Autumn care for indoor flowers. Indoor plants care in autumn. What diseases can destroy a flower in the autumn-winter period?

Indoor flowers


08.09.15 18:43

For most plants, autumn is the most difficult, one might say critical, period. Flower growth is gradually slowing down as conditions deteriorate environment. The gradually weakening specimen prepares for a long period of rest. Features of caring for indoor plants in the fall are aimed at preventing the death of the root system and drying out of leaves and stems.

Reducing daylight hours and connecting heating devices- this is a serious stress for any representative of the plant world, so even the strongest specimens gradually begin to wither, frightening their owners.

Features of caring for indoor plants in autumn - optimal conditions


For representatives of the flora, sunbathing is very important, the morning soft sun is especially useful. In this period the best place for the pot - the window sill and the area closest to it. A south-east window is considered ideal; it provides abundant morning lighting and soft daytime diffused light. Eastern and southern window sills are also good, but with northern windowsills, additional artificial light is required. The leaves of the plant should not touch the window panes; this is the surest way to catch a cold.

A decrease in daylight hours is a signal to reduce the frequency and abundance of watering. The water should not be cold, and you should not overuse spraying. When forming on the surface of the soil or edges of the pot white coating, it is necessary to increase the softness of the water by settling it.


Indicators should drop gradually, a big difference between day and night figures is unacceptable. If necessary, you can use cork or foam stands, they will protect root system from hypothermia.


Fresh air is necessary for all living beings, including plants. While airing, the pots should be moved to another room or covered with protective covers.

Features of caring for indoor plants in the fall - simple and accessible tricks:

  • In the autumn, it is advisable to move all the plants to the loggia and arrange a winter garden there. This will provide high-quality and complete care for all green spaces at once, and solve the issue of lighting, fresh air and optimal temperature.
  • If you have to be content with a window sill, you need to choose a surface that completely covers the radiator. If necessary, you can even use covers to protect the pots from dry, hot air.
  • A thick blanket placed over the radiator or a damp towel can also save you from the intense heat of the batteries.
  • It is worth considering that turning on the heating is not a signal to increase watering; quite the contrary, such a step can delay the onset of the rest stage.
  • Dry air must be humidified. For this purpose, the already mentioned wet towels or wide trays with wet peat or water are used.
  • Plants can be grouped into one big pot. In a team, it is easier for them to survive difficult conditions.

Do you want to have a beautiful home garden? Have you studied a lot of literature, recommendations and rules about the proper care and maintenance of indoor plants? Even novice florists know that during the growing season it is necessary to feed houseplants. What to do in winter time year when most of flowers are in a dormant stage, stopping in growth and development? Do indoor plants need to be fertilized in winter? You will find the answer to this question in this article.

Is it possible to fertilize plants in winter?

Do I need to feed indoor plants in winter? The opinions of experts are polar. Some florists strongly recommend stopping feeding the flowers completely and letting them rest, while others advise periodically fertilizing. What to do? What decision will be correct?

According to the opinions of most experts in the field of home floriculture, the issue of feeding indoor plants in winter should be decided individually. Those flowers that are in the dormant stage do not need additional nutrients Oh. Let's look at the example of the indoor lily. In the winter season, the flower rests and recovers. Its upper part is cut off, and the pot with the onion is placed in a dark place. Accordingly, during this period the lily does not need fertilizer.

However, there are many domestic flowers that do not stop growing and developing in winter, but, on the contrary, delight with beautiful flowering and luscious foliage. These are Violet, Azalea, Decembrist, Spathiphyllum, Orchid, Anthurium, etc. Such flowers must be fed periodically, while the frequency of procedures and the amount of fertilizer applied are set individually for each individual plant species and variety.

What can you feed

Is it possible to fertilize indoor flowers in winter? This issue has been resolved. Yes, you can. And another dilemma immediately arises: how to feed indoor plants in the home garden? What will be useful for flowers, and what is better to refuse?

The first rule: avoid growth-stimulating drugs. The second rule: you need to significantly reduce the amount and frequency of fertilizer application. And the third rule: you must first water the flowers, otherwise you can burn the root system of the plant.

Specialized stores sell universal nutritional complexes used to nourish flowers at home. If you don’t like combined mixtures, then you can choose a certain type of fertilizer (in particular, for citrus fruits, for violets, for orchids, for rhododendrons, etc.).

If you still don’t know how to feed your home flowers in winter, use proven traditional methods. Feed the plants in indoor garden Can:

  • infusion of citrus peels or pomegranate seeds (1 liter of warm water per 100 grams of orange peels or pomegranate seeds) – once every 14 days;
  • diluted aloe juice (1.5 liters of water will require 1 teaspoon of juice) – once a month;
  • water from an aquarium, where there is a lot of vermicompost;
  • sugar water (dissolve 1 tablespoon of sugar in 0.5 liters of water).

You can also feed indoor flowers in winter with an infusion of tea leaves or coffee grounds; water that remains after washing the cereals; diluted and low-concentrated chicken manure.

The main rules of winter feeding

  • flowers that are dormant in winter do not need to be fed with mineral or organic substances;
  • the amount of fertilizer applied and the frequency of application must be calculated specifically for each individual type and variety of indoor plants;
  • Due to the fact that in winter the daylight hours are short, and the process of photosynthesis slows down significantly, frequent flower feeding will not be necessary. It will be enough to apply fertilizer once a month so that the plants feel comfortable and have the strength to grow. further growth and development;
  • nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are necessary elements for the full development of a flower garden at home. Nitrogen has a beneficial effect on the growth and improvement of the condition of leaf mass, phosphorus promotes abundant flowering, and potassium protects against stress.

Video “Natural fertilizers for indoor flowers”

From this video you will learn about what natural fertilizers You can fertilize indoor flowers.

Indoor plants always bring joy, peace and comfort to any person’s home. In order for flowers to be healthy and beautiful, they must be looked after. The main component of care is timely and proper feeding fertilizers. In response to these actions, the flowers generously reward their owner with rapid growth and abundant flowering.

Since the feeding area of ​​indoor plants is limited by the boundaries of the pot, they need fertilizers like no other. Without them, flowers quickly deplete the soil and take all the beneficial substances from the soil, as a result there is nothing left for further good growth.

Today there are a huge variety of fertilizers for indoor plants, each of which has specific benefits for flowers.

Organic fertilizers

Organic include everything that is created by nature itself.

These include:

  • Manure
  • humus
  • mullein
  • bird droppings
  • animal urine
  • compost and other plant and animal residues

All organic supplements provide great benefits. They contain all the necessary substances for nutrition and healthy growth.

Without organic fertilizers, minerals cannot be absorbed independently. Therefore, they should always be combined together.


This is one of the most popular types of mineral or, as they are also called, “chemical” fertilizers. They contain such important substances as ammonium and calcium salts of phosphoric acid.

Phosphorus is needed for proper nutrition of indoor plants, improves metabolic processes, promotes metabolism, reproduction and division. No phosphate fertilizers the process of photosynthesis cannot occur. Phosphorus is of particular importance for fruits and flowers.

In addition, phosphorus helps the development of the root system, increases resistance to harsh weather conditions and diseases.

Ready-made phosphorus fertilizer


When it is not possible to buy specialized complex fertilizers, despite the fact that their effectiveness may have questionable results, flower growers come to the aid of natural ones that can be prepared at home using improvised means.

In addition to the fact that such additives do not carry material costs, they have proven themselves well, and their positive effect has been tested for years.

Natural fertilizers can be made from a wide variety of products and means, for example, food and its waste, remnants of processed raw materials. Various decoctions from vegetables and herbs, fruits serve to improve immunity, growth and strengthening of flowers.


Experienced gardeners often use sugar as a top dressing. For example, cacti and ficus simply need sugar and glucose, which is obtained as a result of the breakdown of sugar.

Glucose helps form complex molecules that serve as building blocks for plants, and it also serves as a source of energy.

To feed green plants with sugar, you can dilute it in water and pour sweet water over them or sprinkle granules on the ground and then water them. This procedure should be carried out once a month.

Sugar serves as a source of energy


Medicines can also be used as fertilizer. For example, a solution of one aspirin tablet and one liter of settled water is used as a leaf spray.

This helps boost immunity.

Aspirin solution improves plant immunity


As a rule, vitamins are store-bought drugs that have chemical composition. There are different types of vitamins, each of which is aimed at solving specific problems or providing complex general health benefits.

These include nitrogen-containing fertilizers needed for the growth and development of greenery, potassium– for budding, fruits and increasing immunity. Phosphate– promote reproduction, metabolic processes and strengthening.

The use of all vitamins must be strictly according to the instructions so as not to harm the flowers.

Nitrogen-containing fertilizer for the development of greenery

Spilled coffee

Dry coffee is considered a good supplement. And the most important thing is that you don’t need to prepare it, just take the remnants of the processed drink and mix them with the soil.

Method will increase soil acidity, will make it loose and saturate it with oxygen.

Drunk coffee increases soil acidity

Citrus and other fruits

Zest of tangerines, oranges and lemons serves as an excellent fertilizer. To do this, fruit skins are poured with boiling water and left for 24 hours. The resulting solution is used to water the flowers.

It improves immunity and promotes rapid growth. The same can be done with any fruit skins.

A decoction of citrus peel promotes plant growth


Ash contains a lot useful elements, such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and sulfur. Therefore, it is rightfully considered one of the best.

Ash is mixed with soil or dissolved in water for irrigation.

Ash contains many useful elements


To stimulate plant growth, it is necessary to use yeast fertilizers. Contains hormones and vitamins help tissue regeneration and cell division.

To prepare it yourself, mix 10 grams of yeast with a spoonful of sugar and a liter of water.

Yeast solution stimulates plant growth

Onion cocktail

Onion peel solution can accelerate and improve growth any plant.

It’s very easy to prepare your own fertilizer. The husk is poured with boiling water and left for several hours. After this, the soil is sprayed with it.

Onion cocktail improves growth


This is a universal fertilizer that is used for households and gardens. It can be dissolved in water and used to moisten the soil or used in its pure form by dismounting with the soil.

Vegetable decoctions

Decoctions in which vegetables, such as potatoes or carrots, were boiled can be used for flowers. In them contains sugar which is useful for them.

Any vegetable broth should be diluted with water before watering the bushes with it.

Aquarium water

Aquarium water with particles of decay products from fish is a good replacement for store-bought fertilizers. It contains many substances useful for growth, it soft and has a neutral pH balance.

The optimal time for application is the stage of active growth, for most plants this is spring.

Aquarium water contains substances beneficial for growth

succinic acid

The substance resulting from the processing of amber is called succinic acid and can be used as a fertilizer. The acid contains substances beneficial for growth and immunity. You can buy the product at the pharmacy.

You can use succinic acid no more than once a year.

Succinic acid strengthens plant immunity


Crushed eggshells help strengthen your green friend. The resulting powder is mixed with soil or infused in water for several days, and then watered over the flowers.

Eggshells help strengthen the plant

Banana peel

In banana peel a lot of magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Flowers need these substances for proper and high-quality growth. An infusion is made from the skins and then used for irrigation.

Infusion banana peel needed for quality growth


If the plant is weak and looks untidy, you can place a clove of garlic in the soil. Within a few days the flower will improve its appearance.

A clove of garlic can improve the appearance of a flower

Aloe juice

Aloe and its juice are used not only for medicinal purposes, but also as fertilizer.

To prepare the fertilizer, dilute a spoonful of juice with a liter of water. The product is universal and acts to improve the condition of plants in general.

Aloe juice has a restorative effect

Tea brewing

The leftover tea leaves have a great effect on the appearance and enrich the soil with useful substances needed for flowers. Tea leaves poured on top of the soil and left to rot.

Tea brewing enriches the soil

Fertilizer for flowers

When caring for home flowers, do not forget about fertilizing. They must be applied only to healthy plants during the growth period.

Any flower reacts positively for such procedures. Unlike vegetable crops, for example, additives can be applied more frequently and in greater amounts. The focus of flower fertilizers is more varied than for others.

If vegetables are fertilized only to produce a richer harvest, then indoor plants are fed to improve their appearance, to help them bloom, develop greenery, brighter color and for other decorative purposes.

How to water flowers for rapid growth and abundant flowering

Any flower in an apartment exists for decoration, and only then to purify the air. To ensure that the decorative effect of the flower is at its best, plants grew quickly and bloomed a lot, use the following fertilizers:

  1. Nitrogen
  2. phosphorus
  3. organic
  4. vitamins for growth

Fertilizers are also necessary for beautiful flowering and growth.

How to fertilize in the fall

The period in autumn is very important for plants, many of them go into a dormant state at this time and their further growth depends on how they survive this time.

To prepare and strengthen them before winter, you need organic fertilizers, For example, manure, humus and ash.

What to feed in winter and is it worth doing?

Since many plants go dormant in winter, there is no need to fertilize them at all.

But there are plants that remain active throughout the year. They need this time nitrogen fertilizers, as well as vitamin complexes for immunity.

Folk remedies

Since ancient times, people have learned to use folk remedies for fertilizing plants. For example, using the usual garlic can improve the appearance of the plant, and eggshell strengthens stems and roots.

Various vegetable decoctions will help growth, and the ash left over from the fire will improve immunity.

DIY supplements

If you don’t have store-bought ones and if you want to make them yourself, you can help the flowers using such means as:

  1. Prepare a decoction of vegetables
  2. Use crushed eggshells
  3. Fertilize with tea leaves or sleeping coffee
  4. Strengthen with Aloe juice or a solution of aspirin and sugar

Thus, almost everything necessary flowers fertilizers you can cook it yourself.

When plants need feeding

Indoor flowers themselves give signals to their owner about the lack of fertilizer.

These “calls for help” include the following symptoms:

  1. Yellowed or fallen leaves
  2. Spots on the trunk and leaves
  3. Stopping growth
  4. No flowering
  5. Thin stem
  6. Pale plant color
  7. Frequent flower diseases

In addition to these phenomena, one should not forget that All plants need fertilizing during the period of active growth- it's spring and summer period.

Yellowed plant leaves indicate a lack of fertilizer.

Basic rules for fertilizing indoor flowers

Any gardener must learn the rules:

  1. Do not fertilize flowers in the dormant stage
  2. The less light, the less fertilizer consumption
  3. Do not fertilize unrooted flowers
  4. Use additives only based on their purpose
  5. How younger plant, the weaker the feeding
  6. Do not apply to dry soil
  7. Consider the composition of fertilizers depending on growth stage

If you apply fertilizers correctly in accordance with their purpose, the plant will always reward you with splendor of shape and bright, generous flowering.

Good afternoon friends!

What to do to get our favorite flowers on the windowsills all year round were they green, beautiful, in full bloom?

And the secret to a luxurious indoor flower garden is banally simple: the plants need to be well fed. You and I eat three times a day, so flowers need a varied diet.

Moreover, you can use homemade fertilizers for indoor flowers, which every housewife has, and it is not at all necessary to buy them in the store.

When and how to fertilize

First you need to understand the general rules of how and when to apply flower food.

When to feed plants

If your plant has become elongated, the stems have become thin, if growth has stopped or slowed down, the leaves have turned pale, light spots have appeared on them, the plant refuses to bloom, then most likely it does not have enough nutrition.

But there is no need to bring the flowers to such a terrible state; they need to be fed regularly.

Already in March, when the sun begins to peep through the windows more and more often and the flowers begin to grow, you should start feeding them once every two weeks. And continue feeding in this mode until October.

Fertilizing is applied both during growth and during flowering.

From October to February, plants usually enter a dormant period; they, like bears, go into hibernation and do not need additional nutrition. The exception is those that bloom in winter. Winter-flowering ones can be fed occasionally, but not more than once a month.

Although specialist flower growers still do not recommend doing this in the dark season from November to December.

How to apply fertilizer correctly

Important! Under no circumstances should fertilizing be applied to dry soil, as this can harm the plant and burn its roots.

First, we water the flowers, and after they have quenched their thirst (the day after watering), we feed them.

Flower food is applied both dry and diluted in water.

Dry products are scattered over the surface of the ground, then the soil needs to be loosened and lightly watered.

With fertilizing diluted with water, water the plant around the entire bush, preferably closer to the edge of the pot. There is no need to pour, just a little fertilizer is required. Be sure to use only pre-settled water, and not from the tap, room temperature.

Sometimes fertilizing is also used in the form of spraying.

Fertilizers for indoor flowers from our kitchen

The most varied composition of vitamins and microelements can be found in our kitchen. Homemade remedies are no worse than store-bought fertilizers, and they are completely natural. So don’t rush to throw away onion peels, eggshells, orange and banana peels, coffee grounds.

What fertilizers can be used for indoor flowers and how to prepare them, my further story.


Probably the most famous, popular and effective fertilizer for flowers is yeast. After all, they contain a lot of benefits, including phytohormones, B vitamins that stimulate growth, and others.

Yeast feeding is equivalent to a complete mineral fertilizer.

It has a beneficial effect on the root system, causes increased growth and flowering, and also improves the microflora of the earth. Your flowers will grow by leaps and bounds!


If you have natural pressed yeast, take 10 grams of it, stir it in one liter of warm water, add a tablespoon of sugar.

Dry yeast should be taken 1 gram per liter of water + 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Let this mixture sit for 2-3 hours.

Before applying the fertilizer, it will still need to be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 (1 glass of infusion to 5 glasses of water).

Coffee grounds

Coffee contains a lot of nitrogen, and plants love it, especially after winter. And this land home remedy makes it loose and soft.

Having prepared and drunk the morning drink, we dry the remaining coffee grounds and collect them in a jar; in a few days, a fairly decent mass will be collected, which will be enough for all your flowers.

We distribute a couple of teaspoons of dry grounds along the edges of the pot, loosen, and water. It's simple!

Tea brewing

We apply dry tea leaves into the ground as in the previous recipe, this will be fertilizer for home flowers.

Or you can simply water the plants with unfinished tea, even sweet tea. Ferns especially like to drink tea.

But do not overdo it and use this fertilizer rarely, because black flies also love it.


Feeding indoor flowers with sugar gives them energy, so sweet water is respected by almost all plants, and cacti most of all.

Dissolve one tablespoon of sugar in a liter of water and pour over the flowers.

Onion peel

Onion peels are useful to us not only for coloring eggs, but also as a wonderful flower food!

We will need to prepare a decoction.

Place a good handful of husks in a saucepan, pour two liters into it hot water and cook for 5 minutes over low heat.

After the broth has stood for a couple of hours, it should be filtered and used for spraying or watering flowers.

This decoction does not last long, so throw away any leftovers immediately. And the procedure can be repeated in a month.


Egg shells are rich in calcium, which our pets also need.

Therefore, we also do not throw away the shells from peeled boiled eggs (you can also use raw ones), we collect them, dry them, grind them in a mortar, masher or other in a convenient way. Preferably very finely, into crumbs and even dust.

Crushed shells can be used to feed plants in dry form, sprinkled on the surface of the ground and buried.

Or you can infuse them in water (a teaspoon of crushed shells per liter of water) and use them for watering.

Sometimes when planting plants, a handful of shells are poured onto the bottom, which will nourish and enrich the soil for a long time.


Banana dressing is prepared simply: a whole peeled banana needs to be thoroughly mashed, poured with a glass of water and mixed until it becomes a homogeneous mushy mass. We feed our plants with this mixture directly from a spoon.

But we ourselves love to eat bananas; we often use banana peels for feeding.

How to cook

  1. We collect the banana peels and dry them.
  2. Finely chop with a knife and grind into powder in a blender.
  3. Fill any jar to half its capacity.
  4. Fill with hot boiled water to the top.
  5. Close the lid and leave to brew for a day.
  6. We filter.
  7. Add water to the jar until it is full.
  8. We water our plants.


A good fertilizer for indoor flowers can also be obtained from dried citrus peels. Prepare and use it in the same way as banana peel.


If you have aloe growing at home, you can use it itself to feed flowers, or rather the juice from aloe. It stimulates plant growth well.

Cut the leaves, grind them in a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. For 1.5 liters of water you need 1 teaspoon.

Pharmacy flower food

Products from our home medicine cabinet are also perfect for feeding.


Plants respond very well to spraying with aspirin: crush 1 tablet and dissolve in a liter of water.

Vitamin B12

As I already said, vitamin B is needed for growth, dissolve 1 ampoule in a liter of water and water the flowers. Violets like this feeding.

Castor oil

I always have a bottle of castor oil at home. I make face and nail masks with it, use it for burns and all sorts of ailments.

Beautiful while tying buds flowering plants You can feed with castor oil solution: 1 teaspoon per liter of water.


This is a good nitrogenous fertilizer, it is very easily absorbed by the plant.

Just as ammonia affects plants on humans: it invigorates, restores strength, revitalizes.

After watering with a solution of ammonia (1 tablespoon per liter), the plant will turn green within three days, budding begins, and the solution also disinfects and kills various fungi in the soil.


Helps to recover, actively grow and bloom luxuriantly.

Honestly, I don’t know if other plants are fed with iodine; this fertilizer is usually used to care for geraniums.

To prepare, stir 1 drop of iodine in a liter of water. Water very carefully along the edge of the pot so that the roots do not get burned. You can pour no more than 50 ml of product into one pot.

Hydrogen peroxide

My favorite remedy is hydrogen peroxide. It not only saves me from the flu, but also helps plants come to life right before my eyes.

Peroxide has an oxidizing effect, antiseptic properties, heals not only the leaves, but also the soil, protects against pests, and is a good disease prevention.

This remedy is a first aid for wilting plants, just like a hot shower.

1 tablespoon is diluted in a liter of water and the leaves of the plants are sprayed once a week, but only for those who love spraying. Other flowers can be watered with this composition.

Tatyana will tell you in detail very interestingly about peroxide as a good flower food in her video.

Let's summarize. As you can see, there are many available funds, which can be used as homemade fertilizer for indoor flowers. It's better to alternate them. If you bought bananas, make a top dressing from their peels, bake pies - set aside some yeast for your pets, and pour some sweet water or spray with peroxide - it’s much easier.

Let your favorite flowers bring joy and thank you for your work!

For those who prefer to watch and listen:

Interesting and useful publications about flowers and for flowers:

  • How to decorate a flower pot: 25 decor ideas with photos and video master classes
  • How to keep a bouquet of flowers in a vase longer
  • Why don't cacti bloom?
  • Why do spathiphyllum leaves dry or turn yellow?
  • What flowers should you keep at home?
  • Home flower Gloxinia. Planting and care

Indoor plants delight all household members throughout the spring and summer. However, like many other crops, with the onset of cold weather they fall into a kind of hibernation and often shed their leaves. This leads many novice gardeners to the question of whether it is necessary to feed indoor flowers in winter. If yes, then with what? This is a completely natural question.

In fact, first of all, it all depends on the specific plant. If it really does hibernate, then in this case it is better not to disturb it or wake it up. However, there are many varieties of flowers that continue to function in winter, just not as actively as before. Such crops require additional microelements.

However, before deciding what fertilizer to feed indoor flowers in winter, it is worth clarifying a few nuances. Firstly, in the cold season you should not overdo it with additives. If the plant receives too many nutrients, it can destroy it. Therefore, the amount of fertilizing must be correctly calculated based on the characteristics of a particular crop.

Secondly, you need to understand that in winter the duration of daylight hours is reduced. In this regard, the processes of photosynthesis are much slower, so it is quite normal that the foliage of plants becomes paler and more lethargic. This does not mean that the flower is sorely lacking in nutritional supplements. At this time, it is enough to add nutritional supplements once every 30 days.

Whether it is necessary to feed indoor flowers in winter can be determined based on the condition of the plant. Let's consider the recommendations of experts.

When does a plant need fertilizer?

Indoor flowers usually signal themselves that they lack nutritional supplements. It is enough to pay attention to some symptoms. First of all, sharply yellowed or fallen leaves should alert you. However, in this case it is worth making sure that this is not a sign of hibernation. If this happens to a plant that blooms all year round, then this is a very alarming signal.

The appearance of dark spots on the foliage and trunk of flowers should also be confusing. If the plant has stopped blooming and has stopped growing, then this is also a symptom that the crop needs feeding. In addition, you need to take into account that the stems of the flowers must be strong. If the plant cannot stand on its own and has to be tied up, then it is quite possible that we are talking about a lack of nutritional supplements. Let's consider the nuances of their introduction.

Features of winter feeding

During this period of time, plants most need:

  • Phosphorus. This component is recommended for use by those who are wondering what to feed indoor flowers in winter to make them bloom. Phosphorus in fertilizers will help you enjoy beautiful buds for a longer period.
  • Potassium. This substance will help restore the bright color of flowers and protect plants from stress.
  • Nitrogen. This component is necessary if the plant has too little foliage.

You can purchase fertilizers that already contain all these substances at any specialized store. However, in addition to the main components, such formulations often also contain synthetic additives. In this case, it is much cheaper and more useful to fertilize yourself.

Orange and lemon peels

The vitamins contained in these citrus fruits are beneficial not only to humans, but also to plants. Therefore, when deciding what to feed indoor flowers in winter, you should definitely pay attention to them. The fact is that the bark of these citrus fruits contains vitamins that increase the immunity of the crop. Therefore, after eating an orange, you should not throw away its bark, but fill it with 1 liter of warm water. This tincture is prepared very quickly - 1 day. After this, the resulting liquid must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10, so as not to burn the delicate root system. Next, citrus water is added to the soil.

Azaleas, hydrangeas and rapeseed especially like this type of feeding.


This plant is used not only for treatment at home, but also by those who know how to feed indoor flowers in winter. To prepare a nutrient mixture, just mix 1 tablespoon of aloe juice and 1 liter of warm water and apply the liquid to the soil. Thanks to the juice of this amazing plant, the flowers will become stronger. In addition, aloe has excellent disinfecting properties, so pests will disturb the flowers less.

This feeding is universal. It is suitable for any type of plant.


Ficus and cacti especially like sugar fertilizers. This is explained by the fact that during the breakdown of the sweet additive, glucose is formed. Any experienced gardener knows how these crops react well to this substance. However, other plants can be fertilized using this simple component. Glucose takes part in the formation of complex molecules necessary for plants to grow and obtain more energy. By and large, this component provokes and accelerates the growth of new cellular material, due to which the flowers become healthier and fresher.

Therefore, when deciding what to feed indoor flowers in winter, it is worth diluting one teaspoon of sugar in a liter of heated water. You can fertilize plants with this liquid once a month. Or you can simply sprinkle a little sugar on the soil in the pots.

However, don't get carried away. Too much sugar is harmful not only to humans, but also to any other living organism.


Is it possible to feed indoor flowers with vitamin supplements in winter? Yes, you can, but only after studying the instructions in detail. The fact is that most formulations contain aggressive chemicals that are used to obtain a quick effect. If you use such additives in winter, the plant may not be able to process them. Therefore, vitamins must be added with caution. In this case, it is worth giving 2 times less volume of the recommended supplement. The instructions usually indicate the period when the flowers are in the active stage. If we are talking about the cold season, then the plant needs significantly less vitamins.

When deciding how to feed indoor flowers in winter, preference should be given to natural compositions.

Chicken droppings

This fertilizer contains everything necessary for the growth and health of flowers, including vitamins and beneficial microelements. However, you should also be careful when using chicken manure. To prepare a nutritional supplement, just dilute 1 teaspoon of litter in a bucket of water. It is much more convenient to pre-prepare the concentrate by mixing the fertilizer with 1 liter of water, and only then pour it into a container with the rest of the liquid.

Also, don’t forget about lighting for plants. After all, in winter they desperately need sunlight. Therefore, at this time of year it is better to move flower pots closer to the windows. Or you can use additional lighting by installing fluorescent lamps for your favorite colors.


In addition, you need to take into account that in the cold season, flowers need to be watered much less often. Since all processes in plants occur more slowly, they do not feed as actively when compared with the spring or summer. It is best not to add water directly to the ground, but to pour it into the bowl in which the pot stands. Then the flower will decide for itself how much moisture it needs to absorb.

Indoor plants that bloom in late autumn and winter help lift your mood, vitality and distract you from gloomy thoughts. Our brain reacts to the appearance bright colors"stress resistance"

During the summer months we have become accustomed to long daylight hours and bright colors outside the window. With the onset of autumn, the colors of the nature around us gradually fade and turn into black and white tones. The exception is coniferous trees. All this affects the mental state and health of people. Doctors advise taking vitamins, banishing sad thoughts, moving, smiling and doing what you love. Psychologists clarify: a person needs to have bright color spots in his field of vision. It is at this time that indoor plants blooming in late autumn and winter come to the aid of people.

Phalaenopsis or butterfly orchid

Persian cyclamen, or dryweed

The Persian cyclamen (druka) is in bloom for many plant lovers. We are interested in its ability to decorate our lives in the autumn-winter period. In order for the flowering to be abundant and long, it is better to place the pot with cyclamen on a cool windowsill (10 - 17? C) with diffused sunlight. Dry air is eliminated by spraying (fine as fog) and moistened moss or peat in the pan. Water with soft water, always at the edge of the pot, so as not to soak the leaves and tuber.

"Decembrist" (Zygocactus truncated, Schlumbergera)

"Decembrist" (Zygocactus truncated, Schlumbergera) blooms en masse in November - January. Two waves of flowering are often observed. All this time, the “Decembrist” is watered without waterlogging. Feed (you can do without it) only with highly diluted fertilizers for cacti and other succulents. In summer, it is useful to move the plant to an open balcony or veranda. My “Decembrists” feel great and bloom profusely. Old overgrown ones are in large pots, young ones are in hanging planters on an insulated loggia. This plant grows well in the kitchen. You just need to water it moderately.

Indoor jasmine

Indoor jasmine, or rather its flowers, exude a wonderful aroma. Flexible stems are better attached to the support. It can be made from wire bent into the shape of a hoop. Or "eight". You can tie the shoots to a high “ladder”. Only young plants are allowed to have hanging shoots. Indoor jasmine (polyanthus and sambac) blooms beautifully in living spaces without requiring special care. You just need to remember to regularly water it with soft water without chlorine, since drying out the earthen coma leads to shedding of the buds. However, excess water and frequent fertilizing (especially nitrogenous fertilizers) promote rapid growth, but not flowering. After the jasmine has faded, the branches are shortened. Watering is reduced. In summer, the pot with the plant is taken out onto the balcony or into the garden. At the beginning of autumn, the heat-loving plant is returned to the house. For him, the air temperature below +15? C is already cool. This plant is also afraid of drafts.

Clivia cinnabar

Previously it was one of the most common plants. It was sold in every flower shop. But times have changed - tastes have changed. Clivia is becoming not only a rare, but also quite expensive plant. This indoor flower- long-lived. In some houses there are old plants forty or more years old. They have so many flower stalks that it is difficult to count them. If we want to see clivia flowers in November - March, then we need it to stand in the “cold” first at an air temperature of plus 8 - 12 C. As soon as the flower arrow appears, the pot is moved to a room with room temperature. The leaves of the plant can get burned from the burning rays of the sun. There is no need for excess nitrogen-containing fertilizers; excessive soil moisture is dangerous. Clivias live better in clay pots.

In addition to these popular plants that bloom in the darkest time of the year, it is worth paying attention to the shade-tolerant and moisture-loving calla lilies, capsicums, solanum(“Cuban cherry”) and saintpaulia. My collection of Saintpaulias began in late autumn.

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When the greenery of summer fades outside the window, the sky becomes more and more gloomy and the rains add gloom, it is so pleasant to be in a house filled with the living joy of indoor plants. Plus, it's not that troublesome.

Green oasis – the soul of the interior

Indoor plants have always brightened people's lives. And this human need to see green branches and colorful buds in your home is quite understandable. Plants delight our eyes with their vibrant and rich colors, reminding us of the lush splendor of spring, the warm comfort of summer and everything that we associate with life. And, of course, their presence in the house brings optimism to our lives.

Indoor plants give us so many positive things that long ago we could classify them as mandatory elements interior They give us aesthetic pleasure, have a beneficial effect on our mood, and increase vitality. By caring for plants, we again get closer to nature, which is behind concrete walls cities are so far away from us. During the day, in the light, plants release oxygen, naturally ozonizing our home. And indoor plants are excellent natural air humidifiers (imagine how much moisture evaporates from the entire area of ​​their leaves). Indoor plants also naturally ozone and moisturize the air, and fight air pollution from various harmful impurities. They secrete special substances - phytoncides, which are destructive to pathogenic microbes. Many plants not only have a pleasant aroma, but also one that has a beneficial effect on the respiratory, nervous system, helps improve metabolism, increases our body's resistance to infections.

But in order for indoor plants to bring you all this joy and benefit, you must provide them with the only thing - proper care throughout the year.

P signs of autumn

Autumn is a transitional period in the life of indoor plants, and therefore critical. This is the time of end of growth and transition to a state of autumn-winter dormancy. Conditions for plant life in September are still satisfactory, but we still need to understand that they are constantly getting worse, which means we need to help the plants adapt.

What changes in the surrounding world should be taken into account when caring for plants?

The nights are getting cooler, the days are getting shorter (which means the amount of sunlight is decreasing). The turning point of this month is September 23, the day of the autumnal equinox. September is the beginning of autumn leaf fall for some indoor plants, which is a completely natural phenomenon. And here’s what’s also important: in September, houses often have to turn on heating devices, which leads to a sharp change in conditions for indoor plants, because this fundamentally changes the microclimate in the room.

General Features autumn care

Many houseplants naturally go into hibernation. But there are also those who need to be artificially put to rest. To do this, usually in the fall they reduce watering of plants, spray them less often, and stop feeding them. But the beginning of autumn, of course, can be different. And, if September turned out to be sunny, and seems to be a continuation of summer, then we can assume that the plants still receive quite enough light and can go into a dormant state a little later. And then, especially if these are flowering plants, they continue to be watered abundantly and fed (about once a week). But in cold, damp September it is recommended to water indoor plants even less often than in winter.

You need to carefully monitor the surface of the soil in pots. And if moss forms on it, it must be removed immediately. For preventive purposes, to prevent these phenomena, it is recommended to systematically loosen upper layer soil in pots with a special wooden fork. To prevent any soil saprophytic pests (saricides, fruit flies, springtails, woodlice) from infesting the pots, it is useful to replace the top layer of soil with a layer of thoroughly washed and calcined fine-grained white-yellow sand.

A soil irrigation procedure is also indicated for your plants, which will also prevent the appearance of a surface earth lump and maintain its moderately moist state.

Care must be taken to ensure that indoor plants are not located near heating devices, which create a state of constant stress for plants - temperature changes and dry air. But even after the plants are properly placed, the air in the room where the heaters operate needs forced humidification.
For these purposes, you can put cuvettes with water on the batteries, turn on the fountain and regularly spray the space near the plant.

For good maintenance of indoor plants, the premises need to be regularly ventilated. But taking into account the fact that it is getting cooler outside, they do this carefully and with a sense of proportion: in warm, non-rainy periods of the day and strictly dosed in time.

Each plant has its own care

In addition to compliance general rules caring for indoor plants, we must not forget about some of the nuances that are characteristic of individual species.

cacti During this period it is necessary to water very moderately - no more than 1-2 times a month. The criterion for watering is that the soil does not dry out completely, but is slightly moist. Cacti should stand in a bright place, albeit a cool one - hardening will not harm them, but a lack of light is detrimental to them. In cloudy weather, cacti must be illuminated with fluorescent lamps, especially if they are blooming.

Very large plants go into the so-called “semi-resting” state, so they require a sufficient supply of nutrients during rest. It is recommended to feed them with fertilizer, in which potassium predominates. There is also a special fertilizer “Effect-autumn” for them.

Flowering plants (camellias, azaleas, fuchsias, jasmine sambuc, begonias, primroses) pour boiled water at room temperature. 1-2 times a month they are fed with a solution of the Planta-effect mineral fertilizer. During the day they need to be artificially illuminated for 10-12 hours.

Hydrangeas, fuchsias, roses, agapanthus, laurel, citrus fruits require comparatively cold wintering and peace - until spring it would be good to move them to the coolest place in the room, for example balcony door. It is enough to water them once a month, but until the entire pot is completely saturated with water.

Requires separate consideration bulbous plants. September-October is a period of intensive care for them. First of all, you need to know that bulbous plants are divided into 2 groups, and the care procedure depends on which group they belong to.
1. Bulbous, shedding leaves during dormancy (amaryllis belladonna, hippeastrum, sprekelia, caladium, lachenalia, nerina). From September, their watering is gradually stopped, and when the leaves turn yellow, the pots are transferred to a cool and dark place, and after that the soil is only barely moistened once every 2-3 weeks. Late autumn the leaves will fall off.
2. Bulbous, not shedding leaves (crinum, eucharis, veltelmia). They bloom in September, so they require normal watering and fertilizing. And they are sent “on vacation” somewhere in October.

After the summer dormant period they begin to actively grow calla lilies, so they need to be watered abundantly (there should always be water in the pan) and fed with organic mineral fertilizer. The same applies to cyclamens and such exotic, but now popular plants as e Uharis, Wallots, Odontollosum major(one of the best indoor orchids).

Looking for replenishment

If you want to add new plants to your green oasis, September is not too late to do so. But before you go shopping, as experienced amateur flower growers recommend, try to answer 5 important questions:
1. Do I want the plant to remain ornamental throughout the year?
2. How much time and skill do I have?
3. How much money do I want to spend?
4. What size and type of plant do I need?
5. What conditions will the plant be in?

Also, take note that there are plants with very powerful energy. These include: bamboo, chlorophytum crested, ivy, butterfly orchid, citrus fruits (lemon or orange), dracaena, fern, hibiscus (rose). It is very prudent to replenish your home with such plants in the fall, because autumn makes many people feel blues, melancholy, and depression, and these plants will be both prevention and protection for you.

Green is considered the most favorable color for home interior. And if it is also created by nature itself, this is complete harmony. And even though we can't stop the shift seasons outside, but it is within our power to create eternal spring in our home.

Valentina Maidurova 12/26/2014 | 1443

With the arrival of autumn, it is time to prepare most indoor flowers for the dormant period. These preliminary works, of course, can take a lot of time, but as a result they will make caring for indoor pets easier in the autumn-winter period.

My indoor flower garden resembles a world map. Here in front of me Europe: cyclamen and hyacinth are plants that are already asking to rest. Near Africa with his medicinal aloe, air-purifying chlorophytum, hardy dracaena and asparagus, beautiful clivia, pelargonium, balsam. On another windowsill Asia: unsurpassed evergreen begonia and primrose are blooming, an aspidistra is hiding in a dark corner, a ficus is pulling shoots towards the light, a climbing rose is hanging from a pot. America represented by cacti, fuchsia, tradescantia. Noteworthy is also Cordyline from Australia. Plants from hot deserts, humid subtropics and dry tropics need to be prepared for the winter conditions of our south and mid-latitudes.

For the summer period, some indoor plants were taken out to the balcony, to the garden, where they were in pots or planted in the soil (coleus, pelargonium, begonia, hydrangea and others). With the onset of cold autumn weather, before bringing them into warm rooms, it is necessary to carry out the following preparatory work.

  • Transfer the plants to a place protected from rain for 2 weeks to allow the soil ball in the pots to dry out.
  • Carefully check the flowers for diseases and pests. In diseased plants, cut off damaged shoots and leaves and treat with one of the anti-disease medications. All medications should be used only according to the recommended dosages indicated on the label or instructions. The best drugs, acting on several diseases at once, are Bona-forte, Alirin-B, Gamair. Other recommended fungicides can be used.
  • Treat all plants for the purpose of prevention and protection from pests (aphids, scale insects, mites, etc.). For treatment, you can use Fitoverm, Inta-Vir, Akarin and other chemicals.
  • Place pots with dried soil in trays of water for several hours. Earthworms, centipedes, enchytraeus and other uninvited living creatures will leave the pot. After the water has drained, disinfect the soil by watering it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin-M.
  • After quarantine, plants with small leaves need to be sprayed clean water, and with large ones - wipe wet wipe from dust.

Home flower garden

Placing plants in the house

In the room, set aside all pots of flowers that need winter rest (achimenes, amaryllis, gloxinia, hydrangea, cacti, lemon and others), to the side. Without a dormant period, they will not bloom the next year. Therefore, move them according to the requirements to a dark, warm or cool dry place, accessible for constant monitoring of the wintering progress, and (if necessary) moderate watering. The place for their wintering can be a basement, garage, closed veranda or a balcony, a cold room where in winter the temperature does not rise above +12-16°C.

Some of the plants shed all or part of their leaves in winter. Such plants need to be pruned for the winter. In the spring they will form new young foliage (passionflower, hibiscus). Prepared plants place on windowsills, in wall planters, on the shelves. In the south or in the zone temperate climate indoor flowers tolerate winter discomfort better when placed in a miniature winter garden or in a relaxation corner. This way they are protected from drafts, temperature changes during ventilation, etc.

In small greenhouses or under glass covers plant cuttings of plants that grew in the summer open ground(primrose, balsam, begonia, pelargonium and others). If desired, they can be transplanted from the roots into pots.

August is the season of active work not only in the garden and vegetable garden, but also in the home flower garden. Flowers grow, develop, and bloom during spring and summer, but by autumn their life processes slow down.

To provide for your pets optimal conditions for winter dormancy, already in August you need to start preparing, carry out work to adapt the flowers to the short daylight hours.

Lighting requirements

A lack of sunlight always has a detrimental effect on the growth and life of any flower. It is worth understanding that almost all indoor flowers come from warm countries, so proper lighting for them is necessary and vital.

In August, it is already necessary to remove devices that act as shade from windows. In my case, these are the blinds that I raise. Those pots that stood in the back of the room in the summer should begin to be moved closer to the window.

Here you need to take into account one more factor - heat from heating devices and batteries. In the fall, the heating will be turned on in the apartment. Therefore, all indoor flowers must be placed in such a way that they do not receive excessive heat.

I grow violets, so in the autumn-winter period I provide them with additional lighting using a lamp. This allows me to achieve not only winter comfort for flowers, but also active flowering.

See also video:

Indoor temperature requirements

Almost all flowers for winter holidays require optimal temperature indoor air. Flower growers say that for all flowers in winter it is better to maintain the temperature around 18-22 degrees.

For flowers such as orchids and azaleas, the air temperature should be reduced to 16-8 degrees. If this regime is not followed, the flower stalks will not develop and there will be no flowering at all.

When choosing indoor plants, it is worth considering that some specimens require a temperature of 6 to 10 degrees in winter. It is better to keep such flowers on insulated balconies.

Watering in autumn-winter

In winter, it is extremely important to provide the plant proper watering. In a dormant state, the plant can get sick or be damaged by pests, and only the right air humidity will allow the flower's immune system to cope with any problems.

Watering during this period is best done only after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried. In winter, watering should be kept to a minimum, and I do not water flowers such as cacti and succulents at all from December to March.

If you organize proper watering, then the flower will definitely develop the correct buds for flowering and development in the spring.

What fertilizing do flowers need?

The concentration of fertilizers and microelements should be reduced in the autumn-winter period. I buy special fertilizers for the autumn period. I would like to draw the attention of newcomers to the fact that autumn fertilizers should not contain nitrogen, but they should contain more potassium and phosphorus.

For plants that do not bloom, I do not use fertilizers at all in the autumn, and starting in August, I gradually reduce their amount to a minimum.

How to create optimal humidity for flowers?

Heating devices always dry out the air. Such an effect becomes detrimental to flowers. In this case, I advise collecting in one place those plants that require high humidity and use artificial humectants.

The most basic way is to use water in small containers. It will evaporate as needed and create optimal conditions for flowers.

What to do with the plants that were on the balcony?

You need to be very careful when bringing flowers into the house after summer. Living on the balcony, they can get diseases and mites, which will very quickly spread to all other flowers. In order to prevent massive damage to flowers, I do the following procedures:

1. Carefully wash the pot in which the flower is located. I remove dried leaves from the plant, wash the branches and leaves. The most the best remedy for the shower is a soap solution. It allows you to remove pests and clear dust. It is worth remembering that pests become active in the autumn, so a small number of insects will quickly destroy all the plants in the house.

2. Before bringing it into the house, you need to prune the flowers that need it.

3. All indoor plants should be placed in special trays with wet expanded clay to protect the flower from dampness and rotting of the root system.

What diseases can destroy a flower in the autumn-winter period?

Among the most dangerous diseases that cause flower extinction. Root system is rotting. Unfortunately, it is not possible to see this process right away, and when the system is affected, the flower withers and disappears in a short time.

If you responded in time to the appearance of rot on the root system, then the flower can be saved by using fungicides that prevent the development of fungus and various diseases in plants.

During the dormant period, it is important to monitor each flower and remove wilted leaves, as they will be an ideal environment for the development of painful flora or pests.

I hope mine small tips will be useful to everyone who takes care of their green flower garden at home.

Proper care of roses in the fall and preparing them for winter will ensure long flowering in the spring. For a successful winter, the shrub must absorb valuable substances and then go into a dormant state. Roses are prepared for the cold weather in mid-August. If the sprouts turn reddish, it means the plant is not yet ready for frost. On the fifteenth of August, watering is reduced. They stop adding water in September.

Watering and fertilizing

If the weather in the region is hot and dry, you should water the plant in September. Then they stop adding water in October. The rose tolerates wintering better if the soil is dry. When leaving, you need to take this feature into account. Over-wetting the roots is unacceptable, especially in the cold season. In August, nitrogen compounds are not added; potassium-phosphorus compounds are used instead.

Gardeners are interested in how to treat roses in the fall. In September, two feedings are carried out. For the first one take:

  • 2 g boric acid;
  • 8 g potassium sulfate;
  • 20 g superphosphate.

The components are dissolved in 10 liters of water. This amount is calculated for 5 m². At the beginning of October, a composition of 15 g of potassium sulfate dissolved in 10 liters of water is added. In autumn, faded buds are not cut off. If the bush has small buds, you should open them. In order for the rose to survive the winter well, it is necessary to wait until the buds ripen.

The garden crop must form seeds. Autumn feeding roses and preparation for winter should be carried out in compliance with the rules of agricultural technology.

How to prepare flowers for winter

In autumn, the shrub should be dormant. It should be protected from frost and preventive treatments should also be carried out. At the beginning of September they stop loosening the soil. If the soil at this time allows a large amount of air to pass through, the shoots stretch.

Before hilling the plant, it should be treated with a fungicide. It is recommended to apply fertilizers in dry weather. It is important to take precautions. Before applying fungicides, it is necessary to remove leaves located at a height of 40 cm. Copper oxychloride is used to disinfect the bark. The composition ensures the prevention of fungal diseases. If you do not care for the plant correctly, it will be overtaken by powdery mildew.

It is worth hilling up before the onset of frost. The ground can be sprinkled with ash. The rose is hilled to a height of 30 cm. It is better to use a dry mixture. It consists of the following components:

  • priming;
  • clean sand;
  • sawdust.

Sanitary and formative pruning

In autumn, the bush is pruned, the leaves are removed around the twentieth of October. It is recommended to carry out sanitary and formative pruning. If you adjust the crown, the garden crop will grow faster.

Sanitary pruning has a number of advantages. Thanks to it, the rose receives moisture longer. The procedure protects against diseases and harmful insects. Improper care in the fall can lead to root rot. The disease is dangerous because it leads to the death of the bush.

Formative pruning - necessary procedure. There are the following types:

  1. Short. Leave 3-5 shoots with buds. This type of pruning is not often practiced. Maximum length the shoot should be 18 cm.
  2. Average. It is suitable for tea and hybrid varieties. Medium trim required for the Floribunda variety, as well as remontant species. The size of the shoots should be 40 cm.
  3. Long. Shoots are shortened by 20−30%. This type of adjustment is suitable for climbing roses.

Climbing roses are cut back by one third. If the variety is small-flowered, you just need to pinch the growing point.

The peculiarity of the climbing variety is that it blooms on last year’s branches. For this reason, they are adjusted by 30%. It is recommended to shorten perennial branches by 25 cm. Thanks to this, the stems will grow faster. If the shoots are weakened or damaged, it is necessary to cut them off completely.

It is important to follow the rules for caring for roses for the winter; pruning is an integral part of it. Without it, the shrub will not grow well in the spring. When performing pruning, you should consider some nuances:

  1. It is worth carrying out the procedure in dry weather.
  2. If the bush has a thick stem, you need to correct it with a hacksaw.
  3. It is recommended to make cuts at an angle so that moisture will drain away.
  4. After pruning, you need to remove the foliage.

Shelter before cold weather sets in

To protect the shrub from frost, you need to make a frame and equip it with covering material. Can buy metal structure or make a frame with your own hands using boards and slats. Polyethylene is used as a covering material. It is durable and provides good ventilation if holes are made. Instead of polyethylene, you can use burlap or agrofibre. The latter allows air to pass through well. Agrofibre is used for more than one season. The following is also used as a covering material:

  • dry leaves;
  • sawdust;
  • spruce branches

They are suitable for low bushes. If you do not make holes in the covering material, the plant will be attacked by rodents or dangerous diseases. The rose must receive enough air, otherwise the shoots will suffocate. It is necessary to lay covering material on the ground and bend down the branches. The procedure is carried out carefully. The plant should not be injured. Branches can be fixed using metal brackets.

It is necessary to cover the rose before winter; caring for the plant in December, January and February is not required.

Hilling up is a mandatory procedure. Thanks to it, the shrub will withstand wintering better.

How to properly prepare indoor plants for winter period peace? The main indicators that we can influence are lighting, temperature regime, watering

Daylight hours are becoming shorter, day and night temperatures are lower, nature is preparing for the winter seasonal dormancy. At this time, plants accumulate strength for flowering, growth and development in the new season. If you try to artificially support the processes of active life, this will not go unnoticed: many plants refuse to bloom without a period of rest, some will have their appearance irrevocably deteriorated, and others are not able to live at all without a pause.

The first thing to do in the fall, before sending the plants for winter, is to treat them against pests and fungidic diseases with insecticides, acaricides and fungicides, even if there are no visual signs of damage to the plants. Further actions will depend on the type of plant. But the following statement is true for everyone: “Gradually reduce the frequency of watering and stop fertilizing”. To keep things simple, indoor plants can be divided into three main groups. (Table 1)

How to properly water plants in winter?

The question “How often, with what water and in what way should I water indoor plants?” There is no short and clear answer. There are many capricious plants that are very demanding on pH, mineral and salt composition and other aspects of water quality, the method of watering, and the amount of water, but these are topics for separate articles. Today we will talk about how to meaningfully water the most common plants without tedious filtration, collecting melt and rain water and other manipulations.

Many chemical compounds(nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, fluorine, chlorine) pose a danger to plants, one of the first places is occupied by chlorine compounds. Under the influence of chlorine, spots appear on plant leaves white that dry out and crumble. Extremely permissible concentration for chlorine it is 0.15–0.20% for plants, while for humans it is 4–5%. If the water in your region is heavily chlorinated, let it sit for at least a day to free it from volatile chlorine compounds. In the Moscow region on this moment quality tap water high enough and suitable for watering the vast majority of common houseplants.

First of all, two main questions need to be answered.

First: which group does the plant belong to in terms of water needs? (Table 2.1.)

Second: what cycle of seasonal development is the plant in? (Table 2.2)

Why do indoor plants lose their leaves?

Defoliation (leaf fall) is observed only in living plants. The leaves of a cut branch dry out and do not fall off. Natural defoliation – complex mechanism preparing the plant for the seasonal dormant period. Under the influence of ethylene formed in the plant, the processes of formation of organic substances change, the amount of breakdown products of proteins and other compounds moving from the leaf blade to the petiole increases, this causes the cells of the separating layer at the base of the leaf to separate - and the leaf falls off. Thus, the plant, in preparation for slowing down internal processes, reduces the area of ​​nutrition and evaporation, and also gets rid of what has become unnecessary and used up. life cycle material.

It's interesting that in tropical countries, where the temperature does not fall below +20 °C all year round, in winter months Plants also have a dormant period. It is not as deep as that of plants in central Russia, but plants need it.

Beginners should focus on the turgor of the vegetative mass of a plant to determine “is it time to water?” not necessary, since wilting or yellowing of the leaves can be a symptom of either drying out or waterlogging of the earthen coma. (Table 3)

What method of watering is optimal?

It is best to place the pots with plants in the bathtub and water them generously with warm water from the shower, let the water drain, then return the pots to their place. In addition to uniformly wetting the earthen clod, this method allows you to regularly clean the leaves and stomata of dust. The fact is that carbon dioxide, necessary for the process of photosynthesis, penetrates into the plant through the stomata, and dust clogs them, which negatively affects the development of the plant.

Occasionally, you can use a hot shower (+40...+50 C°) for watering; this stimulates the plant to grow, but you should not overuse it.

A few important "don'ts":

Do not allow excess water to stagnate in the pan after watering, otherwise root rot and the spread of fungus gnat, weakening of the plant as a whole and even death.

Do not practice scanty but frequent watering - the earthen lump should be moistened evenly and abundantly; if it is overdried, it is not wetted; water often simply flows along the perimeter of its abutment to the walls of the pot, without moistening the soil.

Do not water with cold water, this is always a big stress for the plant. It will slow down its growth, drop its buds, and during the dormant period, if watered with cold water, it may even die. The water temperature for irrigation should be slightly above room temperature.

Do not water plants with a solution of fertilizers or chemicals over a dry earthen ball, this can lead to burns of the root system and its necrosis; be sure to water well before treatment.

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