Designing a dressing room in the bedroom, advice from experts. Design of a dressing room in the bedroom: creating useful space (23 photos) Bedroom design with a built-in wardrobe

It has become a good tradition in modern new buildings to design spacious dressing rooms with an entrance from the bedroom. After all, a sufficient amount of space for storing clothes and shoes helps both maintain order and increase the shelf life of things. Unfortunately, many apartments still remain without such useful utility area. That is why we will devote today’s topic to arranging a wardrobe in small bedrooms.

As for the internal contents of the dressing room, this question is rather individual. Here are some tips on what items you should think about storing when designing your walk-in closet. But keep in mind that after reading this list, you will most likely have to find a reasonable compromise, otherwise the dressing room risks taking up the entire bedroom area.

  • pipe for hanging short items on hangers;
  • trouser;
  • 3 drawers for underwear for each person;
  • shelves for storing sports and wrinkle-resistant clothing;
  • a drawer with small compartments for storing watches, belts and jewelry;
  • hooks for bags or belts;
  • top shelf for suitcases and out-of-season items;
  • open shelves for shoes - maximum 2 rows deep.

Place a mobile hanger right in the room

If you don’t have a lot of things, a mobile hanger may be quite suitable for storing your main wardrobe that is used in a given season. Place your shoes under it and hang your handbags on one of the edges.

This method is quite trivial, because now almost every person has significantly more things than such a hanger can fit. Although, on the other hand, if you categorically do not accept closets in the bedroom, out-of-season clothes can be stored in another place, and everyday items - already on a hanger. This method retains a certain spirit of the fashion industry, so it is used with pleasure by people working in the field of fashion and beauty.


Design a niche for a built-in wardrobe

If your bedroom was originally rectangular, you yourself can mount a wall at the renovation stage, in which you can later hide wardrobe. All you need is to order the appropriate size fittings for the internal filling and decide on appearance valves Cover the wall you built with the same materials as all the other walls in the bedroom.

And it would also be nice to lower the ceiling inside the resulting niche to a height ceiling molding- this will give you the opportunity to carefully stick it on afterwards. Then you will get the complete feeling that the closet is built-in.


Use the headboard space

If you don't have a phobia about tall cabinets on either side of the headboard or even shelves above it, this option will be one of the most interesting. After all, in almost any bedroom the contents bedside tables Can be stored on a shelf above the headboard.

But on the sides you can build two large full-fledged wardrobes. And at the same time, you will automatically “divide” the territory and will not be confused about whose shelf is where.


Don't neglect the benefits of mirrors

In a small room it is very the right decision will be the use of mirror surfaces. And as for wardrobes, you will get another plus - the reflective glass located in the doors will also serve as a mirror, which is so necessary when creating an image. The undeniable advantage is significant visual magnification space. The downside of this solution is that the mirror still needs to be carefully looked after and wiped frequently.


Create a glass partition

An original and bold solution can be glass partition. The glass can be either completely transparent or frosted to a greater or lesser extent.

Use this method in modern, laconic interiors, but only if you are a pedant and support perfect order. Otherwise, you risk getting an untidy space in your everyday life. Despite this nuance, such a layout will very carefully save precious square meters and will not visually divide the bedroom and wardrobe into two zones.


Save space with sliding systems

Whatever method of arranging your wardrobe system you choose, consider using sliding doors rather than hinged ones. They save space in the room due to the fact that they do not require an opening radius. Such systems can be installed on one, two or even three rails. At the same time, they can “leave” both on top of each other and on an adjacent wall, thereby opening up a maximum of space.


Mount a wall at the boundary of spaces

If your small room has the shape of a rectangle significantly elongated in one direction, this method will also be good from the point of view of bringing the space to the most correct proportion. You can mount both a wall and an open shelving unit in the middle of the room, with the bed adjacent to the headboard.

On the reverse side you will have the opportunity to place a large and spacious wardrobe and use this area as a dressing room. At the same time, you do not install any doors or sashes and do not limit the space with them. Moreover, the bed will most likely be turned towards the window - your gaze will be delighted by the beautiful landscape, and not by a huge closet.

If you decide to build a similar structure in your bedroom, be sure to check the ratio of space for passage on each side - it should be at least 1 meter , as well as the width of the partition to which you will later attach the bed - this length should be at least 160 cm.


Don't be afraid of open wardrobe systems

When there is very little space, it is best not to steal space with doors, partitions and other vertical “dividers”. Order a high-quality open wardrobe system. U various manufacturers choose the design that you like and enjoy this solution, which will undoubtedly be the most correct in a small area. But with this decision, you will have to painstakingly monitor cleanliness and order.


A screen is a way to create a private space

When open wardrobe system, which we talked about earlier, or if you only have a mobile hanger, you will still need a place to change clothes. Such a secluded corner can be created using a screen. Fortunately, there are a lot of them on the market now. These can be thematic screens, translucent, with inlays, or completely minimalistic.

Choose the one that best matches your interior and you can place it in any corner of the bedroom. The screen always looks very picturesque and, in addition to its functionality, will also become an excellent decorative element in your bedroom.


A bedroom together with a dressing room is the dream of many people who have their own home.

An excellent chance to get voluminous storage space for your personal wardrobe, without much harm to the interior of the room.

The calculation of the bedroom and wardrobe is done on the skillful filling of the area and requires a thorough calculation, which ultimately ensures the convenience and comfortable use of the bedroom.

How to make a dressing room in the bedroom?

So how to make a dressing room in the bedroom (photo), choose best size, place warehousing and storage systems for personal belongings.

Bedroom wardrobes come in two versions:

  • A small bedroom area is separated by a plasterboard partition, sliding structures and decorative screens.
  • A closet built into the wall, separating a piece of the room's area, with vertical compartments for clothes located inside to a structural depth of 40 to 90 centimeters. It all depends on the wishes of the customer.

What is the design of a dressing room in the bedroom:

  • The place where you hang long and short things on hangers, its depth is at least 50, 60 centimeters.
  • Shelves for shoes or stands should be between 30 and 40 centimeters deep.
  • Linen shelves, of course better separate closet the depth must be at least 40 centimeters and the width must be at least 80 centimeters.
  • Bedside tables with retractable drawers, various shelves and baskets for all kinds of small things.
  • Hanger for belts and ties.
  • A mirror that is best placed from inside the wardrobe doors.
  • And if desired, you can build in an ironing board.

To get a good and spacious dressing room in the bedroom, you need to allocate at least 1.5 to 2.0 for this task square meters living space.

Such a dressing room in a small bedroom is too large in area, in this case it is best to choose a built-in wardrobe.

You also need to think in advance about how to place lamps and backlights.

How to choose a place for a dressing room

First of all, you need to properly plan the design of the room. Determine the location of the bed, and only after that start planning how to make a dressing room in the bedroom.

In narrow but elongated rooms a part of the bedroom is simply fenced off, resulting in a leveled area. IN square rooms install a built-in wardrobe near the head of the bed, sometimes with a transition to the adjacent wall.

A corner dressing room in the bedroom will allow you to maximize the space in the room. Storage space in a typical living space is always allocated on the sides of the entrance to the room; a partition made of chipboard or plasterboard is installed above the door.

The resulting structure is finished from nutria with all kinds of shelves, drawers and stands. Installing doors on the outside. In a small bedroom, a dressing room is also possible, but only in a very stripped-down version.

Even glass doors should be abandoned. All the space allocated for the dressing room will be occupied by open shelves and racks; it is also appropriate to place a mobile hanger here. Thus, we got a small dressing room in the bedroom.

Design of a dressing room in the bedroom

The wardrobe combined with the bedroom is a rather large structure; the massive doors look heavy and are suitable for large rooms.

To smooth out the feeling, you need to accurately design the wardrobe room in the bedroom.

  • perspective is created by mirrors and glass of various colors;
  • panels and plastic lighten massive parts; it is better to match them to the color of the walls;
  • various patterns on the mirrors will visually give the room a more colorful look;

The layout of the wardrobe in your bedroom must be fully calculated; if you also want to create a personal office, in this case you need to plan your workplace.

Other ideas

If suddenly you have a desire to fence off and improve a good utility corner, this can be done in the simplest way.

It is necessary to enclose part of the living space with furniture or plastic shields, which can be easily secured using a 40x40 mm beam.

The facade can also be finished with plastic by installing sliding doors or hanging a beautiful curtain.

Photo of a dressing room in the bedroom

When designing modern new buildings, the need to create a bedroom with a dressing room in an apartment or house is taken into account. Unfortunately, most apartments on modern market do not have similar advantages.

Despite this, a dressing room in the bedroom can be equipped in almost any apartment, regardless of its size. You just need to choose the right place, as well as correctly arrange the furniture and choose the color scheme in the room.

Many owners of small apartments believe that a dressing room will only take up space; in fact, this is not entirely true.

A dressing room in a small bedroom has the following advantages:

Advantages Recommendations
A wardrobe does require a certain amount of space, but it is less than a closet and providing access to it takes up.This allows you to arrange furniture in the room in a more convenient and rational way.
A dressing room in the bedroom allows you to arrange things in such a way that they will always be at hand.There will be no need to waste time searching for the necessary wardrobe item.
Possibility of using the wardrobe at the same time by two people.When used, for example, things in it are stored in different compartments. At the same time, while one person is looking for the things he needs, the second must wait. The dressing room in the bedroom does not have this drawback.

Note. In the bedroom, the dressing room can be located most in different ways, which allows you to choose an option even for small rooms or rooms with a non-standard shape.

What components should a dressing room contain?

Despite the fact that the construction of such structures depends on factors such as the size and shape of the room, a built-in dressing room should contain the following:

A door that allows you to separate a room from the main part of the room. The function of doors can be performed by traditional designs, “accordion”, sliding, secret models, as well as all kinds of partitions made from a variety of materials.
Wardrobe without limits. In some cases, the dressing room may even be open. When things are harmoniously arranged, it will even decorate the room.
Additional elements for placing things. Additional elements for placing things. The choice of options depends on the type of things that the dressing room will contain. At the same time, the bedroom is freed from items such as wardrobes, chests of drawers (see) and other similar elements.

The main components of a dressing room can be pipes for placing short and long items on hangers, drawers for underwear, shelves, boxes with cells for storing jewelry, belts and other similar small items, as well as hooks for bags, scarves and more.

Advice. Also, in addition, the dressing room can be divided into two separate sections for each person, with drawers, shelves and racks for each.

Where is it convenient to place a dressing room?

Before you make a dressing room in the bedroom, you need to clearly decide exactly how it will be located. If in this moment the bedroom is at the stage overhaul(see) that is, it makes sense to provide a special niche.

Let's look at everything in detail:

  • Then, all that needs to be done is just to place shelves, pipes and drawers in it, and also take care of the doors that will match the style of the room.
  • If repairs are not provided, then the solution to the problem will be a small rearrangement of the components of the room. In this case, the main factors that should be taken into account are the size of the room and its shape.
  • The design of a bedroom with a dressing room (18 sq. m) involves maximum use of the existing space, without cluttering it. In this case, it will be necessary to get rid of large pieces of furniture, such as tables, cabinets, chests of drawers and cabinets, and leave only the bed, small open shelving and a few chairs or armchairs (see).
  • The functions of the remaining pieces of furniture will be taken over by the dressing room.

Advice. If the room is elongated, and the bed in the bedroom is positioned so that its headboard is against the end wall, then the best option the dressing room will be built right next to this wall.

At the same time, such a design provides several advantages:

  • Allows you to create a fairly spacious dressing room for each person.
  • Also visually increase the space in the room.

It is worth taking advantage of the possibilities of mirrors:

  • In this case, the interior of the bedroom (18 sq. m) with a dressing room will become visually larger. A similar effect is created by the use of glass.
  • At the same time, the room will receive additional depth. Glass for these purposes can be very different - translucent, frosted, have a pattern or be stylized as stained glass. Build similar designs you can do it yourself.
  • The elongated shape of the room gives additional ideas for a dressing room in the bedroom.

A good option would also be to place the structure in the corner of the room:

  • In such a case, the dressing room will take up a minimum amount of space, which will not affect its functionality in any way.
  • You can build a simple plasterboard structure in the corner and place a bed next to it.
  • In this case, the dressing room (corner) in the bedroom can be equipped with openings for the passage of two people.

This will make the room more functional, which is especially important in the morning when everyone is rushing about their business.

Selection of colors, lighting and additional decorative elements

Before you build a dressing room in the bedroom, you need to take care of other important elements room design.

A special role should be given to color design:

  • If the room is small, then you should stop at light shades. In this case, the dressing room can be with the main part of the room in one color scheme, or slightly contrast with it.

Advice. The optimal solution will become white, beige, as well as other light and warm shades. It is better to avoid wallpaper with a pattern. This will make the room feel busier.

  • No less important is the choice of lighting in the room. In addition to the fact that the main part of the room should be well lit, it is necessary to take special care of the dressing room, because it is there that you will need to look for the necessary things, as well as get dressed.
  • The optimal solution would be to use several small LED lamps on different levels dressing room: on the floor, on shelves and on the ceiling.
  • The price of such elements is small, but at the same time they provide quality lighting and wide possibilities for combining elements.
  • Additional decorative elements will also help to visually increase the space of the room.

In particular, we are talking about mirrors, as well as correctly selected accessories for decoration.

In this case, attention should be paid to the following:

  • The room should be light, but to prevent it from looking dull, you need to dilute it a little with bright accents– paintings, photographs, bright pillows and rugs.
  • The main thing is that their number is not excessive. As for the sizes, it is better to make a choice towards several large, not very bright compositions.
  • The space should not be overloaded. Only the most necessary things should be left in the room.
  • When choosing a model, you should focus on lightweight structures. Massive wooden models, as well as a very colorful upholstery pattern upholstered furniture It will look inappropriate and “heavy”.
  • The same goes for the curtains in the room. The fabric should be thin, light and light. Thick fabrics with large patterns should be strictly avoided.

The dressing room should simultaneously stand out from common room and is in harmony in it:

  • For example, if the design of the room is made in oriental style, then the dressing room partition should correspond to this - the “accordion” door and the characteristic oriental patterns on the partitions will be an ideal complement for this.
  • If the main style of the room is modern, then the dressing room partition should be made of glass, plastic or other similar materials.
  • There can be a contrast between the main part of the room and the wardrobe area, but it should not be radical.
  • In this case, the room will look divided into two parts, which will make the main part of the space too small and cramped.

A dressing room located in the bedroom is a convenient and practical solution, allowing you to rationally organize space. Using original design techniques And creative imagination, you can make this area as functional as possible, and also turn it into a harmonious addition to the interior.

This layout has many advantages. As a rule, in the bedroom we not only sleep, but also often change clothes, so it is convenient to allocate a separate space for clothes and shoes, which will allow you to store all things in one place and keep the room tidy. In addition, you can place items that are often used in everyday life, such as laundry baskets, ironing boards or large mirrors.

Dressing rooms can be built-in or be separate rooms, the width of which is at least one meter. They are usually located near the bed. In the bedroom, a bright dressing room, made in lightweight and modern style, which involves maximum space savings. You can install elegant shelving in it; steel hangers; glass and plastic coasters, and other similar elements.

The storage space for clothes can be covered with partitions made of wood or glass. In small rooms, the dressing room should be arranged in the farthest corner and installed in it sliding doors, and place the bed diagonally. Another option is to allocate a place for this zone near one of the walls, placing it in such a way that there is easy access to it from both sides. To make the bedroom seem more spacious, it is recommended to cover the dressing room with doors that have a mirror surface.

If desired, you can hide the storage space by installing a curtain above the ceiling, from which draped curtains will flow beautifully. A combination of textiles made from materials of different textures, for example, velvet and chiffon, will look especially impressive in the bedroom. If the recreation room is decorated in a minimalist style, fabric draperies can be replaced with bamboo mats.

Owners of spacious apartments or large country houses can create stylish design a bedroom combined with a dressing room, for which a separate room is allocated. In such a space you can not only store furniture and clothes, but also install large mirror, and also put soft ottoman or a banquette.

Bedroom with dressing room video:

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