What are brow ridges? The meaning of brow ridges in a large encyclopedic dictionary

In a detailed analysis of the human face, three completely different areas can be identified, which, in turn, correlate with three different aspects of personality: top part, or the section to which the forehead corresponds, middle part, or the section to which the eyes and nose belong, Bottom part, or the section that includes the mouth and chin.

By “reading” each of these parts separately, as well as their entire complex as a whole, you can obtain a large amount of information about a specific person. Of course, the ideal would be a harmonious relationship between the three departments, in which no one part dominates the others. This would serve as an indication of the instinctive-emotional-intellectual balance of the personality, which is certainly preferable everywhere and always. However, such an ideal situation rarely occurs. Usually one of the facial sections dominates over the others. This in itself is also not a disadvantage; in fact, the development or dominance of any of these sections means that this particular psychological property is especially emphasized in the character of the individual, and if one of the sections is only slightly distinguished in comparison with the other two, then in Everyday life For a person, this fact may even appear as positive.

In general, the following is certain: the only thing that can truly Negative influence on the character and life of a person is the fact that one of these parts turns out to be too small in comparison with the rest, since this is a sign that the corresponding personal aspect in this individual is not developed by nature. In such cases, people interested in their own self-improvement must make some additional efforts to compensate for this lack of their personality. For example, a person with a square face, whose central part is overdeveloped while the forehead is too narrow, should pay special attention to the thinking aspect of his life, since personality flaws may manifest themselves mainly in this area.

Intellectual aspect: forehead

Broad forehead occupying approximately a third of the face is a sign of good memory, intelligence and ambition of the individual. In this case, we are talking about people with a clear life goal and great abilities for analytical thinking, as well as a desire to acquire new knowledge and skills. It is not surprising that people whose foreheads correspond to these characteristics will have the qualities of a leader, since they are not only endowed with the talent to correctly interpret the facts of the surrounding reality, but also know how to relate them both to the aspirations of others and to their own aspirations. Great analytical skills and the gift of grasping new things, the ability to manage with your own feelings and emotions - all this can manifest itself with positive side in any professional field.

Low forehead occupied small space relative to the rest of the face, as well as hair growth very close to the eyebrows, are all considered signs of a person who is not prone to theoretical reflections. They say about such people that they can only be convinced by facts. Sometimes we are talking about pragmatic people who prefer not to let their thoughts run wild, but to go ahead towards their goal. However, they are at the same time capable of radiating personal charm in their interactions with other people, although sometimes their overly practical nature forces them to show themselves as selfish and selfish.

Emotions and feelings

The part of the face that is located between the forehead and mouth reflects a person’s emotions and feelings. If, in general, it is the zone of the body in which the expressive capabilities of a person are most clearly concentrated, then this particular facial region, correlated with emotions and feelings, has the greatest potential for transmitting any type of message. The combinations of facial gestures that can be performed with the help of eyebrows, eyes, nose, cheeks and cheekbones are characterized by endless variety and richness, and the number of shades of emotions, feelings or states of mind that can be conveyed with their help is also great. Life constantly models a person’s personality, adding new factors to hereditary factors - those that are introduced with a person’s experience, his achievements, failures, joys and sorrows, as well as with his conscious work on himself.

Thus, about a person who has reached mature age, they say that he has the face that he deserves, or, rather, the one that he was able to “sculpt” for himself. Laughter, joy, sadness, anxiety, loneliness, anxiety, pleasure - each of these states leaves its mark on the structure of the facial muscles, giving a new shape to the face, its cheeks and cheekbones over the years, until eventually these “hardened” features begin to dominate over hereditary ones.

Eyes and eyebrows

Eyes - This is the most expressive resource of non-verbal communication available to a person. Without uttering a single word, you can express a lot with just one look - from “I love you” to “I need help.”

The size of the eyes can immediately give certain information about a person. In general, it is argued that among the owners big eyes Most often, individuals are ardent, selfless, independent rebels, while people with with small eyes They are rather prudent and prefer to carefully weigh the current circumstances before choosing any option.

Man with bulging eyes shows excessive interest in to the outside world, while a person with deep-set eyes more inclined to show interest in the inner world of the interlocutor. Wide-set eyes convey the detachment and coldness of their owner, and close set suggest both a certain timidity and a tendency to fixate on details.

Eye contact is one of the most subtle forms of communication that can be established between two people. It can be seen as a more effective means of expressing and exchanging feelings than verbal contact, since making visual contact with a person is almost the same as touching him with your hand. For example, when the eyes of a man and a woman meet, ecstatic excitement may arise to such a degree that its currents seem to run throughout the body. There are eyes wide open, they read as an invitation, and the look has a clear erotic connotation.

It is believed that if you look closely, you can see something in a person's eyes. This is the main reason why some people try to avoid eye contact: for one reason or another, they do not look at the interlocutor, because they fear that their eyes may lift some kind of veil and reveal their secret to another person. People who are nervous, timid or who have something to hide tend to shy away from establishing such contact and try to avoid direct gaze. However, many try to lower their eyes if the situation forces them to say something uncomfortable or unpleasant for the interlocutor.

No one focuses their eyes on another person all the time; their gaze usually moves from object to object. In general, we can say that people are divided into two categories: watching And listening.

Research conducted by specialists has shown that if someone has the gaze is often directed upward, this means that a person is engaged in visualizing a certain frame from the past, that is, as if reproducing it in his brain. This person is just one of those who watch. On the contrary, people usually looking away, reproduce something sound in memory, so they belong to the category of those who listen. A person's gaze fixed in the same direction for a significant period of time, suggests that the person is a visual thinker and may have a rich imagination. Such people tend to focus on gift wrapping, appearance the interlocutor, the clothes he is wearing, details of appearance and other details. Without a doubt, and in everything that concerns himself, the visualizer shows exactly the same meticulous attitude to detail. If, on the contrary, a person has the habit look at your interlocutor from under your brows, then he concentrates on information perceived through the ears rather than the eyes; This type of personality is distinguished by an excellent memory for conversations, sounds or songs. It is likely that he will also have a good sense of rhythm and show more interest in what the other person is saying than in how he looks.

Most people are convinced of the undeniable importance of the gaze, and, knowing this, they may try to control the expression of their eyes. Therefore, if you want to understand the true feelings or emotions of your interlocutor, you need to directly observe the pupils of his eyes when talking with him.
The pupils dilate or contract depending on the circumstances, and this happens completely involuntarily. Pupil reactions belong to the sphere of autonomous nervous system, therefore a person is not able to consciously control his pupils.

IN general outline it can be argued that the pupil enlarges in response to favorable stimuli and narrows in response to negative or less than pleasant information. That's why lovers' pupils dilate when they look into each other's eyes. The same thing happens to every person if he receives visual stimuli that are favorable for him, such as, for example, contemplating a beautiful sunset or the sight of appetizing food. It has been proven that when the pupils dilate, the size of the peripheral visual field increases, which surrounds the object located directly in the focus of our gaze. This fact could be explained by the fact that the eyes want to see as much as possible of what looks especially pleasant or attractive to them. There is documented evidence of how some women in past centuries used belladonna to dilate their pupils.

One of the signs that gives a person away is when, looking at something unpleasant, he brings his hand or one of his fingers to his eyes. In children this gesture is extremely visual.

Brows People with different facial shapes give a certain uniqueness to their personality. Everything matters here - the thickness of the eyebrows, their length, location, line drawing. Every detail gives the face individuality. From these details you can determine whether a person is friendly or more self-absorbed. Either way, eyebrows are an important component of body language. Eyebrows can be used to convey the most significant gestures.

Eyebrows raised up, are a very common facial gesture. This is often done consciously, with some specific intention, and sometimes involuntarily. The difference between voluntary and involuntary gestures is quite obvious. To the casual observer, the unconsciousness of a gesture is much less obvious than its intentionality. In most cases, this gesture means surprise or disapproval. The more emotion that goes into a given gesture, the more expressive the resulting facial expression is, and the more wrinkles ultimately appear on the forehead.

Some people only have the ability to lift one eyebrow. This gesture has a rather strange effect on the observer and can be used to convey emotions such as interest, surprise or disapproval.

Very often a person expressively raises his eyebrows for just a moment. This is a friendly signal that occurs spontaneously when visual contact is established with an acquaintance or with a person whom you would really like to meet. Usually this gesture is accompanied by a smile and is a kind of greeting or invitation to communicate.

Eyebrows go down. In most cases, this gesture means almost the same thing as frowning. It can also be conscious or instinctive, and the difference lies only in the degree of emphasis of the gesture. Lowered eyebrows are mainly a sign of anger or disapproval, although in some cases they express a state of deep thoughtfulness. If a person is angry or disagrees with something, he usually lowers his eyebrows. This gesture is conscious and volitional; it is usually accompanied by a characteristic verbal expression, which clearly demonstrates the corresponding state of the person. However, if this is a sign of deep thoughtfulness, then in most cases the person demonstrating this gesture is not aware of this.

(os frontale), unpaired (in adults), participates in the formation of the vault and base of the skull, the walls of the orbit and the nasal cavity (Fig. 18). It includes unpaired frontal scales and a nasal part, and a paired orbital part.

Frontal scales (squama frontalis)- the most most of frontal bone, formed from 2 halves connected by a frontal suture. By the age of 5, the sweat stitch usually heals. In some cases, the suture does not heal and the frontal bone remains divided into 2 halves. The scales have an outer and inner surface. Outside surface convex, smooth, paired seams are clearly visible on the sides of the seam frontal tubercle (tuber frontale). Underneath it on each side there is a semi-lunar shaped nalik - brow ridge (arcus superciliaris), individually different in shape and size. A smooth platform is formed between the frontal tubercles and superciliary arches - glabella.

The outer surface of the frontal scales is separated from the orbital part by paired supraorbital margin (margo supraorbitalis), approximately in the middle of which a supraorbital notch (incisura supraorbitalis). Inwardly from it is frontal notch (incisura frontalis), sometimes turning into a hole through which the corresponding vessels and nerve pass.

Laterally, the lower parts of the frontal bone are elongated into zygomatic processes (processus zygomatici), which connect to the frontal processes of the zygomatic bones. It goes up from the zygomatic process temporal line (linea temporalis), delimiting temporal surface (fades temporalis) from the anterior part of the frontal scales.

Inner surface of the frontal scales concave, has arterial grooves, imprints of the cerebral convolutions and in the middle frontal crest (crista frontalis), turning into groove of the superior sagittal sinus. At the beginning of the ridge below there is blind hole (foramen caecum). On the sides of this furrow there are dimples of arachnoid granulations.

Orbital part(pars orbitalis) is an irregular bone plate quadrangular shape, in which the orbital (lower) and medullary (upper) surfaces are distinguished. Orbital surface (fades orbitalis) facing the orbit, it is smooth. In its anterolateral part there is fossa of the lacrimal gland (fossa glandulae lacrimalis), and anteriorly and medially - trochlear fossa (fovea trochlearis). Brain surface, facing the cranial cavity, has impressions of the gyri (finger-shaped) (impressions gyrorum) And cerebral eminences (juga cerebralid) between them.

Nasal part (pars nasalis) located between the orbital parts and is represented by a section of bone that borders the front and sides cribriform notch (incisura ethmoidalis). Its posterior and lateral edges are connected to the edge of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, and the anterior part of the nasal part is connected to the nasal bones and the frontal process upper jaw. Here a sharp thorn extends downwards - nasal spine (spina nasalis), involved in the formation of the nasal septum. The posterior sections of the nasal part contain cells that are in contact with the corresponding cells of the ethmoid bone and form their roof (see Fig. 1).

Between the nasal spine and the edge of the ethmoidal notch on each side there is aperture of the frontal sinus (apertura sinus frontalis), leading to the right and left halves of the frontal sinus. The frontal sinus in adults varies in size, is lined with mucous membrane and opens into the middle nasal passage.

Ossification: the frontal bone develops from 2 ossification centers that arise at the end of the 2nd month of the intrauterine period near the supraorbital margin. In a newborn, the frontal bone consists of 2 separate bones that unite in the 2nd year of life. The seam between both halves of the bone is usually noticeable until 5 years of age.

Rice. 1.

a — topography of the frontal bone;

b — front view: 1 — frontal scales; 2 - frontal tubercles; 3 - frontal suture; 4 - temporal surface; 5 - temporal line; 6 - zygomatic process; 7 - supraorbital edge; 8 - supraorbital foramen; 9 - frontal notch; 10 - nasal spine; 11 — bow; 12 - brow ridge; 13 - glabella;

c — internal view: 1 — groove of the superior sagittal sinus; 2 - frontal ridge; 3 - blind hole; 4 - orbital part; 5 - zygomatic process; 6 - nasal spine; 7 - depressions of convolutions; 8 - cerebral eminences; 9 - arterial grooves;

d — bottom view: 1 — brow ridge; 2 - glabella; 3 - frontal scales; 4 — bow; 5 - supraorbital foramen; 6 - trochlear fossa; 7 - fossa of the lacrimal gland; 8 - zygomatic process; 9 - temporal surface; 10 - orbital part; 11 — lattice notch; 12 - posterior ethmoid cells; 13 - posterior ethmoidal opening; 14 - middle lattice cells; 15 - anterior ethmoidal opening; 16 - anterior ethmoid cells; 17 - supraorbital edge; 18 - aperture of the frontal sinus

Human anatomy S.S. Mikhailov, A.V. Chukbar, A.G. Tsybulkin

Remember the famous: “Once upon a time there was a priest with a thick forehead”? What is a stubborn person usually called? That's right, “stubborn forehead.” “Copper forehead” is a name for a person who is not surprised by anything, reckless, brave and never embarrassed. Pointing at a stupid or slow-witted person, we hit ourselves on the forehead. This is no accident. According to physiognomy, general form forehead gives an idea of ​​the moral qualities of a person and his character. Based on the height, convexity and shape of the forehead, one can draw a conclusion about the fundamental qualities of a person, that is, those that are a direct reflection of his character.

The forehead is located in the area of ​​the face, which is responsible for the period of life from birth to 30 years. Pay attention to the presence of congenital signs on it - spots, bulges, etc. Depending on the area of ​​​​location (for men it is favorable Right side, the left is unfavorable, for women it’s the other way around) you can find out how happy a person’s childhood was or what might await him in his youth. The shape of your forehead can also tell you a lot. First of all, pay attention to its height and width. For example, a high and wide forehead speaks of a person’s intellectual merits, but at the same time it also implies excessive stubbornness, which can harm a career. On the contrary, a wide but low forehead indicates a rude, cruel, but excellent performer who will not think about the meaning of the assignment, but will try to fulfill it as best as possible. A narrow and high forehead often reveals people who are talented, but fragile and weak-willed, while a narrow and low forehead indicates a person’s limitations, his criminal inclinations and cowardice. Of course, it is impossible to characterize a person only by the parameters of the forehead - all the signs must be considered as a whole, but by analyzing the shape of the forehead, you can quite accurately determine some character traits.


British scientists conducted a number of studies and came to the conclusion that the shape and size of the forehead are determined by nationality and race. Thus, scientists have discovered that the narrowest foreheads among people of the white race belong to the population of the Mediterranean region, and the widest to the inhabitants of the Alpine mountains. At the same time, representatives of the Negroid race have the most sloping foreheads, while Italians have the lowest and square ones.

Mentally divide your forehead in half with a horizontal line. The upper part expresses a person’s attitude towards others, the lower part – his self-esteem. People with a more developed lower part of the forehead (brow ridges) (Fig. 3.1) are accustomed to relying only on their own strength, however, they are unlikely to provide support to anyone other than themselves.

Such people are individualists, focused on personal problems, accustomed to dominating and imposing their opinions on others (they are often born under the signs of Leo and Aries).

Sloping man top part forehead (Fig. 3.2) is often ambitious, not used to obeying someone.

Rice. 3.1. Forehead with a more developed lower part

Rice. 3.2. Forehead with sloping top

He elevates himself above others, strives to conquer and dominate, and even if he does not succeed, he will not put up with a subordinate position, but uses all his strength and means to achieve what he wants. Sometimes this shape of the forehead is found in extremely contradictory people, who, even in the absence of their own position, will always adhere to the opposite opinion in a dispute with other people. Relatively high prominent forehead indicates the ability to well assimilate and remember information, as well as receptivity, but the absence of suspiciousness.


The absence of a hollow between the right and left sides of the brow ridges almost always characterizes a vain person. A religious, powerful person can always be recognized by the strongly pronounced upper part of the forehead: it is convex, although the forehead itself can be of any size (Fig. 3.3).

The groove separating the upper and lower parts of the forehead is also of great importance. If it exists, then this speaks of a person’s great moral and spiritual independence, which is subject to high cosmic law, as well as the ability to combine his own view with the opinions of other people. Such a person has objective views and judgments. It’s bad if the middle of the forehead is fixed and large. This is the forehead of Jupiter. A person who has it often confuses good and evil and tries to teach others and preach. If, with other not very good indicators, a too smooth forehead stands out on the face, then this also blurs the line between good and bad. One large horizontal crease running down the middle of the forehead indicates an ambitious and self-confident person who loves to be listened to and obeyed. If such a person chooses an occupation for himself that does not contradict moral principles, he will subsequently become an excellent mentor, capable of passing on his experience to the younger generation.

In general, forehead shapes can be divided into several types. Each of them classifies a person according to certain moral qualities and strength of character. The shape of the forehead is determined by the hairline, for example, uneven (means that the hair on the forehead does not grow in a straight or rounded line, but along an uneven or curved line) or M-shaped (the hairline is shaped like the letter M).

Rice. 3.3. Forehead with a convex upper part


In physiognomy, the shape of the forehead can say a lot about a person’s thinking style and his approaches to solving problems. The forehead covers the front of your brain, so it is not at all surprising that it is an indicator of your typical thinking style. For example, your style might be to try to find a new, unique solution for every problem. Or, on the contrary, you prefer to apply in the most effective way in a new situation what you already knew before.

Steep (convex)

  • Imagination
  • Originality
  • Hate rigid systems

A round, convex forehead indicates a desire to show imagination and originality in solving problems. You try to look for alternative approaches and do not like rigid systems and procedures that limit your choices. Do you prefer to search on your own? best solution for the task at hand.

Sloping (leaned back)

  • Good memory
  • Reaction speed
  • Love proven methods and procedures

A forehead of this shape indicates a well-developed memory and quick mind. To avoid wasting time, you prefer to use proven methods and procedures. You are able to quickly apply facts and past experiences you know to new conditions and come up with solutions instantly. When you see how someone else solves a problem, you remember the technology well and easily adopt it for your own needs.

Straight (without bending back or rounding)

  • Straightforward thinking
  • Step-by-step approach

Your thinking is a linear, incremental process, and you may have difficulty absorbing information if it is presented too quickly or inconsistently. You need time to get everything in your head, and therefore you are not very good at thinking under time pressure. If you are forced to think and act without delay, you may break down. Your strength is that if you remember and learn something, it stays with you almost forever.

Brow ridges (bone "ridge" above the eyes)

  • Strictly follow the rules and instructions
  • Prefer certainty and proven systems

Superciliary ridges indicate that you prefer the “correct”, proven answers and may be completely confused if you previously established rules are violated. You love tough systems and a strict "military" approach. Once you understand and agree to the rules, you then tend to follow them religiously and expect others to do the same. For example, if solving a problem requires a certain tool or procedure, you will solve it that way and not otherwise.

Absence of brow ridges (flat forehead)

  • Flexibility, adaptability
  • Immediacy
  • Openness to new ideas

The absence of brow ridges indicates a flexible, adaptable, spontaneous approach to problem solving. You are always open to new ideas. Are you looking for what the best way answers the current moment, and use the tools and procedures that are most suitable at the moment. For example, if you don’t have a friend the necessary tool, you will take advantage of what you have, adapting what you have to your needs. You do not like being forced to cruelly and precisely follow established procedures, and generally try to avoid calibrated, “mathematical” approaches.

Strong-willed bump (fleshy thickening between the eyebrows)

  • Strength of will
  • Determination

The space between the eyebrows is associated with willpower. If this area protrudes forward, this indicates the enormous willpower inherent in you from birth. You are capable of achieving any goals you set for yourself. Even when you were a child, nothing could stop you if you were determined to do something.

Recognizing a person by “reading” his face, examining his subtle or not-so-subtle features is a truly fascinating activity. You can learn a lot of interesting things about him without asking a person. When conducting a dialogue, listening carefully to the interlocutor by his face, you can determine this person’s tendency to lie, for example, or to be right.

Face shape

Oblong face. It has the shape of a rectangle, the width of the forehead is equal to the width of the chin. Indicates intelligence, sensitivity, balance. A person with this face shape is calculating and judicious, sometimes has organizational talent and a pronounced sense of purpose. Triangular face. A high and wide forehead, prominent cheekbones, a small, pointed, slightly protruding chin. There is little flesh in the area between the cheekbones and chin. A person with this face shape has low sensitivity. This is often a sign of high talent. At the same time, the character is characterized by cunning and quarrelsomeness. Sometimes such people are prone to betrayal and lack affection and devotion.

Trapezoidal face. It has much in common with the triangular one, but is characterized by a wide forehead and a slightly narrowed (but not pointed) chin. A person with this face shape is intelligent, sensitive, artistic, but he does not have the spirit of a fighter. Women are optimists. They live happily, creating a pleasant atmosphere for others.

A square face usually belongs to a stern, courageous, and often heartless person. Often such people are intractable, rude, slow-witted, and persistent. In communication they are straightforward and frank. The most striking feature is determination, an indefatigable thirst for success. They make good performers, although they themselves persistently strive for leadership. Women with this face shape are distinguished by their desire for dominance.

A round face is associated with good nature, gentleness, and peacefulness. Often such people are gourmets. They love comfort good company and do not strive for fame. At the same time, they are not alien to ambition. If a person with round shape face high bridge of the nose, prominent cheekbones, burning eyes - he is purposeful. Such people can become enviable leaders and commanders.

A pointed head means a person who is fickle, flighty, stupid, envious, and incapable of science.

A small head with a long throat means an intelligent, well-meaning person.

A small head and long neck means a stupid, weak and unhappy person.

A copper forehead is a person who is not surprised by anything, reckless, courageous and not embarrassed by anything.

There is a difference between a wide and a round forehead. If the roundness of a high forehead commensurate with the head occupies the temples and forms a bulge not covered with hair, this is a sign of mental superiority, a desire for honors and pride. Such people are also distinguished by generosity.

If there is a depression in the middle of the forehead and it is frowned, wrinkled, this is a sign of cruelty, softened by virtues: generosity and courage, intelligence and sanity.

A very large but round forehead without hair means a brave person, but prone to lies.

A long forehead with a long face and small chin means cruelty and tyranny.

Facial features

Brows. Wide, long eyebrows are considered ideal. Remember the glorified sable eyebrows? In general, the proportional development of eyebrows (shape, color, thickness) indicates a balance of emotions, mind and character. A pleasant eyebrow shape means that their owner gets along with others. Do your thick eyebrows rise up at their outer ends? This is a sign of generosity of soul and courage. Such a person is considered born for success. Drooping outer ends indicate shyness. When the structure and color of such eyebrows seem lifeless, it is believed that this is due to depletion of internal energy. If a man has smooth and long eyebrows that protrude against the background of pleasant skin, then he is known as an intellectual. A woman with such eyebrows is considered a coquette, and you can expect any tricks from her. Short but thick eyebrows indicate an explosive nature. Stubbled eyebrows always indicate obstinacy, stubbornness, and uncompromisingness. Thick, heavy, connecting eyebrows signify an irresistible desire for dominance. A woman with such eyebrows has a strong character and is not suitable for the role of a housewife. High eyebrows indicate determination. Eyebrows sitting too low mean the opposite. If a woman has eyebrows with a corner in the middle, this is a sign of independence and mystery.
P.S. The presence of tweezers and changing fashions in the shape of eyebrows makes diagnosis difficult.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. A person with beautiful, attractive eyes has health, will, intelligence, and temperament. Such eyes emit light and warmth, are well protected by eyelids, and have an expressive iris. Big eyes speak of sensitivity of the soul, courage, and sometimes the desire for leadership. Small eyes often belong to gloomy, withdrawn, intractable people, often distinguished by amazing constancy. A large iris is a sign of softness and calmness, a small one indicates an imbalance in internal processes, which adversely affects relationships with others.

Eye color

Black, brown, green - energy. Blue - sensitivity. Light brown - shyness. Gray - loyalty.

Green eyes are a feminine color, the color of love, softness, harmony. This is the color of Neptune. Green-eyed people are capable of great impact; it is true that not only good but also bad influence comes from them.

Light colors (except yellow) - indicate deficiency vitality, lack of will.

Brown eyes are a masculine color - the color of Pluto. People with this eye color are capable of both giving and receiving energy, but the actions of the planets in their horoscope are always associated with the manifestation of Pluto.

Eye types:

1. The dragon's eyes are large with a lively sparkle. A person in power is endowed with such eyes.

2. Elongated, almond-shaped eyes, sometimes with rims curved upward - phoenix eyes. This is a refined nature.

3. Large eyes with folds on the eyelids - the eyes of a lion. Leaders are endowed with them.

4. The eyes of an elephant are narrow, elongated with double or even triple eyelids. Typical for obese people. Such people are calm in nature.

5. The tiger's eyes are round with a yellowish shine. Belong to brave natures.

6. The eyes of a sheep are narrow, small, with a black and yellow iris.

7. Large eyes with a triangular cut and sagging eyelids - the eyes of a horse.

8. Eyes with a fractured upper eyelid and a dull iris - the eyes of a boar.

9. Eyes with an overly large iris are the eyes of a wolf.
The most best information the eye of a person over 40 is read. The slightly different shaped eyes belong to a passionate person.

Planting eyes

Both eyes on the same horizontal line is a favorable sign. Eyes slanted downwards: For men - determination; in women - indiscretion. If the upper eyelid is slightly drooping, this is a sign of maturity; a severely drooping upper eyelid in men is a depletion of energy. A large lower eyelid is a sign hectic life. Too sagging lower eyelid indicates uncontrollability of desires. Swollen both eyelids - fatigue from life. If outer corners the eyes are buried in a network of diverging wrinkles - this is a sign of insight. The eyes, slightly different in shape, belong to a passionate person. The older a person is, the more reliable information is read from his eyes.

A person with a rounded nose tip and shaped wings becomes a strong personality. A long nose is a sign of strong individuality. A long nose, well balanced with the eyes, mouth and chin indicates a strong nature. A short nose speaks of openness of soul and optimism. A bony long nose is an indicator of pride and arrogance, quarrelsomeness; a bony, long nose with a pronounced hump often belongs to a gloomy person.

A high and smooth bridge of the nose, characteristic of healthy people. A person with a nose tip that resembles a “dangling drop” is usually cheerful and therefore prosperous. If the tip of the nose resembles the beak of an eagle, then such a person is insightful, cunning and, often, vindictive. A full, large, bulbous tip of the nose is a sign of cordiality and warmth. A raised nose with protruding nostrils denotes self-will, intemperance, and licentiousness. The forked tip of the nose is evidence of timidity. Too small nostrils - compliance. Wide wings of the nose - conceit. A red nose means dishonesty. Dark spots on the nose - a sign of physical ill health. A small hump on a straight nose with narrow nostrils indicates predatory behavior. A nose with flaring nostrils is a sign of inability to control oneself.

For a woman, a beautiful mouth is small; for a man - proportional. A woman with a big mouth is considered masculine, which is not very popular with men. Individuals with small mouths are preoccupied with the struggle for survival; they are often endowed with weak character. A thin line of closed lips indicates a scrupulous character. A person with a large mouth and drooping lips has a strong will and is difficult to influence. A constantly twitching mouth (a horse's mouth) is a sign of distrust. A small, arched mouth (the corners of the lips tend to point downwards) belongs to a sensitive nature. Protruding lips are evidence of success. A symmetrical, undistorted opening of the mouth indicates balanced emotions. If facial wrinkles descend to both sides of the mouth from the eyes, this is a sign of a difficult life. If wrinkles go from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips, then this is a sign of deceit. The upper lip protrudes above the lower lip - indecision; the lower one sticks out - selfishness. A person whose one side of his mouth droops is stubborn. Wrinkles above the lips - aging. A large suction cup on the upper lip is a sign of a past childhood. Wrinkles deeply etched into the lips speak of prosperity in youth and hardship in adulthood. Damaged teeth and tongue are indicators of poor health.

Thin - the scrupulousness of the owner.

Convex full lips are a success in life.

Horizontal lips are a sign of emotional balance.

The upper lip protrudes above the lower lip - indicates indecision; if on the contrary, then it is a sign of selfishness.

Small lips mean that a person is prudent, prudent, and intelligent.

Large lips and at the same time a drooping lower lip mean flighty people, fools, and evil people.

A thin line of closed lips indicates a scrupulous character. A constantly twitching mouth is a sign of distrust. A small, arched mouth (the corners of the lips tend to point downwards) belongs to a sensitive nature. Protruding lips are evidence of success. A symmetrical, undistorted opening of the mouth indicates balanced emotions. If facial wrinkles descend to both sides of the mouth from the eyes, this is a sign of a difficult life. If wrinkles go from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips, then this is a sign of deceit. The upper lip protrudes above the lower lip - indecision; the lower one sticks out - selfishness. A person whose one side of his mouth droops is stubborn. Wrinkles deeply etched into the lips speak of prosperity in youth and hardship in adulthood. Damaged teeth and tongue are indicators of poor health.

A well-designed, harmonious and beautiful ear indicates health. Shapelessness and pallor indicate the opposite. Too much big ears- personality flaws that are too small are a sign of trouble. An ear without a well-shaped lobe is an imbalance of personality. A long lobe means carelessness. A slightly pronounced lobe is scrupulousness. People with very large lobes are wise men. If the lobe moves forward slightly - soulfulness. If the inner rim of the ear is retracted - restraint, if it protrudes - incontinence. Pink color ear - health. Moles inside the ear are a sign of trouble.

Facial bones

Tall and Curvy brow ridges indicate will and inner strength. Low location of the facial lines - lack of will and strength. Wide bones and a large chin indicate strong character, and the drooping lower jaw is about psychological troubles. A weakly defined chin is a sign of softness. The slight cleft of such a chin is the power of passion; significant duality - the desire for solitude. Wide cheekbones are a trick; heavy jaw - controllability of passions, often excessive conceit. A high, even forehead is a sign of talent; low - isolation and gloominess, if such a forehead is also flat - slow-wittedness. A high and convex forehead signifies intelligence and wisdom.

In conclusion, it should be noted that physiognomy is based on probability percentages. This means that there are no postulates in the above correlations between appearance and personality. Each person is unique, inimitable and unpredictable. Don't rush to draw conclusions!

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