Coal machine. Coal boiler for heating a private house: traditional, long-burning, pyrolysis. Types and features of automatic solid fuel boilers

On this moment, an automatic coal boiler, has ceased to be a rarity, and has earned a reputation as an autonomous and reliable heating equipment that can compete with pellet stations.

How do automated coal boilers work?

Autonomous hot water boilers on coal, operating in automatic mode, differ from the classic versions in that all work processes are fully regulated by the controller. To maintain combustion, an automatic screw fuel supply mechanism, a system of forced air injection and removal of combustion products are used. The design also includes a self-cleaning function.

The operating principle is as follows:

The microprocessor controller is the “heart and brain” of the coal boiler. But, uninterrupted operation depends on several more elements of the system. Important role the coal burner and the coal dispenser bunker play.

If the technical characteristics of the automatic coal boiler are selected correctly, there will be no soot residues at the chimney outlet, and the smoke temperature will remain within 150°C.

Operating principle of a coal burner

An automatic coal boiler would not be able to operate efficiently without a special burner device. Fuel combustion occurs in portions. The design includes an electric ignition system and forced submission air.

The main tasks of the burner are as follows:

  1. Provide optimal conditions for complete combustion of fuel with a minimum amount of waste.
  2. Ensure that the flame is maintained for maximum heat transfer.
  3. Prevent excessive coal consumption by optimizing fuel metering.
In practice, this means that the burner device is closely connected to the coal supply mechanism, smoke exhauster, blower fans and controller. All devices work as one unit, which ensures the achievement of the assigned tasks.

Manufacturers use two types of burners, depending on what kind of coal is used for automatic feed boilers:

When choosing a household automatic coal boiler, take into account the features of the future operation of the device, in particular, the type and size of the fuel fraction. The type of burner depends on this parameter.

To automate the supply of fuel to a coal boiler, a microprocessor controller is used, which is practically a mini computer. An optical sensor is installed on the burner to monitor the presence of a flame. When it fades, a signal is given to re-ignite.

The controller connects to several room thermostats, For automatic control boiler The heating temperature of the coolant changes depending on the readings of the sensors. Modern models use weather-dependent automation, which allows you to change the boiler settings, taking into account the ambient temperature.

Coal enters the burner in a precisely measured portion, after which it burns. A signal is sent from the burner device to the controller, which starts the movement of the fuel conveyor. A new portion of coal is supplied to the burner and the fans are turned on. The high efficiency of the boiler, which is 87%, depends on the coordination of actions.

Minimal technical requirements on the burner control system are: accuracy of supply of coal portions, possibility automatic regulation combustion process. The modulation of the device should be from 30-100%.

Construction of a coal metering bunker

The automatic coal supply system to the boiler is another important link that ensures the operation of the automated station. A screw or piston fuel transmission connects the fuel storage and burner device. Automatic coal boilers with a loading hopper are connected to free-standing or built-in storage of various sizes.

The loading hopper is designed as a metal storage facility with a screw conveyor installed below. The design contains several important nodes, preventing coal jamming in the auger and fuel caking.

To automate the supply of coal to the boiler, the following important components are used:

  • Automatic coal crusher - burner device and screw conveyor, designed for the use of fuel of a certain fraction (up to 25 mm). The rock is poured into a special successor, with a coal crusher installed. After grinding, the fuel enters a moving conveyor.
  • Coal breaker - a special device is installed in the bunker to prevent the stored coal from clumping into lumps, which ensures a uniform supply of the fraction to the auger and prevents it from jamming.
  • The feed gear motor drives the conveyor and drives the electric drive of the auger. Depending on the model, the electricity consumption required for operation is 130-180 W. The electric drive is connected to the automation, turned on and off according to a signal from the controller.
  • Fuel storage – solid fuel automatic boilers on coal with a bunker, there are several types. The first ones are connected to a mechanized, free-standing storage facility. The advantage of this solution is the almost complete absence of time restrictions in the autonomous operation of heating equipment.
    The storage capacity is sufficient for the boiler to operate without stopping for the entire heating season. Automatic coal-fired heating boilers with a built-in bunker do not require modification of a separate room for mechanized storage. The capacity of the fuel tank in a bunker coal boiler is enough for 3-7 days.
  • Batch drum - screw transmission does not feed coal directly to the burner, as is the case with. To begin with, a portion of fuel is loaded into a special portion drum. After a signal is given from the controller, the drum begins to spin. A portion of fuel is poured onto the burner in an even thin layer. After the coal burns out, the automation gives a second signal and the process repeats.
Automatic solid fuel boilers with a built-in coal tank can be installed in a few hours. Installation of a mechanized storage facility may require several days. The bunker is installed using special connectors provided in the design. The fuel storage is mounted on the side or on top of the boiler.

What coal is suitable for automatic boilers?

The boiler loading system is designed to use a specific fuel fraction. Most conveyors are capable of moving coal with a fraction of up to 50 mm. Manufacturers do not recommend using coarse coal, since during the combustion process a large amount of ash and non-combustible residue remains.

The main requirements for fuel quality for all water-heating solid fuel heating boilers with fully automated system coal supply are:

  1. Eco-pea fuel grade.
  2. The recommended fraction size is from 5 to 25 mm.
  3. The amount of small particles is no more than 60%.

Optimally meets the requirements described above, packaged coal in bags. But if purchasing ready-made fractional fuel is not economically feasible, it is permissible to use special crushers.

By passing coal through a crushing device, you can obtain a large amount of coal of a strictly established fraction. The disadvantage of the solution is a large amount of dust and small particles. The resulting composition is burned exclusively on an AKM burner.

How to choose an automatic coal-fired boiler

Economical compact household automated coal boilers, with an efficiency of up to 90%, are offered by several dozen manufacturers. The models differ in performance, design features and the presence of a water circuit for DHW.

The selection of a heating boiler is carried out based on the following thermal parameters:

  • Degree of automation - modern bunker automatic coal heating boilers, equipped with a microprocessor controller. At the buyer's request, heating equipment equipped with a self-cleaning and remote control system.
    After installation GSM module, the boiler operation is controlled using any mobile device. The new generation controller is capable of automatically supporting the operation of several heating circuits: radiator heating and “warm” floors.
  • Fuel storage capacity - usually, the bunker is designed in such a way as to provide autonomous operation boiler for 3-7 days.
  • Productivity - calculation is performed using the formula 1 kW = 10 m².
Particular attention is paid to the requirements for system automation remote control behind the boiler operation. The remote control unit must connect to the Internet, have a stable radio signal and work stably even with interference in the power supply.

Additionally, the degree of insulation of the device is taken into account. When using coal in a boiler room, there is a high probability of accumulation of combustible dust. Therefore, the control unit must have a degree of protection of at least IP 26.

Leading manufacturers of coal bunker boilers

In addition to selecting the installation according to technical specifications, make a choice of boiler by manufacturer. The consumer is offered equipment of different price segments.

Boilers remain the cheapest Russian production. At the same time, the models have high build quality, reliability and long term operation.

European boilers are offered in a premium class. The models are highly automated and functional.

The most popular are:

  • German boilers – Roda, .
  • Czech boilers – .
  • Turkish models – Termodinamik, Emtas.
  • Polish boilers – Stalmark, .
IN Lately, Russian boilers are becoming more and more popular. The reason is the constantly improving product quality and low cost compared to foreign units. The main disadvantage is considered to be minor flaws in the combustion process automation system.

It is worth paying attention to the boilers ALTEP, TIS EKO, KAZ Kordi.

Asian solid fuel boilers are presented in a small range of products. Kentatsu models deserve attention, differing functionality, but inferior in thermal characteristics and reliability, Russian and European analogues.

Cost of automatic boilers on coal

Heating coal boilers with automatic fuel supply are produced with a minimum output of 15 kW. Models Russian manufacturer, with a built-in bunker, will cost approximately 160 thousand rubles.

European analogues are more expensive, about 2-3 times. Boilers manufactured by Buderus and Roda will cost 350-500 thousand rubles. Piping heating equipment costs approximately 5-10% of the cost of the station.

Opinions about coal boilers with automatic fuel supply

The initially wary opinion of consumers regarding automatic coal-fired equipment gradually changed big amount rave reviews online.

Despite the many positive aspects: long battery life, high degree of safety, efficiency and reliability, boilers have several real disadvantages:

  • Dependence on electricity - operating a boiler without electricity is impossible. After turning off the voltage, the screw transmission, the system of forced injection and removal of combustion products stops. To ensure the operation of the boiler, the connection to the electrical network is made through and.
  • Dust deposits - burning coal has one significant drawback. During combustion and fuel supply, a large amount of fine dust accumulates. Under a number of circumstances, fine particles, having reached a certain concentration, can cause an explosion. Dust control when loading a bunker with coal includes the installation of special dust collectors. Regular wet cleaning will also be required.
Despite two significant shortcomings, coal automatic boilers are especially favored by domestic consumers, as evidenced by the constant demand for heating equipment of this type.

Autonomous heating is very popular among owners of private houses.

There are various types of heating equipment, one of the most popular is the solid fuel heating boiler.

About the types of solid fuel boilers, automation of their operation and selection criteria we'll talk in the article.

Solid fuel boilers are:

  • Traditional solid fuel boilers.
  • Solid fuel boilers long burning.
  • Top combustion boilers.
  • Solid fuel boilers with electric heaters.

Solid fuel units are operated at industrial facilities or in private homes where there is no main source hot water and warmth. They are quite effective and easy to use, and can also perform the function additional source heat.

Traditional solid fuel boilers have a very simple principle of operation: fuel (coal, firewood and other types) is placed on a grate located in the firebox of the unit, followed by ignition. The released heat is perceived by a heat exchanger, which is connected to the heating system. Ordinary distilled water (condensate) can be used as a coolant.

To learn about heating systems for baths, click.

Read about the choice of material for a heated floor and the technology for its installation in the article -

Advantages of traditional solid fuel boilers:

  • Simple design.
  • Complete energy independence.
  • Cheapness.
  • Ability to burn any fuel.

Disadvantages of traditional solid fuel boilers:

  • Lack of automation and protection. The coolant temperature is controlled manually by the air damper.
  • Constant monitoring of the operation of the unit and fuel loading is required.
  • Low coefficient of performance (efficiency).

Long-burning solid fuel boilers are traditional solid fuel units, only in them the principle of fuel combustion has some differences:

  • The fuel is laid in layers, and combustion begins from the top layer.
  • As the fuel burns, the combustion zone moves from top to bottom.
  • Air is supplied directly to the flame without affecting the lower layers of fuel.

Top combustion boilers have an oblong shape and a high firebox. This shape allows the fuel to be laid in many layers. The operating principle of top combustion boilers can be compared to the burning of a match. If you point a lit match downward, it will burn out in 10 seconds, and holding it with the flame upward, the time for complete combustion increases 4 times.

There are units with additional electric heating. It is used when cleaning or loading the boiler. This is a kind of emergency heating.

For example, a solid fuel household boiler Warmos-TT (Evan), burns wood and coal, is equipped with an automatic temperature control system and an additional 2 kW electric heater. Similar models: EKO-EL (Wirbel), Dymok and Mix (Zota).

Modern solid fuel heating boilers

Traditional solid fuel boilers are from the last century, and the use of older models has become ineffective.

With the development of innovative technologies, modern solid fuel boilers create serious competition with the latest automated gas boilers. What has changed in traditional units? Increased Solid fuel efficiency boilers

Traditional solid fuel units are not efficient in fuel combustion; to correct this, new technologies have been developed:

  • A pyrolysis boiler is a unit that burns pyrolysis gas obtained in the process heat treatment solid fuel. Such units have high performance Efficiency (up to 92%).
  • A pellet boiler is a unit that burns special granules (pellets). The efficiency of such units reaches 95%.
  • Modern long-burning solid fuel boilers are equipped with additional fans and a primary air preheating system. Secondary air is also mixed in (re-combustion of volatile gases from already burned fuel). This ensures more complete combustion of fuel and also reduces heat losses. To regulate the supply of secondary air, smoke valves are installed. Due to this, the efficiency of solid fuel boilers increases significantly and varies between 70-90%.

Automation of operation of an automatic long-burning coal boiler

Traditional solid fuel units are inconvenient because they require constant monitoring, frequent loading of fuel and manual adjustment of the coolant temperature.

Now all these processes are fully or partially automated.

To increase combustion duration, fuel began to be burned in layers from top to bottom, and not vice versa. Coal can be loaded once every seven days. With the development of technology, the size of the firebox has also increased.

For granular fuels it was developed automatic system loading it, but in this case it is necessary to equip a special bunker and install an automatic conveyor in it.

Automatic temperature control

Automatic temperature control is carried out using a special air damper. Opening it increases the combustion intensity, and closing the damper reduces it.

Temperature sensors are installed on the coolant supply line and the temperature is automatically adjusted using a thermostat. To reduce the range of deviation from the set temperature, a room temperature sensor is installed.

Pyrolysis (gas generator) boilers can be automated identically to gas units. This is due to the fact that the intensity of pyrolysis gas release can be adjusted.

Protection of solid fuel boilers

The automatic protection system will ensure safe and uninterrupted operation of the solid fuel unit:

  • The heating system must be installed in such a way that it is possible natural circulation coolant.
  • Modern solid fuel boilers are energy dependent. For their uninterrupted operation, it is necessary to install backup power sources (batteries).
  • If the circulation of the coolant is disrupted, it will begin to overheat to critical temperatures. This process will be accompanied by an increase in pressure in the heating system. To avoid such situations, a cooling circuit is provided.

Coal selection

Hard coal, brown coal, coking coal and anthracite are the main types of solid fuel. However, the quality of coal can be determined by its characteristics:

    • Caloric content is the amount of heat released when fuel is burned. The unit of measurement is kilocalorie (Kcal). Brown coal – 4500 Kcal/kg, coking coal – 8700 Kcal/kg, anthracite – 8600 Kcal/kg.
Coke coal is not designed for use in conventional boilers, since combustion produces a high temperature.
  • The ash content of fuel is the content of non-combustible substances. Expressed as a percentage: high quality coal - 25% ash content, low quality coal - 40% or more.
  • Fuel moisture content is the moisture content of coal. A distinction is made between surface and internal humidity. The higher the internal humidity, the less heat will be released during its combustion. Internal humidity is determined using special instruments, while external humidity can be determined “by eye”.
  • Fuel markings: A - anthracite, D - long-flame (easily ignites), SS - low-caking coal and T - lean coal are not representatives of the most effective types coal
  • Coal fraction (see table).
Name Marking Fraction sizes
Slab P 100 mm or more
Large (fist) TO 50mm-100mm
Nut ABOUT 26mm-50mm
Small M 13mm-25mm
seed WITH 6mm-13mm
Shtyb Sh up to 6 mm
Private R no standard
The passport of each unit indicates the fuel requirements. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in damage to the unit.

Criteria for choosing a solid fuel boiler

The main criteria for choosing a long-burning coal boiler for your home:

  • Energy dependence.
  • Availability of fuel.
  • Dimensions and weight.
  • Availability and functions of the automation system.
  • Sufficient power.
  • Availability of additional electric heater.
  • Price.

If there is no access to a central gas supply, then a coal boiler with automatic fuel supply can become a worthy alternative and completely replace the gas analogue.

The problem of the lack of a convenient centralized or gas heating industrial, residential and utility premises has long been resolved: to replace stationary brick kilns New generation equipment has arrived - automatic coal boilers.


When the question arises about choosing suitable equipment for heating a house with solid fuel, the following important points are taken into account: combustion method, material of manufacture and method of coal supply.

All units operate on solid coal.

Combustion type

Thus, a distinction is made between direct and long-burning boilers. Direct or bottom-up combustion is based on the principle of air circulation from the bottom of the combustion chamber. In this case, the fuel begins to burn from below. In the case of long-term combustion, the fuel is burned from above.

The direct combustion mechanism is very simple: the boiler is ignited and coal is manually fed into the chamber. Combustion air enters through the holes (grids) from below - this helps the fire to cover the lower layers of coal well and move it upward. In a long-burning unit, fuel is placed in a chamber and only then is the top layer ignited. Air is supplied from above through a special system.

This combustion method is economical and requires 2 times less loading than in the case of direct combustion.

However, coal-fired units are very picky about the quality of the fuel: it must be dry and slightly caking, and refueling can only be done when the first portion has burned out.

Classification by material

Coal-fired boilers can be made of special boiler steel and cast iron. Steel is not resistant to corrosion and burns out faster, but its maintainability has become an advantage of systems made from this material.

Cast iron, on the contrary, has an impressive service life, resists corrosion, but is also very fragile. This makes it very difficult to repair cast iron boilers and requires replacement of worn parts. Therefore, sometimes these materials are combined during manufacturing. For example, the body is made of steel, and the combustion chamber is made of cast iron.

Classification by delivery method

Boilers are divided into units with classical, semi-automatic and automatic fuel supply. Classic feeding is manual loading into the chamber, which requires the constant presence of the user to maintain the desired temperature. These units are inexpensive, but the high consumption of material and short smoldering time make the benefits minimal.

Semi-automatic boilers are equipped with microprocessors and a fan. All this gives an increase in working time on one load with the allocation required quantity heat.

Automatic coal boilers are equipped with a microprocessor fan control system and automatic shutdown sensors when the water temperature is exceeded. There are also built-in control sensors, fire protection valve control, and temperature sensors.

When a signal is received from the temperature sensor, the fuel is automatically filled with water - this eliminates a fire hazard. Fuel consumption is reduced by up to 50%, which in turn reduces the formation of ash by almost 3 times. Therefore, despite the high price, these boilers are very economical and reliable in operation, completely justifying the investment.

An automatic coal boiler uses a belt-gear drive mechanism to supply fuel, which is controlled by an electric motor. The mechanism is equipped with a belt for transporting fuel and a container into which it is poured.

If it is necessary to clean the unit, the bottom of the chamber is opened and the collection of solid unburned residues is placed in a container.

The automatic type coal heating system uses the operating principle of a conveyor. The heating material falls onto the conveyor belt and is fed into the chamber. How the movement mechanism works depends on the temperature of the water in the system. The temperature is recorded by a sensor and transmitted to microprocessor unit management.

When the temperature drops, the conveyor belt begins to move and fuel is supplied to the chamber. Ash removal is also an automated process.

Models for industrial enterprises can work autonomously for a month, while domestic boilers have small bins and can only work independently for 2-3 days.

Work process

So, the heating process with an automatic boiler and coal as fuel consists of several stages:

  • coal is manually poured into the bunker. The number of bookmarks and time depends on the capacity of the bunker. continuous operation systems;
  • The fuel is transferred into the chamber automatically by a screw feed. The gearbox is powered by an electric motor;
  • fuel is squeezed into the chamber and air is supplied under pressure;
  • combustion occurs in thin layers, reducing the amount of soot and unburnt particles, but if necessary, the boiler will automatically remove ash.

How to choose?

When choosing, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • fraction of the coal used - equipment operating on fractions up to 80 mm is less demanding;
  • possibility of use various types fuel;
  • dimensions, volume and rated power of the tank;
  • electric motor voltage - for home it is advisable to use systems operating on a voltage of 220 volts;
  • System efficiency – for equipment industrial type it is up to 81% with simultaneous heating of areas up to 3500 m2.


An automatic domestic coal boiler still requires human intervention: fill the tank, mechanically remove the ash and monitor the uninterrupted supply of electricity. But even in this case, they are an excellent alternative to all other types of heating equipment.

The problem is frequent breakdowns of the working mechanism, which require expensive repairs. In addition, downtime in operation leads to cooling of the house (heated room).


This type of equipment is most often used for heating a private home. It is mounted into the system in a special way, while observing a number of requirements:

  • the area of ​​the boiler room must be more than 7 m2, and all rooms of the house must be provided with air flow;
  • floor coverings of the house must be non-flammable;
  • the boiler should be located at a distance of 0.5 meters from the walls of the boiler room, and put under it a metal sheet, which will also protect against fire;
  • chimneys must have the required cross-sectional diameter in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations;
  • It is better to insulate the electric motor and automation systems from any heat.

Thus, coal boilers are an excellent alternative to established heating systems for a private home.

Coal boilers are classified as solid fuel boilers. With their help, you can heat your house with coal or wood. Wherein modern models devices can operate in automatic mode. An automatic coal boiler independently controls the operating process and ensures efficient fuel combustion. A conventional coal-fired boiler operates without automation and is less efficient. How do coal boilers work, and what additional devices help them work automatically?

A coal stove or boiler is designed to produce heat by burning solid fuel. This heat is spent on heating the coolant (water or other liquid antifreeze), which subsequently enters the heating pipes. Heating with coal has the highest heat capacity among other solid energy sources (firewood, pellets). It is used for seasonal heating of private houses, as well as for the operation of boiler houses that heat several rooms. Modern systems often use for heating residential areas. natural gas. Coal heating is popular in small boiler houses that heat several houses, garages, workshops or other premises.


Note: When burning coal, they form carbon monoxide, the temperature of which varies around 1300ºC. The efficiency (efficiency) of a classic coal boiler is only 70%. A significant part of the thermal energy is lost due to incomplete combustion of gases. In improved models of boilers for heating with coal, the operating efficiency is higher - 80 and 90%. They burn fuel more efficiently with less smoke and soot. Such boilers are called pyrolysis boilers.

Pyrolysis boilers

The pyrolysis unit has two combustion chambers. In the first, coal burns and carbon monoxide is formed, and in the second, the gases themselves burn (they are “afterburned,” that is, the unburned particles contained in them oxidize and release heat). In this case, no smoke is generated at the outlet of the device. Thus, the efficiency of heating with coal increases, the completeness of its combustion is ensured and its consumption (and therefore heating costs) is reduced. IN pyrolysis boilers Energy efficiency is 90-92%. At the same time, they are demanding on fuel moisture content (up to 30%).

, operating principle

Long burning boilers

In addition to pyrolysis devices, coal is used for heating. Their operating efficiency is less than pyrolysis boilers (80-85%), but better than classic coal boilers. In long-burning boilers, air is supplied exactly to the flame zone using a special blower. The intensity of fuel combustion and the temperature of the coolant depend on the amount of air, its temperature and flow rate.

Long-burning devices are demanding on the quality of fuel (coal must be dry). Otherwise, soot accumulates on the pipes, which reduces efficiency and disables the automation.

Conventional boilers for heating a house with coal have a minimum of automatic controllers. For their work it is necessary separate room- coal boiler house. Pyrolysis units and long-term combustion devices are equipped with automation. It provides control of operation and the absence of carbon monoxide, which allows them to be installed inside household premises. Which one ensures uninterrupted operation of heating units?

ABOUT solid fuel boilers long burning

Automatic boilers: design and advantages

Note: An automatic coal boiler differs from a conventional boiler in the presence of additional devices. Automatic controllers free people from the need for control, and also increase efficiency and reduce coal consumption and the amount of ash generated.

What does automation do:

  • Control and supply of coal to the furnace. The design of the unit has a filling hopper with an auger (or drum) for automatic fuel supply. In this case, it is enough for a person to replenish the supply of coal in the bunker once every few days (from 3 to 10).
  • Control and supply of air to the combustion zone. Controlled supply and preheating of the air mixture also ensures uniform fuel combustion and efficient operation of the device. An automatic unit has a fuel combustion efficiency of 90% (for comparison, a stationary coal stove has an efficiency of 60%, a classic boiler has an efficiency of 70%).
  • Automatic ash discharge by movable grates.

The autonomous operating mode of the unit is determined by the specified parameters. The owner of the house sets the temperature for heating the liquid and the temperature inside the room. In accordance with them, the automation activates combustion or maintains smoldering mode (up to 5 days). Continuity of combustion allows ignition to be done once per heating season.

Powerful automatic coal boiler

How does automation work? Based on an analysis of the temperature inside the boiler and in the coolant tank, the pressure value, commands are sent to the air supply controller. Increasing the rate of its supply or decreasing it leads to increased combustion or its weakening. Which in turn regulates the heating temperature of the liquid inside the heat exchanger.

Automatic controllers operate on electrical energy. Therefore, boilers with automation are called volatile. They require a source of electricity (socket, battery).

Defro automatic coal boiler range

Coal heating devices are 20-40% more expensive than wood heating devices. But the use of automation allows you to reduce heating costs. Customer reviews confirm that savings in coal consumption in some automatic boilers reach 50%. This makes coal heating beneficial for individual residential buildings, workshops, workshops and other separate premises.

Boiler structure

Boilers for heating with coal have the following device:

  • Coal firebox. At the bottom of the firebox there is a grate. In automatic boilers, turning the grate helps dump ash into the ash box (located below the combustion chamber). The size of the firebox depends on the presence of a bunker and automatic fuel supply. If there is such a supply, the size of the firebox may be small. If there is no supply, then the firebox must be large in order to accommodate as much coal as possible and increase its burning time.
  • A heat exchanger is a container in which water circulates. Depending on the design of the heat exchange tank, boilers with a water jacket and tubular boilers are distinguished. In a “water jacket” design, water washes the combustion chamber. That's how it works most of long burning boilers. In this case, the jacket itself is located along the entire firebox and goes down to the ash compartment. In a tubular design, water containers have the form of pipes that pass through the top of the firebox in a horizontal, vertical or inclined position.

  • Automation and safety unit.

Coal and wood boiler: what is the difference?

IN technical passport solid fuel boilers indicate that they can operate on any type of solid fuel (wood, coal, pellets, briquettes). However, there are some differences between wood and charcoal units. Let's indicate them:

  • The size of the heat exchanger capacity is determined by 5-25% of the total capacity heating system. That is, if you have about 500 liters circulating in your heating pipes (that’s about 30 batteries, each of which contains 15 liters), then the capacity of the heating boiler should be from 23 to 120 liters. When choosing a more accurate container size, take into account the type of fuel on which the unit will operate. The greater the heat capacity of the energy carrier, the greater should be the volume of liquid that is heated inside the boiler. When heating with coal, the volume of the water tank is larger than when heating with wood. It approaches higher values ​​(in the case of the above example, 120 l). The small boiler capacity is suitable for wood heating.

  • The combustion of coal is often accompanied by the formation of a large amount of carbon monoxide, the ejection of unburned particles into the pipe, and their deposition on the walls and pipes in the form of soot. Unlike coal, firewood produces cleaner gases and produces less soot. Therefore, for safe and efficient heating with coal it is better to use pyrolysis coal stoves or long-term top burning boilers.

Automatic coal boilers reduce costs winter heating home and ensure autonomous heating operation. At the same time, automatic boilers produce a stable temperature and do not require daily monitoring and waste of time.

About heating using a Buderus boiler

Affordable Polish-Russian automatic boiler
. Power line from 15 to 7000 kW
. Steel 5mm (up to 100 kW), 6-8mm (from 100 kW).

. Controller: 6 options of Polish controllers (from budget to advanced with touch screen).
. Warranty 10 years - welds, 6 years - heat exchanger, 2 years - automation.
. Options: automatic ash removal, enlarged bunker, external bunker, Internet module, modular boiler room.
. From 154,000 rubles

. Power line from 15 to 1000 kW
. Steel 6mm (<100 кВт), 6-8мм (>100 kW).
. Cast iron retort burner "anti-slag" for burning poor quality coal 0...50mm and pellets without sintering.

. 3 year warranty.

. From 106,250 rubles

Polish boiler automatic boiler highest quality
. Power line from 14 to 400 kW
. Steel 6 mm
. Retort cast iron burner for burning coal 0...32mm and pellets of any quality
. Burning wood/coal on cast iron or water-filled grates.
. Smart Polish controller with the ability to control 5 circuits, 2 mixing circuits, remote control, touch display
. Series with vertical and horizontal heat exchanger with large area heat removal and turbulators
. From 146,000 rubles

Affordable high-class Polish automatic boiler
. Power line from 12 to 150 kW
. Steel 5mm (up to 25 kW), 6mm (from 30 kW), 8mm (from 75 kW).
. Rotary retort burner for burning coal of any quality 0...30mm and pellets without sintering.
. Burning wood/coal on cast iron grates.
. Powerful controller: PID regulation, control of 4 pumps, mixing valve, weather-dependent automation, summer mode, night mode, smoke gas sensor.
. 5 year warranty. High quality.
. Options: Internet, GSM module, room controller.
. From 178,200 rubles

Polish premium automatic boiler
. Power line from 12 to 300 kW
. Steel 5-6mm.
. Universal tray burner for burning coal of any quality 0...30mm and pellets without sintering.
. Burning wood/coal on water-filled grates.
. Fire extinguishing device.
. Powerful controller: PID regulation, control of 4 pumps, mixing valve, weather-compensated automation.
. Warranty 10 years - welds, 5 years - heat exchanger, 2 years - automation. The highest Polish quality.
. Options: Internet, GSM module.
. From 235,018 rubles

Super-economical automatic boilers of class 5
. Power line from 15 to 40 kW
. Steel 6-8 mm.
. Latest system fuel economy ADAPTIVE CONTROL.
. Sensor flue gases PID.
. Ceramic catalysts.
. Large fuel bunker.
. Automatic touch controller K1Pv4.
. Burning time on one load is up to 7 days.
. Built-in economizers.
. 5 year warranty.
. Multi-stage security system.
. From 298,420 rubles

Reliable Russian automatic boiler for medium fraction coal
. Power line from 12 to 800 kW
. Steel 4mm and 6mm.
. Cast iron retort burner "anti-slag" for burning coal of any quality 0...50mm and pellets without sintering.
. Burning wood/coal on cast iron grates.
. Controller: PID regulation, control of 4 pumps, mixing valve, weather-compensated automation, smoke gas sensor.
. It is possible to install a fire extinguishing device.
. 1 year warranty.
. Options: automatic ash removal, enlarged bunker, Internet or GSM module, modular boiler room.
. From 109,250 rubles

Articles By topic:
How and how much to bake beef
Baking meat in the oven is popular among housewives. If all the rules are followed, the finished dish is served hot and cold, and slices are made for sandwiches. Beef in the oven will become the dish of the day if you pay attention to preparing the meat for baking. If you don't take into account
Why do the testicles itch and what can you do to get rid of the discomfort?
Many men are interested in why their balls begin to itch and how to eliminate this cause. Some believe that this is due to uncomfortable underwear, while others think that it is due to irregular hygiene. One way or another, this problem needs to be solved.
Why do eggs itch?
Minced meat for beef and pork cutlets: recipe with photo
Until recently, I prepared cutlets only from homemade minced meat.  But just the other day I tried to cook them from a piece of beef tenderloin, and to be honest, I really liked them and my whole family liked them.  In order to get cutlets
1 2 3 Ptuf 53 · 10-09-2014 The union is certainly good. but the cost of removing 1 kg of cargo is still prohibitive. Previously, we discussed methods of delivering people into orbit, but I would like to discuss alternative methods of delivering cargo to rockets (agree with