How to make a small pond at the dacha with your own hands. Do-it-yourself pond at the dacha (51 photos): choosing a style, location, size and suitable building materials. Installation work Do-it-yourself wooden pond

Having a beautiful pond in the garden is the dream of any summer resident. In order for the reservoir to be original and easy to maintain, it is necessary to think through all the details: choose a location, select materials, select residents and plants, and then begin construction.

A pond in the garden: how to choose a site and not make a mistake with the shape and size

At the initial stage, often due to their inexperience and ignorance, gardeners make mistakes that can cause many problems in the future. Only correctly selected terrain, size and shape ideally suited to the area of ​​the site is the key to successful construction. That is why, before carrying out such work, a diagram is drawn up and planning of landscape design objects and buildings in the garden is carried out.

Site selection

  • An open area is best suited for a pond, as tall trees and shrubs will constantly clog the water. Alternatively, you can cover the surface with a net during leaf fall, but in the summer the protection will have to be removed, and debris from surrounding plants will still end up at the bottom of the reservoir. A pond placed in the shade will take a long time to warm up, especially in early spring.
  • It is very important that the selected area is exposed to sunlight either in the first half of the day or in the second.
  • The surface of the construction site must be perfectly flat. Even a slight difference in height can spoil the entire appearance; for example, waterproofing protruding from high banks does not look aesthetically pleasing.


Laws landscape design They say that for a small palisade in a natural style, the optimal solution is a sinuous, intricate shape. As practice shows, placing such a pond in a small area is quite problematic, and it will look comical.

But this is not a reason to abandon the reservoir; you can make a waterfall with a height difference or a small semi-fountain. With proper decoration, even the simplest geometric model will fit into all kinds of plantings without disturbing the landscape.

If the palisade is designed in a certain style, then the pond should correspond to it. So, for the English style a round pond is suitable, for the classical one - with strictly defined corners, and oriental design allows you to choose a completely arbitrary shape.

Size and depth

It is not necessary to make a pond in the garden large, even if the area allows it. A properly placed small pond will look much more impressive than a lake in the middle of the lawn. Although the larger ones are easier to care for, easier to decorate and can be used for swimming or fishing.

The optimal depth of the pond is from 30 to 50 cm; under such a thickness of water both vegetation and living creatures will be comfortable. But it is worth considering that such a reservoir will freeze, and fish and plants will have to be relocated for the winter. It is much easier to install and design a shallow reservoir with gently sloping banks.

DIY pond in the garden

Garden ponds are installed from a wide variety of materials: plastic, concrete, stone, film, geotextiles. You can also buy a ready-made base - it is relatively easy to install, it is suitable for wintering aquatic plants and has a fairly long service life.

The purpose of a pond can be different:

  • a mini pond made from a cast iron bathtub or garden cart;
  • a decorative swamp with which you can drain a problem area;
  • home to local flora and fauna;
  • a haven for exotic fish and plants;
  • pool with iridescent water.

Arrangement of a pond from a ready-made mold

Using a specially designed container made of polyethylene or fiberglass, creating a small mini-pond with standing water is quite simple. They come in a variety of shapes and types and are sold in specialty stores and at themed landscape design exhibitions.

  1. Place a two-level base in a predetermined place and outline its contours on the surface of the ground, adding 15 cm for seams. Dig a pit for one level, and then, after re-trying, for another, but 15-20 cm deeper than the bath itself
  2. Thoroughly clean the recess from stones and plant debris and compact it well. Next, make a layer of dry sand, 10 cm thick, and level it. Using a level and a ruler, ensure that the container is installed correctly.
  3. Fill the resulting air space with sand, moistening it until it stops seeping down. At the same time, fill the pond with water and monitor its level. If necessary, twist until the position is even.
  4. After 24 hours, check to see if the pond has subsided. If this happens, add sand and compact it. Then empty the container, wash and fill with clean water.
  5. That's it, the pond is ready for decoration. Place pebbles around it or make paths from colored gravel, plant plants in containers.

Original do-it-yourself pond in the garden photo

Often the main determining factor when choosing one of the decorative pond options is the financial side. We offer several very original and relatively inexpensive ways to build a treasured water feature.

Second Life

Old barrels located in a secluded place will serve as an excellent habitat for aquatic plants. The principle of laying such a mini-pond is the same as in the previous method. It is better to use wooden barrels made of oak, the main thing is that they are not dry. But with metal containers you will have to tinker a little: wash them, cover the outer surface with bitumen, and paint the inside oil paint black to add visual depth.

Man-made lake

What could be more charming than a small lake next to a country house? You will need plastic film, which can be used to cover 3 by 3 meter pieces of cardboard and plywood or similar pieces of plastic (5 pieces).

You'll have to work hard:

  • dig a pit with a volume of 3*3*3 m;
  • secure the ground (using thin plywood or construction cardboard); if the plastic compound will not be installed, then first cover them with plastic film;
  • install the plastic covering perfectly evenly inner surface and bottom.

As a result, your creation will delight the eye for many years.

raised pond

If the garden area is very small, this is not a reason to deprive yourself of the pleasure of admiring the water composition. The basis can be an ordinary old bathtub, the sides of which will be successfully disguised by wood or stone. This design is not recommended for breeding fish, but it is ideal for aquatic plants and snails.

For ease of pond cleaning and masking of enamel white use black film, securing its edges decorative stones so that the bathtub is not visible at all.

DIY pond in the garden photo: choosing plants for compositions

Without a doubt, a pond made with one’s own hands is a great achievement, but in order for the pond to attract the eye and invite relaxation, the vegetation should be chosen well.

Floating crops

The key place in every garden pond is occupied by the well-known water lily or nymphea (lat. Nymphaea). Many small-flowered and large-flowered varieties allow you to beautifully decorate a pond of any size.

For example, for a small pond, the most suitable are dwarf water lilies (Pygmaea Alba, N. tetragona, Marliacea Rosea), as they can visually increase the area. It is not advisable to plant other floating plants next to the nymph, or to erect a rockery or fountain (splashes can damage the leaves).

Marsh buttercup (Hottonia palustris) and water buttercup (Ranunculus aquatilis) will look very impressive on the water. These species are unpretentious; a piece of shoot is enough for their reproduction, but they are completely unsuited to wintering under thick ice, so during the cold period the plants should be moved to the basement.

Shallow water plants

The peculiarities of the root system of amphibian crops make them most suitable for landscaping ornamental swamps, reservoirs located in low areas, as well as shallow waters. This group includes: iris, marsh marigold, manna, arrowhead.

Coastal zone

The selection of plants for edging the pond depends on the level of soil drainage and the depth of groundwater. Heuchera, daylilies (Hemerocallis), bathwort (Tróllius), Siberian iris (Íris sibírica), and cornflower (Thalictrum) will take root on a gently sloping, damp bank. The numerous varieties and the most unusual color schemes make it possible to combine these aquatic plants.

The coastal zone, framed by rocky hills, involves planting drought-resistant, light-loving plants, such as saxifrage (Saxifraga) and young (Sempervivum), as well as low-growing bells and cereals, edelweiss and phlox. When planting crops, it is necessary to regulate the layering of plantings: plant low-growing perennials at the top, in a kind of water plateau, and tall ones - several levels lower.

Bottom line

A garden pond is not just a water feature - it is a real architectural structure, the erection and arrangement of which will require a lot of effort and time. But thanks to our practical advice and instructions, the creative process of constructing and landscaping a pond will bring a lot of pleasure.

However, if you are the owner of a small plot, you can think about a mini pond. A mini pond is usually placed on a terrace or in a garden. But thanks to its modest size, it can be done on the balcony or even inside the house.
In general, a mini pond is a body of water in the range of 0.5 - 1 cubic meter. (but not less than 20 liters of water), which is a small ecosystem with plants and even animals (fish). It can be complemented by a fountain and other decorative elements.
In order to make such a pond with your own hands you will need wooden box, a waterproof container made of plastic or anything else, most importantly stainless material, waterproofing film, gravel, stones, sand, soil, and plants.
Here is a diagram of a mini pond:

It should be remembered that in sunny summer weather a lot of water evaporates from the surface of the pond, so it needs to be topped up regularly.

Mini pond plants need sunlight for 6-8 hours a day. Therefore, it is better to avoid northern and poorly lit areas.
Almost all planted plants need a substrate for rooting (the exception is plants that float in water with their roots. You can use gravel from the bottom of a stream, or you can buy special “construction gravel”, which contains sand and pebbles measuring 16-32 mm Some plants can be placed in a pond in separate bowls. For example, water lilies grow well in a substrate with a predominance of clay.

In summer, ornamental plants in a small pond tolerate daily temperature fluctuations well; in the cold period, at proper preparation they tolerate frosts, with the exception of foreign heat-loving plants, which are best moved indoors for wintering.
A pond looks very impressive on the terrace when the tub is deepened into the ground. And they decorate the perimeter of the reservoir with stones and various plants.

We build a pond with our own hands for the garden

Create a pond with your own hands for goldfish and aquatic plants within your capabilities. Make sure your garden pond is at least 60 to 90cm deep. Nothing beats a garden pond if you want to make your garden even more attractive. It's surprisingly easy to make and care for. Dig a hole, fill it with a layer of sand, line everything with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film, and you have a pond of any shape you like.

Before you begin, make sure that: your pond is located on level ground with adequate sunlight for at least five hours a day, can be reached with a garden hose, and is visible from your home, deck, or patio. Surprisingly, the larger your pond, the better.

Anything less than 60cm deep and 2.5m in diameter collects heat and becomes clogged with algae. In cold climates, it is necessary to dig a hole at least 90cm deep so that the fish can survive the winter.

Check before you dig. Mark the desired shape of the pond using a hose. Sprinkle the hose with sand or flour to outline the outline of your pond.

You will need:

PVC covering

fine gravel


Stone slabs

Round stones for the bottom of the pond

Step 1

Dig a hole at least 60cm deep, slightly sloping the sides. Remove completely big roots or sharp stones.

Step 2

Make sure the edges of the pond are level using a level. Place a 5-7cm layer of wet sand on the bottom and walls of the pit. This helps smooth the sides and protect the coating from punctures.

Step 3

Place a PVC cover in the hole, leaving an extra 30cm of cover around the entire pond. Cover the pond with bricks so that the PVC covering is not visible.

Step 4

Place the slab so that it is 2.5-5cm from the brickwork. Let the water sit for two days to remove any chemicals.

Step 5

Lower pots of aquatic plants to the required depth. For example, water lily should be placed so that the edge of the pot is 15-30cm from the surface of the water.

Carefully place round stones on the bottom of the pond. When selecting aquatic creatures such as fish, snails and tadpoles, contact your supplier to determine the amount of space required.

It’s worth taking a small plastic sealed box or a suitable container, and with a little imagination, decorate it so that it turns into a small pond with its own ecosystem.
To do this, you need to take some soil, pebbles and green vegetation and the container with water will turn into a nice pond.
On the terrace you can place a large wooden tub hidden in the ground. Naturally, the water will need to be changed periodically, and if the pond is located in the sun, then it will need to be topped up during the day. But nevertheless, such a piece of the water element, combined with the general style of the entire garden, will become a real decoration and highlight of the garden.

Photo: fancy2110 (
This pond is built in a concrete flower pot.

The front garden is a great place for a mini-pond. A small pool with water lilies will look good in the shade of plants. As a container, you can use a galvanized basin or a trough covered with natural material.

In a seedling box or in a basin.
On balconies and verandas, a mini pond can be arranged in a seedling box, in a basin or in a tub. If you decide to make a pond on the balcony, then it is better to install it on a low table or even hang it. The outer sides can be decorated by gluing stones, pebbles or mosaics on them. Cover the bottom of the container with a layer of humus, then with a layer of sand and a layer of pebbles. You can also make a small hole to drain the water, although this is not necessary for such a small pond.

Mini pond. A corner of quiet privacy in your garden

Marina Savinykh

Water is the source of life, a symbol of eternity and inviolability. It is known that nothing can soothe and relax as looking at the water. So in landscape design, mini-reservoirs have become popular.

The tradition of decorating gardens with artificial ponds originates in Japan. Truly the pearl of the Japanese garden is water. Reservoirs come in a wide variety of shapes and are always decorated with finely selected aquatic plants, and often their inhabitants are goldfish. It is no secret that the Japanese landscape is more than aesthetic beauty, it is also a tribute to ancient traditions, legends and wisdom. Each landscape object contains a certain symbol that can influence the viewer.

In order for the mini pond to please you throughout the summer, it’s worth thinking about its project now. Many plants that will serve as a decoration for a mini-pond must be planted in early spring, by which time the type of small reservoir, its shape and location should already be determined.

Today, modern technologies make it possible to create miniature ponds on a site of any size, with varying levels of complexity. Even in a minimal area, you can place a pond that will significantly enliven the landscape.

There are the following types of ready-made containers for artificial mini-ponds:

Constructions using polymer materials are arranged according to the following principle: a recess of at least one and a half meters is dug and completely covered with a polymer film, the edges of the film are decorated on the outside with tiles, natural stones, wooden frames etc. The construction of a reservoir is inexpensive, and if necessary, it can be easily disassembled, so it is possible to put it indoors for the winter. But there are also disadvantages - the polymer film loses strength over time and can leak.

Ready-made structures are made of polymer materials, metal, wood or ceramics, and can be mounted at different levels. Unlike polymer films, finished structures will last longer.

For monolithic ones, a recess of at least one and a half meters is initially dug, then walls are formed from reinforcement, which are then filled with concrete. The advantages of such a tank are durability, increased strength, and the ability to realize any conceived shape.

The principle of caring for a mini-pond depends on the presence of plants and animals in it. If the design of the pond is limited solely to external decor, then it is enough to change the water once a month. Maintenance becomes much more complicated if aquatic plants, as well as fish and other aquatic inhabitants, are added to the mini-pond.

It must be remembered that the mini-pond sets general style landscape design. A “mini” pond can be treated as a corner of wild nature by decorating it with boulders and planting climbing and moss plants. You can create a small piece of a fairy tale by placing goldfish and water lilies in a mini-pond, and plant marshy plants (reeds, cyperus, etc.) around the pond. A small pond will look more impressive if you install soft-tone lighting. Then the mini-pond will become a favorite place of quiet solitude in the evenings.

Corner mini pond made of brick

Landscape design This is not only the green part of the site with plants, but also the area adjacent to the house. Suppose there is a boring corner on your site where, for some reason, you cannot place plants. You can revive it with the help of this mini pond made of brick. Height and width body of water selected according to the size of your free space.

Brick for body of water We take a regular one, not rounded, and draw a semicircle using wide seams between the bricks. Interior body of water: either a ready-made form or we concrete the structure inside; a film for ponds is also suitable. Plants planted in containers will add water to your mini pond naturalness and beauty.

Pond from old bath with your own hands

Let's talk about how to hands in the garden do pond from an old bathtub. After renovation, the old cast iron often remains in the house. bath. You can use it further - make it garden pond.

The most important thing is to decide on the location of the future pond. Then dig a pit under bath. At the bottom of the pit you need to pour gravel, crushed stone 10-20 cm, then sand 20 cm. In the place where the drain hole is in the bathroom, make the drainage layer deeper. This is so that later, if desired, you can leave the drain hole and drain water from it for the winter. If there is good drainage under the drain, the water will bathroom not much and it will absorb into the ground without any problems. The second drain hole must be cemented.

Lay bricks in the corners, install it on it bath. Add soil, gradually compacting and adding water. Leave the top of the bath slightly above ground level.

We decorate bath under pond flagstone stone. For this we installed bath slightly above ground level, so that around baths Pour crushed stone 20-30 cm. We lay flagstone on the crushed stone with cement mortar. It’s as if we “bring” the flagstone stones inside baths, thereby covering its ugly edge. To prevent the shape of the pond from actually resembling a bathtub, we place stones along the edges of the bathtub and extending beyond baths. You need to put at least 3-4 layers of stone.

Surface baths white, for pond it's not beautiful and unnatural. You can cover the inside of the bathtub with black film, then this must be done before stone works. Place the edges of the film under the stone.

Can you paint it? bath, but the surface of the bathtub is smooth, the paint peels off over time. Therefore enamel baths For pond it is necessary to clean it in order to give it porosity for better application paints.

For surface cleaning baths you need a “grinder”, a special attachment with a sticky surface, to which a “Petal” emery wheel or a “Brigadier” wire attachment is attached. A consultant at any construction market will advise you on what paint to coat the surface with. It is better to choose dark gray color. To the bottom pond You can add some pebbles.

Add water and pond from an old bathtub garden ready. Done with your own hands.

Now you need to select plants for pond, plant them in small groups near the pud according to your taste. Near pond Irises, hostas, and bergenia look beautiful. It will be beautiful inside pond from the bathroom plant aquatic plants in containers, perhaps even introduce fish.

You don’t have to drain the water for the winter if your garden pond There will already be a biological environment, it will try to survive. After all, a bath in the depths of the earth is the warmth of the earth; snow will lie on top of the ice - it will also retain heat. To be safe for the winter, you can throw a couple of plastic bottles into the water.

Idea for decorating a pond with large stones

Idea pond design big stones. In this version, the form pond semicircle. Myself pond can be made from a ready-made mold or covered with film. Cover the edges with large stones. Because the stones are very large, they can easily cover all the edges pond. Make one like this pond It’s very simple to do it yourself, it doesn’t require any special skill, and it looks like the work of professionals. The only problem is that the stones are very heavy, you need to carry them together, stretch wide ropes or a thick bag under them and grab them by the edges. Don’t forget to pour a little gravel under the stones, where they lie directly on the ground, sand on top and cover them with black lutrasil, so as not to pull weeds between them later.

In this version, an ordinary indoor cyperius is planted directly into the water in a container; it loves moisture and looks harmonious for pond.

The second option is very similar, only this is a motor-driven fountain, decorated with gravel.

Stylistics of garden ponds

Arrangement of a reservoir is aerobatics in the art of landscape design. In Russia today there is an increased interest in ponds, streams and waterfalls in the garden. Having played enough with alpine slides, hedges and mixborders, the owners of suburban areas gradually come to understand a simple truth: without water, the garden still remains not entirely harmonious, as if unfinished. But before you start renovating the area, in which you should definitely find a place for a pond or watercourse, you need to evaluate all the forms in which water can appear in the garden.

With all the variety of gardens, and there are more than a dozen different garden styles, they are all divided into two large groups: regular and landscape. The former are characterized by a symmetrical layout, emphasizing the regular geometric shapes of flower beds. Such gardens include Muslim, French and Italian classical gardens. The reservoirs in them also have strict geometric outlines; very often there are classically shaped fountains, regular-shaped canals, cascades, aqueducts and ponds.
The landscape style is well known to Russians. Most of our compatriots prefer ponds and streams of natural forms, inherent in English classical gardens (landscape); stylistics of the Far East (Japanese and Chinese); natural style gardens (from the German Naturegarten). The free contours of ponds and the lively flow of streams and waterfalls in landscape gardens give them an extraordinary charm and make the garden as similar as possible to a corner of natural nature.

Avant-garde style gardens stand somewhat apart, the distinctive feature of which is originality and conceptuality. It is almost impossible to predict the shape of a reservoir in such a garden: it can be symmetrical, natural, or so unusual that you will not immediately decide to call the structure invented by the designer a reservoir or watercourse...

Regular bodies of water

A conversation about regular-style ponds should begin with Islamic gardens. Not because they are the most ancient - it is possible that this is not the case. But the fact is that greater reverence for water cannot be found in any other garden style. Water, which in the Arab lands was an extremely limited resource and the greatest value, eventually quite naturally became a symbol of luxury. The Garden of Eden in the minds of Muslims is a place in which fountains certainly flow and roses smell fragrant. The composition of all Islamic gardens is a strictly geometric square or rectangle, divided into 4 parts by shallow channels (this garden structure was typical of ancient Persian gardens and has stuck for centuries). In addition to these channels, water is present in the form of rectangular ponds and fountains. The latter were present in large numbers and were technically very advanced: their activity was carried out due to the force of gravity. Under the fountains (or under a rectangular pond with fountains installed in it) ran a labyrinth of pipes, intersected by valves and gates, designed to control the distribution of water to countless fountain outlets throughout the garden.

Fountains are one of the most beloved forms that humanity has sought to give to water. The difference between Islamic ones is in their brevity: since the Koran prohibits depicting living beings, as a rule, these were simple drinking fountains with a small stream of water, barely rising above the bowl or surface of the pond.
If we talk about the demand for the Islamic style in the gardens of modern Europe, including in Russia, then it is rather a lighter and more elegant Spanish-Moorish style, which can easily find a place in the patio or in the space in front of the house, even if it is small, as is the case with townhouses.

The French regular style, which entered the life of the nobility under the Sun King Louis XIV, is widely known throughout the world. In the magnificent garden of Versailles, created by the brilliant gardener Henri Le Nôtre, luxurious feasts were held, accompanied by splashing water jets and the sparkle of water in canals and ponds. The triumph of man over Nature is the main idea of ​​this style, told through strict symmetry, cropped topiary forms and water squeezed into rigid frames. The water of a regular garden consists of strictly shaped pools, sculptural fountains, small wall fountains and cascades. Peterhof Park became an example of this style in Russia.

Very close French style Italian, which in the classical version was designed as a small garden near the villa, surrounded by trimmed hedges. Diagonal and straight paths invariably led to the center of the garden, where there was certainly a pond or fountain. Ponds, as a rule, were given the shape of a circle, oval or square. Old Italian estates were often surrounded by artistic water canals, a bit like moats around fortress walls.

Today, both French and Italian regular styles are quite in demand. In any case, not a single worthy exhibition on landscape design can do without projects of this kind. The most common use of this style in private property is the front (entrance) area of ​​an estate in a classic style or the classic symmetrically regular design of a patio, where the water looks like canals, fountains or a mini-pond.

Particularly noteworthy are the new generation of formal decorative pools, which are abundant in the projects of the best European designers, in particular those who take part in the Chelsea Flower Show in London, and which are almost absent in Russia. These are reservoirs of ideal geometric shape, usually of very shallow depth, the main role of which is to create a feeling of freshness in the garden and play the role of a natural mirror, giving reflections of the sky, clouds and graceful vegetation surrounding such reservoirs.

I would like to separately note that ponds in each of the listed regular styles can be arranged either flush with the ground level or have a bowl raised above the ground with walls up to 0.5-0.7 m high, which is almost never found in landscape gardens.

Landscape style

The landscape style embodies freedom and naturalness: the trees in it are never trimmed, they try to make the paths inconspicuous and asymmetrical, and they try to give the water the appearance of a natural body of water, as close as possible in its appearance to the natural one. The most ancient examples of this style belong to Far East- China and Japan, and the most common today follow the principles of creating gardens in the British Isles.
Chinese gardens, as a rule, occupy quite large areas. For centuries, their owners have treated reservoirs with great trepidation. Typically a garden will have a central pond and several additional streams and waterfalls surrounded by rocks and lush vegetation. The ponds and lakes in the garden were usually large, in which you could ride on boats made in the shape of a dragon, thus moving through the entire garden. Today, ponds may be small, but there must be one or more bridges across a watercourse, of a characteristic shape, most often stone or wooden.

Ponds in Chinese gardens often became a refuge not only for magnificent aquatic and coastal aquatic vegetation, but also for animals : Koi carp, silver crucian carp, and mandarin ducks are frequent guests of such gardens. The streams of the Chinese garden are very beautiful - it’s not for nothing that they liked to put elegant gazebos on their banks...

Island Japan has always suffered from a lack of space for gardens, and therefore their landscape art is, in fact, the art of miniatures. This statement has nothing to do with monastery gardens and large parks. “Secular” Japanese gardens are mostly small, from several square meters, areas intended for viewing and short walks. In any case, for the Japanese, a garden is a small model of the Universe. Water is not always present in the garden, but if it is, its forms are very diverse and specific.

Japan is characterized by a tendency to value not so much the surface of the water as the dynamics of the flow and the sounds made by streams and waterfalls. Waterfalls in a Japanese garden can be simple or complex, multi-stage. The location for the waterfall is chosen with special care. They are almost always covered with vegetation, which makes the landscapes even more romantic.

Garden ponds in the eastern garden always have islands, one of which is considered paradise and is not connected to the shore. There are several types of islands: forest, mountain, rocky, with young pine trees on the sand. In modern Japanese gardens, ponds are replaced by small stone pools of water, and sometimes there is not even room for them. Then this element of nature can be introduced into the garden composition in the form of a tsukubai - a stone bowl with water in the form of a barrel, in which hands were traditionally washed during the tea ceremony. In some cases, tsukubai can be located at ground level, but most often it is raised to a height of 20-30 cm. Typically, tsukubai is placed on a low, small, level area in front of a stone wall, hedge or in the center of the garden and is certainly illuminated with a stone lantern.
Another decorative element of the garden that is directly related to water is a thin water pipe made of a hollow bamboo stem through which water runs. The Japanese name for this watercourse is shishi odoshi, which means “scaring deer”, because it was originally invented by farmers for this very purpose. Most often, such structures are located at the edge of the pond.

Fascinated by the beauty and naturalness of the Far Eastern gardens, the English colonialists “infected” their compatriots with a love of natural landscapes. Today, Great Britain is considered a state in which the landscape style (words such as English, romantic, natural have become its synonyms) reached its heyday. Landscape composition techniques strived for beauty and naturalness. A characteristic feature, in addition to the beautiful “bouquet” tree plantings, was the vast spaces allocated for lawns. Beautiful ponds, streams, waterfalls and cascades surrounded by greenery and moisture-loving vegetation - characteristic such gardens.

The naturegarten style is very similar to the English landscape, with the same naturally shaped ponds and streams, but its main principle in the design of a reservoir is the rejection of the most beautiful coastal plants, possibly imported from afar or, on the contrary, long ago included in the culture and subjected to selection, in favor of “savages” - that is, that vegetation that is characteristic of a given area and grows literally behind the fence. Design of the coastline characteristic of the area coastal plants makes such a solution as viable as possible.

Avant-garde gardens

Today, the most interesting garden ponds are found in those gardens that are designed in an avant-garde style. Landscape architects who love the avant-garde have always treated water with special trepidation, rightly believing that one can only relax and truly relax near a body of water. Life-giving moisture can be present in such gardens in the very in different forms. For example, one of the exhibition gardens from The 100% Pure New Zealand Garden was a fairy-tale fantasy of the aesthetics of an uninhabited seaside. The water seemed to flow from the mountains, trying to reach the sea, and on its way passed the rain forest, the wild cliffs of the western coast, and the wind-swept dunes. More than 3,000 species of plants were used to create the garden!

The water of an avant-garde garden can become a symbol of caring for this valuable natural resource. For example, in the project Bradstone: Walking Barefoot with Bradstone, which won a gold medal at one of the exhibitions in Chelsea, a special garden drainage system was used: through special funnels, rainwater is collected from the roof of the house and from the walls of a blind fence that surrounds the garden on both sides, accumulates in large reservoirs inside the walls and is used to keep the water level within the garden's closed water system. Of course, in the absence of rain, replenishment water resources comes from civilized sources and yet this system is very interesting and environmentally friendly.

The combination of glass and water is very advantageous. An example is an interesting “water” project - “Ravine Garden: gift of the Glacier” from Lake Forest Garden Club. Glass blocks installed among the greenery of trees on a hillock seem to melt, giving life to a stream. The stream flows down, surrounded by simple but very graceful plants, but the water does not just go into the ground: it falls on a glass platform, similar to an unmelted block of ice, and from there it falls into the canal, creating an interesting lens effect.

An absolutely wonderful avant-garde pond was shown at an exhibition in Chelsea in 2008. Designer Arabella Lennox-Boyd. A thinly curved ribbon of water lilies running down the center intersected with garden path, which at the same time was also a bridge from one edge of the reservoir to the other. The composition was structured by beautifully arranged stones set in the water.

Russians will soon celebrate 20 years since landscape design came to the country in its modern form. Obviously, their preference is landscape-style ponds and streams. But allowing yourself only reservoirs of this kind is too strict a restriction, significantly narrowing the number of options. To appreciate the variety of shapes and design styles of modern reservoirs, it is enough to visit one of the European landscape design exhibitions, for example, the English exhibitions in Chelsea or the Hamptons.

How to turn your country house or cottage into a real paradise? Very easy. You just need to create a beautiful place that will please the eye. One of such bright highlights in landscape design can be a decorative pond, located comfortably among the greenery surrounding it.

How to make an artificial pond with your own hands?

Types of artificial reservoirs

Before you begin large-scale work and equip an entire lake with your own hands, you need to think about what purpose the construction of a pond on a summer cottage serves. In terms of functionality there is four types of reservoir:

Taking into account your capabilities and goals, you can determine the geometry of the pond, its parameters and location.

Pond style

Water can be made in two versions with many different modifications.

  1. Regular or formal body of water. This is a structure that has a rigidly defined shape. At the same time, the correct form is more suitable for areas that are designed in high-tech, minimalism or modern styles, or in a classical style. Together with rectangular shapes, broken, square and round also refer to the formal type of reservoir.
  2. Landscape pond. The most popular option, since it has an irregular shape, its appearance has the effect of being close to nature and is not limited by the flight of imagination of the creators.

An important point that you need to pay attention to when choosing the style of a pond is relief of the site. The flat surface allows you to make a pond of any configuration. Unevenness and changes will require a lot of attention, but they make it possible to create a reservoir with a cascade of ponds or a waterfall.

You can raise the pond above ground level with your own hands. But the difference in the technology of the work is the arrangement of the foundation, which helps prevent the concrete bowl of the pond from skewing.

A high reservoir is easier to maintain, minimizes excavation work and is suitable for families with children (the edge is equipped with railings and fencing). This pond can be built near the covered terrace, making it a resting place and part of the landscape design.

For this it is necessary take into account the following factors:

Reservoir dimensions

It cannot be said that a large pond is a luxury, and a small pond is an opportunity to save money or a budget option. Everyone has it your merits. Therefore, let’s focus on the main points:

  • Lenght and width. They are determined by the physical capabilities of the person and the size of the site.
  • Dimensions. Depends on the location of the reservoir. There is often advice regarding how much area a reservoir should occupy - 4-15% of the total area of ​​the site.
  • Depth. Depends on the purpose of the structure and the dimensions of the reservoir.

Pond material

Today the market offers a variety of building materials for constructing a pond. And craftsmen recommend making a pond with your own hands from scrap materials; this makes it possible to build a small pond in the country without large material costs.

We will describe the materials that are suitable for constructing a reservoir with your own hands.

Concrete bowl. A rather expensive option, but it allows you to operate the reservoir for quite a long time. The use of concrete is an option that is more suitable for arranging a swimming pool.

Plastic bowl. The most popular option. The form, made of PVC, makes it possible to quickly carry out all work on the device. A purchased bowl makes it possible to make a pond in three stages: dig a pit, place the bowl and fill the cavities with sand.

Polymer film. Gives unlimited possibilities in terms of choosing the shape of the pond. The most affordable and simple material in this category is polyethylene film. It is cheap and available, but does not last long.

Equipment and tools

In order to build a simple pond at your dacha with your own hands, you need to prepare pegs, a cord, a level, a cart for removing soil, a shovel, and a hose for watering.

For a permanent reservoir at the dacha it will be necessary special equipment:

  • Pump. Makes it possible to arrange a water supply under pressure. It is used for watering the garden, pumping/pumping water, arranging waterfalls, fountains, and operating filters;
  • Filter for cleaning. It is very important to install a filter in ponds where fish live.
  • Compressor. Required for plants and fish. Aeration saturates the water with oxygen;
  • Sterilizer. Required to eliminate algae.

We build a pond with our own hands

As is clear, there are quite a lot of materials that allow you to make your own pond. We will look at how to make a pond from PVC film. The choice is explained by the fact that the film is quite affordable, takes shape better, and the work does not require any special skills.

How to choose a film for a pond?

Film colors:

When choosing a film, you need to pay attention to:

  • thickness. A film with a thickness of more than 0.5 mm is suitable for a pond;
  • compound. PVC is stronger, polyethylene is more fragile;
  • UV resistance;
  • resistance to damage.

Film gluing occurs using special glue(for example, Tangit PVC-U).

Scheme and sketch

Before making a pit with your own hands at the dacha, you need to find diagrams and photos of reservoirs, make a sketch on paper, and transfer it to the ground. It is also worth specifying the width and depth of the shelves for steps or plants. This technique will make it possible to avoid problems during the arrangement of a reservoir. It is more convenient to mark with sand or a garden hose.

Digging a pit

Construction of the pit includes:

  • turf removal;
  • digging a pit. It is better to dig from the edge to the middle, gradually going deeper in the necessary areas;
  • removal of soil, as well as stones, roots, construction debris and anything that can tear the film.

During excavation work, it is necessary to ensure that the banks are on the same line at all times. If you decide to make a waterfall, then you need to maintain the required height difference.

Backfilling the substrate

Then, when the pit is made, its walls and bottom are compacted, moving on to waterproofing. It is necessary to prevent water from seeping into the soil. There are several ways to create a substrate:

Flooring film

Correct film flooring does not exclude the arrangement of a sand layer. According to experts, this pillow makes it possible to avoid the possibility of damage to the film by stones or roots.

Taking into account the topography of the shores and bottom, any person will encounter the fact that the film begins to fold in folds. Moreover, users recommend making one large fold rather than many small ones. The fold can be glued to the main film or pressed down with stones.

The main thing is that the film is on the surface of the pit without tension. Otherwise, after filling the reservoir with water, it may stretch and rupture. To fix the film, it is enough to make an auxiliary trench. Having laid the film, you can fix it with slats and cover it with gravel. Then, when the film is laid, stones are placed in the pit.

At the end of the work, the pit is filled with water. In this case, it must be supplied without pressure on the center of the pit. Only after the water in the pit has been infused for several days can the film be cut off.

The pond will become a full-fledged part of the design only when it is finalized. In order to make a pond at your dacha look natural or decoratively design a pond, you can:

Pond care:

  • The cloudy water, which persists for several weeks, eventually sinks to the bottom. In addition, the biological activity of the fish will quickly make it transparent;
  • protection from leaves can be provided by a structure made of mesh on a frame;
  • to increase the water level, you need to add it from time to time (with a hose without much water pressure or with a bucket);
  • a net is useful to clear water from leaves;
  • bring planted plants into the house or shelter from the cold;
  • it is necessary to monitor the growth rate of algae in order to limit their growth, you can plant nymphs or cattails;
  • algaecides are an emergency method of cleaning. Due to its high toxicity, it should not be used unless absolutely necessary;
  • Periodic cleaning will remove bottom debris.

Preparing for winter

A pond with a plastic bowl at its base will be able to survive the winter, since the bowl can withstand significant temperature changes. And to prevent the bowl from deforming from the pressure created by the ice, it is enough to place a couple of empty plastic eggplants in the container. Bottles must be tightly closed. To avoid deformation of the bowl, 1 eggplant per 1 square meter is enough. bowl meter.

What should you do if you have a film pond? If its depth exceeds the freezing depth of the soil, then there is no need to worry. You can also use empty eggplants to preserve shallow ponds.

In this article, we examined all the main points of constructing a pond with our own hands, starting from the idea, an example photo and ending with care. We hope that we have given you confidence in your abilities and dispelled all doubts. Go for it! And by summer you will have a magnificent water corner on your summer cottage.

Vacationing at the dacha is an opportunity to devote yourself to nature, relax, forgetting at least for a while about everyday life in the city, and this is best done on the shore of your own pond. It all depends on your imagination and size summer cottage. Is it possible to make a pond at your dacha with your own hands? Of course. Follow the instructions below and you will succeed.

Man-made pond at the dacha

Of course, you want to spend time at a well-equipped dacha, the territory of which has been landscaped and fully landscaped - after all, relaxing at a dacha, which is a rickety little house with a small courtyard overgrown with weeds and thistles, will definitely not contribute to peace of mind.

At the same time, a green, well-groomed lawn and neat trees, flower beds and artificial ponds will turn the territory of the dacha into a real earthly paradise. And decorative ponds will occupy not the last place in it. Your own pond at the dacha can be of almost any size - from a couple of square meters to a reservoir of significant area.

The first thing you need to understand is the very purpose of a decorative pond: unlike swimming pools, the water in which must be subjected to special treatment (chlorination, ozonation, etc.), a pond in the garden will require the creation of a certain biological balance. Otherwise, the water in it will bloom and become cloudy, the plants will begin to wither, and only midges and frogs will fall in love with it - a dubious pleasure for the owner of the pond.

Types of Garden Ponds

Garden ponds having a geometrically regular shape - rectangular, round, diamond-shaped, etc. - look especially good on summer cottages, landscaped in the correct geometry (straight lines, ideal shapes). As a rule, such decorative ponds are edged with tiled stone (artificial or natural) at the edges; they are arranged near buildings, thereby emphasizing straight lines.

Ponds with the correct geometry can be made above ground level: this type of pond minimizes excavation work during their construction, simplifies their care, and reduces the risk of small children falling into it. The sides of such a pond protruding above the ground are suitable for a flower garden; seats can be installed on them, and a fountain can be arranged in the pond itself.

Artificial ponds that imitate natural reservoirs - they are characterized by rounded shapes and a coastline of arbitrary shape. Plants natural to the swamp flora are planted along their banks. A gentle slope under the water, covered with cobblestones or medium-sized pebbles - landscape designers usually place this type of pond in the far part of the garden, near the lawn. Such natural ponds are especially successful in random garden landscaping.

Choosing the size and location of a garden pond

Of course, the size of an artificial pond directly depends on the total area of ​​the summer cottage. If we talk about building a pond ecosystem, then large ponds are more convenient for this. It is easier to strike a balance between vegetation and aquatic life in a large pond than in a small one, and larger ponds are also easier to maintain. The smaller the artificial reservoir, the more often it will have to be cleaned - the lack of space for the inhabitants of the reservoir will not allow establishing a full ecological balance.

The location for the future pond is chosen from an aesthetic point of view; placing an artificial pond near the main building is especially successful - you can watch the surface of the water from the windows or while sitting in a chair on the terrace.

The optimal place for a pond will be an open space not exposed to strong winds - strong winds will prevent the development of tall plants on the shore of the reservoir. It is necessary to calculate the illumination of the pond: direct rays of the sun should not illuminate the pond for more than 10 hours (6-hour illumination is optimal). With greater illumination in stagnant water conditions, the active development of aquatic bacteria and green algae (for example, mud) will begin. At the same time, in those parts of the pond where the illumination is insufficient (shading), the growth and development of aquatic plants will slow down.

The proximity of an artificial pond to the tree crowns will lead to its contamination during seasonal leaf fall; in addition, the root system of trees can damage the pond bed, breaking through the underlying film or displacing the edges of the bath.

Owners who plan to install lighting for a pond in the dark, or install a pump for a waterfall cascade or fountain, must consider the location of the pond from the point of view of power supply.

Artificial pond - materials

A man-made pond can be made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or butyl rubber film, use a ready-made container made of reinforced plastic or fiberglass, or create a pond bowl from reinforced concrete.

In terms of speed of creation, the first place is occupied by purchased containers made of fiberglass - all that is required is to dig a deep enough pit for them and install the container in it on a prepared and compacted sand cushion (it resembles a large plastic basin and, often, of a bizarre shape).

True, it will not be possible to build a large pond made of fiberglass - mass-produced tanks, as a rule, have a small square footage (usually an area of ​​about 4 m2, depth - 500-800 mm). Larger fiberglass containers are intended more for swimming pools (over 10 m2 in area) and are therefore expensive. However, small pond made of plastic or fiberglass is quite suitable for small summer cottage areas. The cost depends on the volume, shape and color.

A large pond with a “free” (i.e., not tied to any standard forms) layout can be arranged using a film (PVC or butyl rubber) - the film is needed to waterproof the reservoir. The cost of such material is low; it is widely represented in retail outlets both in terms of quality and manufacturer.

Do not use ordinary polyethylene to create an artificial reservoir; it will serve you for a maximum of 2 years, then its density will be damaged under the influence of physical and temperature influences.

PVC film or butyl rubber is suitable for creating a garden pond. The first material has sufficient strength and elasticity, and has a high-quality structure - the reservoir formed by it will last at least 15 years. However, the undoubted leader in the field waterproofing materials for artificial ponds is butyl rubber - it has high resistance to sunlight, high and low temperatures, and is not prone to cracking. Among other materials, butyl rubber has only one disadvantage - it is not cheap, but its service life exceeds 50 years.

If we are talking about complete reliability and durability, then there is only one material left - reinforced concrete. Unlike pond bowls formed by film or cast materials, you can walk on the bottom of a concrete reservoir without fear - such a bottom is difficult to damage. However, it is more difficult to work with concrete; full compliance with the technology will be required (welding of reinforcement, manufacturing of formwork), double waterproofing (on both sides of the concrete casting, both outside and inside) - for protection from groundwater, i.e. the cost of such work will be the highest. You can use special grades of concrete that are not exposed to water, but it will be even more expensive and its use will require strict adherence to casting technologies.

Let's summarize the characteristics of materials for artificial ponds

The main advantages of film waterproofing: the ability to form the required shape, change the shape of the reservoir bowl in the future, ease of repair (if the film breaks). Minus: in winter, the water from the reservoir will have to be poured out; if it freezes and expands, it will inevitably tear the film.

Advantages of reinforced concrete: high reliability, independence from external climatic factors (subject to concreting technology), resistance to physical influences (falling stones, rodents, etc.). Disadvantages: high labor intensity, extremely difficult rework. As a rule, creating artificial ponds from concrete is not popular, since the film is much easier to use. But if you plan to build bridges over a reservoir and sculptural compositions on its banks, reinforced concrete will be the best choice.

When creating garden ponds, it is necessary to ensure that the selected materials are completely non-toxic, otherwise the fish and plants in the pond will not survive.

Pond in the garden based on a finished (rigid) container

When choosing a rigid container to create a pond with a total area of ​​up to 4 m2, you should choose a bathtub made of fiberglass or plastic. The minimum depth of such a container should be about 800 mm - the water in such a pond will warm up evenly in the summer, and in winter it will not freeze to the bottom.

A ready-made container as a basis for a garden pond will allow you to avoid cutting and fastening (activities performed when installing the film base of a pond), there is no need to build a general configuration - everything has already been done, the container is equipped with terraces for planting aquatic plants. You should be careful about your choice; you won’t be able to change it.

Ready-made pond baths are sufficiently durable and are not afraid of winter frosts. And yet, when transporting the pond container to the site, it must be handled carefully and not stepped on. The thickness of the walls of such a tank is 3 mm, and in case of mechanical damage, cracks will appear, which will be difficult to seal.

Cheap bathtubs made of plastic have the shortest service life - they are gradually destroyed by sunlight, and the surface of such containers cracks when bent. In contrast, containers made of reinforced plastic are more resistant to ultraviolet radiation and have a greater margin of safety (they are more plastic) - the service life of such pond reservoirs is up to 20 years.

The best, and therefore most expensive, tanks are made of fiberglass with a rubber base. A reservoir based on them will last more than 30 years and, unlike plastic containers, they can be repaired without damage general characteristics. Fiberglass is the most resistant to low/high temperatures and exposure to sunlight, it has high environmental performance and is completely safe for the flora and fauna of an artificial reservoir.

In addition to quality characteristics, fiberglass containers also have aesthetic appeal: they can be of three colors - black, brown and green; a decorative coating is applied to their edges, imitating natural materials, which makes it easier to give the artificial pond a natural look.

Fiberglass bathtubs are made not only for ponds, but also for streams. Containers for simulating a stream have a “stone” texture in appearance and easily fit into the overall landscape, and the multi-stage shape allows you to conveniently plant aquatic plants. The bed of such a stream is fenced on the sides with projections that protect plant roots from being washed out.

Artificial pond with film waterproofing

Flooring of flexible coverings is carried out both in a prepared pit and between constructed walls raised above ground level. Such a decision to create a pond at the dacha is justified if the expected size of the future reservoir is larger than the parameters of hard shells offered by specialized stores. Film coating is also used to create reservoirs of complex shape - use waterproofing film will make this task much easier.

To create a reservoir, you can use polyethylene (thickness 500 microns), laid in two layers; its cost is the lowest among other film coatings. Although the characteristics of polyethylene are more than minimal: it is easy to tear (by sharp stones, animal claws, etc.), under the influence of the sun it becomes fragile, and if damaged it is practically impossible to repair. The polyethylene coating will provide waterproofing of the reservoir for no more than 5 years (on average - 3 years). This is rather a temporary solution for those summer residents who do not like constancy - after three years there is an excellent reason to change the location of the pond.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) coating will cost more expensive than polyethylene, but will also last longer - on average about 8-10 years. Manufacturers offer two types of polyvinyl chloride coating: regular two-layer and reinforced, in which a woven mesh is laid between the layers of film (for strength). In general, this coating has all the disadvantages of polyethylene. Solar ultraviolet damages the strength of PVC film; it is easy to perforate. But, unlike polyethylene film, damage in PVC film can be repaired using a special repair kit. In addition, this film stretches better - after filling the reservoir with water most of the folds will stretch out and level out.

The best pond film is made from butyl rubber - this material is durable (service life is about 50 years), durable and not subject to destruction by ultraviolet radiation. Butyl rubber film comes in three colors: black, stone-colored and color-matched charcoal. If the soil on your site contains a large number of stones, or you plan to build a pond with a high load on the foundation (great depth and considerable width of the pond), choose a butyl rubber coating and you won’t go wrong.

Characteristics of butyl rubber coating: high plasticity, ease of installation regardless of the time of year and air temperature. Low temperatures do not affect this coating, so there is no need to drain water from the reservoir in the winter.

Pond film - which color is better

The color of the film will seriously affect general form reservoir The black bottom will turn the reservoir into a kind of mirror; reflections of the sky, clouds, and plants planted along the shoreline will be clearly visible in it. A black or brown film will serve as a good imitation of natural bottom soil. A cream or blue bottom color will look unnatural, but colorful fish look great against this background. If you choose a grayish or bluish shade, the pond will look like a swimming pool. Choose the color of the film depending on the functions of the reservoir: if it is a pond - black or brown, if a pool - white or blue.

Create a decorative pond using film

We draw the outline of the future pond at the selected location and determine the required film size. The calculation of the film covering is done as follows: the width and length of the canvas will be equal to the sum consisting of the size of the width (in the second case, the length) of the future reservoir, twice the depth and 600 mm of allowance for securing the film along the edges of the pond.

It must be taken into account that standard parameters a roll of butyl rubber film is as follows: width from 4.5 to 15.25 m (more precisely, 4.5; 6.1; 9.15; 12.20 and 15.25 m), length - 20-25 linear meters . Sometimes it is easier to make adjustments to the parameters of the future pond than to glue pieces of film together. If there is a need to glue a film for a pond, this is quite possible; you will only need special adhesives and adhesive tape produced by the same manufacturer as the selected film. To obtain a high-quality seam when gluing butyl rubber film, use mastic followed by hot vulcanization.

In addition to the waterproofing film, when forming a reservoir bowl, you will need geotextiles (optimal density - 350 g/m2) - for the insulating coating it will act as a protective layer (from tree roots, teeth and claws of animals, sharp stones, etc.).

To create a pond with your own hands you will need: sand (for the underlying layer), a spirit level (building level), a roll of cord (or twine for marking), wooden pegs, a garden hose, shovels.

Creating a reservoir pit

First of all, evaluate future form reservoir, for this purpose a hose of sufficient length and pegs - change the position of the hose fragments until the shape of the reservoir bowl suits you. When planning a free-form pond, try to get rounded lines without sharp corners - such a pond will look better. When planning a pond, mark terraces for pond plants along its edges; they are done at a depth of 300 mm.

Having decided on the shape of the reservoir and completing the markings, begin work on the foundation pit. First, three-hundred-millimeter terraces are torn off (after filling the reservoir, the distance from the terrace to the water level will be about 200 mm). The banks of the future pond should have a slope of approximately 45°. In the process of creating a pit, try to remove all plant roots and stones that you come across. After completing work on the terraces, check the horizontalness of the banks using a board with a spirit level placed on it.

The next stage of work is the formation of the main bowl of the reservoir, its deep part. Remember: the minimum required depth of the reservoir is 600 mm. Such a reservoir will not freeze completely in winter, and in summer pond fish will be able to find refuge at such a depth from the scorching rays of the sun. Then along the shore line it is necessary to dig a ledge 60-70 mm deep for subsequent laying of a blind area from tiles, bricks, natural stone or laying turf.

We form a drainage layer and waterproofing

Having completed work on the pit, you need to pour washed sand over its entire area in a layer of 30-50 mm - the sand is placed on the bottom, banks and terraces, and carefully compacted. After making sure that sand drainage is sufficiently good (no unevenness), lay a geotextile fabric on top to insulate the film covering from damage.

The next step will be laying the prepared sheet of film. Do not try to align the film along the contours of the reservoir - let it sag above it - lay it loosely. Align the film sheet along the banks, securing the edges with a sufficient number of bricks (stones).

Connect a garden hose to a water source and feed it in the center of the film laid over the pit - it will gradually shrink, taking the shape of a reservoir. Monitor subsidence by moving retaining stones along the banks. After the artificial reservoir is completely filled, you need to wait a day, then cut off the excess film, leaving a margin of 250-300 mm at its edges (the blind area will be laid on them). Secure the edges around the perimeter of the pond using wooden wedges or wire arches.

The next stage is laying the blind area. Its width must be at least 600 mm, it is made of tiles, bricks or natural stone. The blind area needs to be laid on cement mortar - if it is laid only on a cushion of sand, a person who steps on the tile can slide into the pond with it.

Summer residents planning a waterfall or fountain in an artificial reservoir need to lay a water supply hose and cover it with a blind area before laying the tiles on the cement mortar. The same should be done if there is a need for power supply to the pond (underwater spotlights, water pumps), installing a plastic or copper tube for subsequent pulling of the electrical cable.

Creating a reservoir raised above ground level

Such a reservoir will require at least one retaining wall. A foundation for such a reservoir is required, otherwise the pond bowl may become distorted.

The construction of a reservoir above ground level is carried out in the same way as the construction of an ordinary garden wall: the location and parameters of the future pond are determined, trenches are dug for laying the foundation. After casting, the foundation must harden within two full days.

When creating a pond half submerged in the ground, dig a pit in the deepest part, then form terraces for planting (approximately at the level concrete foundation). Then carefully remove all the stones and place a sand cushion on the bottom of the pit.

Build retaining walls around the perimeter of the pond, carefully tracking the position of each row. Before laying the waterproofing film, wait 48 hours - the wall solution must completely harden.

Lay the film so that its edges evenly protrude from all sides of the supporting wall. If your future pond is rectangular or square in shape, form folds of film along the inner corners in the form of a neat accordion. The film sheet must be temporarily pressed against the top of the supporting walls with bricks.

Gradually fill the film hanging over the reservoir with water, moving or removing the pressing stones on the supporting walls, leveling the corner folds. After completely filling the reservoir, cut off the excess film along the edges, maintaining a gap of half the size of the supporting wall (it will be covered with stones when forming the ridge). Remove water from the pond. To protect the edges of the film, we install ridge stones. The pond is ready - fill it with water, place plants and fish.

Decorating a country pond

On my own garden pond not bad - you can put a gazebo by the water and relax on a hot afternoon in the shade and coolness, watching the fish play in its depths. But you can turn it into something enchanting and colorful - fountains created by a pump system and underwater lighting will help here.

Pond pumps are produced in two versions: above-water and underwater. Let's say you want a two-meter stream of water to come out of a pond - then you need an underwater pump. If a two-meter fountain is not enough, choose an above-water pump and you will be provided with a really high column of water.

The underwater pump is mounted at the bottom of the pond: first, a stone base is placed, the pump is placed on it and covered on top with a ceramic casing made to look like natural stone. Full set(pump, base and casing) can be purchased from one seller.

How an underwater pump works: it draws water from the bottom of a reservoir and sweeps it over the surface of the water using special nozzles. If a fountain or waterfall is installed separately from a reservoir, water is supplied through supply pipes. Some pump models can simultaneously supply water to both a waterfall and a fountain. The pump is powered via electrical cable with waterproof insulation.

The surface pump is installed in a camouflaged brick chamber on the shore of a reservoir, not far from a fountain or waterfall. Water is supplied to the pump from the reservoir through a pipe with a mandatory filter at the inlet. An above-water pump requires more technical equipment than an underwater one - a drainage system, filters (on the suction pipe), and a suction system. Otherwise it will overheat.

The greatest effect from the operation of fountains is achieved in reservoirs of the correct shape. Fountains are placed in the center of the reservoir so that the water they throw out does not fall on the shore plants.

The type of fountain and the height of the jet depend on the type of nozzle installed on the underwater pump. The stream of water itself, depending on the installed nozzle, may have the shape of, say, a bell or a beating key. A boring fountain tube can be decorated with fiberglass, stone, bronze or ceramic lining. If lining is used, the water nozzle is attached to the brass connector with which the lining is equipped. The lining body is placed either on the bottom of the reservoir or on a special stand.

Lighting will help create a magical atmosphere in the evening and at night. Lighting equipment for private ponds is designed for 12 V power supply. The power of halogen lamps in lamps can be from 5 to 75 W - it is enough for bright lighting, because the luminous flux of such lamps is 3 times higher than that of household lamps.

Mini-spotlights are installed on a special support or on a fountain nozzle, highlighting the flying splashes of water. There are floating lanterns, they consist of a light bulb placed in a sealed glass ball. They can be lowered to a certain depth into a reservoir, suspended on a weight, or installed at the bottom. Thanks to the spotlights equipped with color filters and rotating devices, the night pond will take on a simply stunning look.

How to care for a pond

The natural balance of the reservoir will form quite quickly. To maintain it, it is necessary to remove all wind-blown debris and fallen leaves before this mass falls to the bottom and begins to decompose. It is quite possible that the bottom of the reservoir will have to be cleaned with a net every autumn, eliminating bottom debris.

To protect the water area of ​​the pond from falling leaves, you can use a fine-mesh net - it should be stretched over the mirror of the pond before the autumn leaves fall and removed closer to winter. Or use a skimmer - a special pump for collecting floating debris.

To clean the bottom, a bottom vacuum cleaner is useful - its design resembles a regular one, but it does not have a filter. Water from the bottom of the pond is sucked into the device; as the chamber fills, the device automatically turns off and the container with dirt must be emptied into the drainage system.

If you settled in your decorative pond fish, they will need oxygen. If there is a lack of it, use aerator pumps - they resemble aquarium pumps, only larger in size and power.

The main problem that owners of reservoirs face with the beginning of the warm season is that the water in it becomes green, which is caused by the active proliferation of protozoan algae. Most often, this problem is faced by owners of small reservoirs with shallow depth and therefore quickly warmed up by the sun's rays. You can prevent overheating of water by using aquatic plants with large floating leaves (water lilies and egg capsules), as well as by planting oxygen generators - plants that fill pond water with oxygen (Elodea canadensis, hornwort, mireweed).

At the beginning of spring, when the plants have not yet developed sufficiently, the use of chemical control agents (algaecides) is required. However, these drugs are harmful to both humans and aquatic life - so they should be used only as a last resort.

Birds and cats can pose a danger to fish in a pond; for them, fish are a subject of hunting. To protect pond fish from birds (for example, herons), you need to cover the space above the shallow areas of the pond with a net or black threads (the latter solution is especially successful - black threads are practically invisible against the background of the water surface). An obstacle for cats will be a decorative wire fence (at least 150 mm high), usually used to fence flower beds.

The main danger to aquatic fauna in areas subject to frequent frosts is ice. An ice shell that steadily blocks a reservoir for more than a day will lead to the accumulation of toxic gases formed by decaying remains of vegetation and, as a result, partial or complete death of fish. It is necessary that part of the pond is always free of ice, the best solution there will be a special small heater. You should not try to break the ice using force - blows to the ice shell can stun and even kill the fish.

If your artificial reservoir is deep, use a pump to supply warm water from the depth to the water surface - this measure will prevent ice from forming. As a last resort, if there are no other methods and means, make an exhaust hole in the ice shell using wormwood; to do this, place a pan of boiling water on the ice (after the wormwood has formed, do not forget to remove the pan!).

How to properly plant a pond

Aquatic plants perform an important task - they are kind of filters for water. The biological balance will be established when at least a third of the artificial reservoir is allocated for plants. Moreover, each type of aquatic plant requires planting at a certain depth.

So, the pond is finished, filled with water - it needs to be allowed to settle for 10 days and only then begin planting. Optimal time It is the beginning of summer for planting aquatic plants.

You can plant the plants in the laid soil at the bottom of the reservoir, but it is best to place them in mesh baskets, placing the latter on the bottom. It is easier to care for plants in baskets - move them to a warm room for the winter and propagate. The soil in the baskets is ordinary land from the garden, its enrichment with manure, fertilizers or peat is not required. Laying clean burlap or other coarse fabric on top will help keep the soil layer in the baskets from being washed away by water. Place medium-sized gravel on top of the fabric to protect the roots from pond fish.

Before planting, remove particularly long roots and old leaves from plants. After planting, compact the soil around the plant stem so that the distance between the soil and the edge of the basket is 40 mm.

Some types of pond plants do not require planting - they float freely on the surface of the reservoir, keeping themselves afloat. Representatives of such plants are water lilies and lotus. Such plants need to be closely monitored, since favorable conditions They will quickly multiply and occupy the entire pond - periodically some of them need to be removed. The main plant problem for any enclosed reservoir is duckweed, which multiplies quickly and tends to take over the entire area of ​​the reservoir - do not plant it on purpose!

When purchasing aquatic plants, be sure to ask the seller at what depth they should be planted. When planting, take precautions - plants need light, and dense thickets on the surface of the water look unattractive.

During the winter season, aquatic plants, whose natural habitat is a temperate climate, remain in the reservoir. If you planted it in a pond exotic plants from warm countries, they should spend the winter outside the pond. Take them out and place them in a body of water indoors - an aquarium or a bathtub, after pruning especially overgrown plants.

An important point: when moving plants indoors for winter, do not forget to provide them with sufficient lighting.

Caring for fish in a pond

For the full existence of fish in a country pond, its depth must be no less than 1200 mm. At shallower depths, the fish need to spend the winter outside the pond, otherwise they will die. Freshly purchased fish cannot be placed in a pond; give it time to acclimatize - it must get used to the temperature of the water in the pond. Let the container with fish float around the pond - this measure will help prevent the fish from going into shock.

If you did not purchase fish from specialized stores, you should not immediately release them into the garden pond. Place them in an aquarium filled with pond water. The duration of such a quarantine should be at least seven days - this way you will find out whether the fish is sick.

Now about fish nutrition. In principle, the pond should have enough food for them: duckweed, algae, mosquito larvae and other insects living at the bottom of the reservoir. However, if there is not enough food or the number of fish increases, it needs to be fed. Buy fish food in specialized stores - it contains everything necessary for pond fauna, in addition, such food is enriched with oxygen and will not become a source of pollution for the pond; it will float on the surface for some time. Give the fish as much food as they can eat in 10 minutes, otherwise it will sink and rot.

Fish have a special need for vitamins in the spring; during this season, increase the number of feedings. In autumn, when the temperature in the reservoir drops below 10 °C, stop feeding completely.

Constantly monitor the condition of the fish, do not overfeed them, control their numbers (optimally: for 50 liters of water - one fish 100-150 mm long. Keep in mind that the fish are growing!).

A sick fish can be identified by its behavior: it, as a rule, swims in circles and at the same time “staggers”, rubs its sides against objects in the reservoir, lies on its side on the surface. The presence of diseases is indicated by “glued” fins, white coating on the eyes, snout, fins or gills. Having discovered a sick individual, immediately isolate it from the rest and place it in the aquarium. Then visit a pet store, describe the signs of the disease to a specialist and buy the necessary medications.

Even the smallest and outwardly unremarkable garden plot can be made cozy and interesting if you equip it with an artificial pond. A decorative pond in the garden can not only harmoniously fit into the landscape of a personal plot, but also visually expand the space.

Artificial pond in the landscape of a personal plot

The presence of a pond or small artificial waterfall on a personal plot is determined not only by aesthetic considerations, but also by a practical component. On a hot summer day, even a small body of water feels cool, the air seems much cleaner and fresher, and the calm surface or the measured murmur will help relieve nervous tension and fatigue.

Most popular types artificial reservoirs in landscape design:

  • pond;
  • Creek;
  • fountain;
  • waterfall.

The shape of reservoirs on personal plots can be either round, with an irregular coastline, or regular geometric shape - square, rectangular and diamond-shaped. It all depends on the style of the site as a whole, its location, the characteristics of the site and your imagination. The main rule here is that the reservoir must ideally fit into the surrounding landscape and become its integral element.

The most common shape for an artificial pond is round or oval. This is exactly what natural lakes look like, so if you want to create a corner of nature near your house or in the garden, then this option will be the most acceptable. In this case, there may even be an irregular coastline and asymmetric planting of the reservoir with plants.

If the pond is located on an area where everything is done in a classical style, straight lines dominate and there is no room for natural forms, then a pond of the correct shape is arranged. Often, this is the basis for a fountain, which is the center of the exhibition. Since such a pool does not have a natural barrier in the form of vegetation and stones, its sides must be placed higher to prevent it from falling into the water. As an option, protect such a pond with a low forged lattice.

It should be noted that the most common and least expensive in terms of labor and financial investments is a pond. But it is quite possible to arrange one on your site yourself without involving specialists.

The main thing here is experience. When it appears, the pond you create may become the first in the whole complex, connected by waterfalls, streams, and decorative bridges.

DIY decorative pond - where to start?

If a wonderful idea has occurred to you about arranging an artificial pond on your garden plot, you should not rush headlong to get a shovel. First of all, you need to choose a good location. The following factors must be taken into account:

  • plot size;
  • illumination;
  • relief;
  • degree of landscaping;
  • soil type.

It is best to equip a pond closer to your home. In this case, it should be positioned in such a way that the entire area of ​​the reservoir is illuminated by the sun for at least 5 hours a day. Otherwise, over time, a once beautiful pond may simply turn into a stinking swamp.

The terrain is also of great importance. The optimal location is a low-lying area where the water level in a well or well is closer to the surface of the earth.

During the selection process, you should also pay attention to the presence of vegetation - big trees located along the banks will pollute the reservoir with fallen leaves in the autumn, and tree roots can damage protective film at the bottom.

The type of soil is important. Loam and clay soils, as well as peat, chernozem is less preferable - it promotes the formation of silt. On acidic soils, it is impractical to equip a reservoir without reliable protection of the side walls and bottom.

After the site has been selected, the shapes and sizes have been determined - it’s time to stock up on the necessary materials and tools. Most often, to create a pond, they use ready-made rigid containers, which can be purchased at a specialized store, or flexible waterproofing, much less often - concrete (the most expensive and labor-intensive process).

Types of waterproofing for an artificial pond:

  • polyethylene film - an inexpensive material that is not resistant to ultraviolet radiation;
  • LDPE - polyethylene high pressure. Visually, it is practically no different from polyethylene, but has greater flexibility and durability.
  • PVC - polyvinyl chloride - is a strong and durable material, the edges of which are welded together.
  • rubber and butyl sheets are the most optimal, but expensive option. The service life of this material is practically unlimited.

Experts recommend avoiding plastic film for waterproofing. It copes with its function, but lasts no more than 2 years. If you want your pond to last longer, choose more durable materials.

Materials and tools:

  • shovel;
  • protective film or reservoir;
  • pipes for supplying and draining water;
  • valve;
  • geotextile material or sand

It's better to see it once. The whole process of arranging a pond in pictures looks like this:

Construction of a decorative pond

There is another way to arrange a pond - a concrete bowl, but this method is labor-intensive and expensive, so it is not currently used. Construction begins by marking the selected area and removing a layer of turf. After this, you can start digging a pit of the desired shape. In this case, be sure to leave the edges slightly inclined (flat, not steep). Next, if you plan to make a decorative pond using polyvinyl chloride film rather than a finished tank, you need to line the bottom of the future reservoir with waterproof material. Clay is quite suitable for these purposes. It must be laid in two layers - the second after the first has completely dried (a waterproof film must be laid between them). After this, you should fill the bottom with gravel.

Important: if you plan to plant a pond with plants, you should make special depressions at the bottom and fill them with fertile soil.

How to make a decorative pond so that the water in it is always clean and fresh?

In order to ensure that the appearance of the reservoir located on your site always pleases with its appearance and gives freshness and coolness, it is necessary to ensure that the water in it is running. For these purposes, you need to lay two pipes: flow and waste. Through the flow pipe, water will flow into the reservoir, and through the waste pipe it will be discharged into the ditch. Please note: the level of the drainage ditch should be slightly lower than the level of the pond. For ease of use, you can install a valve on the drain pipe or simply close the hole with a plug as needed. The first option is the most practical.

Construction of a decorative pond using galoshes

You will need significantly less labor costs if you purchase a special tank for an artificial pond. People called these containers “galoshes.” Why is that? Everything is very simple: they are made of black plastic, and the shape of such tanks in its external outline resembles rubber shoes. But if you wish, you can always find and buy a bowl for a pond of the shape that suits you.

In order to arrange a decorative pond at the dacha , you will need to purchase a special tank suitable size and forms: the cost of such is relatively low.

The main stages of arranging a reservoir:

  • contour marking;
  • digging pits;
  • installation of container.

In order to correctly mark the contour of the reservoir, it is necessary to install the tank on the ground and vertically install slats along its perimeter at intervals of 40-50 cm, then tie them with twine. This way you will get the outline of the future pond.

The container must be installed strictly horizontally. The tank should be filled with water gradually, while the gaps existing between it and the walls of the pit must be carefully filled with sand.

Note: if you want to equip a fountain in an artificial reservoir, it is important to purchase in advance a special pump and nozzles, which are installed during the installation of the reservoir.

The final stage is the design of the reservoir. In order for your man-made pond to look truly stylish and beautiful, for example, just like the fancy decorative ponds, photos of which we posted, you need to properly design its banks.

Decoration of the banks of an artificial reservoir

At this stage of work, you don’t have to limit the flight of your imagination. To decorate an artificial pond, you can use ceramic tiles, marble, granite, artificial stone, pebbles, wood, etc. These materials need to be used to camouflage the edges of the reservoir, which looks close to natural. It is important to fix them with cement mortar. If you plan to additionally equip your pond with a fountain, during the work you need to make sure that the pump hoses are hidden under tiles or stones.

Next, you can sprinkle the bottom of the reservoir with pre-washed sand, lay small pebbles and plant aquatic plants in pots or baskets. You can plant decorative shrubs or just a flower bed around the pond.

Decorative pond inhabitants are always a joy. These can be aquarium fish and dwarf turtles. And if you run lights along the bottom of the pond or place floating flashlights on batteries on the surface, you can create a real extravaganza of light and water.

Pond care

  • To support artificial pond in good condition, he will need some care.
  • First of all, you need to get a bottom vacuum cleaner to collect debris.
  • During leaf fall, you will need to cover the pond with a net to prevent leaves from falling into the water.
  • If there are fish living in the pond, then they will need filtration and aeration of the water.
  • To avoid greening of the water, it is either filtered and purified (for this the reservoir must be flowing), or planted with oxygen-producing plants: swampweed, hornwort, elodea.
  • If you plant water lilies or egg capsules in a pond, their wide leaves will prevent the sun's rays and overheating of the water.

An artificial pond on your own plot is an important element of landscape design, the arrangement of which must be approached with sense, feeling, and arrangement! And then the beauty created by your hands will delight both you and your guests!

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