An indoor flower that dies off for the winter. How to water flowers in winter and signs of their death. Indoor plants that completely shed their foliage during the winter dormant period

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Every living thing needs rest from time to time, and indoor plants are no exception to this rule, especially since with the onset of autumn the days become shorter and shorter, and plants begin to lack light, and due to working around the clock heating devices your flowers also suffer from dry air. Therefore, the best thing you can offer them from November to April is to immerse themselves in a state of peace.

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Preparing indoor plants for winter

Prepare plants for winter regime should be done gradually. In nature, in autumn, along with the shortening of daylight hours, the temperature of the air and soil drops, and at this time plants begin to accumulate strength for growth and flowering next year. If you force your indoor flowers to continue the growing season, despite the snow outside the window, it is likely that in next season they will refuse to bloom, and decorative deciduous specimens may lose their attractiveness for a long time. Therefore, you need to let them rest in conditions as close as possible to natural ones.

To send plants for the winter, they must first be treated against fungal infections and pests. Flowers are sprayed against insects with insecticides or acaricides, and against fungi with fungicidal preparations, and it does not matter whether there are signs of disease or the presence of pests on the plants or not. Since most of the pests concentrate on the underside of the leaves, make sure that the insecticide gets on it during treatment. For sucking pests, such as aphids, mites and thrips, it is better to use insectoacaricidal preparations that cope with all types of insects, for example, Actellik, Fioverm, Apollo or Akarin, and scale insects and scale insects are destroyed with Confidor. However, if the pest infestation is minor or absent, first wash the plant leaves three times at intervals of five days with soapy water. To prepare the solution, 5 g of grated laundry soap or dishwashing detergent dilute in 1 liter of warm water. And only if this measure does not produce results, spray the plants with pesticides.

Treatment for fungal diseases is carried out with preparations based on copper and sulfur - Abiga-pik, HOM, Oksikhom, Fundazol or Benlat, but before spraying, all dry and damaged leaves are removed.

After harmful microorganisms and pests have been destroyed, stop feeding, gradually reduce watering, transfer the flowers to unheated room intended for wintering, and arrange the pots so that the plants do not touch each other - air should circulate freely between them. If the window sills in the room where the flowers will winter are cold, place thermal mats or foam padding under the pots. Keep in mind that unglazed ceramic containers lose heat faster than plastic ones. Amorphophallus, gloxinia, caladium, tuberous begonia and calla lilies stop watering when their leaves completely die, after which the plant tubers are removed, dried, cleaned of dry roots, rotten places are removed from the rhizomes and the wounds are sprinkled with crushed coal. The tubers are then wrapped in sphagnum moss and stored in a cool, dark place until spring.

If you do not have the opportunity to give your plants a rest period, you will have to provide conditions for their full growing season during the winter, namely, provide them with additional lighting and air humidification.

How to care for indoor plants in winter

Conditions for plants continuing their growing season

If your plants aren't resting, they'll need artificial lighting for several hours in the morning and evening. Illumination of indoor plants in winter is carried out by a light source fixed at a certain height above them - a phytolamp or a fluorescent lamp.

The soil in pots of vegetative plants should be kept slightly moist. Avoid abrupt transitions from too dry soil to wet soil. Develop a watering regime for each type of plant and follow it strictly. Most of indoor flowers Requires watering when it dries out and brightens. upper layer substrate. The water temperature should be the same as the air temperature in the room. If, with regular watering, the leaves of the plant become lethargic, fall off, and the soil emits bad smell, you most likely allowed the soil to become waterlogged.

IN winter time Due to working radiators, air humidity drops sharply, and indoor flowers on the windowsill in winter begin to suffer from its dryness. To eliminate this problem, some plants will need containers of water placed around them, some will need daily misting, and there are plants that are better off placed on a tray of wet pebbles. You can cover the batteries with wet towels to increase humidity, but the easiest way is to purchase good humidifier air, especially since there is no shortage.

Watering indoor plants in winter

Care indoor plants in winter consists primarily of watering the plants, since even with the flowers’ reduced need for moisture during dormancy, they still need to drink. How often to water indoor plants in winter?

The frequency of watering depends on the conditions and the type of plant. There are very few plants with a high need for moisture during the dormant period in indoor culture. Usually these are those that naturally live along the banks of lakes and rivers or in marshy area– cyperus, sedge, colocasia and papyrus. For such crops, the soil in the pot should be constantly moist, but care must be taken to ensure that the water does not stagnate in the pan.

Most indoor plants are those whose need for moisture during the dormant period is moderate - palm, ficus, philodendron, aspidistra, syngonium, chlorophytum, citrus fruits, zamioculcas, monstera, tradescantia, fern, spathiphyllum and others. These plants are watered when the soil in the pots has dried to a depth of 2-3 cm.

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Most indoor plant lovers only roughly know what conditions our indoor plants need in winter. Most often, winter care for indoor plants is limited to reducing watering, reducing the application of fertilizers, and spraying more frequently during the heating season. But, besides all this, it is very important to correctly arrange the plants, based on their requirements for wintering conditions.

Depending on the winter conditions, indoor plants can be divided into groups.


They adapt to almost any room temperature: ivy, aloe, cordyline, alocasia, tradescantia, aspidistra, pelargonium (geranium), clivia, cyperus, etc. In winter, they can be placed on a windowsill, bedside table near the window or a little further away. Ivies can be located in the back of rooms, on shelves. It is worth noting, however, that for some plants (such as aloe, pelargonium) it is still recommended low temperatures- 12-14°C, otherwise they may lose their attractive appearance.

Heat-loving plants

The optimal temperature for their wintering is 18-22°C. This list includes aphelandra, codiaum, shefflera, a coffee tree, ficus, calathea, aroids, bromeliads, philodendron, arrowroot, aglaonema, royal and ever-flowering begonias, cissus, most orchids, etc. Heat-loving plants are placed near the window on tables or flower stands, but not on a cold floor. Warm ground - important condition for their growing season, therefore you should provide the required temperature for these indoor plants with any of possible ways: arrange a stand made of polystyrene foam, wood, place it on a warm heating pad (but you should be extremely careful with this technique!), etc. If this big pot With pot plant(ficus, coffee tree), you should lift it from the ground, placing it on a stand or stool.

Plants requiring moderate temperatures

Oleander, asparagus, sansevieria, agave, Schlumbergera, fatsia, dracaena, coleus, Crassula (crassula), spurge, etc. They will be comfortable at 12-18°C.

This group of plants was created just for wintering on windowsills at home. In especially cold winters, to protect pots with plants from possible hypothermia, it is recommended to make an additional stand for them (cardboard, fabric, wood, foam). If you have old-style windows (not PVC), then you should insulate them and move the plants away from the icy glass. You should also be careful when watering these plants: the water that has flowed into the tray must be poured out so as not to overcool the plants and cause rotting of the roots.

Cool Plants

Aloe, azalea, hydrangea, fuchsia, laurel, many cacti, boxwood, conifers. Their wintering is best in unheated winter gardens or glazed insulated loggias. But if for aloe and pelargonium these conditions need not be met (if you remember, they are quite unpretentious and easily adapt to almost any room conditions), then warm wintering is destructive for plants such as laurel, boxwood, cypress, and cacti. At high temperatures plants become depleted, suffer from diseases and pests, produce few flower stalks, and lose their decorative properties.

If you still decide to leave them to winter on the windowsill, move the pots closer to the glass. In addition, it is important to protect plants from flows warm air room and batteries with a curtain or other barrier. This way you can provide them with more or less comfortable conditions - approximately 10-12ºС.

Pay special attention to the wintering of Schlumbergera. Until cold weather, it is kept on the balcony or loggia. And when the buds appear, the pot is brought into a room where the temperature can be even 20ºC.

I would also like to say something about the ventilation of rooms. This procedure, important for both people and flowers, must be carried out with certain precautions. Since being exposed to a flow of cold air is detrimental for most plants, it is recommended that during ventilation, either remove the flowers from the window, or cover them with paper or polyethylene.

By arranging indoor plants before winter based on their natural wishes, you will thereby create comfortable conditions for them, and then in the spring your green pets will devote all their energy not to restoring vitality, but to growth, development and beautiful flowering!

People who carefully look after a small garden on a windowsill, for the most part, are well aware of the characteristics of their pets, their preferences in soil, fertilizers and watering regimes. But not everyone knows what to feed in winter. And therefore, sometimes mistakes are made that lead to slower growth, lack of flowering, or diseases of the inhabitants of the window sills. Our article is designed to help you avoid such mistakes and help you choose The right way maintaining your plantings.

General feeding rules

Before we figure out how to feed indoor animals at home, let us remind you how this is done in principle. There are not many rules, but it is worth remembering them.

  1. Fertilizers are not applied to dry soil! Even in a diluted state, they can burn the roots. First, the plant is watered in a slightly smaller volume than always, and only after a couple of hours are fertilizers given.
  2. It is better to feed flowers in the evening, when active solar exposure subsides, there is less evaporation and the flower can fully receive
  3. Do not violate the recommendations for diluting fertilizers. The plant will not be able to absorb more fertilizer than prescribed in the instructions, and it is quite possible for the roots to burn.

When not to fertilize

There are often situations in which fertilizing is strictly prohibited or, in any case, strongly not recommended. Firstly, this is the period or time of attack by pests. First, this problem is solved, and only after complete recovery begin careful and careful maintenance of the weakened flower.

You should not fertilize only purchased plants: when industrially growing them, so many stimulants and minerals are added to the soil that they need time to master the existing fertilizers. You can feed such flowers for the first time only after a month, when they have confidently taken root in your home.

You also need to pause after the transplant. If you choose the soil wisely, it contains everything the plant needs to survive and feel comfortable. In addition, relocation will damage the roots, even if you were extremely careful. Fertilizers in such a situation will not only not be absorbed, but can also cause harm.

There are also special rules regarding how often and what to feed indoor flowers in winter: during this period, plants are especially vulnerable, so we will talk about this in detail and separately.

When fertilizers are needed immediately

If you don’t often remember that plants need nutritious soil and that they cannot survive on water alone, then over time you will observe the sad consequences of your forgetfulness:

  • flowers stop growing or growth slows down very much;
  • the stems are greatly elongated, becoming thin, brittle and weak;
  • the leaves become small, pale, lose color and droop; they are often dropped or unhealthy spots appear;
  • theoretically refuse;
  • Plants hardly resist diseases (if you regularly have to treat them, it’s time to think that you are doing something wrong).

If such symptoms are detected, you will have to fertilize as quickly and gently as possible, otherwise you risk being left without a home garden. If starvation is noticed out of season, you will have to rack your brains about how to feed indoor flowers in the winter at home so that the weakened plants can absorb fertilizers. In summer, spring and autumn, you can use universal fertilizers as usual.

Updates for the winter

Most gardeners believe that plants should not be fertilized in cold weather. But professionals think that this is not entirely true. Of course, the frequency of application of fertilizers changes; in no case are growth stimulants given; and before feeding indoor flowers in winter, you will have to think in advance and change the composition of the fertilizer. However, you should not completely stop supporting, especially if there are flowering plants. Nevertheless, they spend a lot of energy on flowering and draw from the earth everything that it can give. So such specimens are fed as usual until they bloom.

For other plants, it is enough to give fertilizers in a much lower concentration (it is halved) and much less frequently. Once a month will be enough - and so on until spring.

What to feed indoor flowers in winter also greatly depends on the type of plant. Lily, for example, rests during this period. If she has been living with you for more than a year, then the above-ground part dries out, and the underground part gains strength. The pot is placed somewhere cool and the soil moisture is simply maintained in it until spring. If you just planted the bulb (in the fall), then it is settling into a new place, and there is no need to stimulate it with anything until March. The same considerations apply to all flowers that have a clearly visible dormant period.

How to feed indoor flowers in winter: folk remedies

Many generations of plant growers, who cared about the health of their pets, came up with a significant number of “recipes” for how to feed indoor flowers in the winter as gently but nutritiously as possible. The following were considered the most successful:

  1. The juice of the well-known aloe. A teaspoon of this substance is diluted in one and a half liters of water. Once a month it is used as a top dressing. Suitable for all plants.
  2. Infusion of pomegranate and citrus peels. You need to wait a day. Suitable again for all colors.
  3. Banana skins, infused for the same time.
  4. When washing cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, rice), do not throw out the water, but use it for watering. The ideal soft fertilizer! The same applies to the water in which dried peas were soaked.
  5. If there is an aquarium in the house, water from it (when changing) is used to water the plants. Then chemical fertilizers will no longer be needed.

getting ready in advance

In order not to guess what to feed indoor flowers in winter, you can do something ahead of time. During spring replanting, you can use some tricks that will provide your plants with everything they need until spring. They will be very helpful if there is a need for replanting in the fall.

  1. Forest soil. You need to take it under the oak trees, only the top layer. Everything it contains is enough for a year.
  2. When transplanting flowers that prefer acidic soils, chopped fern is placed at the bottom of the pot.

When choosing what to feed indoor flowers in winter, remember that they need soil of varying acidity. You shouldn’t add egg shells to plants that need an acidic environment, or coffee grounds to plants that like an alkaline environment.

Caring for indoor plants in winter is an important component of the process of growing them at home. Yes, perhaps in winter it is not so difficult to care for indoor flowers that bloom in winter, since many of them are in a state of suspended animation and do not require much attention (only lighting and watering). However, wintering indoor plants is a stage that every gardener should also master. Take proper care of your houseplants in the winter, and with the awakening of spring they will delight you with the intensity of their growth and will actively bloom, and new specimens can be safely transported and planted.

How to care for indoor plants in winter, is it possible to highlight key features? Every gardener can ensure a normal winter for house flowers on the windowsill. It wouldn't hurt to transport the flowerpots to the brightest places. at home in winter it is not always carried out properly.

If your greenery is actively developing in summer, then in winter some specimens may lose yellowed leaves, look drooping, or not bloom at all. Sometimes they even die. In this case, be sure to review the features of caring for them. Growing indoor plants on a windowsill in winter must take into account strict rules. For example, if possible, transport them to a place with an optimal microclimate.

Watering rules

If flowers are not properly cared for in winter, they can even wither. To prevent indoor flowers from dying, take the peculiarities of moistening the substrate very seriously. Of course, even moisture-loving plants do not need watering as much in winter as in summer. In this regard, caring for indoor flowers in winter will be somewhat more simplified.

However, along with small amounts of water, plants require something else: regular loosening of the soil. In winter it becomes even more clogged, and this needs to be dealt with.

Remember: almost everything ornamental plants, which are bred at home, do well in winter without regular moisturizing.

As for cacti and succulents, they do not need watering at all. Which flowers are grown in winter with minimal watering, and which are not, should be found out in advance.

Lighting in cold weather As a rule, indoor flowers suffer from a lack of lighting in the room in winter. First of all, you should transport flower pots to areas of your home with best lighting , and those that stand on the windowsill can be moved close to the window glass. If we are talking about sun loving plants

, they are generally recommended to extend daylight hours. For this, many gardeners use, for example, fluorescent lamps.


Household flowering plants should be fed with vitamins and minerals as soon as they put out buds. This process must be regular and stop when flowering time comes to an end. Do not forget that flowers in pots can react painfully to concentrated fertilizers. The best option– dilute so that potted plants continue to bloom.

How not to dry out a flower

In winter, plants flowering in pots suffer greatly from the unfavorable microclimate in the apartment. And all because heating devices work constantly, the air becomes excessively dry. For flowers, this is akin to death.

To prevent houseplants that have overwintered in the room from losing their color saturation, drooping and becoming lethargic, it is recommended to move them away from radiators and various heaters in winter. At the same time, try to humidify the air in the room from time to time.

You can care for flowering greens so that the microclimate is not excessively dry in the following way: in addition to the main spraying of flowers, place containers of water in the house. When it evaporates, the air in your home will become somewhat humidified, which will have a beneficial effect on the development of flowers.

How to prevent a flower from freezing

Why do indoor plants die in winter? The reason can very often be not only too dry air in the room, but also frequent ventilation. You, as a florist, must understand that the greatest danger to home flowers is not so much low temperature, how many temperature differences there are. Of course, indoor plants that bloom on windowsills generally thrive if the temperature drops a few degrees at night. But it is not advisable to overdo it with the regime.

Transplanting a plant

If indoor plants bloom on windowsills in winter, it is certainly not advisable to replant them. The vital processes of decorative greenery slow down significantly in winter. That is why it will be quite difficult for her to get used to the new conditions.

Rest period

Planting flowers and caring for them in summer are not the only important points for the florist. In winter, indoor flowers become vulnerable and weak, so don’t stop taking care of them. Daylight and lighting, watering rules in the house - all this needs to be studied by flower lovers in order to provide them with a full winter.

Remember: it can be organic or forced.

Organic dormancy is a period when the plant stops growing. The reason for this, as a rule, is the physiological characteristics of flowers. In the second case, you are faced with a serious problem, and it arises due to the lack of lighting in the house during the winter, as well as due to unfavorable temperature regime. Take care to transport plants to a favorable environment during winter dormancy. If you transport greenery and create for it optimal conditions, it will bloom again one day and not die during the winter.

Video “Caring for indoor plants in winter”

From this video you will learn how to care for indoor plants in the winter.

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