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You can free yourself from negative energy with the help of simple mantras. Vibrations of the biofield when pronouncing keywords acquire the strongest energy of purification.

The exchange of energy between people occurs constantly. They are in continuous interaction and are included in a single energy picture of the world. Positive energy helps improve health, karma and has a beneficial effect on human life. But besides positive energy, there is also negative energy in the subtle world. It has a destructive effect on the biofield. In common parlance, such an effect is called the evil eye or damage.

There are many ways to determine negative impact. There are certain symptoms that indicate outside influence. This includes a sharp deterioration in health, a change in character for the worse, and constant failure in business and personal life. Remove damage traditional methods It doesn’t always work out, and mantras come to the rescue.

Ancient practices prove that with certain skills and correct pronunciation of the words, mantras affect a person’s energy flows and cleanse his biofield. Lingering and bewitching sounds can drive out not only bad influences, but also help free oneself from entities and aliens.

Mantra for cleansing negativity

In order to begin cleansing your aura, you should prepare. Set yourself in a peaceful mood and turn on relaxing music. Incense or candles will help achieve the desired state of semi-trance. The text of the mantra is sung protractedly and thoughtfully. Focus on your problem and imagine it as a black clot. Visualize the singing as a silver blanket that covers the foreign substance and dissolves it in its light. Mantra text:


According to the doctrine, the emphasis should be on last word. It turns out as if you are going down a mountain, increasing momentum. The continuous repetition of these words creates a kind of spiral that draws in all the negativity, freeing you from a heavy burden.

To enhance the power of words, use spring or running water. Add a pinch of salt to it and wash your face after the ceremony. Salt will scare away evil spirits, running water will not allow negativity to linger, and it will leave your body and soul.

Mantra for purifying the biofield and surrounding space

The text of the following mantra cleanses the biofield and energy flows of your home. If you feel that your home has ceased to be protected and negative energy has settled in it, the power contained in the following words will come to the rescue.

In the morning, preferably at dawn, take the center of the room and position yourself in a position comfortable for you. Imagine the awakening of nature and the opening of flower buds. Feel the aroma of fresh greenery and soft spring mornings. Immerse yourself in pleasant memories of carefreeness and happiness. Chant the words of the mantra and you will feel an invisible cocoon of protection forming around you. It protects from external influence and wards off all bad thoughts.


Sounds not only cleanse the chakras, but also promote rapid recovery from illness. They are directed to the very essence of a person, to his soul. The mantra opens the way to cosmic energy and frees consciousness.

Any obstacles and difficulties can be overcome if you are confident in yourself and your abilities. Every person has a protective biofield, but it needs to be fueled with positive emotions and faith in one’s own invulnerability. We wish you good health, and do not forget to press the buttons and

21.01.2017 05:03

Communication with negative people devastates us, reduces immunity, causes anxiety, loss of strength, affects the occurrence...

Internal development is the first step towards happy life. Turning to spiritual practices, a person...

Negative energy accumulates in the space surrounding a person and interferes with the implementation of his plans. It results in problems, constant obstacles on the way to the goal, poor health and squabbles. The mantra removes all negative energies from the path and allows you to cleanse your soul and body. Daily practice helps you find your own path in life.

Varieties of texts for purification

Mantras are special texts consisting of a set of sounds and words in ancient language(Sanskrit). These complexes create a unique sound. Mantras are repeated a certain number of times, which allows you to get a solid, harmonious sound. They are used to create the correct energy flows and influence any area of ​​human life.

To cleanse the soul and body the following are used:

  • Vajrapani mantra;
  • Gayatri Mantra;
  • Om Sarva Mangalam;
  • Khum prayer;
  • Ad Gurey Name;
  • additional prayers.

Mantras are selected individually. Problems with your personal life need to be resolved through internal changes: transformation, search for harmony, understanding your own fears will allow you to correct them difficult situation with a partner, a friend or acquaintance, or yourself. If difficulties arise at work, mantras are used to destroy obstacles.

Mantras for calming help you disconnect from constant anxious thoughts. To achieve harmony, you need chants that are combined with meditation. How more people cares about his own health (physical and mental), the easier it is for him to get rid of negativity: mantras only create suitable conditions, but all changes depend on the person and his desires.

Vajrapani Mantra

This mantra is used to fight evil and negativity that prevents a person from realizing himself. The text gives a person special power: by eliminating problems on the way to the goal, a happy life, it opens the person’s mind to new knowledge. The mantra represents strength, without which it is difficult to change. Prayer brings spiritual enlightenment. It broadens one's horizons, shows the true order of things, which a person did not even suspect.

The power of Vajrapani prayer lies in:

  • in clearing the mind - when the negativity goes away, a person can rethink life, its main points and events that previously caused fear or panic attacks;
  • in cleansing the body - when apathy and powerlessness go away, a person can accumulate energy rather than lose it irrevocably;
  • in restoring strength: as soon as the problems disappear, a person will be able to direct all his energy not to fighting non-existent problems, but to achievements and personal growth.

Vajrapani represents lightning - an unbridled force that brings sudden enlightenment. The Buddha Protector emits divine light: it heals and at the same time destroys the source of suffering. Vajrapani is also called the thunderer, the patron of rains and snakes. Prayer and appeal to him creates effective energy vibrations.

For ordinary person Vajrapani prayer is an opportunity, a path that consists of constant changes. Every area of ​​life is gradually transformed, and an understanding comes that all problems in the past were a mirror of internal discord. Only by realizing the cause of negativity can a person resist it.


The text of the mantra must be learned by heart. Every sound, every vibration is the key to liberation. They need to be pronounced smoothly, without sudden changes. The more a person practices, the easier it becomes to repeat the prayer. The purifying text reads: “OM Vajrapani Hum Pe.”

The mantra begins with the sound OM - it is the beginning of everything in the Universe. This is the beginning of speech, every sound of nature and the surrounding world. Best time to read the mantra - early in the morning. You need to get up at dawn and greet a new day full of pleasant surprises. The text is pronounced 108 times. In order not to lose count, it is better to use rosaries or beads: they help you concentrate, collect yourself, let go of all worries and ease internal tension.

General value

The Vajrapani Prayer is a direct appeal to the Bodhisattva, a being who strives for enlightenment, close to the Buddha. The spirit represents wisdom and mercy. He is tolerant and calm. Every time a spirit helps a person, it gives him strength. The Bodhisattva does not turn a person’s false hope against him. It provides a tool with which a person can radically change his life.

The spirit to which a person turns in despair brings protection - it drives away negativity and prevents a new threat from settling in the house. Daily practices help to find harmony between the material and spiritual. The Vajrapani mantra is suitable for cleansing living space.

How to read

Before using the mantra, you need to listen to it: audio and video lessons help you master the texts in Sanskrit. Meditation allows you to fully immerse yourself in it and tune in to the desired vibration. During meditation, visualization is used (a mantra-enhancing technique). When reading the address to Vajrapani, it is necessary to imagine the being: divine blue light emanates from his heart. It is a heavenly gift that completely envelops him.

Visualization must also be directed towards oneself: it is necessary to imagine how a golden light emerges from the heart of the spirit. It will protect a person from negativity and cleanse his aura, body and mind. After this, the practice is repeated until the mantra is recited exactly 108 times. The next morning the practice is repeated: the protection will only increase. After the negativity completely disappears, meditation and the Vajrapani mantra will help prevent a new danger.

Gayatri Mantra

The Gayatri prayer is a text of 24 syllables. It is sacred and is used to invoke good luck or get rid of problems. The mantra is universal and suitable for both men and women. Goddess Gayatri is a power with which no negativity is scary. Appeal through prayer is directed to the ruler solar energy: it purifies, gives light that encourages transformation, divine spirit, health and prosperity to everyone who turns to it.

How the Gayatri Mantra helps:

  • improves health;
  • heals the human spirit;
  • helps maintain external beauty;
  • gives family well-being;
  • calms internal worries.

The mantra helps to find peace of mind when difficulties and adversity are not perceived as serious obstacles to success. The cleansing power of prayer helps both the sick and the lonely person - problems of soul and body are equally dangerous.

Gayatri helps in cleansing karma: if there is negativity following a person from past lives, it can be leveled out. The power of mantra is limitless. She heals, cleanses, and liberates.


The mantra for healing the soul and body is read without haste. This is a prayer that instills peace in the heart: one cannot rush or rush. The text for setting up the correct energy flow is: “Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha, Tat Savitur Varenyam, Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat.” Learn prayer by heart.

The Gayatri text is suitable for morning and evening readings. It should sound clear but smooth. The translated mantra is not used for meditation - only the original will allow you to adjust energy flows. To read the prayer, you need suitable conditions: meditation and visualization.

General value

The mantra shows the harmony of the three components of life: the sensory world, vital energy and the power of speech. Collectively, chanting influences the heart, mind and tongue of a person. It purifies thoughts that are the beginning of actions, feelings that give rise to wrong actions, and speech that allows negativity to spread.

The meaning of Gayatri prayer affects the physical and mental bodies of a person. Negativity cannot be felt, you cannot touch it, but you can see its consequences. The more unconscious there is in a person’s life, the less true life there is in it.

Om Sarva Mangalam

An auxiliary mantra opens up new opportunities on the individual’s path: it is possible to achieve a certain level of knowledge only through understanding why illness comes, the soul weakens, and unpleasant thoughts enter the head. The text is addressed to the Supreme Creation. This is the energy of the Universe, which cannot be overcome or bypassed: it either helps or, if mishandled, harms.

Om Sarva Mangalam helps through the following changes:

  • fulfillment of cherished desires;
  • removing barriers to life path;
  • protection against enemies and new negativity.

With the help of Om Sarva Mangalam one can activate the consciousness. Acceptance will help to understand how the problem can be eliminated: a person takes responsibility for what happens to him and how it is reflected in all areas of life. Prayer reveals the truth with which the individual will have to work in the future.

An established connection is a prospect. If a person feels an inner desire, he can follow it. Illusions or wrong plans that feed on fear or self-doubt disappear. A person knows what he wants, and nothing will stop him from achieving what he wants.


The texts of the mantra can be listened to or pronounced. The prayer is suitable for reading out loud, in a half-whisper, or mentally. It is better for a beginner to start with simple practices: reading a prayer loudly and confidently.

The text of the mantra that gives self-confidence is: “Om Sarva Mangala Mangalye, Shive Sarvate Sadike, Sharanya Trayambake Gauri, Narayani Namostute.” Traditionally, universal mantras begin with the sound Om. It creates the right energy flows even during the first practice.

How to read

The mantra is read slowly: you need to enjoy meditation, feel the surge of energy, nourish the body and soul with it. The more time a person devotes to reading Om Sarva Mangal, the faster he will feel its power. The prayer is addressed to the feminine nature of the Absolute, therefore it is especially effective for women who have lost faith in themselves and their own happiness.

Immediately after reading the mantra, a person becomes calm. He feels the weight of resentment or hatred fall from his shoulders. This release is not permanent, but it gives time to rethink what is happening: a wise man not only learns from mistakes, but also prevents them in the future. It is necessary to read the text in Sanskrit at least 108 times (once a day).

Mantra Hum

There are several schools of thought in Buddhism. There are also adepts, believers who worship one god, one energy, but do not deny the general divine harmony. They do not oppose the universe, but concentrate on one part of it. In Lamaism (the movement to which these adherents belong), the mantra Om Mani Pame Hum is one of the main ones. This is a six-syllable powerful mantra.

How prayer can help:

  • it affects the perception of reality;
  • she changes her train of thought;
  • it affects all levels of reality - life for oneself, people, life outside of material life.

Prayer is complex: it is difficult to understand, but the knowledge it contains is fundamental. She represents experience as part of the maturation of the soul. A person learns only from what he can live and experience. Prayer helps to evaluate the path traveled and make the right decisions.

Mantric experience is something that a person needs, but does not understand until he receives this experience. This prayer allows you to purchase it.

General value

To understand what a mantra means, you need to try it, allow each sound to pass through the body and be reflected in your thoughts. The text of the prayer is: “Om Mani Pade Hum.” Each part of it is the key to understanding the overall meaning.

Om symbolizes Brahma - this is the power of manifestation, clear results. Every cell of the body is filled with this energy (it is dynamic). Om is the opposite of static. Mani is the name of the crystal. The jewel serves to fill with energy: it is a repository, a conductor, and a source.

Padme symbolizes the lotus. This is a sign of purity and untouchedness. This symbol shows the beginning, as a path that is not yet overshadowed by trials or futile endeavors. Hum, the final part of the mantra, is a symbol of the heart. This is the source of human strength, a repository of positive and negative experiences.

How to read

Visualization helps to see and understand the mantra. Images of light rays or the appearance of Buddha, who is ready to bless every believer, are suitable for imagining during meditation. It is important to establish a connection with the source of strength and experience to which the individual turns.

When reading a mantra, a person repeats it at least 108 times. The person trusts the light of the Buddha: she imagines how this radiance penetrates the body, takes on form and meaning. Each time, reading a prayer will help direct the energy received and give it an outlet.

Mantra Ad Guray Name

A person does not know how to distance himself from the inner voice. This is the part of his life that is not subject to anything or anyone. Anxious thoughts and doubts push a person to take action, and actions give birth to reality. The mantra Ad Guray Name influences the origins of experience, the mental message. She guides the action, makes it correct and noble. Prayer struggles with the following internal obstacles:

  • constant doubt;
  • lack of self-confidence;
  • anxiety;
  • apathy.

Prayer is not aimed at external world, it affects a person’s inner well-being, his desires, and, as a result, impulses. The text can dispel any negativity born in the heart of a person. It purifies the foundation of which a person's life consists.

The mantra not only illuminates, but also protects. It illuminates the personality with divine light and allows one to feel safe. After reading the text, the meditator feels calm and at ease, he is no longer burdened with the anxiety accumulated during the day.


The text of the mantra is memorized before meditation: “Aad Gurey Name, Jugad Gurey Name, Sat Gurey Name, Siri Guru Deve Name.” Every sound is a message that must be made with pure soul and thoughts. If a person asks for change, she must be ready for it. Accepting transformation is the key to the effectiveness of the mantra.

It is read early in the morning, before sunrise. A person awakens, and while his thoughts are just forming, he is charged with the energy of action. This is the light that fills the body and maintains its strength. This is a thirst to create, learn, change. The more a person practices the mantra, the stronger his desire to achieve success. There is no place for negativity in the thoughts and body of such a person.

General value

Understanding the mantra will allow you to use it to your advantage.

The prayer consists of 4 equal parts.

  1. In the first part, a person turns to power: “I succumb to the primordial wisdom...”. The personality recognizes the universe, that part of life that was predetermined before its birth. The universe consists of a million accidents, which together make up an ideal system. Man worships her, he recognizes that the wisdom he strives for is beyond his current understanding.
  2. The second part of the prayer sounds like this: “I succumb to the wisdom that comes through the centuries...”. This part of the address talks about experience: this is knowledge accumulated over centuries. They are accessible to the individual and serve as his guide and help. Accepting this part is accepting your own karmic history.
  3. The third part says: “I yield to true wisdom...”. The individual recognizes that the conclusions he is guided by may be false. Experiences that lead to suffering are not always noble. It is temporary, useful only for certain changes.
  4. The final part of the prayer: “I succumb to the great invisible wisdom!” This is agreement with development. It may frighten you, but you cannot resist it.

Ad Gurey Name is the most powerful mantra against negativity. If a person understands its nature, he will realize his own strength.

The mantra for cleansing from negativity is read 108 times - this number of repetitions allows you to create the correct vibration. It adjusts the magnetic field and allows you to protect yourself throughout the day.

Govinda Mantra

Govinda is the god Krishna. He is the protector of all who have suffered from injustice or mistakes made. The mantra to address the deity is large, but you need to learn it by heart. Each part of it contains a piece of the image to which Govinda is confined. The divine spirit patronizes weak people who do not know how to appreciate themselves.

The text of the mantra is: “Venum Quantam Aravinda-dalayataksham, Barhavatamsam Asitambuda-sundarangam, Kandarpa-koti-kamaniya-visesha-shobham, Govandam Tam Aham Bhajami.” The meanings of the parts that make up a strong mantra against negativity are interpreted as follows:

  • Venum denotes flute;
  • Aravinda personifies the lotus and its petals;
  • Ambuda - symbol of clouds;
  • Kamaniya - charming;
  • Aham is the symbol of "I";
  • Bhajama - worship.

Taken together, the text of the prayer is translated as an appeal to the deity. In it, a person asks for blessings: he wants to open the path to perfection. Prayer does not force you to give up, but gives strength for new achievements through calmness and patience.

Govinda always answers prayers. He shows that protecting God is tantamount to accepting yourself. When a person is ready to take responsibility for his life, his whole nature is revealed, and he follows the destined path.

General value

The Sanskrit text symbolizes purification: it is based on the acceptance of the nature of trouble. Every obstacle shows that a person is vulnerable. He is imperfect, and in this he will find strength. He is vulnerable, and this is his power. Purification involves forgiveness: you cannot blame yourself for the past - these are thoughts that do not allow you to move forward, but only create tension. They destroy the help of the universe. Cleansing mantras work through an open heart: if a person is ready to show his own pain, he will be happy. Suffering is a part of it that cannot be denied.

Cleansing prayers are suitable for any retreat. Meditation, visualization, calmness - any practice will help create the necessary sound vibrations. In the words of prayer, one addresses Govinda, who is carefree, pure and pure, like a lotus petal in his hands. The charm of the deity personifies the life that a person wants to receive - freedom to do what the soul is drawn to. Cleansing prayers help to cast aside doubts as the beginning of failed actions in the future.

Mantra for removing obstacles

The mantra against any evil (internal and external) destroys obstacles. It allows you to achieve enlightenment: with the help of prayer, intuition sharpens, instinct awakens, which has no logical explanation, but works flawlessly. By calling on divine entities, a person fences himself off from any negativity.

Prayer activates the individual’s mind and gives a person the strength to independently destroy barriers to success. The mantra for removing obstacles is suitable for cleansing the room, body, and soul. If a problem arises, then daily practices help to discern its hidden details - the person sees right through the world, people, situations.


To remove negativity, the following text is suitable: “Ek on(g) kar sat gur prasaad, Sat gur prasaad ek on(g) kaar.” Prayer gives the necessary peace of mind; it shifts the focus away from difficulties. Problems do not disappear, but a person understands how to eliminate them. Troubles will no longer drain all your strength, and even long-term difficulties will not unsettle a person.

Prayer removes unnecessary doubts. The text says that the simplicity of man and God are one. If God wants to help and feels that a person needs it, he will grant her insight. On the path of the meditator there will be a need to make a choice: he can accept divine help or refuse such equality.

Vajrakilaya Mantra

The simplest mantra helps against dark energy - Vajrakilaya. Hindu prayer destroys internal demons: this is the harm that a person causes to himself. Enhances Sanskrit text vital energy, which is the beginning of all good deeds. Appropriate appeal to divine spirits:

  • to protect adults and children;
  • to protect your home or workplace;
  • to find inner balance;
  • to overcome the internal crisis;
  • to expel negativity sent by enemies.

Energy flows do not change; they are always around a person. The perception of the individual is transformed, she begins to accept everything that happens to her. For better protection 2-3 mantras are used at once, which are read in the morning, evening or at dawn.

Mantra text for strengthening positive energy sounds like this: “Om Bendza Kili Kilaya, Sarva Biganen Bam Hum Phat.” Such a text eliminates all the aggression and anger that accumulates in the soul. If new difficulties arise on the path of life, the mantra frees you from unnecessary illusions - it does not allow you to create the wrong attitude or plunge into fear.


Mantras are unique-sounding texts. They activate a person’s internal forces and adjust energy flows. To use them, you need to create suitable conditions: concentrate, meditate, distance yourself from external stimuli.

The simplest and most powerful mantra is Gayatri, and turning to Govinda will help you get rid of internal doubts. Every prayer to the divine spirit is a revelation that a person needs to come to terms with. The more a person practices, the greater his inner strength.

What do we mean by negative? Of course, our emotions, our state of mind. External circumstances affect all people differently: some people become depressed because of one event, while others are not upset at all. However, regardless of how someone reacts to life circumstances, we all often experience irritation and anger, frustration and resentment. Negative emotions can poison more than one day of life, cause not only loss of spirit, but also physical illness, and this should not be tolerated.

Sources of negativity can be very diverse; several main ones can be identified:

  • information flow from the outside (media, Internet, communication in society and family, etc.);
  • inability to rest, psychological overload, lack of sleep;
  • annoying little things (sounds, lights, distractions, bad weather, etc.);
  • high expectations and disappointments;
  • internal dialogue, winding up;
  • lack of personal time and privacy.

Of course, you can fight negativity different ways- develop equanimity, a positive outlook on events, practice various meditations and apply auto-training. One of the wonderful ways to overcome unpleasant emotions and bring back the colors of life is the practice of mantras. to harmonize energy and get rid of negativity.

It has long been known that the world is filled with all kinds of vibrations: sound, field, energy and mental. “Woe from Wit” is a very accurate saying. In fact, we create all the negativity that gnaws at us with our own mind, with our thoughts. If a person is full of hope and optimism, then the vibrations of his thoughts will be high - they will not only give strength, health, confidence, but will also create a shield from the negative emotions of others. Such a person attracts people like himself - positive and smiling. The other, full of despondency and resentment, generates low vibrations, which makes him always upset, depressed, more often sick and does not believe in the positive outcome of his affairs. To such a person, everyone around him will seem envious, enemies and indifferent scoundrels. To reconfigure your mind to the positive, you can not only project positive emotions, learn not to be discouraged, see the positives in everything, never lose hope, endure failures stoically and wisely, avoid insults and outbursts of anger, but also use proven tools of the ancients to help you technician: yoga, meditation and chanting mantras. By practicing mantras, a person has the opportunity to directly influence the surrounding reality and his own state. Negative emotions are also vibrations, vibrations of our mind, therefore, in order to eliminate them, we need to return calm to the mind, and mantras do a great job with this.


If other forms of Tara provide support in something specific, then Green Tara helps to cope with any obstacles on the path of life, including negative emotions, sadness, upset and frustration. This mantra fills you with peace, gentleness, and helps you not to lose hope for success in business.

A strong protective mantra that gives stamina and strength is an appeal to Rama - the ancient prince, the incarnation of the god Vishnu. Rama was a national hero who defeated an evil demon that even the gods could not crush. The mantra has an active male character and it sounds like this:


This mantra bestows goodness, perfection, cures despondency, calms the mind, and helps overcome difficulties. Also another mantra to Rama:

OM SRI RAMAYA NAMAH bestows spiritual strength.

One of the most powerful mantras for eliminating negativity and for protection is the mantra for the god Shiva - the great intercessor and teacher. His mantra against negativity is also the strongest. Shiva is highly revered by Hindus as a deity-standard of self-improvement and constant self-knowledge. He was able to overcome the three main obstacles to enlightenment: the desire for wealth, lust and possessiveness. The mantra is very good at eliminating negative influences, bringing harmony, fearlessness, confidence in strength, endurance, helping to keep the mind under control and getting rid of evil influences. Quite a common mantra. It sounds like this:


Mantra for the warrior goddess Durga - a protective mantra. She protects from dark forces, dispels negative influences, destroys apathy, helps overcome obstacles. Gives you the opportunity to influence circumstances.


Mantra for negativity also the most powerful is the mantra of the bodhisattva of compassion Avaloketishvara (Chenrezi), which helps to develop spiritual strength, inner resilience, and compassion. It protects against inner anger, anger, and aggression. Also quite famous:


It is also called the six-syllable mantra.

Purification mantras are very useful and even necessary tools, if you want to get rid of any negative aspects and their consequences in your life, and also start any new endeavor.

In the article:

Purification mantras and their effect

Purification mantras are designed to get rid of negativity in all its senses.
The psychological effect of such voice formulas allows you to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions that have a destructive effect on a person. They calm your mind, organize your thoughts and help you let go of everything you don't need.
In addition, such sounds also affect the energy flows that surround each person. Thus, with the help of purification mantras, you can get rid of negative programs, bad thoughts and even diseases, because most often they are caused precisely by the negative energy that is present in the body. various levels human life activity.

Reading and listening to sacred texts allows you to cleanse not only thoughts, space and energy. With their help, you can even clear karma, which can completely change a person’s health and quality of life. You can listen to cleansing mantras or chant them, both methods are good and have a positive effect.

Mantras for clearing karma

widely known as the mantra that conquers death. It can help get rid of almost any disease, but this is far from its only property. With the help of this sacred text, which contains an appeal to Shiva, you can get rid of many problems, gain longevity and good health. It also has powerful cleansing and protective properties, sets you up for positivity, brings joy. Many people believe that this is a mantra that cleanses karma, but it only works if it is read or listened to regularly.

There are more the hard way clear karma - Vajrassattva mantra. In order for it to work, it is advisable to learn to visualize the deity to whom its text is addressed. It must be imagined as a sparkling white silhouette with a bell in the left hand and a vajra in the right. While reading the mantra, a snow-white light will emanate from the chest of the deity, which will cleanse you and take the place of the negativity that will leave.

Mantras for clearing space

It is very important to monitor not only your own energy balance, but also the condition of your home. The well-being and mood of all the people living in it depend on how pure its energy is, which is why it has such great importance. With the help of ancient Sanskrit texts, you can cleanse any room and fill it with positive energy. This can also help attract customers to your store, because customers come into a room that is pleasant to be in much more often.

One of the most powerful cleansing formulas is this. Its age is about 3-4 thousand years. This sacred text has the power to cleanse everything from unnecessary and unnecessary things - your thoughts, your life, and your home. Text and translation of this strong mantra space cleansing dedicated to Gayatri, you can find in the corresponding article.

Another option that is well suited for cleansing the home is the mula mantra. It will not only cleanse your home of any negativity, but also fill it with love, joy and warmth. in this situation it is also suitable, and its text can be found at the link. Some people believe that a house in which any Tibetan chants are regularly heard will always be filled with only positive energy. To do this, you can not only sing, but also cleanse the space.

Mantras for cleansing negativity

Mantras for cleansing negativity will help you get rid of bad thoughts and emotions, and forever erase from your life what you no longer need. In fact, almost any such vocalization has cleansing properties, but among them there are also those that are aimed specifically at cleansing.

One of these mantras that cleanses from negativity is. It is difficult to find a person who has not heard of this sacred text. It harmonizes energy and mind, calms and cleanses. With its help you can get rid of the consequences of unpleasant communication or events, as well as other negative external influence on you. It is considered universal and suitable for any cleansing.

Also good for personal cleansing of negative energy. With its help you can get rid of negative programs, bad thoughts, negative attitudes and many psychological problems. Since problems of this kind also affect health, it is believed that this text also helps to get rid of some diseases.

In general, these work no worse than any conspiracies or rituals, and their energy is clean and bright, and cannot carry any negativity.

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