Biological products against aphids. Aphid repellent. Modern drugs against aphids

Aphids are one of the main pests like most garden plants, and some garden crops And indoor flowers. Our plants are being harmed different types aphids, for example, green, black, white, but all of them can be easily exterminated with the help of special preparations.

Tanrek against aphids

An aphid repellent with a long period of protective action, designed to destroy aphids on vegetable, fruit, berry and flower and ornamental crops.

Active substance: imidacloprid, 200 g/l, water-soluble concentrate.

Dilute the ampoule in 1 liter of water, mix and fill to the required volume with water. Use the working solution freshly prepared.

Using Tanrek

On the apple tree. Consumption rate of the drug: 3 ml. for 10 l. water. Method and time of treatment: spray during the growing season from 2 to 5 liters per tree, depending on its age. 1 treatment.

On currants. Dilute 3 ml. Tanrek 10 l. water. Spray before flowering, consumption from 0.5 to 1.5 l. per bush depending on the age and type of formation of the bush. 1 treatment is allowed.

On flowers. Effective against aphids, leafhoppers, whiteflies, thrips. To prepare a working solution, dilute 5 ml. drug for 10 l. water. Spray during the growing season. Product consumption 10 l. per 100 sq.m.

On cucumbers and tomatoes. From aphids, leafhoppers, whiteflies. Consumption rate: 5 ml. for 10 l. water.
Method and time of treatment: spraying during the growing season. Consumption 3-10 l. per 1 hundred square meters of landings.

Biotlin product, description

Systemic insecticide, enteric-contact drug. To prepare the working solution required amount Biotlin is dissolved in one liter of water, mixed, then diluted with water to the required volume, mixed. The working solution cannot be stored; the treatment is carried out with a freshly prepared solution. The period of protective action is two to three weeks.

Application of Biotlin

From aphids on tomatoes and cucumbers. Dilute 5 ml of the drug into 10 liters of water. Solution consumption rate: 30 liters per 100 sq.m. Spray during the growing season.

On the apple tree from aphids and apple blossom beetle. Dilute 3 ml per 10 liters of water. Consumption: 2-5 l per 1 tree. Spraying before flowering begins.

On currants from aphids. Consumption of the drug: 3 ml per 10 liters of water. 0.5-1.5 liters of working solution is enough to treat 1 bush.

On flowers from aphids, thrips, whiteflies. 5 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water. 10 liters of solution is enough to spray 1 hundred square meters of plantings. Treatment is carried out during the growing season.

Biotlin is very effective against thrips and aphids. The product exterminates larvae and adult insects.
The drug is very dangerous for earthworms, but if you follow the instructions for using Biotlin, the danger is zero. The drug is stored at temperatures from -10 to +40 degrees.

Drug Kalash, instructions

A broad-spectrum insecticide based on imidacloprid (200 g/l). Resistant to washing off by rain and exposure to sunlight.

It is used to combat aphids and whiteflies on tomatoes and cucumbers and against the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes.
In the first case, 5 ml of the drug is diluted per 10 liters of water, in the second - 1 ml per 5 liters. This amount of working solution is enough to treat 100 sq.m of plantings.

Iskra for aphids

This trademark a series of preparations designed for comprehensive plant protection against pests. There are 4 types of this product, each of which is effective against certain organisms that attack vegetable and fruit crops.

"Spark Double effect"is a drug currently most popular among gardeners, used against aphids on various garden plants. It is able to protect plants from more than 60 types of different pests. Speed ​​of action and versatility are distinctive features“Spark from pests” products.

Instructions for use allow you to quickly understand how this drug works. The product is suitable for protecting flower, berry, vegetable and fruit crops from a variety of pests. In addition, it contains a special potassium fertilizer, which allows plants to quickly restore damaged parts and an anti-stress component.

The main active ingredients are cypermethrin and permethrin. The indicated drug “Iskra” is most effective against aphids and weevils. Pest tablets (weighing 10 g each) are modern double-action insecticides. The drug practically does not penetrate into plants and does not appear negative influence on environment. It is non-toxic for warm-blooded animals, including humans.

It is not difficult to prepare a working solution. To do this, 1 tablet of the drug must be diluted in 10 liters of water.
To treat apple trees, cherries, quince, cherries, and pears against aphids, flower beetles, moths, leaf rollers, codling moths, and cherry flies, you need from 2 to 10 liters of solution (depending on the size of the tree).

  • To treat berries against a complex of pests, 1.5 liters of prepared solution is required for every 10 sq.m of planting.
  • To spray cucumbers and tomatoes against whiteflies, thrips, aphids, and peppers and eggplants against Colorado potato beetles and aphids, you need 2 liters of solution per 10 sq.m.

Cortlis anti-aphid remedy, description

A modern insecticide for the destruction of various types of aphids on fruit, berry, vegetable and flower crops.

Package: 5 ml ampoule in a blister, 5 ml ampoule in a bag, 25 ml bottle.

How does Cortlis work?

Penetrating into the leaves, it retains its protective properties and even spreads into the tissue of new shoots and young leaves, so that new aphids, having feasted on this plant, die. At the same time as aphids, it will clean your plants from other pests (codling moths, leaf rollers, weevils, hawthorns, cutworms and other leaf-eating and sucking insects).

How to breed Cortlis

Pour 1-2 liters of water into a bucket, open the ampoule, pour into a bucket of water and mix thoroughly, then bring the working solution to a volume of 10 liters and mix again. Consumption rate of the drug: 5 ml per 10 liters of water.
Spray the plants with a freshly prepared solution in dry, windless weather, preferably in the morning or evening, evenly wetting the leaves, at least 4-6 hours before rain. Optimal temperature during treatments from +12 °C to +25 °C.

Mospilan drug, instructions

Highly effective insecticide with systemic and contact action. The drug is produced in the form of a wettable powder, in bags of 2.5 g. The manufacturer of the drug is Nippon Soda Co., Ltd., Japan.

Mospilan is widely used to kill more than 30 species of insects (including aphids). It has a pronounced contact-intestinal effect.

How it works

A distinctive feature of Mospilan is that it is effective not only against adult aphids, but also their larvae and eggs. The protective effect of the product lasts for 2-3 weeks.

How to breed

  • To treat indoor plants against aphids, first dilute 2.5 g of the drug in 1 liter of water and then increase the volume to 10 liters.
  • To treat aphids, Colorado potato beetles, and leaf rollers of garden plants, dissolve 4-8 grams of Mospilan per 10 liters of water.

Mospilan is well compatible with most insecticides and pesticides, except those that, when mixed, give a highly alkaline solution ( Bordeaux mixture, preparations containing sulfur)

Imidor remedy for aphids and whiteflies, description

Active substance— imidacloprid (200 g/l).

Protected soil is used against aphids and whiteflies on tomatoes and cucumbers. Spray during the growing season. Dissolve 5 ml of Imidor in 10 liters of water. This amount of solution is enough to treat 100 sq.m of plantings. Processing is allowed 1 time.

To spray flower crops against aphids and whiteflies, 1-5 ml (depending on the severity of the damage to the plant) of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water.

Aktara - a remedy for aphids

Insecticide of contact-intestinal action. Available in powder form in small sachets of 4 grams.

To kill aphids on currants, Aktara is diluted in the proportion of 2 grams of powder per 10 liters of water. Treatment of currants should be carried out before flowering, at the first appearance of leaves. The waiting period is up to 60 days.

To treat potted and flower crops, Aktar is diluted in water at a ratio of 1 package (4 grams) per 5 liters of water.

Use only freshly prepared solution.

Kinmiks product, description

Designed to combat aphids, Colorado potato beetles, white beetles, leaf rollers and other sucking and leaf-eating pests. "Kinmiks" is approved for spraying berry fields, fruit trees, cabbage, and potatoes.

Mechanism of action of the drug: affects nervous system pests, causing them paralysis. The insecticide is effective against adult and larval stages of insects.

Kinmiks is used for spraying crops during the growing season when pests appear. 1-2 treatments are carried out per season.

Active substance: betacypermethrin 50 g/l.


Dilute 2.5 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water. Spray plants during the growing season.

Confidor against aphids

A highly effective, low-toxic insecticide with systemic and contact action against a wide range of pests, very long-lasting protection. The advantage of the drug lies in its new mechanism of action on insects, against which there is no resistance.

Active substance— imidacloride, 200 g/l.

Confidor is effective against pests: Colorado potato beetle and aphids on potatoes; aphids, thrips and whiteflies on cucumbers and tomatoes; aphids and thrips on roses.

Advantages of the drug:

  • protects potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, as well as flower crops from pests;
  • low consumption rate - 1 ml per hundred square meters;
  • very long period of action;
  • penetrates the plant through the root, leaf and stem;
  • also effective in hot weather;
  • Resistant to washing away by rain.

To prepare a solution, pour 1-2 ml of the drug into 5-10 liters of water, stir well. 10 liters of working solution is enough to treat 100 square meters of plantings. Use only freshly prepared solution.

The pest dies 1-2 days after application. Treatment should be carried out no later than 20 days before harvest.

The effectiveness of Confidor does not decrease with increasing temperature or precipitation. The protective effect lasts for up to one month.

Compatibility: Confidor is compatible with most fungicides, however, in each specific case, before use, preparations should be checked for chemical compatibility.

The drug Insektor, instructions for use

Insecticide with enteric contact action against sucking and gnawing insects.

Active substance— thiamethoxam suspension concentrate (240 g/l).

Period of protective action of the drug: from 7 to 28 days depending on the harmful object, weather conditions, culture and method of use of the drug.

Package: glass ampoule 1.2 ml, plastic ampoule 1.2 ml, bottle 9 ml.

How to breed

Pour 1 liter of water into a bucket, open the ampoule, pour out the drug, mix, then bring to the required volume. To spray plants against aphids, dilute 1.2 ml of the drug per 6 liters of water. Spray before flowering and after harvest.

Akarin for aphids

It has established itself as a drug that has no equal in its biological activity and complex of sanitary, hygienic and environmental characteristics. Akarin can be used during the harvest period; it decomposes into simple substances after two days.

The drug has a weak bad smell. Available in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml.

To treat plants against aphids, dissolve 6 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. Akarin is a surface-acting drug and does not penetrate into the leaves, therefore, to achieve the best result, it is recommended to add an adhesive to the working solution in the form of a small amount of shampoo, or laundry or green insecticidal soap at the rate of 1-2 ml of shampoo per 10 liters of water. The soap will allow the acarin to remain on the plant for as long as possible.

ExtraFlor drug, instructions for use

Biostimulant, natural repellent and effective growth stimulator. A series of drugs for natural basis under the brand "Dar Sveta".

A natural preparation based on plant extracts to stimulate plant growth and control pests (aphids, copperheads, moths, codling moths, cruciferous flea beetles, weevils, leaf-eating caterpillars, etc.).

Compound: Pine needle extract, wormwood extract.

Can be used at any time of the growing season. Period of protective action: 8-20 days for the plant and 20-30 days for the root system. Exposure speed 10 hours.

Dissolve one cell in 1 liter of warm water, let cool until room temperature. Before spraying, filter the solution. To protect and stimulate the root system, the solution is poured directly under the root.

An effective remedy for aphids on indoor flowers

Home remedies for aphids should not have a strong odor since they are used indoors. And if possible, they should be as harmless as possible to people and pets.

Of course, ideally, you should use folk remedies for aphids on flowers at home, but there are cases when the number of insects is too large, and this requires the use of chemicals.

Fitoverm- insectoacaricide of biological origin, it is minimally harmful to humans and domestic animals. To kill aphids on flowers, dissolve 2 ml of the drug in 200 ml of water and spray the plants. Carry out treatment every 5-7 days depending on the size and age of the home flower, as well as the ambient temperature. In most cases, 3-4 sprays are enough to completely get rid of the pest.

Aktellik is a powerful and quite toxic remedy that helps get rid of aphids on house plants, but certain conditions must be met. Be sure to open the vents or windows when you spray the flowers.

Dilute an Actellik ampoule (2 ml) in a liter of water and spray the plants. No more than 2-3 treatments in a row are allowed.

If you know effective remedy from aphids, please write its name in the comments. If possible, write down which plants you were able to get rid of aphids using this remedy.

Interesting on the topic.

The best folk remedies for aphids Source:

For every gardener, the appearance of pests becomes a problem, the solution of which is mandatory, regardless of the effort that is required. Aphids are one such pest. Fortunately, the Internet is now replete with options on how to get rid of it without resorting to chemicals. Most of them involve the use of household products, so for a successful result you will need maximum desire and minimum effort. In contact with

Anti-aphid laundry soap has not only well-known cosmetic properties, but the ability to destroy all types of aphids. It is enough to simply spray the bushes affected by aphids with a soap solution (200 g per 10 liters of water). To make it easier, just cut it into small chips and wait until they dissolve in water. It can also be used for prevention. You can use the soap solution either on its own or together with ash or onion peels. Another advantage of using laundry soap against aphids is that the product is completely harmless to humans.

Green soap

Green soap for aphids is widely used in gardening. In addition to protecting trees and preventing plant diseases, green soap is effective in getting rid of or preventing sucking aphids. How to prepare a soap solution for aphids? You can prepare a solution at the rate of 200-300 grams per 10 liters of water or prepare a mixture using 20 grams of mustard powder, 200 grams of Green soap and 9 liters of water. While stirring the prepared solution, pour into it copper sulfate(20 g per 1 l). Experts advise treating plants during their active growth no more than 3 times per season. Soap solution against aphids is an excellent method of pest control

Wood Ash

ash is not only a universal fertilizer, but also a good remedy for aphids. In this case, an ash solution is used. For it, you need to boil 300 g of sifted ash for 25 minutes, then strain and pour in 10 liters of water. When apple aphids appear on your trees, you can “powder” the leaves by first wetting them for better adhesion. Following the opinion of experts, aphid ash is also the best remedy for preventing the appearance of aphids. Ash contains a large percentage of potassium, so by adding it to the soil and increasing the potassium ratio, you automatically eliminate excess nitrogen, which is one of the main reasons for the appearance of aphids. The required dose for an adult tree is 5 kg per year. There will be ash against aphids effective method extermination of insects

Ash-soap solution

For the solution you will need 1.5 kg of ash and 50 g of Green soap. Dissolve all this in hot water and let it brew for a while. In most cases, the solution is used to control pests, although it is a reliable feeding agent. On normal days, spray the plants every 10-14 days, but during mass outbreaks of pests, this should be done more often - once every 5-7 days. The action of this remedy will be more effective if you do not start the situation and use it as soon as the annoying bugs appear. An infusion of aphid ash is an effective folk remedy for pest control. Let's talk about fighting aphids with vinegar next.


Many people ask the question: “Does a vinegar solution help against aphids?” Vinegar against aphids has many fans among gardeners. Some argue that fighting aphids with vinegar, using it only 2-3 times, will help you forget about the existence of aphids in your garden or garden. To prepare the solution you only need 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and 1 liter of water. When using vinegar essence, take 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water. Vinegar against aphids is one of the the best means struggle. Spraying with vinegar against aphids should be carried out systematically. More about mustard and the fight against aphids with its help


Ants are often the cause of aphids. To get rid of them, you can use a product that they don’t particularly like - mustard against aphids. Sprinkle dry store-bought mustard in the areas where ants are most concentrated and, perhaps, the next day they will disappear. Thus, mustard against aphids is an excellent remedy pest control. This method can also be used for prevention, unless, of course, you have pets wandering around the yard. Another option for using this product is a solution (100 g of powder per 10 liters of water). Spray the bushes as pests appear. Read more about iodine for aphids.

Iodine and milk

Another popular traditional method They count milk and iodine from aphids. Its use will be more effective on rose bushes. However, it is worth testing it for fruit. vegetable crops Oh. If you asked the question: “Iodine against aphids, how to dilute?”, we will answer: for the solution, prepare 100 ml of milk, a bottle of iodine, a syringe and 1 liter of water. First, add half a cube of iodine to the container with milk. Mix thoroughly and add the resulting mixture to a container of water. After shaking, you can use it by spraying the solution onto the bushes. After the first use, observe the aphid's reaction, repeating the procedure if necessary. Iodine against aphids is an effective means of combating garden insects.

Baking soda

Baking soda against aphids is a time-tested method known to many. The advantage lies in its simplicity and accessibility. 75 g of baking soda is poured into 10 liters of water. Fruit trees and vegetable bushes are sprayed with this solution. If this method does not help you completely remove aphids, it certainly will not harm your farm. It is known that fruit trees soda helps get rid of and prevent rot, and cucumbers - powdery mildew. The frequency of use, as with the previous method, is determined by yourself. Read on about garlic against aphids.


One of the most effective remedies is garlic against aphids. It contains elements that are toxic to aphids. Therefore, gardeners actively make garlic infusions or add the product to other remedies when pest problems arise in the garden. How to prepare garlic infusion for aphids? There are several ways to prepare a garlic tincture for aphids. The first is a concentrated solution that can be used gradually by diluting with water. To prepare it, you will need to chop 200 g of garlic and leave it in a liter of warm water for 5 days. As you use it, dilute 100 g of garlic infusion against aphids in 5 liters of water. A “one-time option” is also possible - chop 2 large garlic and add 10 liters of water, leave for 24 hours. It is recommended to spray trees for 3-4 days in a row. Garlic infusion against aphids will be an effective method of combating aphids. Onions from aphids, more on that later.

Onion peel

For urgent spraying, an infusion of onion peels is very suitable. It perfectly repels pests, so 1-2 procedures will quickly “survive” aphids from the beds. The preparation recipe is very simple: 200 g of onion peel is poured with warm water (10 l) and left for 12-15 hours, after which it is filtered and sprayed on the plants without diluting the infusion with water. Onion peels against aphids combine well with other decoctions, infusions and fertilizers

Potato tops

If you notice aphids, but you don’t have any means of getting rid of them at hand, they can help cultivated plants with insecticidal properties. One of these plants is potatoes. Of course, it is at least unwise to use potato fruits, but the tops of this crop are quite capable of helping. Potato tops against aphids. An infusion is made from it, which combines well with the use of other aphid remedies and is absolutely safe for humans. The result of using an infusion of potato tops will appear after the first spraying. This infusion helps well in the initial stages of the appearance of aphids - when there are already a lot of pests, additional “medicines” may be required. The preparation recipe is very simple - 1.5 kg of fresh or 0.8 kg of dry tops are infused in 10 liters of water for 3-4 days. After this, filter and spray the plants, paying special attention inside leaves. You can add 30-40 laundry soap to the resulting infusion for better adhesion. Potato tops against aphids will help gardeners get rid of insects

Tomato tops

Another cultivated plant containing phytoncides and insecticides is tomato tops. It can be used alone or in combination with other herbal infusions, for example, with infusion of celandine or garlic. The result of spraying affected plants with a decoction of tomato tops will be immediate and very long-lasting. Like any other spraying agent, the decoction is not recommended for use in rainy weather or for watering sprayed plants for 2-3 days after the procedure. To prepare, you will need tops dried in the shade, which are chopped, placed in a bucket and filled with water. Boil for about half an hour. The concentrated decoction must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. For every 10 liters of water add 40 g of soap. Tobacco dust During the flowering season of plants, the use of tobacco dust is very effective and safe. This is an environmentally friendly and harmless product, which, in addition to being used in the fight against various pests, is often used simply as a fertilizer. Tobacco dust has insecticidal properties, and therefore has a detrimental effect on garden pests. It is better not to combine its use with the use of other chemical or organic drugs. Tobacco dust works after the first use, but in serious situations one procedure may not be enough. To combat aphids, use either an infusion or a decoction of tobacco dust. To prepare the decoction, tobacco dust is poured with water at a rate of 1 to 10, boiled for 30 minutes, adding water that evaporated during boiling. After a day of settling, the broth is filtered, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and soap is added (40 g per 10 liters of water). The recipe for preparing the infusion is very similar, only instead of boiling, tobacco dust filled with water is infused for 1-2 days. The concentrated liquid must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and soap must be added. The resulting infusion or decoction is sprayed onto the plants.


Aphids are an unpleasant and dangerous pest, and inaction when they appear can lead to more unpleasant consequences - disruption of the photosynthesis of your plants, distortion of young growing shoots and the spread of viral diseases. Try the above methods to get rid of aphids and enjoy excellent results and a healthy garden.

Yellowing deformed leaves, slow growth and, most importantly, accumulation small insects on the tops of young shoots - all these are signs that aphids have appeared on your plantings. This small pest feeds on plant sap, as a result of which the affected plant withers, dries and, ultimately, may die. And since aphids reproduce simply at lightning speed, absolutely all crops that suit their taste can be destroyed. Don't let the situation become irreversible! After all, how to get rid of aphids in the garden, garden and indoor flowers, using your choice of chemical or folk remedies, you will find out right now.

Aphids are clearly visible on the plant - they create crowded groups on the tops of the shoots

Aphids are small pests, but not tiny, like, for example. Therefore, we don’t have to arm ourselves with a magnifying glass to identify him. Its body is wide, pear-shaped, reaching a length of 0.5-6 mm. On top it is covered with “armor” - a protective waxy or woolly coating. There are two long antennae on the head, two tubes and a small elongated tail on the back.

Aphids can be anything in color: black, green, yellow, white, gray, red, pink. The color depends on the type of pest and its food preferences.

In the photo below you can see the aphids in all their glory:

Our heroine - aphid - at multiple magnification

Most adult individuals are wingless, but as the population expands, when food on an established plant becomes catastrophically scarce, winged forms appear. They can fly to other plants, reproduce there and create new colonies.

Signs of defeat

Aphids do not sit idle on the plant, they actively eat it and leave traces of their vital activity.

In this case, you can notice the following manifestations of infection:

  • Cluster small pests on the tops of shoots, on flower buds or on young stems. Aphids do not have a very powerful sucking apparatus, so they prefer young, succulent leaves and stems, which they can easily bite through.
  • Damaged leaves curl and grow deformed. Some types of aphids inject a toxin into the leaves, so they curl, becoming natural armor for the pest. A whole population of aphids can hide in such “twists”.
  • The leaves and stems are covered with a sticky, sweet liquid called honeydew. This is what aphids secrete as they feed on plant sap. Honeydew quickly becomes covered with a black coating - a sooty fungus, which not only spoils the appearance of the plant, but also slows down the processes of photosynthesis.
  • Aphids are carriers of many plant viruses. For example, diseases such as sugar beet jaundice and barley yellow dwarf are viral in nature and are spread through aphids.
  • Some species of aphids, such as the phylloxera aphid, are capable of forming galls (swells) on leaves and roots.

Reasons for appearance

Sometimes it seems that aphids materialize on plants literally out of thin air. In fact, there are several variants of infection:

  1. Migration of winged individuals born in a colony during overpopulation. They can fly to your plantings, for example, from a neighboring area.
  2. The activity of ants, which in the literal sense of the word are carriers of aphids. Garden workers create a symbiosis with pests that is beneficial to both of them. Aphids, while feeding, secrete a sweet nutritious liquid - honeydew, which the ants feast on. The ants, in turn, protect the aphids from the attacks of other insects and transfer them from one plant to another. Neither give nor take farmers who drive their cows out to pasture! Aphids, in fact, are for ants a kind of analogue of cows, which are not only milked, but also taken care of. Even in winter, so that “livestock” does not die, they are brought into an anthill. And already in the spring - they take it out and plant it on nutritious plants, to grow and “milk” again. So, if you have ants on your property, there will almost certainly be aphids as well. And you will have to destroy not only the direct pest, but also the insect carriers.
  3. On a personal plot, aphids can appear in the spring - from eggs that survived the winter in the soil and fallen leaves.
  4. On indoor flowers, infection often occurs after transplantation into soil contaminated with eggs.

The carriers of aphids are usually garden workers - ants.
Aphids on roses are a common occurrence

Some aphids have food preferences. For example, potato aphids usually cause damage to potatoes. But there are other, less picky species that, once on your plot or balcony, will feed on almost everything. For example, the green peach aphid, despite being very favorable to peaches and plums, will not refuse peppers, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, melon, corn, spinach, lettuce, roses, etc. There are also species such as beet root aphid, which attack not the leaves and stems, but the roots of the plant. They live in the soil, so they are more difficult to identify, but they cause damage similar to other types of aphids.

How to deal with aphids: a list of methods

Fight with dangerous pest you can use:

  • Folk remedies are a method that often requires persistence and lengthy treatments. Usually used for the treatment of vegetable and garden fruit crops. The substances used are absolutely safe; the fruits can be eaten any day after treatment. IN indoor floriculture folk remedies, as a rule, are used for preventive purposes (to protect against aphids) or during the initial stage of infection.
  • Chemical pesticides - this method is faster. However, the pesticides used can poison not only the aphids, but also your crop. Therefore, they should be used to treat garden crops 2-3 weeks before harvest, strictly following the instructions.
  • Insect predators are a completely natural biological method that involves involving their natural enemies in the fight against aphids: ladybugs, hoverflies, green lacewings, etc.
  • Protective plants are an auxiliary method that can be used in addition to the main one.

Folk remedies for aphids - victory without chemicals

If aphids appear on crops whose fruits you will eat, you should start fighting them without chemicals. This is especially true if the infection is in the initial stage and has not become an epidemic. As a rule, fighting aphids in this case will take longer, but it will be safer.

Soapy water

A very effective remedy for aphids, which can be used in the countryside without fear and own plot. Soap dissolves the waxy shell of the aphid, dehydrates it and leads to death. To prepare the drug, use laundry soap, liquid soap (preferably laundry or tar), and dishwashing detergent (for example, Fairy).

Make a solution in the following proportion:

  • 30 g of grated laundry soap per 1 liter of warm water.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of liquid soap per 1 liter of water.

When using grated bar soap, you should wait until the solids are completely dissolved. When using liquid soap, just stir it thoroughly in water. The resulting solution is sprayed on the affected plants once every 2-3 days for 2 weeks.

Soap solution is the most popular folk remedy against aphids and many other pests.

Onion peel infusion

20 g husks (scales onions) pour a liter of water, infuse and spray the diseased plants every 5 days until the aphids are completely defeated.

Garlic infusion

Grind 200 g of garlic (preferably in a blender), add 1 liter of water and leave covered for 4-5 days. For watering and spraying, use a solution: 25 ml of the resulting infusion-concentrate is mixed with 10 liters of water.

More complex recipe. 10-12 cloves of garlic, crushed to a paste, are poured with 1.5-2 glasses of water, stirred until completely dissolved. Filter through gauze. Then add 2 tbsp to the resulting solution. spoons of vegetable oil and a little (1/4 teaspoon) liquid soap. Mix well until the oil and soap are combined with garlic water. This solution is sprayed on the plants every day for a week. Then it can be used once a week to protect against aphids.

Soda ash solution

Pour 3 teaspoons of soda ash into 10 liters of water (bucket), mix and pour into a spray bottle.

Ash-soap solution

3 cups of ash are poured into 10 liters of warm water and stirred. Leave for 2 days, then filter. Add 40 g of liquid or grated soap to the resulting solution.

Mustard infusion

20 g of mustard powder is poured into 1 liter of water and left for 24 hours. For greater effectiveness, you can add liquid soap to the infusion (dosage - 4 g per 1 liter).

Camomile tea

100 g of dried chamomile (stems, flowers, leaves) pour into 1 liter hot water, leave for 12 hours, then filter. For spraying, dilute the infusion with water in a ratio of 1:3 and mix in liquid soap (4 g per 1 liter).

Yarrow infusion

80 g of dried yarrow (stems, flowers, leaves) are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for 1.5-2 days. An accelerated option is to prepare a decoction. To do this, the raw materials are not infused, but boiled for 30 minutes (in the same ratio with water). Then cool and add soap (2 g per 1 l).

Tobacco infusion

100 g of dry tobacco (shag) is poured into 1 liter of hot water and left for 2-3 hours. Then it is filtered and, before use, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5.

Vinegar solution

Dissolve 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar in 1 liter of water. The resulting solution is used for spraying.

A solution of ammonia 10% (ammonia) with soap

Dissolve 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. spoons of ammonia and 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid soap (preferably tar), mix. Since ammonia is a source of nitrogen, it is advisable to use this product before mid-summer.

We invite you to watch a video about preparing ammonia-soap solution:

Soap and iodine solution

Dissolve 1/3 of a piece of grated laundry soap in 10 liters of water, then pour in 2 caps of iodine. The prepared solution is used immediately for spraying.

Iodine and soap on guard against aphids

Orange peel infusion

100 g of dry peel is poured into 1 liter of warm water and left for 3 days.

Solution essential oils

In a glass (250 ml) of water, dissolve 4-5 drops of essential oils of thyme, mint, cloves, rosemary. Stir well, shake and spray the liquid onto diseased plants every morning for a week. This powerful essential oil blend will kill most insect pests, as well as their eggs and larvae.


Regular vodka can be used as an effective insecticide against aphids. It’s easy to use: just pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray the plants. Instead of vodka, you can use alcohol diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Coca Cola

It is used in the fight against aphids according to the same principle as vodka. Pour into a spray bottle and spray the plantings.


Before using any aphid treatment in full, do a test spray on a small part of the plant. Then watch him for several days. In the absence of adverse reactions (leaf deformation, yellowing, burns), the proven method can be given the green light.

Spraying is carried out early in the morning or in the evening, alternatively in cloudy weather. Under the influence of the sun and high temperatures even organic pesticides can burn leaves. If rain is expected, treatment begins only when the weather clears. Otherwise, rain will wash away the solution and render it useless.

Chemical preparations for aphids

If folk remedies It was not possible to destroy the aphids, you should turn your attention to chemical preparations from a series of insecticides.

The rules for spraying with chemicals are the same as when using folk remedies. And definitely first - test processing for small area to check for an adverse reaction.

The following drugs are used against aphids:

  1. Green soap is the most non-toxic, gentle contact insecticide available in the form of liquid soap. It is used for spraying affected plants, but is most effective for prevention.
  2. Aktara – systemic insecticide to combat aphids on garden plot and at home. It penetrates the vascular system of the plant and spreads through the tissues, while its juice becomes poisonous and poisons aphids. The good thing about this product is that it works effectively both when watering and when spraying. It is especially convenient to treat trees and shrubs on the site with Aktara - to remove aphids, you do not need to spray every branch, just water the affected plants and the pest will disappear.
  3. Iskra series of preparations (BIO, M, Gold, Double effect) are insecticides with different active ingredients that destroy aphids and many other pests. The form of treatment is watering and/or spraying.
  4. Fitoverm is an insectoacaricide and belongs to biological products. It is very popular as a means of destroying almost all pests on indoor flowers; it kills aphids outright. It has an intestinal contact effect, the method of treatment is spraying.
  5. Actellik is an enteric contact insectoacaricide, very toxic, classified as hazard class 2. An armor-piercing agent, it has a specific odor characteristic of FOS (such as dichlorvos, karbofos). It is used against aphids in exceptional cases; its use is justified if more “complex” pests are present on plants, for example, spider mites.
  6. Fufanon is another FOS, active substance– malathion. An analogue of karbofos, Iskra M. Effectively destroys aphids and other sucking and gnawing pests. Treatment method: spraying.
  7. Komandor, Konfidor, Tanrek, Biotlin are analogues, systemic preparations for the destruction of aphids and other insects. The active ingredient is imidacloprid. The insecticide enters the plant tissue and makes it poisonous to aphids. Treatment – ​​watering and spraying.
  8. Intavir is an enteric-contact chemical that can rid the garden of aphids and a host of other insects. The active ingredient is cypermethrin. Spraying required.
  9. Alatar is a complex remedy for intestinal contact action. Contains: malathion (karbofos) and cypermethrin (the active ingredient of Intavir). Treatment method: spraying.

It usually takes 2-3 applications at 7-day intervals to completely get rid of aphids. If after this period part of the population survives, the drug should be changed, since all chemical pesticides can cause resistance (addiction). When replacing, you should select a drug with a different active ingredient.

Any chemical, especially used in gardens and vegetable gardens, on food crops, is fraught with danger. Firstly, there are risks of fruit poisoning. They can be eaten only 2-3 weeks after treatment with pesticides. Secondly, chemicals can destroy not only pests, but also beneficial insects, primarily bees. Therefore, they should be used only before the flowers on the plant open.

Controlling aphids using natural enemies

Aphids can be destroyed not only by various sprays, but also with the help of predatory insects - entomophages. They eat the pest and/or its eggs and thus keep the population under control or completely exterminate it. Entomophages can be bought in specialized stores (many are available on the Internet) or brought to your site yourself. Often this method allows you to get rid of aphids both in the greenhouse and in the garden forever.


This insect is capable of consuming 50-60 aphids per day, and it also destroys mealybugs, ticks and a number of other pests.

The ladybug, both in adulthood and in the larval stage, is a tireless predator in the fight against aphids

Hoverfly, syrphid (Syrphidae)

The larvae of this species feed on aphids and other soft-bodied pests, including spider mites, keeping their numbers under control. During the day, the hoverfly larva eats about 200 aphids.

Hoverfly larvae, which look like fat caterpillars, eat aphids and many other pests

Green lacewing (Chrysoperla rufilabris)

The adult lacewing feeds on the nectar of flowers, but its larvae, which look like miniature alligators, are real predators. In the larval stage, the insect eats about 600 aphids, as well as other harmful insects and ticks.

Aphids also feed on:

  • some wasps (Aphidius);
  • cicadas;
  • crickets;
  • ground beetles;
  • earwigs (pincers);
  • riders.

To attract beneficial insect predators to your plot, you should plant dill, fennel, carrots, parsley, celery, dandelion and tansy.

Planting protective plants

Another biomethod. It is based on planting plants that either repel aphids, or, conversely, attract them and take the “brunt” of the blow, thus protecting the crops being grown.

Repellent plants

Possess phytoncidal properties, repelling aphids and many other pests. To improve the health of the area, garlic, mustard, parsley, basil, wormwood, marigolds, calendula, tansy, and mint are planted on it.

Marigolds are repellent plants that will help repel aphids from cabbage

Plants that Attract Aphids

There is another option: do the opposite. And plant plants that attract aphids next to the infected crop: petunia, cosmos, beans, cleome, mallow. The pest switches to a more palatable bait, after which you can remove it from the area along with the aphids. Or, if you feel sorry, use chemical sprays with pesticides on it.

After killing aphids, be vigilant to prevent reinfection. Inspect your plants frequently, especially the undersides of the leaves. If you see signs of a pest, take action immediately. And your plants will thank you!

Anti-aphid preparations are means of protecting against pests., which are used when they appear en masse on plants.

They must be used only in a special suit and mask, to prevent substance vapors from entering the body.

Otherwise, aphid control drugs may cause poisoning, skin rashes and other negative consequences. More information about methods of combating aphids is described.

When using chemicals to control aphids, you need to carefully read the instructions for their use, because with an increase in the permissible dose, they can provoke the death of beneficial insects.

Chemically treated vegetables and trees, begin to act almost immediately, causing the inevitable death of the aphids. In order not to cause pests to become addicted to one type of drug and to increase its effectiveness, it is necessary to alternate it with other means with similar protective effects.

Plants are allowed to be treated with them only before flowering or after flowering (before the fruit appears). Harmful substances are released into the environment after 3-5 weeks. Until this time, eating fruits from sprayed plants is strictly prohibited.

Wide The following aphid control agents are used in the fight against aphids:, like Iskra, Intavir, Tanrek against aphids and whiteflies, Aktara against aphids, Karbofos, Komandor, Aktofit against aphids and many others.

Biological drugs

This type of drug acts much more slowly than chemical agents. Aphids eating such a sprayed plant, dies only after 10-12 days. At the same time, biological products cannot cause any harm to bees and fish.

These aphid repellents are much safer than chemical substances. They can be used during the period when mature plants already have fruits. They can be used for food after 5 days.

Effective means

In addition to chemical and biological drugs, are quite effective and harmless to the human body and plants with aphids, invented by the people.

It can be cooked in a special way solutions using chamomile, dandelion, celandine, tobacco, citrus peels, tomato tops and many other plants.

Also we should not forget about birds, hedgehogs, lizards, ladybugs and other insects that help in the fight against aphids. That is why, if you have this pest on your plot of land, do not drive away warm-blooded helpers from the garden, who not only will not harm you, but also will clean all your seedlings and seedlings.

The best means

Chemical preparations are, of course, considered the most effective in the fight against aphids. However, in those cases when people don't want to use chemicals against aphids, you can plant your garden correctly and some types of plants themselves will repel aphids, thereby using control.

Here we are talking about onion, garlic, chamomile, calendula, lavender and thyme. The aromas emitted by these plants repel insects and do not allow it to reproduce on cultivated plants.


Insecticides against aphids are preparations that have chemical composition. They are excellent at fighting aphids, their eggs and larvae.

Depending on the effect of such drugs on the insect body, they are divided into several groups:

  • contact– act on the entire body of the pest;
  • intestinal– getting into the intestines of an insect, they cause poisoning;
  • systemic– cause the inevitable death of aphids when they enter the body;
  • fumigants– enter through the respiratory tract and cause poisoning of pests.

Today we will consider the most effective and most the best drugs that will help get rid of aphids. In addition, read the material “The best folk remedies for combating aphids and “.


This remedy for aphids belongs to biological preparations. Poison from aphids, affects a large number of pests. Can be used to treat cultivated plants in the garden and in the greenhouse. It is also not prohibited for spraying indoor plants.

This product is especially dangerous for bees and fish.

May cause poisoning in humans, if treated vegetables or fruits are eaten immediately after spraying, without waiting for the drug to be completely removed from them.


Trichopolum against aphids is a tablet used in medical practice for the treatment various diseases caused by protozoan bacteria. Also if the correct proportion is observed, it can protect cucumbers and tomatoes from aphids.

  • What is it produced in? Produced in tablet form. One cardboard box There are 2 blisters, each of which contains 10 Trichopolum tablets.
  • Chemical composition. 1 tablet contains 250 g of metronidazole. Additional components include starch syrup, potato starch, gelatin, magnesium stearate.
  • Mode of action of the drug. It has a detrimental effect on the body of aphids, causing paralysis and problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Duration of action. The action ends before the first rain. After the rain stops, the spraying procedure can be repeated.
  • Compatibility. Can be combined with any drugs that, after mixing with Trichopolum, will not precipitate.
  • When to use? Apply at the first sign of aphids on vegetables. You can repeat the procedure at least every day (if after the first spraying it started to rain and the drug did not have time to act).
  • How to prepare the solution? 20 tablets of this medicine are completely dissolved in 10 liters of water and sprayed onto the plants. It is not prohibited to carry out treatment during flowering, because the drug does not pose any harm to bees and fish.
  • Mode of application. The seedlings are thoroughly treated with the prepared solution. At the same time, the work can be done without special protective equipment, because it does not cause harm to the body.
  • Toxicity. The drug is absolutely harmless to humans because it is used in medical practice to treat various diseases.


An excellent means of protecting plants from aphids and other insects. It has a biological origin. Capable of destroying pests just like in the garden, and in greenhouses.

  • What is it produced in? Produced in bottles of 200 ml and 40 ml, as well as plastic canisters with a volume of 900 ml and 4.8 liters. In addition, this drug can be purchased in soft bags of 40 ml.
  • Chemical composition. The main component is aversectin C – 0.2% (natural neurotoxin)
  • Mode of action of the drug. An effective remedy that, after contact with an insect’s body or directly into its body, causes paralysis (8 hours after eating the sprayed plant) and leads to the inevitable death of the pest (after 2-3 days).
  • Duration of action
  • Compatibility. You can combine Actofit with fertilizers, growth regulators, fungicides, organophosphorus preparations and pyrethroids.

    It is prohibited to use the analyzed product with drugs that have an alkaline reaction.

    To verify the compatibility of Actofit with other products, you need to conduct a test. If sediment appears, they cannot be combined.

  • When to use? The greatest effect from using this product will be if the process of processing agricultural crops and fruit trees carry out in sunny weather, without wind. The air temperature should be above 20 degrees.

    It should not be used during flowering, because Actofit has a detrimental effect on bees. In addition, at temperatures below 18 degrees, the effect of the drug is significantly reduced.

    The positive property of this product is that it is not addictive to pests, so it can be used annually.

  • How to prepare the solution? IN clean water(1 l) add 8 ml of the drug and thoroughly mix these two components together.
  • Mode of application. The resulting solution is poured into a sprayer and agricultural crops are treated with it. The working fluid cannot be stored. After the last spraying, at least two days must pass before harvesting. To completely destroy aphids, you need to use Actofit against them 2 times during one season (preferably with an interval of two weeks).
  • Toxicity. It belongs to the 3rd toxicity class, so it does not pose any harm to humans. However, it is necessary to process plants only with rubber gloves and a respirator, so as not to provoke the occurrence of poisoning of the body.
  • Dangerous for bees, but at the same time does not pollute the environment and quickly dissolves in water.


    Jaguar medicine for aphids able to fight weeds and aphids, distributed to cereal crops Oh.

    • What is it produced in? You can purchase the drug at plastic canister, the size of which is 5 l.
    • Chemical composition. The main component is fenoxaprop -P - ethyl (its amount in 1 liter of the drug is 69 grams) as well as the antidote cloquintoset-mexil (its volume in 1 liter of the drug is 34.5 grams).
    • Mode of action of the drug. Almost immediately (1-3 hours) after Jaguar treats the crops, the drug begins to be absorbed into all its shoots and roots. Thus, the product has a detrimental effect on aphids.
    • Duration of action. Protective properties keeps for 3-4 weeks.
    • Compatibility. Jaguar is compatible with many drugs, however, to avoid unexpected reactions, you must first conduct a compatibility test. When sediment appears, combining plant protection products with each other is prohibited.
    • When to use? The processing process is carried out at a temperature that should not exceed 25 degrees. There should be very little wind or no wind at all. It is better to spray at least 3 hours before rain.
    • If the temperature is below 12 degrees, the effectiveness of the product will be significantly reduced.

    • How to prepare the solution? Less than half of the entire water capacity is poured into the sprayer tank. According to the instructions pour in required quantity drug and mix everything thoroughly. Then add water until the sprayer is completely filled. The consumption rate is 150 liters per 1 ha.
    • Mode of application. Use the prepared solution immediately, without leaving it for another day. Using a sprayer, plants are thoroughly treated.
    • Toxicity. Belongs to toxicity class 3. When processing plants, you need to wear a special protective suit, gloves and a respirator.

    It is forbidden to use this product near bodies of water, because Jaguar has a detrimental effect on fish.

    Does not pose a danger to bees.


    Aphid repellent Fufanon, a drug that works well against aphids and other insects, adversely affecting cultivated plants. Belongs to organophosphorus agents.

    • What is it produced in? Fufanon is concentrated emulsion transparent color. It is produced in transparent glass ampoules of 5 ml and small bottles of 10 ml.
    • Chemical composition. The main component is malathion. Its amount in 1 liter of product is 570 grams.
    • Mode of action of the drug. Once on cultivated plants, the substance is quickly absorbed into the stems, shoots and roots. After just 2 hours it causes paralysis and difficulty breathing in pests. Within 24 hours leads to their death.
    • Duration of action. Their protective functions does not lose within 4-7 days.
    • Compatibility. It is strictly prohibited to combine with other pest control products.
    • When to use? Processing of vegetables, flowers, fruit trees and cereals is carried out in cloudy weather, without wind. It is better to do this work in the morning or evening.
    • It is strictly forbidden to use during flowering, because the drug is highly toxic to bees.

    • How to prepare the solution? Pour one 5 ml ampoule of the drug into clean water (its quantity should be 5 liters). The consumption rate is 1 liter of prepared solution per 10 m2.
    • Mode of application. Ready working fluid pour it into a sprayer and treat the plants with it at the moment when aphids appear on them. Apply such an amount of solution to the plants so that it does not drip onto the ground. Eating processed vegetables immediately after spraying them with Fufanon can lead to poisoning.
    • Toxicity. It has a toxicity class of 3, so it cannot cause any harm to humans. The treatment process must be carried out wearing a respirator or gauze bandage, as well as rubber gloves. The duration of spraying should not exceed 3 hours.

    The drug is completely eliminated from vegetables and fruits within 20 days.

    Poses an increased danger to fish and bees. The substance must not be allowed to enter rivers or other bodies of water.


    The drug arrow for aphids is intended for the destruction of aphids and other harmful insects. Belongs to biological drugs. Suitable for treating plants both in the garden and in greenhouse conditions. Getting rid of aphids on tomatoes also provides additional feeding.

    • What is it produced in? Available in small bags of 50 g each.
    • Chemical composition. The main component of this drug is bitoxibacillin.
    • Mode of action of the drug. It is quickly absorbed into the leaves of plants, reaching all shoots and roots. Destroys insects within 2 days after treatment.
    • Duration of action. It does not lose its protective functions for 2-3 weeks.
    • Compatibility. Can be combined with various drugs. If after a compatibility test a sediment appears in the water, these components cannot be combined with each other.
    • When to use? Used when aphids first appear on plants. Spraying is carried out in the morning or evening in warm weather in the complete absence of wind.
    • How to prepare the solution? The contents of one package (50 g) are poured into water (10 l) and mixed thoroughly.
    • Mode of application. The prepared liquid is poured into a sprayer and the leaves of tomatoes, cucumbers and other cultivated plants are treated with it.
    • Toxicity. Belongs to toxicity class 3. The process of treating plants with this preparation should be carried out using rubber gloves and safety glasses. As the product is an environmentally friendly substance, it does not pose any danger to bees and fish.


    Using chemicals to combat aphids, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations of the instructions compiled for each product.

    Otherwise it may have a detrimental effect on human health and the entire environment.

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– the most common garden pest. Over the entire growing season, plants undergo 20 generations. Females reproduce eggs without the need for fertilization; colonies of small insects cause irreparable damage to crops. Insects suck out the juices, causing deformation of the leaves, drying out of young shoots, and falling off of the inflorescences. With severe infection, young seedlings die. Aphid repellents are produced domestically, foreign companies. Must be used according to instructions. You can process the most different trees, shrubs and other plants:

  • (including , and );
  • and other plants.

Preparations for aphids

You can fight pests with several types of professional means.


The most effective means. The active components are toxic substances of a new generation. Poison from aphids accumulates in plant tissues and enters the body of insects upon contact with sap.

The result is instant. The product is already active during processing. The insecticide blocks nerve impulses, causing paralysis and death. Protection against aphids lasts another 20 days or more if the weather is sunny and without rain.


  • Insecticides against aphids have a wide spectrum of action, therefore they indiscriminately destroy all insects that end up on the treated plant. This is a significant disadvantage.
  • It is recommended to use anti-aphid drugs in early spring when the buds have not yet bloomed. Otherwise, bees and other flower-pollinating insects are poisoned, the number of ovaries decreases, and productivity suffers.
  • The treatment should not be carried out while the fruit is ripening, since the poison does not have time to be neutralized before the vegetables, fruits, and berries are eaten.

On a note!

Maintaining the exact dosage correct application– the key to quick results, high, high-quality harvest. For spraying, use a garden sprayer or a spray bottle.

Popular means are:

  • Spark;

Biological products

The best remedies for aphids are preparations based on organic substances. The new generation medicine is absolutely safe for people, bees, and hornets. The active components are the waste products of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms.

Plants are treated against aphids during any growing season. The crop can be eaten 5 days after intensive processing. Nothing bad will happen if you eat a berry from yesterday’s treated bush, after washing it well under running water.


  • The drug begins to act immediately, but the result is noticeable after 7-10 days. The poison accumulates in the insect's body gradually. Death occurs as the life-threatening dose is concentrated.
  • If it rains after careful treatment, protection is reduced to a minimum. You will have to repeat the procedure the next day. In dry sunny weather, repeated spraying is also required, but 12 days after the first treatment.
  • Aphid preparations based on safe ingredients are more expensive than insecticides, and it is not always possible to find the desired product.

The most effective remedy for aphids is one that helps quickly and does not harm the environment or human health. If aphid control products are used correctly, negative consequences no, only the small pest suffers.


A new generation aphid preparation based on organic compounds. Used to treat plants open ground, greenhouses, indoor flowers. Spraying plants indoors is allowed.

Available in dosed ampoules and bottles. Before use, you must prepare a solution. The concentration depends on the degree of damage land plot. 1 ampoule of the drug with a capacity of 5 ml is diluted per 600 ml.

Plants must be treated by spraying. The procedure is carried out in sunny, windless weather. The effect lasts for 3 weeks, the result can be seen after 10 days. The active component is aversectin C.

On a note!

Biological products against aphids can be combined with other products to fertilize plants and increase disease resistance.


An aphid repellent is a cure for bactericidal diseases. You can buy it at the pharmacy in tablet form. Shows good results in pest control on tomatoes and cucumbers.

The active component is metronidazole, a broad-spectrum antifungal substance. Helps destroy aphids and the consequences of their vital activity. Increases plant resistance to disease. Anti-aphids tablets are effective until the first rain or heavy dew.

Dissolve 10 tablets in 10 liters of water and mix thoroughly. Spray the plants, paying special attention to the lower part of the leaf. The remedy is especially effective at the first signs of infection. Can be used at any stage of the crop growing season.


Biologically active agent. Available in the form of a concentrated liquid in dosed sachets and bottles. Suitable for treating open ground plants, greenhouses, and indoor flowers. The active component is a natural neurotoxin – aversectin C.

The solution is prepared immediately before use. 8 ml of the drug is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Repeated treatment is carried out after 14 days, since biological drugs do not affect eggs. Spray the plants after the larvae appear.

Massive death of insects is observed within 8 days after spraying crops. The product protection lasts for 2 weeks.


Biological product against aphids and weeds. Available in dosed sachets and canisters. There are 2 active components at once - fenoxaprop-P, cloquintoset-mexil. The drug begins to act almost immediately. Absorbed completely by plant tissues within 3 hours.

An effective remedy for green and black aphids. Causes paralysis and death in pests within three days. Retains properties for 4 weeks. Rain can weaken the protection.

The bag is designed to prepare a solution with a volume of 10 liters. Initially dissolve in 1 liter of liquid, stir thoroughly, then add the rest of the water. Reviews about the effectiveness of the product are positive.


Systemic drugs penetrate inside through the skin and esophagus, not giving insects a chance to survive. Fufanon belongs to this group of drugs. Aphid poison kills pests already during treatment. The protective properties last for more than a month.

On a note!

The product is available in the form of a concentrated liquid. It is necessary to prepare the solution immediately before use, but use is allowed within 3 days.

The active component of the product is malathion. A new generation insecticide that belongs to the class of low-toxic substances. However, if used incorrectly or in excess of concentration, they cause poisoning in people.

It is necessary to work with the drug in rubber gloves; spraying should be carried out in a respirator. It is forbidden to pour unused solution into the ground on an open surface; you must dig a hole for this.

Chemicals against aphids act quickly. The very next day you can enjoy the result. Repeated processing is not required to consolidate the result.


Biological preparation based on bitoxibacillin. Used as an effective insect repellent and as a fertilizer. Available in packaged sachets of 50 g. Before use, this amount must be diluted in 10 liters of water.

The active component is quickly absorbed by plant tissues and poisons insects almost immediately. The effect is noticeable after 3 days, retains its properties for 20 days. Rain and temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius reduce efficiency.

Re-processing is required after 15 days. For prevention, plants should be treated once a month. Shows good results when used on cucumbers, melons, and tomatoes.


New generation chemicals act within an hour and retain their properties for almost a month. Available in several variations.

  • Bio based on natural toxins. To prepare 1 liter of solution, 8 ml of the drug is required.
  • The double effect includes 2 strong insecticides - permethrin, cypermethrin. It is recommended to use the product if there is a heavy infestation of aphids, only in early spring before the buds open. Available in tablet form. For 10 liters you will need only 1 piece.
  • Iskra Zolotaya operates on the basis of a modern insecticide – imidacloprid. Used to treat plants in 150 countries around the world. To prepare the solution, add 5 ml of the drug to 10 liters of water. Retains properties after treatment of plants for 25 days.
  • Spark M for blood-sucking insects. Excellent for controlling aphids. The active ingredient is malathion.

Instructions for use involve preparing the solution according to the standards, spraying plants in the morning and evening. In parallel with chemicals, gardeners often use products that have proven their effectiveness.

Control methods using chemicals assume compliance with safety measures:

  • During treatment, keep the spray bottle or spray bottle at arm's length, and use a respirator.
  • Make sure that the wind flows are directed towards the back, and not into the face, to avoid poison getting on the person’s skin and clothes.
  • After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and throw your clothes in the wash.
  • Wash the container where the poison was diluted well with the addition of soap and soda.

At the first signs of poisoning - headache, weakness, nausea, dizziness, rinse your mouth with soda solution and drink Activated carbon. If you feel worse, you should call an ambulance. The use of biological products does not cause poisoning, but the work should be carried out with rubber gloves.

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