Aphid medication instructions. The most effective remedies for aphids. The most effective infusions are

The share of genetically modified fruits and vegetables in stores and markets is growing steadily. You can eat healthy vegetables and fruits only if you grow them yourself. But get good harvest not so simple, since this can be prevented by one of the main enemies of summer residents and gardeners - aphids. It is important for every gardener to know how to deal with this scourge.

What is an insect

Aphids do not easily destroy plants by sucking the juices out of them; they are also carriers of viral diseases, which negatively affect young shoots. There are more than 4,000 species of insects belonging to the harmful group. All of them are united by small sizes (maximum 2 mm) and oral apparatus in the shape of a trunk. Coloration can vary; some beetles have a color that matches the plant they feed on.

Plant louse (usually males) may have wings that help them migrate from one plant to another. All females without wings life cycle carried out on one plant. Those individuals that can fly quickly spread, forming more and more new colonies. That is why it is important to know how to get rid of aphids before they take over all the vegetation growing in the area.

Insects live in large “families” (colonies), preferring to settle on the back of leaves or at the base of buds. Feeding on plant sap, the bugs pierce leaves, stems, and fruits with their trunks, thereby causing irreparable damage. As a result, the plant begins to wither, its growth slows down, immunity decreases, and tissue defects develop. In places where there is a high concentration of pests, the fruits may not ripen at all.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the beetles suck more sap from plants than they need to live. They remove the excess, forming a sweetish dew that attracts ants. Over time, the sticky liquid begins to cover the plant with a dense layer, which interferes with the process of photosynthesis and creates favorable conditions for fungal development.

If beetles infest a plant viral disease, then it is no longer possible to save him.

Pest control methods

There are several methods for dealing with aphids. There are 3 methods:

  • Poisoning with insecticides based on chemical components;
  • Control with biological agents;
  • Getting rid of pests using folk remedies.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which you need to know about before use.

Traditional methods against aphids

First, let’s look at “grandmother’s” methods of combating plant louse. Their advantage is safety, but the disadvantage is that they are only effective if the scale of the problem is still small:

Chemical remedies

Chemical-based preparations for aphids contain toxic substances that disrupt the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems of pests. Main advantage chemicals is quick effect and long lasting action. After spraying, the beetles die within an hour and are guaranteed not to appear on the treated plant for at least 7 days.

Unfortunately, this method has a number of disadvantages, which include:

  • High toxicity of drugs;
  • Beetles may develop resistance to the active components of the substance, as a result of which the fight against aphids with its help will no longer be so effective;
  • The fruits of treated plants should not be eaten immediately.

Insecticides differ in their mode of action. There are three types:

  • Contact. They cause death by penetrating the insect’s body through the skin;
  • Intestinal. They poison beetles by penetrating their gastrointestinal tract;
  • System. They impregnate the plant, poisoning its juice, as a result of which the beetles that feed on it die;

Contact and systemic solutions are considered the most effective. Systemic drugs cannot be used if the plant has fruits, as they accumulate toxic substances and can harm human health if consumed.

Biological drugs

Biological preparations against aphids perform the same function as chemical ones, but their composition is dominated by safe bacteria and their metabolic products.

They do not harm plants, humans, or the environment; beetles do not become accustomed to biological substances, and the period of their removal from plants is very short, so the fruits can be eaten much faster than those that have been treated with insecticides.

In addition to obvious advantages, the method also has disadvantages.:

  • Labor intensive to use;
  • After treatment, pests do not die immediately, but only after some time;
  • Range biological drugs extremely scarce, since this method of struggle appeared relatively recently.

Biological control of aphids includes the use of entomophages - predatory organisms that influence the natural regulation of pest numbers.

Who is the most dangerous enemy of aphids?:

  • Common lacewings;
  • Syrphids;
  • Aphelinus;
  • Cryptolemus;
  • Coccophagus.

These organisms eat adult individuals of harmful bugs, their larvae and oviposition.

You can cope with the scourge by attracting birds (tits, sparrows, robins) to the site; they are natural enemies of aphids. To do this, it is necessary to install birdhouses and feeders at the dacha.

Determining the safety of substances used

Any aphid preparation (biological or chemical) has a certain hazard class for humans and bees. The danger for humans is indicated in the range from 1 to 4, for bees - from 1 to 3. The higher specified figure, the safer the drug, and the fewer restrictions on its use.

Information about the hazard class must be printed on the packaging. If it is missing, then before use you should refer to the catalog of pesticides, which is published annually by the Ministry Agriculture. In addition to the hazard class, the publication will help you find out detailed information about the manufacturer, aspects of use, doses, consumption rates and toxicity of the drugs.

Be wary of insecticides that are sold in stores but are not in this catalog. Most likely, they were produced incorrectly and can be very dangerous.

Carrying out processing

Before you deploy active work to combat aphids, you need to study all the information about the poison used and read the instructions.

Always follow these rules:

  • Dilute the drug following the instructions;
  • Use the recommended amount of insecticide. To increase the effect, you should not use more substances than prescribed in the instructions, as this may be harmful. But there is no need to save, because then there is no positive influence may not exist at all;
  • For each new treatment, you need to prepare a fresh solution, so prepare it for future use;
  • Before spraying, check the weather forecast. Make sure that there is no precipitation in the form of rain in the next 24 hours, and that on the day of treatment the weather will be calm and windless;
  • Treat plants only in the evening. Firstly, by this time beneficial insects (pollinators) will have already flown away; secondly, the lack sun rays will avoid the appearance of burns on plant leaves during processing;
  • In addition to regular treatments, fight weeds, as they can ruin all your efforts by re-infecting the plants.

Security measures

When working with biological and chemical substances, follow safety precautions:

By choosing an effective product, strictly following the instructions and safety precautions, any summer resident will be able to rid his garden of harmful beetles on his own. It is important not only to clear the plants of aphids, but also to prevent a new infestation. To do this, it is necessary to constantly monitor the shoots and carry out preventive actions, preventing its reappearance.

Attention, TODAY only!

Aphids are one of the main pests like most garden plants, and some garden crops And indoor flowers. Our plants are being harmed different types aphids, for example, green, black, white, but all of them can be easily exterminated with the help of special preparations.

Tanrek against aphids

An aphid repellent with a long period of protective action, designed to destroy aphids on vegetable, fruit, berry and flower and ornamental crops.

Active substance: imidacloprid, 200 g/l, water-soluble concentrate.

Dilute the ampoule in 1 liter of water, mix and fill to the required volume with water. Use the working solution freshly prepared.

Using Tanrek

On the apple tree. Consumption rate of the drug: 3 ml. for 10 l. water. Method and time of treatment: spray during the growing season from 2 to 5 liters per tree, depending on its age. 1 treatment.

On currants. Dilute 3 ml. Tanrek 10 l. water. Spray before flowering, consumption from 0.5 to 1.5 l. per bush depending on the age and type of formation of the bush. 1 treatment is allowed.

On flowers. Effective against aphids, leafhoppers, whiteflies, thrips. To prepare a working solution, dilute 5 ml. drug for 10 l. water. Spray during the growing season. Product consumption 10 l. per 100 sq.m.

On cucumbers and tomatoes. From aphids, leafhoppers, whiteflies. Consumption rate: 5 ml. for 10 l. water.
Method and time of treatment: spraying during the growing season. Consumption 3-10 l. per 1 hundred square meters of landings.

Biotlin product, description

Systemic insecticide, enteric-contact drug. To prepare the working solution required amount Biotlin is dissolved in one liter of water, mixed, then diluted with water to the required volume, mixed. The working solution cannot be stored; the treatment is carried out with a freshly prepared solution. The period of protective action is two to three weeks.

Application of Biotlin

From aphids on tomatoes and cucumbers. Dilute 5 ml of the drug into 10 liters of water. Solution consumption rate: 30 liters per 100 sq.m. Spray during the growing season.

On the apple tree from aphids and apple blossom beetle. Dilute 3 ml per 10 liters of water. Consumption: 2-5 l per 1 tree. Spraying before flowering begins.

On currants from aphids. Consumption of the drug: 3 ml per 10 liters of water. 0.5-1.5 liters of working solution is enough to treat 1 bush.

On flowers from aphids, thrips, whiteflies. 5 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water. 10 liters of solution is enough to spray 1 hundred square meters of plantings. Treatment is carried out during the growing season.

Biotlin is very effective against thrips and aphids. The product exterminates larvae and adult insects.
The drug is very dangerous for earthworms, but if you follow the instructions for using Biotlin, the danger is zero. The drug is stored at temperatures from -10 to +40 degrees.

Drug Kalash, instructions

A broad-spectrum insecticide based on imidacloprid (200 g/l). Resistant to washing off by rain and exposure to sunlight.

Used to control aphids and whiteflies on tomatoes and cucumbers and Colorado potato beetle on potatoes.
In the first case, 5 ml of the drug is diluted per 10 liters of water, in the second - 1 ml per 5 liters. This amount of working solution is enough to treat 100 sq.m of plantings.

Iskra for aphids

This trademark a series of preparations designed for comprehensive plant protection against pests. There are 4 types of this product, each of which is effective against certain organisms that attack vegetable and fruit crops.

"Spark Double effect"is a drug currently most popular among gardeners, used against aphids on various garden plants. It is able to protect plants from more than 60 types of different pests. Speed ​​of action and versatility are distinctive features“Spark from pests” products.

Instructions for use allow you to quickly understand how this drug works. The product is suitable for protecting flowers, berries, vegetables, fruit crops from various pests. In addition, it contains a special potassium fertilizer, which allows plants to quickly restore damaged parts and an anti-stress component.

Main active ingredients are cypermethrin and permethrin. The specified drug “Iskra” is most effective against aphids and weevils. Pest tablets (weighing 10 g each) are modern double-action insecticides. The drug practically does not penetrate into plants and does not appear negative influence on the environment. It is non-toxic for warm-blooded animals, including humans.

It is not difficult to prepare a working solution. To do this, 1 tablet of the drug must be diluted in 10 liters of water.
To treat apple trees, cherries, quince, cherries, and pears against aphids, flower beetles, moths, leaf rollers, codling moths, and cherry flies, you need from 2 to 10 liters of solution (depending on the size of the tree).

  • To treat berries against a complex of pests, 1.5 liters of prepared solution is required for every 10 sq.m of planting.
  • To spray cucumbers and tomatoes against whiteflies, thrips, aphids, and peppers and eggplants against Colorado potato beetles and aphids, you need 2 liters of solution per 10 sq.m.

Cortlis anti-aphid remedy, description

A modern insecticide for the destruction of various types of aphids on fruit, berry, vegetable and flower crops.

Package: 5 ml ampoule in a blister, 5 ml ampoule in a bag, 25 ml bottle.

How does Cortlis work?

Penetrating into the leaves, it retains its protective properties and even spreads into the tissue of new shoots and young leaves, so that new aphids, having feasted on this plant, die. At the same time as aphids, it will clean your plants from other pests (codling moths, leaf rollers, weevils, hawthorns, cutworms and other leaf-eating and sucking insects).

How to breed Cortlis

Pour 1-2 liters of water into a bucket, open the ampoule, pour into a bucket of water and mix thoroughly, then bring the working solution to a volume of 10 liters and mix again. Consumption rate of the drug: 5 ml per 10 liters of water.
Spray the plants with a freshly prepared solution in dry, windless weather, preferably in the morning or evening, evenly wetting the leaves, at least 4-6 hours before rain. Optimal temperature during treatments from +12 °C to +25 °C.

Mospilan drug, instructions

Highly effective insecticide with systemic and contact action. The drug is produced in the form of a wettable powder, in bags of 2.5 g. The manufacturer of the drug is Nippon Soda Co., Ltd., Japan.

Mospilan is widely used to kill more than 30 species of insects (including aphids). It has a pronounced contact-intestinal effect.

How it works

A distinctive feature of Mospilan is that it is effective not only against adult aphids, but also their larvae and eggs. The protective effect of the product lasts for 2-3 weeks.

How to breed

  • To treat indoor plants against aphids, first dilute 2.5 g of the drug in 1 liter of water and then increase the volume to 10 liters.
  • To treat aphids, Colorado potato beetles, and leaf rollers of garden plants, dissolve 4-8 grams of Mospilan per 10 liters of water.

Mospilan is well compatible with most insecticides and pesticides, except those that, when mixed, give a highly alkaline solution ( Bordeaux mixture, preparations containing sulfur)

Imidor remedy for aphids and whiteflies, description

Active substance— imidacloprid (200 g/l).

Protected soil is used against aphids and whiteflies on tomatoes and cucumbers. Spray during the growing season. Dissolve 5 ml of Imidor in 10 liters of water. This amount of solution is enough to treat 100 sq.m of plantings. Processing is allowed 1 time.

To spray flower crops against aphids and whiteflies, 1-5 ml (depending on the severity of the damage to the plant) of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water.

Aktara - a remedy for aphids

Insecticide of contact-intestinal action. Available in powder form in small sachets of 4 grams.

To kill aphids on currants, Aktara is diluted in the proportion of 2 grams of powder per 10 liters of water. Treatment of currants should be carried out before flowering, at the first appearance of leaves. The waiting period is up to 60 days.

To treat potted and flower crops, Aktar is diluted in water at a ratio of 1 package (4 grams) per 5 liters of water.

Use only freshly prepared solution.

Kinmiks product, description

Designed to combat aphids, Colorado potato beetles, white beetles, leaf rollers and other sucking and leaf-eating pests. "Kinmiks" is approved for spraying berry fields, fruit trees, cabbage, potatoes.

Mechanism of action of the drug: affects nervous system pests, causing them paralysis. The insecticide is effective against adult and larval stages of insects.

Kinmiks is used for spraying crops during the growing season when pests appear. 1-2 treatments are carried out per season.

Active substance: betacypermethrin 50 g/l.


Dilute 2.5 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water. Spray plants during the growing season.

Confidor against aphids

A highly effective, low-toxic insecticide with systemic and contact action against a wide range of pests, very long-lasting protection. The advantage of the drug lies in its new mechanism of action on insects, against which there is no resistance.

Active substance— imidacloride, 200 g/l.

Confidor is effective against pests: Colorado potato beetle and aphids on potatoes; aphids, thrips and whiteflies on cucumbers and tomatoes; aphids and thrips on roses.

Advantages of the drug:

  • protects potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, as well as flower crops from pests;
  • low consumption rate - 1 ml per hundred square meters;
  • very long period of action;
  • penetrates the plant through the root, leaf and stem;
  • also effective in hot weather;
  • Resistant to washing away by rain.

To prepare a solution, pour 1-2 ml of the drug into 5-10 liters of water, stir well. 10 liters of working solution is enough to treat 100 square meters of plantings. Use only freshly prepared solution.

The pest dies 1-2 days after application. Treatment should be carried out no later than 20 days before harvest.

The effectiveness of Confidor does not decrease with increasing temperature or precipitation. The protective effect lasts for up to one month.

Compatibility: Confidor is compatible with most fungicides, however, in each specific case, before use, preparations should be checked for chemical compatibility.

The drug Insektor, instructions for use

Insecticide with enteric contact action against sucking and gnawing insects.

Active substance— thiamethoxam suspension concentrate (240 g/l).

Period of protective action of the drug: from 7 to 28 days depending on the harmful object, weather conditions, culture and method of use of the drug.

Package: glass ampoule 1.2 ml, plastic ampoule 1.2 ml, bottle 9 ml.

How to breed

Pour 1 liter of water into a bucket, open the ampoule, pour out the drug, mix, then bring to the required volume. To spray plants against aphids, dilute 1.2 ml of the drug per 6 liters of water. Spray before flowering and after harvest.

Akarin for aphids

It has established itself as a drug that has no equal in its biological activity and complex of sanitary, hygienic and environmental characteristics. Akarin can be used during the harvest period; it decomposes into simple substances after two days.

The drug has a weak bad smell. Available in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml.

To treat plants against aphids, dissolve 6 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. Akarin is a surface-acting drug and does not penetrate into the leaves, therefore, to achieve the best result, it is recommended to add an adhesive to the working solution in the form of a small amount of shampoo, or laundry or green insecticidal soap at the rate of 1-2 ml of shampoo per 10 liters of water. The soap will allow the acarin to remain on the plant for as long as possible.

ExtraFlor drug, instructions for use

Biostimulant, natural repellent and effective growth stimulator. A series of drugs for natural basis under the brand "Dar Sveta".

A natural preparation based on plant extracts to stimulate plant growth and control pests (aphids, copperheads, moths, codling moths, cruciferous flea beetle, weevils, leaf-eating caterpillars, etc.).

Compound: Pine needle extract, wormwood extract.

Can be used at any time of the growing season. Period of protective action: 8-20 days for the plant and 20-30 days for the root system. Exposure speed 10 hours.

Dissolve one cell in 1 liter of warm water, let cool until room temperature. Before spraying, filter the solution. To protect and stimulate the root system, the solution is poured directly under the root.

An effective remedy for aphids on indoor flowers

Home remedies for aphids should not have a strong odor since they are used indoors. And if possible, they should be as harmless as possible to people and pets.

Of course, ideally you should use it on flowers at home. folk remedies from aphids, but there are cases when the number of insects is too large, and this requires the use of chemicals.

Fitoverm- insectoacaricide of biological origin, it is minimally harmful to humans and domestic animals. To kill aphids on flowers, dissolve 2 ml of the drug in 200 ml of water and spray the plants. Apply treatment every 5-7 days depending on the size and age of the domestic flower, as well as the temperature environment. In most cases, 3-4 sprays are enough to completely get rid of the pest.

Aktellik is a powerful and quite toxic remedy that helps get rid of aphids on house plants, but certain conditions must be met. Be sure to open the vents or windows when you spray the flowers.

Dilute an Actellik ampoule (2 ml) in a liter of water and spray the plants. No more than 2-3 treatments in a row are allowed.

If you know an effective remedy for aphids, please write its name in the comments. If possible, write down which plants you were able to get rid of aphids using this remedy.

Interesting on the topic.

Aphids are a harmful insect that settles on garden, vegetable and other crops. Affected plants become depressed, slow down in growth and even die. Fighting aphids with folk remedies is considered the most safe method. After all, the applied chemical substances, caught on vegetable crops, are a risk of toxins entering food.

Self-prepared folk recipes, compared to chemical poisons, are considered less effective, however, natural and harmless.

The advantages of self-made products are:

  • versatility and simplicity;
  • minor harm and toxicity;
  • low cost of acquisition;
  • optimal shelf life.

There are many ways that will have a favorable result in protecting your garden, vegetable garden or flower bed. These methods include folk recipes that drive away malicious pests, specially planted plants or vegetables, etc.

Folk remedies against aphids

It must be borne in mind that not all folk recipes are capable of destroying the pest; some only have a repellent effect. They should be used 3-4 times at intervals of 7-10 days. Manipulation should be carried out in the evening, when there is no precipitation. In case of rain, the treatment is repeated.

The most effective infusions are:

  1. Onion. You will need 35 g of finely chopped onion (you can use onion peels), which you need to pour 1 liter of water and leave for about 5 hours. Then add 5 g to the composition laundry soap. Strain the infusion and add up to 1 liter of water.
  2. Potato peel. Grind 1 kg of peel, leave for 3 hours in 10 liters of water. If the tops are dry, then 0.6-0.8 kg will be enough.
  3. Marigold. Take half a bucket of flowering finely chopped plants, fill with water to the very top, leave for 2 days. Then strain and add 40 g of soap.
  4. Garlic. You will need 200 g of chopped vegetable, which is poured with 1 liter of water and infused for about 4-5 days. The result is a concentrated infusion. 25 ml of this product should be diluted in 10 liters of water.
  5. Pine. For 7 days, infuse 1 kg of pine needles in 4 liters of liquid. Once a day you need to chat. Process in a 1:1 ratio.
  6. Flowers, stems of celandine. Finely chopped 0.4 kg of this plant, pour 1 liter of water, leave for 24 hours and boil for no more than 0.5 hours over low heat.
  7. Chamomile. Add 100 g of dry plant to 1 liter of water, leave for 12 hours. The proportion of 1 hour of infusion and 3 hours of water (with the addition of 4 g of soap: 1 liter) should be sprayed on the affected crops.
  8. Citrus peels. Pour 100 g of dried peels into 1 liter of warm liquid. Leave for 3 days.
  9. Nettle. 500 g of fresh leaves are filled with 5 liters of water and kept for 12-24 hours.
  10. Yarrow. The plant should be purchased at the beginning of flowering (without roots). Dry yarrow is crushed, 1 liter is poured hot water, add soap and leave for 2 days. Treat crops 2 times a day for 7 days.

To prepare infusions, you can use hot pepper, tomato tops, datura, mustard and other medicinal herbs.

Ammonia against aphids

This product perfectly repels pests, since aphids are quite susceptible to ammonia vapor, in addition, it is considered a fertilizer for intensive growth.

You will need 50 ml of alcohol diluted in 10 liters of water. When spraying the plant, the composition should be shaken thoroughly. For better adhesion, it’s good to add a quarter of a bar of laundry soap (optional). It can be used on street and houseplants.

Soap solution options

Most simple method Soap solutions are the best way to get rid of aphids.

There are several recipes for making the product:

  • 300 g of finely chopped soap is diluted in 10 liters of water, after which the treatment is carried out;
  • 125 g liquid soap diluted in 10 liters of water, you can also add onion peels or ash; The resulting solution is used to wipe the stems, leaves, or spray;
  • 5 tbsp. l. laundry soap or dishwashing detergent is diluted in 1 liter of water, then sprayed;
  • Dilute 100 g of tar soap in a bucket of water and spray on the crops;
  • a quarter of the crushed household goods. soap, 1 tbsp. l. soda is dissolved in 1 liter of non-hot water (in case of precipitation, using only soda will quickly wash it off).

Fighting aphids in the garden using ash

The ash solution can be used as a stand-alone product or along with soap. Ash is scattered on the ground near the necessary plants or sprinkled on affected leaves and branches, previously sprayed with water.

  • Combine 1.5 kg of ash with 50 g of green soap, add water cooled to 60-70°C, leave and treat the desired areas;
  • 1 glass of ash is diluted in 5 liters of liquid, infused for 12 hours and ready for use;
  • 300 g of ash is mixed with 50 g of soap, poured in 10 liters of water and put on fire for half an hour; Leaves and stems are washed with a warm solution.

Vinegar and soda for aphids

Fighting aphids in a garden plot or vegetable garden involves the use of table vinegar and soda - products available in every home.

A vinegar solution is very effective in combating various insects. It is made quite simply and does not require any costs. You will need 2 tbsp per bucket of water. l. vinegar. The composition is obtained with a small concentration of acid, so it will not harm the crop at all, and the pungent odor will remain. It happens that aphids are located in the middle of curled, infected leaves and it is not always possible to thoroughly treat the plant. Therefore, you can water from a simple watering can.

The soda solution is harmless to plants and will not have a negative effect on the fruit, but it will help get rid of aphids. For cooking you will need 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and 10 liters of water. The composition is sprayed on damaged crops.

How to use tobacco against pests?

The insecticidal properties of tobacco make it possible to effectively control insects. Tobacco or tobacco dust is used to make infusions and solutions.

Recipes for cooking:

  • 5 liters of water are combined with 200 g of finely chopped dried tobacco leaves, infused for 24 hours, then the liquid is added until the bucket is full, and boiled for 2 hours;
  • 1 part of dust is mixed with 10 parts of liquid, infused for 2 days, after which it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, then 40 g of soap is added to 10 liters;
  • 1 cup dust and wood ash, 1 tbsp. l. mustard and liquid soap are supplemented with 2-3 liters of approximately 70-80°C water; aged for 2 hours and filtered, the liquid is added to 10 l; It is advisable to treat the lower part of the leaf 3 times at intervals of 7 days.

Tobacco dust helps fertilize the soil, increasing the intensity of microorganisms in it and improving productivity.

Plants and vegetables in the fight against aphids

Some vegetables and plants can protect crops from pests.

And the protectors themselves, damaged by insects, are removed from the site or processed.

What is the best way to treat cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes against aphids?

Folk remedies for aphids will help protect the crop. However, they should be sprayed in a timely manner, because if the damage is severe, folk recipes will not help.

Cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers are well processed using the following means:

  1. Cabbage. How to fight aphids on cabbage traditional methods? Garlic, ash and onion infusions showed good results. They have a pungent odor, which repels insects.
  2. Cucumbers. In effective ways are the use of table vinegar, scattering mustard powder, treatment with garlic and ash infusion, tar soap. Spraying is best done in the evening.
  3. Pepper. For the fight, infusions are prepared that are harmless to culture and humans. These can be garlic and onion infusions, dusting vegetables with ash and tobacco dust.
  4. Tomatoes. Soap solution, garlic solution, ash solution, and hot pepper decoction have proven themselves to be excellent.

At the moment of flowering, treatment cannot be carried out, since insects that pollinate plants will also be destroyed. For a good result, 3-4 manipulations will be required with an interval of 1 week.

There are a lot of ways to combat aphids; you just need to choose the right product for a specific crop, as well as based on the degree of infestation and the volume of the area.

Ornamental plants, as well as fruit and berry crops, are often damaged by aphids. Of the shrubs, roses, viburnum and dera are especially loved by aphids; colonies of aphids can often be found on ornamental cherry and apple trees.

There are about 4 thousand species of aphids. These small ovoid black or green insects, less than 2 mm long, form colonies on leaves, cling to the tops of tender young shoots and flower buds. Unfortunately, they often become noticeable only when the affected plant's shoots become twisted and deformed and blackened leaves appear. Aphids pierce integumentary tissues leaf and sucks out the juice from it, much more than is necessary for the life of the insect. Aphids leave excess sugars on the leaves in the form of a sticky liquid, which makes it difficult for the plant to breathe. They settle on it various fungi and bacteria, most often black sooty fungus. The sweet secretions of aphids attract ants. Shrubs affected by aphids noticeably lag behind in growth, lose their decorative appearance and more often die in winter. Winged aphids are capable of quickly forming new colonies. After two weeks, a new generation of insects will emerge from the laid eggs.

Plants are sprayed with insecticides against aphids - chemicals against insects. To quickly destroy aphids within 1-2 days, systemic preparations “Aktara”, “Konfidor”, “Tanrek”, “Iskra Zolotaya” and their analogues, the active ingredients of which are most often thiamethoxam or imidacloprid. They penetrate into tissues and protect the plant from the inside, which is why they are often used in irrigation systems in greenhouses. Preparations in this group are very toxic to any insects and have low toxicity to humans. Their use is limited by a fairly high price.

Orangeaurochs / Flickr.com

The second group of drugs against aphids with enteric contact action based on compounds of the group permethrins: “Kinmiks”, “Decis Profi”, “Inta-Vir”, is characterized by its speed of action (from a few seconds to 5 minutes). These drugs do not accumulate in plants, remain effective for no more than 14 days and are easily washed off by rain. However, they should be used with caution on young plants. According to some reports, drugs in this group can cause burns and inhibit the development of young leaves. They have an irritating effect on human skin and mucous membranes and are moderately toxic when ingested.

Another group of drugs that also help against aphids are “Actellik”, “Karbofos”, “Alatar”, “Fufanon” and others based on organophosphorus compounds. IN recent years Populations of aphids have appeared on which these drugs have practically no effect, and their toxicity to humans, animals and fish is high, so care must be taken when using them.


Do not overuse insecticides unnecessarily. When preparing working solutions, be sure to follow the recommendations for the norms and methods of use of a particular drug. They do not have a selective effect and destroy beneficial insects, which may prove to be your friend in the fight against garden pests. Before spraying your garden with insecticides, put on protective clothing, gloves, goggles and a respirator. Strictly follow the recommendations on the packaging regarding the time after which it is safe to carry out other work on the treated area.

Biological drugs They act more slowly, within 10-20 days, and there is a need for repeated treatment. Subject to practical recommendations indicated on the packaging, bioinsecticides are harmless to plants, bees (after drying), entomophagous insects, people and animals. They can be used on flowering bushes, intended for cutting after 2-3 days. These are “Fitoverm”, “Akarin”, “Bitoxibacillin”, “Iskra-BIO” and others. These preparations are sprayed in cool weather, at a temperature of about 20°C, otherwise they do not work, and with prolonged use of biological products, stable populations of aphids can arise, so it is better to alternate treatment with other insecticides.

Many gardeners successfully use it against pests. folk remedies: soap solution with added oil or whey, infusion of dandelion greens, onion and garlic peels and other plants. But with the modern dynamic pace of life, it is often impossible to find time to prepare them.

Systematic prevention and timely control of aphids when the first signs of plant damage appear will preserve the beauty of trees and shrubs in the garden.

An aphid appears. This miniature creature can very quickly take over the entire territory and significantly spoil the harvest. That is why it causes a lot of trouble for gardeners and causes enormous damage to young plants; in addition, aphids also attack indoor plants. Plants affected by this insect grow slowly, wither, and may die completely. That is why you should always have aphid preparations on hand.

The appearance of aphids

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so you need to regularly inspect your garden. The first sign of aphids is curling of the leaves. If you find several insects, then expect a rapid increase in the colony and the death of the plant. Therefore, do not waste time and immediately use aphids. Usually, where it is, black garden ants begin to appear. No, they do not eat aphids; on the contrary, they feed on their sweet secretions. That is why aphid preparations are often combined and act simultaneously on ants.

Ways to control aphids

There are several options for how to deal with this scourge. Chemical preparations for aphids are considered the most effective, but they are not always safe for the human body. Therefore, if there are few insects yet, you can use mechanical method their destruction. Aphids can be collected, crushed or washed away with a stream of water. In addition, you can use biological control methods, that is, natural enemies of aphids. Finally, there is a huge number folk recipes, which can and should be used, as they are inexpensive and very effective.

Plants and insects as natural enemies of aphids

The very first rule: do not kill ladybugs. This insect is excellent at fighting pests. If you happen to walk through a meadow where these slow-moving bugs are found, carefully collect them and bring them to your garden plot. But with a large number of pests, they cannot cope alone, so plants that repel aphids are planted to help them. Onions, garlic and chamomile are planted next to the fruit beds. These plants repel aphids. But if you notice a large colony of insects in the garden, sucking the juices from your plants, then it’s time to take more decisive action.

Fruit trees

Very often they are the ones affected by aphids. Insects breed very quickly - within a few days the entire tree will be captured by a huge colony. In this case, it is not possible to collect or wash away all the harmful insects; a safe preparation for aphids on trees is needed. One of these is the “Tanrek” product. The main advantage of using this product is its durability. It is not washed off by rain or water, but it is quite safe and does not affect the edible qualities of the fruit. The effect of the drug is completely independent of the ambient temperature, that is, it does not evaporate even at the highest positive temperatures. It is enough to carry out one treatment per season, and the drug against aphids on trees will be effective until late autumn, reliably protecting your garden from pest invasion. It is worth processing during the growing season.

Biological preparations for the control of aphids

If the fruit harvest period has already arrived, and a large number of aphids have attacked your garden, then you need to find an effective and completely safe remedy to destroy pests. Today there are modern biological insecticides that are as safe as possible. They are made from waste products of soil organisms, and therefore do not harm plants. You can collect fruits starting from the next day after processing. One of these can be considered the drug “Fitoverm”. Maximum effect from using the drug is visible for a week, unless it is washed off with water or rain. In addition, there are oil emulsions that are completely safe for humans, for example “30 plus”. This modern drug from aphids. Instructions for use speak about its highest efficiency when used on a wide variety of garden plants.

From time immemorial

For many generations, humanity has managed without industrial drugs and learned to deal with harmful insects. Given this experience, you can prepare effective mixtures for pest control at home. These funds have a number of advantages. They are always at hand, you don’t have to spend money on them, and they won’t harm your body. Folk remedies for aphids are presented in a huge range; today we will consider only the most effective of them, which are used year after year in almost every garden plot.

Recipes for your garden

Aphids really don't like flowers like marigolds. Therefore, when the flowerbed fades, be sure to collect dry plants and store them for future use. For spraying, prepare a tincture, for which you need to fill half a bucket of dry plants with 10 liters of hot water and leave for two days. After this, the infusion is filtered and 40 g of laundry soap is added. It is better to treat plants with this product 2-3 times with an interval of 3-4 days. By the way, a solution of laundry soap is also good for fighting aphids. To do this, you need to dissolve 200 g of it in a bucket of water.

Don't forget to collect potato tops too. When considering folk remedies for aphids, this remedy should be noted as one of the most effective. You will need a kilogram of dry or fresh tops, which must be filled with 10 liters of warm water and left for 4 hours. Now the infusion should be filtered and 40 g of laundry soap added. In this solution, soap is not the active element. It is only necessary for the solution to stick to the leaves. The treatment is carried out in the evening, and the next morning 90% of the aphids die.

A very effective plant for controlling aphids is yarrow. You will need one kilogram of dry powder made from plants. They are poured with boiling water and left for 36-48 hours, after which they are filtered. You can prepare a decoction; to do this, boil the same amount of yarrow for 30 minutes, filter, add up to 10 liters and add 40 g of soap to the decoction. It is not recommended to store the decoction for a long time; it is best to use it immediately after cooling.

Saving the flower garden

We most often treat fruit trees with insecticides at the beginning of summer, but the rose garden remains unattended until we notice how the plants curl their leaves and lower their lush heads. Which effective drugs Will aphids on roses solve this problem? There are not so few of them, but let’s start, as usual, with the safest ones. We have already talked about which aphids feed on, this ladybugs and many others. They are attracted by the smell of plants such as caraway and dill, daisy and violet. These plants are planted in the area next to the roses. In addition, you can protect roses by planting nasturtium, cosmos, poppy, and mallow in the flower garden, which are very attractive to aphids. They will serve as a natural source where they can be neutralized. If all these methods turned out to be insufficiently effective, then it is necessary to purchase drugs such as Inta-Vir, Shar Pei, Karbofos. Since roses are not classified as such, processing can be done at any time. Preparations for aphids on roses can be alternated so as not to cause addiction to pests.

fruit bush

Probably everyone knows that aphids really love currants and gooseberries. By attacking a delicate bush, it can ruin the harvest or cause the branches to die. But today there are effective drugs for aphids on currants. First of all, this is “Fitoverm” - a safe and inexpensive product that can be used even during the fruiting period. True, the effect does not last long; the treatment should be repeated approximately once every 2-3 weeks. So if you did not treat with chemicals during the growing season, you will have to spend more time caring for the garden.

There are also natural, natural preparations for aphids on currants. This is a solution familiar to everyone, with which the branches are washed. It helps a lot too garlic infusion, which is sprayed on the plant.

Chemical preparations for aphids

There are a great variety of them on sale today, you can choose the one that best suits your requirements. There are two large groups. These are insecticides of contact action, that is, in order to act, the drug must be in contact with the insect, and systemic. The second type of drugs penetrates and affects the pest when it tries to feast on them. The first group of insecticides is used for one-time pest control, as it is washed off from the surface of the leaves. These are Envidor, Inta-Vir, Iskra and many others. They are treated once, they are constantly in the plant tissues, that is, whenever the pest arrives, it will die. These are “Commander” and “Marshal”, “Calypso” and others.

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