What is fipronil and is it harmful? Fipronil for cockroaches: description of the active substance and reviews of the drugs. Description and characteristics

Fipronil what is it

Hello! Last year I was on a business trip for work reasons. They put me in a dormitory of some local enterprise.

The conditions were not royal, but living for a couple of days was quite bearable. But the main problem was not even about that.

Already on the first night I met my neighbors - cockroaches. There was no point in starting a fight with them; I only advised the manager to use fipronil. In their situation, only he can help. To make it clearer to you, I will now tell you in detail about fipronil - what it is and how it works.


  • International name: Fipronil
  • Appearance: white crystalline powder
  • Storage conditions: dry
  • Guarantee period: 2 years from the date of manufacture

Fipronil is a widely used insecticide. Fipronil is used to control ants, beetles, cockroaches, fleas, mites, termites, moths, crickets, thrips, weevils and other insects. Fipronil is a white powder with a musty odor. Fipronil was first registered for use in the United States in 1996.

Fipronil is a broad spectrum insecticide. Fipronil kills insects when they eat or come into contact with it. Fipronil works by disrupting normal functioning central nervous system in insects.

Fipronil is more toxic to insects than to people and pets. The specificity of the action of fipronil on insects is explained by the high efficiency of its effect on GABA-controlled chloride channels.

Fipronil is a slow-acting poison. After consuming the bait mixed with fipronil, the poisoned insect returns to the colony or nest. The insect debris may contain enough residual pesticide to kill the remaining insects in the colony.

In ants, the exchange of bait among members of the colony promotes the spread of poison throughout the colony. According to the principle of the cascade effect, about 95% of ants and cockroaches are destroyed within 3 days.

Fipronil is highly toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. Its tendency to bind to sediments and low water solubility may reduce the potential hazard to wildlife in aquatic environments.

Fipronil is toxic to bees and should not be applied to vegetation during bee collection. Harmless to earthworms.

Fipronil is also used as an active ingredient in flea control products for pets, pest control in corn fields, golf courses and commercial turf.

The health effects of short-term exposure to fipronil depend on how the subject was exposed to the chemical. Direct, short-term contact with skin may result in mild skin irritation.

When fipronil was ingested orally, sweating, nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, dizziness, weakness and convulsions were observed. Signs and symptoms from short-term exposure to fipronil generally resolve without specific treatment.

Decomposes quickly in soil. The main products of decomposition in soil under aerobic conditions are sulfone and amide. Fipronil residues, even when granules are added to the soil, spread to a depth of no more than 30 cm.

source: http://www.fmchem.ru/catalog/135

What you need to pay attention to when using the drug

Fipronil is a chemical. active substance of pesticides (phenylpyrazole), used in agriculture, in medicine. and household treatment, veterinary medicine for pest control.

Fipronil is a drug with a wide spectrum of action – a contact and intestinal poison. It has moderate systemic properties and high residual activity when processing leaves. They can be used to process seeds.

The drug acts as a blocker of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is responsible for regulating the passage of nerve impulses, due to which it is disrupted nervous system. When transmitting excitation through cells, acid plays the role of a mediator.

Due to its mechanical action, this substance can actively fight many types of insects that are resistant to other toxic compounds.

The insect dies from paralysis within 8-10 hours after exposure to the insecticide. The drug acts as a “protector” for two weeks.

addictive. The presence of resistance to the substance in various species of insects suggests that it cannot be used on an ongoing basis.

Features of application:

Effective against Orthoptera, Coleoptera and soil-dwelling insects.

Fipronil is used to treat vegetative parts of plants and soil. The drug is highly toxic.

Abroad, the drug is used to destroy leaf-dwelling insects and insects living in the soil. A successful result was noted in the fight against locusts (migratory and desert). It is the main drug used to kill locusts.

The drug is also used in medicine and household for baiting pests:

  1. synanthropic cockroaches;
  2. ants.

Due to the fact that the product has high level toxic to warm-blooded animals, its use in the form of bait stations or gels is allowed during disinsection. Due to the systemic actions of the substance, it also poisons ticks and fleas.

Toxicological characteristics

The product belongs to phenylpyrazoles, which have long-term insecticidal toxicity. Absorbed by plants from soil and seeds. Since it decomposes very slowly when exposed to sunlight, then after treatment it lasts for a very long time.


In water, plants and soil, this substance undergoes oxidation, transforming into fipronil sulfone.

It moves through the soil very slowly, to a depth of up to 30 cm. One of the most important properties The drug is resistant to rain. According to some reports, the product can remain on the leaves while maintaining its activity by 75%, even if it rained half an hour after spraying.

Poisonous effect

Toxic for rats, dermotally for rabbits. Does not irritate skin but is a mild eye irritant.

It is slowly metabolized in animals, but the substance itself can be detected even a week after treatment.

Signs of poisoning

Acute poisoning can manifest itself in severe irritability, lethargy and convulsions. After the drug stops working, all symptoms disappear.

Preparations based on fipronil are classified as toxicity classes 1 and 3 for bees, and toxicity classes 2 and 3 for humans.

Fipronil should not be used:

  • for kittens and puppies under 2 months of age;
  • for dogs weighing up to two kg;
  • animals suffering from inf. illnesses or weakened immune systems;
  • with increased individual sensitivity to the product.

It is forbidden to use it auricularly in case of ear scabies or defects of the eardrum.

What you need to pay attention to when using fipronil:

Personal prevention

  • When working with poisons, you should not smoke, eat or drink;
  • After finishing work, you need to wash your hands with warm soapy water;
  • During the day after treatment, the animal should not be touched with hands; small children should be protected from it.


Active ingredients of agricultural insecticides and acaricides (Fipronil)

  1. Synonyms - Fipronil, Regent, Cosmos, Adonis
  2. In English - Fipronil
  3. Chemical formula - C12H4Cl2F6N4OS
  4. Chemical class - Phenylpyrazoles
  5. Preparative form - 80% Water-dispersible granules, 4% Emulsion concentrate
  6. Route of penetration - Enteric pesticide, contact pesticide, systemic pesticide
  7. Effect on organisms - Pesticide, insecticide
  8. Methods of application - Spraying
  9. CAS Number - 120068-37-3

Fipronil -4-[(1R,S)-(trifluoromethyl)sulfinyl]-1H-pyrazole-3-carbonitrile] – chemical active substance pesticides (phenylpyrazoles class), used in agriculture and in the practice of medical, sanitary and household disinsection to combat harmful and synanthropic insects, as well as in veterinary medicine.

Physical and chemical properties

In its pure form it is a colorless crystalline powder with a moldy odor. Thermally stable, does not degrade in the presence of metals, does not hydrolyze at pH 5-7, stable; at pH=9 it is hydrolyzed by 50% in 28 days. Decomposes slowly in sunlight.

Physical characteristics:

  • Molecular weight 437.2;
  • The melting point of the pure substance is 200-201 °C;
  • Melting point of the technical product is 195.5-203 °C;
  • Saturated vapor pressure (25 °C) 3.7 10-4 mPa (2.8 10-9 mmHg);
  • Solubility in water at pH=5-1.9 mg/l; at pH=9-2.4 mg/l;
  • T0.5–28 days.

Effect on harmful organisms

Fipronil is a contact and intestinal insecticide with a broad spectrum of action, has moderate systemic properties and good residual activity when treating leaves, and can be used for treating and treating seeds.

The mechanism of action of fipronil is to block gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which regulates the passage of nerve impulses through chlorion channels in the membranes of nerve cells, thereby disrupting the functions of the nervous system. GABA, like acetylcholine, plays the role of a mediator in the system of excitation transmission through nerve cells.

The peculiarity of the mechanism of action explains the effectiveness of the active substance against insect populations resistant to FOS, pyrethroids and carbamate compounds.

It has a high degree of affinity for -4-phenyl-4-n-propylbicycloorthobenzoate, which ensures the selectivity of the action of fipronil on insects. The death of insects occurs from paralysis 8 hours after the insecticide enters the insect's body as a result of overexcitation of the central nervous system.

The protective effect of fipronil-based drugs is about 14 days.

Resistance. The presence of tolerance to fipronil in different populations and races of insects indicates that it should not be used long-term, this insecticide is an excellent component of insecticide rotation schemes, including when used in the form of food baits.

Pesticides containing Fipronil

For agriculture:

  1. Adonis, KE (registration period has expired)
  2. Monarch, VDG
  3. Regent, VDG

For medical, sanitary and household use:

  • Anti-cockroach gel, gel-like bait
  • Magic drops, gel (mixed pesticide)
  • Brownie Proshka, gel
  • Fumitox, gel
  • Eslanadez, gel (mixed pesticide)


In agriculture. The active substance is effective against pests from the orders Orthoptera and Coleoptera, as well as soil-dwelling pests. Active as a soil insecticide and for treating the vegetative parts of plants. However, the scope of use of this compound is limited by its high toxicity.

Preparations based on fipronil are approved for use against wheat pests (ground beetles, pest bugs (larvae) younger ages, pyavitsa), barley (piavitsa), potatoes ( Colorado beetle), pastures, areas inhabited by locusts, wild vegetation (locusts).

Abroad. Fipronil, according to foreign press data, is used to control both leaf-dwelling and soil-dwelling insects.

It has been successfully used in the control of desert and migratory locusts (4.8-11 grams of active ingredient per hectare), and in 2003 the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) included it as a main product for the control of desert locusts.

For the purposes of medical, sanitary and household disinsection, preparations based on fipronil are used to destroy synanthropic cockroaches and ants in objects of various categories: residential, industrial, medical and prophylactic, children's, food.

In medical disinsection, due to the high toxicity of the substance for warm-blooded animals, only bait stations and gels are allowed.

Due to their systemic action, preparations based on the active substance are also used in veterinary medicine against fleas and ticks.

Instructions for use

According to common practice, instructions for use of a particular substance are developed in relation to preparations containing this substance. In order to read the instructions for the drug, you need to go to the page of this insecticide (shown on the right).

The Toxicological data table is compiled in accordance with GN 1.2.2701-10.

Toxicological properties and characteristics

Fipronil belongs to the group of phenylpyrazoles, characterized by high long-term insecticidal toxicity. Can be absorbed by plants from soil and seeds. Due to the slow decomposition in sunlight after spraying, a long-lasting effect is ensured. In plants, soil and water, the compound is oxidized to fipronil sulfone.

In the soil, within 30 days or more, the corresponding sulfide (during the reduction of the sulfoxide group) and amide (due to the hydrolysis of the nitrile group) is formed. Fipronil in soil is destroyed under aerobic conditions, and its metabolites are destroyed under anaerobic conditions. It moves slowly along the soil profile, to a depth of no more than 30 cm.

Formed in environment metabolites: sulfide, sulfone and sulforide also have an insecticidal effect.

An important property of fipronil-based preparations is their resistance to rain washout. Tests conducted in the Ipatovsky district of the Stavropol Territory showed that the Regent drug was retained on the leaves and remained effective at 75% even if it rained 40 minutes after treatment.

Toxic effect. LD50 for rats 97 mg/kg; LD50 dermal for rabbits > 2000 mg/kg. Does not irritate skin, mildly irritates eyes. It is gradually metabolized in animals, but the labeled active substance is detectable even 7 days after treatment.


Symptoms of poisoning. Acute fipronil poisoning manifests itself in increased irritability, tremor, lethargy, and convulsions. After stopping the drug, the symptoms disappear.

Hazard classes. Preparations based on fipronil belong to the first and third classes of danger for bees and to the second and third classes of danger to humans.

Receipt history

Fipronil was synthesized in 1987. In Russia, trials of drugs based on fipronil have been conducted since 1995. In 1995, it was tested in the area of ​​Lake Baikal against a complex of locusts, including 10 species of Gomphocerinae. Fipronil caused 81-87% mortality of orthopterans after 24 hours.

In 1993, based on fipronil, the first commercial preparation for medical disinfestation appeared - Goliath gel (poison baits).

source: http://www.pesticidy.ru/active_substance/fipronil

FIPRONIL for animals

International Nonproprietary Name (INN): BAN accepted for use in the UK.

Included in the following preparations for animals:

  • BLOCHNET DROPS - solution for external use, reg. No.: PVR-2-5.6/01768 dated 12/11/2006, NVP ASTRAPHARM LLC (Russia) - produced by: NPK SKiFF LLC (Russia)
  • IN-AP COMPLEX - solution for external use, reg. No.: PVR-2-2.0/02530 dated 04/15/2010, NVP ASTRAPHARM LLC (Russia), produced by: NPK SKiFF LLC (Russia)
  • FIPRIST® SPOT OH - solution for external use, reg. No.: 705-3-14.15-3012 No. PVI-3-8.0/03272 dated 02/19/2016, KRKA d.d., Novo Mesto (Slovenia)
  • AMIT FORTE - solution for external use, reg. No.: PVR-2-5.8/02197 dated 08/30/2008, Agrovetzaschita NVC LLC (Russia), produced by: AVZ S-P LLC (Russia)
  • INSECTOACARICIDAL DROPS BARS® FORTE - solution for external use, reg. No.: PVR-2-7.7/02043 dated November 26, 2007, Agrovetzaschita NVC LLC (Russia), produced by: AVZ S-P LLC (Russia)
  • INSECTOACARICIDAL SPRAY BARS® FORTE - solution for external use, reg. No.: PVR-2-7.7/02042 dated November 26, 2007, Agrovetzaschita NVC LLC (Russia), produced by: AVZ S-P LLC (Russia)
  • INSECTOACARICIDAL LEOPARD® COLLAR – polymer tape, reg. No.: PVR-2-5.7/02023 dated 09/19/2007, Agrovetzaschita NVC LLC (Russia), produced by: AVZ S-P LLC (Russia)
  • FIPREX 75 SPOT-ON - solution for external use, reg. No.: PVI-2-2.9/02726 dated 04/08/2009, Vet-Agro sp.z.o.o. (Poland)
  • FIPREX SPRAY FORTE - solution for external use, reg. No.: PVI-2-2.9/02727 dated 04/08/2009, Vet-Agro sp.z.o.o. (Poland)
  • INSPECTOR TOTAL K - solution for external use, reg. No.: PVR-3-7.12/02838 dated 06/06/2012, NPF EKOPROM (Russia)
  • INSPECTOR TOTAL S - solution for external use, reg. No.: PVR-3-7.12/02839 dated 06/06/2012, NPF EKOPROM (Russia)
  • FIPRIST® SPRAY - solution for external use, reg. No.: 705-3-21.12-1115 No. PVI-3-21.12/03840 dated 09.11.2012, KRKA d.d., Novo Mesto (Slovenia)
  • FIPRIST® COMBO - solution for external use (for dogs), reg. No.: RK-VP-4-3172-16 dated 07/22/2016, KRKA d.d., Novo Mesto (Slovenia)
  • FIPRIST® COMBO - solution for external use (for cats and ferrets) 50 mg+60 mg/0.5 ml, reg. No.: RK-VP-4-3173-16 dated 07/22/2016, KRKA d.d., Novo Mesto (Slovenia).

Pharmacological (biological) properties and effects

Fiprist® Spot In terms of the degree of impact on the body, it is classified as moderate hazardous substances(hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses does not have a locally irritating or resorptive toxic effect, if it gets into the eyes it causes mild irritation. The drug is toxic to rabbits, as well as fish and other aquatic organisms.

Indications for use of the drug FIPRIST® SPOT ON. Dogs and cats from 8 weeks of age with:

  • entomoses;
  • otodectosis;
  • damage by ticks (ixodid, cheylitella);
  • as part of complex therapy for allergic dermatitis caused by fleas.

Application procedure

Fiprist® Spot It is administered to animals by a single topical application of the drug to dry, intact skin, using pipettes of various packaging (depending on the type and weight of the animal).

Before treatment, the tip of the pipette is pierced with an inverted cap, the animal’s fur is spread in the back area (between the shoulder blades) and, pressing the pipette, the drug is applied to the skin at one or several points in the following doses:

The duration of the protective effect of the drug against ixodid ticks after treatment of cats it is 15-21 days, after treatment of dogs - up to 1 month. Duration of protective action against fleas: after treating cats - up to 1.5 months, after treating dogs - 2-2.5 months.

Repeated treatments of animals are carried out according to indications, but not more than once every 3 weeks.

In order to prevent re-infestation of animals with fleas, bedding is replaced or treated with an insecticidal agent in accordance with the instructions for its use.

To treat otodectosis, Fiprist® Spot On is instilled into each ear, 4-6 drops (the drops must be injected into both ears). To distribute the drug evenly, fold the auricle in half and lightly massage its base.

The remainder of the drug in the pipette used (based on the weight of the animal) is applied to the skin between the shoulder blades (one-time treatment). When otodectosis is complicated by otitis, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

No specific effects of the drug during its first use and discontinuation were identified. Violations of the drug use regimen should be avoided, because this may reduce its effectiveness. If the next treatment is missed, it should be carried out as soon as possible in the same dose.

Side effects

When using the drug in accordance with the instructions, side effects and complications in animals, as a rule, are not observed.

With a significant overdose, the animal may experience excessive salivation, muscle tremors, and vomiting. In this case, the drug is washed off with water. detergent and apply general measures aimed at removing it from the body.

Contraindications to the use of the drug FIPRIST® SPOT ON: increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug (including a history of it).

The use of the drug is prohibited:

  • sick infectious diseases and weakened animals;
  • dogs weighing less than 2 kg;
  • puppies and kittens under 8 weeks of age.

special instructions

  • You should not wash or bathe the animal in natural bodies of water for 48 hours after treatment, or apply the drug to wet or damaged skin.
  • Auricular use of the drug (for ear scabies) in case of perforation of the eardrum is not allowed.
  • In case of increased individual sensitivity and the occurrence of allergic reactions, the drug should be washed off with soap and water or zoo shampoo and, if necessary, desensitizing therapy should be carried out.
  • Fiprist® Slot It should not be used in conjunction with other insectoacaricidal agents for treating animals.
  • The drug is allowed to be used by animals intended for breeding, as well as pregnant and lactating females.
  • The drug is not intended for use in food producing animals.

Personal prevention measures

When working with Fiprist® Spot, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with medications.

Smoking, drinking and eating are not allowed during work. When finished, wash your hands with warm water and detergent. Within 24 hours after treatment, the animal should not be petted or allowed near small children.

Persons with signs of allergic, respiratory and skin diseases should not be allowed to work with the drug. People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should avoid direct contact with Fiprist® Spot On.

If the drug accidentally gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it should be immediately removed with a swab and then washed off with water and detergent; if ingested, give several glasses of warm water and enterosorbent to drink and, if necessary, contact medical institution(bring the label or instructions for use with you).

When destroying an unused drug, it should not be allowed to enter natural bodies of water and sources. drinking water.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored in the manufacturer's sealed packaging, separate from food products and feed, in a place protected from direct sunlight, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 0° to 25°C. Shelf life, subject to storage conditions, is 3 years from the date of production.

Do not use the drug after the expiration date. Unused medicinal product disposed of in accordance with legal requirements.

source: https://www.vidal.ru/veterinar/molecule/fipronil

Medicines for animals. Fipronil (spray)

The information posted on this page is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-medication! Before using medications, consultation with a specialist is MANDATORY!

This veterinary drug is practically not absorbed through the skin of animals. It accumulates in the sebaceous glands, due to which long time protects animals from insecto-acaricidal diseases.

For whom: prescribed for cats and dogs.

Leave form: this drug in the form of a transparent (or purple) solution is packaged in special bottles with a spray nozzle, 250 or 100 ml in volume. The solution has a specific odor.


Dosage: Fipronil in spray form is used externally. First, shake the bottle with the medicine thoroughly. Spraying is carried out against the growth of the animal's fur, from a distance of 10-20 cm. The bottle with the drug should be held vertically, trying to moisten the pet's skin and hair thoroughly and evenly.

To speed up the penetration of the medicine into the skin, it is recommended to lightly rub it in using rubber gloves. The approximate dosage of the drug is 3-6 ml for every 1 kg of animal weight.

Animals should not be allowed to lick this insecticidal acaricidal agent from the surface of their fur or skin. You can wash your pet (or allow it to swim in bodies of water) no earlier than 48 hours after using the medicine.

Restrictions: This drug should not be used on animals under two days of age. It is not recommended for use on weakened cats and dogs. In some pets, the use of this product causes allergic reactions.

Licking the drug can cause symptoms in the animal such as increased salivation, skin erythema, itching, and in rare cases, vomiting and difficulty breathing. This drug is contraindicated for rabbits.

source: http://vet.apreka.ru/?p=fipronil_sprey

Flea and tick remedies

Ticks can transmit many diseases, so tick control also receives a lot of attention. Today's pet insecticides have made significant strides, with a large number of new flea and tick products being produced.

Flea and tick repellent can be in the form of a collar, powder, spray, lotion, shampoo, tablet and drop, the latter has become the most popular. However, the main difference between flea products available on the market today is the active ingredient, which provides protection for your animal.

So, today on the shelves of pet stores we are mainly offered flea and tick products from Bayer (Advandix, Bolfo, Kiltix), Hartz, Beaphar, Frontline, Promeris, Stronghold and domestic drugs Bars, etc.

The main active ingredients of these products are the following components.


Pyrethrins are one of the most widely used insecticides in modern means against fleas and ticks, they have been used in this capacity for more than 100 years. Pyrethrins are natural extracts from chrysanthemum flowers. There are six types of pyrethrins.

All six are used in flea and tick products, however the active ingredient 'pyrethrin' is usually listed on the product packaging, regardless of which type of the six is ​​actually used.

Mode of action: Pyrethrins act on the nervous system of insects and lead to repeated and extensive nerve ruptures. The effect is achieved by influencing the flow of sodium from nerve cells.

Uses: Pyrethrins are used to kill ticks, fleas, lice and mosquitoes. Pyrethrin-based products are typically applied directly to the animal. Home flea treatments usually contain pyrethrins, either a combination of pyrethrins and permethrin (see below), or pyrethrins plus a synergist. Synergists are chemicals that enhance the effects of other drugs.

Safety: The possibility of intoxication in animals is very low, but possible. Symptoms of pyrethrin poisoning in animals may include drooling, trembling, and vomiting. Typically, symptoms of intoxication disappear within 24 hours.

Pyrethroids (permethrin, phenothrin, Etofenprox). Pyrethroids are synthetic components of pyrethrin. This means that they are made in a laboratory and are not natural plant extracts.

The most common synthetic pyrethrins used for flea and tick control are phenothrin, etofenprox and permethrin. They act more slowly than natural pyrethrins but have a longer lasting effect.

Mode of action: Pyrethroids, like pyrethrins, act on the nervous system of insects.

Uses: Pyrethroids are used to produce flea, lice and tick treatments. Since the action of permethrins is longer than natural pyrethrins, they are usually used in sprays and shampoos to increase the time of protective action.

Permethrins are soluble in oils, but not in water. This property is used to produce products that ensure good distribution of permethrin throughout the animal’s body and prolong the protective effect, for example, for a month. Permethrin should not be used on cats.

Products for cats contain etofenprox, which is indicated on the packaging as a product for cats.

Safety: Some animals may experience temporary sensitivity to pyrethroids. Symptoms of poisoning are the same as for pyrethrin poisoning.

Organophosphate compounds (organophosphates) and a group of carbomic acid derivatives (organocarbamates)

Organophosphates and carbomic acid derivatives are another class of agents used as insecticides for farm and domestic animals. Organophosphates and derivatives of carbamic acid are widely used, such as: organophosphates (thiophos, karbofos, methyl mercaptophos, dichlorvos, diazinon, etc.), derivatives of carbamic acid (methylcarbamate, propoxur).


Method of Action: The effect is achieved by blocking the work of protein receptors in insect nerve cells.

Safety: Organophosphates and carbomic acid derivatives are the class of insecticides most likely to cause toxic poisoning in pets. Symptoms in a pet with organophosphate poisoning include: breathing problems, hind limb weakness, increased drooling, limb tremors

Greyhounds and beagle dogs can be overly sensitive to organophosphates, so it is best to use other flea treatments for these breeds.


Imidacloprid is a new insecticide that belongs to a different class of chemicals and is used in the manufacture of flea products.

Mode of action: Like most insecticides, imidacloprid acts on the nervous system of insects by blocking nerve receptors. This kills fleas but has no effect on ticks.

Use: Imidacloprid is usually used once a month as a topical flea insecticide for cats and dogs. Imidacloprid mixed with oily solvents collects in the hair follicles, from where it is slowly released.

Safety: Imidacloprid is a fairly safe substance, but when used together with other components, some pets may develop sensitivity to it.


Uses: Fipronil is widely used once a month as a topical insecticide for cats and dogs to get rid of fleas and ticks. Fipronil mixed with oily solvents is collected in the hair follicles, from where it is gradually released.

Safety: When combined with other ingredients, some pets may experience temporary sensitivity at the site of application. Some animals may develop more severe sensitivity. In this case, it is better to consult a veterinarian.


Metaflumizone is a semicarbazone insecticide used in the production of flea products.

Mode of action: Metaflumizone attacks the flea's nervous system by blocking the movement of sodium atoms. This leads to paralysis and death of the flea.

Usage: Metaflumizone is applied externally once a month. It has no effect on ticks.

Safety: Some animals may experience temporary sensitivity at the site of application or more severe sensitivity, in which case it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.


Amitraz is a component that is used to treat demodectic scabies. Amitraz has also been shown to be highly effective when used in anti-tick collars in dogs. It has no effect on fleas, so is only used to control ticks. Do not use Amitase on cats.

Mode of action: Amitase belongs to a group of substances called formamidines and is used as an ingredient in anti-tick collars.

Uses: Amitase has proven to be more effective in controlling mites than other agents such as organophosphates.

Most ticks die in less than 24 hours, thereby preventing transmission of Lyme disease. Amitase is also used in other flea products as a component that provides protection against ticks (check the information on the packaging).

The concentration of amitase in anti-mite collars is not high enough to provide prophylaxis against demodectic mange.

Amitraz should not be used on cats.

Safety: Collars containing amitase are safe for dogs if used correctly. The collar should be worn so that you can fit two fingers between the collar and the dog's neck - no more, no less.

If the collar is worn too tightly, it can cause skin irritation. Make sure that the excess portion of the collar is cut off so that the dog or other pet cannot reach the end of the collar.



Selamictin is quickly absorbed at the site of application, enters the bloodstream through the skin and is distributed throughout the animal’s body through the bloodstream.

Safety: Do not use this product on kittens or puppies less than 6 weeks of age. Use caution when using this product on animals that are sick, debilitated, underweight, or have skin problems.


Nitenpyram has proven effective in controlling fleas in cats and dogs. A distinctive feature of Capstar flea remedy based on nitenpyram is its oral administration. Mode of action: Nitenpyram blocks nerve receptors in fleas.

Use: Nitenpyram is used as an oral insecticide to kill fleas in cats and dogs from 4 weeks of age and 1 kg. body weight. Nitenpyram kills adult fleas on pets within 30 minutes.

The peak effect after taking the product is approximately 3 hours for a dog and 4 hours for a cat. This is very convenient under certain circumstances such as surgery, transportation, haircuts, etc.

Safety: Nitenpyram is quite safe. Can be used for kittens and puppies from 4 weeks and older, weighing from 1 kg, as well as for pregnant animals.

Good day, dear readers. Do you know how fast cockroaches reproduce? Those in whose home a colony of these creatures has already grown to incredible sizes probably know. Prussians need only a few months for their family of a couple of dozen individuals to grow to 1000 insects.
In such a situation, it is already difficult to ignore the problem or rely on folk remedies - it’s time to use a stronger poison.

Today we will look for the most powerful remedy for cockroaches. I will talk about the most effective insecticides, their composition and principle of action. Based on this information and my recommendations, you can choose the right poison. Don't despair if the number of insects in your home is out of control and your usual remedies no longer help - I think I can help you sort it out. And in the end, we’ll discuss how you can protect yourself from the re-infestation of insects.

Pesticide compounds against insects

Hardly anyone would argue that folk recipes or homemade traps as effective as specially formulated insecticidal preparations. Chemical science does not stand still, and for several decades humanity has been successfully using pesticides to kill insects.

If you thought that pesticides were something from the field of agriculture, you were not mistaken: the list of substances is huge and their areas of application can be very different. But today we will only talk about those that will help destroy cockroaches. Despite the huge number of pesticide substances, mainly 5 of them are used in insecticidal preparations:

  • chlorpyrifos;
  • cypermethrin;
  • fenthion;
  • fipronil;
  • fenvalerate

I will tell you how these compounds act on insects, what preparations they are used in, and how toxic they are to humans.


Broad-spectrum contact insecticide. This means that chlorpyrifos-based drugs are used to combat different types insects:

  • with cockroaches;
  • with ants;
  • with midges and moths;
  • with bedbugs;
  • with woodlice, silverfish, etc.

The word “contact” means that chlorpyrifos affects insects through physical contact. The substance penetrates the body through chitinous integuments, the respiratory tract and the digestive tract. After interacting with the poison, irreversible processes begin in the cockroach’s body that lead to death:

  • After a few minutes, muscle tremors and a disruption in the oxygen supply to vital organs begin.
  • Then the transmission of nerve impulses slows down until the functioning of the nervous system completely stops.
  • Finally, complete paralysis sets in, and all these consequences of poisoning together cause the death of the insect.

Chlorpyrifos belongs to toxicity class II. This means that they are highly dangerous for humans and pets. The use of products based on this substance requires careful adherence to the instructions for use and safety precautions, otherwise intoxication cannot be avoided.

Pros and cons of products containing chlorpyrifos

In addition to being highly toxic to humans, drugs containing chlorpyrifos can cause resistance in insects. This means that after prolonged exposure of the component to arthropod organisms, the latter lose sensitivity to the poison, which means it is no longer effective. It is recommended to change the product from time to time so as not to cause addiction in cockroaches.

As for the advantages, the main advantage of drugs based on chlorpyrifos is the ability to affect not only adult individuals, but also their eggs. True, under one condition - the product must be applied directly near the places where ootheca are deposited.
In addition, chlorpyrifos remains active for approximately 30 days. This means that it has a prolonged preventive effect against re-infestation of the house by insects.

Preparations based on chlorpyrifos

I have already said that this substance is used in many insecticides. Here is a list of the most popular ones:

  • Globol gel;
  • Get Total emulsion;
  • Get Dry stick, etc.

Choose any one based on the specifics of their application - this information is usually indicated on the packaging. Preparations with chlorpyrifos will get rid of cockroaches in a few days, but be prepared for the fact that the treatment will have to be repeated after 10-14 days. This is necessary in order to certainly destroy the young generation that will hatch from the ootheca.

Reading on the topic: Dohlox cockroach gel and traps reliable means from a mustachioed misfortune


A contact-intestinal insecticide from the group of pyrethroids, in its pure form it is a viscous liquid without color and pronounced odor. Widely used in agricultural disinfestation, as well as in the destruction of insects in industrial and technical rooms and in everyday life.

The contact-intestinal type of exposure implies that cypermethrin acts on the body through the chitinous integument and the digestive tract. Once in the insect's body, the substance blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, provoking complete muscle paralysis, as a result of which the insect dies.

Cypermethrin is considered a broad-spectrum poison, but although it can be used to destroy almost all types of synanthropic insects, it works best against cockroaches and bed bugs. In addition to direct destruction, this compound in a sublethal dosage (that is, less than what is needed for death) repels insects. This property allows the use of cypermethrin-based preparations not only for disinfestation, but also for the prevention of re-infestation of the apartment.

Cypermethrin belongs to hazard classes II and III. This means that it is highly or moderately hazardous depending on the concentration and dosage. In any case, when using it, you should not neglect the rules of personal safety - be sure to use protective equipment and follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Pros and cons of products with cypermethrin

The main advantage of drugs based on this component is that they do not cause resistance in insects, that is, they are equally effective throughout the entire period of use. Another plus is a month of preventive effect: cypermethrin retains its properties during this period, repelling insects or destroying the most curious ones. After this period, the substance completely decomposes into safe components under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and oxygen.

As for the disadvantages, there is only one - cypermethrin has no effect on insect eggs. This means that repeated treatment cannot be avoided, even despite the prolonged effect of the drug.

Preparations based on cypermethrin

This substance was discovered in 1971, and since then it has become a component of many insecticidal preparations:

  • "Cypermethrin";
  • Medilis Cyper, etc.

These products will destroy all insects in your home in 1-2 days, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to re-treat. If you use any form of the drug with this component, do not use other forms of insecticides at the same time: for example, do not mix the gel with the aerosol. In the case of cypermethrin, this situation can lead to an increased risk of intoxication.


An agricultural and household insecticide that is used against synanthropic and harmful insects. This substance is included in many insecticidal preparations due to its versatility - with its help you can get rid of almost all types of insect pests.
Fipronil is a contact-intestinal insecticide, that is, it affects cockroaches both from the inside and from the outside. When the substance enters the insect’s body through the digestive tract or respiratory system, it causes the following disorders:

  • inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses and the nervous system as a whole;
  • disrupts the blood supply to vital organs;
  • causes muscle tremors up to complete paralysis.

The poisoned insect does not die immediately, but only after a few hours. This fact partly explains the high effectiveness of fipronil-based products: one individual, after contact with the poison, will return to the nest and infect several more.

Moreover, cockroaches are characterized by cannibalism and necrophagy - they often eat their dead fellows. This is another way the poison can influence the colony, since by eating an individual killed by fipronil, healthy cockroaches are poisoned and die themselves. However, the substance does not affect cockroach eggs, so one way or another, the treatment will have to be repeated when the nymphs hatch - this is approximately 10-14 days after the initial treatment.

Fipronil belongs to toxicity class II. This means that the substance is highly dangerous for people and pets, and when using it it is necessary to use personal protective equipment.
Pros and cons of fipronil products
Let's start with the disadvantages, since there is only one: a high level of toxicity for humans. Failure to follow the instructions for use may result in severe intoxication requiring hospitalization.

Reading on the topic: how to poison cockroaches with boric acid, a reliable remedy

But the advantages of fipronil-based products are much greater:

  • Versatility. Preparations based on this component will rid your home of any insects.
  • Efficiency - using this substance, you can be sure that not a single individual will survive.
  • Speed. In just a day, or at most two, the Prussians will only have unpleasant memories.
  • Prolonged action that lasts for a month after treatment.
  • Under the influence of the sun and oxygen, fipronil decomposes into safe compounds, but this process is slow, due to which fipronil has a preventive effect.
    Preparations based on fipronil
    Perhaps the only people who haven’t heard about these remedies are those who haven’t heard about cockroaches themselves. Fipronil-based drugs are on everyone’s lips due to their high effectiveness, here are the most popular of them:
  • gel “Brownie Proshka”;
  • and others.

The high toxicity of fipronil necessitates the use of protective equipment - rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator. If symptoms of intoxication do occur, it is better not to wait for more severe consequences and seek treatment as soon as possible. medical care– this is a guarantee of the absence of complications.


A household and agricultural insecticide that, in its pure form, looks like a clear oil with a yellowish-brown tint. Has a slight garlic scent. Fenthion is a contact-intestinal insecticide and can also enter the insect's body through the respiratory tract. Penetrating into the body of a cockroach, fenthion inhibits all vital systems, including the breathing process, as a result of which the insect dies.

Fenthion belongs to toxicity class II, which means that products based on it can cause harm to people and animals. To prevent this from happening, you must carefully follow the instructions on the package and take precautions.

Pros and cons of products with fenthion

The main disadvantage of fenthion is its cumulative nature. This means that the substance does not decompose, but accumulates in the room, which can cause allergic reaction or intoxication. Moreover, the owners will not immediately realize that these symptoms are associated with the insecticide - after all, they have already used it before without any consequences.

The substance has many more advantages:

  • versatility;
  • efficiency;
  • The preventive effect lasts for 2-3 weeks.

Preparations based on fenthion

This insecticide is used mainly in universal preparations, such as:

  • "Executioner";
  • "Bifethrin";
  • "Buff Dust";
  • "Medilis";
  • "Force site";
  • and others.

With the help of these means you can get rid of not only Prussians, but also almost all types of synanthropic and harmful insects. In addition, preparations based on fenthion can be used to destroy ixodid ticks, carriers of tick-borne encephalitis.


Insectoacaricidal substance of contact-intestinal type of action. Fenvalerate inhibits all vital systems of the insect, causing death. It is not as common as other insecticidal substances, so we will not dwell on it in detail. I will only say that fenvalerate belongs to the second class of danger, that is, it is quite toxic to people and animals.

Based on fenvalerate, the product “Phenomenon Dust” is made, which is intended to combat domestic insects. In general, this substance is used more often in agriculture than in everyday life.
Which remedy should you choose?

Now that you know how the most effective cockroach repellents work, you can safely go to the store and take any of the above remedies:

  • Globol gel;
  • Get Total emulsion;
  • Get Dry stick;
  • "Cypermethrin";
  • products from the “Clean House” line;
  • Medilis Cyper;
  • Tiuram powder (also known as cable or tire powder);
  • solution or granules for preparing the Regent solution;
  • gel “Brownie Proshka”;
  • "Executioner";
  • "Bifethrin";
  • "Buff Dust";
  • "Medilis";
  • "Force site";
  • "The Dust Phenomenon."

It is these powerful drugs that will show the best results due to the content of potent substances that we discussed above. But all these products are available in a variety of forms (gel, powder, liquid, granules, emulsion, etc.), so which one should you choose?

Reading time: 6 minutes. Published 11/07/2018

Modern industry produces a huge number of drugs aimed at combating harmful insects. The chemicals that make up insecticides are usually intended for a specific type of pest, but there are also universal products used not only in agriculture, but also in veterinary medicine, as well as for the purpose of sanitary and household disinfestation. These include Fipronil.

Spray “Fipronil” is excellent in combating fleas in animals and insects in general.

In this article:

Description and characteristics

Fipronil - chemical pesticide substance class of phenylpyrazoles, used to combat various types of harmful insects. In its natural form it is a colorless powder with a distinct musty odor. Does not react to thermal influences, does not deteriorate in the presence of metals, and decomposes slowly in sunlight.

Fipronil disrupts the passage of impulses through the membranes of nerve cells and blocks the functioning of the nervous system of pests. The death of the latter occurs on average 8 hours after treatment due to paralysis caused by overexcitation of the central nervous system. The duration of the protective effect of preparations based on this pesticide is 14 days.

The substance was developed by the French concern Ron-Pulec from 1985 to 1987, but 6 years later it entered the wide market under a US patent. A decade later, the patent rights for the production of products containing Fipronil were purchased by the international corporation BASF.

In this video you will learn about using Fipronil spray against fleas:

Areas of application

Fipronil is a broad-spectrum enteric insecticide with moderate systemic properties and good residual activity. Features of the effect of the substance on the body of harmful insects allow it to be used in the following areas:

It is worth noting that long-term use of Fipronil is fraught with the emergence of resistance, so it is advisable to alternate preparations based on it with other insecticides, including when used as food baits.

Advantages and disadvantages

The substance has a prolonged effect. Its presence in baits allows poisoned insects to return to the colony and spread the poison even after their own death. In particular, Fipronil against cockroaches helps kill 95% of pests, even if they did not use bait, but simply came into contact with feces and corpses of dead relatives. The same goes for ants - complete destruction their colonization occurs within 3 days.

Among the advantages include resistance to precipitation: when sprayed, the pesticide remains 75% effective even after rain 40 minutes after application. In addition, almost all types of insects find the smell and taste of poison very attractive, which simplifies the procedure for their destruction. However, you should also be aware of the negative characteristics of the substance., in particular:

  • potential danger to aquatic fauna (including aquarium inhabitants);
  • high toxicity to pollinating insects;
  • tendency to accumulate in soil, tissues of treated plants and animal organisms;
  • toxicity to birds (subject to ingestion of the pesticide).

Instructions for use

Fipronil is part of a variety of drugs, each of which has its own purpose, so there are no universal instructions for it - in each specific case you must follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. The only condition common to all drugs is compliance with standard safety measures:

Anti-flea products with Fipronil are contraindicated for puppies and kittens under two months of age, as well as adult animals with weakened immune systems.

The substance has the first and third classes of danger for pollinating insects (depending on the purpose of the drug, which includes Fipronil). Hazard classes for humans - second and third.

Preparations based on Fipronil

Products based on this pesticide are produced under different names in almost all countries. Foreign drugs are also supplied to Russia, but you should buy them only at certified points, otherwise there is a high probability of running into counterfeit products.

Among the tested options are:

Products based on Fipronil are highly effective and have a wide range of applications, which allows them to be used both in private households and on an industrial scale. However, you should remember the high toxicity of the substance and the need to strictly follow the instructions specified by the manufacturer.

The scale of the terrible crime committed in countries considered a model of Western democracy, in Holland and Belgium, is only growing. , these are almost all EU members, Canada, 18 states in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Millions of chickens have been destroyed, but fipronil will remind itself for a long time. After all, powdered eggs (melange), as well as egg whites and yolks, are very widely used food industry(see infographic). And many people use them in home cooking.

The well-known food safety specialist, advisor to Rosselkhoznadzor Alexey Alekseenko:

The presence of fipronil in eggs came as a surprise to us and to our colleagues from the European Union. After all, its use is generally prohibited in animals used for food. This is a direct violation of the law, it shows how weak control over the production of products exists in Europe. And this is a serious violation, because fipronil is a broad-spectrum insecticide, that is, a remedy against insects. In Russia, preparations with fipronil are approved for dogs and cats as a remedy against ticks, fleas, lice and other insects. It is important that the product is applied to the withers so that the animal cannot lick it off. This was done because of the danger of fipronil - it blocks the most important mediator of the nervous system, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), that is, it affects the conduction of impulses in the central nervous system. It is also toxic to the liver and kidneys. And scientists from the USA, in an experiment on animals, showed that it also causes thyroid cancer.

The investigation is underway...

Naturally, everyone is very concerned about such a substance getting into human food - fipronil has been found in millions of eggs. It is found not only in eggs, but also in egg powder, which means in confectionery, in mayonnaise and other products where it or other egg products are added. Moreover, this worries specialists even more than eggs - they are practically not supplied to Russia. But a batch of contaminated egg powder has already been identified and detained.

For me, as a food safety expert, this is a very alarming situation for many reasons,” says Alexey Alekseenko. - Firstly, pollution concerns not only eggs. Chicken manure also contains fipronil. Because it is used as a fertilizer, it can end up in food and forage plants. This may result in contamination of both drinking water and reservoirs. The latter is very dangerous for fish - fipronil is extremely toxic to it.

Violations were detected at very large enterprises in Holland and Belgium. During the investigation, documents were discovered that the companies purchased 3 thousand kg of fipronil and made more additional order by 15 thousand kg. Imagine how many chickens could have received this drug! All this suggests that there may be others no less dangerous violations in raising animals and producing products from other companies. This means that control in the EU is not working well.

Holland. Further everywhere

As the investigation shows, there are two versions of this violation - fipronil was added in Holland due to an outbreak of red mites in chickens or simply for prevention. In any case, this is a serious crime.

But that's not all. The Dutch regulatory authorities identified this earlier and have already corrected this violation. But at the same time they hid it. And only then, by some miracle, fipronil was discovered in Germany. It’s a miracle because no one tests it in eggs - after all, it is prohibited to be used in poultry farming and it simply should not be there.

I remember the recent horse meat scandal in Ireland. Horse meat is not used in food production in the EU. However, after conducting a study for the presence of drugs in products, experts discovered a rare painkiller that is used only in horse breeding. Carrying out an investigation, we found out that it was brought along with horse meat.

But what is the purpose of adding it? After all, edible horse meat is more expensive than regular meat. In reality, it was cheap, non-edible horse meat from an unknown source. Now they are inclined to believe that she is from the USA. It is forbidden to slaughter horses there and there are companies that care for old horses. They are often located in Mexico, and it is possible that the meat of these animals came to Europe. This means that new scandals and shocks may await us in agriculture and food production.

Fipronil is a chemical. active substance of pesticides (phenylpyrazole), used in agriculture, in medicine. and household treatment, veterinary medicine for pest control.


In its pure form, it is a transparent crystallized powder with a musty odor. Does not respond to thermal influences. Capable of slow decomposition when exposed to light.

Fipronil is a drug with a wide spectrum of action – a contact and intestinal poison. It has moderate systemic properties and high residual activity when processing leaves. They can be used to process seeds.

The drug acts as a blocker of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is responsible for regulating the passage of nerve impulses, due to which the nervous system is disrupted. When transmitting excitation through cells, acid plays the role of a mediator. Due to the peculiarity of the fur. Actions This substance can actively fight many types of insects that are resistant to other toxic compounds.

The insect dies from paralysis within 8-10 hours after exposure to the insecticide.

The drug acts as a “protector” for two weeks.


The presence of resistance to the substance in various species of insects suggests that it cannot be used on an ongoing basis. It is recommended to use this poison alternately with other insecticides. Can also be used as food bait.

  • wheat (ground beetles, bugs, larvae);
  • barley (piavitsa);
  • potatoes (kol. beetle);
  • plots, pastures (locust).

Effective against Orthoptera, Coleoptera and soil-dwelling insects.

Fipronil is used to treat vegetative parts of plants and soil. The drug is highly toxic.


Abroad, the drug is used to destroy leaf-dwelling insects and insects living in the soil. A successful result was noted in the fight against locusts (migratory and desert). It is the main drug used to kill locusts.

2. Used in honey. and household pest baiting:

  • synanthropic cockroaches;
  • ants.

Due to the fact that the product has a high level of toxicity towards warm-blooded animals, its use in the form of bait stations or gels is allowed for disinfestation.

Due to the systemic actions of the substance, it poisons ticks and fleas.

Toxicological characteristics

The product belongs to phenylpyrazoles, which have long-term insecticidal toxicity. Absorbed by plants from soil and seeds. Since it decomposes very slowly when exposed to sunlight, it lasts for a very long time after treatment. In water, plants and soil, this substance undergoes oxidation, transforming into fipronil sulfone.

It moves through the soil very slowly, to a depth of up to 30 cm. One of the most important properties of the drug is resistance to rain. According to some reports, the product can remain on the leaves while maintaining its activity by 75%, even if it rained half an hour after spraying.

Poisonous effect

Toxic for rats, dermotally for rabbits. Does not irritate skin but is a mild eye irritant.

It is slowly metabolized in animals, but the substance itself can be detected even a week after treatment.

Signs of poisoning

Acute poisoning can manifest itself in severe irritability, lethargy and convulsions. After the drug stops working, all symptoms disappear.

Preparations based on fipronil are classified as toxicity classes 1 and 3 for bees, and toxicity classes 2 and 3 for humans.

Fipronil should not be used:

  • for kittens and puppies under 2 months of age;
  • for dogs weighing up to two kg;
  • animals suffering from inf. illnesses or weakened immune systems;
  • with increased individual sensitivity to the product.

It is forbidden to use it auricularly in case of ear scabies or defects of the eardrum.

What you need to pay attention to when using fipronil

1. You cannot bathe the animal in reservoirs for two days after treatment;

2. The animal’s skin should not be wet;

3. In case of a large overdose, it is necessary to carry out manipulations to remove the drug from the body;

Personal prevention

  • When working with poisons, you should not smoke, eat or drink;
  • After finishing work, you need to wash your hands with warm soapy water;
  • During the day after treatment, the animal should not be touched with hands; small children should be protected from it.

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