Decoration of curtains in Arabic style. Oriental furniture in traditional Moroccan style. History of the style

Eastern philosophy calls for peace and tranquility. But if the Japanese achieve nirvana through asceticism, then the Arabs require the magical exoticism of the Muslim paradise for spiritual comfort.

Arabic style in the interior is the complete opposite of minimalism. It demonstrates the flashy luxury of palaces from oriental fairy tales, a magnificent celebration of life and a categorical lack of monotony.

Even if the owner of an “Arab” house is not rich, its interior should create at least the illusion of a wealthy status. The second most important principle of the Arabic interior is adherence to traditions. Since Islam prohibits depicting humans and animals, oriental patterns are used in the design.

Examples, description of Arabic interior, photos

Materials, color and ornament

All decorative elements are made by hand or look handmade. No stamping and no synthetics, only natural materials: stone and wood, copper and bronze, silk, brocade and velvet.

For an Arabic interior, shape is very important. And not only furniture or decorative details, but also windows, doorways, ceiling beams. The image of a traditional tent appears thanks to sharp ribs, needle-shaped columns, pointed arches, and figured niches.

The main colors are gold, red and turquoise, but the palette is not limited to them. The colors should be bright, saturated, filling the entire room and not leaving pale spots. Only chaos should be avoided.

Very colorful and unique Arabic arabesques are complex, ornate, incorporating Arabic script, floral and geometric patterns. They decorate literally everything: walls, wood coverings, carpets, fabrics, accessories. Ornaments are also used in the most characteristic elements style - inlays and famous wooden mosaics.


The fabulous atmosphere of an Arabic interior is impossible without soft and subdued light. And there should be as many lamps as possible - forged chandeliers and candlesticks, floor lamps, small sconces, lamps with openwork shades and stained glass inserts. An integral part of the interior are aromatic lamps with oriental incense. the main objective lighting is a mysterious play of light and shadow, emphasizing colors and highlighting details.

Floor, walls and ceiling

In Arabic interior design, the floor is made of flat, polished stone or tiled mosaic. Traditionally, most of the floor is always covered mandatory element– bright, chic wool carpets.

The walls are decorated with fabrics (or wallpaper with silk-screen printing), wooden panels, decorated with mosaics or paintings. And again carpets, preferably handmade.

The ceiling looks no less skillful. As a rule, it is multi-tiered, and in a city apartment its shape is adjusted by cornices. The ceiling is decorated in the same way as the walls, with fabrics, wood and arabesques.

Furniture and accessories

The only feature of minimalism in Arabic design is the absence of unnecessary furniture. According to tradition, the role of chairs is played by thick rugs and numerous pillows. Acceptable and squat soft chairs, low sofas, ottomans and ottomans, upholstered in expensive fabrics - but they should also be strewn decorative pillows all kinds of sizes.

The tables have a regular polygonal shape, are always low, and decorated with mosaics, mother-of-pearl or carvings. There are practically no wardrobes; they are replaced by open shelving, chests of drawers, hanging buffets, elegant bookcases, and miniature bedside tables. Things are usually stored in niches with wooden doors.

The list of Arabic interior accessories can safely be called limitless. The spirit of the East lives in amazing and sometimes exotic things - bronze high-neck jugs, carved chess and backgammon, forged bird cages, silver sets, table clock, collections of weapons, incense burners and hookahs. Not a single detail of this kind will be superfluous, because it is their abundance that best emphasizes the status of such interiors.

Interior decoration of an Arabic bedroom

The Arabic style in the bedroom interior is the same demonstrative luxury. It is impossible to do without a Persian carpet on the floor, mosaics on the walls, narrow stained glass windows of a lancet configuration, which means that the bedroom needs a fairly spacious room with a high ceiling. Perfect option The ceiling is domed, made of silk.

The bedroom furniture is minimal: bedside tables or tables on the sides of the bed, a chest of drawers or a chest, an ottoman or an ottoman. Particular attention is paid, of course, to the bed. It is low, but massive, voluminous, and certainly with a high and very impressive headboard. Modern designers They often make a richly decorated niche in the shape of an arch at the head.

An Arab bed is almost always hung with a canopy, traditionally heavy and opaque. Once upon a time, a canopy protected from drafts and allowed privacy, but today it has become an element of decor and, at the request of the owner, can be made of chiffon or organza.

The Arab East became incredibly popular in Europe after the publication of translations of the Arabian Nights fairy tales at the very beginning of the 18th century. However, residents of the Old World became acquainted with “overseas” interior items and precious fabrics from Iraq and Syria long before this. They were brought with them by the crusaders returning from Palestine. Such curiosities cost fabulous amounts of money and decorated the homes of only the most noble and wealthy nobles. And today, only people who are ready for high financial expenses choose the authentic Arabic style in the interior. The result is a status design that evokes admiration. About what the interior should be like Arabic style, this article will tell.

Arabic style in the interior: Features

Designers highlight three characteristic features of an Arabic interior. This:

  • attention to detail;
  • warm color palette;
  • smooth lines.

Arabian style in the interior involves the use of yellow, red, peach and purple colors with all their shades.

With the exception of cases when a modern Arabic style is chosen in the interior, which is a mixture of Minimalism and Ethno, only natural materials are used when decorating the interiors.

Remember that there are no forests in the Middle East, so wood is considered a rare and expensive material there.

It is used only for making furniture. It is not present in the interior decoration, except in the form of carved, openwork partitions.

Arabic style in the interior: Who is it suitable for?

Designers advise choosing a home design option based not only on your taste preferences, but also on your family’s lifestyle.

Arabic style in the interior suits a respectable, respectable couple with a tall social status who loves bright colors and comfort. However, it can also be chosen by successful young people from a bohemian environment.

Arabic style in the interior: Furniture

Since we're talking about furniture, let's say that the authentic Arabic style in the interior involves the rejection of many pieces of furniture that are familiar to a European.

As you know, once at home after long treks through the desert, the Arabs preferred to spend their leisure time lounging on a low sofa and smoking a hookah.

The sofa came to Europe from Turkey. However, it was widespread throughout the territory Ottoman Empire occupied most Middle East region.

TO traditional types Furniture typical for Arabic interiors also includes:

  • bedside tables and stools, hexagonal in shape, decorated with carvings;
  • small, low cabinets with lattice or openwork doors;
  • soft ottomans;
  • etc.

The Arabic style in the interior can also be emphasized using screens. They must be made of wood openwork carving in the form of arabesques. This piece of furniture is a real find, if you need to zoning the premises.

Arabic style in the interior: Textiles

Many fabrics, which are still used today to decorate interiors, ended up in Old light from Syria, Iraq, Morocco and neighboring countries. For example, this is Mosul muslin, Moroccan Moroccan or Damask silk.

In addition, the Arabic style in the interior involves the use of carpets. They cover not only the floor, but also sofas and couches. Often the carpet is used as a tablecloth. On carpets, even on the floor, there are many pillows of different shapes, including in the form of bolsters. They are decorated with galloons and tassels.

An important part of the Arabic interior is the canopy. It is a native Middle Eastern invention. Initially, they were used in harems and other premises of Arab rulers, in order to hide the concubines and wives of the emir or his nobles from prying eyes.


If you want to recreate the Arabic style in the interior, you can use the most simple finishing walls and ceiling. They can simply be plastered in White color, and the floor should be covered with carpets. Bright carpets, curtains and decorative items will look great against such a neutral background.

Another option is also possible. You can use the palace Arabic style in the interior. It involves the use ceramic tiles small sizes and mosaic wall decoration.

If you like such “variegated” walls with arabesques, be careful when choosing textiles. It is better to have curtains, carpets and upholstery upholstered furniture were monochromatic. Otherwise, the interior will be tasteless and quickly get boring.

Modern Arabic style in the interior

Authentic Arabic style in the interior of small apartments rarely looks good. However, if you really want to have such a design for your living room, bedroom, bathroom or kitchen, choose an eclectic option.

You can create a minimalist monochrome design in your home and give it an Arabic touch. For this purpose, it is enough to use a couple of original authentic parts. It could be original lamp, carpet with bright arabesques, vase or hookah. A “canopy”, which is curtains draped in an original way on the wall, is also perfect.

And don't forget about the screens. This piece of furniture will become a real assistant when zoning a studio apartment.

An original technique and arrangement of an artificial arch with pilasters on one of the walls, for example, on the one where the television panel is hung.

Arabic design in the design of a modern home

Not every home can be decorated in Arabic style. More precisely, this design option should be chosen based on the configuration and size of the room. Lush multi-colored interiors will make it visually less spacious. This means that you should not try to turn a tiny Khrushchev into the chambers of the eastern emir.

If you still really want to give small room oriental flavor, then give preference to Moroccan design. It is done in calm colors and is more minimalist in nature.

Living room in Arabic style

A lush Arabic style in the interior of the front living room of a large private house is created using bright colors. Please note that we are talking specifically about the room in which guests are received, and not about the main room in the house where the whole family gathers.

When creating such an interior, designers are not forced to pay attention to its comfort. After all, such premises are used only when receptions are held and guests are invited.

They are furnished with luxurious furniture, including antiques, and the floors are lined with precious handmade carpets.

Remember! The Arabic style in the interior was originally created according to the rules of Muslim living. In this regard, the use of paintings depicting people is unacceptable.

As already mentioned, it is necessary to abandon the use wood panels. The last requirement also applies to parquet. In the interior of an Arabic living room, the floor can be marble or granite ( light shade), but not wooden.

Mandatory furniture that should be present in the living room are sofas and armchairs. There should be a lot of them and they should be upholstered in expensive fabrics.

Of course, few people would agree to give up chairs and a table, which are not present in an authentic Arabian interior. In order not to introduce dissonance into the design of the room, choose massive models made of dark wood without polishing high backs, with or without armrests.

Arabian style bedroom

It is quite easy to recreate the Arabic style in the bedroom interior. After all, a sleeping area is a place to relax, where you can relax in a comfortable bed, forgetting about business and problems. All this is the basis of the philosophy of Arabic interior design.

An Arabic style bedroom is all about luxurious textiles. It should be included in the design of a large bed, canopy and curtains. It is better to choose a wooden bed with high carved poles installed at the corners of the bed. The canopy should be supported on them. The latter can also be hung from the ceiling. Such options are made on a frame in the form of a ring and, when completed, create a kind of dome over the bed.

And don't forget the pillows! There should be many of them and they should act as one of essential elements decor.

Complete your bedroom furnishings with poufs. They will make the room even more comfortable.

Now about the curtains. Curtains in the Arabic style should be luxurious. Even modern windows you can give a silhouette characteristic of Arab Muslim architecture using appropriate lambrequins. For such purposes, options made of heavy fabrics, “planted” on a hard lining, are suitable. Obi should be combined with sheer curtains made of voile or silk organza. The latter can be replaced with a polyester analogue, although it is better to choose only natural materials.

Arabian style bathroom

In the Arab East, baths - hammams were centers public life, where business negotiations were held and even important political issues were discussed.

Today, many owners want to have an Arabic hammam in their home. At the right approach An Arabic-style bathroom with features typical of a hammam can also be installed in an apartment. However, remember that only spacious rooms are suitable for this.

Hammams from natural stone, especially marble.

IN last years Special impregnations have been created that make marble less hygroscopic.

If the bathroom is relatively small, then you can place a light stone bathtub in it. It can be shaped like a bowl or an elongated polygon.

The mosaic bathroom looks gorgeous, especially when decorated with white and blue ceramics, typical of Morocco.

Again, you can create arches and niches on the walls using pilasters. You can add visual depth to them using decorative lighting.

Arabic style kitchen

An Arabic-style kitchen is distinguished by the elegance of even the smallest details.

Of course, the modern housewife is primarily interested in comfort. In this regard, an Arabic-style kitchen cannot be equipped without the usual storage systems. When choosing them, it is advisable to give preference to options with wooden facades. They should not be polished. The use of painted furniture is acceptable. However, the painting should be deliberately rough.

Important attention should be paid to the design of the apron, which ideally should be mosaic, with a characteristic geometric pattern.

Arabic style lamps

Arabic style lamps are characterized by the use of colored glass and forged metal. When there is a light source inside, they cast colorful reflections on the walls, furniture and floor, creating the feeling of a fairy tale.

Moroccan lamps in Arabic style look gorgeous.

They are handmade from copper, brass, silver alloy or bronze. Typically, such products have a hexagonal shape and are made using the openwork forging method.

Egyptian lamps in Arabic style have round shape. Options in the form of an openwork cube with a dome, inside of which blue glass is installed, also look beautiful.

By the way, today you can buy modern interpretations of Arabic lamp design. They are presented in the oriental collections of the world-famous Dutch brand Zenza.

Arabic style in the interior photo

The interior in the Arabic style is the luxury of the East, the comfort of the environment and wealth color range, grace and splendor, the embodiment of sweet bliss and pleasant dreams.

Features of the Arabic style

  1. Arabic design stands out from others due to its religious component. The Holy Quran prohibits the presence of sculptures and picturesque images of people and animals in the design of a home. Therefore, when decorating premises, mosaic graphics, patterns of geometric lines and figures, exquisite and complex ornaments are used, and floral themes are successfully used.
  2. The panels on the walls are made in square, diamond or hexagonal shapes, even carpets and floor tiles decorated with connections of geometric shapes. The room must have a clearly marked and decorated center.
  3. The most popular architectural forms of the Arabic style are the sphere and the semicircle, connected in complex designs, resulting in exquisite arches and majestic window openings.
  4. By tradition, it does not imply the presence of familiar doors. The space is delimited by curtains, arches and semi-arches, colonnades.
    Arabic design implies a certain privacy, so it does not have the trendy European open floor plans.

Decoration Materials

▫ The ceiling is decorated with paintings, multi-stage structures or decorative panels. Multi-level illuminated or hanging mosaic coverings are successfully used.

▫ The walls are painted or wallpapered. When painting, one color is used or intricate oriental script is applied to wet plaster. The wallpaper should have a geometric or floral pattern or fabric imitation.
▫ Floors are usually finished with tiles or mosaics. The tile size is usually small, 10x10 cm, or less.
▫ Wood is used to decorate window and door openings. Timber frames, shutters and grilles add a special accent to the room.
To live in a house decorated in a truly Arabian style, you need to have a special worldview. The East is bliss, a calm rhythm of life, comfort, the slow passage of time, which in modern world hardly possible. Therefore, the Arabic style in the interior requires a respectful and careful attitude, the introduction of certain philosophical and religious traditions and rituals into life.

Color spectrum

Interior design in the Arabic style is distinguished by a richness of shades. If the background shades are pastel shades, then the color of the textiles is generous with gold, bronze, greenery, emerald, sky blue shades, blue, violet, red, crimson, maroon and yellow tints. Black shades are used to differentiate and highlight color.


The Arabic-style interior is characterized by rich lighting: wrought-iron chandeliers big size, various lamps, wall and desk lamp, sconces, candelabra. All light sources have a complex design and emit a mysterious golden glow, which adds richness to the color of draperies and interior fabrics. Dim, diffuse light provides an intimate and relaxing interior atmosphere. Aroma lamps with oriental spices fill the air in the room with sweet aromas.

In the Arabic interior there is not much furniture familiar to the “European”. Instead of chairs, for example, pillows are used.
Armchairs, sofas, and ottomans must be covered with colorful satin bedspreads.

Interior items are made of hard wood and decorated with carvings and inlays. Among them are necessarily present:
— Low sofa with a spacious sleeping area;
— Ottoman;
— Low cabinets with small capacity;
— Many bedside tables of various shapes, often decorated with carvings.


The textile design is indicated by an abundance of seat cushions scattered on the floor. Their designs and colors vary, but the most popular are those decorated with oriental patterns and stripes.

Curtains are made from expensive fabrics: silk, organza, velvet: burgundy, blue, gold, green.
Necessary element decor are carpets. They cover the floor, walls, sofas, lay them out on top of each other, spread them out or hang them on any free surface. Preference is given to red, gold and yellow colors.


What needs to be added to the design of the room to recreate the Arabian image in it?
Lamps. They are located on the walls, on tables, and descend from the ceiling. Manufacturing material – colored glass, openwork metal.

Dishes. Ceramics, metal - sets for water and wine, hookahs, and vessels for washing hands are made from these materials. They are usually decorated with inlay and painting.
It is beneficial to emphasize the sophistication of the room by using vases, vessels, copper trays, hookahs, musical instruments, chess, richly bound books, wood and wrought iron items.

Arabic style in the interior - photo

The Arabic style (oriental) is characteristic of the countries of the Arabian Peninsula. It has one characteristic commonality that is easily read in Turkish, Palestinian, Syrian, Egyptian and Moroccan designs. This is strict adherence to the religious canons of Islam, respect and veneration of traditions given by ancestors, and preference for objects made by the hands of skilled artisans and craftsmen. The Arabic style originated in the seventh century BC. Religion imposed strict restrictions on interior design. It was impossible to depict humans and animals, so the artists devoted all their talent to developing the most wonderful ornaments. Bright and rich colors made it possible to create magnificent patterns that surprised and made any visitor fall in love. It is they, as well as special architectural techniques, that have become the hallmark of the oriental style.

You can recognize oriental motifs by very characteristic features. In addition to skillful ornaments, houses were decorated with openwork carved wooden or wicker shutters. The windows were small in the form of arches, located closer to the ceiling and invariably covered with frames. This is how local residents escaped the midday heat, protecting their homes from the rays of the scorching sun. The Arabian living room looks like a box, skillfully decorated by the hands of a talented artist. Persian carpets, beautiful chests instead of wardrobes, low sofas or sofas covered with expensive velvet or brocade - such an interior will make you feel like a rich person who loves enveloping comfort and special coziness in the house. The Arabian bedroom is a separate matter. Canopies over the beds, soft carpets, lots of colorful pillows scattered on the floor, always decorated with fringe and gold tassels - relaxing in such a room is a pleasure.

Distinctive feature Arabic style is the use of multi-colored mosaics, which are not made in mass production, but exclusively by hand. With its help, floor and wall panels, reproducing famous carpet patterns. They often decorate a kitchen or a large spacious bathroom. Dark madder wood, embossed jugs with a high neck, large dishes, as well as lampshades with beads - all this adds up to one overall picture, which can easily become the scenery of a fabulous atmosphere, in which it is always hot, passionate and very “tasty” in an oriental way. .

Arabic style in the interior photo:

Tags: Arabic style in the interior · Arabic interior · interior in the Arabic style · design in the Arabic style

Arabic style in the interior will allow you to turn your apartment into a luxurious resemblance to the palace of the eastern sultan. Words such as sophistication, luxury, harmony and fabulousness are applicable to this direction. The Arabic interior reflects the way of life of the peoples of the East. Artists know how to make sure that the basis of style is not luxury itself, but the skill of creating its appearance. Even if the owner of the house is not rich, the discouraging interior will say otherwise. Guests will most likely get the impression that you are a relative of a wealthy sheikh who has inherited a huge fortune.

Principles of Arabic style

The Arabic style in the interior is based on the traditions of Islam. For example, in the Holy Quran, images of living beings are strictly prohibited. This is reflected in Arabic design. There is simply no sculpture or painting here. But this one small drawback compensated by the ability of oriental artists to depict complex patterns. The decor is a geometric pattern, entwined with vegetation. Moreover, each element of the painting is drawn to the smallest detail. Patterns are usually used to cover walls, ceilings, carpets, columns, and pillows. There should be no empty monochromatic spaces here.

Another trend of Islam is panels decorated with arabesques from the Koran. The texts are intertwined with beautiful patterns, making the interior truly aesthetic and inspiring.

  • Arabs have led a nomadic lifestyle throughout history. In the interior this is expressed by a luxurious tent, carpets and pillows.
  • The curtains of the peoples of the East are traditionally bright, decorated with memorable patterns.
  • Beam ceiling and lamps combined with narrow windows create a magnificent atmosphere in which you want to plunge headlong.
  • Handicrafts and famous Arabic mosaics

Another feature of the Arabic interior is expensive handicrafts. The cost of elite silk carpets reaches several tens of thousands of dollars! Eastern masters know their craft and bring to life unsurpassed masterpieces from which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off. In a real Arabian room, literally everything is covered with carpets: the floor, walls and ottomans.

The famous Arabic mosaic is no less popular. It decorates walls, furniture and columns. The base of the mosaic is dark blue, and the ornament itself is covered with mother-of-pearl.

Arabic interior in your home

In order for your home to breathe the atmosphere of the East, it is absolutely not necessary to remodel the entire interior. It is enough to highlight the main elements, and you will feel like a real Arab sultan in harsh domestic conditions. We recommend focusing on carpets, arches, pillows and lighting.

The standard wallpaper on the walls will have to be replaced with Arabic wallpaper made of moire and velvet. The motto of the oriental interior is more inspiring colors!

Remember that living conditions here and in eastern countries are strikingly different. And some things simply won’t be possible to implement for a number of reasons. For example, stone floors save Arabs from the heat. Our climate is completely different, so you can do without stone. Enough to cover wooden surfaces good Arabic carpet.

Tip: First, decorate one room in Arabic style. Look at the result and only then breathe the oriental atmosphere into the entire apartment.

When purchasing carpets, pay attention to wool blends and wool products with a dark background. These carpets are inexpensive and fit the theme. Columns and arches will help divide a large room into zones. If the room is small, then you can limit yourself to figured niches and semi-columns.

The Arabic style has a peculiarity - does not tolerate a lot of furniture. Do you want to get closer to the East? Then remove armchairs, chairs, cabinets and tall chairs from the room. dining tables. They do not fit into this direction in any way. And true oriental furniture is ottomans, large sofas and low tables decorated with inlays. Arabs sit at the table soft pillows. Chairs are inappropriate here.

Wardrobes in eastern interior are rarely present - Arabs store clothes and things in special niches with aesthetic wooden doors. Pay attention to the lamps. They are given a special role. There are many forms and varieties - there is plenty to choose from. Arabian lighting should be soft and subdued - it was in such conditions that the famous Queen Scheherazade read her fairy tales.

  • If your living room has high ceilings, then a wrought iron chandelier will fit perfectly into the interior.
  • Arab sultans prefer narrow lancet windows. But this is for palaces. And in an ordinary house the best option there will be a figured niche in front large window. You can also cover everything with curtains. It will look original - the window will resemble the entrance to a tent.
  • Another key moment– Arab rooms have no doors. The opening is covered with either heavy curtains or carpets.

An important touch is accessories that serve as an excellent addition to general atmosphere. The list of them is huge. This may include items such as chess, bird cages, jugs, hookah, dishes, vats and other small, but important attributes eastern life.

We are working on the design ourselves

Arabic style in the interior allows you to show creative thinking and ingenuity. The most basic thing is to create pillows with your own hands. The main thing is to choose the right fabric, texture and pattern.

Painting with patterns provides wide scope for creativity. Don't forget to follow certain rules. Geometric pattern First you should draw it and then decorate it with floral patterns. Artistic skills are required - each element must be carefully drawn. Don't steal ideas from Mother Nature - come up with your own unique plants.

Remember that Arabic interiors are devoid of monotony. They do not have any specific canons or boundaries. Design is largely intertwined with European style– one is impossible without the other. It is impossible to create a complete copy of the East, and it is not necessary. A piece of a small warm desert is enough for coziness, comfort and a fabulous atmosphere. And in winter it won’t be so cold - part Arab world will warm you up in the cold February frost.

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