Water norm according to the meter for 1 person. Norm of human water consumption per day. Utility consumption standards

The human body consists of water, approximately 60-80 percent. Water – absolutely necessary element for the existence of all organisms on the planet. Without it, it is impossible to deliver nutrients to the cells; with its help, the body is cleansed of harmful accumulations, toxins, and toxic substances. Figuratively speaking, it is a fuel and a purifier in one bottle.

In order for a person to feel normal and to live a full life, he needs to drink a certain amount. clean water per day. Our health and longevity directly depend on proper drinking regime.

So how much liquid do we need, what is the water consumption per person per day, how much water per month do we need?

Why does the body need water??

Among other things, it performs several important functions in the body:

Transports to cells what they need nutrients, supports their structure;

Removes toxins;

Provides shock absorption for joints and prevents their destruction;

Helps complete digestion of food;

Improves metabolic processes.

According to doctors, one of the causes of most diseases of the joints, kidneys (in particular, kidney stones), as well as increased dry skin, is a violation of the drinking regime, that is, the norm of water consumption per person throughout the day is not achieved. We simply don't drink as much as we should.

For any nutritional disorders, food and alcohol intake, daily norm water increases. You may have heard that experts advise drinking more water to quickly get rid of toxic substances, toxins and waste.

Our drinking norm per day

Norm per month
WHO experts have developed general formula, which is used to calculate individual, daily consumption liquids:

The basis is 30 ml for each kg of body weight. Then the calculation is made individually: for example, using a simple calculation for a person weighing 60 kg, we get 1.8 liters per day. This is the drinking norm. The water norm per person per month is calculated by multiplying this amount by 30 days. So we get the required water consumption per person per month. For our example, only 54 liters for 30 days (36 one and a half liter bottles) or 55.8 liters for 31 days (37.2 1.5 liter bottles). What is the number of 1.5 liter bottles for? A measuring container is convenient for monitoring the water you drink during the day!

By the way, remember that the given volume includes not only drinking water, but also other liquid that comes with food. It is recommended to drink only clean, bottled or filtered water. Thus, out of the 36-37 bottles counted, it will be enough to purchase only 30-31. Or you can even get by with just a few. You can boil and cool your own water... Who then stops you from adding a drop to it? lemon juice? Who's stopping you from cutting an apple and boiling it in 1 liter of water, and then pouring it into a bottle already filled with 2 cups of boiled water? cold water and add a little sugar?! In general, if you wish, you can greatly reduce the financial costs, but drink your fluid allowance.

When to increase your water intake?

You need to know that the regimen should be increased with increased daily food consumption, frequent inclusion of salty, sweet, spicy, and fatty foods in the diet. But with a vegetarian diet, the water requirement per person decreases.

It is imperative to increase the drinking regime for people taking diuretics, as well as for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

To avoid dehydration and cool the body, doctors recommend drinking more in hot weather. The same should be done in frosty winter, since when sub-zero temperature the body loses fluid along with the steam that is released when breathing through the mouth.

You need to drink more if you have some acute and chronic diseases, such as colds, to speed up the elimination of toxins. Heat, vomiting, diarrhea - these conditions require increased water consumption per day.

The body needs to increase the drinking regime during intense sports activities, heavy physical labor, as well as after visiting the steam room, sauna. It is recommended to drink more if you spent several hours in an airplane cabin, or if you work in an air-conditioned room. All these factors contribute to severe dehydration of the body.

It is also recommended to do this if there is a strong odor of sweat. As experts say, with sufficient fluid intake, the smell of sweat is practically unnoticeable. After all, it is not the sweat itself that smells, but the toxic microorganisms that are excreted with it and end up on the skin, where they begin to multiply intensively. A large number of them increases the risk of developing various kinds diseases.

For the same reason, increase your drinking regimen if, when you go to the toilet in the morning, your urine produces a very pronounced bad smell, she's too yellow.


The above formula for calculating water consumption per person per day, per month will help you normalize water regime and, as a result, improve your own well-being. However, do not rush to drink large amounts of liquid right away. Transition to the optimal regime gradually, every day, for a week.

Remember that experts recommend drinking water no later than 30 minutes before meals and an hour and a half after. Compliance with this rule improves digestion, as it promotes the production of gastric juice in the optimal concentration necessary for complete digestion of food. Be healthy!

  • if the home is equipped with a gas stove and water heater – 20.8;
  • in the absence of centralized water supply and gas water heater, and availability gas stove– 10.4 m³/person. per month.

Payment for heating according to the standard is made in the case when a residential building is not equipped with a communal heat meter. Calculation of water consumption in Moscow apartments in which apartment meters are not installed. - hot water 4,745 cubic meters; - water disposal (sewerage) 11.68 cubic meters. (the amount of hot and cold water consumed during the month is 4.745 + 6.935 = 11.68 cubic meters) Standards for hot and cold water consumption per person without a meter in 2018 According to the rule, a certain amount of water is supplied to the city. The amount of water consumed by residents of apartments with installed water meters is taken into account. The calculated amount is subtracted from the total volume.

Payment for water without a meter in 2018 in Moscow

Thus, one more component will be added to the calculation formula and it will become as follows: P = n*N*T*K,

  • N – rate of water consumption per month per person,
  • T – tariff established by region,
  • K – increasing coefficient (set at 1.5 for 2017).

Through simple calculations, it becomes clear that installing meters is quite profitable. This will make it possible to control not only the monthly consumption of the resource, but also the family’s expenses for this item.
How to save water in an apartment? It's quite easy to save water by following a few simple rules: choose equipment with lower consumption, do not keep the tap constantly open while washing, monitor the serviceability of plumbing fixtures, taps, pipes, learn more from the infographics below.

Standard consumption of cold and hot water per person per month without a meter

What are the standards for the consumption of utilities in Moscow in 2018? The government is of the opinion that social standards below the average encourage consumers to save. This indicator was introduced into the payment system for housing and communal services in 2013 only in some regions.


On this moment it operates throughout Russia. The size of the standard is set depending on several factors: The group of consumers The presence of a social norm Geographical factor Countryside or city Type of stove Gas or electric Summation of several tariffs - Moscow In Moscow, special consumption standards have been established for citizens living alone; they depend on the equipment available in the residential premises. So, if there is a gas stove in the living room, electricity consumption should not exceed 50 kW/hour.

Standards for hot and cold water consumption per person without a meter

Standard consumption of hot water and cold water per person in 2018


And this can only be done if you have an individual meter. The provision of public services, which also includes cold and hot water supply, is regulated by the Rules approved by Government Decree No. 354.

They contain formulas that are used to calculate fees for water use in apartments with and without meters installed. Standards for water consumption and disposal have remained unchanged for almost 30 years.
These may vary slightly depending on the type of home. Cost of one cubic meter water is installed by the regional authorities in compliance with standards Federal Law No. 210-FZ, regulating the application of tariffs in this area. Norm of cold water consumption per person without a meter Calculation shows that on average a person can consume 6.935 cubic meters of cold water per month.

Standard for water without a meter 2018

The same rule applies here as with cold water, when utility companies can increase the standard no more than twice. And you need to pay according to the standard for each citizen registered in the living space.

The formula for calculating the fee for hot water is similar to the calculation for cold water using the cost of 1 cubic meter hot water at the regional rate. Note that by dividing the consumption rate of hot and cold water by 30 days in a month, we get quite serious numbers.

This more than covers all possible expenses, so meters will help significantly save your family’s water costs. This is especially true for those who have a fairly large family living and registered in their apartment.

Standards and tariffs for water consumption by city for 2017 The above standards are average. More exact numbers are established by each region independently.

Standard water consumption per person without a meter from 2018 in Moscow

This includes general house needs for cleaning common areas, costs associated with unauthorized connections, leaks in the water supply system of the house and many other factors. As a result, a decent amount comes in, from which an approximate amount of cold water was extracted.

It was adopted as the consumption standard per person per month, if the housing does not have an individual meter. This is a fairly large amount, which is difficult to cover without even saving water.

But utility services have the right to increase it if necessary to cover their costs. At the same time, the upper limit is strictly limited - it should not be more than two standard sizes. According to the standard, payment for the resource is taken from each person registered in the premises, regardless of whether he actually lives there. Temporarily registered citizens are also included here.

Standard water consumption per person without meter

The formula for calculating the cost of cold water for the owner or tenant of an apartment not equipped with individual metering devices is as follows: P = n*N*T,

  • n – number of persons registered in the premises permanently and temporarily,
  • N – rate of cold water consumption per month per person,
  • T – tariff established by region.

Norm of hot water consumption per person without a meter It has been determined that a person spends more cold water than hot water. Therefore, the monthly standard for it is slightly lower and amounts to 4.745 cubic meters.

At the same time, calculations are made separately for water entering the heating system. The standard includes only actual consumption figures for each person and it is believed that no more than 140 liters of hot water are consumed daily for all his needs.

The table shows water tariffs in force in different cities. They are applicable for multi-apartment and private buildings that are connected to hot and cold water supply networks, sewerage, and are also equipped with plumbing fixtures (toilet, sink, bathtub or shower).

City Cold water supply Hot water supply cubic m/person rub. for 1 m3 cubic meter/person rub. per 1 m3 Moscow 5.48 35.4 3.81 173.02 St. Petersburg 5.36 25 3.89 100 Samara 7.9 27.1 3.6 130.2 Perm 5.6 31.6 3.4 152.2 Kazan 6.73 - 3.44 - Novosibirsk 5.193 - 3.687 89.11 Voronezh 5.1 - 3.07 - Krasnodar 4.04 - 2.65 - Chelyabinsk 4.25 - 3.11 - Yekatermburg 5.62 - 5.04 - Ufa 6.356 12.15 2.582 57.2 Rostov-on-Don 6.5 - - - Please note that prices may vary depending on the resource supply organization. For each of them, tariffs are approved separately.
Standard for water consumption without a meter per person in 2018 Despite clearly existing regulations in all sectors of the economy, such a general indicator as the standard for water consumption per person without a meter has not been developed. This is because throughout the country the population density varies by region. Therefore, each region has its own regulations. They are different in every district and city. According to the rule, a certain amount of water volume is supplied to the city. The amount of water volume consumed by residents of apartments with installed water meters is taken into account.

The calculated amount is subtracted from the total volume. The resulting number is divided by the number of people registered in a given living space. They bear the entire load of consumed water. This situation arises due to unauthorized consumption and water leaks.

Water consumption standards per person without a meter in 2018 in Moscow

Gcal/sq. Housing and communal services tariffs from July 1, 2018 in Moscow, table Categories of apartment buildings Rates of payment for social rental of residential premises and rental of specialized residential premises (in rubles per 1 sq.m. of total living area per month) Residential buildings with all amenities, regardless of material walls and the presence of an elevator and garbage chute, located in zone I Residential buildings with all amenities, regardless of the material of the walls and the presence of an elevator and garbage chute, located in zone II Prices for the maintenance of residential premises for tenants of residential premises owned by the city of Moscow and provided in use under a social rental agreement for residential premises or a specialized rental agreement.

Water consumption standards per person without a meter in 2018 Moscow

Where does the indicator of water consumption per person come from? The average rate of water consumption per person is derived: The standard for water for those who have not installed meters in 2018 will increase 3 times. In the first half of the year, a coefficient of 3 is added to the standard for consumption, from July 2018 - a coefficient 5. Persons who have installed metering devices but interfere with their operation to underestimate readings will be subject to an increasing factor of 10.

Also, from January 1, a law will come into force establishing the amount of penalties for individuals and legal entities for non-payment of services for the provision of electricity and heat Standards for water 2018 in Moscow measures of social support for payment of residential premises and utilities Zone II - territories of the city of Moscow outside the Third Transport Ring.

If the average person does not take a bath every day, then the question of installing a meter may arise. As a result, the tariff for those who do not have individual meters with a multiplying factor will be 1.5 times higher than the tariff for those who have meters installed. Thus, one more component will be added to the calculation formula and it will become as follows: P = n*N*T*K,

  • n – number of persons registered in the premises permanently and temporarily,
  • N – rate of water consumption per month per person,
  • T – tariff established by region,
  • K – increasing coefficient (set at 1.5 for 2017).

Through simple calculations, it becomes clear that installing meters is quite profitable. How much to pay for water if there is no meter in 2018, what is the water standard? These are fairly close to building standards.

Standard consumption of cold and hot water per person per month without a meter

And this can only be done if you have an individual meter. The provision of public services, which also includes cold and hot water supply, is regulated by the Rules approved by Government Decree No. 354.

They contain formulas that are used to calculate fees for water use in apartments with and without meters installed. Standards for water consumption and disposal have remained unchanged for almost 30 years.

These may vary slightly depending on the type of home. The cost of one cubic meter of water is set by the regional authorities in compliance with the norms of Federal Law No. 210-FZ, which regulates the application of tariffs in this area.

Norm of cold water consumption per person without a meter Calculation shows that on average a person can consume 6.935 cubic meters of cold water per month.

Payment for water without a meter in 2018 in Moscow

Water consumption indicator includes:

  • pipeline leak;
  • city ​​watering of lawns;
  • consumption when extinguishing fires;
  • illegal connections;
  • leak inside the house.

Calculating the cost of water without a meter You need to pay for water in each region based on the established tariff. The tariff for hot and cold water is multiplied by the number of people registered in a given living space.
The resulting amount is the cost of water consumption. When calculating the overall indicator for the region, the following are taken into account:

  • fuel costs;
  • profit;
  • depreciation deductions;
  • labor costs;
  • raw materials and materials;
  • tax deductions;
  • rent;
  • maintenance.

Indicators of consumption and cost of water for different cities The price of cold and hot water is calculated according to the same principle.

Cold water standard per person 2018


This is not the case in civilized countries; water meters are installed everywhere. Where does the indicator of water consumption per person come from? The average rate of water consumption per person is derived: The standard for water for those who have not installed meters in 2018 will increase 3 times. In the first half of the year, a coefficient of 3 is added to the standard for consumption, from July 2018 - a coefficient 5.

Persons who have installed metering devices, but interfere with their operation to understate readings, will face an increasing factor of 10. Also, from January 1, a law will come into force establishing the amount of penalties for individuals and legal entities for non-payment of services for the provision of electrical and thermal water Standards for water in 2018 in Moscow, social support measures for paying for housing and utilities. Zone II - the territory of the city of Moscow outside the Third Transport Ring.

Water consumption standards per person without a meter in 2018 in Moscow


In addition, after a certain amount of time, the meters are supposed to be replaced with new ones. And these are again the costs of purchasing and installing the device.

But purchasing water meters also has its advantages, which we will consider below. If there are no meters, then you will have to pay for utilities according to the standard.

At the same time, it is rare that anyone manages to actually use the entire intended volume of water in a day or a month. It turns out that without a meter, consumers have to pay for an actually unused resource. Using a meter helps save consumers money. In addition, if you have a meter, you will not have to pay for general house water overuse. How to save water in an apartment Many people are interested in saving water consumption. Let's figure out what to do to spend less water and, accordingly, money to pay for it.

Water consumption rate without a meter in 2018

What made up this figure? We regularly spend resources on daily needs, without which the concept of comfortable life. To calculate water consumption in general, both hot and cold, we took the average statistical indicators that a person needs daily for the following purposes:

  • showering daily – up to 30 liters;
  • washing, shaving, etc., which constitutes our daily needs, is 200 liters per week;
  • the water that is collected in the toilet cistern is approximately 200 liters per day;
  • bathing – 200 liters per week;
  • other expenses associated with laundry, cleaning, washing dishes.

There are also losses and other costs of water that may affect the entire residential building.

What are the standards for the consumption of utilities in Moscow in 2018?

    Consumption control.

  • There is no need to account for people living in the premises.
  • There are also disadvantages:
  1. Expensiveness of a device of proper quality.
  2. In case of failure of the device, during repair or replacement, payment for consumed water will be carried out according to general rules(as without a device).

It should be taken into account that when the above events occur, water consumption according to general rules occurs temporarily and when adverse consequences are eliminated Management Company is obliged to recalculate the water consumed. Standards for the consumption of utility services in the Moscow region. They are calculated in accordance with accepted standards.

In this case, documents developed by regional housing and communal services organizations are taken into account. Russian Federation.

If there are no water meters, how much should I pay in 2018? This includes general house needs for cleaning common areas, costs associated with unauthorized connections, leaks in the water supply system of the house and many other factors. As a result, a decent amount comes in, from which an approximate amount of cold water was extracted.

It was adopted as the consumption standard per person per month, if the housing does not have an individual meter. This is a fairly large amount, which is difficult to cover without even saving water. But utility services have the right to increase it if necessary to cover their costs. At the same time, the upper limit is strictly limited - it should not be more than two standard sizes. According to the standard, payment for the resource is taken from each person registered in the premises, regardless of whether he actually lives there. Temporarily registered citizens are also included here.

Consumption of water resources is one of the most expensive items of utility expenditure for city residents. Consumption values ​​can easily depend on the region in which the service is provided, since tariffs are different and other nuances occur. Standards and regulations are not set by utilities or management companies. Each locality has its own standards, divided into hot and cold water consumption rates.

Calculations are carried out using the relevant standards, which are approved by committees and commissions in the sphere of housing and communal services of each constituent entity of the Russian Federation. This suggests that there are no uniform indicators in Russia when calculating consumption water resources.

The amounts of water consumption are also variable. They change depending on the seasons, seasonal needs, the individual needs of each person and other characteristics. That is why unevenness coefficients are used in calculations. Here, the number of registered residents and SNiP standards (sanitary norms and rules) are taken into account.

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Approved consumption indicators

The list of generally accepted standards identifies the main indicators that are used in most settlements: This list does not take into account household expenses, which are not available in all families. For example, there are no standards for washing a vehicle, changing water in an aquarium, swimming pool, or watering adjoining plot

. For such purposes, hourly irregularity coefficients are used, taking into account the presence of a sewer system. The water used for heating the living space is also taken into account.

Applicable coefficients

If there is an internal water supply and sewerage system, hot water supply, the coefficients range from 1.25 to 1.15 k/hour. Under the same conditions, in the presence of a bathtub and a gas water heater, the coefficient values ​​are from 1.2 to 1.15 k/hour. The situation is somewhat different with the presence of a bathroom and wood-burning heaters - from 1.4 to 1.2 k/hour. With the presence of internal water supply, but without a bathroom, indicators from 1.6 to 1.4 k/hour are used.

Water consumption standards necessarily include cost items for fire extinguishing. However, since such needs are classified as periodic, the principles of calculation are based on the localization of the fire point and the supply of resources to influence it. Here the specifics of the premises must be taken into account. Another indicator standard expenses water volumes is the location of the shower or bathtub in the room. Residential-type houses that have built-in plumbing and, but not equipped with a bathroom, are designed to consume from ninety-five to one hundred and twenty liters of water per day. This is an indicator of water use per person. If a similar house has a bathroom, as well as devices for heating the water resource, the norms increase to one hundred and eighty liters per day.

Nuances with water heating and savings

If the room is equipped gas heater water, then in similar situations hot water consumption standards range from one hundred ninety to two hundred twenty-five liters per day per living person. When heating of a water resource is carried out due to operating on solid fuel structures, consumable items are smaller and range from one hundred and fifty to one hundred and eighty liters per day. Installing a shower in a residential area, on the contrary, increases consumption from two hundred thirty to two hundred seventy liters. Similar indicators are taken into account in the presence of an additional washbasin.

Most of the living citizens who have installed resource consumption metering devices in their living space have the opportunity to thus save on paying for the utility services provided to them. However, residents are required to install such devices at their own expense, including the purchase of equipment. The cost of installation will depend on how many meters a person installs. In general, if only one riser passes through the living space, two metering devices are enough - for hot and cold water.

Actual consumption

It should not be assumed that the installation of meters necessarily entails the need to reduce the usual water consumption. In fact, people are required to control their own consumption of the resource and not pour water in vain. In any case, this is not a typical situation - to spend a resource beyond the norm, even if a person does laundry, wet cleaning and bathing every day. In practice, after installing hot meters, payments are reduced by two or even three times. Of course, if you do not take into account those cases when one person is registered in a living space, but in fact four live. In such cases, without meters, payments will be less than with them.

Another advantage of meters is that a person pays only for what he actually consumed. If he went on vacation or a long business trip and no one used the water in his house during this period, he will not pay for it. If there are no meters, whether someone was at home or absent for three months, you will have to pay according to tariffs.

By comparing water consumption rates per person per month with actual consumption, monthly expenses for all expense items are calculated.

Taking this data into account, the following monthly averages apply throughout the country:

  • Visiting the toilet – 118 times (in dormitories 123 times);
  • Washing in the bathroom – 4 times;
  • Taking a shower – 25 times (in dormitories 17 times);
  • Use of the sink – 107 times;
  • Use of the kitchen sink – 95 times.

Additional consumption indicators

Based on the above, we can also mention that, according to statistics, water is used thirty-one times per month for cleaning homes and the same amount for washing clothes. Certain regions of the Russian Federation have more specific data regarding the consumption of cold and hot water.

Consumer water consumption standards for sanitary needs according to some utility services:

  • Taking a shower - up to one hundred liters;
  • Bathing in the bathroom - about two hundred to three hundred liters;
  • One visit to the toilet – up to six liters.

It is also necessary to take into account that even when the bathroom is used frequently, with its capacity of two hundred and fifty liters and everyday washing, there are water consumption rates that are inflated - increasing coefficients. Of course, no government agency can control the amount of resource used in each separate apartment, therefore, to avoid unwanted overpayments, the most the right decision It's the installation of meters that becomes the issue.

In addition, if we consider the capital regions, then per person per month there is 3.81 cubic meters. hot in water and 5.48 cu. cold water. If there are no meters, the owners are obliged to pay the tariffs established in the region, regardless of how much they actually consumed.

How to calculate the consumed resource

Since every private house and other residential construction sites where it is impossible to do without the consumption of cold water are equipped with sanitary equipment, it is impossible to control the actual amount of resources consumed without meters. Therefore, average standards are applied, taking into account the total amount of water used in the locality with the assumption that half of the residential properties have meters.

The information obtained in this way is summarized, after which the share that falls on the living space with metering devices is determined. Subtracting this share, we get the volume of resource that is consumed by all residents who do not have installed meters. The result is divided by the total number of unequipped apartments. According to statistics, the share of users without meters automatically accounts for two-thirds of the total consumption in the locality. Thus, standard standards for hot and cold water consumption per person are approved.

Established standards facilitate the transition to new forms of accounting for water resource consumption and increase the efficiency of its use. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that for users who have not yet installed hot and cold water meters, prices for the introduced consumption standards will increase over time.

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Documents from local government bodies, using tables SNiP, VNTP-N-97 and taking into account regulations, determine what standard for cold and hot water consumption per person without a meter is relevant in 2016, and record its increase.

When normative values ​​apply

The standard water consumption without a meter per person is the value of the monthly volume of water consumption, which is used to establish the amount of payment in cases provided for by the Rules for the provision of utility services in clauses 24, 31, 32:

  • lack of individual or communal metering devices,
  • in case of long-term (more than six months) absence when providing water meter readings,
  • if the owner systematically refuses to provide the resource supply company with indications,
  • when replacing or repairing a faulty flow meter, etc.

The legislation of the Russian Federation obliges owners and management organizations to install water meters, since the amount of payment for utility services is calculated based on the volume recorded by water meters. When establishing two-component tariffs based on the consumption rate per person, the calculation for hot water according to the meter includes the consumption according to the standard of thermal energy required to heat the cold hydroflow. That is, the two-component tariff consists of the sum of the cost of the component of the cold water resource intended for heating, and the cost of the component of thermal energy used for heating.

However, in the absence of water meters or their failure, standard values ​​are applied, approved, in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 157, paragraph 1, by local government bodies, for example, by orders of the Regional Tariff Department.

So, for example, social norms for hot water consumption in Moscow in 2016, calculated according to the standard, are 4.745 m 3, cold water - 6.935 m 3 and a total of 11.68 m 3 per month. For comparison, in Novosibirsk in the same period of the first half of 2016, the following values ​​were established, based on cubic meters per person per month:

  • For houses where there is technical feasibility installation of water meters - hot water supply: 5,162; Cold water: 7.270. Standard water consumption for general house needs (since April 2015) for hot water supply and hot water supply: 0.038.
  • For houses where water meters are not installed - DHW: 3.687, cold water: 5.193. Payment according to the standards of a common house water meter: 0.027.

Who sets standard values ​​and how?

The consumption rate of cold and hot water without a meter per person (daily and monthly) 2015-2016 is determined by regulatory Rules for the consumption of utilities approved by Decree No. 306 of the Government of the Russian Federation. Specific values ​​for the specified period are approved by authorized bodies, which include local government bodies. The basis is taken in detail in SNiP standards for consumption of cold and hot water by consumers, which, according to Appendix No. 3 (2.04.01-85), are treated with additional gradation:

  • residential buildings apartment type,
  • dormitories,
  • hospitals,
  • sanatoriums and holiday homes,
  • clinics,
  • kindergartens,
  • pioneer camps,
  • laundries,
  • administrative buildings,
  • educational establishments,
  • shops, etc.

SNiP describes standard values ​​for 33 main parameters, which, for example, for apartment-type residential buildings include: the presence or absence of sewerage, gas supply, water supply, bathtub (and its size), centralized hot water supply and hot water supply, number of storeys parameter. So, using the example established by the Department Novosibirsk region according to the tariff values, it is possible to illustrate the detail of the criteria in m 3 /1 person/month:

  • residential premises with cold water supply and hot water supply, sewerage, bathrooms 1.5-1.7 m, showers, kitchen sinks, toilets and sinks: 5,162 and 7,270 m 3 for hot and cold water supply, respectively,
  • with the same parameters, but without hot water: 9.058 m 3 (hot water),
  • with a 1.2 m bath and hot and cold water supply: 4.169 and 6.467 m 3 respectively,
  • and with the same parameters without a bath: 3.419 and 5.856 m 3 for hot water supply and cold water supply, respectively, etc.

Similar water consumption standards were introduced in VNTP-N-97 for consumers of agricultural water supply systems (population, farm animals, water standards for watering crops, processing products, maintenance, repairs, etc.). Here, the average daily water consumption per person per day describes in detail the standard values ​​not only for the above parameters, but also for various procedures and household needs, depending on the climatic zone. So, for example, for residential buildings with centralized cold and hot water supply, shower, washbasins and bathtub 1.5-1.7 m in climate zones 3-4 (the maximum described) in l/day. following:

  • total average daily water consumption: 250,
  • drinking purposes and food preparation: 7,
  • washing food and dishes: 35,
  • personal hygiene: 30,
  • bath/shower: 65,
  • wash: 62,
  • toilet cistern flush: 45.

In general, the consumer housing and communal services consumption rate of cold and hot water per person per month and per day depends on a number of factors, which are taken into account at the local level by self-government bodies. In particular, seasonal needs are taken into account, to stabilize the accounting of which an unevenness coefficient has been introduced - the ratio of the maximum water consumption to the average.

Despite the fact that water-producing organizations have the status of water users and are directly related to the supply of the resource, they cannot directly influence the rates of consumption and payment for water without metering devices (without a meter).

The water user - an individual or legal entity with the right to use a water body - actually provides water supply services to consumers who are classified as municipal - code 042210 5 (in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Services approved by Resolution No. 163 of the State Standard of the Russian Federation). However, even if the water supply organization is both the owner of the well and the builder of, for example, a cottage community, the organization cannot independently set standards. At the same time, she can become the initiator of their approval by submitting a reasoned proposal to the self-government body, which takes this initiative into account.

What is the norm of water, or how many cubic meters are needed per person per month?

To understand how to calculate the rate of water consumption for yourself and your family, “individually”, you need to refer to the average water consumption tables and apply them to the parameters own home adjusted for personal water consumption, the number of people and the presence of “engineering tricks” in the apartment. So, taking as a basis the table given in RF PP No. 306 (see below), it is necessary:

  • make a list of daily procedures related to water consumption,
  • determine the average volume from the table,
  • reduce it according to the corresponding indicator in cases where water savers are installed on the taps (http://water-save.com/) - by 7-10%, and by 30-40% if cistern the flush is used in a lean “two-button” mode,
  • add up the resulting number of cubic meters for each procedure for each person in the apartment and multiply the result by the number of daily procedures.

If necessary, water consumption of washing and washing equipment is added to the approximate calculations. dishwashers at a rate of 0.7 m 3 /hour. At the same time, the actual amount of water consumption is, as a rule, less due to a reduction in the number of washes and more economical consumption during showering than the calculated volume of water consumption. For example, the estimated daily calculation for a family of 3 includes (in liters):

  • taking a shower: 30-40*3 = 90-120,
  • going to the toilet: 4-5*3*6 = 72-90,
  • washing dishes with three meals a day: 3*35 = 105,
  • washing products: 8-10,
  • personal hygiene: 30*3 = 90,
  • washing with washing machine: 45,
  • general apartment needs: 8-10

If the daily result is multiplied by 30 days for most procedures and by 2-4 for washing, you get about 12-13 thousand liters per month per family.

Per person - this is an indicator that determines the cost of water supply in apartment buildings that are not equipped individual meters accounting for resource consumption.

Nowadays, there is no single unified data for calculating the norm of cold and hot water. Therefore, the calculation is not entirely standard. The amount of water per person is selected depending on the region and region in which he lives. Of course, a number of many other factors also influence the norm.

About consumption rules

The decision on what the water standard per person per month will be made by the water utility or a special commission, which includes workers serving the housing stock, officials and representatives from the water utility administration. In some cases, if it is planned to reduce the standard or significantly increase the cost of services, the decision will be made jointly with representatives of public organizations.

Indicators for water consumption per person per month are set as indicated in the declared documentation, however, in addition to this, construction standards and regulations are taken into account, which include technical specifics water supply systems, as well as the level of improvement of public utilities in a particular institution.

Determination of standards in home ownership

The standards can be determined by the absence or presence in the house of a bathtub, shower, sink or sink in the bathroom; it also matters whether the apartment (house) has other equipment that is related to water supply (dishwasher, washing machine).

The standard is determined based on the purposes for which water is used.

When calculating the amount of water per person per month, they take into account all the water that was used to service housing (tap water - cold and hot and technical), and utility workers do not forget about sewerage services in their estimates.

The regulations that are established in the region depend on the type heating equipment, type of water supply and features of the sewer system.

As you know, consumption data is taken into account not only for a certain season, but also for a month, week, day and even one hour.

Average consumption figures for the Russian Federation

Norm of cold water per person - variable value, and in different regions of Russia it differs significantly. Here is a list that includes statistics from the largest regions of the country regarding water consumption standards per citizen:

  • Yekaterinburg - 4.25 m3.
  • Moscow - 6.89 m3.
  • St. Petersburg - 3.35 m 3.
  • Perm region- 5.78 m3.
  • Leningrad region- 4.90 m 3.
  • Novosibirsk - 5.91 m 3.

The rate of hot water per person is approximately 166 liters per month, while about 233 liters of cold water are used. The Ministry of Construction claims that the average Russian uses water and plumbing fixtures the following number of times each month:

  • using the toilet - 118 times;
  • washing in the shower - 25 times;
  • washing dishes - 95 times;
  • takes a bath - 4 times;
  • sink use - 107 times.

General household needs, which include laundry and wet cleaning, are about 31 times. Based on the above data, you can understand why the norm of cold water per person is higher than hot water. The cost of supplying it is cheaper, and therefore residents of households will use it in larger quantities.

Changes 2017

Since the second half of 2016, the payment ratio has increased by fifty percent according to standards.

Utilities were tasked with stimulating water supply system equipment in apartment buildings and residential premises, installing in them individual devices for recording water resource consumption.

The Russian government also decided that it is necessary to increase the water standard per person per month. Since January 2017, the law on payment for services came into force. Compared to the initial standards, it increased by sixty percent.

Those who install personal consumption meters will only be able to pay for as much water as they spend. This is a great opportunity to save personal funds.

Anyone who owns premises in apartment buildings or is the person for whom a personal account has been opened in an organization providing public services must personally address the issue regarding the installation of communal and individual metering devices.

The adopted document provides for the application of sanctions against residents who interfere with the operation of meters using magnets or other equipment.

If fraud has been established against the user, he will be required to pay for water consumption not according to the readings of his personal meter, but based on a standard that will be increased several times.


It is important to say that after some laws came into force, new level water consumption for visiting the restroom, taking a shower and other activities that involve the use of water resources. The document also stipulates that some people do not have the opportunity to install a personal water meter. In this case, the tenant is exempt from paying the increasing factor, and the cost of services will be calculated and carried out on the basis of new standards.

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