Wood tower game. Tower (with square bars)

This game is very simple and at the same time can bring many pleasant moments to both children and their parents. The number of players is practically unlimited: you can train alone and hold tournaments for 2, 3 and 10 people! First you need to buy a special kit from 54 wooden blocks.

Rules of the game "Jenga"

First, a tower is built from a set of blocks on a table or floor. To do this, the blocks are stacked three in a row and the resulting layers are stacked on top of each other, one across the other. This turns out to be a tower of 18 levels. As a rule, a cardboard guide is included in the kit, which will allow you to level the tower for its exceptional evenness and verticality.

As soon as the tower is built and the order of the players' turns is determined, you can begin!

Each player, on his turn, tries to pull out any block that seems free to him. This must be done using only one hand. You cannot work with both hands at the same time, but you can use your hands in turns if it is convenient. After the block is released from the tower, it is laid on its top so that construction continues according to the rules: 3 bars per layer, each next layer across the previous one. You cannot take bars from an unfinished top layer and the next layer below it.

As soon as the block is placed, the turn passes to the next player in turn and further in a circle. The player on whom the tower collapses with a roar is considered the loser, and the game starts over. You can organize a knockout game.


  • First of all, you need to look for loose bars. They can be either on the edge, and then they can be “picked out” from the side, or in the center, then they must be pushed out with a finger on one side and then pulled out on the other;
  • It is very important to pay attention to the tilt of the tower: sometimes, after a new block is placed on one side of the tower, on the other side it becomes possible to pull out the block that was previously clamped;
  • You can set up “traps” for the following players: taking into account the tilt of the tower, aggravate it by placing your block on the same side. But the main thing here is not to overdo it!
  • Although you cannot use both hands, you can use several fingers of one hand, for example, grab the block with your thumb and forefinger, and with your middle hand carefully rest against the tower so that it does not fall. Well, use your hands in turn.

Jenga video game:

Be the last player to place a block without knocking down the tower.

Progress of the game

  • Using a piece of cardboard, build a tower by placing rows of 3 wooden blocks at right angles to each other.
  • Carefully place the cardboard corner vertically, then remove it so that the tower can stand on its own.
  • Start the game with the name of the participant who built the tower. Take turns removing one block at a time from anywhere in the tower but below the top floor, and placing them on top of the tower at right angles to the blocks directly below them. You can only use one hand.
  • Continue the game clockwise, removing one block each time. Always complete full floor of 3 blocks before starting to lay the next one.
  • Winner

    The last player who manages to remove a block from the tower structure without knocking it down wins. The player who knocks down the tower builds it for the next game!
  • 54 wooden block
  • 1 cardboard corner
  • The Leaning Tower, or Jenga as it is also called, is a popular and interesting board game for a group. It's not like the usual games. There are no chips or cards in it, but there are blocks of natural unpainted wood (birch).

    Build a flat tower from the bars using a special corner included in the game set. Each row should have three bars, each subsequent row is folded in a direction transverse to the previous one. You will get 18 such rows! Turn the corner over and remove it. On the table there will be a tall, eighteen-story impregnable tower. Now players can go on an attack.

    There can be as many participants in the battle as there are friends in your company. Each player chooses any level to attack and pulls out one of the bars with one hand! This block, which ends up in the player’s hands, is placed on the new, top floor of the structure. All actions are performed by the participant so that the tower of bars does not collapse! The culprit of the disaster is considered the loser! Sanctions can be applied to it, which the players consider fair; with this rule, the game will be more intense and longer. If you play without it, the game will be more dynamic. Choose the option that suits you. And if your company brings together dexterous, attentive and intelligent participants, the height of your tower can double!

    In the end, if you get tired of playing, the blocks can be used as a set of cubes for a little builder, since they do not contain varnishes, dyes or stains, but are made from environmentally friendly Vyatka birch.


    • 54 bars;
    • rules of the game.
  • Reviews for the board game The Leaning Tower


    Poor quality. Chips on the sides since opening the package (((

    Answer: You may have received a defective game or it was damaged during transportation. We will definitely help resolve the issue.

  • There is very rarely a desire to spend an hour or two analyzing the rules board game, is not it? The family dinner is already over, the children have run away in all directions, but sometimes you want to bring everyone together for an exciting activity! Look at the rules of the classic “” in your free moment, and you are guaranteed a fun evening with your loved ones!


    Build the tallest tower possible without collapsing it on your turn.


    In order to start the game, you need to build 18 tightly adjacent floors from 54 wooden blocks. The base is three wooden blocks, and all subsequent floors are located perpendicular to the previous ones.

    A game of Jenga can be played by two to four people aged 6 years or older. Thus, even the youngest member of the family will be able to direct all their energy and enthusiasm for some time to the construction and grandiose collapse of the tower, which is invariably accompanied by happy squeals.

    Many parents involve children under 6 years old in the construction of structures, justifying this by the fact that the game perfectly develops the sense of balance, motor skills and attentiveness of little builders.


    After you have gathered everyone at one table, all that remains is to explain how to turn an already tall eighteen-story building into a whole tower carved from wood.

    First you need to figure out who makes the first move. It would be fair enough to give this right to the one who erected and prepared the blocks for the game. If all players took part in this action, then the first move can go to any of them: the one who has a birthday, who really wants to be the first to start the game, or the one who was the last to eat sweets - it’s up to you!

    The first player draws one wooden block from any level except two upper floors, and places it at the very top of the structure. Sounds simple, but is it really so?

    This game has one rule that makes the task of builders very difficult: you can only use one hand. When pulling out a block, you cannot push it from the other side with your second hand. Of course, this rule can be bypassed by the youngest builders, since at first it is difficult to manage even for adults.

    Have you started to pull out a block of wood and see that the tower is leaning to one side, ready to collapse? Stop and pull out another block that does not throw the building off balance.

    The game is over when the tower collapses. Of course, like most entertainment, Jenga has a winner and a loser, but its concept can change depending on your mood and desire for competition.

    Do you want to entertain a noisy group and set up your rivals? On your turn, you can pull out blocks in such a way that the tower loses its coveted balance and sways from side to side, complicating the further process. In this case, you need to act as carefully as possible so that the structure does not collapse at your hands.

    And if you have a desire to spend a pleasant evening with your loved ones, to unite with the goal of building a monumental structure, then act carefully, harmoniously, set records for the number of floors and overcome them all together!

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