How to glue MDF panels with liquid nails or attach them to a wall on a wooden frame: cladding options, choice of materials. How to properly cover walls with MDF panels Installation of MDF panels on wooden walls

All more people Every day people choose MDF panels as a finishing material for the walls of their home. It is believed that worthy alternative painting and wallpaper, but also has additional positive qualities.

In this article we will talk not only about installing MDF on walls, but also reveal the secret of the popularity of this material.

Why choose MDF

Before we move on to talking about installing MDF panels on walls, let's figure out why this material is becoming more and more popular every day. Of course, it has many advantages, but there are no fewer disadvantages, and some of them are so significant that they make repairing some rooms using these panels simply impossible.

So, what are the main qualities of MDF that would distinguish it from others? finishing materials:

  • Installation of MDF panels on walls is a very simple process. and you can do it yourself, without involving professional builders. This largely affects the final cost of repairs.
  • Since the installation of MDF panels on walls is carried out on special sheathing , the free space between the wall remains for air to breathe, and this is very good, as it allows the accumulating condensate to completely dry out. Also, this space can be used for additional insulation walls if necessary.
  • Conventional MDF panels are very susceptible to moisture. The boards themselves tolerate this contact with ease, but the texture pattern can be damaged, therefore, if you are choosing a material for finishing the walls in a complex room, such as a bathroom or kitchen, then you should choose special boards, but we will talk about this a little below.
  • Panels are convenient for restoration of damage. If a defect has formed somewhere that cannot be masked, it is enough to replace the damaged segment, and you do not have to redo the entire repair.
  • MDF panels can be used to cover not only walls, but also ceilings, this way you can decorate the entire room in the same style.
  • Big choice decorative solutions . MDF panels can imitate natural wood or stone, as well as be completely plain. Such diversity allows you to create the most daring and original interiors.
  • Relatively low price.

As you can see, the panels are a good option to decorate your home, but before you go to the store and choose the designs you like, you need to know what these panels can be and which of them can be used in rooms with a complex atmosphere.

What types of MDF panels are there?


  • Ordinary panels without a protective layer. Most cheap option, which is only suitable for living spaces, such as a living room or bedroom (see Decorating the bedroom: looking for options). It is not advisable to use this material in the kitchen or bathroom, as it will quickly lose its appearance and become unusable.
  • Laminated panels. This option is suitable for the kitchen. The panels do not absorb odors and can be washed using detergents. The only thing such panels are afraid of is mechanical damage, such as scratches. If at least one defect appears on the surface, the destructive effect will spread throughout the finish.
  • Veneered MDF. Ideal option for residential premises. Veneered panels are no longer just an imitation of natural wood covering; a thin section of wood is actually glued onto them. The appearance of this material is excellent, but as a consequence this is reflected in the price, which can be several times higher than that of conventional panels.
  • Cork MDF. The most expensive option, which uses cork veneer as a decorative layer. This option is perfect for a nursery, especially since the panels do not contain chemical components that could harm your or your child’s health.
  • Sheet MDF. All of the above panels belong to the lining class, that is, they are assembled using tongue-and-groove technology. Sheet MDF does not have connecting grooves, and is attached as ceramic tile on glue joint-in joint

Which of these options you choose to decorate your home is up to you; you should proceed from the characteristic features of the room and financial capabilities, but you should not fall into savings. If you cannot afford laminated MDF for the bathroom, then it is better to abandon it altogether than to install ordinary panels that will become unusable in a few months.

  • Preparing for work
  • How to install the panels?
  • Frame making
  • Panel installation

MDF panels have many positive properties, thanks to which they are becoming increasingly popular and widespread. Among others - low cost and environmental friendliness. Almost anyone can install these panels themselves. It's pretty simple work, which requires only sufficient care. You can decorate walls using MDF panels without having any special professional skills in repair or woodworking.

Diagram of fittings for plastic panels.

What are MDF panels for walls?

Wood processing industry waste is used to produce MDF. However, they differ significantly from fiberboard and chipboard both in their manufacturing method and in their characteristics. No binders are used in their production; the production technology is based on the method of hot and dry pressing of wood. The use of this processing method ensures that the fibers and lignin tubes that make up the wood are exposed to high temperature and pressures are interlocked due to the resulting plasticity. In its structure, MDF resembles a kind of wood felt.

with their own mechanical properties MDF is inferior to most similar materials, their trump card is environmental friendliness, which is achieved by refusing to use astringent chemicals in their production. This perfect material For interior decoration. When working with this material, you must adhere to the same rules as when working with wood. To glue MDF panels, the same glue is used as for wood. However, liquid nails are an adhesive specifically developed for MDF. This glue contains sawdust, due to which it can be used not only for gluing, but also for puttying various defects, such as cracks. In addition, this glue can be used to seal the heads of self-tapping screws.

When purchasing materials, pay attention to the color matching of the glue and decorative finishing MDF panels. Otherwise, the glue may ruin the appearance of the finish.

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Preparing for work

Installation diagram of MDF panels.

Installation of panels is carried out mainly using ordinary household tools that are found in every home. From specific devices you will need a plumb line, which you can make yourself. To do this, simply tie a fishing line or strong thread tightly around the nut. Also, stock up building level, a tape measure and a drill attachment that allows you to screw in self-tapping screws. You will need the latter if you do not have a special screwdriver. You may need a metal square with sides of different thicknesses, also called a bench square. You will need it to simplify the cutting of panels for the design of slopes. It is used like this: the cut is made based on a leg of smaller thickness, and a thicker leg is used as a stop.

You can cut the panels electric jigsaw or manual circular saw. If you have to buy these tools, then keep in mind that the cost of a saw with a cutting depth of 12 mm is significantly higher than the cost of a jigsaw. However, you should also consider the versatility of the saw. When replacing blades, it can be used to cut a wide variety of materials. In addition, the saw is compact and easy to use.

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How to install the panels?

Before installing MDF wall panels, they must be calculated and purchased in the required quantity. Determining how much material is needed is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to calculate the surface area that will be covered and add 15% in reserve.

Installation diagram of a suspended ceiling made of PVC panels.

Inspect the room before starting work. If it has ever become damp, the wall covering is swollen or cracked, the plaster has noticeable unevenness, or the thickness of the plaster layer is less than 1.2 cm, then careful surface preparation is necessary. To do this you need to completely clean main wall from the plaster and remove the skirting boards.

There are 2 ways to install MDF. The first involves the installation of a sheathing on which the panels will be attached, and the second will require special galvanized profiles.

Installing wooden sheathing is easier than installing profiles.

Scheme of additional profiles.

It will require less hardware for fastening, but its cost is higher than the cost of profiles. When making wooden sheathing, slats or slabs must be soaked in a special antifungal composition, and also treated with materials that will protect them from rot and mold.

It is not recommended to use the lathing in brick houses and in damp areas, since ideal conditions are created for pests in the space between the wall and the cladding. You won't notice that the finish is damaged until mold or mildew appears, and when this happens, it will have already spread widely. Harmful particles can penetrate the sheathing through the pores of the brick.

For the manufacture of metal frame you will need U-shaped profiles: guides and regular ones (UD and CD, respectively). The main difference between them is the cross-sectional configuration.

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Frame making

Dowels or self-tapping screws are used to attach the wooden sheathing to the wall. For metal sheathing, only self-tapping screws are used. The diameter of the fastener should be from 4 to 6 mm, depending on the strength of the base wall: the stronger, the smaller the diameter. The fastening element must be driven into base wall by at least 3 cm. That is, if the thickness of the MDF panel is 1.6 cm, the thickness of the lathing element is 4 cm, and a 1.2 cm layer of plaster is applied to the wall, then it is permissible to use self-tapping screws or dowels with a length of at least 10 cm.

Installation of wooden sheathing begins with the installation of vertical posts. They are placed in each corner in pairs, so that an angle is formed between them. Also vertical racks located on the sides of the door and window openings to the entire height of the room. They must be positioned strictly vertically. You can check this with a plumb line.

First, the place for fastening the racks is marked on the wall with a pencil, then in it and in the wall, places are marked for making holes for fasteners that correspond to each other. The distance between the holes should be from 50 to 70 cm. Next, the racks are fastened with screws or dowels. Horizontal sheathing elements are installed in the same way.

Lathing made of metal profiles is made according to the same principle as wooden lathing. UD profiles are installed vertically, and CD profiles are installed horizontally. It is best to cut profiles into the required length elements with a circular saw or a small grinder.

When finishing walls, a lot of time is spent leveling the surface. Therefore, for those who wish to carry out major renovations or make a new department after the construction of the facility, it is very important to simplify this task. One of the most common materials for leveling is plasterboard. However, it cannot provide high structural strength, and must also be replaced after removing the adhesive-based decorative trim. A more advantageous material in this situation is MDF. It is made with or without a decorative layer applied, allowing you to create your own colors. Decorating walls with MDF panels with your own hands is quite simple and does not require special skills or abilities in carrying out facing work.

Installation technology

MDF panels have various shapes in the form of square, rectangular or stacked slatted slabs. Therefore, at the first stage it is necessary to decide on the most suitable sizes, as well as the type of decorative finishing. If you plan to do the work yourself without outside help, then it is better to choose those that are smaller in size. If it is necessary to reduce the time required for work, large panels are used.

Before installation work It is necessary to lay the panels in the room so that they can acquire normal humidity. This will prevent the formation of cracks at the joints or the appearance of mechanical stress. When the temperature changes by 300C, the elongation can be up to 10 mm. The walls must be treated with special impregnations. They destroy harmful microorganisms and do not allow them to develop further.

MDF is mounted on a wooden or metal profile sheathing. This allows not only to create a strong and reliable design, and also ensure ventilation of the main wall material. Wooden sheathing is more common, since its properties are close to MDF, and it is also relatively cheap. However, if the bars have not been dried in a natural way, then during operation they can bend, and the MDF sheet, at best, can come off, and in the worst case, get damaged. Due to the fact that the wall may become damp, it is necessary to pave waterproofing layer. As a result, mold and mildew will not form in the niche. Additionally, you can lay a thermal insulation layer to increase the energy efficiency of the room. Usually mineral wool mats or polystyrene foam are laid.

If the main walls are initially flat, then you can refuse to install the sheathing by choosing to mount it on adhesive base. The amount of deviation from evenness should be no more than 3 mm/m2. In addition, with this installation method it will not be possible to install a thermal insulation layer.

If you attach MDF to a metal profile with your own hands, you will need to purchase additional special fasteners. They are specially shaped end switches and connectors that snap quickly and reliably, resulting in the panels being securely fastened.

We calculate the quantity of materials

The first step is to measure the length and width of the walls using a tape measure. It is worth doing this for each of them, since they may differ slightly in size. After this, you need to calculate the number of slats for the sheathing. Draw a sketch on paper in accordance with the scale, and then evenly place the slats in a horizontal or vertical position. At the same time, the distance between them is kept the same within 40-50 cm, taking into account the tight fit of the upper and lower planks to the floor and ceiling. The panels are installed perpendicular to the guides.

The cross-section of the wooden beams of the sheathing is selected taking into account the magnitude of the maximum unevenness of the wall, as well as the need to ensure sufficient structural strength. Therefore, in the case of wooden blocks, the cross-section should be at least 25x40 mm, and metal profile with a shelf width of 20 mm and a steel thickness of 2 mm.

The number of MDF panels is determined taking into account their size and the best location along the walls in order to reduce the amount of excess. However, do not forget about observing the pattern when choosing panels with decorative finishes. The stock quantity of material must be at least 20% of the total quantity.

We carry out preparatory work

If construction or dismantling work before installation of MDF panels, then it is necessary to remove dirt and also wipe dust from the walls. If there are problem areas on the wall that are peeling or cracking, you need to determine how reliable they are and whether the sheathing will fall off during installation. To do this, just tap them with a hammer.

Before attaching Wall panels MDF on an adhesive base, it is necessary to determine the degree of deviation of the surface from ideally smooth. The simplest, but inaccurate method is to shine a flashlight from the corners of the wall and determine where shadows are created. Then, using a tape measure, you need to roughly measure their size. If deviations are more than 4 mm, you will have to perform partial leveling or install sheathing. You will also need to sand off the old finish with an abrasive material.

After this, the surface of the walls is treated with antiseptic impregnations. While they are drying, you need to use a laser level to determine the places for attaching the sheathing, and apply the appropriate marks with a marker. If there is no laser level, use a tape measure to measure distances, and use a level to align them relative to the horizontal or vertical.

The wooden sheathing must be treated with impregnations against pests and fungi, and then painted. This will significantly extend its service life. It is not worth cutting them in advance, just like MDF panels, since it is quite difficult to determine their exact dimensions. The material should be prepared as the installation work progresses in order to minimize the amount of waste, and the connecting seams are obtained without visible gaps.

Installation of sheathing

Installation begins from the floor if the sheathing is horizontal or from the wall in the case of a vertical arrangement. Take a guide, apply it to the surface of the wall, and then mark the most convex places (one on each side is enough). These will be the dots zero level. Then equidistant points with a selected value from the interval 40-50 cm are laid off from them. These will be places for additional fastenings, in which you will have to drill holes for plugs or dowels using a hammer drill. For these purposes, a fastener diameter of more than 4 mm and a length of 5 cm is sufficient. The dimensions of the holes must correspond to them.

Then a strip is applied and tight fixation is performed at two selected points. At the same time, make sure that it is parallel to the wall, otherwise the panels will become skewed. Deviation is permissible only if the walls in the room are not parallel and it is necessary to align them or there was a design idea to do them that way. Since the first guide sets the initial level, it must be installed slowly, clearly measuring distances and establishing the correct position.

The fastening of the bar at other points is carried out so that it maintains its position, but at the same time is firmly fixed. That is, in places where the guide does not fit tightly to the wall, it is necessary to install wooden wedges or rigid steel beacons with the required dimensions. You can make them yourself or purchase ready-made ones, and adjust the dimensions during installation to the level of the gap from the walls.

The second one secures the upper guide. For it, two conditions must be met: it must be parallel to the wall and the bottom bar, and also be located in the same plane as the first guide. Therefore, they take the rail and fix it at a point on one side of the wall, but not tightly, but so that it is movable. Then a similar procedure is performed with opposite side. Using a plumb line, check the location of the guide in the same plane as the already installed one, and adjust their parallelism with a level. After alignment is completed, final fastening is carried out.

All remaining slats are attached in the same way according to the markings applied. There is no need to use careful level checks, since it is enough to apply a level bar and check that the guide is in the same plane as the others. After completing work on one wall, they begin to work on the rest. In places where the sheathing adjoins the window and doorways it is necessary to install guides along their perimeter.

Cladding with MDF panels

First, the panel is cut to the height of the room. If you plan to install suspended ceilings, then the height should be 2-3 cm lower than the ceilings. If the wall dimensions are exceeded, a 3 mm indentation is made from the corners on both sides. This is due to the fact that the panels must be fastened together according to the principle of a tenon fitting into a groove.

The cladding process consists of the following stages:

  1. A J-element is installed in the corner of the room, if provided by the MDF manufacturer.
  2. They take the panel, place it flush against the wall and snap it into the lock, and then screw it onto self-tapping screws in several places along the tenon. If there is no connecting element, then a tenon is cut off from the end of the panel so that it can be pressed tightly against the corner. Using self-tapping screws or special fastening elements Fix with self-tapping screws at a distance from the corner of 5-10 mm.
  3. Finally secure the panel, making sure it is in the correct position.
  4. They take the second panel, coat the groove with glue and put it on the tenon of the already installed one. The tenon is screwed onto the self-tapping screws. In the grooves, you can make connections using clamps, which are steel brackets that allow you to securely fix one panel to another. In this case, there is no need to additionally screw, glue or nail the panels. Decorative trim on adjacent panels should fit together naturally.
  5. Cover the surface with panels up to the next corner of the wall. The panel that borders the wall must be cut at an angle of 450 at the end part on the side of the groove.
  6. They begin to lay out the next wall with a panel with a cut of 450, but from the tenon side.
  7. The last panel needs to be rounded at the end so that it can be inserted into the groove that was installed in the first stage. Additionally, the panel can be fixed with self-tapping screws along the connecting seam.

Alternative methods of fastening panels

  1. Apply glue to the wall surface. The glue is applied to the entire surface of the wall in a wave-like manner so that excess glue does not come out of the panel, but forms a uniform layer. Due to the elasticity of the adhesive connection, the panel does not detach from the wall during temperature changes.
  2. For glue to the sheathing. It is used in cases where the panels have a decorative coating. The glue is applied to the sheathing in an even layer. Due to the small contact area, the panels must be screwed onto self-tapping screws at the top and bottom.
  3. Fastening with staples or nails to the sheathing. Quite simple and reliable way, but has significant drawback– the decorative coating is damaged. Due to the rigidity of the fastenings, there is resistance to thermal expansion of the panels. Therefore, it can only be implemented in cases where the same indoor microclimate is maintained throughout the year.


Installing an MDF panel yourself is quite simple. To do this, just take the correct measurements, cut them to size and choose suitable way fastenings In this case, there is no need to prepare the wall surface, except for cases where it is planned to install the panels on an adhesive base without lathing. The most important thing is not to rush when setting the position of the guides and the first panel. The result will be a perfectly smooth and smooth surface walls without significant financial costs.

As they say experienced builders, decorating the surface of walls indoors can be done using MDF panels. From the material in our article we will learn what this building material is, we will become familiar with its positive and negative qualities, as well as the technology for installing panel structures on an adhesive mixture or a pre-prepared frame.

What is MDF panel

Among the huge number building materials Many people are interested in wall products. The catalog is literally overflowing with such designs, but MDF wall panels occupy a special place in it. Similar products are used as decorative element when finishing the surface of walls and ceilings. By design features The described material resembles the plastic familiar to many, although such products include natural raw materials from waste from the wood processing industry.

Appearance of panels

MDF panels are very popular precisely because of their similarity to natural and more noble finishing materials. At the same time, the cost of such panels is much lower.

The term MDF itself is literally translated from English as the familiar abbreviation chipboard or chipboard, but differs from its Soviet counterpart in improved technical characteristics. In this case, harmful resins containing phenol are not used to connect raw materials. The binder here is lignin, and in some cases paraffin.

The basic composition of the panel contains wood dust, which was obtained after grinding and processing sawdust. This material is heated in special ovens until the binding substance lignin is released from it. It is with the help of such a component that the raw material mass is glued together. The pressing process gives the product even greater strength. The cooled workpiece needs additional processing, first the released board is cut into the required parts, then a melamine film is glued to the surface, which imitates the structure of wood.

In structure, MDF lining resembles an intermediate material between cardboard and plywood sheets. Thanks to these properties, the product can be given required dimensions using a regular hacksaw for this purpose. The material in question has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, but it also has a drawback - the possibility of damage to the melamine film during operation. After mechanical impact, cracks and scratches appear on the surface of the material, but defective areas can be easily masked using ordinary paint.

Shades of different colors and textures

Great advantage in wide selection shade and texture of the panel pattern. In most cases, the pattern imitates various varieties tree.

MDF wall panels are made using the same technology, but the surface of such products may have different finishes. In this regard, the materials under consideration can be divided into several varieties:

  • Veneered. In this case, it is used as a decorative finish. natural veneer. Thanks to this coating, the product’s appearance resembles natural solid wood and has the highest cost among its analogues.
  • Laminated panels are considered one of the most popular designs. The most simple option execution of such products is considered to be covering the surface with melamine film. This material usually imitates the structure of wood and is used to decorate walls. In some products, during lamination, a high-gloss film may be glued to the surface, improving the appearance of the material. Such panels look exclusive and respectable.
  • The corridor can be finished using painted MDF panels. Here decorative coating a layer of paint is considered instead of simulating wood grain.

The products in question can be used for cladding any of the rooms of the apartment with the exception of the bathroom. The surface of such products differs significantly from the unnatural appearance of plastic. The end consumer can choose an acceptable design and size of the product for himself, paying relatively little money for building materials.

Now let’s pay attention to the dimensions of the product:

  • The standard slab length is considered to be 2.6 meters, although the dimensions of some materials may differ up or down - 2.4 or 2.7 meters, respectively.
  • The width of the panel also varies widely, for example MDF plinth has a width of 15 centimeters, while the parameters regular stove are within 90 centimeters, for some products 1.2 meters. The width of the material greatly influences its aesthetic functions. As this parameter increases, a person notices the presence of vertical seams, which further emphasize the texture of the product.
  • Depending on the final purpose, the thickness of the panel ranges from 3 millimeters to 3 centimeters. For veneered materials, this figure can reach up to 6 centimeters.

When choosing decorating elements, you must remember that the thinnest parts have minimal strength indicators, so they are used to decorate walls. Materials with a thickness of more than 1.2 centimeters are often used as an additional heat-insulating layer. In terms of properties, such insulation replaces brick wall 15 centimeters thick.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing any building material, users take into account its strengths and weak sides. First, let's get acquainted with the advantages that wall panels have. These include:

  • Availability of material on the construction market.
  • Relatively low price. Price square meter quality coating from the most famous manufacturers can range from 5 to 12 dollars, while the specified product is used not only to level the surface of the wall, but also as a decorative element.
  • One more positive quality MDF boards are considered to be the ability to install with your own hands without the help of a specialist. Such work is characterized by a high installation speed, although the maximum amount of time is spent on constructing the frame.
  • Installation of panels can be carried out on the surface of walls and ceilings; you can even cope with such work alone.
  • The products have a presentable appearance. Most materials imitate the surface of wood, but their pattern may be the same. In this regard, it is necessary to avoid using MDF panels over large areas.
  • The materials under consideration can be used as an additional heat-insulating and sound-proofing layer, and especially if the cladding and base surface have an air gap.


  • Low strength indicators of the material, this is especially typical for slabs of small thickness.
  • Limitation in the choice of colors and textures of panels.
  • Decrease usable space indoors due to the manufacture of the frame and installation of panels.
  • Low fire resistance. As we have already said, this material is made from wood, and wood is subject to combustion when exposed to high temperatures.
  • The material has low water resistance; its structure can be destroyed even under the influence of condensation when the panels are installed on an insulated balcony or loggia.

How to attach MDF wall panels

Many homeowners don't know how to attach MDF panels to the wall. In practice, two popular methods are used: securing products to a pre-aligned frame and installing the material on liquid nails or another composition. When choosing one method or another, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. When using sheathing, the curvature of the walls does not matter; the direction of the finishing plane will be determined by the frame elements.
  2. For use in wet rooms, a frame made of galvanized steel is suitable. Such products withstand changes in humidity well and are not susceptible to corrosion.
  3. If it is necessary to lay insulation under the finishing ideal option The choice will be to use sheathing. Any heat-insulating material can be laid between the guide rails.
  4. Placing panels on glue is suitable for small rooms, in which it is necessary to preserve maximum usable space.

Frame mounting

Now let’s take a closer look at the method of laying MDF boards on a frame. First you need to make a sheathing for the walls, usually this design is made of a metal profile or wooden beam a certain section. When using wood, choose timber square section with a side length of 3 centimeters. Such a product should have a humidity of no more than 15%. The material is additionally treated with an antiseptic and fire retardants, which prevents the process of burning and rotting.

Next, measure the walls with a construction tape. In this case, the length of the bars should be slightly less than the calculated values. At horizontal position panels, the installation of the sheathing is carried out in the vertical direction and vice versa. After marking work, the dimensions are transferred to wooden crafts and carry out sawing of the bars. During such operations, the hacksaw should be positioned strictly perpendicular to the surface of the wood, which will prevent the formation of crooked ends.

The guide rails are fixed to the surface using dowels (if the base is brick or concrete) or self-tapping screws (if there is a base wooden surface). After this, insulation boards are laid in the spaces between the sheathing elements, for example, mineral wool. To attach the finishing layer, you can use clamps for MDF panels, as well as self-tapping screws with dimensions of 3 * 20 millimeters, which are screwed into the grooves of the products or special nails with a thin head. At the final stage of work, the connecting strips and external as well as internal corners are secured.

The installation of a metal frame made of profiles is almost no different from the installation of wooden sheathing. To begin with, wall guide elements are installed along the perimeter at the top and bottom of the building. Then the main profile is placed at a distance of 40-50 centimeters from each other. All guide parts are fixed to the wall surface using self-tapping screws and hangers, after which they begin laying the finishing coating.

Glue mounting

As we have already said, gluing MDF panels to the base surface is most often used for finishing small rooms with smooth walls. At the initial stage of work, a thorough examination of the base is carried out, defective areas are identified and measures are taken to repair cracks and chips. Sometimes the leveling process takes longer than finishing the wall.

After the surface is leveled and the solution has completely hardened, the surface must be treated with a primer deep penetration. This solution will help increase the strength of the base and increase adhesion in relation to glue mixture. A similar composition is applied to the wall using paint brush or roller, avoiding smudges. Now you need to cut the MDF panels with a jigsaw or hacksaw into pieces of the required size.

At the next stage of work, mix the required amount of glue and apply the prepared solution to the back surface of the panels. This substance is placed pointwise, and there should be as many places covered with glue as possible. Laying begins from the bottom of the wall.

At this stage, each element must be carefully pressed against the wall and held in this state for several seconds. Similar work continues until the surface is completely covered. At the very end, connecting strips and corners are attached, which are fixed to the surface using the same liquid nails or special glue.

Cost of MDF panels

For many developers, the question of the cost of panels remains relevant. The price of the products in question will depend on the popularity of the manufacturer, as well as overall dimensions slabs One of the most popular varieties is considered decorative panel with dimensions 2.6*0.2 meters. The price of such a product in construction stores ranges from 100 to 150 rubles per piece.

MDF is one of the most popular finishing materials today. This is largely due to its relatively low cost, but for many consumers, the installation process is much more important. If you can install the finish yourself, this is already a huge plus.

That is why, in this article, we decided to talk about how to attach MDF panels to the wall, and even if you are one hundred percent confident in your abilities, we strongly recommend that you read this material to the end and watch the videos posted in this article.

Preparatory work

Any repair, including attaching MDF panels to the wall, begins with careful and thoughtful preparation. You need to take into account a lot of nuances, and first of all calculate the amount necessary materials. Fortunately, today it is much easier to do this than 10 years ago; you just need to use a calculator on one of the construction sites on the Internet.

Important! Calculating materials using an online calculator may have an error, which can be compensated for by simply adding 10 percent to the result. This way, you will not only accurately guess with required quantity, but also leave a reserve in case of defects during the installation process.

It is not difficult to calculate the number of panels yourself, but only if the room in which the renovation is planned has straight walls, without communications and architectural delights. So, everything has been purchased and delivered, in principle you can start working, but there is one small trick - before attaching the MDF panels to the wall, they need to lie down room temperature at least 24 hours open form, that is, removed from the packaging.

This is necessary so that the material gains moisture and produces all the deformations that inevitably occur when the temperature changes. In the meantime, our panels are getting used to the new room, it’s time to prepare the tool. It is very important that everything you need is at hand; often it takes much more time to find a hammer or nail than to do the repair itself.

To make it easier for you to prepare the tool, here is a complete list of what you may need during the installation process.

Set of tools


  • Tape measure and pencil for marks. This one important tool should always be in your arsenal home handyman, and moreover, be at hand. During the entire repair, you will have to use them more than once, so it is better if they are always in your pocket.
  • A hacksaw for wood, but with a fine tooth. If possible, this tool can be replaced with a jigsaw, but if your repair is not planned in a huge room, then it is simply pointless to buy it. MDF panels and sheathing material are easy to cut by hand, and it does not require special physical strength.
  • Building level. A simple tool that no repair can be done without. In the arsenal of professional builders there are high-tech laser levels, but you don’t see it often in the everyday life of a home craftsman. The fact is that the price of this tool can reach 10 thousand rubles or more, so buying it for one repair is simply not profitable.
  • The neighbors' threat is the hammer drill. A very loud tool, but without it you are unlikely to be able to drill holes in stone wall. You will also need a drill for the hammer drill, and it is better if it has a diamond tip.
  • Construction stapler. If you are still unfamiliar with this tool, now is the time to get acquainted. In many situations, it can replace a hammer and nails, and working with it is much easier and more convenient. You simply apply the gun to the mounting location and press the handle, and the metal bracket itself penetrates the base and fastens the materials.
  • Hammer. They say that any repair can be done with just a hammer and a strong word. Whether this is true or not, we will not say, but it is a fact that fastening MDF panels to the wall cannot be done without it.

So, the entire tool is prepared, and you can rest a little before the next stage, but for now we suggest you watch how to attach MDF panels to a wall video, so that you understand from the very beginning what to expect in the future.

Preparing the base

Our panels are still getting used to their new location, and now is the time for us to start preparing the walls.

Instructions for attaching panels include two options:

  1. Attach the panels directly to the wall. Let’s say right away that this option is not suitable for us, and most often it is offered to their uninformed clients by careless and extremely lazy workers. Over time, such a finish will begin to collect moisture, and for MDF this is certain death, and sooner or later, you will understand that the repair needs to be completely redone.
  2. On the prepared sheathing. This is the only way to protect the panels from moisture. MDF is mounted at a distance from the wall, so this finish lasts much longer. Next we will describe exactly this option, and if at some point the workers try to convince you that the lathing is not important, just look for other performers, these are clearly trying to deceive you.

Preparing the walls begins with removing the old finish, and the more thoroughly it is removed, the better the quality of the base. There is no need to expose the wall right down to the brick; just remove it old paint or wallpaper (see How to remove wallpaper from walls correctly and without pain).

This is very easy to do with the help of a plaster spatula, and if in some places the paint stubbornly refuses to leave its place, just leave it there, which means it has become familiar with your walls and will not interfere with new repairs.

The next stage is priming. It is necessary in order to protect the walls, and subsequently the entire finish, from the appearance of mold, which inevitably forms due to the constant accumulation of condensation. Primers and impregnations penetrate deeply, in this case they work as antiseptics, that is, they do not allow fungus and mold to spread.

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