The girl waters the flowers, reverse action. How and with what to water the plants. Automatic watering system for indoor plants

Children name the object and list what it consists of (visible parts): bicycle (body, wheels, chain, pedals, steering wheel, trunk, bell); elephant (torso, head, ears, trunk, legs, tail, tusks).

3. Task 20 in a notebook (on your own).

Students name the object and its parts, then color them in the required color. You can evaluate 2-3 works.

4. Game “What does an object consist of?”

1) The teacher shows the children the next object, and the students list its components.


a) toothbrush (handle, bristles);

b) cup (body, handle);

c) nail (leg, head);

d) notebook (cover, sheets);

e) chair (seat, back, legs);

f) teacher’s watch (case, hands, glass, strap).

2) The teacher asks the children to imagine the named object and list its components.


a) banana (peel, pulp);

b) nut (shell, kernel);

c) frying pan (body, handle and maybe lid);

d) chair (seat, back, legs, armrests);

e) mushroom (root, stem, cap);

f) rooster (body, legs, wings, head, tail, comb);

g) turtle (torso, paws, head, tail, shell).

5. Task 21 in your notebook (on your own). Similar to previous tasks and the game. Answers:

a) for the teapot - body, spout, handle, lid;

b) a tree has a root, trunk, branches, leaves:

c) in a fish - body, head, tail, fins.

You can: evaluate 2-3 works.

6. Task 22 (a, b. c) in your notebook. Children should notice that in each row and in each column there must be

Answers: be, triangle, square and circle. If one of these figures is missing, then that is what needs to be drawn in the empty cell.

* a) triangle;

b) c)

7. Task 23 in your notebook.

While completing the task, students must examine each apron: the presence of any objects on it means that they must also be present on other aprons. Answer:

on top there is a flower, in the middle there is a fungus, as well as 3 leaves and 4 berries.

8. Task 24 in your notebook.

Students once again describe the object through its component parts. The clock has: case, cover, dial, pendulum, weights. And the figures that make up the drawing: a rectangle, a square, a triangle, two circles, 2 ovals. Teacher:

9. Game “Guess the object” (physical pause: whoever guessed first gets up).

(See point 9 of the previous lesson.) But in this case, when describing an object, the teacher lists not only its characteristics, but also its constituent parts (characteristic, i.e., distinguishing it from another similar object). Examples:

Beast, predatory, red in color, with a large fluffy tail);

Bird, waterfowl, with a large beak, similar to a pelican bag);

Berry, red, with a seed inside (cherry or sweet cherry);

Tree, deciduous, with a white trunk (birch);

Mushroom, edible, with a red cap (boletus);

Man with brushes and paints (artist or painter).

*10. Task 25 in your notebook (on your own). Same as the previous game.

While completing the task, students must examine each apron: the presence of any objects on it means that they must also be present on other aprons. hare.

You can evaluate 2-3 works.


The secret of a luxurious indoor flower garden is simple:

plants need to be fed well, otherwise you won’t get either lush foliage or good flowering.

A strict "diet" when the plant long time lacks nutrients, usually leads to disease -

after all, the plant has no strength to resist. But how to create a menu for green pets, taking into account their different tastes?

1). Almost all plants love sugar (and cacti generally have a great sweet tooth). You can sprinkle 1 teaspoon before watering granulated sugar(with a pot diameter of about 10 cm) on the surface of the soil or give the plant some sweet water (0.5 teaspoon of sugar per 0.5 cup of water).

2). Good effect provides feeding for beautiful flowering plants castor oil (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) while tying buds.

3). Very useful for plants wood ash (both as nutrition and for disease prevention). For cooking ash solution 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ash needs to be poured into 1 liter hot water and leave for 1 week, stirring occasionally. Watering this way solution - 1 time every 10 days.

Wood ash contains potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. Phosphorus provides energy processes in plant cells and is one of essential elements needed by plants.

4). You can water the plants with this infusion: take pomegranate peels or any citrus fruit. Fill them with water and leave for a day. All! The nutritious infusion for watering is ready!

5). Immunity indoor plants excellently increases spraying aspirin solution . One tablet dissolves in a liter of water.

6). Aloe juice is a growth stimulant

It is used to increase seed germination. When soaking the seeds, add a few drops of aloe juice to the water and leave for 8-20 hours. When watering indoor plants, aloe juice is also added. Use the juice of plants that have reached 3 years of age, after keeping the leaves for several days in the refrigerator.

Diluted aloe juice is also suitable for all common indoor plants. You need to dilute one teaspoon of juice in one and a half liters of water.

7). Ficus plants can be watered once a month sweetened water . For one liter of water take one teaspoon of sugar. The leaves of these plants can be wiped with milk. This will give the plants shine and beauty.

8). Mushroom infusion will help your plants look healthy and beautiful. Soak the chopped edible mushrooms in a ratio of 1 to 1. After a day, drain the infusion and fill the mushrooms with water again. In a day, the mushroom water for irrigation will be ready.

9). Violets will like this feeding: take ampoule of vitamin B12 and dilute in a liter of water (settled, of course). You can feed violets with this vitamin twice a month.

10). Banana peel , which is rich in potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, can be used when replanting plants. On top of the drainage layer, place a layer of finely chopped or minced banana peel, fill it with soil and plant the plant.

The dried skins are ground in a coffee grinder. The result is a dark brown powder that can be added to a plant pot before watering, or diluted with water and used as a liquid fertilizer.
This banana fertilizer is suitable for flowering plants, roses respond well, they make me happy abundant flowering. Flowering is provoked by potassium, which bananas are rich in.

Banana skins are finely chopped and dried. When transplanting plants, they are poured in a layer or simply embedded in the soil.

11) Orange peels

Place orange peels in liter jar and fill to the top with boiling water. When the broth has cooled, dilute it with water for watering plants. You can water not only indoor plants, but also plants open ground.

All plants love citrus fertilizer: indoor flowers, open ground plants and, of course, vegetables. Indoor flowers get sick much less often and are not attacked by pests.

Spraying with infusion of orange peels
It's more of a preventive measure spider mite and scale insects. Citrus peels are poured with a liter of boiling water and left for 4-5 hours, then filtered. The plants are sprayed from a spray bottle.
12) Coffee grounds.

A handful of black extract is exactly what the soil needs for flowers. The trick is that the hardened soil will become loose again thanks to the fine coffee powder. Another positive side effects is that coffee grounds at the same time lowers the pH value. This is an added bonus for plants that prefer acidic soil, such as camellias or azaleas.

Spent tea and coffee are well dried. Added as mulch and fertilizer for indoor plants. To feed the seedlings, make an infusion of drunk tea. 1 glass of tea is poured with 3 liters of hot water and left for 5 days, stirring. Strain and use as top dressing.

Tea and coffee neutralize the alkaline environment, so it is advisable to use it for amateur plants acidic soil. When transplanting or transshipping a plant, the remaining tea is placed on the drainage layer, then the soil, and then the plant is planted. Supplements in the form of tea and coffee make the ground light. It is highly undesirable to apply such fertilizer if soil flies live in pots, this will only increase their reproduction.

13) Fertilizer tion onion skins

Onion skins are very effective fertilizer for plants. Moreover, the infusion of onion peel contains a substance that destroys pathogenic microflora. The infusion is often used as a foliar fertilizer, rich in microelements, and plants perceive it as a complete fertilizer. The infusion is prepared as follows: 10 g - 20 g of husk is poured into 5 liters of warm water, infused for 4 days. Or in a fast way: Pour a liter of boiling water over the husks and boil for 1-2 minutes, leave for 2 hours and can be sprayed with a spray bottle.

14) Water from washing cereals
Many housewives use water from washing cereals (rice, buckwheat, etc.) as fertilizer. This water contains silicon, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.

15) Feeding with eggshells

Eggshells are rich in calcium, and calcium neutralizes acidity. Therefore, when entering mineral fertilizers, which increase the acidity of the soil, shells are added to neutralize. The shells of raw eggs are washed well, dried and crushed, then added to the soil.

Eggshells are a product that decomposes slowly, so you need to add them very sparingly. And it’s worth grinding as finely as possible. Suitable for fertilizing adult cacti.

Another method that is suitable for fertilizing seedlings. The previously washed and dried shells are poured with 3 liters of hot water, left for 5 days, then the seedlings are watered.

Regular moisture replenishment is one of the key conditions successful cultivation plants for the home. How to water indoor flowers correctly - knowledge necessary for every lover of greenery in the house. Indoor plants, like open-ground crops, need regular watering, and it should be specific for each species.

From this article you will learn how to water indoor flowers correctly and what characteristics of crops should be taken into account. We will also provide recommendations for arranging automatic watering and consider methods of watering flowers with peroxide, potassium permanganate or tea.

How to properly water indoor plants

Improper watering is considered one of the most common mistakes made by indoor plant lovers. It is the violation of the watering schedule that causes disease and death of crops.

If you lead a busy lifestyle and are often away from home, you will have to opt for unpretentious varieties that do not require regular watering or install an automatic watering system while you are away.

If you are planning to leave, the automatic watering system will provide sufficient moisture to your pets during your absence. Any gardener knows that abundant watering will provide the flower with enough moisture for two weeks.

Here's some expert advice on how to properly water indoor plants:(picture 1):

  • You can use woolen thread or braid: it will act as wicks through which water will flow into the pot. One end of the thread is stuck into the pot, and the other is lowered into a vessel with water standing above the level of the pot.
  • Mini greenhouse-hood made of transparent film over the pot. Stones are poured into a large transparent bag and a container with a flower is placed on them. The soil is watered abundantly and a film is tied on top.
  • Using a plastic container, at the bottom of which you have previously placed wet wipes or newspapers. Pots are placed on top. Wet wipes are also placed between the pots. Instead of napkins, you can simply pour water, but this method is not suitable for all types.
  • Can be used plastic bottle, in which holes are pre-drilled in the bottom and plug. The bottle is filled with water and dropped a few centimeters with the neck down. Optimal diameter holes are installed experimentally. The size of the bottle depends on the lump of earth in the pot.

Such methods will help provide crops with water for several weeks. However, it should be borne in mind that periodically the flowers still need to be watered in the traditional way.

The video shows how you can set up automatic watering of plants at home.


For automatic watering to be successful, you need to take into account some of its features. Firstly, in warm time It is better to water flowers in the evening, and in winter - in the morning. Secondly, the pot must have drainage made of stones, broken bricks or expanded clay so that moisture does not linger at the roots. In addition, rain or settled water should be used for irrigation, since tap water contains a lot of lime.

Other features of watering indoor plants are:

  • Watering is required only when the soil has dried well, so you must constantly check the condition of the soil before adding moisture.
  • Varieties such as gloxinia, cyclamen, and saintpaulia do not like water, so they are watered in a tray.
  • If the flowers tolerate water well, then do not forget to spray them. This action will additionally humidify the air and help keep them clean.
  • To prevent burns from appearing on the leaves, it is not recommended to spray it if it is standing under straight sun rays, since the drops serve as a kind of magnifying glass.
  • If, when watering, water is not absorbed into the soil, but pours out of the pot, this indicates that the soil has dried out. In such cases, it is recommended to immerse the pot up to the soil level in a container of water.
  • An increase in temperature and light intensity increase the crop's need for watering.

Figure 1. Automatic watering methods indoor flowers

In addition, it should be borne in mind that plants in ceramic pots watered more often than flowers grown in plastic containers.


The appearance of the plant reflects the lack or excess of water when watering. By carefully examining the flower, you can determine whether it has enough moisture.

For example, with a lack of water, the edges of the lower leaves become brown, dry or drooping, and the flowers quickly wither and fall off. With excess moisture, the lower leaves turn yellow, signs of rot appear on them, and not on the flowers - mold, and the roots become limp.


There are several types of irrigation, each of which is suitable for a specific type of crop.

There are certain characteristics for each type of irrigation(Figure 2):

  • Overwatering: The soil contains a lot of moisture. This type of watering is suitable for calamus, azalea and cyperus.
  • Abundant watering: The soil is kept constantly moist but so that the water does not stagnate in it. The flower is watered carefully as the soil dries. This type of watering is loved by: begonia, alocasia, calathea, lemon, ivy and oleander.
  • Moderate watering: Before watering, the soil in the pot is allowed to dry out a couple of centimeters in the top layer of soil. This type of watering is preferable for representatives of the decorative group.

Figure 2. Basic methods of watering flowers in the house

Rare watering belongs to separate species. In this case, the crop is kept in dry soil or watered only during active growth. The soil is allowed to dry completely before the next watering. They like this type of watering: gloxinia, caladium, crinum, philodendron, epiphyllum.

Automatic watering system for indoor plants

It is not difficult to make an automatic watering system for indoor plants at home (Figure 3). To do this it is enough to take big piece dense natural fabric, moisten it generously with water and place flower pots on top (without pallets).

The second part of the fabric is lowered into a basin or other container with water. This way the fabric will remain constantly moist, and the crops will receive the necessary moisture through the drainage holes in the pots. However, this method should only be used if you will be away for no more than two weeks.

How to water indoor flowers to make them bloom

The florist's reward is lush flowering his plants. For this, time and effort are spent, a number of rules of care and maintenance are observed, and conditions are created.

Note: There are some species that rarely bloom. They release buds only when mature. These species include cactus and bamboo. Some cacti produce flowers in 10-15 years of life, bamboo once every 80 or 100 years.

In order for a plant to bloom, it is necessary to awaken the “survival instinct” in it. To do this, uncomfortable conditions are created for them, since under the watchful attention of the grower they are often in comfortable conditions and do not want to reproduce.

To form buds, a difference between day and night temperatures is artificially created. IN usual time A temperature of 18-20 degrees is considered comfortable, but in such conditions the plant will only throw out its leaves. To increase the chance of a bud appearing, the night temperature is reduced by 15 degrees.

Many varieties require vegetative dormancy. During this period, they are watered much less frequently and much less. Temperature environment less by 10 degrees. Such conditions are created only in a cold greenhouse or on the veranda; this provokes the flowering of some species.

Figure 3. Methods for making an automatic watering system with your own hands

There is a direct relationship between flowering and lighting. The formation of buds depends on the amount of light and its intensity. The length of daylight hours depends on the period in which the plant blooms in its natural habitat. One may require short daylight hours, while another may require long ones. For example, chrysanthemums, nerines, kalanchoes, cyclamens, poinsettias require short daylight hours, while pelargoniums, senopolias and glokisinia require long daylight hours to flower.

Is it possible to water indoor flowers with hydrogen peroxide?

In practice Agriculture soaking seeds in solution is used of hydrochloric acid, since it is known that seeds contain inhibitors that prevent germination. In the natural environment, inhibitors are destroyed due to natural oxidation.

Note: Hydrogen peroxide is used to destroy inhibitors. The sown seeds are sprayed, moistened with a 1% peroxide solution from a spray bottle. But even a slight excess of the concentration of the solution will not cause harm. This method is suitable for sowing seeds in jars.

You can also simply water the plants once every 3-4 days with water and a three percent peroxide solution (Figure 4). With this type of watering, the crop is disinfected, since the concentration of the solution is chosen specifically for the purpose of disinfection.

Is it possible to water indoor flowers with potassium permanganate?

Main useful elements potassium permanganate are potassium and manganese. Under the influence of manganese, microorganisms living in the soil increase their activity. However, watering should be moderate, since an excess of this element can cause harm, as can its excess.

Figure 4. Watering indoor plants with hydrogen peroxide

Potassium permanganate acidifies the soil, so watering using this solution is most suitable for species that prefer acidic soils. Crops that prefer acidic soil came to us from the tropics: begonia, hydrangea, ferns, tradescantia, cyperus, etc. But watering with potassium permanganate will also have a beneficial effect on violets and primroses, which are familiar to many gardeners.

Is it possible to water indoor flowers with tea?

This question is often asked by beginning gardeners. It is important to know what type of tea should be used and whether it should contain sugar (Figure 5).

This watering option is well suited for organic supporters, since tea can be considered a good natural fertilizer. Any tea can be used for irrigation, the main thing is that it does not contain flavorings or additives of synthetic origin.

In order for watering with tea to be successful, you need to make sure that acidified soil is suitable for your flowers. Flowers are watered with tea several times a month.

Note: Do not use tea with sugar, moldy or sour for watering. Use a fresh tea solution that is not strong or sweet; it must be room temperature.

In addition to watering with tea itself, tea leaves are also used as a top dressing. Its dosage is strictly controlled, and when applied it must be mixed with the top layer of soil. This fertilizing will help retain moisture in the soil and reduce the amount of watering.

Is it possible to water indoor flowers with yeast?

House flowers need more intensive fertilization than open ground plants. Yeast is especially useful for such crops, since indoor flowers grow in pots with a limited amount of nutrients.

Yeast has a good effect on plant growth and development. They become more resistant to pests and diseases, and also more resilient under conditions of insufficient humidity and insufficient light. Their root system develops better, and cuttings take root faster. After such feeding, the previously sluggish stem becomes more massive, the leaves fill with juice faster, and the buds develop faster and bloom longer.

Figure 5. Using tea to water plants

The secret of feeding with yeast is that it contains a special fungus that changes the composition of the soil. Microorganisms contained in the soil begin to actively produce in the body, releasing a lot of potassium and nitrogen, which are necessary for flowers. Moreover, it is simple and accessible remedy, since both dry and raw yeast diluted with water are suitable for feeding (at a concentration of 10 grams of yeast per 10 liters of water).

Note: To enhance the effect of the fertilizer, plant additives are added to its composition: hops or potato tops.

If you don’t have yeast on hand, you can use food waste: bread, crackers and other products containing the necessary substances.

The author of the video will tell you which fertilizers are best to use for indoor flowers.

Watering indoor plants is important for the development and flowering of flowers.

Compliance with temperature, light and water regimes, these are the basic rules that all gardeners must follow.

Learning to determine the need for water for each specimen is the primary task of every beginning gardener.

The soil in pots should be kept moderately moist. Sudden changes from excessive watering to complete drying of the soil should be avoided. Many types of flowers may lose their buds.

Also, with a lack of moisture, many small young roots, especially those adjacent to the walls of the pot, dry out, and the plant begins to suffer, development is delayed.

If you water indoor plants frequently, so that the soil does not have time to dry out and air does not have time to penetrate, the opposite effect will occur, the soil will sour, and the root system of the flowers will rot.

It is important to water the plants only when the moisture supply remains minimal. Therefore, most decorative indoor flowers need to be watered when upper layer the earth will dry out and become lighter.

There is no clear watering schedule for all plants. Frequency is influenced by many indicators: ambient temperature, air humidity, size flower pot, soil composition, flower age, etc.

Soil moisture can be judged by many signs. For example, the walls of a pot with wet soil make a dull sound when tapped with your fingers, but if the soil is dry the sound is loud.

Wet soil is heavier than dry soil, so many gardeners determine the need to water indoor plants by the weight of the container.

With a lack of moisture, the leaves become limp, cracks appear in the soil and it lags behind the walls of the pot. During the dormant period, plants need less water.

IN winter period Some types of decorative indoor plants shed their leaves. Such specimens need to be watered very rarely, the main thing is to prevent the soil from completely drying out.

Water the flowers with water at room temperature; during the period of abundant growth and flowering, the water temperature should be 1°C-2°C warmer than the environment.

You cannot use cold or boiled water for irrigation. You should fill the tray of the pot and wait until all the water is absorbed, then check the soil; if the surface is dry, fill the tray again.

Plants should be watered from above very carefully, so as not to flood the root collar, and only in the evening, when there is no direct sunlight.

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