Why do you dream about a cobra bite? Why do you dream about a cobra? Interpretation of dreams in individual cases

Having seen a witch in a dream, many wonder what such a dream portends. The dream book can interpret it depending on the emotional state of the sleeper. If in your night dreams you experience a feeling of fear, then this is not very good sign. If the witch is ugly and even disgusting, then expect a quick scandal. A few more options for why you dream about something like this are listed below.

evil witch

If you dreamed that a witch was attacking and threatening, then real life expect disappointment in household chores. In this case Modern dream book warns: your frivolity may cause problems at work. Be more careful, prudent and serious.

Having heard threats and curses uttered by a witch in a dream, try to be strong and as collected as possible in reality. Universal dream book claims that this is the only way you will be able to cope with the hardships and adversities of the world around you.

Having seen an evil sorceress in a dream, you should take a close look at your surroundings; nearby there is an evil woman trying to harm the dreamer. The plot will be explained as a bad influence, trouble and even a warning about a possible accident.

Good Witch

If you dreamed of a kind witch with a pleasant face, you will meet a wise woman.

If you see a joyful witch or even several, then Aesop’s dream book interprets this as an omen of a strange, even adventurous adventure, into which the sleeping person will very soon be drawn.

Miller's dream book believes that the dream of a kind and sweet sorceress marks a certain undertaking, but, despite its tempting nature, the consequences will be the most unpredictable.

Another explanation for why such a plot is dreamed of is the search for entertainment and amusement, which will later bring disappointment and even become a source of danger.

Rituals and medicine

If the dreamer saw a ritual being performed in a dream, then this is a sign of lack of confidence in his abilities. The universal dream book advises to be bolder. This is the only way to achieve what you want.

If you dreamed that a witch was preparing a potion, then this is a clear sign that you will lose interest in life for some time. Aesop's Dream Book warns that this will happen due to illness or one's own emotional experiences.

Various interpretations

A witch-sorceress, possessing magical knowledge received from the Devil, is capable of becoming a werewolf and taking on various images, passing through walls, etc. The Universal Interpreter will help you find out why such a phenomenon occurs in dreams.

It must be remembered that the appearance of a witch in a dream is interpreted in different ways. If you yourself have become the owner of secret powers, then in reality you are trying to show others your power.

To be a magician yourself in a dream is a great surprise. It can also mean the sleeper's anger, which he is holding back. You are probably angry at someone and cannot cope with this negative feeling on your own.

If you dreamed that your beloved became a witch, then in reality this means some cooling of her feelings.

If you dream that his mother-in-law came to the sleeping person in this form, then relatives are interfering with your plans. You should not listen to their advice, only then will the business bring profit.

But killing a witch in a dream means that in reality life will improve and become much better. The modern dream book interprets such a plot as a sign of a fatal mistake. In any case, you should find out what the witch is dreaming about and be careful.

If you dreamed of a flying witch on a broom, then this may be an omen of illness. A similar dream is also interpreted as a harbinger of the appearance of a person who can create a lot of problems and even destroy a quiet life.

For a patient to see a witch in a dream, it means a speedy recovery, but only if unconventional methods are used for treatment. Often such a plot is a symbol of an inexplicable event.

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Choose your dream!

Have you ever dreamed about it?


    I dreamed that I was a red-haired witch, and I was luring men into some kind of dungeon, and in my basement there were a whole bunch of other witches, and I went there and called one by one to deal with these men, I don’t remember what they did with them , they either ate or raped me, but I remember that I turned away, and my hair turned from red to blue, and for some reason I had blue lips. And then I dreamed that children were born from our placenta, when the placenta was outside, I poured milk from a hose into a basin, then I looked into the placenta, and there was a boy with different eyes, blue and brown, and for some reason one of his teeth fell out.

    I dreamed this. When I was sleeping, a young witch came into our house and she was joyful (it seems because she found the place where I live), she also said: I won’t go anywhere, I know who I need, and she came to me, she didn’t came into my room, but already knew where I was, she waved her hand in my direction, and a glass with some kind of liquid appeared in my hand, I drank it, nothing unusual, but it’s not water, and also when she walked into house, some kind of yellow light came on on the ceiling, it seems that by this sign the witch realized where I was. An interesting dream, as if there was some kind of film about witches, I would like a continuation.

    I dreamed that my husband and I were walking home, when suddenly I saw a witch in the sky, she was flying on a broomstick, I wasn’t scared, I laughed at her and heard her laugh. Then she landed and wanted to give me something, but I didn’t take it.

    I dreamed that I was talking to a witch at the window in the room, I didn’t know that she was a witch, there was someone else in the room (I don’t remember), I asked her why she came, she seemed to say that everything was fine, and gave me a vine to hold. And outside the window a wind began to rustle and I heard my children calling me for help, screaming - mom, there are ghosts flying here, help me, I want to go to them, and the witch distracts me with conversations. And I feel that there is someone else in the room, but I don’t see who. Then I finally ran to the children and saw that my daughter was hanging on the window sill from the outside and someone was pulling her. I jumped out the window after the children and saw many witches there, flying over the children and wanting to drag them away, I started to drive them away, threw the children back out the window and she also returned to the house. And there were two witches, and I took big knife and hit one of the witches in the chest, but the knife didn’t even penetrate her, it bounced off as if from iron. The witches' evil dissipated in my face! And then I remembered that I had that branch in my hand - a vine in the form of a wide slingshot, and I looked that it was a willow, and I began to whip the leaders with this branch and they got scared, and the place where the branch hit lit up like sparks with a white light, bright as a small lightning discharge. I screamed, I won’t give up my son, I won’t give up my children, and I kicked out the witches. And when I went out into the street, there was a whole flock of them and it seemed like they all started disappearing; the children thanked me for saving me. Please decipher my dream, it was very scary, and I also clearly saw the clock 3 minutes past midnight!

    I dreamed that I was in a dark forest. Suddenly I notice that the bark of one of the large trees opens and there is a light on. Coming closer, I see a staircase leading down, on either side there are scary witches who want to touch, but don’t touch. I go downstairs and enter a bright room. I was just turned on by the sight of the witches there. Sexy, beautiful, they surrounded me. The main witch came and I made love to her. Subsequently, I began to go there often. There they gave me a paper Brown, and I began to write a statement), but I will say one thing, I did not have any fear or feeling of threat.

    And if you dream that you are at school with a friend and there are scary witches flying around the school, but they are not old and do not cause disgust. And when they fly they laugh. Evil. They fly and look into the windows, and you hide from them behind the teacher’s table, for example, but at the same time you are not very scared.

    The witch was swinging on a stick, holding on with her hands, with open long hair in long white clothes, she approached me and licked me on the cheek, and immediately squeaked and moaned, saying that Jesus lives in me, then she turned into a little black one like a hat and disappeared into the ground.

    22-Sep-2015 Rita:

    What if you dream that a good witch and a sorcerer are trying to escape from the lair of an evil but young witch. And while the sorcerer reads the spell from the book, the good witch holds a magical shield and fights back so that the evil witch does not harm. The good ones stood in a room stuffed with books and other magical things (it seemed to me that this was the room of an evil witch, since she was surprised to see them), and both stood in some kind of drawn circle, and the sorcerer was reading. When I finished reading, the “good ones” evaporated, disappeared from the circle and from the room altogether. And the evil witch remained furious. I would like to point out that they were all young and beautiful. But I didn’t participate in this, I just watched from the sidelines, but no one noticed me, as if I was invisible. I know it sounds crazy. But I still wanted to know the interpretation of this dream. You don't dream about something like this every night. Help please :)

  • I dreamed that it was like a wedding at a friend of mine, as soon as we entered the church, I saw her friends and all the witches with black eyes, and one of them got really angry when she saw me. She then came up to me in the back row where I was sitting and wanted to do something to me, stretched out her hands, and I began to read the Our Father in a row, and she died. Why is this? A very strange feeling.

Sometimes in dreams there are inexplicable encounters with magic and various fairy-tale creatures. Depending on how events unfold, such dreams can be exciting or frightening. It will be interesting to find out why the witch dreams and what is recommended to be done in such cases.

Why do you dream about a witch or sorceress?

Different dream books have their own version of what a witch or sorceress dreams of. According to Miller's interpretation, such a vision foreshadows upcoming bright events, for example, a party with close friends. However, the ending of such entertainment can result in trouble or resentment for the dreamer. If a threat comes from a witch in a dream, in reality you should expect danger or a catch at work.

Other dream books consider meeting a witch in a dream a warning about the need to beware of casual acquaintances or dubious scams. If the evil sorceress looks frightening, this may indicate the dark plans of someone from the sleeper’s inner circle. Perhaps this person wants to use black magic for base purposes.

If at night you see a kind healer trying to help, the dream can be considered a harbinger of positive changes in real life. The sleeper can count on receiving unexpected help, good news, and easy resolution of financial issues.

You can find many different explanations of why a girl dreams of a witch in a dream. A dream can warn about:

  • the upcoming decline in all spheres of life and an abundance of everyday problems;
  • rumors and gossip that threaten the dreamer’s good name and reputation;
  • danger emanating from a woman from her immediate environment.

If a young girl saw in a dream a witch dressed in colorful, bright clothes, this indicates the imminent beginning of a new romance, which, unfortunately, will not last long.

According to one version, seeing yourself as a witch means preparing for an upcoming scandal. According to the second interpretation of such a dream, this promises the embodiment of current plans, fulfillment cherished desire or success in amorous affairs.

Being surrounded on all sides by several witches is a symbol of a large number of ill-wishers seeking to harm the sleeping woman in real life.

Why does a woman dream of a witch in a dream?

The explanation of why a woman dreams of a witch in a dream differs in many ways from the previous one. With her presence in a dream, a witch is able to warn about future meetings with unusual, previously unfamiliar people. New communication promises to be unforgettable and unlike anything that has happened before.

For a pregnant woman, a dream with a witch does not bode well. After such a night vision, the expectant mother will need to pay more attention to her own health and try to be less frank with unfamiliar people.

If a woman sees in a dream how a witch kisses her husband, such a dream can warn of the appearance of a rival who will surpass the dreamer in cunning and resourcefulness. Killing a witch in a dream means small things, but constant problems with health that can become a serious obstacle to what is planned.

Sometimes the question arises - why does a man dream of a witch in a dream? Most often this is an unfavorable sign. Interpretation options:

  • soon you will receive unpleasant news;
  • you should expect intrusive actions from others;
  • The dreamer will experience a loss of self-confidence and the need for help from an influential person.

If the witch appears in the form of a girl or wife of a sleeping person, this promises a quick quarrel and a temporary cooling of relations. If the witch is incarnated as a mother-in-law, the dream foreshadows interference in plans and failure in the implementation of secret plans. If she collects herbs or mushrooms in a dream, this suggests that it is necessary to follow the laws (when the dreamer has a desire to circumvent them). A dream in which an old witch prepares a witch's potion in a dream is interpreted as the imminent occurrence of a situation in which it will be necessary to defend one's dignity.

According to Freud's dream book, an attractive witch in a man's dream is a symbol of his undisclosed sexuality. Subconsciously, the dreamer strives for a relationship with a strong and temperamental woman who is superior to him in many respects.

If a sleeping person kisses a witch, and she then disappears, one should expect a break with his other half or betrayal on her part. Drinking a potion from the hands of a witch means being intoxicated with love for a girl who will sooner or later deceive.

Why do you dream about an evil witch?

Why do you dream about an evil witch? Most dream books explain this dream in the same way. The image of an angry witch can promise:

  • an unpleasant surprise;
  • difficulties in work and personal life;
  • an emergency illness.

If a witch chases a sleeping person in a dream, night vision foretells failure in the implementation of important plans. Another explanation of a chase in a dream is that the dreamer or dreamer is doing something wrong, and they should abandon their usual tactics of behavior.

An evil old witch in a dream often says that a person is being possessed by dark forces and bad thoughts. In this case, you should pay more attention to your bright essence and do good deeds.

When there is strong fear and confusion in a dream, such emotions warn that a tempting offer or entertainment will result in disappointment and shame.

It’s interesting to know why you dream of a witch on a broom. Most often this is not a good sign. It can warn of diseases loved one or about big troubles in the family.

Sometimes this symbol is interpreted as a quick intervention in the life of a sleeping powerful person, seeking to disrupt his plans and wreak havoc. In this case, dream books recommend not to enter into an unequal battle, but to retreat in a timely manner for your own safety.

If unmarried girl sees himself as a witch flying on a broom, this predicts an early successful marriage. For a mature woman, such a dream promises a successful marriage of her daughter.

Why do you dream about a witch in a house?

Often in a dream, events take place in a confined space. After such a night vision, the dreamer becomes interested in why he dreams of a witch in the house.

Seeing a witch in your own home is a symbol that you should expect new news soon. At the same time, they can turn out to be both positive and joyless. Another explanation is to meet uninvited guests who have bad intentions towards the owner.

Sometimes in a dream you can see not the witch herself, but her house. At the same time, it can be empty or with the owner. Many dream books interpret this as amazing events coming to the dreamer in real life.

If the sleeper entered a witch's dwelling, the interpretation of the dream will depend on his feelings. If at this moment there was discomfort and a desire to leave quickly, this foreshadows quick attempts to clear your tarnished reputation.

Why do you dream about a young witch?

Dream interpreters are convinced that it is very important to know why the young witch dreams. In most cases, this makes it clear to the dreamer that he does not control his powers and does not know his own potential. The latter may turn out to be quite large.

If the dreamed witch had unearthly beauty, the dreamer will very soon be able to realize the powers hidden in him. However, they should not be used for evil purposes, but only for the benefit of humanity

The second option is that the dreamer is overly absorbed in himself and does not pay attention to other people. A dream with a young witch suggests that the time has come to analyze your behavior and draw the right conclusions.

IN various dream books you can find a wide variety of interpretations of what a witch dreams about. To obtain a reliable explanation of night vision, it is necessary to take into account various parts sleep. The accuracy of the interpretation largely depends on the accompanying circumstances - day of the week, time of day, previous events and other points.

The witch is a symbol that can turn our sleepy dreams into a real nightmare. She does not always look like in fairy tales, that is, she is an older woman, wearing a hat and black clothes. A witch in a dream may look completely different, but what does it really mean? To find out the answer to this question, refer to the dream book.

Why do you dream of a witch or sorceress - Freud's Dream Book

Witch - the meaning of the dream. A dream during which a woman dreams of a witch or sorceress can mean that very great potential lies dormant within her. She will have a lot of success if she uses her capabilities correctly.

In turn, for a man, a dream about a witch can symbolize his fear of women and a rather negative relationship with them. Sometimes a witch or sorceress is a reflection of a woman about whom a man has very bad memories, for example, his ex-girlfriend or mother-in-law.

Why do you dream of a witch on a broom - Miller's Dream Book

The very sight of a witch in a dream may mean that soon we will try to look for rather unusual, sometimes even dangerous, entertainment. The witch in this case symbolizes a bad temptress - hold her, resist, so as not to get into any trouble. Dreaming of a witch on a broom symbolizes our dreamer nature and separation from reality.

A similar dream meaning concerns topics such as a witch flying on a broomstick. According to the dream book, dreams of this kind can be a guide for us on how to change our behavior. If a witch casts a spell on us, then this may mean that we really do not have any control over our own lives, we are too easily manipulated by other people.

Why do you dream about an evil witch - Vanga's Dream Book

A dream during which the witch is evil and predicts the future for us can be a symbol of grief that still torments us. A lot depends on whether what the wicked witch says is a good or bad omen. An optimistic forecast promises an end to the problem, however, bad news suggests that it should wait further development situations and not give in to pressure environment.

Why do you dream of a witch burning at the stake: this foreshadows that a person from our close circle will be unfairly judged for something. If in a dream you see a person on whom an evil witch has cast a spell, then the dream book interprets this as a sign that serious changes will soon occur in our lives.

Why do witches dream in dreams - Dream Book of Nostradamus

Witch maybe a good man. When in a dream we meet a witch on our way who is friendly towards us, we can consider this as a harbinger of receiving advice or a warning. The dream book advises that it is worth paying attention to the behavior of such a witch in a dream, perhaps she will tell us valuable advice, which should be used in real life. Sometimes a good witch, appearing in the form of a fairy or a wise old woman, symbolizes a woman close to our hearts, whom we can always count on - this could be a mother or a friend.
The dream book says that sometimes a witch is a symbol of a strict mother, that is, in the form that we are afraid of, and we try to follow her commands so as not to incur her wrath. The witch here symbolizes a part of the human subconscious that we have no idea about. Sometimes it is also a symbol of irrational ideas, especially about women.

Why do you dream about an old witch - Hasse's Dream Interpretation

In a mystical dream, seeing an old witch foreshadows the approach of events that at first glance seem very pleasant and cheerful. Time will tell, however, whether they will be the source big problems. Dreaming of an old witch - the dream book suggests that our inherent desire to dominate other people can do more harm than good. Feeling the fear of an old witch in a dream foretells that someone is using us in a rather indecent way. A witch on a broom - this promises a bad period in the development of your business. The crisis will also affect household and personal matters. For a man, a dream about a witch may be a harbinger that women, such as a lover, mother or mistress, will have a great influence on his life. You will have to submit to their strong influence, however, you must also take care of your peace of mind to have stability in life.

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