Doors trimmed with stone. Decorating doorways with decorative stone - step-by-step instructions. Suture and seamless installation methods

Decorative stone can be an original addition to the platbands fixed around the perimeter of the doors. By choosing it by color, or using the principle of contrast, you can achieve a very interesting result, giving the room (most often the corridor plays this role) an original and cozy look. At the same time the finishing doorways decorative stone will not require any special knowledge or skills from you. You will be able to cope with the task, even if you have never laid tiles on walls or floors before.

Decorative stone: pros and cons

Decorative stone can be either natural (natural) or artificial. Due to its properties, natural stone is usually used for finishing the facades of buildings, because this is where its ability to protect building structures from the effects of precipitation is best demonstrated.

But indoors, artificial stone is especially popular, differing from natural stone only in its lighter weight. Most of its other characteristics ( appearance, color, structure) can either completely correspond to its natural analogue or only slightly coincide with it.

The undoubted advantages of decorative stone (both natural and artificial) include its variety of colors and textures, durability, beautiful appearance, resistance to aggressive environments, and lack of deformation under the influence of water and sun.

However, decorative stone also has disadvantages. For example, natural stone is not always easy to process; moreover, it has significant weight and cost.

Damage that appears on natural stone, is almost impossible to eliminate (but artificial decorative stone can be restored).

That is why finishing doorways with decorative stone is usually done only if it is possible to use artificially created material.

Finishing doorways with decorative stone has several design secrets that allow you to carefully “fit” it into the overall interior of the room:

  • With rectangular doorway The stone trim in the lower part should be wider than in the upper part - this will create the illusion of naturalness, allowing a smooth transition to the second finishing material used for the walls of this room.
  • Finishing arched openings involves laying stone in the upper part in full accordance with the curvature of the structure - this will make it possible not only to highlight the arch against the background of the rest of the wall, but also to draw attention to its rounded shape.
  • If the opening does not have a door installed in it, then it is recommended to line it with stone on both sides (with obligatory facing of the slopes) - otherwise it will be very difficult to make the transition from decorative stone to another material.

  • In cases where the finishing of doorways with decorative stone is done to a minimum, it must be “supported” by finishing other elements of the room with stone (for example, mirrors or shelves).
  • It is better to leave the outer edge of the decorative stone trim uneven to give it a more natural look.

Finishing openings with stone

The principle of gluing decorative stone is similar to the laying technology ceramic tiles on the wall of the room. However, for lightweight artificial stones there is no need to use special glue diluted from a dry mixture with water. The connection of materials using glue-sealant or “liquid nails” will be no less durable.

The process of finishing doorways with decorative stone is as follows:

  • Prepare the surface. If there is already any finishing coating on the wall, remove it (for example, old wallpaper or paint). If there are any uneven spots, be sure to fill them up.
  • Prime the surface with a special compound to increase adhesion between the adhesive and the wall surface.
  • Place individual tiles of decorative stone on the floor, selecting them by shade and size.
  • If necessary, cut the stone to the right size, and then sand the edges.
  • Apply the glue to the wall (if you are diluting it from a dry mixture) or to the decorative stone (if you are using adhesive-sealant or “liquid nails”).

  • Place the stone against the wall, starting from the bottom corner. If there is a door in the opening, step back from the edge of the slope the width of the platband, which you will fix in its place later.
  • If the door is not provided in the opening, so as not to later align the corner with the help of the mixture door slope, lay the decorative stone overlapping in this place.
  • Depending on the decorative stone you choose, you can leave (or not leave) seams between the individual tiles, which will later need to be filled with a special grout. The seam width can vary from 3 to 8 mm.
  • After gluing the entire decorative stone, wait until the glue dries completely. And then treat the stone with a stiff brush, removing particles of mortar and dust.


This video shows the technology of laying decorative stone, which you can use in finishing doorways.

Modern houses it is difficult to imagine without arches, and such structures require certain finishing. And then the question arises: what to make it from? There are many materials, among which decorative stone can be distinguished. Except arched structures and doorways, they are used to decorate any section of the walls in the house.

Finishing the arch and walls with gypsum stone

Why choose this material?

Doorways are finished with moldings, stucco, plaster and other methods. But why should you choose decorative stone? What are its advantages? This is a lightweight and aesthetic material that is inexpensive. Its installation does not require much effort, and the variety of colors and textures of the stone sets the tone for the design of the room.

Choice color solutions and textures of decorative products imitating stone

Advantages of the material:

  • Does not affect the microclimate in the house, as a natural stone.
  • Has light weight.
  • Does not burn.
  • It does not absorb moisture, so this decorative element can also be used in rooms with high humidity.
  • Durable, almost like natural stone.
  • It is resistant to wear, so the appearance of the product remains unchanged for many years.
  • Production is automated, resulting in smooth edges and easier installation.
  • To decorate a wall surface with artificial stone, you do not need to be a professional.
  • The product can be restored if the surface is damaged.

That's why it's worth decorating the interior of a room with decorative material.

Doorway trim

Although the material has smooth edges, in order to complete the finishing at the proper level, you need to have an idea of ​​the procedure and quality control.

In order for the finish to stick securely, you need to prepare the surface

Any work begins with the preparatory part. At this stage, the flatness of the surface is checked. If there are flaws, they need to be corrected. The surface should be as flat as possible so that the tiles lie close to each other without gaps and are better set with glue.

The most popular leveling methods are plaster and drywall. The choice depends on the shape of the surface. If it is rectangular, it is easier to achieve a smooth finish using a sheet of drywall. If you have to tile an arched structure, it is better to use plaster. In this case, no one can cancel the use of drywall.

Leveling slopes with plaster

To level the surface with plaster, you will need:

  1. starting and finishing line-up;
  2. sandpaper;
  3. spatula large and small;
  4. building level.

The plaster is applied in several layers depending on the initial condition of the surface

Plaster is sold in loose bags in the form of a loose mixture. To prepare the solution, the mixture is diluted in a suitable container. In what quantities to use water and powder, you can read on the product packaging. The proportions depend on the brand and manufacturer.

Apply a thin layer of plaster and wait until it dries. If this is not done, the plaster may subsequently crumble. Each layer is treated with sandpaper to remove irregularities that appear when the starting layer is applied to the surface.

The thickness and number of layers depends on the initial state of the surface. Finishing plaster hides and removes those irregularities that did not disappear or appeared when applying the starting plaster. It is also applied in several layers, and sandpaper is used.

Laying decorative brick and a stone near the doorway can cause some inconvenience. Therefore, you can use another finishing material- decorative plaster. These two materials harmonize perfectly with each other.

Using decorative plaster or tiles, the main thing is to successfully choose a combination of colors.


Plaster requires a long procedure for applying and leveling the surface. Moreover, this needs to be done in several layers. It is much easier to use drywall.

Drywall - convenient construction material for quick leveling of walls

Under the plasterboard sheets, a frame is made from metal profile. This design is strong and lightweight. And it won’t be difficult to build it. A strong frame is already half the battle.

Using a frame will result in wasted space. Its degree depends on the initial evenness of the surface. If the wall is very curved, then you will have to use more space to make an even frame. If the wall is relatively flat, then you can even do without a frame by gluing the sheets to the surface.

Using drywall to locally level the surface will not work. Consequently, it is used only if the entire room is leveled with plasterboard.

Attention! For rooms with high humidity, purchase special moisture-resistant plasterboard (it is painted blue-green).

Attached plasterboard sheets onto the frame with self-tapping screws. Dowels are used to mount the frame to the wall surface. The heads of the screws are recessed into the material so that they do not stick out on the surface.

Masonry process

Laying artificial stone will be easy if the preparation was successful. For installation, either cement mortar or special adhesive for decorative slabs is used. Which of these methods to choose is decided separately in each specific case. When using cement, a lot of dirt is formed, it has to be dissolved with water, and glue for such operations is usually sold ready-to-use in mounting capsules. But the cost of the second method is higher.

Glue or cement is not enough. You will also need to prepare:

  • construction mesh;
  • wire reinforcement;
  • level;
  • putty knife.

If the decorative stone and all materials have been purchased, the surface has been prepared, and the process of applying the finishing coating begins.

  • First of all, the wire reinforcement is fixed with cement mortar, then it is plastered.

Using a spatula achieves maximum evenness
  • A mesh is applied. It is needed for a strong connection between the surface and the finishing material.
  • Next, the tiles are installed using cement or special glue.

There is one trick builders use that they successfully use to increase strength. cement mortar- add PVA glue to it.

The question may arise: why plaster the surface again? The fact is that these actions were described for a surface leveled with drywall. But simply gluing tiles onto drywall will not work. If the surface is initially plastered, then you can omit the first 3 steps.

To decorate arched structures with stone, you can use several types of decorative stones, which differ in color and size. So, multi-colored tiles can be diluted, and wide and large specimens can be used at the bottom of the wall.

When laying tiles it is not necessary to be absolutely precise if products of different configurations are used

There is another trick that helps make the transition between the wall and decorative coating softer. To do this, the lower part is made wide, then gradually narrowed upward.

A visual aid on how to install artificial material:

Decorating doorways with decorative stone is becoming more and more popular. Such material can be laid different ways, it all depends on your imagination. There are no limits or reasons to reject anything. Try it and enjoy the unique result.

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Decorating doorways with decorative stone is mainly common in public spaces, for example, in cafes. This technique is also used in apartments and houses, but less often. As a rule, this is how doorways in the hallway or kitchen are decorated, where there is a high risk of damaging the walls or where support for the created interior is needed.

This finish will look ideal in spacious rooms with minimum set furniture, and will also save you if the walls near the door have visible defects.

Features of decorative stone

Finishing a doorway in an apartment with decorative stone is possible due to its high technical characteristics. It is perfect for tiling the kitchen, hallway, corridor, balcony, living room and other rooms where such a finish would be appropriate in style.

When performing such finishing indoors, a cozy atmosphere is created. In addition to external aesthetics, this material also has a practical purpose - it perfectly protects the corners of the opening from mechanical damage and abrasion. Also, finishing a doorway with this material allows you to visually expand the room and give it status.

Advice! The interior can be supported by wall paintings of the Roman and Greek type.

If the room does not have a sufficient area, then decorative brickwork in the decoration of the doorway in combination with mirrors on the walls can make it longer and significantly change the geometry. In the hallway, the decoration of the doorway can neatly transition into a wall picture made of the same material.

The advantages of this finish

As a rule, artificial stone is used to decorate doorways in apartments. decorative type. Natural is not always suitable for these purposes due to its high cost. The artificial material is made in appearance completely similar to natural gypsum with the addition of special components and pigment. It, of course, comes out much cheaper.

Artificial stone is much easier to install, it is practical and has a variety of shapes and textures. Its texture can imitate natural stone, brickwork, or be more original.

Here are several advantages due to which decorative stone can be used to decorate doorways in apartments and private houses:

  • Artificial stone is an environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic material that does not affect environment and human health. But to comply with these conditions, the material must have a quality certificate.
  • Significantly less weight than natural stone.
  • Fire safety. Decorative artificial stone will not burn.
  • Moisture resistance, thanks to which the material can be used for finishing bathrooms and saunas.
  • High strength.
  • Resistant to color changes during use. The natural pigments used in production are integrated into the structure of the material, allowing it to remain in its original form.
  • Standard thickness and smooth edges, which ensures ease of installation.
  • Installation can be done with your own hands, without the participation of professionals.
  • A damaged surface can always be restored.

Rules for choosing decorative stone

Now construction market is ready to offer customers a huge variety of decorative stone options for finishing. Therefore, in the selection process you should be as careful as possible in order to purchase a truly high-quality product that will delight you with its appearance and technical characteristics.

So, here are some tips for choosing decorative stone:

Stylistic finishing techniques

Decorative stone laying can be done in various variations, which will only be desired by the owner of the house. For example, it will look original in an apartment, but especially in a spacious house, decorating the doors with decorative stone in the style of a passage in medieval castle, as shown in the photo.

If it is supported by an interior made of antique furniture and paintings and other relevant attributes, then a striking effect is guaranteed. The most successful execution can be achieved if you decorate the arch like this. An imitation of rough stone masonry, if supported by the same fireplace, will become the highlight of the room.

The most commonly used is imitation brickwork when finishing doorways. In this case, the edges should be done in a torn style, without matching the ends of the tiles with each other. The shades of the tiles that blend into each other look interesting.

Important! This design can be made in both a rectangular and arched opening.

Imitating the entrance to a cave is an interesting and unique technique that will be relevant only in some cases. It is created by laying massive stones.

Greater naturalness can be achieved if the design is made using decorative stone in the form of pebbles or sandstone. Such a light finish will go well with wicker furniture, wood, flowers and natural interior elements.

Do-it-yourself doorway finishing

So, the decision was made to mount the stone in such a way as to decorate the entrance door or arch in a particular room. To obtain the correct proportions after finishing, it is important to follow the basic rules:

  1. The doorway should be finished evenly over the entire surface of the adjacent wall. In this case, the lower part may be massive, but in no case vice versa.
  2. To maintain a natural design, it is worth laying the stones, taking into account the curvature of the door edge, and paying attention to the seams and relief, which should be symmetrical.
  3. The finished look can be achieved if the opening is designed in accordance with symmetry on both sides.
  4. The stone in the opening can be combined with a lot of other materials. For example, polished ones look great wooden panels with smooth stone or rough with rough wood finish.

Materials and tools used

Before starting work, you must prepare everything you need. To work, you will need brushes with metal bristles to remove the old coating, paint brushes and rollers, a hacksaw for metal, a file, an airbrush for finishing, liquid nails, concrete contact, acrylic primer, tinting paste, plumb line and building level.

Algorithm for carrying out the work

As a rule, before performing any cladding, the surface must be prepared. The old coating is removed, the wall is leveled and primed. The door frames are removed and the baseboards are dismantled.

Next, markings are made on the wall in accordance with the pattern that is intended to be realized using decorative stone. Do not forget the rule that there can be more stones at the bottom than at the top. Using a roller or brush, prime the section of the wall where the design will be. After the primer has dried, the wall is covered with the “Betonkontakt” mixture, which is a material containing mineral particles that increase adhesion. It is used in most finishing works.

Before fixing the tiles, they must be laid out on a flat surface in order to select color and texture combinations. If necessary, you can trim the edges. The best option will be laying out the exact layout of the future design.

The tile is attached from the bottom corner. You should start from the place where the baseboard was previously. Then it can also be put in place. To begin with, the level determines the horizontality of the surface. Tile with reverse side smeared with glue and attached to the wall at a distance of 3 - 4 cm from the floor. Part of the stone can be cut or broken to fulfill the decorative design.

Important! After breaking, the edges of the stone are processed grinder to eliminate sharp corners.

If the tile is laid vertically to the edge of the doorway, then it is placed close to the platband. The junction of these elements is carefully leveled. It is better not to combine stone, even artificial stone, with trim made of MDF or other synthetic material. If you need to decorate a corner of the wall with decorative stone, then this process is carried out according to certain rules. Here a joint-to-butt joint is made at an angle. It is also often used to connect the ends on one side of the corner to the ends of the slabs on the other side.

After completing the intended design, you need to wait some time for the glue to dry completely. Next is the finishing decoration of the stone. To do this, prepare a special composition for spraying to give the stone a more natural appearance. The composition of this mass includes a tinting paste, which is darker than the tone of the main stone, and acrylic varnish. Particular attention is paid to the joints.

Once the decoration is completed, install skirting boards and trim around the perimeter of the door.


It is interesting and at the same time practical to use decorative stone to decorate doorways. It can not only protect against external influence door jambs, but also become an original interior detail that will not leave anyone indifferent and will become the pride of the owners of the house.

The doorway in the apartment and its decoration is a very important part of the interior design. Many people try to highlight an entrance or interior doorway, and artificial or natural stone is ideal for these purposes.

By using decorative stone to decorate the arch, you will be able to create a special coziness in the apartment, in addition, the surface of the walls will be protected from damage. But it is important to know how to lay an arch with decorative stone, as well as what advantages the product used has.

Advantages of the material

The doorway can be beautifully lined with artificial stone, but some use natural raw materials. IN Lately Artificial stone is increasingly being used, since this finishing material is cheaper and lighter in weight, and is easy to use for openings. The main advantages of decorative stone in creating a doorway include:

Advantages: Characteristic:
Light weight: Using such a decorative product, a person will not need to further strengthen the foundation; there is no need to use expensive types of glue.
Long period of operation: Designing a doorway will allow you to avoid making repairs for a long time, since the material is not afraid of moisture, dust and dirt. Due to this, the finish will last longer, more than ten years.
Non-toxic and harmless: Decorative stone is created from raw materials that do not have toxic substances, so they will not harm the health of the inhabitants of the house. The material can be used to decorate a doorway in a bedroom, kitchen, or nursery. Despite its artificial origin, the stone is no worse than natural raw materials.
Low cost: If we compare natural and artificial materials, then the latter are several times lower in price, since they are made from ordinary concrete and other materials.
Easy and quick installation: You can veneer a doorway or arch very quickly and easily, even with your own hands. There is no need to pay craftsmen or buy a lot of equipment and materials.
Wide choice: In stores you can find decorative stone for doorways to suit every taste. Different texture, color, shade, imitation different breeds stones, as well as analogues of brick, but lighter and cheaper.
Temperature resistance: The stone can withstand high and low temperatures, this means that it can be used for edging an opening on the street or in a bathhouse, in the kitchen. They can even frame a fireplace or the outside of the house.

Knowing the main advantages decorative material, it is also important to know the rules for choosing material, as well as how to decorate an arch in a house with decorative stone with your own hands.

Design method

There are many variations on how to post artificial product on the door, in the doorway and on the wall. You can use a seamless or suture decoration method. The product is suitable for decorating not only the opening, but also the area around the doors and slopes. You can decorate the slope with a stone of one shade, and the hallway itself can be lined with a different shade. This applies to any room.

In addition, it will be possible to place the stone directly on the wallpaper, and cover only part of the wall with it, leaving the center empty, with wallpaper. The use of stone-like materials allows you to make an opening and reproduce slate or brick. If you decorate the room in large parts, you can make an entrance that will resemble a hole in the rock.

Laying decorative stone in a doorway (video)

In private houses, it is better to use large ones for openings. artificial stones. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rules and methods of masonry in more detail in the video:

Selection of material

Decorative stone is very popular today, because the installation technology is simple, so you can see different materials and it is important to know what kind of stone there is:

  • Made of concrete. This version of decorative stone is the most popular and is made from several materials. Sand, cement, various dyes, as well as reinforcing agents are used for production.
  • From porcelain stoneware. Stone is often used to decorate inner part walls or doorway. The composition contains clay, minerals, and dyes. For the strength of products and their stability, they are used different types clay. After which the substance is pressed and fired. This material visually resembles stone, but its composition is completely different. Porcelain tiles can withstand damage as well as temperature changes. It is better to exclude this finishing option for masonry in the kitchen opening; cleaning the stains will be problematic.
  • Conglomerate. The material is highly durable, the decorative stone is reliable and the parts are used to make decor interior walls and openings. The composition contains marble, granite and other elements. Visually, this material resembles a real agglomerate. Paste over similar material doorway can be with outside buildings because it is strong and durable. The conglomerate is not susceptible to frost and temperature, has a low mass, and the work can be carried out on its own.

  • Acrylic. Practical look stones for decorating openings. Often used for lining doors to the living room and bedroom. This material has very good technical properties, and the structure will resist damage. Even if there is a mechanical impact, the acrylic stone will not change its shape. Top part The material can be easily washed without resorting to expensive products. The products are light in weight and easy to process. The composition does not contain harmful and toxic elements, which means it is recommended for masonry in a nursery or bedroom.
  • Quartz. The material is used quite rarely and is not in demand like other types. This cladding is quite durable and has a long service life.
  • Plaster. Also popular as concrete material, but demand is constantly growing. The mass is small, installation can be carried out directly on drywall, visually very beautiful. No moisture enters, gypsum does not burn and does not change shape under load, the material is easy to cover openings, doors and walls, it is visually similar to sandstone, and the work is easy to carry out independently.

Having decided on the material, you need to know how to cover the doorway of the house.

Carrying out cladding

An arch can be easily decorated with decorative stone, but you will need to prepare the surface and materials. To decorate the arched opening and part of the wall, you need to level the surface. This is done different methods and the decision depends on preferences and financial capabilities.

To place the material on the opening you will need:

  1. Mortar or glue.
  2. Level.
  3. Several spatulas.

A stone opening and a door can only be tiled if you make preliminary markings for future masonry, in other words, you need to draw with a pencil how each tile will lie. First you need to remove the door and trim and only then begin finishing. The glue or solution should be mixed according to the instructions on the package. After that, apply it to the wall and leave for 10 seconds, then apply the necessary material.

It is also applied to the product itself glue solution. The tile is pressed against the wall, and all other parts must be adjusted to the level. This simple rule is used for the rest of the masonry. Sheathing is very simple, because you don’t even need beacons or other accessories.

When the edging is completed and the rectangular opening takes on the desired appearance, any chips or joints that may have appeared should be covered with grease. The lubricant itself must be correctly selected in color. This design move allows you to decorate not only the entrance to the house; you can make a corridor and other rooms out of stone, complementing the existing design. How to sheathe a corner is presented in the video above, and in the photo above you can see the final result of the opening.

Photo gallery of finished doorways

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