How to close a bathroom joint. Methods and materials that can be used to seal the gap between the bathtub and the wall. Cement or adhesive mortar

Bathroom renovation and installation new bath- always a pleasant event, but it is not always possible to install it so that a gap does not form between the bathtub and the wall. It is obtained due to the loose connection of the tank to the finishing materials. Most often, the dimensions of the bathtub and the niche for its installation do not match. Sometimes its configuration does not coincide with the room, and the angle of the wall in the bathroom does not always form 90°. But even when everything matches perfectly, it is not possible to achieve complete tightness of the joint with the help of proper installation, especially when facing with decorative tiles. How to close the gap between the bathtub and the wall - we will consider in the article.

Why do you need to close the gap between the wall and the bathroom?

At any junction of surfaces in a bathroom, bathtub or swimming pool, it is important to ensure increased tightness so that water does not enter through the gaps. This results:

  • to increased air humidity;
  • chronic dampness in the room;
  • breeding mold, fungi and pathological microflora.

As you know, all this is harmful for:

  • frail and elderly people;
  • children;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • citizens sensitive to pathogenic environments.

With excess humidity, building materials and surface finishing become wet and lose their excellent consumer properties. Damp tiles become porous, expanded and more brittle, wood swells and deforms, and cracks form in some other materials. Water is known for its ability to penetrate into the smallest crack, but from there it is poorly removed by natural evaporation. This leads to rotting and destruction of not only any viscous medium, but also fairly strong solid building materials.

If mold has grown under the bathtub, where water flows through the gap, it will most likely gradually invade other spaces. For example, the seams between the tiles or the corners near the bathtub will turn black, and dark spots near the ceiling, and then it will be most difficult to fight it. If a bathtub is installed after laying tiles on the walls of the bathroom, then a large gap usually forms between the bathtub and the wall, into which water flows during bathing. This defect will have to be eliminated somehow - the gap between the bathtub and the video wall will have to be repaired.

Choosing a material to eliminate the gap between the bathtub and the wall

There are several options for how to remove gaps between the bathtub and the wall, and this depends not only on the width of the gap, but also on the overall finish. There are also secondary factors, such as:

  • capacity configuration,
  • availability of ventilation,
  • temperature changes,
  • general design.

If the dimensions of the bathtub approximately coincide with the niche where it should be installed, then experts recommend:

  • lay out the floors under the bathroom,
  • install the tank,
  • lay tiles or other cladding so that the tiles rest on the bathtub,
  • additionally treat the joint with a special tiled plinth,
  • Be sure to seal large gaps between the bathtub and the wall with any kind of border.

Also, the material from which the product is made is also taken into account. For example, an acrylic bathtub should not be treated with rough building materials, but even a small gap near the wall will still have to be foamed or filled with silicone. But this is not enough to eliminate the installation defect, since it will deform and sag under the pressure of the acrylic tank. Over time, the tightness of the silicone seal may become compromised. Special sealants are not always advisable. And the bathtub needs to be additionally attached to the wall so that it does not stand on only legs or pipes for drainage.

It is important to mount the container securely using regular hooks or anchors. It is enough to screw them in the corners and in the center of the long side of the container for hygiene procedures:

  • baths,
  • home mini-pool,
  • shower tray.

And although all these containers require various methods sealing, the gap near the wall will have to be eliminated in any case. This is done in different ways, for example, with a special soft tape or a hard border.

Basic ways to seal a gap near a wall

You can seal a deep gap or a small gap between the bathtub and the wall in different ways, using decorative materials, regular grout or sealant. It is important that the filler underneath does not fall out into the gap when performing work. There are certain difficulties in how to seal the gap between the bathtub and the wall with a large hole. The choice of sealing method depends solely on:

  • dimensions of the wall clearance,
  • bath stability,
  • decorative properties of the finishing and the material laid in the seam.

1. You can use a regular plastic profile (corner), which can easily cover a small gap or unevenness tile masonry at the junction near the bathtub. It can be fixed with any construction adhesive or mounting silicone. And the joint at the corner and the ends of the plastic profile must be cut correctly, accurately measuring according to the dimensions of the container. It is important to cut the angle at 45° and sand the edges so that the joint is accurate. Next, silicone is applied along the edge of the bathtub, which should flow deep into the cracks and harden a little, and only after this the seam can be closed with a corner. Remove excess silicone by lightly pressing the plastic profile. What comes out when pressed is unnecessary; it must be carefully cut off with a knife after hardening or the liquid silicone sealant can be wiped off with a damp rag.

Attention: Whatever solution, glue, foam or sealant you use when sealing the gap between the bathtub and the wall, try to lay out a little less of them than necessary, otherwise the seal will turn out sloppy. It is better to remove all traces of application before drying, so as not to spoil the surface of the wall and bathtub with remnants of the adhesive base!

2. Another way to seal is to use a decorative tiled corner or border of small width. In the old fashioned way, they also used narrow strips of ordinary tiles, laid at an angle of 45° relative to the bathtub. But this method is not acceptable when large gap, or the gap had to be sealed with a bead to prevent it from falling out of the bathtub cement mortar.

3. Of the modern methods, the most simple method sealing the gap remains self-adhesive border tape for the bathroom and a specialized plastic baseboard. It can also be mounted directly on silicone, however, if there is a large gap, this method is also unacceptable. Installation of the corner involves a reliable fastening, which requires thorough cleaning and degreasing of both surfaces.

4. Self-adhesive in the form of border tape - we fill large gaps between the bathtub and the wall correctly. It is sold in any construction supermarket in the form of a roll. However, it must be properly glued to both surfaces so that the seam is smooth and neat. Experts recommend gluing the roll tape from the corner, first only on one side of the junction of the wall and the bathtub. A layer that must adhere securely to smooth surfaces, It has protective film, which is carefully removed 15-25 cm at a time immediately before gluing it dry.

Attention: It is important that the container and wall finishing materials are completely dry, otherwise the gluing will have to be repeated, and the roll will already be damaged!

5. A fair question - how to cover the gaps between the bathtub and the wall if they are too wide, or when there are gaps diverging at an angle that have deviations from right angle on the corner of the bathroom where the container is installed? The methods listed above do not work here. In some cases, special carpentry skills are required to fill the gap with a piece of wood treated with a protective impregnation against moisture and mold. The seam on top has to be concreted, and only then a decorative border - plastic or tiled - must be laid. Similarity wooden formwork the edges of the wide gap are held in place by concrete mortar.

Tip: You can use the tips listed or come up with your own method, based on the finishing materials and design of the bathroom. However, not all materials are suitable for these purposes. For example, a mirror strip laid at a joint at an angle will look original and practical, but over time moisture destroys the amalgam layer on back side glass, you get unsightly stains. Whatever you use to decorate the seam, remember practicality and tightness.

Properties of silicone sealant

Modern methods of sealing and sealing joints in rooms with high humidity usually involve the use of silicone sealants. It is a synthetic transparent polymer resembling liquid rubber or thick gel. It is used for various purposes and in interaction with other building materials. It contains various additives that affect its properties:

  • density,
  • moisture resistance,
  • adhesion.

Filling the seam or gap between the bathtub and the tiles with a moisture-resistant polymer is the most common method for small gaps or uneven tile laying. An unsuccessfully processed gap can always be further decorated plastic profile or even a foam border for painting, but before it hardens.

There are sealants:

  • multicomponent,
  • single-component.

By chemical composition Commercially available silicone sealants are divided into:

  • acidic;
  • neutral.

They differ in the method and time of hardening, since this depends on a chemical reaction or under the influence of an open environment. They react differently to temperature changes, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and humidity. This is why it is important to read the instructions when purchasing silicone caulk. Before using it, it is important to clearly understand:

Attention: Acid sealant is not suitable for metal surfaces, which oxidizes stainless steel or aluminum profile which leads to corrosion! Experts recommend using only silicone with a neutral reaction.

Otherwise, the sealant has no “cons”; it is reliable and easy to use. It dries completely after 5-12 hours, but it is better to swim in the bath no earlier than 24 hours after treatment.

However, not everyone knows how to achieve a smooth and aesthetically pleasing surface when applied.

Tip: Apply silicone sealant little by little, evenly, carefully trimming upper layer on the seam between the bathtub and the wall with a spatula. To avoid staining the joining surfaces, use masking tape. Remove excess silicone immediately with a spatula if it hardens - sharp knife. Any leaks of excess sealant should not be left until hardened and then cut off; clean them 10-20 minutes after completing the work and treat the adjacent surfaces to remove all traces of application.

What is important to know when sealing a gap between a bathroom wall

1. It is necessary to thoroughly clean all treated surfaces from abrasive particles, construction waste, mold, rust, calcium deposits from prolonged use of water.

2. It is important to degrease the wall and bathtub before application and dry it after cleaning. It is also recommended to use white spirit, ethanol or other volatile surface treatment solvent.

3. The chemical components used in sealing may be harmful to health, so be sure to use a household respirator. Upon completion of work, be sure to ventilate the room, do not use the bathtub for at least 24 hours, and before taking a shower or bath, be sure to rinse the container thoroughly with a stream from a flexible shower.

4. Any material used to seal the joint, including sealant and cement mortar, must not be large quantities drip or fall into a gap. The optimal penetration of the composition beyond the edge of the bath is no more than 1 cm.

5. Make sure that there are no gaps when applying the solution or silicone, otherwise the seal of the seam will be compromised.

6. All tools for applying cement mortar or sealant should be on hand so that you do not have to look for or buy them while the mixture hardens into snowdrifts.

7. Polyurethane foam can also be used as the main material for sealing the gap between the wall and the water tank. Remember that when it hardens, it expands and bursts adjacent surfaces, and its excess does not look aesthetically pleasing. All excess must be carefully cut off and the seam covered with a decorative border. Clean the places where it extends beyond the seam onto the bathtub with a rag soaked in a vinegar solution.

8. Bath border tape - great option, but it is short-lived, so you should count on 1.5-2 years of its operation. In addition, it contains a fungicide that prevents the growth of mold. It can be recommended for use on top of polyurethane foam to close its porous structure.

Attention: When applying decorative finishing materials to the seam, you can also use not only cement mortar and silicone, but also any construction adhesive, liquid nails, etc. However, the tightness of the sealing of the gap itself must be impeccable!

Tip: If there are problems with mold in the bathroom, before sealing the seam, be sure to thoroughly clean all surfaces and treat them with a special fungicide solution that prevents its development. Only after this can all work on sealing the seam begin. Do not think that mold itself will “disappear” somewhere after removing the cause of excess dampness - it is very tenacious and harmful to health!

In my example, it is acrylic with a one-sided screen made of the same material, its length is 1.70 m/p. And the length of the wall against which it leans is a little more than 2 meters. It turns out that there is a meaningless empty space between the wall and the end of the bathtub, where water will most likely drain due to the lack of a shower curtain, and the completely open view of the fittings of an acrylic bathtub will greatly ruin your mood.

Let's figure it out in order close the space between the bathtub and the wall , at the same time you will learn how to properly install an acrylic bathtub. This example is also suitable for other types of bathtubs; if you have a plastic or wooden screen, then proceed in the same way I described.

If you purchase a cast-iron bathtub, you can do without a purchased screen and close everything according to the same principle by continuing the plasterboard construction along the entire length, which I will actually try to talk about and show a photo of this. You can buy it cheaply in online stores, and it will help to buy it 2 times cheaper than at a construction warehouse.

Installing a bathtub and connecting it to a sewer pipe

We bring it in and place it in the corner of the room under (the mixer must be installed in advance). We place a 2-meter straight level (at least 60cm) on the edge of the bathtub and, based on its readings, we adjust the legs in height by rotating them along the threads.

Now we bring plastic screen and check whether it will fall into place or whether it should be raised a little higher. We connect the drainage system (sump) to the sewer outlet in the wall, install a backup water drain from the bathtub overflowing with water, lubricating the rubber gaskets with silicone, or acrylic sealant.

We connect the bathtub and check the drainage system for leaks.

We move the bathtub away from the adjoining walls along the corner in both directions by exactly 1 cm, this distance is necessary for filling with polyurethane foam. We fill the “plastic basin” to the very top with water, while simultaneously checking the drainage system for leaks. Thus, the water does not drain until the very end of all work, right up to the grouting of the tile joints.

Let me explain, the weight of the water simulates the maximum future operational loads, then you will drain it and be sure that the work done will not crack along the tile seams.

We close the space with a box and then cover it with ceramic tiles

Let's start making a box from plasterboard. You will need drywall, preferably 12mm moisture resistant. First of all, we draw on the walls the outline of the final result of the work, in some way a continuation of the acrylic bathtub if it were from corner to opposite corner.

Now we retreat exactly 3 cm from this outline along all stripes, this is exactly how much is needed for the thickness of the drywall, tile adhesive and thickness tiles.

After filling the seam with foam, the plasterboard box stops sagging.

We aim the guide profile along the perimeter with the retreat we just made. You cannot do without drilling tiles; you will learn about this process and actually how and with what to drill. I do not recommend making holes immediately with a hammer drill directly through the cladding without preliminary drilling; the tile may not hold up and may crack.

The profile frame should be fenced with an indentation of 1 cm. from the end of the bathtub, which is needed for polyurethane foam. You will also need profiles for the jumpers; they will significantly strengthen the structure. Pay attention to the photos provided with it, you can clearly see how to use profiles in the manufacture of a metal frame.

Once the frame is ready and screwed to the profiles with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver, an ordinary screwdriver will not work, no matter how hard you try.

The next stage of work is fixing the bathtub. Take and shake the container and screw it to the instrument. If you don’t want to shell out money for a spray foam gun, you can get by with a bottle of foam with a tube included in the kit.

You should fill the bathtub with water and do not drain it until all work is completed.

The essence of the work is to fill the seam between the acrylic bathtub and all adjacent sides with foam without draining the water. Do not overdo it with foam, remember that it tends to expand greatly, and therefore if you are not sure of the precision of your actions, then cover all the edges with masking tape.

However, before starting this important work, try releasing a stream of foam into some empty cardboard box or a bag of mortar, at the same time check the serviceability of the tool, sometimes the guns get clogged under the polyurethane foam or worse. Until the foam hardens there is nothing to do and it is impossible, the setting time is from 2 to 3 hours.

You can cut the polyurethane foam with a regular stationery knife with replaceable blades.

We cut off the excess frozen material with a knife and you can start laying tiles, but first install a plastic screen, it is from it and from the upper edge of the acrylic “basin” that the laying of the first solid tiles should begin. Everything will go to the junction of the box along the walls and along the floor to the porcelain tiles. On specific example learn about the secrets of wall cladding and more.

The latter is a plastic skirting board around the perimeter, which serves faithfully for the sake of beauty and draining water from the walls into the inside of the bathtub. Go to hardware store and find required material. Using silicone or acrylic sealant glue directly to the cut polyurethane foam. And the last thing is to grout the joints between the tiles.

For now, that's all I remember. If you have any questions, please leave a comment. Good luck with the renovation!

Letyaga Gennady Petrovich

When installing a bathtub, the problem of gaps that form between it and the walls often arises. Even the ideal geometry of the walls does not eliminate this defect. And although modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of standard sizes, cases where the dimensions of the bathtub body completely correspond to the dimensions of the bathroom are rare. Therefore, most often the final point in finishing this room is not only the grouting of the tile joints, but also the elimination of all unwanted gaps, which do not look aesthetically pleasing and are harbingers of problems in the future. So how to seal the gap between the bathtub and the wall?

Preparing the workspace

There are several simple and affordable options for sealing cracks in the bathroom. The choice of option for installing joints between the walls and the bathroom is determined only by the size of the joints and the owner’s budget. However, regardless of the method, sealing cracks begins with surface preparation.

First of all, any kind of contamination is removed from the abutment plane, old paint. Then the solid base is washed and dried well. Coated with an antifungal agent.

If the gap width is more than 3 cm, you must purchase a strip or metal profile in advance. They are screwed to the wall at the gap. This addition will serve reliable basis for finishing material, will increase the durability and strength of the seam.

Basic methods for sealing cracks in the bathroom

The oldest and most proven method is to fill the gaps that form between the bathtub and the wall, cement mortar. This material is durable and reliable, not afraid of moisture, so using it as a base always gives reliable results.

Cement mortar is usually used in the following proportions: 3/1 – 3 parts sand, 1 part cement. It is better to mix such a solution using water mixed with PVA glue. The glue combines well with cement and has a positive effect on the quality of the seam. The consistency of the solution should be similar to thick sour cream.

The gap is only 2-5 mm wide, carefully sealed ready-made mixture, pressing it with a spatula along the entire perimeter of the gap. It is recommended to immediately level the visible part of the seam, since such a solution quickly begins to harden.

If there is a gap more than 5 mm wide, the solution is applied to a support profile pre-installed in the wall. TO decorative design You can start after 24-72 hours (it all depends on the thickness of the layer).

The gap is quickly and easily sealed with construction foam. The main condition is that the foam must be moisture resistant in order to withstand the level of humidity characteristic of a bathroom and maintain strong contact with the wall. This method allows you to eliminate large gaps without resorting to a metal profile.

Having filled the cracks with foam, you need to wait about an hour for the material to dry, and then remove the excess with a special construction knife. A porous surface remains at the site of the cuts, which must be treated with plumbing silicone.

By the way, silicone sealant itself is also a good way to eliminate empty space between the bathroom and the walls. This type of seal is ideal for sealing large cracks(up to 8 mm), but is also used to fill large gaps. In this case, the sealant is applied to the plank or profile installed in the wall.

To close a gap between the bathtub and the wall that is 0.5 cm wide or less, you can use a mixture for filling tile joints - grout. Cover the gap with a special rubber spatula, and carefully remove the remaining product from the surfaces. This material is quite moisture resistant, therefore it prevents the penetration of moisture and the formation of mold and mildew. You cannot use the bathtub immediately after grouting. The composition should dry well.

Decorative solutions

Plastic corner is the most common and affordable option decorative finishing various joints in the bathroom.

The use of such a corner helps to hide all aesthetic defects that arise as a result of rough sealing of seams. The corner can close gaps up to 3 cm wide. It is recommended to fasten the baseboard using transparent sanitary silicone. Silicone is an excellent adhesive, provides additional sealing, and also contains antifungal additives, which is necessary when finishing a bathroom. Border tape is the easiest and fastest way to close a gap up to 3 cm. The tape is a strip of polyethylene with adhesive base . To stick it, just degrease it work surface

, measure and cut the required piece and attach, pressing with your fingers, to the gap. Border tape without an adhesive layer is installed using silicone. You can fill the gap with tiles.

It is better to use tiles left over after tiling the walls. If there are no tiles left after the renovation, you can purchase several pieces of white tiles of such a size that a minimum of trimming is required. If the bathtub is white, the tiles will blend in with it and the borders will be almost invisible. Sometimes when decorating walls with tiles, craftsmen use decorative ceramic border

. The same border can also be used to decorate the joints. Attach it to the surface using waterproof glue or liquid nails.

Fillet - outer corner

Such a plastic corner for the bathroom prevents steam and water flowing down the wall from getting under the bathtub, where fungus, mold or rust may appear on the surface. metal parts. You can buy a bathtub fillet at an affordable price, and it’s quite possible to install it yourself.

It is worth understanding that the PVC border performs only a decorative function, covering the sealant, which takes on the task of protecting it from liquids. Therefore, when installing a plastic panel, you will need not only a fillet, but also a high-quality sealant.

How to glue a skirting board to a bathtub with your own hands:

  1. First you need to degrease the areas of the bathtub and the wall to which the fillet will be glued with a solvent. Let dry.
  2. Next, you need to place the panel against the wall or bathtub and mark how much strip you need to cut. The corners of the baseboard should be filed at an angle of 45% and sanded with sandpaper.
  3. After this, on inner surface curb, apply white or clear sealant and apply it to the gap.
  4. Next, the panel must again be separated from the wall, apply a little more glue and press firmly against the wall and bathtub for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Finally, carefully apply transparent silicone sealant to the upper and lower junction of the fillet with the bathtub and the wall and spread it with a brush dipped in soapy water.

It’s good if during the installation process you have an assistant who will hold and press the baseboard. It is also important to choose the right means of sealing the gap and carefully install the fillet.

Combined method – triple protection

If desired, methods for sealing cracks in the bathroom can be combined. For example, use three methods at once to eliminate the gap:

  • fill the gap with polyurethane foam and wait until it dries completely;
  • carefully cut off the excess with a knife and cover the seam with a layer of silicone sealant (this will smooth out the rough surface and increase the water resistance of the structure);
  • After the sealant has dried, apply curb tape.

Thus, sealing the joints between the bathtub and the wall will be three times more reliable.

It is important to know

  • Acrylic bathtubs are characterized by their ability to sag. To prevent the sealing work from going down the drain, the plumbing fixtures must be screwed on three sides with four fasteners - two fasteners at the ends and two more fasteners along the long side.
  • Filling the gap between the walls and the acrylic bathtub is done by filling the body with water. Drain the water only after all adhesive materials have completely dried.
  • Steel and cast iron baths installed so as to eliminate possible vibrations and wobbles during operation.
  • All bathtubs should be installed level, adjusting the position by twisting the legs.

You should entrust the work of eliminating cracks in the bathroom to master tilers. They will quickly and efficiently seal the unnecessary gap, and the owners will only have to accept the work. But if you have free time and strictly follow the instructions, even a woman can do this work on her own. Whatever method you choose, the main condition is waterproofness and aesthetics. appearance. You will learn about the pros and cons of this or that sealing method by watching the video below.

When starting a bathroom renovation, some apartment owners don’t even think about the fact that there may be a gap between the bathtub and the wall. This defect appears for a number of reasons, among which there may be a discrepancy between the dimensions of the bathtub itself and the opening into which it is mounted. To maintain the aesthetic appearance of the work done, you have to think about how to seal the gap between the bathtub and the wall. Otherwise, water may get in there and mold will form.

Experts advise closing the gap between the wall and the bathroom in different ways. The choice of method is determined only by the budget of the homeowner and the size of the existing cracks. But in any case, work begins only after preliminary preparation surfaces. Its sequence is standard and comes down to certain actions:

  1. Any contamination is removed from adjacent surfaces.
  2. The cleaned bases are washed and dried thoroughly.
  3. An antifungal composition is applied to the dried junctions of the bathtub and the wall.
  4. Install a metal or plastic strip if the gap width is more than 3 centimeters. They are fixed with screws to the wall where the gap occurs.

Such A complex approach allows you not only to close the hole between the wall and the bathroom, but also to extend the life of the finishing material. Various materials are used to seal seams.

Thanks to the wide range of finishing products, you can choose the most suitable option. When choosing a method for sealing the gap between the bathtub and the wall, you need to focus on such criteria as the shape of the bathtub, the size of the gap and the material of the walls.

When using modern finishing products, you have to use the latest types raw materials for eliminating cracks. Commonly used:

  1. Polyurethane foam.
  2. Cement mortar.
  3. Silicone sealant.
  4. Plastic plinth.
  5. Adhesive border tape or corner.

From the right choice The raw materials used for sealing depend on the durability of the coating and the preservation of the aesthetic qualities of the entire repair. You can carry out such work yourself, without resorting to the help of professionals.

The finishing materials market today is ready to offer various types of raw materials. Fine-pored foam makes it easy to eliminate the gap between the bathtub and the wall. The instructions for using the material will tell you how to seal it correctly. Its use is relevant when large gaps are formed due to its expansion property.

For repair work in the bathroom, it is recommended to purchase moisture-resistant products that are designed specifically for wet areas. The ideal element is a one-component polyurethane composition. The work should be carried out in a certain sequence:

  1. Clean the surface and degrease with a special substance.
  2. Dry work surfaces thoroughly.
  3. Prepare a construction gun (if the purchased foam container provides this). Shake the can and insert into the device.
  4. Distribute the raw materials carefully, filling all voids.
  5. Cut off all excess edges of the material after hardening. It takes about 8 hours for the material to harden.

During the final finishing, they begin to mask the joint. For this purpose, use ceramic tiles or plastic corners. Experts recommend using protective gloves when working with foam.

The industry produces wonderful polyethylene-based material. The tape is sold in rolls and has White color. On one side of the product there is a sticky layer, and on the other there is a smooth base with an antifungal coating. It does not allow water to pass through and is intended for finishing wet rooms.

But this material should not be used as an independent product when eliminating gaps in the bathtub. It is permissible to cover the gap between the wall with a solution based on sand and cement or fill it with polyurethane foam. The border is used as finishing to give an aesthetic appearance.

  1. Clean and thoroughly dry the work surface.
  2. To ensure high-quality fixation of the material, additionally coat the surface to be pasted. liquid nails or silicone sealant.
  3. Post in an angular way(one edge on the bath, the other on the wall) part of the tape and iron it on top with your palm.
  4. All joints are coated with sealant for reliability.

It is not recommended to use the bathtub for the next 24 hours to ensure high-quality gluing of surfaces. Consumers should not forget that curb tape is a short-lived product. It very quickly loses its presentable appearance and can peel off.

When using a mixture of sand and cement as the main means to eliminate gaps, it should be remembered that this method is not relevant for gaps more than 4 centimeters wide. If there is a gap bigger size It is recommended to use additional fastenings, for example, a wooden strip. She will be an excellent support for the composition.

You should work quickly with the cement mixture. It is advisable to prepare the solution in small portions so that it does not harden. All the work must be carried out in a certain sequence:

  1. Pre-prepare the surface - apply a primer for better adhesion of the raw material to the wall.
  2. Prepare the working composition according to the instructions on the package.
  3. To create cracks, you can use a rag soaked in the solution.
  4. After the inner layer has dried, apply the solution on top and smooth with a spatula.

Upon completion of installation cement mixture waiting for it to harden. As finishing material use tiles or paint for wet rooms.

A significant drawback of this method is the lack of elasticity of the raw material after hardening. After a certain time or in the event of repair work carried out by neighbors, the mortar can crack with minimal vibration of the wall. After this, it will no longer perform a sealing function.

Many consumers purchase materials from specialized stores to carry out repair work themselves. In some cases, they don’t even know how to seal the cracks in the bathroom, counting on the help of consultants. But it is better to go to the store with a certain amount of knowledge in order to choose the best of the products available for sale.

Special bathroom sealants are better than others at filling small cracks. They are quite flexible and often have antifungal and antibacterial properties. These products are easy to carry high humidity and temperature.

Increased binding properties can also be considered a big advantage of this type of raw material. Any glossy surface does not require special preparation before work to obtain a high-quality result. Ready-made formulations are sold in tubes and are transparent or white.

All the work is not particularly difficult. Carry out sealing necessary in the following order:

  1. Wash, dry and degrease the surface with special substances.
  2. Use a special gun to evenly distribute the composition over the surface.
  3. Using a sharp knife, cut off the spout from the cylinder in accordance with the desired seam thickness.
  4. Distribute the product evenly along the entire length of the crack.
  5. You can make the sealant even with your finger, previously soaked in soapy water.

To ensure high-quality sealing of the seam, it is recommended to apply the product in several layers. The first layers should be pushed deeper into the seam if possible and the surface should be left to dry. All activities do not require special skills and allow you to carry out the work independently, without the involvement of specialists.

After carrying out the basic work on sealing the seams, many apartment owners want to give the room an externally attractive appearance. But finishing materials do not always perform only a decorative function. In some cases, thanks to them, the bath is preserved. You can find out how to seal cracks in a wall on various resources on the Internet.

As decorative elements borders and skirting boards made of plastic or ceramics are used. They are quite aesthetically pleasing and affordable for most buyers. For high-quality fastening of such elements, it is recommended to purchase additional quick-drying waterproof glue. It should also be remembered that plastic structures Designed to eliminate seams up to 3 centimeters wide. For correct fixation of plastic elements work should be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Remove all dust and thoroughly dry the baseboard installation areas.
  2. Pre-cut the material to the size of the bathtub.
  3. In the places where the skirting boards join, make cuts at an angle of 45 degrees.
  4. Apply masking tape to protect the bathtub from glue.
  5. Try on the baseboards first.
  6. Apply adhesive composition on the edges of the bathtub and walls, as well as on the underside of the baseboard according to the instructions.
  7. Install the plastic elements and press them firmly against the wall, fixing them for several minutes.
  8. Remove masking tape.

The joining points must be treated with silicone compound. In addition to plastic raw materials, it is also allowed to use ceramic borders.

When laying tiles, ceramic borders are the most popular material. It allows you to completely hide the gap and looks very attractive. Its installation is carried out similarly to plastic elements, and a special adhesive composition for tiles is used for fixation.

Owners of apartments in new buildings often face a problem such as a discrepancy between the size of the room and the bathtub itself. In such situations, it is necessary to use an integrated approach to resolve the problem.

In this case, cement mortar is often used as a rough finish. For additional fixation, install a lining made of wooden block. But cement finishes cannot be cleaned and can quickly deteriorate when exposed to water.

For this reason, this method uses fine finishing. The simplest and most accessible method for most citizens is painting the cement base with enamel or acrylic. Installation of plastic panels also serves alternative option. For a harmonious combination of finishing elements, experts advise using the same materials as on the walls.

If the gap between the wall and the bathroom is about 10-15 centimeters, then it is recommended to make an additional shelf. For this purpose, a metal frame is installed, lined with moisture-resistant types of raw materials. Ideal material in this case, tiles will be considered.

Professionals recommend using masking tape to protect the adjacent surface when working with polyurethane foam and silicone sealant. When sealing the gap between the wall and the bathtub with a mixture of cement and sand, it is recommended to remove the raw material with a dry rag if it gets on the bathtub or tiles.

Foam or cement mortar should not be used when installing acrylic or metal bath. Steel can change in size with changes in temperature, and the acrylic base is very flexible. For this reason, both methods are more suitable for cast iron options. Considering these recommendations, everyone can choose best option to eliminate gaps.

Even a small gap between the wall and the bathtub can cause major problems. In the worst case, you will have to pay for repairs in the bathroom of your downstairs neighbors, and in the best case, you will have to watch mold grow under your bathroom and various unsightly insects appear. These consequences can be avoided by initial stage repairs, because main reason The appearance of cracks lies in uneven surfaces.


The walls in the bathroom must meet at an angle of 90 degrees, otherwise a gap is inevitable. If during the repair process you notice that the toe-in angle is wider than necessary, the walls must be leveled. The same goes for the floor: it must be perfectly level.

It also happens that the bathtub itself is installed crookedly on a flat floor. In this case, the situation can be corrected with the help of adjustable legs.

There is another reason for the appearance of the gap.

If the bathtub is shorter than the wall along which it is installed, then a gap cannot be avoided.

In this case you will have to either:

  • install an additional false wall made of plasterboard;
  • if the first option “eats” too much usable space, groove the walls and install a longer bathtub.

However, if the repair has already been completed and there is no desire to dismantle the trim and start all over again, you can try to get rid of the gap after the fact. In most cases, this is not difficult, you just need to choose the most suitable method.

Gap sealing solution

Cement mortar is an almost universal remedy that can solve many problems. household problems. This is one of the most reliable, but far from the most aesthetic solution, therefore, after all the work is completed, you will need to ensure that to give the sealed gap a more aesthetic appearance:

  1. Clean the gap from dirt and mucus, and if necessary, remove the old finish.
  2. Prepare the solution. When kneading, try to achieve the consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. Assess the size of the gap: if it is wide enough, the cement mortar will spill onto the floor. To avoid this, first soak old rags in the mixture and fill the gap with them.

When the rag has dried a little, moisten the gap and begin to slowly and carefully pour the solution into it. Make sure that the outer part of the seam is as narrow as possible.

The method of masking the seam must be chosen based on the materials used to finish the walls. If it is a tile, then along the side you can lay a border from its remains, preserved after the renovation. If this plastic panels, then simply lay a plastic border over the seam. If the walls are painted, then paint over the seam with the same paint, having first filled it with putty.

Polyurethane foam

A faster, but no less versatile product than cement mortar is polyurethane foam. With its help, you can seal the gap between the wall and the bathtub in a matter of minutes. Unlike mortar, polyurethane foam can only be laid on a dry surface. Therefore, after you clean and degrease the gap, blot it from the inside with a dry cloth and leave it to dry for a while.

It is best to work with gloves, since polyurethane foam is very difficult to remove from the skin. And from all other surfaces too, therefore, when filling the gap with it, make sure that the splashes do not fall on the walls and the bathtub.

To work in the bathroom, choose moisture-resistant polyurethane foam; this information is indicated on the packaging.


  1. Shake the can several times, insert the spout into the gap and begin to carefully pour. Remember that as the foam dries, it expands greatly, sometimes several dozen times, so do not try to fill the gap to the brim. The polyurethane foam dries in about an hour.
  2. After the drying time has passed, use a sharp knife to trim the edges so that the surface is as smooth as possible.
  3. You can disguise it using the same methods as in the previous case - facing tiles, PVC border or waterproof paint.


The most modern remedy- This is a silicone sealant. Available in stores big choice sealants intended for different purposes of use. Among them, you need to find a bathroom sealant, as it contains antibacterial substances that prevent the formation of mold. There are sealants different colors, but we advise you to purchase transparent as the most versatile option.


  1. Remove any leftovers building materials, dirt and mucus.
  2. Treat the gap with a degreasing solution such as alcohol or acetone and wipe dry.
  3. Open the spout on the tube of silicone sealant and fill the gap with its contents, using mounting gun. The width of the line will depend on the angle at which the nose was cut. How sharper angle, the narrower it will be. Make sure that the line is straight and not interrupted.
  4. While the seam is still wet, trim it by moistening your finger with soapy water.
  5. For greater aesthetics, the seam can be disguised. We described the methods in detail above.

Within 24 hours after sealing the seam with silicone sealant, you cannot use the bathtub, otherwise all the work will be useless and the seam will quickly become unusable.

Plastic skirting boards

Plastic skirting boards- the most popular of all bathroom baseboards. They are successfully used to seal the gap between the wall and the bathroom. PVC skirting boards can be easily and quickly installed and just as easily dismantled. In addition, plastic is a fairly soft and elastic material, so this skirting board can be easily adjusted to the size of the bathtub.

In stores you can find plastic skirting boards with a ready-made adhesive base. We do not recommend using them in a bathroom environment as the adhesive applied to them is usually not moisture resistant. It is better to use waterproof glue designed for plastic. It should be white, or even better – colorless. Be sure to choose a quick-drying compound as you will have to press down on the baseboard until the adhesive sets.


  1. Clean, degrease and dry the gap.
  2. Do everything necessary measurements and cut the baseboard at a 45 degree angle.
  3. Attach the plastic skirting board to the junction of the bathtub and the wall, without glue for now, and stick masking tape to those areas of the wall and bathtub that join it.
  4. Remove the baseboard and coat the gap with glue.
  5. Secure the baseboard in place and press it down for a few minutes.
  6. After the adhesive has completely dried, you can peel off the tape.
  7. Be sure to treat the joint between the plastic baseboard and the wall with bathroom sealant.

Border tape

Another inexpensive one modern method, which does not require much effort is the use of curb tape. It is made of polypropylene and impregnated with a special compound that prevents the formation of mold.


  • does not require additional decoration;
  • It is characterized by high water resistance, so it can be safely used in conditions of high humidity.

The only drawback This method means that even the highest quality border tape will last you no more than two years. But if you use the bathroom actively, you will have to change it every year.

The width and thickness of the tape will depend on the size of the gap. Fill the pre-cleaned, degreased and dried gap with colorless silicone sealant. Next, cut a piece of tape of the appropriate size and apply liquid nails to it. Now you can glue the tape over the gap. You need to wait at least 24 hours before starting to use the bathroom.

Ceramic tile

All the methods described above for getting rid of the gap between the wall and the side of the bathtub are suitable only if we are talking about a small gap, the width of which does not exceed 3 cm. If you are dealing with a wider gap, then you will have to stock up on finishing materials and use construction skills .

You can fill the gap with tiles. It is best to use the one left after finishing the walls. If there is nothing left after the renovation, just buy white tiles suitable size, such that a minimum of trimming is required. White tiles will blend in with a white bathroom, provided that you have a white one and therefore the border will be practically invisible. If you used a decorative border when decorating the walls with tiles, then you can decorate the joint with the same border.

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