Fun outdoor games for kids for an outdoor summer party. Outdoor games for children

Every mother wants to see her baby smart and successful person. However, this requires a lot of effort. And you need to start working with the baby from the very early years. An excellent element of teaching and raising a child is outdoor games. fresh air. I would like to talk about this in this article.

For the youngest (2-3 year olds)

One should not think that a child who has only recently learned to walk does not need a wide variety of games. Quite the contrary, the more the baby plays, the sooner he will develop not only mentally, but also physically. The first block of games provided below is intended for children one and a half to three years old.

Hen and chicks

When considering outdoor games in the fresh air, you should definitely pay attention to a rather simple but interesting game for two-year-old children, which is called “Hen and Chicks.” To organize it you will need one adult and several children (from two kids or more). An adult (mother chicken) stands in the center of the area or circle and begins to call the baby chickens:

Where, where, where, where,

All the chickens, all here!

Come under my wing quickly!

Where has everyone gone?!

Under these words, the kids should run to their mother chicken. You can continue playing like this until the kids get tired of it. For more interest, you can put pre-prepared masks on the children and the mother chicken.

Scarf and ball

What other outdoor games are there for two-year-olds? So, for the next game you will need some props: a ball and a fairly large scarf. The mother places the ball on the scarf and lifts it together with the child (the mother holds two corners and the baby holds two corners). Next, you need to shake the handkerchief so that the ball jumps as high as possible. The baby's task is to run after the ball and bring it back. You can play until the little one gets bored.

Round dance

We next consider outdoor games. A child’s 3 years is a time when the baby already understands everything and happily plays everything that is offered to him. And it’s worth saying that at this age children really enjoy various group fun activities. Why not have a round dance with the guys? To do this, all the children and the adult leader take their hands and begin to walk in a circle. At the same time, the presenter says:

We walk, we walk, we dance in a circle

For once: sit down

On two: stood up

On three: bent over

On four: turned

At five: let's go single file

At six: become a circle

At seven we will meow

At eight o'clock we'll crow

At nine: let's run

At ten: let's lie down!

If it's summer, on the count of ten, children can simply sit or fall on the grass. The counting table can be changed at your discretion. The main thing is that the children repeat what the presenter says.

Baby crocodile

What other outdoor games will appeal to the youngest children? So, you can play “Children’s Crocodile”. To do this, the adult must ask the kids simple riddles, and the children must show the answer. Example: mustache-striped, meows, loves fish (cat). The child should say “meow” and perhaps show some kind of cat-like movement. And so on. By the way, it will be more interesting if an adult chooses riddles in rhymed form; kids really like rhymes.

For children of middle kindergarten age

The older the child gets, the more complex games he will be interested in. A 4-year-old child will no longer be particularly interested in running under the mother hen’s wing. In this case, outdoor games for children will be somewhat different than those listed above.


This is quite an exciting game that is suitable for 4-5 year olds. To do this, you need to choose a leader from the crowd of children (who, however, will change periodically). The leader stands in front of the entire group of children. His task is to transfer the kids from one swamp to another. To do this, the child will jump. However, each jump must be different from the previous one. First, you can jump with your hands on your belt, then keep your hands along your body. The third time - touching your hands to the floor. And so on, as far as the child’s imagination goes. The children must follow all the movements after the leader. When the toads get to another swamp, everyone must say “Kwa-kwa” together. Now the leader changes, and the children return back in the same way. The leader becomes the one who, in the opinion of the teacher or adult observer, performed the movements best.

Ball games

When choosing outdoor games for children, it is worth remembering that some of them will require props. Now I would like to tell you what games you can play with a four-year-old child if you have a ball:

  1. For accuracy. A box is placed a couple of meters away from the child, into which the child must hit the ball. If a child gets in, he needs to be encouraged. If not, punish (for example, force him to sit down a couple of times). You can play as a couple with a child, or with a crowd of kids who will simply take turns throwing a ball into a box, competing with each other.
  2. Edible - inedible. You need to stand opposite the baby and, throwing him a ball, name the object. If it is edible, the baby should catch the ball. If it's inedible, cut it off.
  3. Football. You can even play together with your child, simply passing the ball to each other. Children really like it, the game can drag on for a long time.


What are the outdoor games in kindergarten? So, why not play a sports competition? Moreover, organizing them is quite simple. To do this, you need to draw a straight line on the asphalt with chalk. Children must jump along it in one direction on one leg, and back on the other. The winner is the one who never puts his raised foot on the asphalt.


What other outdoor games are there? The baby is 4 years old - this is the time when the child is already sufficiently developed for various physical activity. Well, it’s no secret to anyone that at this age kids love to run. A great game for them called “Kwach”. You need to choose one child who will catch up with the rest. When the leader catches up with a certain kid, he must touch him and say: “You are a kvach!”, which means that the leader has changed. You can play like this almost endlessly until the kids themselves get tired of it.

Games for older kindergarten age

With age, children's outdoor games become more complex. And for 5-6 year olds they will be even more difficult than for children of the previous age period. However, at this age you can already play almost anything with kids: children are well prepared physically, and their mental development allows them to fulfill the conditions of almost any outdoor game.

"Two Frosts"

Children love all seasons equally. Therefore, it’s good to play so-called winter outdoor games with them in the summer (i.e., those games where you can remember winter). For this fun you need to choose two hosts: Frost - the Red Nose, and Frost - the Blue Nose. They stand in the center of the site. The goal of the other children is to run from one side to the other without the Frosts touching them. Anyone touched by Frost remains in place and is considered frozen. In this case, the child should spread his arms to prevent other children from running over to the other side. You can play until an hour until there is only one player left, who will be considered the winner.


When looking at outdoor games for children, why not remember such fun as “Stream”. To do this, the children are divided into pairs. Couples should stand behind each other, holding hands and raising them up. A corridor is formed along which the leader will run. His goal: to take the hand of a friend he likes and stand with him at the beginning of the stream. Now the freed player becomes the leader. The game can continue for so long until the kids get bored.

Marine figure

What outdoor games can you play in kindergarten? So, why not play Sea Piece? To do this, a presenter is selected who will pronounce the following words to the crowd of children:

The sea is agitated - time!

The sea is worried - two!

The sea is worried - three!

Marine figure, freeze in place!

At the same time, all children should freeze in the form of sea inhabitants: animal plants. Whoever laughs at this is eliminated from the game. If desired, the phrase “sea figure” can be changed to the phrase “forest figure”, etc.

Hide and seek

What kind of games are there on the street (active, fun)? Why not play the familiar hide-and-seek game around? Moreover, children really like this fun. Everything is simple here: the presenter closes his eyes, recites a certain counting rhyme (for example: 1-2-3-4-5, I’m going to look! Whoever didn’t hide is not my fault!). At this time, all the children are hiding. Whoever the presenter found last won.

Magic word

What kind of outdoor games can you come up with in a group? Why not play magic word? To do this, the children stand in a circle, and the leader is in the center. He must give commands to the players. For example: “Everyone stood on one leg!” or “everyone closed their eyes!” If the leader says the magic word “please”, this command must be carried out. If the magic word does not follow, there is no need to execute the command. Those who still listened to the presenter, without hearing the magic word, are eliminated from the game.

"Little Red Riding Hood, White Feather"

Why not remember children's outdoor games that have existed for a long time? So, at all times, children loved to play “Little Red Riding Hood, White Feather.” For this game, children are divided into two identical teams. Each team lines up and uses their hands to form a strong chain. Now the captain must shout to the opposing team: “Little red riding hood, white feather! I call (child’s name) and no one else!” In this case, the goal of the called player is to break the chain from the hands of the enemy team with a running start. If this is successful, he takes one person to his team. If not, the losing team loses its turn. The group of children with the most children at the end of the game wins.


What other outdoor games are there? Children can play Colors. To do this, you need to choose one leader. He will have to say the following phrase: “Everyone must touch the yellow color!” In this case, the children must touch the yellow object that is nearby. It could be a decorated wheel on the playground, a friend’s jacket, a flower. Those who fail to complete the task are eliminated. Next, the presenter names the next color. The game continues until all the colors are gone.

Caught a fish

We look further at outdoor games (5 years old children). Kids can play a game called “Catch a Fish.” Three players join hands, forming a net. Their goal: to catch fish (other players) in a net. The caught fish becomes part of the net and helps to catch the rest. And so on until the last player.

Broken phone

Very fun game for children - a damaged phone. The kids stand in a row. The first of them whispers a certain word in the ear of the nearest player. He then relays what he heard. The result that the last player will give will be very interesting. It is unlikely to coincide with the word that the first player whispered into the ear of his neighbor.

Day Night

We next consider children's outdoor games (6 years old children). At this age you can play the game “Day-Night”. For this purpose, a leader is selected - Owl. All the other kids are field mice. When the teacher says “Day,” the children run and frolic. When the word “Night” is pronounced, the kids should freeze in one place. This is where the Owl (who sleeps during the day) comes into play. Her goal: to walk between the players and see who laughs or moves. The person found is eliminated from the game and is located next to the Owl's nest. It’s interesting, but behind the Owl’s back, when she can’t see, the kids like to deliberately move and even make faces.

Catch and guess

This is a very interesting outdoor game for kids. Here you need to choose one driver who needs to be blindfolded. Its goal is to catch the player and guess by feeling who he caught. If the driver guesses correctly, he is replaced by the caught person. If not, the game continues.

Snow fight

This is a fun outdoor game that can be played in a kindergarten group. To do this, you must first prepare snowballs from paper. The more there are, the better. Next, the children are divided into two teams. The teacher gives the command: “Fight!” At this time, the kids must throw the clods to the side where the other team is located. Those with fewer snow balls win.


For this game you need to choose one driver, who stands in the center of the circle formed by other players. Necessary equipment: jump rope. The leader squats and begins to spin the rope in a circle near the floor. Players must jump over it. Whoever gets caught is out of the game. Each round increases in complexity: the height of the skipping rope rotated by the leader increases.

- has long been a well-known amusement for children. All folk traditional games can be divided into two groups: 1) winter Games- games indoors, in a hut, 2) spring and summer games- outdoor games. All these games belong to the group of games with rules. And they are very important for the child’s health and for his preparation for school. After all, it is in playing with rules that a child learns to control his behavior, to be guided by rules in his activities, and this is the development of arbitrariness of behavior - the most important condition

success in school.

Outdoor games: playing with children while walking

Outdoor games: ball games.

I know.

This outdoor game develops children's memory and attention. You can even play it together - a mother and one child.

Game option No. 1.

We hit the ball, bouncing it off the ground or off the asphalt. For each blow we pronounce a new name, repeating the previous one. For example:

I know one girl Alena.

I know two girls - Alena and Olya.

I know three girls - Alena, Olya and Vera.

I know four girls - Alena, Olya, Vera, Sveta...

The main thing is not to lose count and repeat the entire sequence correctly, without confusing the names in their order.

If a player goes down, he passes the ball to the next player. If you can never get lost, then he is a winner!

Similarly, you can call trees, cities, flowers, vegetables, fruits, minerals and any other names.

Game option No. 2.

This version of the game is much more difficult, as it requires switching attention. And you also need to not lose count and repeat the names in the chosen sequence.

Two parallel rows of names are lined up. For example.

I know one girl Alena. I know one boy, Petya.

I know two girls - Alena and Olya. I know two boys - Petya and Vova.

I know three girls - Alena, Olya and Vera. I know three boys -

Petya, Vova and Yura.

I know four girls - Alena, Olya, Vera and Masha. I know four boys - Petya, Vova, Yura and Seryozha and so on.

Such games are very useful for developing a child’s memory and attention, preparing him for school, and developing the ability to quickly switch and concentrate.

Big ball.

To play you need a ball big size, which can be kicked. All players face in a circle and join hands. The driver stands in the center of the circle and tries to roll the ball out of the circle with his feet. The players don't let him do it. If one of the players misses the ball, he becomes the driver. But the second round of the game goes differently. The players now stand facing out of the circle and join hands. The driver's task is to roll the ball back into the circle. If this is successful, then the player who missed the ball becomes the driver.

Again, the children stand facing in a circle and the game is repeated.

The rule of the game is that the ball cannot be picked up, you can only roll it with your feet.

This game can even be played by three people. Then a couple of players stand facing the driver and form a hoop. Their task is not to let the ball into the goal, that is, among themselves.

Ball up

  1. Everyone stands in a circle. The driver throws the ball up with the words: “Ball up!” (in some versions of this game, fictitious words are pronounced that do not exist in the Russian language; such a word - a signal - can be invented together with the children and shouted out in this game). At this time, all players run away from the driver as far as possible.
  2. The driver catches his ball and shouts at this time: “Stop.” All players who have run away must stop and freeze in place.
  3. The driver’s task is to throw the ball and hit or stain one of the players with it. If he managed to stain a player, then this player becomes the driver in the next game. If it was not possible to stain the player, then the same driver will have to drive again.

Rules of the game:

  1. The driver throws the ball up as high as possible.
  2. The driver catches the ball either from the air or from one bounce from the ground.
  3. If the player does not stop at the “Stop” signal, then he needs to take three large steps towards the driver.
  4. Players should not hide behind objects or trees.

Outdoor games: play on the swing.

Game "Popinukha" with a patchwork ball.

Previously, on Easter days they made large swings that could accommodate many people, and not only children, but also adults swung on such swings.

Now in our yards the swings are designed for only one child. What to do if there are many people who want to swing on a swing and an eternal dispute arises: who is first? The traditional “give way to the little one” or “give way to the girl” is usually perceived with resentment: “Why should I give in again, because I also really want to swing, even though I’m a boy and only a year older.” Of course, you can choose the order according to a counting rhyme or lot, so that no one is offended.

But there is another way - very fun and interesting. This is a traditional Russian swing game “Popinukha” - a fun game so that no one stays too long on the swing and everyone can ride on it. In the past, both children and teenagers played this game. The game develops coordination of movements and dexterity, ingenuity, and the ability to observe. After all, to win, you need to predict the trajectory of the ball and throw it correctly to the leader. Here's how to play this game outdoors.

What do you need to play on a swing?

Previously, girls used to sew a special ball for this game - “popinhuha” with a diameter of up to 20 cm. The ball was stuffed with rags, tow, sawdust and decorated with ribbons and braid. Instead of a ball, they used a bunch of straw, a mitten, an old bast shoe or another object that was at hand.

Nowadays, the easiest way to make a kick ball is from an unnecessary sock or colored children's tights.

1.Cut off the “pipe”. Tighten the hole on one side with a strong thread.

2.Fill the resulting “bag” with padding polyester or rags (old unnecessary things, cut into small pieces). Women's nylon tights that have gone out of use are also suitable as stuffing - the ball will be elastic.

You can sew it differently: make a bag out of bright colored cotton fabric, fill it with rags and tie it. It will also turn out to be a kick. You can use an out-of-use mitten, stuffing it with rags and decorating it with buttons and bows. Look at what other items you have, they will all be suitable for becoming a booty in this game.

A sounding object was always placed in the middle of the popinukh ball. These days it could be a rustling flower package or a bell. You can fill a plastic Kinder Surprise box with peas. Or into shells walnut put small peas. IN folk tradition A birch bark tube with peas inside was placed inside the popinukha.

How to play "popinhuha"

Game option No. 1.

  1. One child is swinging on a swing (we choose him based on the counting rhyme). Other children stand facing the swing. The person swinging on the swing sings 1-2 verses of the song (this is agreed upon in advance).
  2. The players take turns throwing a kick ball to the person sitting on the swing (they throw the kick ball at the feet of the child swinging on the swing so that he can hit the ball, that is, kick it). To make the kick stronger, it is better to throw the ball when the swing is moving towards the thrower.
  3. After the kick, all players rush to catch the kick ball. The goal is to catch the ball before it hits the ground.
  4. If the player managed to catch the ball, then he sits on the swing instead of the previous child and swings on it. He begins to sing his 1-2 verses, then they throw a slap at him, he pushes it away from him, and so on as the game progresses.
  5. If the person swinging on the swing could not hit the ball from his knees or feet, he leaves the swing. Then the child who threw the ball sits on the swing.
  6. If the person swinging on the swing hits the ball, but the players do not catch it, then he remains swinging on the swing.

Game option No. 2.

  1. One child sits on the swing (we will choose him according to the counting rhyme). All other children who also want to ride on the swing stand near the swing facing the swinging child.
  2. A child swinging on a swing sings a song (they agree in advance how many verses he will sing). You can recite poetry, sing ditties, or count to 20 - any task will do. You will find several swing ditties for this game below.
  3. After listening to the end of the ditties (song, poem, counting, etc.), the players take turns throwing the pop-ball to the person sitting on the swing. If a child swinging on a swing was able to catch the ball, then he remains swinging. If not, then he gives way to the player who threw the kick.

Poems for swing games

Swing choruses - “profits” for playing on a swing

Swing ditties

Outdoor games: outdoor games with a group of children.


This is a round dance game. All children stand in a circle. And Zarya the Zaryanitsa stands behind the circle and holds a handkerchief in her hands. The round dance goes in one direction in a circle, and Zarya Zaryanitsa goes in the other direction around the round dance.

Children sing or say:

"Zarya-Zaryanitsa" – to these words the round dance and Zaryanitsa move in a circle in different directions.
Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
The rings are entwined.”

"One two Three,
Don't be a crow!
And run like fire!”

At these words, Zaryanitsa and the child, who had a scarf placed on his shoulder, run in different directions around the round dance and run around a full circle. Whoever runs around the round dance faster and stands in it, taking a place, will play in the round dance. The one who did not have time becomes Zaryanitsa and the game continues.


How to play burners:

Children stand in pairs, one after another, in a column. In front of this column, the driver, the “burner,” stands facing the children.

The children chant the words:

"Burn, burn clearly,
So that it doesn't go out!
Stay at your hem
Look at the field.
The trumpeters are going there
Yes, they eat rolls.
Look at the sky:
The stars are burning
The cranes shout:
- Gu-gu, I'll run away,
One, two,
Don't be a crow
And run like fire!”

On those last words children from the last pair in the column unclasp their hands and run forward along the column to its beginning. Each player runs from his side. And the burner is trying to stain them.

If the players managed to run and stand as the first pair in the column, then the burner turns on again and “burns.” If the burner stains a player, then that player becomes a burner in the next game and the game is repeated.


Children have been playing this game outdoors for many decades and centuries in different regions of Russia - Vyatka, Tobolsk, Astrakhan, Vladimir. It is also known that children played this game in Europe. For example, in France it existed under the name “Four Corners”, and the driver in France, instead of a mouse, was called “gap” or “potty”.

They used to play this game in the log house. Then - in my childhood - we also played this game, and we came up with it ourselves, but instead of a log house we used a square sandbox with sides in our yard. Instead of a log house or sandbox, you can simply draw a square with a side of about 2.5 meters on the ground or asphalt.

How to play corners?

You can play with 5 people or more. Four people stand in the corners, and the fifth player is the mouse. The mouse stands in the center of the square.

The mouse says: “From corner to corner!”

At these words, the children change places. You need to run across and take a place in another corner. The mouse also tries to occupy the vacant corner. Whoever is left without a corner becomes a mouse, stands in the middle of the sandbox or square and leads in a new game.

In another version of the game, it is not the mouse who speaks the words, but the players who speak to the mouse:

"Mouse, mouse,
Sell ​​the corner.
For the awl, for the soap,
For a white towel, for a mirror!

and change places.


This wonderful and very interesting folk ancient game in the fresh air is often used in modern psychological trainings for children and adults. It is very useful for bringing people together, removing barriers, and bringing a joyful mood. This game can be played indoors, in a gazebo, on the veranda, at a birthday party, with guests, in the park or in the forest, in the country house or in the yard. Moreover, everyone plays this game together - adults and children.

How to play confusion.

Mother and daughter are selected from the players. Mom leaves. All players join hands with each other in a circle. My daughter is confusing this round dance - you can crawl under your arm like a gate, step over your arms, turn around. The main condition is to do this without releasing your hands. When the players are completely confused with each other, they call their mother: “ Mom, unravel the thread!Just don’t tear it!”

Mom tries to unravel the confusion and return everyone in the circle to their place. The rule is the same - players should not release their hands when untangling.

If the mother has untangled the confusion, then a new mother and daughter are chosen. If not, then mom plays another game.

If there are few participants in the game, then you can get entangled using a rope.


Playing in the fresh air, which liberates children, teaches them to focus on communication partners, to convey different actions and emotional states of people with gestures.

The leader and players are selected.

Presenter: “Ding-ding-ding!”
Players: “Who’s there?”
Presenter: “Mail!”
Players: “Where from?”
Presenter: “From the city.”
Players: “What are they doing there?”
The presenter here in response comes up with whatever he wants and says one thing he came up with - “they laugh (or sing, repair, bake pies, pick mushrooms, grieve, rejoice, admire, wonder, sew, knit, and so on). And everyone does this movement. Whoever hesitated or did not make a movement together with everyone (for example, did not want to) - we take a forfeit from him (this can be a small thing or a leaf, a pebble, a stick).

They win back forfeits after the game like this:

The player who needs to win back the forfeit stands in the middle of all the other players. He becomes a mirror. All players come up to him, “look in the mirror” and do whatever they want: comb their hair, braid their hair, straighten their collar, clean their clothes with a brush. And the “mirror” should synchronously repeat the player’s actions.

After winning back the forfeits, the game can be repeated.

These outdoor games can be used both at home and in kindergarten. Have fun playing! Have a sunny, happy summer everyone!

If you have favorite games for a walk, we will be glad if you share them in the comments to the article.

which means children and adults spend more time outside. It's time for interesting outdoor games and games.

You can play in small and big company together with adults.

Outdoor games

Such games teach children:

Manage your behavior (this will be useful for school),

Observe rules of the game,

- be creative, find a way out of the current situation,

Learn to interact with people.

Also, outdoor games develop speed, coordination of movements, dexterity, dexterity and other useful qualities. For children to be able to play, they need an adult to organize the game, explain the rules of the game, and then control the game so that there are no misunderstandings.

It is advisable to carry out outdoor games in the yard, at the dacha or for a walk. Today I will offer you some games that are passed down from generation to generation - tag and blind man's buff.

Tag or tag

This game is very common all over the world. It has different names, but the content remains the same: one or more drivers catch other players and, if caught, change roles with them.

The game is played outdoors, indoors, with children different ages and adults. The number of participants is from 3 to 40. The game does not require leaders or judges.

By lot or by counting (you can choose) the driver is chosen - the “salka”. The boundary of the playing area is conventionally set. everyone scatters within the boundaries of the playing area. The driver says: “I am a tag!” and begins to catch the players. Whomever he catches up and salutes (touches), he becomes a “salka” and says, raising his hand up: “I am a salka!” He begins to catch the players, and the former “tag” runs away with everyone.


1. To catch players means to touch someone with your hand or a certain object (handkerchief, stick), but not to grab the player or drag him.

2. Players can only run within the established boundaries.

3. Anyone who runs out of bounds is considered caught and switches roles with the “tag”.

4. Each new driver must announce this so that the children know who to escape from.

This game can have many varieties.


This ancient game also has many types. Children of different ages play it. The number of participants is from 4 to 20. The essence is the same: the driver with his eyes closed - “blind man’s buff” - must catch other players and guess who he caught.

Blind man's buff with a voice.

All players hold hands and form a circle. The driver stands in the middle of the circle. He is blindfolded. You can give a stick to your hands.

All players move in a circle in one direction until the driver says: “Stop!” Everyone stops, and the driver extends his hand forward. It must be taken on by the player to whom it is directed. The driver asks for a vote. The player calls the driver by name, can change his voice, it will be funnier. If the driver guessed who called him, then they change places. If he doesn't guess correctly, he continues to drive.


2. If the driver does not guess correctly three times, he is replaced by another player.


This one is interesting old game. It is useful to conduct it when they want to unite children, make friends, remove various barriers, and bring a joyful mood. This game can be played outdoors, in a gazebo, indoors, at a birthday party, with guests. Children can play together with adults, it will be more interesting.

How to play confusion

They choose mother and daughter. Mom leaves. all players join hands in a circle. My daughter is confusing this round dance - you can raise your hands and step over them. cross. The main thing is not to let go. When players get confused. They call mom.

Mom unravels the threads and must return everyone back to the circle. in its place. the rule is the same: players should not let go of their hands. If mom unraveled the threads. another driver is selected.


The players line up at one end of the court. at the other end, with your back to them. becomes the leader. He covers his eyes with his hands and says: “Walk quickly, look, don’t yawn!”

The players' task is to get as close to the leader as possible. After a short time, the presenter says: “Stop!” Players must freeze and stop. The presenter quickly turns around. If he notices that someone did not have time to stop, he sends the player back and then everything repeats again.

The game continues until one of the players approaches the leader and touches him with his hand before he has time to look back. Then everyone runs away, and the leader catches up with them. The one who is caught up becomes the leader.

Jumping Sparrows

A circle is drawn on the floor or on the court of such a size that all the players can fit around its circumference. One of the players is a “cat”. He stands in the center of the circle.

The rest of the players are little sparrows. “They stand behind the circle right at the line. At the leader’s signal, the “sparrows” begin to jump in and out of the circle. and the “cat” tries to catch one of them at the moment when he is inside the circle. The one who is caught becomes a “cat”. and “cat” means “sparrow”. Next, the game repeats.

Two rams

This game can be played in pairs taking turns. Two children, with their legs spread wide apart, tilt their torsos forward and rest their foreheads against each other. Hands clasped behind back. The task is to confront each other without budging for as long as possible. You can make sounds - “Be-be-be.”

Here are some outdoor games that children can play outdoors.

Then I will also offer you games for children.

In the meantime, write down what outdoor games your children like to play. Do you play with them? Do children know how to follow the rules of the game? Do you remember what outdoor games you played as a child?

Waiting for your comments.

If it’s not difficult for you, click on the social buttons. networks. Let your friends read it too.

Summer is a time of non-stop fun. The main advantage of this time of year: in order to have fun, you just need to go outside. We all have a yard or a dacha, but we don’t need more. Here, too, you can have a great time and arrange a real holiday for your and your neighbors’ children. You just need to have a pair of relatively straight hands and a reserve of enthusiasm.

1. Street twister

Cool, right? You yourself determine the size of the playing field and the size of the colored circles depending on the age of the participants. To make it more comfortable for children, the circles can be made smaller. Preparing this is all elementary: the easiest way to draw on asphalt is with colored chalk (in order not to get your hands dirty, just outline the contours of the circles and do not paint them completely). If you're willing to risk your lawn, there are paints available for sale. water based that will be washed away by the rain. It will help to draw circles of the same size cardboard box, in the bottom of which a corresponding hole is cut.

2. Sleight of hand

A step-by-step master class, understandable without translation, will help you prepare everything you need in no time. The rules are simple: players take turns pulling out sticks, trying to do it so that all the balls remain in place. The winner is the one who ends up with the fewest dropped balls. You will find inventory at home or in hardware store, fortunately, all this is cheap. You can take bamboo sticks; they are also often used as a support for flowers.

3. Leaning Tower


Here everything is also clear: we take turns removing the blocks, and whose tower collapses is the loser. Actually, only the blocks are needed for the game. Approximate length - 25 cm, total quantity - 48 pieces. At a hardware store, you buy fairly thick boards, saw them and sand them, and then there are options: you can leave them in their original form, or you can paint them (only the ends, the whole board, or even paint them with patterns).

4. Canvas bouncers

The game requires a steady hand and remarkable accuracy, and all you need to prepare it is a piece of tarpaulin and colored tape. You cut holes of different shapes and sizes in the tarpaulin (the smaller, the more interesting), cover their edges with colored tape and assign each hole its own value in points. The winner is the one who scores the maximum number of points in 10 throws.

5. Throw a ring


Make a ring rack yourself or just use what you have around, even tree branches. Remember: the further away the player is from the goal, the more interesting it is.

6. Downhill Racing

For this game you will need noodles - sticks for swimming and water aerobics. They are sold in sporting goods stores. You buy such a stick and carefully cut it lengthwise. There is no need to completely separate the halves from each other; it is enough for them to open like a book. Then cut longitudinal grooves on each half even more carefully. Mark the start and finish lines with flags - the track is ready! Both toy cars of the appropriate size and just glass balls can ride on it.

7. Treasure Hunt


Unfortunately, today's children spend little time outdoors, but this game will fix that. We are making a list of treasures that players will need to collect. Cones, different types of flowers, leaves, twigs unusual shape, something round, triangular or square, objects red, green or yellow color. We print out these lists and stick them on paper bags, and hand the bags over to the rangers. The first one to collect all the items from the list wins.

8. Accurate throw

Using a drill and screws, attach a couple of buckets different sizes to a long board, and place it vertically (you can simply lean it against the wall). For hitting the ball in each of the buckets, a certain number of points are awarded. The smaller the bucket, the more points.

9. Obstacle course


This is where you can let your imagination run wild! To create a full-fledged obstacle course, you can use anything that comes to hand: old tires, ladders, ropes, buckets... The children have fun, and you relax while you wait for them at the finish line with a stopwatch.

10. Bottle bowling

An excellent game for both children and adults. Required: 10 plastic bottles, paint and tennis ball. Paint the bottles and the ball (so that everything looks just like the real thing), let them dry thoroughly. Then fill the bottles with water - the skittles are ready.

11. Stick to the point

Here you will need noodles again. With their help, children should throw as much as possible balloons in a plastic basket. Simple, but quite fun.

12. Tic-tac-toe


Unlike the usual paper version, street version provides much greater freedom in choosing equipment. You can take large pebbles or wooden blocks and paint them, or you can make do with any available items.

13. Stick Olympics

And again noodles. The main advantage of these things is that you can do whatever you want with them. Whether you bend it or roll it into a ring, they will withstand any handling. For the construction of improvised sports facilities better material can not found.

14. Accurate Throw 2.0

Improved version of the game. We throw the balls into tin cans, which are attached to a branch with a chain. The rules are the same: for getting into each jar a certain number of points are given, whoever scores more is a great guy. The cans sway, so it's not so easy to hit the target.


The usual game becomes much more interesting if the participants stand not on the ground, but on overturned milk crates or tree stumps. Here you need to show not only strength, but also a fair amount of dexterity.

16. Ice riches

In hot weather, this will delight the children. Freeze water with toys and all sorts of small items in a large container. This must be done in layers so that the treasures do not sink to the bottom. Give the kids a hammer and a screwdriver - they'll have something to do in the next half hour.

17. Darts with balloons


The name speaks for itself. Inflate the balloons and attach them to the board with tape or a stapler. There is a lot of noise, but even more fun.

18. Floor games

The rules are the same as in traditional board games, only instead of toy figures there are people, and a larger cube. By the way, it can be made from an ordinary box covered with colored paper. Draw with chalk the path you need to take and put all the necessary marks: one step back, two steps forward, return to the start.

19. Accurate Throw 3.0

Even more difficult, even more interesting. Buckets and cans are being replaced by a stepladder. The rest of the conditions are the same: each step is assigned a value in points, you need to score as many as possible. A ball won't fit here, so sew a small bag and fill it with beans, rice or buckwheat. Even an old sock will do to save time.

20. Playing with light


If it gets dark, this is not a reason to go home. Neon sticks, available in holiday aisles, will help extend the fun. Attach them to the edges of buckets or cans, so you and your children can play even late in the evening.

What do you play with your children in the summer? We are waiting for your stories in the comments.

Yulia Zhurkevich
Card index of outdoor outdoor games


Main activity for children preschool age the game remains, including movable, dynamic, aimed at realizing the motor energy of the growing organism. Games can be used for children's health and educational purposes, as well as for developing communication skills and giving unnecessary mobility the desired direction. In addition, by mastering the rules of the game, children establish practical contacts with peers, which contributes to the development of social behavior and the child’s interaction with the world around him

"We are funny guys"

Target: teach children to act on a signal, run from one side of the playground to the other quickly while dodging. Develop agility, speed, spatial orientation.

Progress of the game:

Children stand on one side of the playground outside the line. On opposite side a second line is also drawn. In the center of the site is the Trap. Players in chorus pronounce:

"We are funny guys,

We love to run and jump,

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three, catch it!”

After the word "catch" the children run to the other side of the playground, and Trap catches them. The one whom the Trap manages to smear before he crosses the line is considered caught, moves aside and misses one run.

Option 2.

Children walk in a circle and recite the text. Trap in the center. They scatter in different ways

types of running.


Target: teach children to run under clasped hands in and out of the circle, without bumping into each other, to act on a signal. Develop agility, speed, spatial orientation.

Progress of the game:

The players are divided into two unequal groups, the smaller one forms a circle - a mousetrap, the rest represent mice and are outside the circle. Children pretending to be a mousetrap, hold hands, walk in a circle and They say:

“Oh, how tired the mice are,

It was just passion that got them divorced.

They gnawed everything, ate everything,

Attacks are coming everywhere.

Beware of the cheat,

We'll get to you.

Let's set up mousetraps,

We’ll catch them all at once!”

At the end of the words, the children stop and raise their clasped hands up. The mice run into the mousetrap and immediately run out the other side. At the teacher's signal "clap!" the children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap is slammed shut. Mice that do not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught, they stand in a circle


Target: teach children to walk and run at a faster and slower pace in a circle in accordance with the text. Develop the ability to move in a circle clockwise and in the opposite direction.

Progress of the game:

Children form a circle, holding the cord with their right hand, and walk in a circle, first slowly, then faster and start running. Movements are performed in accordance with the text spoken text:

"Barely, barely, barely, barely,

the carousels started spinning,

and then around, around,

keep running, running, running!”

after the children run 2-3 laps, the teacher stops them and gives a signal to change the direction of movement. Players turn in a circle and, grabbing the cord with the other hand, continue walking and running. Then the teacher says with the children:

“Hush, hush, don’t rush!

Stop the carousel!

One-two, one-two,

The game is over!”

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down. At the words “The game is over!” the children stop, put the cord on the ground and disperse throughout the playground.

Option 2.

Children hold hands, walk in a circle in one direction, then in the other.

"Traps - dashes"

Target: teach children to run from one side of the playground to the other while dodging, to develop the ability to act on a signal. Develop speed and agility.

Progress of the game:

Children stand behind the line on one side of the playground. A line is also drawn on the second side. There's a Trap on the side. To words teacher: “One, two, three – run!”- the children run to the other side of the playground, and Trap catches them. After 2-3 runs, the trap is chosen from the most dexterous and fastest children who have not been caught.

Option 2.

Children run across different types running.

"Crucian carp and pike"

Target: teach children to walk and run in all directions, when given a signal, to hide behind pebbles, squatting. Develop agility, speed, spatial orientation.

Progress of the game:

One child is chosen as a pike, the rest are divided into two groups. One of them forms a circle - these are pebbles, the other - crucian carp that swim inside the circle. The pike is outside the circle. At the teacher’s signal, the pike quickly runs into the circle, trying to catch the crucian carp. The crucian carp are in a hurry to take a place behind someone playing and sit down on the pebbles. The caught crucian carp go outside the circle and are counted. The game is repeated with another pike.

Option 2

crucian carp swim not only in a circle but also between the stones, the pike is on the side. You can choose two pikes.

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