Which is better OSB or drywall? OSB boards are a real godsend for construction, their types and features. Positive and negative qualities of drywall

Start repair work involves searching for materials, deciding to hire a crew, or hoping for own strength. And even if it was decided to improve your own home yourself or the utility room needs to be repaired.

In any case, you will have to watch master classes and get acquainted with the advice of experts. After all, the microclimate in the room will often depend on the chosen material.

And then a fair question arises: which material will be better for cladding indoors or outdoors. The sheathing is not the final layer; carpet or linoleum is often attached to it without any problems, tiles or tiles are laid, wallpaper is applied and paint is applied.

First of all, various similar building materials are used for insulation, sound insulation and moisture absorption. Let's compare the advantages gypsum fiber sheets and oriented strand board.


Each of the materials is environmentally friendly and natural products. However, they have absolutely different characteristics and properties. GVL are sheets of building gypsum that are reinforced with cellulose. Thanks to this technique for creating this building material, it is quite strong, but fragile. Gypsum fiber also perfectly blocks noise, retains heat and has a marked moisture-resistant appearance. Usage options: wall, ceiling, floor, outer skin and creation of partitions. At the same time, they GVL burns very poorly. It is suitable for apartments and houses, and for public premises. But all these properties affect the high price of the material.

The second material, OSB, is several sheets glued together, the composition of which is one hundred percent natural, wood shavings. They are pressed and glued together using resin, artificial wax, and boric acid. It is important that for external or internal cladding, the slabs differ in the pressing method. For external ones - longitudinal chips, for internal ones - transverse. These plates have different markings and there is also OSB that can withstand moisture conditions.

Due to its composition, the price of OSB is significantly lower than that of GVL. Particle boards are just as durable. They are distinguished by their quality of workmanship and pleasant appearance; there will be no unpleasant odor thanks to the minimal use of synthetic adhesives. They weigh little, so it’s easy to work in any plane. And you have to try really hard to break the slabs.

These slabs, like gypsum fiber boards, can be processed without difficulty. The issue of unwanted residents among the shavings should not bother the consumer. Thanks to special processing, this is impossible. These slabs can also be used to cover walls and can become the basis for laying roofs and floors as an intermediate layer.

There are some points that can be decisive when choosing a material:

  • it is not easy to lay tiles or tiles on OSB boards;
  • the surface of oriented strand boards is not perfectly flat compared to gypsum fiber boards;
  • chipboards, of course, are quite flammable;
  • moisture-resistant properties are still different and preference is given to GVLV.


Let's consider another option for replacing GVL with SML. SML is a glass-magnesium sheet; the material also has many other names, but they are all the same thing. It is a building material that is created on the basis of magnesium binder. Do not worry about its composition, it is safe for humans and is widely used for finishing residential and public premises. Magnesium glass sheets have a main advantage over other finishing materials - resistance to fire.

LSU is used for covering walls, floors and ceilings, and creating partitions. The same can be said for GVL. However, manufacturers often “chemically” change the composition of these building materials. Therefore, experts recommend buying only if there is detailed labeling and a verified supplier. Each of the materials is practically not afraid of fire; GVL and SML are often used for cladding elevators, for example.

The price also varies, GVL is much more expensive. LSU is characterized by high fragility; when working with it, a lot of debris is generated. Difficulties may arise when laying the finishing layers of tiles and wallpaper.


GSP are gypsum particle sheets or slabs that are used only for interior decoration. They can be used to cover walls, floors and ceilings. The composition allows us to call it environmentally friendly and fire resistant. The shavings are the main element and are bound with building plaster.

GSP can withstand damp rooms quite well only if it is supplied periodically. It is also quite durable. External noise passes through it with difficulty. Thanks to the gypsum base, it easily absorbs and releases moisture when necessary. Thus, like GVL, it is able to create a comfortable microclimate in the room. It is easy to work with gypsum particle boards, saw, cut and apply any finishing layers.

It has an ideal, flat surface, like gypsum fiber board. If large loads are planned, then GSP is recommended for cladding. Its price is much higher than GVL.


DSP is a cement-bonded particle board. Its composition is quite simple:

  • wood shavings;
  • cement;
  • special chem. additives to reduce the influence of wood on cement.

This building material is extremely durable, breathable, non-flammable, does not allow sound to pass through, is waterproof and is practically impossible to rot. It is suitable for external and internal cladding of rooms, walls, ceilings, floors, and the base for roofing.

Thanks to high density, is a fairly heavy material, and working under the ceiling is no longer as easy as with gypsum fiber board. It has a low level of flexibility, and is not a fragile building material. Despite the high resistance of GVL to moisture, cement-based CBPB is better. Price cement particle board cheaper than GVL.

GVL or plywood

Plywood is multilayer sheets based on a special veneer that is glued together. The number of layers may be different. There are makrovannye moisture resistant sheets. Used in residential premises and frequent use.

The sound insulation properties are much lower than GVL, but at the same time they are several times stronger. When producing plywood, there is no strict monitoring of the ideal sheet thickness along the entire perimeter. When working with it, a lot of chips fly away. Not bad for leveling the floor; professionals even prefer plywood over gypsum fiber board. The price of gypsum fiber is much higher due to the composition and production method.

Which drywall is best for walls: choosing material for sheathing

The choice of material for leveling the walls of a room is quite difficult task even for a professional. Well, then what can we say about a beginner whose questions are “What is better - plywood or drywall?” or “What should it be optimal thickness gypsum board for sheathing? will inevitably lead to a dead end.

Below we will try to understand the subtleties of choice suitable variety GCR, and also consider the pros and cons plasterboard sheathing in comparison with the use of other building materials.

GKL wall covering

Plasterboard for covering the walls of a room

Varieties of gypsum plasterboards

Drywall is a finishing material, the basis of which is a gypsum core, protected on both sides by multilayer cardboard .

Depending on the composition of these two elements, the following types of gypsum plaster are distinguished:

  • GKL - standard. This plasterboard is most widely used; it is used for covering walls and ceilings in rooms with normal humidity conditions.
    It has low fire-retardant characteristics and is therefore not suitable for use in areas where there is a risk of fire. The price of this material is the most affordable.
  • GKLV - waterproof. Suitable for leveling surfaces wet areas, as well as where precipitation periodically falls on the walls or ceiling, for example, on loggias.
    The cardboard layer is impregnated with a hydrophobic composition, due to which the drywall practically does not absorb moisture.

An additional advantage of GKLV is its fungicidal impregnation, which protects the surface of the material and the gypsum core from damage by fungal infections.

  • GKLO – fire-resistant plasterboard. Fiberglass reinforcement is introduced into the gypsum filler, and the cardboard is impregnated with fire retardants (substances that reduce flammability).
    Moreover, even after the cardboard layer burns out, a partition made of fire-resistant plasterboard, due to sintering of fiberglass, retains its shape and prevents the spread of flame.
  • GKLVO – combined, combines moisture-proof and fire-retardant properties. The most expensive type of gypsum board.

Choosing gypsum board

For wall cladding, the so-called wall gypsum board is used, the thickness of which is 12.5 mm. There are also ceiling (9.5 mm) and arched (7.5 - 8 mm) varieties of material.

Both of these varieties can also be used to level the walls of a room, but only if the requirements for mechanical strength the sheathing will be quite low.

Therefore, if you are looking for which drywall is best for partitions, then the right choice would be to abandon unnecessary savings and purchase full-fledged 12.5 mm panels.

But for the design of curved surfaces, such as arched niches in walls or window openings, it is better to use thinner gypsum board. It bends easier and puts less stress on the frame.

Arched (restoration) gypsum board

As for the answer to the question, “Which manufacturer is best to purchase drywall from?”, here most experts are unanimous. If the material does not have pronounced defects such as a crumbled core or damaged cardboard, then the manufacturing company does not play a special role.

Of course, it is preferable to buy materials from famous companies, such as KNAUF or VOLMA, but gypsum boards from a local low-power plant, as a rule, turn out to be no worse.

Pros and cons of drywall for wall coverings

Very often, as an alternative to leveling walls with plasterboard, it is suggested to use other materials, such as plywood, gypsum fiber boards, etc. Below we will look at all these alternatives, but in order to give a reasoned answer, for example, to the question “Which is better - plasterboard or glass-magnesium sheet?” It is necessary to understand the pros and cons of drywall itself.

Working with gypsum board is easy and fast

The advantages of this material are worth mentioning:

  • Low cost– covering and leveling surfaces with gypsum board require significantly less financial costs than the use of other materials.
  • Ease of operation. You can easily install plasterboard boards yourself, and you will not need any complex and expensive tools.

The website contains lessons on using drywall to solve various problems, as well as instructions for working with the main types of drywall.

  • Possibility of further decorative finishing. After installing the gypsum board and filling the plasterboard seams, you can glue wallpaper on the leveled surface, apply plaster, and quality leveling- even paint.
  • Safety and non-toxic. Giprok does not contain toxic substances and heavy metals, therefore its use in the interior is completely harmless to humans.
  • High sound insulation characteristics .

However, there are several disadvantages:

If handled carelessly, the casing can be damaged.

  • Relatively low mechanical strength.
  • Even GKLV is not able to withstand direct exposure to moisture for a long time. When wet, this material swells and deforms, and the surface covered with it has to be dismantled and restored.
  • Without decorative finishing, gypsum board cladding looks unpresentable, so spend money on wallpaper, paint or decorative plaster still necessary.

It is this combination of pros and cons that is typical for drywall. Now let's try to compare this material with the alternatives that are offered to us construction market.

Alternatives to drywall for leveling walls

Gypsum fiber sheet

GVL is the most popular alternative to gypsum board

Gypsum fiber sheet (GVL) is a panel of pressed gypsum reinforced with cellulose fiber. Sometimes GVL is used as an alternative to gypsum board, especially in rooms with high humidity.

When answering the question of which is better - drywall or gypsum plasterboard, the following arguments are given:

  • Gypsum fiber has significantly less ductility, which is why gypsum board is most often used for shaped structures such as arches or curved niches.
  • It is also better to use plasterboard for partitions and finishing windows and doorways, since GVL slabs are quite difficult to install efficiently here.
  • But for leveling vertical surfaces, especially in rooms with high humidity (bathroom, toilet, loggia), a gypsum fiber sheet is more suitable.

Simply put, it depends on the task facing us which is better - plasterboard or gypsum fiber.

Glass magnesium sheet

Glass-magnesium building sheets (FMS) are a finishing material based on a magensite binder. The basis of the sheet is fiberglass, and magensite, magnesium chloride, perlite and other components are used as filler. The appearance of glass-magnesium sheets is shown in the photo.

Thanks to the spread of glass-magnesium sheets, discussions often arise about what is better - glass-magnesium sheet or plasterboard?

And there are several points of view here:

  • On the one hand, LSU is significantly superior to drywall in terms of mechanical and moisture-proof characteristics. The structure of glass-magnesium sheet is such that it can remain in water for more than 100 days without deformation, which makes it suitable for both interior and exterior decoration.
  • On the other hand, glass-magnesium finishing panels are quite expensive, and it is more difficult to process LSU than standard gypsum board.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to make a clear choice in favor of one material or another. If you need high stability sheathing, then you should choose LSU, but for most interior work, plasterboard is at least as suitable.

Plywood and OSB

As a material for finishing walls of premises (especially in wooden houses) many suggest using plywood or oriented strand board - the so-called OSB.

Wall covering with plywood

When analyzing which is better - plasterboard or plywood, you need, as in previous cases, to take into account the characteristics of the room and the purposes for which we use the material:

  • Both plywood and oriented strand board are made from natural wood raw materials. On the one hand, this provides them with a number of advantages, but on the other hand, it causes deformation of plywood boards.
  • As for flexibility, here too the choice is in favor of drywall. The thing is that only thin plywood bends relatively well, and it is almost impossible to bend thicker slabs without the risk of cracking. The same applies to OSB boards.
  • Processing plywood panels is much more difficult than working with drywall. In addition, even if there is a slight error in dimensions, the entire sheathing sheet will have to be replaced. From this point of view, gypsum board is a much more convenient material.
  • Don't forget about the cost of plywood and OSB. Leveling walls using gypsum plasterboard will cost you much less than using wooden panels.

If we analyze the construction market, there are still many alternatives to gypsum board, and therefore disputes like the discussion “Which is better - OSB or plasterboard?” will probably never stop. But it is worth taking into account that each finishing method has both pros and cons, and as for the price-quality ratio, plasterboard is, perhaps, beyond competition!

OSB is an excellent finishing material. It is applicable almost everywhere: insulating facades, roofs, floors, finishing interior walls, furniture manufacturing and repair, decorative materials etc. In this article we will talk about interior decoration OSB walls slabs.

OSB or OSB (OSB, Oriented Strand Board) - quite new material in the market of construction and finishing materials. OSB boards quickly found their consumers, because they are universal and very practical. Have high technical characteristics. Such slabs make the interior finishing process much easier and faster than it was before. In addition, OSB boards are much more economical than similar finishing materials due to cheap raw materials and ease of production.

OSB boards for interior decoration can be an excellent alternative to chipboard (fibreboard, MDF, DSP). And some species are superior to them in many respects. For example, if you need to level internal walls, then it is best to use OSB boards. Since they do not sag under irregularities, like drywall, but retain their shape. The material will also perfectly replace plasterboard partition in room.

The process of making strand board is quite simple. Actually, the title itself says it all. Typically the board consists of pressed wood chips. In Russia, this is most often aspen. To ensure rigidity, the chips have different directions in the layers. The chips are glued together using various adhesives with the addition of resins, wax and boric acid. The composition of the adhesive may vary depending on the area of ​​application of the boards. To separate the areas of application, the so-called classification of OSB boards is used.

Types of OSB boards

  • 1 class (OSB-1)- the most common type of osb. Used for finishing interior walls, repairing furniture, making various structures in repair or production. Does not tolerate high humidity well.
  • Class 2 (OSB-2)- reinforced. It has increased strength and can withstand medium loads. Excellent for constructing internal partitions in rooms. It also does not tolerate moisture well.
  • Class 3 (OSB-3)- the same durable OSB, only moisture resistant. Can be used to decorate bathroom or kitchen walls.
  • Class 4 (OSB-4)- most durable look OSB. It has more layers, a special adhesive composition and is pressed harder than regular sheets. Used in construction and designed for heavy loads. Often used in frame construction using panels. Resistant to moisture.

The slabs can also be varnished or laminated for various repair or construction purposes.

Interior partitions made of OSB

OSB is perfect for the construction of interior walls and partitions. Due to its durability, appearance and ease of installation, particle boards Not only are they easy to install, but they also leave room for creativity.

The sheets can be mounted on a profile, like drywall, or on wooden frame. But, unlike drywall, OSB will not sag or deform between the studs. The relatively light weight of the sheets will not put a large load on the frame. And the strong structure will allow them to be fixed well without fear of breaks, cracks or pushing through the screws.

OSB sheets are easy to saw and do not break, which allows them to be used for the manufacture of various decorative elements. For example, decorative decoration of an arch.

Finishing OSB boards

Particle panels have a wooden structure, which gives them decorative look. But if you still want to apply a fine finish to the OSB, then almost any materials are suitable for such panels. But you need to know how to apply them correctly.
OSB panels have a special adhesive impregnation using resins, wax or paraffin. Therefore, they have a very smooth or even slippery surface. So that over time these substances do not appear outward, and also so that facing material bond to the surface of the panel, first of all we use a primer or priming paint.

When the primer has dried, we can apply any finishing material:

    • Varnish. Can be used for interior decoration of the bathroom to provide greater moisture resistance. Or when laying the finishing layer on the floor. Any wood varnish is suitable for finishing OSB boards. Before application, the surface must be cleaned of dust and degreased. After this, it is advisable to sand and prime. After the varnish dries, the surface will become smooth and retain its wood structure.
    • Dye. For finishing OSB boards with paint, it is best to use an acrylic primer. Since it can be applied to any surface and, in the case of OSB, provides better vapor permeability. Or you can use water-dispersion paint, which is environmentally friendly and water-repellent. Before painting, we also prime the surface.
    • Putty. As in other cases, before applying putty, the surface must be primed with a special primer, with the addition of non-woven fabric, putty and glue. Otherwise, the substances used in the impregnation of OSB boards will certainly appear on the surface of the putty. After puttying, let the surface dry for about 12 hours.
    • Wallpaper. Before pasting, again, prime the surface. We glue the wallpaper onto the OSB board using regular wallpaper glue with the addition of PVA.

Advantages and disadvantages of OSB boards

Let's summarize whether it is advisable to use OSB boards for interior decoration, and consider all their pros and cons.

  • Relatively low price, in relation to similar facing sheets. Such as drywall, plywood, chipboard, etc.
  • High reliability and durability of the material. Good fastening resistance. Always high quality, which is provided by all manufacturers due to ease of production. Minimum probability of defects and marriage.
  • Light weight. Does not create a large load on the frame and fastenings. Easier to install yourself.
  • Decorative appearance wooden structure.
  • Moisture resistance of some types of panels.
  • It lends itself well to any processing. Easy to cut, saw, drill, etc.
  • Resistant to insect damage.
  • Failure of some manufacturers to comply with environmental requirements, which leads to the release of toxic resins and other harmful substances, above the permissible norm.
  • Low moisture and vapor permeability. Walls finished with OSB do not allow moisture to pass through well.

The modern construction market offers various options for interior decoration. Drywall and OSB are very popular among the population. However, it is not yet clear which option will be better. Our article will help shed light and give a definite answer to this question.

To understand what would be better to use for interior decoration, OSB or plasterboard, you need to carry out comparative characteristics, which is only possible with a detailed examination of each material separately.

Tandem cardboard and plaster

Drywall is particularly popular today, as it has a number of advantages that its structure gives it.
Plasterboard consists of three layers:

  • core - it consists of gypsum and additional additives, which give the sheets certain properties;
  • two layers of cardboard. They cover the core on both sides.

Plate structure

The composition of the material in percentage terms includes: 91.1% - gypsum, 5.78% - cardboard, and the rest - water.
Thanks to this device, drywall has the following advantages:

  • it is a completely environmentally friendly material;
  • a light weight. The stove weighs relatively little so that one person can move it without any problems;
  • easy installation;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • the slab is an excellent basis for various finishing materials - paint, wallpaper, decorative stucco molding, ceramic tiles, artificial stone etc. Plasterboard walls and ceilings can be decorated in the most unimaginable ways;
  • from it you can create the most various designs: dropped ceilings, carry out wall cladding, formation of partitions, arches, niches and columns;
  • safety. The material is completely safe for human health. Only when cutting it you need to cover your eyes and mouth so that dust does not get there;
  • price. The material is available and costs less than some other types of finishing, especially if drywall is used to renovate the entire house.

With a material such as drywall, you can give your apartment a unique appearance, making it original and very beautiful.
In addition, drywall has certain specific properties that are given to it by special core additives. Among special properties The following materials can be distinguished:

  • moisture resistance. Sheets with such properties can be installed in rooms where there is a humid microclimate. Such slabs are used in the renovation of attics, kitchens, bathrooms and toilets;

Moisture resistant sheets

  • fire resistance. This type of slab is used in rooms with a dry microclimate, as well as where there are increased requirements for fire safety. Thanks to special additives, such material can withstand exposure to open fire for about 40 minutes;

Fireproof sheets
Fire and moisture resistant sheets

  • fire and moisture resistance. There are sheets of plasterboard that can combine both fire resistance and moisture resistance. They are installed in rooms with dry and humid microclimates;
  • ordinary. Such sheets are used for finishing walls and ceilings in rooms with a normal microclimate.

In general, drywall can be used in almost any room: bathroom, kitchen, living room, toilet, bedroom, etc. Balconies, loggias and attics are also finished with this material.

Let's talk about the shortcomings

Despite the huge number of advantages, plasterboard as a material used for interior decoration also has some disadvantages:

Note! Each individual situation has its own step-by-step instruction, which will help you cope with the task of hanging without any problems heavy objects on plasterboard walls.

  • deformation of the slabs when trying to fasten heavy objects to the walls;
  • when cutting sheets into pieces, small particles appear construction garbage. Therefore, all work on cutting plasterboard should be carried out with special safety glasses, and also cover your mouth with a mask;
  • reducing room space by assembling the frame.

If desired, all these negative aspects of working with the material, in addition to reducing space, can be leveled out. To do this, you must strictly follow the appropriate step-by-step instructions.

Purpose of the material

Any of the above types of plasterboard sheets are used for the following types works:

  • leveling walls in the bathroom, kitchen, living room and other rooms. They are even suitable for finishing the attic;
  • installation of complex ceiling structures;
  • assembly of furniture of the parameters that are necessary;
  • creation of shelves, niches and columns, both functional and decorative;
  • creation of stands;
  • installation of complex figured elements. They can be installed on walls or ceilings.

The material is excellent for finishing walls and ceilings in residential and non-residential premises. It is plasterboard that is most often used for finishing the attic, kitchen, loggia and bathroom.

Let's move on to the opponent - OSB

OSB structure

IN Lately There is a trend towards increasing popularity of OSB boards. Very often, such a slab comes in tandem with three-layer panels and insulation, which increases thermal insulation properties the entire structure.
Oriented Strand Board (OSB) or Oriented Strand Board (OSB) is a multilayer sheet. Usually it consists of 3-4 layers. Its layers include the following materials:

  • wood shavings. It can have a longitudinal or internal transverse orientation;
  • various resins;
  • boric acid;
  • synthetic wax.

OSB consists of 95% sawdust, the remaining 5% comes from a small amount of impregnation, paraffins and glue. The properties of the slab directly depend on the type and quality of sawdust. Sometimes the top of the slab is additionally treated with wax to increase its moisture-resistant properties.
This structure of the material determines its following advantages:

  • availability;
  • reliability;
  • external resemblance to a tree. Great for wall decoration;
  • high quality;
  • low weight;
  • high rate of fracture deformation.

In addition, the material has the following properties:

  • relatively high strength. It is higher than that of chipboard;
  • has some moisture-resistant properties;
  • ease of processing;
  • excellent sound absorption;
  • high rigidity.

As you can see, OSB boards have quite good advantages, allowing them to be widely used for interior decoration.


Sawdust for production

Among the disadvantages of OSB boards, the main place is occupied by the possibility of the material releasing toxic substances. Formaldehyde and toxic resins can be released here.
During the production of OSB boards, large sawdust is used, which are connected to each other with glue during the process. The result is a solid slab. It is the presence of glue in OSB that is the reason that such a board can be toxic and release dangerous compounds into the air.

Note! Much less glue is needed to create OSB boards than with chipboard production. Therefore it is less toxic.

The disadvantages of OSB include:

  • low fire-resistant properties;
  • low strength indicators. To increase it, two plates are installed;
  • more difficult to install on walls. Installation is more labor-intensive compared to drywall;
  • cutting creates a lot of construction waste;
  • low vapor permeability properties.

This material is not very suitable for renovation work in the kitchen, bathroom and attic.

Purpose of the material

OSB boards are used in the following situations:

  • for external cladding while using some cladding coatings;
  • continuous roof lathing;
  • installation of subfloors;
  • for the production of structural SIP panels;
  • wall covering.

Wall decoration

In addition, the material is used for finishing and structural work. This material is practically not at all suitable for finishing walls in some rooms (as already mentioned - in the bathroom, kitchen, etc.).


It is worth noting that the price of OSB board is approximately on the same level as drywall. Therefore, based on the price parameter, it is difficult to make a choice which is better - gypsum board or OSB. Therefore, the choice should be made based on other parameters.
In terms of environmental friendliness and harmlessness, drywall wins. It contains only biological materials, and glue and resins are used to make OSB boards. Also, OSB board cannot withstand exposure to direct fire. As you can see, it’s already 2:0 in the GCL.
In general, having studied in detail the advantages and disadvantages of materials, we can conclude that it is still better to use drywall for renovations in the bathroom, kitchen, wall decoration for the attic and other rooms.
The choice should be based both on personal preference and on the merits of the material, as well as the location of its further installation: in the bathroom, kitchen, attic walls, etc.

Among the huge range of finishing materials, plasterboard and oriented strand boards are deservedly popular. Both options have their own strengths and weak sides. And to figure out which is better, OSB or drywall, you need to familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

What is drywall, its pros and cons

Drywall can rightfully be called one of the most universal materials for interior decoration of the house. With it you can create perfect smooth walls, produce structures of any complexity in the form of arches, original niches, multi-level ceilings, pilasters, columns and much more.

This versatility of drywall is ensured due to its base, which is natural material, obtained by firing at a temperature of 1800 degrees - building gypsum.

In addition to gypsum, the filler may contain adhesive composition PVA, starch, fiberglass, etc.

The gypsum, ready for further processing, is placed between two layers of thick cardboard. For the manufacture of plasterboard sheet use cardboard with a density of 0.17 - 0.22 kg/m2.

So that this building material there was a securely protected edge, its edges curved around the ends. This technique allows you to protect the sheet during transportation or storage.

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Pros of drywall:

  • Naturalness of the material. No synthetic additives or toxic substances are used for its production, which allows you to obtain an environmentally friendly finish inside the house.
  • Can be used in any room, but for use in places with high level humidity (for example, in the bathroom), it is recommended to choose moisture-resistant gypsum board
  • Does not cause any difficulties during implementation installation work. The material lends itself well to any processing and is easily modified. This advantage of gypsum board allows you to create the most incredible designs and reliefs
  • The ability to hide various communications in plasterboard niches, as well as uneven walls. Insulation material can be laid in the voids formed during the installation of drywall.
  • High thermal and sound insulation qualities
  • The ability to create a comfortable, controlled microclimate in a room finished with plasterboard that can absorb and release moisture
  • GKL has a good fire safety rating
  • Plasterboard structures lend themselves perfectly to painting, plastering, tiling, wallpapering
  • Possibility of quick and relatively simple repairs in case of cracks, dents, deformations, or through holes
  • Availability of material

Disadvantages of plasterboard finishing:

  • Moisture-resistant drywall, often used in bathtubs, cannot fully resist negative impact water. It is not recommended to be used for finishing ceilings in multi-storey buildings, where there is a high probability of flooding by neighbors above
  • In rooms with high humidity levels, even with special surface treatment, it is not always possible to prevent the appearance of mold on gypsum boards. Only installing at finishing waterproof materials, you can achieve the desired result
  • Low mechanical strength of the material, which requires reinforcement future design using embedded elements for fastening lighting fixtures or in places where paintings, equipment, household items, etc. will be hung.
  • Precision and accuracy when working with gypsum plasterboard; fastening must take into account the characteristics of the material
  • The need for additional finishing (sealing seams, recesses)
  • Availability of a dry room in case of storing sheets in reserve

In order to understand which is better - drywall or OSB board, it is recommended to study the strengths and weaknesses of the latter.

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What are OSB boards, their pros and cons

Oriented strand boards (OSB, OSB, OSB) are made in the form of a multi-layer sheet texture made of coniferous or hardwood chips, made from non-commercial wood. The chips are glued together with various resins under high pressure and high temperature. On outside sheet shavings are laid out longitudinally, and with inside– transversely, which makes the slabs especially durable.

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Advantages of the material:

  • Can be bent if necessary for interior wall decoration. Unlike plywood, it does not crack
  • Moisture-resistant options can be used for external cladding gazebos, outbuildings. The OSP-3 and OSP-4 grades with a high level of resistance to moisture have proven themselves especially well.
  • When fastening the material does not cause any difficulties, the screws are securely held in the structure of the canvas
  • The slabs are easy to process, fastening them is quite simple, and you can cut them to size with a chainsaw
  • Availability of material
  • Wide choice of finishes, you can use varnish - colorful materials, plaster, etc.
  • Long service life if attached according to technology. If the slab is treated with a fire-resistant compound, it can last up to 300 years.
  • High degree of strength
  • Does not shrink
  • The material contains no harmful components
  • If you cover the slab with high-quality varnish, the surface will be complete

Disadvantages of OSB boards:

  • There are products from manufacturers that add glue with formaldehyde and other substances harmful to human health.

When purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to its quality and composition.

To answer the question “Which is better, plasterboard or OSB for interior decoration of a house?”, you need to compare these two types of material.

Jpg" alt=" which is better OSB or plasterboard" width="500" height="366" srcset="" data-srcset="https://remontcap.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/wall-decoration-1-500x366..jpg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px">!}

Comparison of gypsum board or OSB

To find out which is better, OSB or plasterboard on the walls for interior decoration, we will compare the following parameters:

  • Scope of application. Both gypsum board and OSB can be actively used to create furniture (in the kitchen), ceiling and arched structures, curly elements. Using moisture-resistant options, you can sheathe the walls in the bathroom.
  • Environmental friendliness. Two types of material high-quality manufacturing do not contain substances harmful to the human body.
  • Moisture resistance. GCR is more susceptible to the development of mold on it than its opponent. If we consider what is better to mount on the bathroom wall, plasterboard or OSB, then it is better to give preference to universal products - OSB-3 with a high level of moisture resistance and susceptibility to mechanical loads.
  • Strength. This is where oriented strand boards win.
  • Difficult to process. Both materials are easy to process, and their load capacity is relatively high.
  • Thermal and sound insulation qualities. If there are excessively loud sounds, the gypsum panel will vibrate. To eliminate this negative point, you will need to finish the surface with several layers of cladding and fill the voids with fiberglass or mineral wool. But today the manufacturer has presented a unique product - acoustic plasterboard with excellent soundproofing properties. It attaches very simply. With this approach, both materials will have almost the same effect.
  • Difficulty at work. If you figure out what is better to mount, OSB or drywall, then there is not much difference. They attach equally well and do not cause any difficulties even for a home craftsman.

In which cases is it better to use OSB, and in which plasterboard?

For finishing roofs, for covering floors, for exterior work, for creating frame-panel construction, it is recommended to use oriented strand boards with high technical characteristics.

For interior wall decoration and execution original designs choose a material based on building gypsum.

Having found out which is better than OSB or plasterboard, you can begin planning renovations in a specific room. The main thing is to choose a product from a trusted manufacturer and install it reliably and efficiently, following construction technology. If moisture-resistant drywall is mounted on OSB, you can get a surface with a long service life and quite strong.

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