, entwining them with a web, and feeds on them, holding itself among them in a cobweb cover, crawling, dragging the entire bunch along with it.

    It pupates here in the cracks of floors, walls, etc. It also attacks dried fruits and all kinds of seeds, in addition, it is capable of developing in rotten wood and tinder fungi.

  • Barley borer (Gelechia (Sitotroga) cerealella)
  • Sometimes also called grain moth. Up to 17 mm in span. Light brown, sometimes with dark spots and a longitudinal stripe on the front wings. The hind wings are gray. The labial tentacles are long, rising above the head like horns; their last segment is shiny, black, hairless. Butterflies fly in June and September.

    The first ones lay eggs on the ears of winter grains that are ripening by that time (barley, winter wheat, sometimes rye). The caterpillar enters the grain and gradually eats away all its contents without touching the outer film, so that the grain appears normal from the outside.

    In August, when the grain is already harvested, the caterpillar separates with a longitudinal silky partition half of the grain, filled with its excrement, and pupates in the clean half.

    A butterfly flies out of the grain through a small round hole already in the barn or near the stacks and again lays eggs on the surrounding grains. The second generation of caterpillars develops in the same way in barns, and then the next generation of butterflies flies earlier - in March.

    If grains infected with young caterpillars fall into winter crops, then the development of the caterpillar in them does not stop underground, but proceeds more slowly and ends in May.

  • Rye moth (Ochsenheimeria taurella)
  • 13 mm in span, yellow-brown, hind wings whitish, brown at the edges, antennae black at the base. flies in Central Russia at the end of summer and lays eggs on wild cereals and winter seedlings.

    The caterpillar feeds on the core of the stem, overwinters here and in the spring continues to eat away the stems, attacking their younger parts under the ear; eaten ears become sick and dry out. Pupates at the end of June in a white silky cocoon between the leaves.

  • Cabbage moth (Plutella cruciferarum)
  • 15.5 mm in span, the front wings are brownish-yellow, with oblique brown stripes and along the rear edge with a white wavy stripe. The hind wings are brownish-gray. The head and back are white. Antennae with white rings.

    They fly for the first time in the spring. They lay eggs in heaps on the leaves of various cruciferous vegetables, rapeseed, horseradish, especially cabbage and rapeseed.

    The caterpillars are green, with brown heads, eat young leaves during July, and here at the end of July they pupate in lattice cocoons. Butterflies fly for the second time in early August, and during the fall the second generation of caterpillars develops, which pupate for the winter.

Fighting methods

Products that are heavily affected by moths will have to be thrown away, but those that contain few insects can be sorted out and dried in the oven, with the door slightly open, at a temperature of 60–70°C for 15–20 minutes. You can use a microwave for the same purpose.

The cabinet where food was stored and where moths lived should be washed from the inside with a warm soapy solution and then with clean water; Coat the grooves and cracks with table vinegar using a brush. Keep the cabinet open until dry.

Sunbathing in insects leads to protein coagulation. When exposed to direct rays of bright sun, moth eggs die within an hour. And in very hot weather in summer - within 30 minutes. Affected items are treated with dichlorvos-based preparations.

A more radical means of destroying moth caterpillars does not yet exist. In addition, dichlorvos is the only true remedy against the skin beetle. Heat treatment is also detrimental to these harmful insects.

If the contaminated item can be exposed to high temperatures without risk, disinfestation can be carried out by boiling or steam.

Freezing also leads to the death of insects at all stages of development. Eggs and feeding larvae of skin beetles die within 24 hours.

Antimoth drugs

The cheapest option is tablets and briquettes, which are an alloy of naphthalene and camphor. Tablets are traditionally placed at the top of cabinets. Heavy vapors of naphthalene and camphor fall down, preventing moths from laying eggs on clothes.

These ancient remedies would be good for everyone, but they are by no means safe for human health, especially in high concentrations.

  1. Antimol tablets are hung in the closet (3-4 tablets per closet). They are thrown away after two weeks.
  2. "Dezmol" - effective drug, also used as "Antimol".
  3. “Molemore” can hang in the closet for six months, but you should use no more than two records in one room.
  4. “Suprozol” is an anti-moth drug in aerosol packaging.
  5. “Supromit” is a liquid preparation for killing moths with a pleasant odor. They use it to treat cabinet walls and clothes. Valid for several months.
  6. "Moskitol" - plates against moths.
  7. "Raid anti-mol" - in the form of an aerosol, gel and plates.
  8. "Trap - anti-moth - spray."
  9. Improved anti-moth plates are devoid of unpleasant odor.
  10. According to manufacturers, they destroy moths and larvae, and repel carpet beetles and leather beetles. The combat readiness of the plates can be counted on within 6 months.

  11. Moth sections are the most civilized form of anti-moth preparations.
  12. They can be scented with lavender, tangerine and chamomile. Special sections are produced for the delicate protection of children's things. It is necessary to remove the protective tape and place the section at the top of the cabinet. The anti-moth effect of one section extends to 0.5 cubic meters. m. You will have to replace it with a new one in 4–6 months.

However, there are warnings on the packaging that in a room of up to 15 square meters. m. no more than two sections can be used, and the product should be stored separately from food products in places inaccessible to children, this clearly indicates the toxicity of these repellents. Due to chemicals They have different odors, sometimes not very pleasant, I recommend not purchasing such products in spontaneous markets, or from your own hands.

And also products, packaging and names that, at the very least, may raise doubts in your mind, and especially with incomprehensible inscriptions not in Russian.

This is primarily a safety measure, because... It is not clear how such agents can affect the human body, and so that the fight against tar does not turn into more serious problems.

Folk remedies

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not know a more effective remedy for moths than mothballs. However, as it turned out, it only repels moths from clothes, but cannot destroy either eggs or caterpillars. In addition, according to the latest scientific data, volatile naphthalene is classified as a possible carcinogen, leading to the development of cancer in humans and animals.

Lavender and fir essential oils can serve as natural and safe moth repellents. Bouquets of dry lavender in gauze, tampons soaked in lavender or fir oil will protect items stored in the closet from moths.
Moths cannot tolerate the smells of camphor and pieces of cedar wood.

You can also use vinegar to fight moths: Pour a few tablespoons of vinegar into a hot frying pan and close the frying pan in the cupboard.

Just do it carefully so as not to harm yourself or your property with a hot frying pan. Pyrethrum powder (Caucasian chamomile) can help get rid of flying moths. 3-4 grams of this powder are scattered per 1 meter of area. Moths do not like the smell of tobacco, pepper, dry orange peels, or strawberry soap.

Moths cannot stand the smell of the leaves of such domestic plants as coleus (also known as “nettle”) and geranium. Fresh leaves of these unpretentious plants From time to time they put them in the wardrobe to replace the old ones.

However, remember that all herbal remedies serve only as repellents.

They repel moths, protecting things from the invasion of pests. If moths have already occupied your closet, putting a bouquet of lavender in it is useless. We'll have to resort to chemistry.


All groceries should be stored in tightly closed jars or, as a last resort, well-tied plastic bags. The larvae cannot tolerate bright sunlight or fresh air. That is why moths are not afraid of things that are often in use.

And winter clothes sent to the closet for the summer need to be taken care of in advance. Moth caterpillars begin their meal from dirty and sweaty spots, completely eating away the fabric along with the dirt. Therefore, to prevent the appearance of moths, clothes must be cleaned and washed before storage.

After cleaning, fur and wool items are placed in plastic bags, and fur coats are placed in thick paper covers with an anti-moth preparation.

Shake things thoroughly before packing: moth eggs are not very firmly attached to the fibers of fabric or fur, so they will fly off.

  • Carpets and fur coats are sprayed with the liquid preparation Antimol Contact before they are put away for storage, and when the items are dry, they are wrapped in plastic film and placed in a closet. This protects them from damage by moths for 3-5 months.
  • To prevent the appearance of moths, we advise you to regularly ventilate and clean your apartment as often as possible.
  • And also clean upholstered furniture and carpets at least 1 - 2 times a month (the most effective way is with a vacuum cleaner). Preferably using disinfectants, for example, monochloramine.
  • When vacuuming, pay special attention to the treatment of cracks between baseboards and walls, in the floor, spaces between walls, furniture and floors.
  • Here, in to the greatest extent larvae of skin beetles and pupae of moths are concentrated. Adult carpet beetles often accumulate in ceiling lamps or on windows, where they can be easily collected with a vacuum cleaner.

  • Moths cannot tolerate the smell of printing ink, so when storing, some things can be wrapped in newspaper, which will be a reliable “screen” against moths.

Since moths do not like the smell of cedar, fur coats or other similar products can be hung on hangers made of cedar wood, the smell of which will repel moths, and things will be saturated with the pleasant fresh aroma of wood.

In nature, there are about one and a half thousand varieties of moths familiar from childhood. Woolen, furniture, carpet, etc. can live in residential premises. But it turns out that there will be no harm from an adult butterfly flying around the apartment. Things and food are spoiled by voracious caterpillars, whose nests can be found in cabinets or on the carpet. Caterpillars hatch from silvery-white larvae, which are laid by females. To get rid of them at home, you need to use effective ways and the means about which we'll talk in our article.

Apartments are attacked, which can be found in closets with clothes and food. The larvae of clothes moths are cream-colored, while those of food moths are yellowish or white. They move little and develop right in the nest. Worms move long distances only in search of food.

Clothes and furniture moth

Caterpillars in the form of larvae have powerful jaw muscles and strong mandibles, with the help of which they cut carpets, make passages in fur coats, and gnaw holes in woolen sweaters.

IN natural materials pupae appear after 20 days. If the nest is located in synthetic things, then the caterpillar pupa can form only after two months.

At one time, a female moth is capable of laying from 50 to 80 eggs, from which literally a week later a whole squad of voracious larvae emerge.

food moth

Kitchen pests love to live in the following foods:

  • milk formulas;
  • cereals;
  • seeds;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • flour;
  • seasonings;
  • muesli;
  • pet food;
  • roots and herbs;
  • dried berries.

Moth larvae: how to deal with insect nests

Food moths can appear in the kitchen along with bulk products that have been stored incorrectly in warehouses for a long time. A firefly can fly into an apartment through ventilation or front door. The female food moth has silver color, and the male is black. The female and larvae spoil the food.

How to remove moths from the house?

There are several ways to get rid of voracious insects that have settled on clothes in closets or on carpets:


Plates impregnated with a repellent substance are the most simple means fight against moths. Some types of plates have not only an evaporation effect, but also an adsorbing effect, therefore they are able to repel insects and at the same time absorb excess moisture. Moths do not like dryness and therefore are reluctant to settle in such cabinets.

You can choose sections with any scent you like and place them on shelves or hang them on pipes with clothes. The most famous manufacturers of sections are:

  • Gardex;
  • Mosquitol;
  • Antimol;
  • Raptor;
  • Raid.

The smell from the plates is so strong that the females cannot lay eggs and die after a few days. Sections must be changed monthly.

How to get rid of moths in an apartment forever


Using aerosols you can get rid of clothes moths very quickly, which is why such products are very popular. They contain a solvent, a poisonous substance and a fragrance that smells pleasant.

To remove butterflies and their larvae, it is enough to treat things hanging in the closet and the interior surfaces of furniture with the product. Before processing, it is recommended to wear gloves and use other protective equipment, since insecticides can cause allergies.

For natural and synthetic items you can use the following types aerosols:

  • Armol;
  • Phoxide;
  • Desmol;
  • Mosquitol;
  • Antimol.


Fumigators offered in stores can be pyrotechnic and electric. They are quite effective and have the same operating principle. When heated, fumigators release toxic substances:

  • pyrotechnics begin to operate after the spiral is ignited;
  • Toxic substances begin to be released from electrical devices after a special plate or liquid is heated in them.

Fumigators leave virtually no odors and are completely safe for both people and pets. Raptor, Reid, Moskitol are fumigators that can be used to kill mosquitoes and moths.

Folk remedies for moths in the apartment

Folk remedies used at home do not contain chemicals, are inexpensive and accessible to everyone:

How to quickly get rid of food moths in the kitchen?

It is not possible to completely destroy moths using folk remedies. They are best used together with modern drugs. However, the smells of herbs, plants and fruits can repel the pest. Therefore, they can be used as prophylactic agents.

Food moth - how to remove it?

Many people think that voracious fireflies live only in wardrobes. In fact, there is a food moth that lives in the kitchen and is bred in foods. Therefore, if gray butterflies appear in the house and fly mainly in the kitchen, you need to get rid of them urgently.

Cleaning lockers

First of all, you should clean out the kitchen cabinets where various products are stored. To do this, you need to remove food from them, ventilate and wash the surfaces with a vinegar solution with water (1:1). Especially carefully wiped down door hinges, recesses and joints. Larvae can hide in them, which in a few days will turn into butterflies.

Photo by Getty Images/iStockphoto

There are different types of moths: grain moths, furniture moths, wool moths, carpet moths (the latter is also called a leather beetle, since it is not averse to feasting on leather products), even rye and cabbage moths - about 30 species in total.

In addition, moths are not only butterflies, but also caterpillars and eggs. It turns out that chasing moths flying around the house is a useless exercise, because by killing them, we only incapacitate the males, who are harmless to things and products. Meanwhile, the females lay more and more silvery-white eggs in the closet, from which voracious caterpillars soon emerge. We will get rid of them.

How to get rid of food moths

Photo Maskot/Maskot

Grain (food) moths attack our food supplies: cereals, flour and dried fruits most often suffer from their larvae. This moth loves warmth high humidity and lack of ventilation.

    Prevention: All groceries should be stored in tightly closed jars or, as a last resort, tied plastic bags.

    How to get rid of: Products that are heavily affected by moths will have to be thrown away, but those that contain few insects can be sorted out and dried in the oven, with the door slightly open, at a temperature of 60–70°C for 15–20 minutes. You can use a microwave for the same purpose. The cabinet where food was stored and moths lived should be washed from the inside with a warm soapy solution, and then with clean water, coat the grooves and cracks with table vinegar using a brush. Keep the cabinet open until dry.

How to get rid of moths in a closet

Photo: Stockbyte/Getty Images

Woolen (also known as felt, fur coat, felt) moth breeds all year round. And at the same time it eats wool, felt, feathers, natural velvet, fur, book bindings and much more, gnawing through synthetic fabrics and plastic bags on the way to food. Caterpillars can easily withstand temperatures dropping to 0°C and can go without food for 30 days. Considering that a moth lives for a long time - about two years - you can imagine how many things it will manage to spoil during this time.

    Prevention: The larvae cannot tolerate bright sunlight or fresh air. That is why moths are not afraid of things that are often in use. And winter clothes sent to the closet for the summer need to be taken care of in advance. Moth caterpillars begin their meal from dirty and sweaty spots, completely eating away the fabric along with the dirt. Therefore, the fight against moths must begin with washing and cleaning clothes before storing them. After cleaning, fur and wool items are placed in plastic bags, and fur coats are placed in thick paper covers with an anti-moth preparation. Shake things thoroughly before packing: moth eggs are not very firmly attached to the fibers of fabric or fur, so they will fly off.

    Get rid of: affected items are treated with dichlorvos-based preparations. A more radical means of destroying moth caterpillars does not yet exist. In addition, dichlorvos is the only true remedy against the skin beetle.

Antimoth drugs

Photo: Jeffrey Coolidge/The Image Bank

Means for getting rid of moths are available in the form of plates, sections, sprays and classic tablets.

The cheapest option is pills And briquettes, which are an alloy of naphthalene and camphor. Tablets are traditionally placed at the top of cabinets. Heavy vapors of naphthalene and camphor fall down, preventing moths from laying eggs on clothes. These ancient remedies would be good for everyone, but they are by no means safe for human health, especially in high concentrations.

Advanced Plates moths have no unpleasant odor. According to manufacturers, they destroy moths and larvae, and repel carpet beetles and leather beetles. The combat readiness of the plates can be counted on within 6 months.

Moth sections– the most civilized form of antimoth drugs. They can be scented with lavender, tangerine and chamomile. Special sections are produced for the delicate protection of children's things. It is necessary to remove the protective tape and place the section at the top of the cabinet. The anti-moth effect of one section extends to 0.5 cubic meters. m. You will have to replace it with a new one in 4–6 months. However, there are warnings on the packaging that in a room of up to 15 square meters. m you can use no more than two sections, and the product should be stored separately from food products in places inaccessible to children, this clearly indicates the toxicity of these repellents. Is it possible to replace them with something more natural?

Prices for clothes these days are quite high, especially for luxury ones made of fur. But, unfortunately, moths interfere with maintaining the proper state of things. She is the main enemy of all fur coats, and every person who values ​​​​his clothes thinks about how to protect his wardrobe from these pests and remove moths from the apartment.

If you have moths in your home, hurry to get rid of it quickly

There are two types of moths. Representatives of the first species are called clothes moths; these moths are the most common in everyday life; they usually start in the closet and spoil things.

The second type of moth is a food moth; it does not appear in an apartment as often as clothes moths, but it does no less harm, since it usually spoils food. Before you start fighting an insect, you need to determine what type it is, because for each there are separate methods of control.

In today's article, we will look at the main methods of fighting clothes moths.

Ways to get rid of clothes moths

There are many methods for removing moths. So, the main ways to protect your clothes from winged pests.

  1. Natural, natural way To get rid of moths is to influence it with air temperature. These butterflies cannot tolerate temperatures below minus five and above forty-five degrees Celsius. In winter, you can leave the windows open for a while, which will destroy the moths and their larvae. There are also special devices that are capable of maintaining the desired temperature.
  2. The second, and most effective, method for killing moths is chemical agents. Most often they are in the form of an aerosol, but there are devices that operate from the mains, as well as in the form of plates impregnated with special substances.
  3. Traditional methods will also help in fighting moths. There are a huge number of them, since over the years of the existence of moths people have tried to use many different methods to fight them.

Aerosol agents against moths

Aerosol is a great way to get rid of insects. It is also good for preventing the appearance of these pests. The use of aerosols to remove moths is the most popular among other methods.

This is because aerosols are easy to use and quickly kill moths. Previously, such substances had a sharp, unpleasant odor, but now most manufacturers add special flavors to aerosols, which makes them smell pleasant.

But no matter how pleasant the aerosol smells, you should strictly follow the instructions that come with it. All modern products contain substances that can cause allergies or even mild poisoning in humans.

Below is a list of the most effective aerosols:

  • "Moskitol"
  • "Raptor"
  • "Armol"

the most best aerosols from moths


Fumigators are very helpful in the fight against butterfly pests. There are pyrotechnic versions of the device (in this case, the fumigator is presented as a spiral, when ignited, smoke is released). There are also electric ones (such a device has special plates that, when heated by electricity, release a special substance)

To achieve better effect, you need to place the fumigator in a closed cabinet. In the case of an electrically powered device, you can use an extension cord. After treatment with an electric fumigator, the plate should be changed.

List of the most effective and harmless fumigators for humans:

  • "Moskitol"
  • "Raptor"
  • "Raid"

the most the best fumigators from moths

Sections for repelling moths

Sections are the easiest way to remove moths. It is enough to hang special plates in places that may be susceptible to moth attack, and insects will fly around this place.

The selection of such sections in the store is quite large. They come in different forms and different flavors. Here are the most popular ones:

  • "Moskitol"
  • "Raptor"
  • "Raid"

the most effective anti-moth sections in clothes

Traditional methods for removing moths

As already mentioned, there are many folk methods of fighting moths. Such methods are available to everyone and do not require large financial costs. But no matter how sad it is, folk remedies for moths serve only as additions to professional substances, and there is no point in hoping that such methods will completely remove moths. Basically, all these means simply expel moths from their habitats, but do not destroy them.

Here is a list of the most popular folk remedies for moths:

  • It is necessary to place lavender leaves in places where clothes are stored (closets, suitcases). You can use lavender sachets or lavender oil, which are freely available in pharmacies.
  • place a pot of scented geranium, its smell will repel pests;
  • moisten cotton wool with orange essential oil and place pieces of this cotton wool in the closet;
  • place orange peels, laundry soap, geranium leaves in the wardrobe;
  • just wrap things in newspaper and hide them in places that are difficult for moths to reach.


There are many methods available to kill moths. But the best thing is that they are not needed. And for this you need to regularly prevent the appearance of these harmful butterflies. It is enough to keep the apartment clean and ventilate regularly.

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