The use of sawdust in the garden. Wood sawdust as fertilizer for the garden. Properties of wood chips and shavings

From ancient times to the present day, sawdust has been very popular among gardeners and gardeners. Low price, availability, lightness with large volumes, various uses (as fertilizer, for mulching, for loosening the soil, as an insulating material), make it an indispensable and useful substrate.

Small waste from sawing (sawdust) is environmentally friendly and is divided into:

  • Birch.
  • Aspen.
  • Linden.
  • Oak.
  • Chestnut.
  • Pine.
  • Conifers.

The composition of fresh shavings is unsuitable for use as fertilizer. The point is that when such a substrate decomposes, a large number of different microorganisms appear - fungi, bacteria. To live, they take nutrients from the soil, such as nitrogen. In the future, this must be replenished by applying fertilizers.

Composition of wood remains:

  • lignin - 27% - intended for lignification;
  • hydrocarbons - cellulose - 70%;
  • carbon - 50%;
  • oxygen - 44%;
  • nitrogen - 0.1%.

Wood waste contains a large amount of resinous and waxy substances that are harmful to plant growth. For this reason, fresh sawdust is processed and used as the basis for future compost.

The scope of application of chips is extensive. Let's look at examples of work in horticultural farming:

  • At .
  • During land reclamation.
  • To obtain fertile compost.
  • As a fertilizer.
  • For covering plants in the cold season.
  • For filling paths between beds.
  • When growing mushrooms.
  • To dewater the area when flooding melt water(dig a trench and cover it with sawdust and earth on top).

Properties of sawdust

When mulching plants in greenhouses and on open surfaces:

  • They retain moisture for plants when a layer of substrate is laid.
  • They are a good protector of the root system from frost.
  • Do not allow weeds to grow.
  • Prevents the formation of crust on top of the soil.
  • Reduces wind and water erosion.
  • They prevent the earth from bulging out in winter.

Are common :

  • They make it better soil structure(during reclamation, mixing with sapropel restores the fertile layer).
  • Used as fertilizer (composted sawdust).
  • They have a positive effect on the soil when growing seedlings.
  • They have excellent heat dissipation.
  • They are an excellent medium for mycelium (when mixed with peat, they retain moisture and protect from temperature changes).

Sawdust as fertilizer

Fresh wood residues from sawing cannot be used as fertilizer, since they do not have useful substances for plant nutrition. To obtain humus, it takes from 3 to 10 years.

In order for sawdust to be used as fertilizer, it is necessary to compost. There are several ways. Here are some of them:

Composting using EM1 (Baikal or Tamir)

  • sawdust - 100 l;
  • earth - 10l;
  • ash - 4 cups;
  • nitrogen salt (carbide, saltpeter) - 1 glass;
  • preparation EM1, at the rate of 2% of the total mass;
  • Sugar (for pine sawdust) - 50g.

Earth, ash, nitrogen salt, sugar are mixed with sawdust. The drug EM1 is diluted in water at a rate of 1:100. The mixed substrate is poured with the prepared solution. Seals with a hermetically sealed lid plastic film, and aged for 2-3 months. It is introduced under digging and used in the form of mulch.

It is a composition containing live bacteria. There are 1 billion microorganisms per 1 liter of volume.


  • lactic acid bacteria;
  • aerobic layers (yeast);
  • nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

They create the microenvironment in the substrates necessary for compost.

Creating a layer of compost between the beds

  • The space between the beds is filled with fresh sawdust to a depth of 10 cm.
  • It is poured from a watering can with the prepared solution, at the rate of 100 ml of solution per 10 liters of water (the solution is prepared in advance from the ECONOMIC Bioconstructor preparation).
  • In a year upper layer can be removed and used for mulching.

The drug "ECONOMIC Bioconstructor" has three bottles:

  • concentrate “Economy Harvest;
  • nutrient medium;
  • dietary supplements.

Compost with slurry

  • Sawdust is loaded into boxes, pits, used bathtubs, and any other large containers.
  • A solution of medium consistency slurry is prepared.
  • The drug “Economic Dachny” is added to the solution at the rate of 5 liters per 1 sq. meter with a 20 centimeter layer of sawdust.
  • Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  • Covered with plastic film.

When producing compost, the following are important: moisture, heat, oxygen.

After 10-30 days, compost can be added to the beds and used for mulch.

The drug "Economic Dachny" is produced by the company "Biotechsoyuz", specializing in the production of biological products. This concentrate has many useful properties:

  • speeds up the process of compost readiness;
  • suppresses the growth of pathogenic microbes;
  • non-toxic for plants, people, animals;
  • eliminates odors;
  • does not cause metal corrosion.

An easy way to make compost

You can get compost in your garden plot in 2 weeks, for this:

  • Take 3 buckets of sawdust (fresh, not pine), 200 g of urea (urea).
  • The entire substrate is laid in several layers, each layer is sprinkled with urea.
  • Waters well (humidity should be 50-55%).
  • It is hermetically sealed with film and kept in the sun for two weeks.
  • The resulting mixture can be used for mulching in the greenhouse and in open ground.


  • Mulching tomatoes with sawdust compost increases the yield by 20-30%. Leads to growth of maturation, counteracts late blight disease.
  • Mulching strawberries and strawberries prevents the berries from rotting.

Classic compost (sawdust-mineral)

To prepare the required composition you need:

  • Fresh sawdust - 1 cubic meter.
  • Double superphosphate - 0.75kg.
  • Potassium sulfate - 1.5kg.
  • Urea - 2.5 kg.

These inorganic salts are soluble in water. Sawdust is watered with this solution. The entire mass under the film is aged for 2 to 6 months, at a temperature inside the heap of + 40-50 degrees. When the temperature in the compost is 25 degrees, it can be used for digging.The composition of the composted mixture can be improved by adding manure (a month after the initial addition of the sawdust-mineral mass). increases the temperature inside the mixture and reduces the cooking time of the product.


In order for the process of organic mass formation to proceed efficiently, certain conditions must be met:

  • Presence of sunlight;
  • Wind protection (to keep the pile warm);
  • When laying, make a layer-by-layer layout (sawdust, weeds, manure, etc.) from 150 to 200 mm;
  • The layer below is drainage (small branches, dry grass, leaves).
  • The next layer is wood waste from sawing (watered with urea or slurry).
  • Next, layers of manure, soil (preferably forest), hay, and straw alternate.

When is the best time to use sawdust?

Many gardeners add sawdust to the soil in the fall to improve structure, water and air mode(preferably for heavy soils). To do this, after harvesting, tops, grass, leaves, and straw are laid out on the ridges. By spring there will be an increase in soil inhabitants (worms, microorganisms).

In spring, fresh manure is added. All this and a layer of sawdust. The height of the layer should be no more than 3-5 cm. Everything is thoroughly mixed. Then leaves, straw, a layer of soil are placed on top, and mineral fertilizers are applied. For stronger heating, boiling water is poured onto the soil.

It is necessary to observe the terms of mulching fruit trees and berry bushes. This must be done before mid-July, then by the beginning of September there will be nothing left of the sawdust substrates, since worms and loosening of the earth will contribute to mixing. Using mulch from July will have a bad effect on the ripening of annual shoots, since during intense rains the mulch layer will interfere with the evaporation of moisture from the ground.

Basic rules for using sawdust

When using sawdust, there are two main problems that need to be addressed before use.

Rapid soil acidification

The problem is solved by applying:

  • ash;
  • lime;
  • fertilizers (superphosphate, sodium nitrate, potassium chloride, etc.);

When adding alkalis, the permissible doses must be observed. Acidity testing is determined by tests using litmus papers.

Extraction of nitrogen from the soil by sawdust

To prevent nitrogen deficiency and prevent poor plant development, it is necessary to use urea (). In this case, be sure to dissolve the fertilizer in water and saturate the substrate well.

Pros and cons of using sawdust

When using sawdust in horticultural farming, both positive and negative effects are observed.

Positive sides:

  • accessibility and use during work at any time;
  • using sawdust as fertilizer (producing humus by composting);
  • strengthening the effect of organic soil components;
  • are a barrier for weeds;
  • when mulching, they retain moisture in the ground until spring;
  • promote soil aeration;
  • capable of killing pests and disinfecting soil (conifers);
  • help soil oxidation for some plants (ficus, begonia, cyclamen, citrus, ivy, pelargonium);
  • are environmentally friendly;
  • protect the soil from the formation of a crust on the surface;
  • are good protection of berries from rotting and slugs;
  • increase productivity after application;
  • has good heat dissipation.

Negative sides:

  • Wood sawdust is not a pure fertilizer. When applied to the soil it makes it poorer. Actively removes minerals and trace elements (nitrogen);
  • when added to the soil, it increases acidity (the presence of organic waxy and resinous substances);
  • overheats for a long time (8-10 years);
  • the presence of substances that inhibit plant growth (allelopathic oak and walnut);
  • prolonged exposure to manure leads to the formation of fungus.

Sawdust is an inexpensive and accessible raw material, essentially wood waste, priceless in value, environmentally friendly pure material for the gardener and gardener. Good help when the market is cluttered chemicals, harmful to people.

With desire and a skillful approach to use, waste is the key to rich harvests of vegetables, berries and fruits.

» Medicines

Inexpensive and accessible natural material– sawdust. They can be purchased at the nearest sawmill, obtained at own plot during construction, sawing wood. Farmers have found many ways to benefit from this waste. However, do not forget that they can also cause harm. Later in the article, let's take a closer look at such aspects as the benefits and harms of using sawdust in the garden. And also how you can fertilize or treat beds with them.

Sawdust and shavings are sometimes burned to produce mineral fertilizer - wood ash. But this is how valuable organic matter evaporates, the voluminous loose substance disappears. It's better to do it differently:

  1. Mulching.
  2. Compost.
  3. Adding to soil and greenhouses.
  4. Neutralizer of harmful substances.
  5. Acidifier.
  6. Dehumidifier.
  7. Temperature insulator.
  8. Pest repeller.
  9. Additive to seedling soils.
  10. Substrate for mycelium, germination of seeds and tubers, forcing flowers and herbs.
  11. Wednesday for winter storage rhizomes and tubers.
  12. Covering garden paths.
  13. Bedding in livestock and poultry farming, in a dog kennel.
  14. Filler in a country toilet.
  15. Stuffing material garden scarecrow, garden furniture and pillows.
  16. Construction raw materials (insulator, insulation, filler for sawdust concrete).
  17. Fuel in heating boilers.
  18. Source of smoke in the smokehouse.

Sawdust close up

Types of small wood waste

Small waste from cutting wood is divided into shavings, large and small fractions. There are also differences in the type of wood: from coniferous or from hardwood. Sometimes the differences are important, for example: leaf waste rots faster; Coniferous trees are not suitable for smoking products, etc. But any organic matter is valuable. It is advisable to treat the sawdust before use.

Benefits and harms

  1. The presence of impurities such as creolin, chemical oils, paint particles, glue, and gasoline is dangerous for humans and the environment.
  2. That's why you need to take pure wood products, and not chipboard or sleepers.
  3. Unripened organic matter (when introduced into the soil and onto its surface) begins to decompose by microorganisms that intensively consume soil nitrogen.
  4. Because of this, plants experience nitrogen starvation - they turn pale and develop worse. Therefore, it is recommended to put only rotten sawdust in the ground, and when mulching with fresh sawdust, flavor it with nitrogen fertilizers.
  5. Sawdust compost acidifies the soil. Simultaneous alkalization is necessary (in the fall - with lime, in the spring - with dolomite flour, ash). Seedling sawdust soils dry out too quickly.

It is necessary to follow the recommended proportions of components and monitor regular watering.

Mulching Sawdust mulch is a cheap and convenient option.

  • They cover it at the dacha:
  • surface of beds with vegetables and strawberries
  • soil in raspberry gardens, flower beds trunk circles in

fruit and berry garden

Sawdust in bags, ready for soil mulching

The layer thickness can be from 4 to 20 cm. Mulch is applied in spring or early summer, and for fruit and berry plants ornamental crops

– it is also possible in the fall. At the beginning of the season, rotted sawdust compost from last year or the year before is used; at the end of the season, organic matter from spring composting is suitable. It is also possible to mulch with fresh sawdust. They are pre-cooked : soaked in a strong solution nitrogen fertilizers

. To do this, 3 buckets of mulching material are filled with 10 liters of water, where a quarter kilogram of urea or saltpeter is dissolved. It is best if this mixture sits for a couple of weeks (covered with polyethylene) before mulching, after which you can sprinkle it on the beds. Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with fresh manure or droppings (2 liters), but such mulch is not suitable for strawberries and some vegetables (for hygienic reasons).

  1. Advantages of sawdust mulch
  2. the material is not contaminated with weed seeds
  3. gradually rotting, the mulch enriches the soil with organic matter
  4. moisture is saved
  5. no soil crust and erosion
  6. roots are insulated, temperature changes are smoothed out
  7. comfortable for beneficial soil inhabitants (microorganisms, earthworms)
  8. makes it difficult for some pests to escape
  9. no dirty splashes from rain and watering – cleaner products and fewer diseases
  10. inhibits weed growth

ridges, garden, flower beds look well-groomed and beautiful

Mulching a potato bed with sawdust

How to fertilize with compost The best option for sawdust disposal is proper composting. Simply poured out in a large heap, they will rot for several years (especially from). coniferous trees

  • manure, droppings
  • feces
  • foliage
  • herbal humus
  • dolomite flour, ash.

The mass is regularly shoveled and spilled with water, as well as solutions mineral fertilizers, herbal infusions, biological products (Baikal, Flumb Super, Shining). The process of compost maturation usually lasts from six months to two to three years. The minimum waiting period is 2 months.

Mixed compost is considered the best organo-mineral fertilizer for all crops.

Adding to soil and greenhouses

The fertilizer “works” in the soil for 3-5 years: it nourishes plants and loosens heavy loams.

Small wood waste is also used to add biofuel to greenhouses. They are mixed: fresh sawdust with fresh manure, rotted with rotted manure (in a 1:1 ratio).

Neutralizer of harmful substances

A fresh mass of small wood waste serves as an “ambulance” in emergency situations. It is added to the soil if an excess of nitrogen and other fertilizers is noticed. This way the plants will avoid fattening, accumulation of nitrates and harmful salts.

Acidifier in garden beds

Rotten sawdust is useful when planting and mulching those plants that love increased acidity soil (hydrangeas, rhododendrons, azaleas, heathers, blueberries).

Pine sawdust as a desiccant

Fresh sawdust can absorb an amount of liquid that is 5 times its volume. They are good for filling drainage ditches and paths between high ridges in wetlands.

Temperature insulator

In regions where in winter low temperatures, dry sawdust is used to protect the root zone and branches of shrubs (grapes, hydrangea, roses, clematis), planting winter garlic and perennial flowers (lilies, irises, chrysanthemums) from freezing. To avoid overheating, shelter is provided when subzero temperatures, and opening earlier in the spring. To protect against dampness, a waterproof material (polyethylene, roofing felt, etc.) is placed on top.

Some fruit and berry crops bloom very early, and the ovaries freeze. If the root zone is covered with a thick layer of sawdust, then the trees and shrubs will wake up later. Flowering will be postponed to a more comfortable time.

Pest repeller for garden plots

Small wood waste is soaked in tar or gasoline and laid out to repel rodents, onion and carrot flies.

Adding prickly sawdust makes it difficult for snails and slugs to move around. The resinous aroma partially protects plants from attack by beetles (Colorado beetle, raspberry beetle, flower beetle, weevil).

Additive to seedling soils

A soil substrate containing from 10 to 50% rotted sawdust compost is recommended for

  • seedlings of vegetable and flower crops
  • rooting cuttings and strawberry mustaches
  • growing seedlings with a closed root system.

Other components of such soil are garden soil, peat, and a little sand. Loose soil requires frequent watering or special additives that retain moisture (hydrogel, vermiculite, coconut substrate).

Unrotted organic matter can cause starvation of young plants. If the foliage has turned pale, then you need to give nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizing.

Using substrate as fertilizer

Seeds of cucumbers (as well as zucchini, pumpkin, melons and watermelons) are germinated in fresh small sawdust and seedlings are kept. The substrate is poured with boiling water, then the water is immediately drained. The procedure is repeated twice to wash off the resinous substances. The warm, wet mass is laid out in a layer of 6 cm, and dry seeds are placed into it at a depth of 1.5 cm (at a distance of 3 cm from each other). The crops are covered with film and placed in a warm place. The seedlings “shoot” after 3-4 days. The seedlings are ready for planting in two weeks.

In sawdust you can force onions and tulip flowers. The substrate must first be spilled with boiling water and fertilized with a complex fertilizer with a predominance of nitrogen. Potato and dahlia tubers are sprouted in the same way before planting.

The middle fraction of crushed wood from deciduous trees is used for artificial cultivation of mushrooms such as oyster mushrooms.

Medium for winter storage of rhizomes and tubers

In autumn, flower growers dig up dahlia tubers, calla lilies and begonias, and canna rhizomes. They are stored in a cellar or refrigerator, sprinkled with dry, fresh sawdust. Resinous components inhibit rotting.

Farmers are zealous and creative people. They have the ability to convert waste into income, especially when it comes to organics. As you can see, using pine or any other sawdust can be beneficial in the right hands.

Difficult to find material more in demand in the countryside than ordinary sawdust.

Due to their unique physical, chemical and biological properties, they are used in most aspects country life.

Proper use of sawdust brings a lot of benefits but even minor mistakes can seriously complicate the work of a summer resident, or even negate all his efforts.

Here are the areas of country life in which the use of sawdust gives the best results:

  1. Garden.
  2. Greenhouses.
  3. Obtaining fertilizers.
  4. Disposal of excrement.

Application in the garden

Blooming and abundantly fruiting garden is a worthy decoration any summer cottage.

Therefore, summer residents are looking for any ways that will help increase productivity garden trees, and also make the garden area more beautiful.

Due to the deep location of tree roots, traditional mulching protecting the soil from moisture loss, they need much less.

Indeed, at such a depth, the loss of water due to heating of the soil surface has almost no effect on the roots and does not deprive the tree nutrients.

Mulching trees and bushes with wood sawing waste improves the structure of the soil, making it looser, so the roots receive more nutrients.

The result of such care for garden bushes and trees is more abundant fruiting.

Besides, right choice colors, and in some cases painting, of sawdust make the garden area more beautiful and elegant, as well as highlight the most important areas.

In addition, filling the paths with waste from sawing wood allows you to walk on them even during heavy rains, without soiling your shoes and clothes with muddy soil.

Such paths not only look neater and more natural than those filled with crushed stone or paved with tiles, but also supply the soil around them with nutrients, which release sawdust.

More details about all issues related to correct use sawdust in the garden, read in.

Use in the garden

Thanks to the ability loosen and fill the soil with nutrients, waste from sawing wood is in great demand in the garden. After all, with their help:

  • germinate seeds and grow seedlings;
  • mulch and fertilize the soil;
  • increase the fertility of greenhouses and beds;
  • make good fertilizer.

Germination of seeds

The seeds of any plant contain enough nutrients to necessary for seedling germination and formation of the root system.

Therefore, during seed germination, the most important thing is not the amount of nutrients and their composition in the soil, but soil structure and sufficient moisture level.

Of all the existing soils, the best for seed germination is a mixture of peat and sand, because it is she who fully meets these conditions.

However there is even more efficient material - rotted sawdust, because their structure is even looser, so the roots grow more easily, and the stem easily finds its way to the sun.

When the seedlings are ready to be planted in cups or other containers, where they will grow until they become seedlings, they are carefully pulled out of the sawdust and placed in prepared soil.

It is very desirable that the soil contains rotted sawdust, because thanks to it the roots will grow wider and receive more nutrients.

Sawdust particles stuck to the roots mix with the soil and improve its structure, and also saturate the soil with nutrients.

Growing seedlings

The productivity of plantings directly depends from the correct cultivation of seedlings and soil composition, which was applied at this stage.

This applies to both planting in cups and other containers, and planting seedlings in open ground, that is, greenhouses and beds covered with film.

After all, the root system of a small seedling is still weak and undeveloped, so unable to provide adequately plant nutrients in regular soil.

Using a soil mixture consisting of:

  • rotted sawdust;
  • humus;
  • garden soil;
  • various fertilizers,

compensates for these shortcomings and allows the root system to develop as much as possible, thanks to which it will be able to ensure not only growth, but also abundant fruiting.

When planting in open ground, it is very it is important to ensure the heating of the earth, after all, the soil temperature at this time is much lower than that necessary for the normal development of the root system.

Sometimes, for such heating, a heating cable is laid underground or water pipe, along which it passes hot water, however, there is a simpler and more reliable way.

To do this, go to the bottom of the groove or hole For planting seedlings pour a mixture of fresh sawdust and animal excrement, sometimes adding a drug that accelerates the proliferation of bifidobacteria. Then a layer of soil is poured and the seedling is planted.

After planting the plant in wood waste and excrement increased proliferation of microorganisms begins, which ensure the decomposition of organic matter.

During the life of these organisms any organic matter turns into humus(humus) with the release of heat sufficient to warm the earth to an optimal level.

To summer most of organic matter rots, so the temperature decreases, but the complete conversion of these materials into humus will occur in 6–18 months.

In details about this method of planting seedlings, and also about the use of wood sawing waste for planting seedlings, read in.


This agricultural technique is used to speed up plant development and make it more fruitful. To do this, the space around the plant is covered with a layer of mulching material, which can be used as:

  • hay;
  • straw;
  • pulled or mown weeds;
  • plastic film;
  • pine needles;
  • fallen leaves;
  • sawdust.

Mulch reduces water evaporation from the surface of the soil, due to which the soil loses moisture more slowly, which means that plants receive nutrients longer after watering.

In addition, properly selected mulch improves soil structure, loosening it, so that the water is distributed more evenly in the soil.

Therefore, plant roots can receive nutrients from a larger area.

Another purpose of mulch is weed control, after all, the reserves of nutrients in the weed seed are not enough to break through the layer of sawdust and bring the leaves into the sun. In addition, mulch protects beds and greenhouses from slugs and snails.

Also this method protects plant roots from overheating in summer and frost in winter. Sun rays on a hot day, they heat the soil to dangerous levels, which can lead to damage or even death of the roots.

Thanks to the layer of mulching material, heating of the soil surface does not reach dangerous levels even on the hottest days. In winter, during severe frosts, mulch reduces heat loss from the soil, which is why the roots do not freeze.

In the frozen roots ice breaks wood cells, which leads to a decrease in the functionality of the roots and a deterioration in the ability to absorb water.

Compared to other materials, sawdust have a lot of advantages, because they:

  • loosens the soil more effectively than any other material;
  • fill the soil with nutrients;
  • better protect roots from frost and heat with the same layer thickness;
  • thanks to small sizes And acute form separate sawdust, they are more effective in the fight against slugs and snails.

All these positive qualities appear only when used correctly sawdust mulch.

After all, when rotting, waste from sawing wood pulls nitrogen and change the acid-base balance of the soil.

Not correct use often leads to a decrease in yield, death of individual plants, and even infertility of the soil.

You can read more about proper mulching with sawdust in the article.

In the greenhouse and on the beds

The increase in soil fertility in greenhouses and beds reaches a whole range of measures, which includes:

  • Creation favorable conditions for the development of seedlings and adult plants;
  • filling the soil with nutrients;
  • protection of plants from negative natural influences;
  • preventing the growth of weeds and pests;
  • recovery chemical composition soil in winter.

The uniqueness of sawdust is that it can be used perform each of these operations. After all, germinating seedlings in sawdust is more effective than in ordinary garden soil, due to the structure being more suitable for these tasks.

Adding wood sawing waste to the soil mixture improves its characteristics and also makes it more fertile. Therefore, I use the soil mixture not only for germinating seedlings, but also for filling holes and grooves with it, in which the seedlings were planted.

Summer and winter mulching not only protect plants from negative natural influences, but also fight weeds and slugs, thanks to which crop losses are reduced, caused by these factors.

In addition, the correct use of winter mulch and green manure allows for many years grow the same crops on the plot without loss of yield.

More details about this integrated approach you can read in the article.

It is equally important to choose the right sawdust for certain actions, as well as to correctly carry out the necessary agrotechnical measures. A mistake made when choosing wood waste, or an incorrect implementation of some activity can lead to serious problems up to crop loss and soil infertility.

Making and using compost

Fertilizer based on wood sawing waste has the same positive qualities , as ordinary sawdust.

This compost loosens the soil, allowing plant roots to access water at a greater distance. This leads to faster growth and more abundant fruiting.

Often this compost contains excrement of various animals, as well as kitchen waste and cesspool contents. After all, the microorganisms that turn compost into humus make no difference what to eat and what to turn into humus.

One of the features of sawdust-based compost is that it reduces nitrogen levels in the soil, and also increases the acidity of the soil.

In the course of their life, microorganisms consume nitrogen in large quantities, and the movement of this material in the soil is due to the capillary effect.

Because of this, the nitrogen level drops by small space leads to the redistribution of this material quite large area. Therefore, it is very important to be able to select components for making compost.

It is equally important to prepare and apply it correctly. After all, unrotted compost suitable only for winter application, Moreover, along with it, it is advisable to use drugs that reduce soil acidity and accelerate the proliferation of bifidobacteria.

Even completely rotted humus can cause a lot of harm, because an excess of nitrogen with a lack of other elements necessary for the normal development of plants can lead to the appearance of fruits soaked in nitrates.

Such fruits are very dangerous and often lead to severe poisoning and damage to internal organs.

Therefore it is very important properly prepare and use fertilizers and humus based on wood sawing waste. If such compost is used correctly, it increases the productivity of any plants, so it is very important to understand what needs to be done and how.

You will find more detailed information on this issue in the article.

Use as bedding and for toilet

Country house - most appropriate place both for breeding animals for milk and meat, as well as various pets.

After all city ​​apartmentnot very suitable habitat for large dogs, rabbits and other pets that are kept at home for companionship.

All pets have one very significant disadvantage - the need to relieve natural needs, and the excrement has an extremely unpleasant odor.

Therefore, to all pet owners some kind of remedy is needed which will not only eliminate the odor, but also allow the animal or bird to comfortably cope with its needs.

In stores, such products are positioned as cat or dog litter for toilets, and their purchase, especially if the pet is quite large, doesn't come cheap. After all, the larger Living being, the more filler he needs, and the contents of the tray or toilet have to be changed every 2-3 days.

Wood sawdust at least they are not inferior to most fillers that can be bought in stores, and in terms of price-quality ratio they have no competitors at all.

When breeding poultry or meat and dairy animals, it is very important to provide them with conditions allowing you to comfortably manage your needs. After all, most of these animals do not have access to the concept of a toilet as the only place where they can empty their bowels or bladder. Therefore, they need high-quality bedding that:

  • absorbs liquid from excrement;
  • will slow down the appearance of unpleasant odor;
  • will reduce the rate of reproduction of pathogenic bacteria;
  • will make it easier to clean the area where animals or birds are kept;
  • will prevent excrement from getting on the fur or feathers.

Fresh sawdust fully meets these requirements.

Moreover, sawing waste wood coniferous species preferable because the resin impregnating them is a natural antibiotic that suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

In addition, thanks to their own strong odor, they will be able to partially suppress bad smell excrement, if for some reason you delay cleaning the room a little.

After cleaning the room, the mixture of sawdust and excrement can be used as one of the components of high-quality compost, which, after rotting, turns into an excellent fertilizer for any garden and garden crops.

In addition, waste from sawing wood can be used as a filler for septic tanks or dry closets, because the processes occurring in human and animal feces are the same.

Therefore, the same bacteria that turn manure or droppings into excellent compost and eliminate unpleasant odors will also successfully cope with human feces.


Sawdust is a unique material that finds application in most aspects country life. They are used in gardens and vegetable gardens, because mulch and sawdust-based fertilizer are more effective than any other materials.

Wood sawing waste is used as bedding for large and small cattle, and also as a litter filler for pets.

Now you know where and how you can use sawdust, thanks to which you can make your stay at the dacha or in country house more comfortable and fruitful.

The main reason for the popularity of sawdust as a fertilizer is its relative cheapness, especially in comparison with expensive chemicals or manure. There are several main ways to use sawdust as a means to improve the structure and fertility of the soil.

Sawdust as a mulching material

Adding sawdust to the soil helps make it looser, thereby improving its hygroscopicity and ability to pass moisture, and also increasing the oxygen content in the fertile layer. The most effective is adding sawdust to the soil at autumn period. Sawdust should be spread in a thin, even layer immediately before digging up the garden. Sawdust is also used to create a mulch layer in raspberry fields or on walkways, from where they are evenly spread over the soil over time.

Sawdust for “soft” fertilizer

Fertilizing the soil in the process of growing garden crops is often associated with the risk of damaging root system plants. To avoid increased concentrations of nitrogen-containing fertilizers, they can be spread using sawdust. When adding urea to the soil, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:12 and sawdust is soaked in the resulting solution for one week. Chemical fertilizers are distributed in exactly the same way. Before fertilizing bird droppings it must be soaked in water and mixed with sawdust until a homogeneous thick mass is formed.

Sawdust with fertilizer is laid out in a ring around the base of the plant stem. In the process of periodic watering, sawdust will gradually release nutrients into the soil, which also helps to save fertilizers and reduce the frequency of feeding garden crops with them.

The use of sawdust in combination with compost

Sawdust can be used as a supplement to humus. Fresh sawdust in compost pit You shouldn’t add them; it’s much better to let them weather and absorb moisture. To do this, sawdust is packed in burlap and left under open air on for a long time. The supply of sawdust in bags can last for several years, which makes them beneficial features will not decrease. Sawdust is usually added to the compost pit in the fall, after it has been completely or partially cleaned. Pine sawdust itself does not contain a large amount of nutrients, but as part of humus, it drains the top layer of soil well and makes the fertilizer composition more uniform.

Many people probably think that dreams of waste-free management household They will remain dreams. However, there are things that can be used even when it seems that they are no longer useful. Such material is sawdust. Few people know how to properly use sawdust in the country, at home, in the garden. Most gardeners and vegetable gardeners do not know exactly how sawdust affects the soil, having only the information that sawdust acidifies the soil, and refuse to use this material on their plots. But about the use of sawdust on garden plots our ancestors knew. In this article we will talk about how to use sawdust in the garden, the benefits and harm they can bring.

What are the benefits and which sawdust is best to use in the garden?

Due to its availability, sawdust has gained popularity among gardeners and received wide application in the garden. Most often, sawdust is used as fertilizer, or gardeners mulch with sawdust, or use it to loosen the soil. Sawdust has a beneficial effect on plants in the garden due to the fact that when decomposed, it releases carbon, which activates the soil microflora by 2 times. In particularly dry areas, sawdust can be used to retain moisture, but if the trees suffer from constant flooding, then a trench is dug around them and covered with sawdust.

Did you know?If in the garden acidic soil, then it is better to use sawdust mixed with peat. Or, after sawdust gets into the ground, sprinkle the ground with limestone flour.

To prepare fertilizers/mulch for the garden, you can use sawdust from almost all trees, made from any part of the tree. The only limitation is pine sawdust; their use is a difficult process, since they slowly rot on their own, and also slow down the decay of other components due to high level resin content.

However, using pine sawdust in the garden is beneficial.

How to use sawdust in the garden Increasingly, owners summer cottages use sawdust as fertilizer, because it valuable material

, which can be found right on your site. Often on websites and forums there are questions about whether it is possible to pour sawdust into the garden, how to mix sawdust with other fertilizers, how to prepare sawdust for mulching, etc. Next, we will tell you in more detail about how to use sawdust for the garden and garden, and also consider not only benefit, but also harm.

Mulching the soil with sawdust
Sawdust as mulch is often used by gardeners and gardeners. Experienced owners advise: if you do not know all the characteristics of the soil (namely, the acidity level), then you can try mulching one bed. This will not cause any significant losses, but in the future you will know for sure whether sawdust mulch is suitable for your area. The use of sawdust in the country as mulch is not limited to mulching in open ground; it can also be used in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Important!Mulching with sawdust can be done in spring or autumn. There is no point in using sawdust in its fresh form. It is better to use completely rotted or semi-rotted material. Under natural conditions, the overheating procedure can take up to 10 years, so there are ways to more quick preparation

sawdust for use. The most common and in a simple way3 buckets of sawdust and 200 g of urea are poured onto the film and water is poured on top so that it completely wets the sawdust, then the layer is sprinkled with urea and the procedure is repeated. Thus, several layers are obtained, which are then tightly wrapped and kept in this state for two weeks. After this period, the sawdust can be used. You can scatter sawdust not only near the plant itself, but also in the aisles between plantings. A logical question would be whether it is possible to mulch all plants and, in particular, tomatoes with sawdust. Mulching tomatoes with sawdust can increase productivity by 25-30%, as well as speed up the ripening process and prevent diseases, such as late blight.

Disputes often arise among gardeners about whether it is possible to sprinkle strawberries with sawdust. Can. The main thing is to sprinkle it, not add it to the soil. Sawdust mulch prevents rotting of berries, therefore it is ideal option for strawberries.

Did you know?Some gardeners believe that dry material can be used as mulch, but only if the sawdust remains on the surface of the soil, because underground it can draw nitrogen from the soil.

When it comes to using sawdust, it is important not only what can be mulched/fertilized with sawdust, but also how to use it. So, for example, vegetable crops are mulched with a thin layer, just a few centimeters, shrubs - 5-7 cm, and trees - up to 12 cm.

Using compost with sawdust

Now that we have figured out whether it is possible to mulch with sawdust, let's talk about how to use sawdust in combination with compost / manure and other organic matter. Many people are afraid to use sawdust in its pure form for the garden or garden, but there are ways to make this use easier and more useful by using compost. Due to its availability, compost is an indispensable material for growing both fruit and vegetable crops on your site, and if it contains sawdust, the benefits will increase several times. To prepare such compost, you need to mix manure (100 kg) with 1 cubic meter. m of sawdust and leave for a year. Such fertilizer will significantly increase productivity.

Important!Rotted sawdustCanmix only with rotted manure, fresh manure with fresh manure. This will improve the quality of the compost.

Using sawdust for seed germination

Sawdust, due to the fact that it can retain moisture for a long time, has become of interest to gardeners and gardeners not only as a material for mulching or fertilizer, but also as a material for germinating seeds. In order for the sawdust to serve good service in germination, you need to use only rotted sawdust from deciduous trees, while materials from coniferous trees cannot be used.

A very important advantage of germinating seeds in a sawdust substrate is that it is then much easier to replant the plant from sawdust without harming it. In order for the seeds to germinate, they must be poured onto a layer of wet sawdust and sprinkled with another layer on top, but the second layer must be thin enough that it only covers the seeds. If the second layer is not made, the seeds will have to be moistened much more often. The container with the seeds is covered with polyethylene, leaving a small hole in it for air to enter, and placed in a warm place.

Did you know?The disadvantage of germinating seeds in sawdust is that with the appearance of the first true leaves, the seedlings must be transplanted into a regular substrate.

Sawdust as a loosening agent for soil

If there is no time for processing into high-quality nutrient material based on sawdust, but there is a lot of raw materials (sawdust), then they can be used to loosen the soil. There are three ways to use sawdust for loosening:

  1. Sawdust is mixed with mullein and added to the soil when growing vegetables in greenhouses (mix 3 parts sawdust, 3 parts mullein and dilute it with water).
  2. When digging up the soil in the beds, you can add rotted sawdust. This will help the soil stay moist longer and solve the problem of heavy, clay soils.
  3. When growing vegetables whose growing season lasts a long time, sawdust can be added to the soil between the rows.

Important!If you add sawdust to the soil when digging up the soil, then in the spring such soil will thaw faster.

Using sawdust as a covering material

The “waste” from wood processing can be used to protect plants as shelter. The most proven method is when polyethylene bags are stuffed with sawdust and the roots of the plant are covered with them. Plants such as roses, clematis and grapes are left to overwinter where they grow, to protect them, the shoots are bent to the ground and covered with a layer of sawdust. If you want to achieve 100% confidence in the safety of your plants in winter, then you can make a more durable shelter: place a cap over the plant (for this you can use wooden box) and cover it with sawdust on top - in this case the frosts will clearly not harm.

Sawdust can also be used as a wet shelter, but this risks the fact that in severe frosts the sawdust will freeze and form an ice crust over the plant. This type of shelter is not suitable for everyone, although garlic tolerates the winter well under wet sawdust of coniferous trees - they not only provide warmth, but also protect the crop from diseases and pests.

Sawdust can also be used to provide the root system with thermal insulation; to do this, they simply need to be poured in a thick layer onto the bottom of the planting hole.

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