At night the water is turned off. Why is the hot water turned off at night? For how long is hot water turned off?

Interruptions in the water supply occur frequently, and this is due to the deterioration of pipelines and other equipment that sends the resource to homes.

If this fact was isolated, then you can wait a few hours without moisture, but when hot water is turned off for a long period, you should act and restore the supply.

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Utility workers may not even give an answer and exact dates recovery, and to correct the situation, you need to know how to act.

What interruptions are considered normal?

Most often supply disruptions hot water occur in summer period, and then they tend to be protracted as utilities carry out maintenance work and shut down entire areas.

The company must warn in advance about the start of preventive actions, but there are also emergency cases associated with burst pipes or failure of thermal power plants. Therefore, you should separate the moments in which you need to complain and when it is better to wait.

The legislation prescribes the standards for supplying water to the population; for this purpose, Government Resolution No. 232 of 2017 was adopted, and it stipulates the rules for disconnecting and the procedure for action if the resource does not meet the declared quality.

Based on the standards, we can say the following:

Cold water Can be turned off no more than 8 hours per month in case of an emergency, and one outage cannot exceed 4 hours, while increasing the lack of water by an hour reduces payment by 0.15%
If supply pressure is reduced by 25% That hourly payment also decreases by 0.1%
Hot supply They can turn off for a total of 8 hours per month, and no more than 4 hours at a time. An exception may be problems on a dead-end main, then the lack of water can be observed throughout the day, and this will be normal
IN Hygienic requirements at number 20 it says That the temperature of hot water should be within 60-75 degrees Celsius, while day and night deviations can be no more than three and five degrees, respectively
At a hot water temperature of no more than 40 degrees This fact is recorded, and until the situation is corrected, you can pay for the consumption at the cold resource tariff

Phone numbers for residents to contact

If there is no water in the tap, and residents have not been notified of the upcoming outage, then they should call the management company, as they will be able to provide information about the duration of the outage. But you can establish contact directly with the service provider and get a comment from him.

You can find out the necessary numbers from receipts for payment of housing and communal services, find them on information stands near the entrance, as well as on the Internet.

In every city you can contact the dispatch service for information, and most often it works around the clock. The number can be found in the help desk, or taken from the Criminal Code.


In Moscow, like in other cities, there is also a service, but citizens have a question: if there is no hot water, where to call?

In the capital, MOEK is responsible, which is available around the clock via the hotline number 8 800 700 40 70.

If the shutdown affected not only hot water, but also heating, as well as cold supply, then it would be useful to contact the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

It is also available 24/7 at 8 495 681 77 80 and 681 21 45.

All management companies must provide quality services to their consumers, and a shutdown is exactly the case for which you need to demand a discount for delayed resumption.

St. Petersburg (SPb)

The first point will be a call to the management company, which should have an emergency dispatch service, but in other cases you can call the City Monitoring Center, as well as the Housing Committee at 8 812 576 24 25.

If this concerns a cold resource, the State Unitary Enterprise “Vodokanal SPB” will be responsible, but for a hot resource you need to call the organization “Heating Network of St. Petersburg” at coordinates 901 46 46.

Where to complain when the shutdown is delayed

Prolonged deprivation of water to a person imposes its own inconveniences and creates unnecessary problems, but it will be pointless to inform the organization if we are talking about a planned shutdown.

But accidents are under the jurisdiction of the housing office or management company, and the more complaints, the faster the problem is usually repaired.

If the deadlines are delayed or are not announced at all, you need to figure out what to do? In such cases, you can contact:

  • housing inspection;
  • Housing and Communal Services Committee under the Administration;
  • city ​​authorities;
  • reception office of the City Duma.

You can also send an application to the Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor and even the prosecutor’s office, and in some cities there are special services created specifically to solve problems in the field of urban services.

If it was decided to send a written complaint, then it should be submitted personally in two copies, one of which remains in hand and receives a mark of acceptance.

If you refuse to accept a complaint, you should send it by registered mail with notice that will indicate receipt.

After considering the complaint, a reaction should follow within three days, and if this period is delayed, you can go to Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor’s office with statements.

Even submitting an application to these authorities significantly speeds up the process of hot water appearing in taps, since if there is no action, the supplier will receive not only a fine, but also other liability that will be borne by the authorities.

How water supply payments are recalculated

When recalculation is applied, this will be reflected in the receipt for housing and communal services, and due to interruptions in the water supply, the amount only decreases.

True, to do this, you should submit an application to the service, and specialists will adjust the amount to the amount that needs to be paid for a quality service provided.

It is permissible to adjust payments for hot water only if the shutdown period is exceeded, and when there are no meters in the apartment or house.

Every hour, while there is no hot resource, the monthly payment for the service is reduced by 0.15%, but such a step can be requested only if the norm is exceeded.

Planned work is not included in the list of reasons for which payment for utilities can be reduced, but in other cases a recalculation must be requested.

To do this, an application is sent to the EIRC at the place of residence, and an application and a receipt for housing and communal services are sent there.

If you refuse to accept documents, you can quite legally contact Rospotrebnadzor and the State Housing Inspectorate, unless, of course, the established legal norms have been violated.

It should be understood that if there is no supply, then the meters will not work, so there will be no need to pay extra amounts.

The opportunity to reduce payments is available only to owners of housing without meters, and the solution for utilities is to reduce the standard amount of payment per month.

And again, readers of the website of the newspaper “Kalinkavitskaya Naviny” throw up a topic for investigative journalism. This time they are interested in why hot water does not flow from the taps at night.

I'm an economist, I know...

“Previously, hot water heating in our apartments was turned off at 00:00. And now... it’s not even 23 o’clock, and the water in the tap is a little summery, but I doubt that the water temperature will affect the receipt for payment for services. I wonder if everyone in our city goes to bed before 23? But what about people who come later after their shift, or to wash at night? small child? Why do regional centers have hot water around the clock? We pay the costs according to the meter: how much I charge, that’s what I’ll pay - that’s my concern. And what should I do if I need hot water after 23, should I heat the basins? I understand that everyone is saving now, I myself work as an economist and I know perfectly well what it means to fail to meet economic targets. Fine. Open the hot tap during the day, boiling water pours out! Does anyone make tea from the tap? I doubt. Why heat it up like that and waste money? I’m sure that most residents simultaneously turn on the hot water and cold water to wash dishes/hands/etc. Here's the savings: spend less funds during the day and use them to heat water at night. Oh, yes, pay for work at night... so why waste time on trifles, turn off the water heating already from 22.

Galina ».

“This issue has already been raised several times, but it is being ignored. I don’t even understand how you can come home from your shift and not take a shower, but I pay regularly for everything.

Sanya ».

“My husband, so to speak, in his “free” time from work: after five or when he gets a call, he gets up and goes, if there is a train or something else... And it doesn’t matter - it’s 11 p.m., 2 a.m.... And you know that what is a railway? It's not just tickets and tea in the carriages, it's fuel oil, sweat and dirt. And here’s the question: a person does good for the city from 2 to 4 in the morning, goes to work by eight, does he have time to heat water to rinse off and sleep for a couple more hours?

Galina ».

“Those who are satisfied with such a hot water supply schedule in the city are 95 percent. Or maybe 99 percent. I don’t think they are ready to pay for nightly heating of water. On railway the strongest trade union. And he admits what you wrote about? Did you come home from a call at 4 am and go back to work at 8? I do not believe. I also don’t believe that he has nowhere to wash himself at work. The railway's occupational safety and health regulations provide the opportunity to wash yourself after work.

NiKLA ».

“Believe me, an electrical installations electrician works exactly like this, the additional payment is 10% of the salary. Where can I wash myself? In the forest or near a crossing? you are far from real work in railway transport, people work not indoors, but outdoors. And why do you think they will pay for hot water at night if they don't use it?

Galina ».

And the savings are noticeable...

The municipal unitary enterprise “Kommunalnik Kalinkovichsky” is responsible for heating water in our city, and therefore the first place we turn to for comment is there. Here is what General Director Oleg Zhigar explains:

« In our work, we are guided by the order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Belarus dated February 10, 2012 No. 19 “On approval of Methodological Recommendations for assessing the implementation of the system of state social standards for serving the population in the field of housing and communal services.” Clause 8 of social standard No. 9 “Hot water supply schedule”, approved by the above-mentioned order, states: “service standard hot water- daily (in exceptional cases - according to schedules approved by local executive and administrative bodies, but not less than 2 days a week).”

Hot water is supplied to residents of the city of Kalinkovichi according to the schedule approved by the Kalinkovichi District Executive Committee, daily from 06.00 to 23.00. Due to the lack of hot water supply at night, daily shutdowns of its supply are made in order to save fuel and energy resources. Thus, for 81% of consumers, water heating is carried out by heat sources operating on natural gas, an imported, expensive fuel, and only 19% are provided with hot water through combustion local species fuel (firewood, wood chips).

In the case of round-the-clock hot water supply, it will be necessary to maintain a constant temperature of 50°C in the circulation circuit from the heat source to the consumer in accordance with paragraph 4 of social standard No. 5 “Hot water temperature standard”, which will entail additional costs, both for fuel and for electricity. In addition, maintaining the temperature of hot water indiscriminately by consumers at night will lead to unjustified losses of thermal energy in the hot water supply system.

Taking into account the ongoing state policy to reduce costs by saving fuel and energy resources, this measure allows saving fuel during the year in the amount of about 675 thousand rubles (including natural gas, imported from Russia), electricity in the amount of 19 thousand rubles and eliminates the possibility of excess heat losses in heating networks.”

Go home clean - take a shower at work

Well, the reason for turning off the night water heating is clear. But what should those who return from their shift after 23.00 do? My interlocutors - deputy directors for ideological work and trade union leaders - advise not to forget about showers, which are equipped at many enterprises in the city .

— We have our own boiler room to heat the water. Workers have at their disposal numerous showers where they can wash themselves at any time, no matter when the shift ends: whether it’s 12 at night or five in the morning, - says Deputy Director for Ideological Work at the meat processing plant Dina Demidkova. – In general, the working conditions of our team members are subject to special control by both the trade union committee and labor protection. For example, workers do not need to worry about how to get to the plant: the company’s bus runs around the city almost around the clock, adhering to a specific route and schedule. Agree, this is very convenient.

In the locomotive depot, the situation is similar: the cloakroom and showers operate around the clock, and the locomotive crews are delivered to the place of work by a “call.” “We are not dependent on the centralized supply of hot water and heat: the enterprise has its own boiler room,” explains Deputy for Ideological Work, Personnel and Social Issues Vladimir Zmushko. – There are showers both on the territory of the depot and in the locomotive crews’ rest house.”

They also take care of their workers at the furniture plant. “Last year we put into operation a new building built from scratch, where a warehouse was located on the ground floor finished products, on the second there is an assembly hall, rest rooms, a wardrobe, showers, which were previously located in the old workshops - says trade union leader Maria Yarosh. – The plant is provided with heat and hot water by a modular Finnish boiler house. It runs on wood chips, which we obtain from production waste, so hot water is available at the enterprise around the clock.”

Without any problems, you can take a shower after a work shift at a dairy plant, a bakery plant, while traveling, and at many other enterprises in the city. Of course, the hardest thing is to create sanitary and living conditions for builders, because they workplace- a construction site where you can’t supply hot water. But they are trying here too.

— For business travelers we are looking for accommodation with all amenities: shower, hot water, — says trade union leader of PMK No. 101 Nikolai Kiptik. – We don’t practice night shifts, and if we do overwork, we try to finish by eight or nine in the evening so that people have time to “catch” the water.

Citizens' opinion

If you can’t “catch” the water, you can only heat it in pots and kettles. And personally, I don’t see any problem in this. (Maybe the whole point is that my childhood was spent in a private house with amenities on the street, gas basins and public bath on weekends). But, as they say, there are so many opinions, so many people, and therefore I go out into the street to ask the residents of Kalinkovichi what time of day they most actively use hot water.

Svetlana Zmushko, railway worker:

— I work on a two-by-two schedule, and therefore on those days when I’m getting ready for a shift or returning home, I need hot water before 7.30 and after 20.30. On weekends, I use water more actively from 9.00 until lunch, then closer to 17.00, when the family gets ready for dinner, cooking and washing dishes begin. IN summer season I roll a lot, often go to bed after midnight, and I could use hot water at night too. But this period is temporary.

Vladimir Prokopenko, pensioner:

— To be honest, I never paid attention. I'm probably used to the fact that hot water is not supplied at certain hours, as in Soviet time, and from morning until late evening, so when I feel like it, then I wash, wash, cook. But even if the water supply was limited to a time frame, I would not pay attention to it: I’m a pensioner, I’m at home for days. True, I don’t need boiling water at night: I’m sleeping at that time, and somehow I don’t want to overpay for heating.

Venera Morozova, mother of 2-year-old Yesenia and 10-year-old Evgenia:

— Our curfew is strictly until 22.00, we get up at 7.00-7.30 in the morning: the eldest daughter goes to the pool or to dance, the youngest daughter and I start cooking dinner. How can you do without hot water? Then - a walk, upon return - wash your hands and feet: water is needed again. In the evening, you can’t do without it at all: my husband comes from his shift, Zhenya comes from school, everyone rinses off before going to bed. So it turns out that we actively use hot water from seven in the morning until ten in the evening.

Denis Kuzhelko, builder:

- On weekdays - when I’m getting ready for work (this is early in the morning, from six to seven) and when I return home (after 18.00). On weekends, the time frame shifts slightly: hot water becomes more in demand at lunchtime, because... I want to sleep off the week, and in the evening after nine or ten.

What about them?

In most countries of the world, there are no nightly hot water outages due to the lack of centralized hot water supply systems. Usually, only cold water is centrally supplied to houses, which is heated by boilers on site. Local water heaters and boilers are located either in apartments (individual heating) or in basements multi-storey buildings(general home heating, which is turned on by the house management). Private houses also have their own boiler rooms. So it turns out that the presence of hot water in a household is a “headache” only for its owners.

Centralized hot water supply systems are most widespread in countries former USSR, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and Canada.

In Moscow, hot water is turned off annually from May to the end of August for maintenance work. The hot water shutdown schedule is drawn up and published before the start of the planned shutdown season.

2. Why is hot water turned off every year in Moscow?

Turning off hot water is a technical necessity to prepare communications for heating season to ensure reliable operation of all elements during cold weather complex system district heating– thermal stations, main and distribution heating networks, central and individual heating points. Carrying out preventive maintenance, as a rule, requires turning off hot water to consumers for a short period of time.

3. For how long is hot water turned off?

Today in Moscow the duration of outages is no more than 10 days. Moreover, in 2011 the water was turned off for 14 days, and even earlier - for 21 days. 10 days is a reasonable period for turning off hot water without loss of quality and reliability of the Moscow heat and power system.

In new microdistricts, where new generation networks have been laid, modern heating points have been equipped, the outage period can be reduced to the minimum necessary for carrying out preventive work to ensure quality training equipment. Replacing older motors, pumps and heat exchangers requires more time and attention. For this reason, the shutdown period may vary in different areas, blocks and even neighboring houses.

The period for shutting off hot water for the period of maintenance work is indicated from the time and date of the start of the shutdown to the time and date of the end of the shutdown of hot water supply, but cannot exceed 10 days, that is, it must be less than 240 hours.

4. In which houses in Moscow is the hot water not turned off at all or is it turned off for a short period of time?

In homes with alternate piping, the hot water may not be turned off every year, or for a short period of time, because it is possible to check and repair the main system while hot water is flowing through the backup pipes. However, even the most modern equipment requires preventive maintenance, so completely refuse to turn off hot water in a metropolis with centralized system heating supply is not possible.

5. Why don't they turn off the cold water?

Because the water supply system provides backup pipes. Water flows through them when the main pipes are repaired.

6. Do I have to pay for hot water during a shutdown?

Payment for cold and hot water consumption is carried out in accordance with the readings of individual metering devices installed in the apartments. To prevent the hot water meter from accumulating extra cubic meters during the period of preventive shutdown, we recommend that you turn it off during this time and use only cold water - especially since it is cheaper. Often management companies close the in-house valves themselves during outages, but additional precautions would not hurt.

In the event of an unscheduled shutdown, if you did not receive hot water in the required volume or there were interruptions in its supply, you can count on the amount of the fee being recalculated downward until you are completely exempt from paying for such a service. And for each hour of hot water supply, the temperature of which is below 40°C, during the billing period, the total payment for consumed water is made at the rate for cold water.

IN residential buildings At night, the hot water supply stops. A correspondent of the Minsk-Novosti agency found out what is the meaning of this event and how heat power engineers react to complaints related to outages.

One of the townspeople who are not satisfied with this order is a resident of house No. 15, building 1 on the street. Voronyansky Anna German. Contacting the editorial office of the Minsk-News agency, she said that hot water disappeared in their house from 00.00 to 05.30:

— I get up for work at 03.30 - I have to get ready, and it’s a long way to get there. But I can’t take a shower - the water is icy, and even washing my face is unpleasant. Previously, I worked as a trolleybus driver for thirty years, the same transport workers live in the house, for whom, due to their work schedule, night shutdowns create serious inconvenience. It is noteworthy that after appeals to various authorities in recent years Five hot water was supplied around the clock, but disappeared after a two-week planned shutdown last summer. Again letters, calls to direct lines. And water was given periodically, but for a short time - about two weeks. Is it really in order to take advantage public service at a convenient time, do you need to complain somewhere regularly? Here are my friends who live in the same apartment buildings in Loshitsa and Serebryanka, they say that their hot water is never turned off at night. Why are we worse?– Anna Vasilievna is perplexed.

By to this address Minskkommunteploset UE is responsible for the supply of heat energy and the operation of the heating station, in which water is heated for the needs of hot water supply.

— For decades, energy supply organizations at night, as a rule, from 00.00 to 05.00, turn off the circulation booster pumps, which ensure the transportation of hot water in the water supply system of a residential building, - began by explaining the situation as a whole Chief Engineer enterprises Vladislav Levin.- This is done for the purpose of rational use fuel and energy resources and due to minimal consumption of hot water at night. According to the social standard, the consumer’s hot water temperature must be at least + 50 C, while in accordance with methodological recommendations, approved by order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services dated 10.02. 2018 No. 19, this standard should be observed in the period from 06.00 to 24.00. I would also like to note: regarding our consumers (UE Minskkommunteploset serves about 50% of the capital’s housing stock, the rest of the residential buildings are provided by the Minsk heating network» RUE Minskenergo) we make outages mainly from 00.30 to 04.30, sometimes from 00.00 to 05.00. As a result, in our housing stock alone, the city saves about 150 thousand kWh of electricity every month during night outages. The energy supply organization does not dispose of these saved funds.

V. Levin notes that in 2017 and the first half of this year, the enterprise received no more than 30 requests from residents regarding night outages. However, it is technically impossible to provide hot water to one or more individual apartments around the clock. When the pumps are turned on, water is transported to all apartments in a group of houses powered by one central heating point (CHS). At the same time, heat power engineers respond to every complaint and try to find a compromise:

“We look into each case individually, go to the site and talk with the applicant. Anything can happen: someone in the family has a disability, someone’s children are sick, someone returns from work at night. We look at how justified the reason is and offer options. In particular, we set the shutdown time relay for a shorter period, that is, not from 00.00, but from 01.00 or even from 01.30, and turn on the pumps earlier. By separate houses, where the same transport workers live, we do not make any shutdowns at all. Also, hot water circulates through the pipes around the clock during major public holidays, when public holidays come together, for example, on New Year.

Regarding house No. 15, building 1 on Voronyansky Street, V. Levin reported the following:

“The administration of the Oktyabrsky district passed on to us the direct line requests from residents of this building. Their complaints were related to insufficient hot water temperature at 6 am. We checked: the water at that hour met the standard of +50C. But given the achievement maximum effect Based on this request, specialists adjusted the relay: if previously shutdowns were made from 00.00 to 5.00, now from 1.00 to 4.00. Resident Anna German did not contact the Minskkommunteploset Unitary Enterprise, so we cannot comment on her problem and provide explanations about the operating mode of the heating unit in previous years.

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