Get rid of aphids from indoor peppers. Aphids on peppers in a greenhouse: how to fight folk remedies. Symptoms of Nutrient Deficiency

Bulgarian Bell pepper has long since moved from the southern regions to the middle zone and has become a popular culture in our country. It is grown almost everywhere. And if it is not possible to get a harvest “under open air", then greenhouse sweet fruits are obtained already in Siberia. Therefore, the question of pest control on this plant is of interest to many today. We will tell you in the article why aphids appear on peppers and how to fight them using chemical and folk methods.

How to determine if aphids have appeared on peppers

Small, greenish insects, usually found in colonies on the lower surface of the leaf, can cause significant damage to the plant. These are representatives of the family of phytophages, which use a proboscis to suck juice from leaves and young shoots. And peppers have a lot of juice. For aphids, this is a good food resource, with a reserve.

The underside of the leaf is inhabited by a colony of aphids. Adults and their larvae are visible. Using their proboscis, they suck the juice from the leaves, causing them to wither and die.

You can detect the appearance of “uninvited guests” on pepper by looking closely at the culture:

  • noticeable curling and wilting of the leaf blade;
  • if these are young peppers, then the seedlings will wilt;
  • the leaf becomes sticky due to the sweet honeydew secreted by aphids;
  • a characteristic shine is visible on the leaf blade;
  • on the reverse side of the leaf small, green insects and their larvae are visible;
  • there are a lot of ants on the stem. Ants “feast” on the sweet honeydew (honeydew) secreted by aphids. They guard the colony and monitor the number of individuals.

Reasons for the appearance of aphids on peppers

The ants “milk” the aphid colony by consuming the sweet honeydew. They monitor the colony and its increase in numbers.

To understand the reasons for the appearance, you need to know life cycle insect. The eggs overwinter in different secluded places: in the bark of trees or under a layer of leaves. In the spring, females with wings emerge from them. Due to them, the settlement of the colony begins. The female flies from plant to plant and is capable of hatching 50 larvae during the growing season.

Benefits of aphid repellents

Controlling aphids is not easy, as they multiply quickly. Therefore, many gardeners try to immediately destroy aphids using chemical methods. This is the most effective way. Modern means there is contact, intestinal or joint action. Let's look at the most effective of them:

Drug name Action
actellik It has a contact and partially systemic effect. Sold in ampoules. Spraying is done with a freshly prepared solution, which is evenly applied to the leaves. The effect is immediate. It is used in open and closed ground, in hard to reach places. Hazard class 2: may cause harm to people or animals.
Aktar Spray 2 times a week apart. 30 minutes after exposure, insects stop feeding and die 24 hours later. Hazard class 3, toxic to a number of insects.
inta-vir The impact is intestinal and contact. Available in tablets. The treatment is carried out three times for complete destruction aphids. Peppers are processed before flowering.
spark The action is intestinal and contact. Tablet form. Spraying is one-time, repeated (if the insects are not destroyed) is carried out after 20 days. The degree of danger is moderate.
confidor The systemic drug, which enters the culture through all its organs, is not washed off by rain. The effect is observed several hours after treatment. Protects pepper for 15-30 days after processing.
Fufanon Highly effective contact preparation. Wide spectrum of action: destroys various insects. Particularly effective when there is a large concentration of pests. Not dangerous for beneficial insects and people.
fury Contact insecticide, applied during the growing season. Approved for use in private households. Quickly kills aphids on peppers and other plants. Toxic: peppers should not be processed during flowering. Use PPE when working. Non-phytotoxic, i.e. does not harm plants.

Safety of biological agents

There are birds and insects that readily feed on aphids. They are its natural enemies. Of the insects, aphids are eaten by hoverflies, ladybugs, lacewings, earwigs, ichneumon wasps, ground beetles and other predatory garden inhabitants. To attract them, fragrant herbs are grown. Small birds, such as sparrows, tits, wrens, wrens, and linnets, feed themselves and feed aphids to their chicks.

Tip # 1. To attract birds to the site, you need to build birdhouses, place drinking bowls, and feeders with food.

The ladybug is a natural enemy of the aphid, which destroys it. Therefore, if there are many natural enemies of the pest on the site, they will help to cope with it.

Scented herbs containing phytoncides can repel aphids. These are marigolds, coriander, garlic, mint, basil, lavender and others. They can be planted near the peppers in small groups or singly. There are also special biological preparations. They contain extracts from plants and herbs. These are high-quality and harmless drugs of the new generation. Help against aphids:

  • Akarin (actophyte): the basis is natural components produced by soil fungi. Is neurotoxic. The dose depends on the type of pest. Soap is added to the solution for better contact.
  • Fitoverm: the active ingredient is obtained from a soil fungus. The dose depends on the crop being treated. On days 5-7 the pests die.
  • Boverin: based on fungal spores. Used for indoor plants. A 1% solution is prepared, treatment temperature is 20-25C.

You cannot treat with pesticides if you use living organisms to combat aphids. Pesticides cannot be used during the budding phase, the period of fruit ripening. But biological preparations can be used throughout the growing season.

Application of preventive and physical control methods

With the help of pressure cold water, you can wash the pest to the ground. He becomes motionless and dies. The method only partially helps to get rid of aphids.

The list of these methods is not so long, and they are not the most effective:

  1. Disinfection of seeds and soil.
  2. Tillage of the soil on the site: weeding and digging. Read also the article: → "".
  3. Reducing the number of ants. How fewer ants, the faster the aphids will disappear.
  4. Manual collection of the pest and its destruction (crushed on the lower surface of the leaf blade).
  5. Rinse the peppers with a stream of cold water, which renders the insects immobile. Once on the ground, they cannot return to the plant, which leads to their death.

Tip #2. Disinfection of seeds and the soil in which they will be planted is also necessary to combat bacterial and fungal diseases. This technique must be used.

Folk remedies for controlling aphids on peppers

The use of folk remedies gives positive results. They are less safe than chemical methods, but no less effective. You just need to properly prepare infusions, decoctions, milkshakes, and then use them in time, when aphids have just begun to appear on peppers.

Almost all prepared preparations contain a component such as soap. A soap solution allows the repellent or destructive agent to stay on the plant for a longer time. Therefore, we competently prepare the soap base:

  1. We grate laundry soap: 4-5g is enough.
  2. We dilute soap shavings in a liter of water.
  3. Mix thoroughly until it dissolves well.
  4. Leave for 5 hours, then strain.
  5. Add the rest of the ingredients and pour into the sprayer.
  6. We carry out processing.

Below are other popular ways to control aphids:

Name of the infusion Cooking method
tobacco infusion Use 500 g of tobacco, 30-40 g laundry soap for 20 liters of water. Tobacco leaves are infused in 10 liters of warm water for 2-3 days. The solution is filtered and the remaining water is added. Laundry soap is mixed well with the solution.
infusion of yarrow Take 700-800 g of yarrow, 40 g of laundry soap and 10 liters of water. The grass is poured with boiling water and allowed to stand for several days. Then soap is added and diluted in it.
use of ash Use 3 cups of ash, 40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water. Ash and grated soap are diluted in warm water. Let it brew for two days. Using this recipe will not only get rid of aphids, but will also work as foliar feeding.
tomato tops Take 5 kg of green leaves, add 10 l hot water and boil for 30 minutes. Prepare the solution in the required proportions: for 1 liter of decoction – 3 liters of water. Add soap before use.
hot chilli pepper 100 g of fresh pods are boiled in 1 liter of water, allowed to brew for 2 days, and filtered. The resulting concentrated solution is diluted 1:10.

Any solution prepared for the first time must first be tested in a small area to ensure its effectiveness.

You need to use a fine spray to treat the lower part of the leaf blade.

  • Infusions from plants, despite their composition, can:
  • cause a burn on the leaves (if a high concentration of solution is used)
  • pose a danger not only to the pest, but also to the beneficial inhabitants of the garden,

some of them are poisonous to humans. The method that was used by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers is fumigation tobacco smoke . Take a bucket or large tin and light a fire from the twigs. The fire is burning and you need to pour into it tobacco dust

. We place the container so that the white smoke falls on the peppers. We smoke for several hours. When the smoke disappears, the aphids will die.

Aphids can enter a greenhouse in different ways: during ventilation, with contaminated soil, with young plants or cuttings. It develops in an incomplete cycle: the larva is a wingless female, the larva is a wingless female, etc.

It is clear that the seedlings are infected with aphids. Leaves with uneven leaf blades, flaccid. Before planting such seedlings in a greenhouse, you need to carry out treatment and know for sure that there are no pests on them.

Chemicals and folk remedies are the same as those used in the fight against open ground. But prevention will be different:

  • It is advisable to grow onions or garlic around the greenhouse. They contain phytoncides, repelling aphids with their smell.
  • Shelving, inner part greenhouses, work equipment must be periodically treated with caustic soda or bleach. The first treatment must be done before planting the seedlings.
  • In order for the peppers to be strong, it is important to provide the necessary conditions for them in closed ground.

Remember that aphids do not just suck the juice out of plants, they also transmit various viral and bacterial diseases.

Therefore, along with pests, diseases can also be introduced. In addition, in a greenhouse, aphids produce a much larger number of generations, since greenhouse conditions are optimal for them. IN autumn period

, after harvesting, it is important to disinfect for the winter. Pest larvae can overwinter in soil and plant debris, so we carry out a set of measures: Types of jobs
Processing process fumigation Use of sulfur smoke bombs
for greenhouses “Peshka”, “FAS”, “Climate”. Colloidal sulfur placed on trays with hot coal will also help. In order for the composition to get into the soil, the greenhouse must be hermetically closed. And, filled with smoke, stand for several hours. sprinkling Freshly slaked or quicklime
need to be spread in a thin layer over the ground. spraying/watering

The soil can be disinfected using potassium permanganate: per m2/10l of disinfectant solution. Treatment is also carried out with phytosporin, Vitavax and Maxim fungicides. Tip #3. The work is carried out late autumn , at t not lower than +10-15C. At low temperatures

the effect of most drugs becomes ineffective. Aphids can settle on any type of pepper. But there are varieties that can withstand pest attacks more steadfastly. Those. they are less susceptible to its effects. This hybrid varieties

, which tolerate the conditions of the middle zone well, and not always favorable weather conditions, and diseases.

Answers to frequently asked questions If pest control is carried out correctly, then will be provided.

Question No. 1. Aphids have tormented my peppers. And I'm tired of buying chemicals to fight it. How to fight?

Use folk remedies with soapy water. It's safer and works better. I use tobacco infusion. When the aphids die, I wash the plants with water.

Question No. 2. Tell me, are aphids dangerous for seedlings?

Aphids love tender shoots and young leaves. In this sense, she will “like” the seedlings much more than an adult plant. And she will destroy her very quickly. At the first sign of a pest, take action immediately.

Question No. 3. Which chemicals are most effective?

I use Confidor extra odorless. It not only destroys pests, but stimulates plant recovery. There wasn’t even a living leaf on the pepper, but now new ones are growing.

Question No. 4. Is it true that aphids are guarded by ants?

Yes, they like the sweet secretions of aphids. I don't fight aphids, but get rid of ants. No ants - no aphids.

Question No. 5. Does the distribution of aphids depend on climate zone?

Yes, optimal conditions for it – t=20-25С and humidity -80%. So it is more common in the southern regions. Accordingly, it gives more generations. And the control measures are more serious.

Aphids attack many plants. This is a dangerous and invisible pest that causes serious damage to agricultural crops. Therefore, at the first signs of damage, take action, otherwise you will have to buy peppers. It's a shame because raising them in middle lane or Siberia is not so simple.

Aphids can appear on pepper at any time during its growing season - both at the seedling stage and on adult plants.

How to deal with this malicious garden pest How to spray peppers so that aphids leave them forever?

Biological preparations for aphids

Many gardeners prefer to use biological products to control pests so as not to harm their health with chemicals. The drug Fitoverm helps against aphids on peppers. Spray your plants according to the instructions and the aphids will disappear. Of course, not forever, but for enough time for the pepper plant to get stronger.

Aphids can greatly harm young peppers, literally ruin them completely, but the damage done to an adult strong plant is less. Although the yield may decrease significantly because of this.

Folk remedies for aphids on peppers

Getting rid of this pest using various infusions, extracts, etc. is much more difficult than using special preparations. You will have to process the plants more than once, so you need to be patient. If the number of aphids on the pepper is critical, that is, the plant has clearly begun to die, then stop all these washings and run to the store for a strong chemical. drug before you lose your plants.

Soap solution for aphids

Most often, a soap solution is used. To prepare the working solution, grate a piece of brown laundry soap and dissolve it in 10 liters of water. You can wash or simply generously spray the affected pepper leaves with this solution. The leaves should be wetted on both sides. Don't forget that the stem must also be processed.

Treatment with aphid ash

Using wood ash to kill aphids on peppers is the second most popular method. To combat aphids, plants are simply dusted with ash, and after rain the procedure is repeated each time, since it is washed off by rain.

You can also spray pepper with an infusion of wood ash in combination with liquid soap, used as an adhesive. To do this, add half a bucket of water liter jar ash and leave for a day.

Fighting aphids with pine extract

You can use pine extract, which is sold ready-made, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, approximately 3 kg of pine needles are filled with water and brought to a boil. Then let it sit for a week, increase the volume of the solution to 10 liters and spray the plants affected by aphids.

The most effective remedy for aphids on peppers

These are, of course, chemicals. If you use them strictly according to the instructions, then there is no harm from them. The main thing is to observe the waiting period, that is, use pepper for food after a certain number of days have passed after treating fruit-bearing plants with the drug.

Such drugs as Actellik, Decis, Karbofos, Itavir, Kinmiks, Keltan, Nurell-D, Neoron, Fufanon, Fitoverm, Fosbecid, Fury have shown themselves to be excellent in the fight against aphids.

How to fight aphids, video

If you were able to get rid of aphids on peppers by any means or methods, please describe them in the comments. Thank you!

Your feedback and additions will help many gardeners defeat this worst pest of garden plants.

Aphids are insects belonging to the Aphidoidea family of the order Hemiptera. There are many varieties of this insect. Scientists number up to 4000 in the world various types aphids. The tender leaves of young peppers often suffer from the invasion of this pest.

Aphids are considered the most dangerous for young plants sucking insects. The pest is small in size (from 2 to 4 mm), but multiplies with enormous speed. The insect has a special proboscis. With its help, he pierces the plant tissue (leaf, stem) and sucks the juice. The pest moves with the help of 6 limbs. Adults come in two types: winged and wingless.

The reproduction process of aphids goes through several stages. You can imagine how fast the pest population is growing, given that one female aphid produces 3 generations of pests with a total number of up to 100 thousand within a month.

Aphid breeding sequence:

  • an adult lays eggs, there can be from 100 to 150 eggs in one batch, the clutch overwinters;
  • with the onset spring warmth Larvae emerge from the eggs, and after a week they turn into sexually mature adults;
  • the adult individual intensively reproduces asexually;
  • winged aphids appear, which can migrate to other plants;
  • In autumn, aphids reproduce sexually by laying eggs.

The most favorable conditions for pest reproduction occur at a temperature of 25-30 °C. When it decreases to 20 °C, the reproduction rate decreases by 2 times. The formation of a sexually mature individual takes not one, but two weeks.

When there are a lot of aphids, they can be easily seen on inside leaves and young shoots. At the initial stage, pepper bushes affected by aphids can be identified by limp leaves and deformed tops of shoots. These symptoms appear because there is a shortage of pepper nutrients.

Larvae and adults suck out the sap, disrupting the adequate nutrition of young seedlings. A clear symptom of the presence of aphids on peppers is the honeydew secreted by insects. She looks like a raid white on leaves and shoots.

Underestimate dangerous pest it is forbidden. It is easy to understand the need to combat aphids, once you learn about the disastrous consequences they cause:

  • the plant weakens due to lack of nutrients;
  • fruits are formed with a delay;
  • leaves fall off;
  • shoots are deformed;
  • infection spreads - sooty fungus;
  • seedlings may die.

In addition to sooty fungus, aphids can carry other infections that are no less dangerous for young pepper seedlings.

Most summer residents grow pepper seedlings in their apartments. Aphids that appear on plants are destroyed using chemicals or traditional methods. In apartment conditions, the use of insecticides is undesirable due to their toxicity, and folk remedies with a high degree of insect infestation have little effect. Therefore, at an early stage it is better to choose a proven folk recipe, and if there are a large number of aphids, use chemicals.

The greatest effect is achieved when using chemicals insecticidal action. The main advantage of an insecticide is the ability to destroy pests in one go. They get rid of adults, eggs, and larvae. The problem is the toxicity of the drugs. When growing seedlings in an apartment, only certain insecticides are allowed to control aphids:

  • Fitoverm;
  • Aktofit.

Fitoverm is a biological preparation that can be used to treat pepper seedlings in an apartment. The drug is packaged in ampoules (2, 4, 5 ml) or bottles from 10 to 400 ml. After treatment, the aphids die within 5-7 days.

The destruction mechanism is simple:

  • the insect eats leaves treated with the drug;
  • once it enters the pest’s stomach, Fitoverm begins to act;
  • the insect experiences paralysis.

For pepper seedlings, others vegetable crops The solution is prepared according to the instructions. A 2 ml ampoule is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Each leaf is sprayed with liquid on both sides.

Aktofit is made from plant components and can be used indoors. Aktofit is part of the group biological drugs paralytic action. The active substance does not accumulate in the soil, as it has a short decay period.

When processing seedlings, melation, an active substance, covers the surface of the plant and is contained in the air for some time, this enhances the toxic effect. The drug retains its protective effect for 5 days. The aphid dies within 2-3 days.

In addition to these two drugs, you can use quickly decomposing agents against aphids in your apartment:

  • Agravertine;
  • Intavir;
  • Karbofos.

Treatment with insecticide should be carried out in the bathroom; it is safe for health, as it is easier to clean.

Over time, folk remedies for insect control are gaining popularity. The fear of nitrates has turned into a real phobia. For 100% of those who are against chemistry, we offer wide choose recipes for aphids on peppers.

Main active substances folk recipes include:

  • soda;
  • ash;
  • laundry soap;
  • ammonia;
  • mustard powder.

We are trying to clean the pepper using a soda solution, which we prepare in the following sequence:

  • take 1 tbsp. l baking soda;
  • grate (with a knife) laundry soap, 30 g is enough;
  • Mix all ingredients in 1 liter of warm water.

Pour the solution into a sprayer, spray each leaf, the soap-soda film should cover the entire plant.

Preparing to fight aphids ash solution: sift 2 cups of ash, pour it into a 4-5 liter container, pour in 3 liters of water. The infusion should stand for at least a day. For better adhesion of the product to the leaves, pour in 100 ml of soap solution right before use.

To make it easier to dissolve the crushed laundry soap, use only warm water (100 ml). Infusion of ash can be sprayed not only on the leaves, but also on the soil around the pepper seedlings. Wood ash contains up to 14% potassium and a number of microelements, so treatment with a soap-ash solution will not only save you from aphids, but will also serve as a complete foliar feeding.

Every summer resident should have a bar of 72% laundry soap on hand. This is an excellent natural antiseptic that can destroy many pests. Prepare a soap solution as soon as you notice the first pests on pepper seedlings.

Boil 1 liter of water, grate 10 g of soap and dissolve the shavings in boiling water. After the soap solution has cooled, treat the pepper bushes affected by aphids. Additionally, spray the ground around the seedling. Some gardeners prefer to wash the leaves with this solution instead of spraying.

Ammonia is sold in pharmacies; it is a pungent-smelling ammonia solution. The smell of ammonia brings people to their senses, but has a paralyzing effect on insects. Paralysis respiratory system leads to the death of aphids.

Prepare a killer solution for aphids from 10 liters of water, 2 tbsp. l ammonia, 1 tbsp. l dish soap. IN ammonia contains nitrogen, and in a form that is easily absorbed by plants. Treating pepper seedlings with ammonia provides double benefits: they kill insects and provide nitrogen fertilization.

Use folk recipes, if you want to kill aphids safely. Treatment alone won't do the job. Spraying must be repeated at least 4 times, maintaining an interval of 7 days.

The most effective remedy in the fight against aphids is its prevention. This will take time, but the future harvest will be worth it. There is an established set of rules that every experienced gardener adheres to. Prevention begins with initial stage– preparing the soil for seedlings. Exist different ways soil disinfection:

  • warming up (freezing);
  • treatment with manganese solution;
  • treatment with garlic infusion.

Second important point prevention - treatment of pepper seeds before planting. The cleanliness of containers for sowing seeds is also important, so boxes and cups should be washed clean.

There is no need to place bouquets of flowers in the room where the pepper seedlings are located. They can be a source of aphid infestation. Newly purchased potted flowers should be quarantined and should not be brought into the area where the pepper seedlings are located. Feed pepper seedlings with fertilizers and treat them with Epin to strengthen the immune system. Aphids cause less damage to strong seedlings than to weakened ones.

How to get rid of aphids on pepper seedlings: video

Inspect your pepper seedlings every time you water them. When you notice the first symptoms of infection, wash all the leaves of the affected plant. Sprinkle the ground with ash and isolate the plant from the rest of the seedlings. After taking the first measures, decide on a method of struggle. Any measures taken on time and carried out according to plan will give a good result.

These are oval-shaped insects, no more than 2 mm in size, mostly green, but can also be red. This aphid lives on the underside of a leaf or on a stem. At favorable conditions aphids reproduce quickly. And then it can be seen on the outside of the plant leaf.

  • Greenhouse.

    It is found mainly in greenhouses and greenhouses. Individuals of this species are very large, ranging in size from 1.7 to 3.6 mm. Mostly it is green, less often with a stripe of this color throughout the body.

  • Nightshade - or potato aphid.

    The size of the largest reaches 3-4 mm. The most common color is light green.

  • You can find out more about the types of aphids and how to fight them in.


    Aphids can completely destroy a plant. These insects can cause harm in two ways:

    In general, honeydew is harmless for pepper bushes, but its accumulation in large volumes leads to a number of unfavorable aspects:

    • Pad– extremely sticky, a large amount of it, covering the entire sheet, leads to the accumulation of dust on it.
    • Black mold formation– the reason for this is the excessive sweetness of honeydew. Formation of black mold in combination with big amount dust on the leaves leads to a lack of sunlight, and a decrease in photosynthetic productivity.

    The damage is caused by the saliva of aphids, which contains toxic substances that damage the leaves of the plant. It may also contain various viruses that plants transmit to each other. And in this case, not only the pepper, but all the plants growing nearby can suffer.
    More details about what aphids feed in nature can be found in.

    Where and why does it appear?

    Aphids overwinter in the ground or in last year's autumn leaves. If aphids damaged peppers last gardening season, you should not plant them in the same place this year, as there is a high risk of infecting new plants. Insect eggs overwinter in leaves or under tree bark.

    As the weather gets warmer, females are born first, which will then give rise to a whole colony of aphids. Ants play a major role in the appearance of aphids. Since not all aphids have wings to move, ants help them. In return they receive food - honeydew.

    Important! This symbiosis allows some to be constantly full, while others expand their habitat.

    The main reason for the appearance of aphids on pepper seedlings is that young shoots are very attractive to pests, they are juicy and rich in nutritional components.

    How to fight?

    As soon as they were discovered the first symptoms of a plant infestation by aphids:

    • curled and dried leaves;
    • shiny and sticky leaves from isolated honeydew;
    • Eggs and adult aphids are found on the back of the leaf.

    Once they are discovered, You can fight in three ways:

    Learn more about how to get rid of insects forever garden plot, you can find out.

    Traditional methods at home

    Advice! You can add soap to almost every solution before spraying (it is recommended in the following proportion: 40 ml of soap or shampoo per 10 liters of water).

    You can find out more about the most effective folk remedies against aphids.

    Chemical and biological agents

    Insecticidal chemicals may only be used in open spaces. Keltan and Karbofos are products that have proven themselves in the fight against aphids.

    The solution is prepared simply: 1 liter. water 1 tablespoon powder. Such products can only be used before flowering and fruiting.

    Another product Fufanon is an insectoacaricide high efficiency. Fights not only aphids, but also other pests. Aktellik – characteristic feature– breadth of application: from fruit growing to field cultivation. The desired effect after treatment is achieved almost instantly. The essence of biological protection is to attract as many “enemies of aphids” to the site as possible.

    It has been scientifically proven that these pests are afraid of:

    • ladybugs and their larvae (you can find out more about ladybugs and how to attract them);
    • predatory bugs;
    • lacewing;
    • ground beetles and wasps.

    It will be a plus if the following fly on the site:

    • sparrows;
    • tits;
    • wrens;
    • linnet;
    • kinglet

    You can read more about helpers in the fight against aphids.
    To attract these necessary protectors, it is necessary to grow dill, parsley, cloves, carrots and nettles on the site. The drug Fitoverm can also be used as a biological protection - it has acaricidal, insecticidal and nematicidal effects. Does not pollute environment, will quickly disintegrate in water and soil.

    Preventive measures

    You can avoid plant infestation by aphids if you preventive actions:

    - a very harmful phenomenon that can leave the gardener without a harvest. If, as a precaution, you treat the pepper from harmful insects several times during the season, correctly arrange the beds on the site and attract birds and insects with fragrant herbs, then by the end summer season you can reap an excellent harvest, including peppers.

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    The question of how to deal with aphids on pepper seedlings worries many gardeners. The fact is that the juicy shoots of this vegetable are a favorite treat for aphids.

    Let's try to figure out how to save peppers from extinction if aphids appear in the garden, without disturbing the balance of the ecosystem of your garden or greenhouse.

    How to determine the presence of aphids on plants

    You need to carefully examine the leaves on the pepper seedlings. Aphids on peppers in a greenhouse or in a vegetable garden reveal themselves by characteristic signs:

    • The leaves on the shoots began to curl and dry out. This is an indication that the emerging aphid is drinking the sap of the plant;
    • whitish streaks of honeydew, secreted by aphids, appear on the leaves;
    • the pepper is covered with thick sticky mucus, which glistens when exposed to sunlight;
    • if you bend the edge of the affected leaf and look at it reverse side, there you can see adult insects and their egg laying.

    After it has become obvious that there are aphids on pepper seedlings, you need to choose the most appropriate method of combating it.

    Mechanical impact

    The easiest way to control aphid populations is to manually remove the insects from affected leaves. You can use a stream of cold water for this purpose. It is also advisable to remove leaves affected by aphids.

    Important! Aphid eggs can remain preserved in the soil for up to two years.

    Biological effects

    The pest has many natural enemies, both among birds and insects. You can take advantage of this by attracting them to your site using bait. The following predators will help destroy aphids.

    Among the birds that destroy aphids are tits, wrens, warblers, linnets, wrens and sparrows. In order for them to visit your garden more often, you need to place feeders, water bowls and bird houses in close proximity to the pepper seedlings.

    Insects that most effectively fight aphids are chafers, wasps, ladybugs, predatory bugs, ground beetles, and lacewings. In order for them to appear in the garden, you need to plant plants in the garden that give off a spicy smell. Such plants include parsley, dill, cloves, nettles, and carrots.

    Regulating the pest population through biological action makes it possible to control aphids on peppers both in the garden and in the greenhouse. However, for this mechanism to start working, you need to spend a lot of time on preparation. Therefore, it is necessary to plan its implementation long before the pepper is planted in the ground, otherwise the aphids will have time to destroy the crops with complete impunity before fruiting begins. In addition, this method only works on open ground; greenhouse crops do not allow its use.

    Important! Effective way Bioinsecticides are used to control aphids.

    Use of chemicals

    To get rid of aphids, you can use any drugs that contain a neonicotinoid, pyrethroid or organophosphorus compound. Before using the product, it is important to carefully read the instructions. The fact is that the substances are toxic to humans, and if they are used to fight aphids on peppers in a greenhouse, this requires the mandatory use of a respirator. The following classification of remedies for aphids on pepper seedlings is currently accepted.

    Artificial drugs account for a large assortment funds from various manufacturers. Something new is constantly appearing on the market. They represent radical way fight against garden fauna can kill all living things on the site. If used excessively, chemicals can both get rid of aphids and poison the soil. Once they enter the plant's circulatory system, they can make the crop unsuitable for consumption and sale.

    How else to treat peppers against aphids so as not to harm the plants? A compromise option is bioinsecticides. They are less aggressive towards external environment, are based on natural components that can protect plants that have been attacked by aphids. Fitoverm can be considered the most famous representative. At correct use it allows you to grow the healthiest and most healthy peppers on your site. However, the same precautions should be taken during pollination as with artificial chemicals.

    Although chemicals They effectively fight aphids; they must be used alternately. Insects quickly adapt and develop immunity to them. It is advisable to process the seedlings in dry and windless weather in the evening. This process needs to be repeated every 10-14 days.

    Folk remedies to combat aphids

    Gardeners have empirically identified many ways to protect seedlings attacked by aphids. To do this, improvised means are used to combat aphids on peppers in a greenhouse. Their advantage is the low cost of the components and the ease of preparing the composition at home. In addition, these methods are safe for the soil and plants. The most popular folk remedies for aphids include the following varieties.

    Garlic solution is prepared by mixing pureed garlic with water. Use a glass of garlic per bucket of liquid. The resulting mixture should be applied to bell pepper. You can also use garlic instead green onions. The unpleasant bitter smell of garlic forces aphids to leave the plant alone, since the components in its composition are toxic to it. The composition must be renewed regularly after rain.

    A soap solution allows you to get rid of aphids on peppers, creating protective layer over the entire pollinated surface. To prepare it, you need to take one piece of laundry soap and dissolve it in a bucket of water. Then treat the pepper shoots with the resulting mixture. It is also possible to use hydrogen peroxide. This protective layer needs to be renewed regularly, as it is washed off by rain.

    Preventive methods of control

    Once your garden is infested with aphids, it will be difficult to remove. Therefore, it is much easier to take measures in advance to protect your greenhouse with seedlings than to later try to save a dying crop. Get rid of aphids before planting seedlings using the following tips.

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