Like behind a stone wall: installation of flexible facade tiles. Installation of facade tiles - stages and features of the work Facade tiles on self-tapping screws, what will be discussed

A ventilated facade made of porcelain stoneware allows you to successfully solve a whole range of problems that arise when cladding the walls of buildings:

  • Protects against dampness - ventilation gap makes it possible to create air circulation under the cladding, remove accumulated moisture, and prevent the occurrence of fungus;
  • gives the building a respectable appearance;
  • allows you to effectively insulate a building - timely removal of moisture does not allow the insulation to become damp and freeze.

In this article I want to look at the features and nuances of constructing a porcelain stoneware façade.

Design features of the ventilation façade

Ventilated facades made of porcelain stoneware consist of four components:

  • Frame, which is installed directly on façade wall building;
  • Insulation and waterproofing;
  • Porcelain stoneware cladding;
  • Additional nodes and elements.


The frame is intended for fastening porcelain stoneware slabs to the walls of a building. It consists of a system of guide profiles and fasteners, installation is carried out on load-bearing wall using dowel nails or anchor bolts.

The profile for porcelain stoneware is made from of stainless steel or aluminum alloys, and comes in two types - horizontal and vertical.

Wall-mounted fasteners are a system of brackets, the installation of which is carried out by fastening to the wall and supporting frame. The special design of the brackets makes it possible to adjust the size of the gap between the wall and the porcelain stoneware. Thanks to this, on the one hand, it is possible to more effectively ventilate the interior space, and on the other, to level out unevenness of wall surfaces.

Insulation and waterproofing

The technology for installing a ventilated facade made of porcelain stoneware involves the creation of thermal insulation and waterproofing layers. The following materials are most often used for external insulation of a building:

  • Expanded polystyrene sheets;
  • Mineral wool slabs;
  • Polyurethane foam.

The table below provides comparative characteristics of the thermal conductivity of various thermal insulation and structural building materials.

Installation of the ventilated facade cake is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Internal vapor-waterproofing layer located between concrete or brick surface and thermal insulation;
  2. Insulation layer;
  3. The outer layer of waterproofing laid on top of the insulation;
  4. An air gap used to ventilate the space under the facade;
  5. Porcelain stoneware cladding.

Decorative porcelain tiles

Porcelain tiles are composite material, made from a mixture of clay, quartz, feldspar and, if necessary, various pigments. All components are thoroughly mixed, pressed and fired in high-temperature ovens.

Table 1. Comparative characteristics of porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles.

There are several types of porcelain tiles on sale:

Facades are most often installed using glazed tiles, due to their high aesthetic qualities; matte satin porcelain tiles are less commonly used.

The main difference between tiles for a ventilated facade and tiles for interior work consists of the requirements placed on it. She must:

  • do not lose color saturation and brightness under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • be resistant to changes in temperature and air humidity;
  • It is good to tolerate exposure to acidic, alkaline and other aggressive environments.
  • The linear dimensions and shape of the slabs can vary significantly. Facade porcelain tiles 600x600 mm are the most common option. It has an acceptable weight, and the equal length of the sides simplifies the marking and installation of frame guides.

    Table 2. Requirements for the quality of porcelain stoneware for ventilated facades.

    Additional nodes and elements

    Additional components include various sealing materials and additional elements: gaskets made of paronite or rubber for installation under fasteners, decorative inserts for sealing joints between tiles. Inserts can be made of aluminum or polymers - polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride, etc.

    Installation techniques

    There are two technologies for installing ventilated porcelain stoneware facades:

    1. Hidden fastening method;
    2. Installation using clamps.

    Hidden fastening of porcelain tiles

    Hidden fastening of the facade to the frame subsystem is carried out using anchor elements. The hidden fastening option allows you to get the visual effect of a solid wall, without visible joints and seams.

    Several installation technologies can be used depending on the frame subsystem used. One option is to use agraph:

    Another option is to cut slots at the end of the tile (either pointwise or throughout end surface), and further fastening the porcelain stoneware to the profile with their help (see photo below):

    This facade fastening scheme makes it possible to obtain a surface with high decorative qualities and ventilate the interior space. At the same time, hidden mount Porcelain stoneware is very labor-intensive - installation time and total cost of work increases.

    Fastening using clamps

    Clasps are plates made of stainless steel or duralumin, equipped with curved “legs” into which facing tiles are inserted. The clamps are secured to the frame using self-tapping screws or bolts.

    Because This technology is the most common (due to its relative simplicity compared to the “hidden” method). Let’s consider this particular method of finishing buildings with porcelain tiles.

    Installation of a ventilated facade

    Installation of porcelain stoneware on the facade using the open method is regulated by the provisions of SNiP No. 3-01-85 and is carried out in several stages:

    1. Preparing the wall surface;
    2. Installation of frame fasteners;
    3. Installation of thermal insulation layer and waterproofing;
    4. Assembly of the supporting frame;
    5. Installation of facing tiles.

    Preparing the wall

    First of all, you should assess the condition of the wall surface - it should be relatively flat, without obvious bumps and depressions. Minor differences from the vertical can be leveled using free movement fastening elements provided by the design. Large defects will need to be corrected with plastering work.

    The next step is to mark the surface, which is applied depending on the façade design. The wall is marked for fasteners on which guide profiles will later be installed.

    The first marking method can be seen in the following video:

    The second marking method involves the use of laser levels that have both vertical and horizontal adjustments. Work begins from the very bottom of the wall: using a level, a starting line is drawn along the ground. In the same way, with a step equal to the height of the selected porcelain tile, the entire wall is marked with horizontal lines.

    The brackets must be positioned in such a way that the joints of adjacent slabs fall in the middle of the profile.

    Installation of brackets

    The brackets should be mounted using a hammer drill and anchor bolts. Particular attention should be paid to the projection of the bracket - it depends on the thickness of the insulation layer (see below). It is necessary that after installing the frame profiles and facing slabs, there should be a ventilation gap of 3-5 cm between the wall and the thermal insulation.

    To compensate for heat shrinkage (cycles of compression and expansion under the influence of temperature changes), gaskets made of paronite or dense rubber are installed between the brackets and the wall.

    Various options for mounting brackets manufactured by Crospan

    Installation of insulation and waterproofing

    After installing the fasteners, you can begin installing the vapor barrier and insulation. Isopan or other similar materials are used as a vapor barrier membrane - they allow excess moisture to be removed from the walls, while at the same time preventing it from passing through from the outside.

    A layer of insulation is laid on top of the vapor barrier. The thickness of the thermal insulation depends on the thermal conductivity of the material and on the minimum values winter temperatures For of this region. Calculation required thickness The heat-protective layer is produced according to the following formula:

    R=δ/k, Where

    • R – required resistance for a given region;
    • δ – thickness of the insulation layer;
    • k is the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation.

    Thermal resistance indicators for different regions countries are given in the provisions of SNiP No. 230199 on construction climatology, and are given below.

    The most often used for façade insulation are:

    • Minvata;
    • Expanded polystyrene;
    • Polyurethane foam.

    Mineral wool is supplied to the market in the form of rolls or slabs, which differ in density and thermal conductivity. It is attached to the wall using special plastic mushroom dowels with a wide head.

    Using mineral insulation(glass wool, slag wool, basalt slab) it should be remembered that they are very afraid of dampness.

    When mineral wool gets wet, it compacts and loses its thermal insulation qualities, which are not restored even after it dries, so the external waterproofing of the insulation should be carefully carried out.

    Expanded polystyrene (foam) sheets also have high thermal protection and can be mounted both on dowels and on adhesive solutions. On load-bearing base they are laid in 2-3 layers so that the joints of the upper and lower layers do not coincide. To protect against the penetration of drafts, the seams are sealed with sealants.

    Polyurethane foam is applied to the wall using special foaming machines in which chemical components are mixed. The advantage of this method is the possibility of obtaining a monolithic seamless layer of thermal insulation. However, compared to mineral wool and polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam is quite expensive: the price is 1 sq.m. insulation can reach 500 – 800 rubles.

    According to SNiP standards, minimum thickness thermal insulation layer for various materials should be (without taking into account the thickness of load-bearing walls):

    • Mineral wool with a density of 50 kg/m 3 - for the Moscow region - 20 cm, Krasnodar - 15 cm, for Yakutsk - 35 cm;
    • Expanded polystyrene with a density of 100 kg/m - for the Moscow region - at least 15 cm, for the Urals, Far East and Southern Siberia - about 20 cm, for Northern Siberia - up to 25 cm;
    • Polyurethane with a density of 50 kg/m3. – for the Moscow region – about 8 cm, for the Urals and Southern Siberia – 10-12 cm, for the northern regions – 15-18 cm.

    Installation of frame profiles

    Installation of the frame should begin after full finishing thermally insulated buildings. Initially, the walls are strengthened on the plane vertical racks. They can be T-shaped, U-shaped or angular. Each type of rack is used for specific purposes - internal and external joints, lining corners, window and door openings.

    The main type of vertical profiles are T-shaped, used to create a single, flat plane on the surface of the building being coated. Vertical posts perform the main load-bearing function. Fastening clamps are installed on them, which are used for fastening porcelain stoneware.

    As additional strength elements, in some cases, vertical posts are connected to each other by horizontal jumpers, giving additional rigidity to the entire structure.

    Cladding with porcelain stoneware slabs

    After installing the supporting frame, you can begin installing the facing slabs. Depending on the shape of the tile, the clamps are fastened to the frame profile in such a way that each slab fits exactly into the fastener tabs. The legs of the clamps are made elastic for better fixation of the tiles.

    Porcelain tiles should be attached to the wall in horizontal rows, starting from the very bottom of the wall. At corner joints and connections with door and window slopes, the slabs are cut according to required size using a grinder with a diamond wheel.

    Possible mistakes

    I would like to note a number typical mistakes arising during the work:

    I'll wrap it up here. I am always ready to listen to your wishes and recommendations in the comments.

    The forms are placed on a working vibrating table and filled with the finished solution using a trowel - a narrow mason's trowel. If the solution does not include natural crumb fillers and dye, then pigment is first added to the molds with a layer of 1-1.5 cm, after which they are gradually filled flush with the edges with the main composition. This allows you to get a tile with a front surface uniformly painted to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.

    Considering the high cost of a vibrating table and the laboriousness of making it yourself, when molding tiles you can do without it. If you install a sheet of steel or chipboard (chipboard) on two supports, and place polyurethane forms on it, then the mixture can be compacted in the forms by tapping the sheet from below with a hammer.

    After compacting the mold, being careful not to deform it, transfer it to horizontal surface. During this time, the products are not moved or touched.

    Facade tiles on self-tapping screws, what will we talk about?

    The modern market for finishing building materials is simply amazing in its diversity. Now, in order to give your home an attractive appearance, you just need to choose the material that is ideal in terms of price/quality ratio. But, often, the whole problem lies in choosing among the widest range of materials on offer.

    Some people fix their eyes on the siding, others are attracted by wet decorative plaster. But this is a finish, the installation of which depends on weather conditions, and if facade work needs to be carried out in winter, and at the same time get a durable and aesthetic coating at an affordable price, then there is only one way out - the use of facade tiles on metal mount.
    Facade tiles with fastening are a building material for finishing building facades, imitating various types of stone and brickwork. Cladding is carried out on any surface: logs, foam blocks, bricks, frame buildings, etc. This type finishing received the name “dry” cladding, because not used when installing tiles cement mortar.

    Design features of the ventilation façade

    Ventilated facades made of porcelain stoneware consist of four components:

    • Frame, which is installed directly on the facade wall of the building;
    • Insulation and waterproofing;
    • Porcelain stoneware cladding;
    • Additional nodes and elements.


    The frame is intended for fastening porcelain stoneware slabs to the walls of a building. It consists of a system of guide profiles and fasteners; installation is carried out on a load-bearing wall using dowel-nails or anchor bolts.

    The profile for porcelain tiles is made of stainless steel or aluminum alloys, and comes in two types - horizontal and vertical.

    Wall-mounted fasteners are a system of brackets, the installation of which is carried out by fastening to the wall and supporting frame. The special design of the brackets makes it possible to adjust the size of the gap between the wall and the porcelain stoneware. Thanks to this, on the one hand, it is possible to more effectively ventilate the interior space, and on the other, to level out unevenness of wall surfaces.

    Insulation and waterproofing

    The technology for installing a ventilated facade made of porcelain stoneware involves the creation of thermal insulation and waterproofing layers. The following materials are most often used for external insulation of a building:

    • Expanded polystyrene sheets;
    • Mineral wool slabs;
    • Polyurethane foam.

    The table below provides comparative characteristics of the thermal conductivity of various thermal insulation and structural building materials.

    Installation of the ventilated facade cake is carried out according to the following scheme:

    1. Internal vapor-waterproofing layer located between the concrete or brick surface and thermal insulation;
    2. Insulation layer;
    3. The outer layer of waterproofing laid on top of the insulation;
    4. An air gap used to ventilate the space under the facade;
    5. Porcelain stoneware cladding.

    Decorative porcelain tiles

    Porcelain tile is a composite material made from a mixture of clay, quartz, feldspar and, if necessary, various pigments. All components are thoroughly mixed, pressed and fired in high-temperature ovens.

    Table 1. Comparative characteristics of porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles.

    There are several types of porcelain tiles on sale:

    • Technical – most a budget option. In appearance it is practically no different from natural stone, has an untreated surface. Used as flooring and for finishing interior and external walls industrial, commercial and warehouse premises;
    • Glazed. It has a smooth glossy surface and can be tinted during the production process with pigmenting compounds;
    • Satin. Its front part is treated by applying a solution of mineral salts, as a result of which it becomes matte. Also during production it can be painted in different colors.

    Facades are most often installed using glazed tiles, due to their high aesthetic qualities; matte satin porcelain tiles are less commonly used.

    The main difference between tiles for ventilated facades and tiles for interior work is the requirements for them. She must:

  • do not lose color saturation and brightness under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • be resistant to changes in temperature and air humidity;
  • It is good to tolerate exposure to acidic, alkaline and other aggressive environments.
  • The linear dimensions and shape of the slabs can vary significantly. Facade porcelain tiles 600x600 mm are the most common option. It has an acceptable weight, and the equal length of the sides simplifies the marking and installation of frame guides.

    Table 2. Requirements for the quality of porcelain stoneware for ventilated facades.

    Additional nodes and elements

    Additional components include various sealing materials and additional elements: gaskets made of paronite or rubber for installation under fasteners, decorative inserts for sealing joints between tiles. Inserts can be made of aluminum or polymers - polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride, etc.

    A few words about the manufacturers


    • GC "Global Group". It is located in Yekaterinburg, but delivers to all regions of the Russian Federation. On the market since 2011. The cost of facade tiles starts from 670 rubles. per sq. m.
    • "PROFIST" - Pervouralsk plant of facade materials (Sverdlovsk region). There are 6 branches in different regions (Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Izhevsk, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen). Cost - from 580 rub. per sq. m.
    • Company "Kiriss Facade". This is a Moscow narrowly focused manufacturer that has a branch in Tver. Tiles from this manufacturer can be purchased on the finishing materials market at prices starting from 550 rubles. per square meter.
    • "Wall Materials Plant", located in Yekaterinburg. Manufactures and sells products from high-strength concrete. From 650 rub. per square - this is the price the manufacturer asks for its facade tiles.
    • The Fastrot company is also located in Yekaterinburg. It has been on the market since 2004. The predominant activity is the production of concrete products. Production began with the production of paving slabs, which are still the main product of the manufacturer. As an expansion of the product line, a line for the production of facade tiles was launched. Now the latter is offered at a price of 750 rubles. per sq. m.

    So, if you choose façade tiles for cladding a building, its appearance will remain unchanged for many years. Fire, severe frosts or heat - the tiles will withstand all adversities. Moreover, thanks to this material, you can create a unique structure design at a fairly reasonable price.

    Plastering and surface reinforcement

    Tiles that are installed with adhesive require a smooth and uniform base. The walls of a house, especially if the building is older, may have a large number of different flaws - cracks, dents, peeling or crumbling areas. In addition, external insulation can be installed on the wall surface, requiring a dense layer to be applied on top for laying the tiles.

    The best base is considered to be a layer of plaster. If it is applied to a rigid base, then you can do without reinforcement, but if you are plastering relatively soft insulation, or the wall material is loose and prone to crumbling, then for the strength or resistance of the plaster to mechanical stress, you will need to use a reinforcing mesh.

    A metal or fiberglass mesh is used, which is installed on the insulation or on the wall and a layer of plaster is applied on top of it.

    When using beacons (guides) to level the surface of the plaster layer, the reinforcing mesh is installed in advance, before installing the beacons.

    It is necessary to understand that the presence of a mesh does not prevent cracks from appearing or strengthens the wall material. The mesh serves to increase the strength of the plaster, without contributing to the strength of adhesion to wall materials. Therefore, on problem walls, before plastering, all weak areas should be removed as much as possible, after which a layer of primer should be applied deep penetration.

    When plastering over insulation, first of all you need to apply a layer of mortar onto it with a notched trowel, lightly press the mesh into it, then apply another layer on top of it. Then the mesh will be inside the layer, which will allow it to maximum degree perform its functions.

    Installation work

    Installation of facade tiles is quite simple

    The use of tiles with fastenings for self-tapping screws in finishing work makes it possible to equip the walls of the house with a ventilated system. In other words, first you can carry out thermal insulation work, and create a sheathing on top of the insulation, onto which the façade tiles will be attached with self-tapping screws.

    As a material for the sheathing, you can use a galvanized metal profile, edged board or wooden beam. If the sheathing is mounted from wood, before installation it is carefully treated with an antiseptic impregnation.

    Following the technology, installation of the sheathing begins by determining the lower level of horizontal fastening of the facing material. Then, controlling the level, fix the guides to the wall. Whether they will be positioned horizontally or vertically depends on the tile model. The distance between the ribs of the sheathing must coincide with the dimensions of one segment of the facing material.

    Detailed video about installing facade tiles with holes for self-tapping screws

    Scheme for installing tiles with holes for self-tapping screws (clamps)

    Facade tiles are attached to the surface, starting from the lower left corner and laid out in a complete row to opposite corner. Each subsequent tile is inserted with the left edge into the lock of the previous one, and the screws are screwed into the plates with right side tiles As a result, the fastenings are covered with the front surface of the tile.

    If it is necessary to cut the facing tiles to length, do this using a grinder equipped with a stone disc. First, appropriate markings are made on the tiles, then trimming is carried out. If you need to fasten tiles with cut fasteners to a wall or sheathing, you need to drill a hole in the seam between the tiles or directly in it, and use a self-tapping screw for fastening. The screw head is covered with a color-matched grout.

    The process of lining corners and openings around windows and doors requires a separate description. If there are corner cladding elements, installation begins from the corner and is carried out according to the above scheme. If a corner needs to be highlighted and made voluminous, then before installation work it is sheathed with boards at the level of the facade cladding, and the corner elements are joined on them. These parts will cover the tile fasteners with their surface.

    Installation of tiles along the sheathing allows you to simultaneously insulate the facade of the house

    As it becomes clear from the material presented above, no difficulties should arise when installing facing tiles on self-tapping screws for an owner who is interested in resolving the issue independently. A properly installed structure will allow you to create the perfect façade on your own.

    If you need to attach such tiles to a wall without lathing, this can be done using a mortar mixture. To do this, just bend the metal plates inward. Thus, they will be completely immersed in the adhesive composition, which will ensure reliable adhesion of the material to the bearing plane.

    The main advantages of tiles with fastening

    This finishing material fully complies with all the quality indicators of facing tiles. Among its advantages are:

    There are many different textures and colors of tiles with holes for screws on the market.

    • resistance to mechanical damage;
    • strength;
    • the possibility of insulating the house;
    • universal installation methods;
    • endurance at low temperatures;
    • fire resistance;
    • light weight;
    • wide range of colors;
    • the presence of various textures;
    • environmental Safety;
    • resistance to fungal infections, mold, fading and salt deposits;
    • ease of care;
    • long service life;
    • affordable prices.

    It is worth noting that installation work with such tiles can be carried out in any weather conditions and temperature indicators, which will save time in the construction process.

    Types of facing tiles

    Cladding tiles have been used for home decoration for a long time. With development modern methods production managed to combine many qualities in one material. Nowadays, do-it-yourself façade cladding allows you to create unique design ensembles.

    Let's look at the most popular types of this finishing material.

    Clinker tiles

    This facing material It is made from special types of refractory clay with the addition of organic dyes and other additives. As a result of high-temperature firing (about 1300 °C), a tile is obtained that has the following properties:

    • Low water absorption allows the cladding to withstand severe frosts without collapsing.
    • High mechanical strength and durability.
    • Variety of colors and textures.
    • Environmentally friendly and not susceptible to the formation of fungi and mold.
    • Easy to install with your own hands.

    Finishing the facade with clinker tiles allows you to create a cozy and harmonious atmosphere in your garden.

    Porcelain tiles

    Porcelain stoneware is a new material for the manufacture of facade finishing. Despite its novelty, such tiles have already earned popularity for the following properties:

    • Low porosity allows the material to perfectly resist moisture.
    • Highest material strength.
    • Does not fade in the sun. This is achieved by adding dye to the raw mass at the manufacturing stage.
    • Wide selection of shades and simulated textures.
    • Easy DIY installation.

    Porcelain tiles imitating marble or granite make it possible to give a building a solid and respectable appearance, which is successfully used in the decoration of financial and commercial institutions.

    Natural stone tiles

    Such production is quite labor-intensive. This requires special equipment on which the stone is cut to size, ground and polished. It is worth noting that such facade tiles are the most expensive and the finish is exclusive.

    To reduce the cost of finishing, we developed a more affordable alternative - artificial stone. This material is obtained as a result of a simple technological process:

    • The ingredients (the composition is different for each manufacturer) are mixed.
    • Then they are poured into molds.
    • After this they are sent to the furnace for hardening.

    The result is affordable facade tiles that have all the properties natural stone, but at the same time easier and more convenient to install with your own hands.

    French Cotto tiles

    This type of finishing is produced using French technology from a mixture of special types of clay. This type of finish has the following properties:

    • A variety of shapes: rhombuses, triangles and polyhedra.
    • The surface of such tiles has a pattern or can be embossed.
    • Features of the color scheme: pink, yellow and red-brown tones.

    Finishing with such material is used to implement design solutions to impart a certain antiquity to the facade of a house or interior.

    Laying clinker tiles using the wet method

    Depending on what form of clinker material is used, the method of its installation depends. This is how a single traditional tile is laid wet method, by gluing to the surface using special mixtures. At the same time, one should remember and observe whole line rules

    Due to the fact that clinker tiles have high thermal conductivity, they should be used for finishing facades in combination with insulating materials. Extruded polystyrene foam is suitable for this purpose. It is attached to a surface pre-treated with a primer using a special compound; in addition, it is recommended to use additional fasteners - self-tapping umbrella screws. After this, the surface is reinforced and covered with a leveling mixture.
    The technology for installing clinker tiles involves preliminary priming of the load-bearing surface with deep penetration agents that are resistant to temperature changes.
    It is not recommended to use construction sand-cement mixtures for laying tiles. Manufacturers now offer a huge selection of adhesive frost-resistant multi-component compositions for external installation of tiles.
    The installation technology is not much different from the installation of ordinary tiles. First of all, the surface is marked; the entire impression of the clinker coating will depend on the level of the seams.
    The adhesive is applied with a notched trowel, after which the tiles are attached to the wall.

    Do not forget to check the levels of the tiles, both horizontal and vertical.
    When installing clinker tiles, pay attention to the same size of the seam; it is formed using ordinary crosses, the size of which largely depends on your taste.
    Do not allow the adhesive mixture to get into the seams; they must be sealed with a special compound.

    As you can see, there is nothing new in the technology of laying clinker tiles, so if you have experience in surface tiling ceramic materials, then you should be able to handle this process without any problems.

    Features and stages of installing tiles with glue

    In this way, houses made of brick or foam blocks are most often finished. This is often combined with insulating the walls from the outside with polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene. First, the insulation is laid, then the sheathing is erected, which is plastered, and only then proceed to the work itself.

    Finishing the facade of a house with tiles takes place in several stages:

    The surface is primed.
    The adhesive composition for one or another type of material is mixed. This should be done in strict accordance with the instructions.
    The adhesive is applied to the wall in one direction with a notched trowel, and to the tile segment in the opposite direction, which ensures better adhesion.
    Installation of facing tiles begins from the bottom corner and is carried out gradually upward to the entire canvas. For alignment, markings are made before starting installation. You can nail a guide to the very bottom, which will then be removed.
    Each fragment is pressed tightly against the wall and tapped with a spatula.
    After drying, the seams are grouted with moisture-resistant grout

    It is important to remember that you need to remove the excess immediately, otherwise it will dry out and not be cleaned off.

    Types of facade tiles

    Facade tiles are a material with many different types manufacturing and installation options.

    Installation possible:

    • On glue. The method is most similar to the methods of laying tiled coverings.
    • For fastening materials (screws, clamps, etc.).

    For the manufacture of facade cladding the following can be used:

    • Porcelain tiles, artificial stone.
    • Cement mortar.
    • Plastic (polypropylene, vinyl, etc.).
    • Fiber cement compositions.
    • Polymer sand.
    • Basalt.
    • Asbestos-cement, etc.

    By type it differs into:

    • ceramic;
    • clinker;
    • wood effect tiles;
    • concrete;
    • flexible;
    • polymer sand;
    • terracotta;
    • basement;
    • under a stone;
    • under brick;
    • basement;
    • bitumen.

    The main task of façade cladding is to create protective coating a house that can withstand external atmospheric manifestations and has high decorative qualities. There is a special attitude towards the appearance of the finishing, since it is the external effect that is the first thing that catches your eye when looking at any house.

    In this regard, facade tiles break all records - types of imitation stone or wooden surface she has the largest number. All design options used in the production of siding, facade panels and other cladding are used in the manufacture of facade tiles.

    Unlike all types of exterior cladding, some types of facade tiles can be quite successfully made with your own hands. Basically, this is the casting of various cement-containing solutions into existing molds from special latex

    This method is attractive because the production of the material is carried out directly on the site. In addition, if any section fails, there will be no problems with replacing the cladding.

    Instructions for laying clinker tiles

    Laying of facade clinker tiles occurs in stages:

    1. Make sure that the tiles from different boxes have the same texture and shade. Tiles from the same manufacturer from different batches may differ slightly in shade.

    2. Prepare cement or adhesive mixture according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    3. Using a notched trowel, apply a mortar about one and a half centimeters thick to the area of ​​the wall where you plan to place the tiles.

    4. Lay the tiles gradually, row by row. It is better to start from the corner of the building and move from the bottom up. The tile is pressed into the solution with slight pressure. It will be easier to lay the tiles evenly if you use a starting corner. The distance between the tiles is chosen arbitrarily depending on the type of tile used and decorative features building. Typically the seam width is about 7-12 mm.

    5. When all the tiles are laid, it is necessary to grout the seams suitable color, and then remove excess mixture and clean the tile surface.

    Facade tiles and their types

    Ceramic granite and its features

    1. Facade tiles made of porcelain stoneware are widely used types of finishing materials.
    2. The composition of porcelain stoneware includes sufficient components for the manufacture of facing materials. Particularly noteworthy are clay, kaolin and mineral additives.
    3. Porcelain tile has established itself as a material of increased strength. Its wear-resistant characteristics far exceed the durability of conventional ceramic tiles due to its special production technology.
    4. The size of the facing tiles for the facade is essential, since the dimensions of the bars must meet strictly defined requirements.
    5. The manufacturing process of porcelain tiles takes place by pressing under very high pressure. This technology results in the absence of even the slightest pores on the surface of the finished material. And subsequent firing at temperatures above 1300 degrees turns the source material into monolithic slab, the properties of which are comparable in physical characteristics to granite of natural origin.

    Clinker tiles and its features

    1. Clinker tiles differ significantly in characteristics from porcelain tiles.
    2. Let's start with the fact that it has a radically different appearance and is produced in a completely different way.
    3. The shape and texture of this material usually imitates brick. The only difference is that the colors of clinker tiles for facade finishing can be very diverse, which allows for a non-standard approach to facade design, photo examples of which can be easily found on the pages of construction magazines and solutions modern design exterior.
    4. When producing clinker tiles, it is not customary to stamp products, but, on the contrary, to squeeze them out of the mass of raw materials. After drying, such facing tiles require mandatory firing, which should last about 3 hours. This material is moderately resistant to low temperatures, has low water absorption and is also known for its high strength. A façade lined with such tiles will not require special care and will not require repairs for a long time.

    Polyvinyl chloride siding

    Plastic facade panels Nailite (Naylayt)

    PVC panels are a cheap and easy-to-install method of façade finishing, characterized by a wide model range and, therefore, a host of possible design solutions. The only drawback is the appearance. From a close distance, even with the naked eye it is noticeable that the house is covered with plastic.

    Vinyl siding

    Installation technology

    PVC panels are installed only horizontally. To work you will need:

    • perforator;
    • hammer;
    • roulette;
    • Bulgarian;
    • level;
    • punch - a tool for making ears on the edges of sheets of material.

    Stage 1. First, a visual inspection of the house is carried out, the location for installation of the first row is determined. This row should coincide with the old finish or cover the top of the foundation (if we are talking about a new building).

    Stage 2. All necessary components are installed - internal and external corners, trim, first strip, etc. You should start from the corners, leaving a small gap of 6.5 mm between them and the eaves of the building.

    Stage 3. Installation of the first row is the most critical stage of finishing the facade, on which the evenness of the entire siding depends. First, the boundary of the first row is determined, after which a horizontal line is drawn on the wall. When installing the first strip, this line will serve as a guide.

    Stage 4. The appropriate accessories are installed on the door and windows - trims, flashings, final trims. For greater accuracy, the strips of material are joined at an angle of 45ᵒ.

    Fastening vertical elements

    Stage 5. The remaining panels are installed from bottom to top, focusing on the first row. Each panel is inserted into the profile and nailed (not completely). The interval between panels should be 0.4 cm, and between them and other components - from 0.6 cm to 1.25 cm.

    Parts are attached with a gap

    The panels are overlapped one on top of the other by ½ of the factory mark, while vertical overlaps should be avoided - they are more noticeable from the facade.

    Stage 6. At the top edge, the sheets are installed in the same way as under the windows. Only whole panels are used; trimming is possible only for gables. When installing the last row, a J-shaped profile is used with ø6 mm holes made in 0.5 m increments (to drain water from the roof).

    Types of facade cladding

    Finishing the facade of a building with tiles can be done in two cladding methods, the technology of which is widespread and used everywhere. The choice of the preferred method is not determined by eye or complexity, but only based on the dimensions of the tile itself and its type. In addition, the material from which the walls of the building were originally made plays an important role. Their quality determines the need additional insulation for a comfortable indoor microclimate in winter. Therefore, tiling the facade of a house is not only a necessary, but also an extremely popular type of work in our climatic latitudes.

    Facade cladding by gluing tiles

    To cover the facade in this way, a technology is used that is not much different from laying wall or floor tiles indoors. The only difference in this regard is the choice of type of glue. To finish the facade, you need a frost-resistant adhesive composition that will withstand aggressive environmental influences.

    Finishing a facade using the gluing method is a very capricious process and requires certain climatic conditions. The air temperature should be between 5 and 25 degrees. Otherwise, the adhesive cement mortar may lose its characteristics and the laying of tiles on the facade will be performed poorly.

    Here is a brief instruction on the technology of gluing tiles to the facade. It consists of the following simple sequence of actions:

    First, calculate the surface area of ​​the walls that you intend to tile, excluding the square footage of window and door openings. After purchasing the required volume of facing material of the selected type, you can begin work

    Do not forget to also take into account the surface of all corners in the openings, since corner elements must be covered.
    Please note that tile manufacturers indicate the recommended number of bars per unit area, taking into account the thickness of the seam, so installation on the facade must be carried out taking this circumstance into account.
    Before laying the material, the surface of the walls must be leveled and, if necessary, primed. If the plaster layer is too thick, reinforcing mesh should be used to level such a wall.
    Next, along the lower level it is necessary to beat off a horizontal line and apply the adhesive composition with a notched trowel, forming a ribbed profile.
    Tiles must be laid starting from the corner

    It is necessary to strictly maintain the thickness of the seam using special plastic pegs, which must be carefully purchased.
    Important Tip: for better quality cladding of the facade, it is better to apply glue not only to the wall, but also to each individual tile, including. The main thing is not to overdo it and make sure that the adhesive composition does not fall into the seams.
    Often when laying tiles you have to trim them. This operation is performed with a special stone disc. Cutting lines are marked on the tile, and then the excess parts are cut off with a grinder.
    After a couple of days, the adhesive on which the tiles were laid will dry completely. Only then can you begin to fill the seams between the material with a special mixture using jointing and a construction gun.
    Please note that the gluing method for finishing the facade should under no circumstances be used for porcelain stoneware tiles big size. If a piece of finishing accidentally peels off and falls off the wall, it may well injure bystanders.

    Cladding on the frame: installation features

    Many men, and even more so professionals, are well versed in the features of ventilated facades and understand how they are installed.

    1. Hinged ventilated facades can be constructed using porcelain stoneware tiles, although it is quite acceptable to use clinker panels for these purposes. 2. The ventilated facade allows you to additionally insulate the building using rigid thermal insulation slabs fixed under decorative coating facade.
    2. This method is very popular because it allows you to insulate the building structure and create a more favorable microclimate. This finishing method is easy to do with your own hands, which only contributes to its wide distribution. With proper skill, it can be performed without the involvement of professional craftsmen.

    Selecting lathing for panels and its installation

    Frame configuration depends on availability
    insulation. Wooden blocks are often used for the frame. After installation
    the wood is impregnated with an antiseptic.

    The metal sheathing is constructed from
    guides with galvanized surface. Protective layer prevents
    oxidation, corrosion.

    Lathing for façade panels is only needed for
    canopies with seal. She happens to be load-bearing structure for typesetting plates.
    For the base choose a durable one, durable material. Installation of plates on
    metal carcass easier than using wooden planks. At complex configurations
    walls in one design combine guides made of metal and wood.

    The procedure for installing lathing under façade

    1. Measurements are taken and the walls are marked. Fixation points for brackets and other load-bearing elements are outlined.
    2. Install horizontal guide strips (in some cases, horizontal supports are also needed).
    3. A separate sheathing is constructed for insulation. It is installed on top of the supporting strips for the panels.
    4. The insulation is placed between the guides of the primary sheathing. A water-repellent layer is installed on top of it. The load-bearing frame is attached to the frame slats.
    5. The corners and edges of the panels are attached to the vertical bars.
    6. The starting and J-bars and the upper sections of the plates are mounted on horizontal supports.
    7. The distance between the horizontal guides is maintained according to the height of the main elements;
    8. Vertical bars are nailed at a distance equal to half the length of the panel.

    When installing the sheathing, it is important to observe the dimensions
    panels, maintain the distance between parts

    Facade tiles are one of the beautiful, durable and durable types of exterior design and finishing of buildings. It will update the appearance of the building and provide high-quality heat and sound insulation. At the same time, such material does not imply difficult installation, does not require constant updating and complex maintenance. A wide variety of types and methods of fastening allows any home owner to choose the appropriate option that meets his preferences and tastes.

    In this article we will tell you how to finish the facade of a private house with tiles. We list the existing varieties, indicate their characteristics and present the stages of work that are performed during installation.

    Features of the material

    It refers to options for external cladding made from various breeds stone and clay. It stands out for its unpretentiousness and durability, relative ease of installation. In the vast majority of cases, it retains its natural shade and texture; less often, some kind of coating can be imitated with the help of such finishing. Often has a production system similar to the process of making bricks or building blocks.

    Unlike other cladding options, each piece of tile is installed separately, which makes it easy to replace them if necessary. They do not adhere to each other and can be easily removed using simple tools, which distinguishes the material from siding or special panels.

    Types of facade tiles

    • Stone— Marble, basalt, granite and other rocks are used for cladding buildings. Are different natural shade, a wide variety of textures, but are more expensive than other models.
    • Clinker— is made using the same technology as the brick of the same name. Only the tiles are much thinner, which simplifies its installation. Made from high quality clay. It stands out for its strength, durability and resistance to damage.
    • Porcelain tiles- otherwise called “artificial stone”. It is used for the construction of ventilated facades based on a durable frame. Less often, such canvases are mounted with special glue.
    • Concrete- capable of imitating coatings with any pattern and texture. Installed different ways, depending only on the fragment size.
    • Terracotta- used to recreate finishing in the spirit of an old house. It is created from clay by firing at high temperatures, which is why it has a pleasant, beautiful shade. But such tiles require complex and constant maintenance, although all costs are recouped due to their attractive appearance.
    • Agglomerate— made from crumbs of ground natural stone. When processed, it forms thin and durable layers that are no different in color from natural materials.

    Advantages and disadvantages of this finish

    Advantages of facade tiles

    • Suitable for decorating buildings made of wood, brick, and foam concrete.
    • Available in a large number of shades and designs.
    • It is easily and simply dismantled, which allows it to be reused.
    • It resists mechanical and atmospheric influences well.
    • Most models do not require maintenance or complex maintenance.
    • Resistant to frost - does not crack, does not fade and does not lose its other qualities.
    • Features a long service life. Using the example of many houses, it is clear that such a coating can last for decades without complex repairs.

    Disadvantages of the material

    • Large mass, which may adversely affect old or weak grounds, load-bearing structures.
    • It does not allow moisture to pass in both directions, so a ventilation system is initially thought through.
    • The high cost of all models can scare off many. To cover the entire building with such a coating will require quite a lot of money. Or you need to do all the work yourself, which is not as difficult as it seems.

    Preparation of the base for installation of facade tiles

    Most often this is required when finishing buildings made of brick or foam concrete. During operation, cracks and chips form on them, which must be carefully covered and repaired before proceeding with the cladding. After eliminating all damage and installing thermal insulation, if planned, a layer of plaster is applied. A fiberglass mesh is attached to it, after which the surface is plastered again. The layers are allowed to dry completely and only then proceed to further work.

    How to attach facade tiles to the wall?

    There are two main methods:

    • Wet- on the adhesive composition. Only moisture-resistant varieties are purchased. Each of them is selected individually for the type of material. In order not to make a mistake, it is advisable to check with sellers in stores for what kind of work this or that type is suitable.
    • Dry- to the sheathing with screws or clamps. This is how large fragments of cladding are usually fixed; less often they can be found when installing small varieties.

    Features and stages of installing tiles with glue

    In this way, houses made of brick or foam blocks are most often finished. This is often combined with insulating the walls from the outside with polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene. First, the insulation is laid, then the sheathing is erected, which is plastered, and only then proceed to the work itself.

    Finishing the facade of a house with tiles takes place in several stages:

    1. The surface is primed.
    2. The adhesive composition for one or another type of material is mixed. This should be done in strict accordance with the instructions.
    3. The adhesive is applied to the wall in one direction with a notched trowel, and to the tile segment in the opposite direction, which ensures better adhesion.
    4. Installation of facing tiles begins from the bottom corner and is carried out gradually upward to the entire canvas. For alignment, markings are made before starting installation. You can nail a guide to the very bottom, which will then be removed.
    5. Each fragment is pressed tightly against the wall and tapped with a spatula.
    6. After drying, the seams are grouted with moisture-resistant grout. It is important to remember that you must remove the excess immediately, otherwise it will dry out and not be cleaned.

    Technology for installing facade tiles on fasteners

    The method assumes that the fragments are attached to the base in the form of a lathing - wooden or metal. The first one is more preferable. All actions take place in several steps:

    1. Careful markings are carried out using a level, and guides are set.
    2. A grid is created with a step width not exceeding the dimensions of the tile.
    3. A layer of sealant is laid so that there is a bridge of cold in it. A vapor barrier membrane is placed on top. There remains a small gap between the tile and the thermal insulation layer for ventilation and condensation drainage.
    4. Installation of facing tiles begins from the bottom corner of the building and gradually goes up. Fastening is done using the hardware that comes with this type of finish.

    How to properly arrange the corners?

    Openings, windows and all turns of the building are designed first, since otherwise it will be extremely difficult to fit them later. Some models are complemented by special corner profiles.

    To get beautiful charcoal, the facing material is cut and lined up along the wall precisely level. When all the protrusions are formed, you can proceed to filling the wall canvas.

    Features of grouting joints

    After finishing the building with facade tiles, they seal the joints and free areas between the panels. To do this, use moisture-resistant grout or the remains of tile adhesive, if it matches the tone. They work quickly; excess layers are removed immediately, since they dry extremely quickly and are almost impossible to clean off.

    Thus, you can install facade tiles with your own hands if you follow a few simple rules and instructions for materials. To begin with, select the material and suitable fasteners - glue or hardware. Then the walls of the building are processed and prepared, after which you can safely begin cladding. Such a coating will last for many years and does not require complex maintenance, which explains its popularity.

    Facade cladding is not only a way to protect building envelopes from external influence, but also the opportunity to radically change the appearance of the house. In one of the previous articles we already discussed the most popular ones, now the topic of our article is specifically concrete facade tiles, and the theoretical basis will be supported by the personal experience of FORUMHOUSE craftsmen.

    Production technology

    Although the manufacturing process for concrete cladding may vary slightly, the main production method is vibration casting. A solution based on a cement binder (M 400 or M 500) and filler (quartz sand, fine screenings, marble chips) is poured into special plastic molds located on a vibrating table. The mixture is compacted as much as possible under the influence of high-frequency vibration, so finished product dense, homogeneous structure with virtually no air pores. After compaction, the molds with facing tiles are sealed plastic film and left on the shelves. A day later, the product removed from the molds is sent to the warehouse, where it finally gains brand strength.

    The solution is colored in the mass; the proportion of pigment relative to the volume depends on its type; to improve performance characteristics, modifiers and plasticizers are also introduced into the solution. So that the tiles can be installed in a dry manner, embedded parts, most often made of galvanized steel, are fixed in the solution; after the tiles have hardened, reliable fasteners for self-tapping screws are obtained.

    Modern polymer forms make it possible to obtain a surface of any texture, both smooth and embossed, thanks to which tiles on the facade of a building can imitate smooth face brick, chipped brick or natural stone.

    Visually and tactilely, such an imitation really resembles the originals, and from a few meters the difference is almost invisible.

    In fact, concrete facade tiles are modules of several “bricks” or “stones” in two or more rows. To make the joints on the building wall less noticeable, the rows are offset. Base tiles are made in the form of separate larger slabs. Thanks to coloring in the mass, concrete tiles on the facade retain their richness of color for a long time, and their ability to withstand record low temperatures and durability is due to the raw material base and dense structure. But in order to increase its resistance to external environment, some homeowners treat the walls with water repellents after installation.

    Nadezhda_Kiev Member of FORUMHOUSE

    If you use colored facade tiles to decorate your house, be sure to cover the facade with a water-repellent primer after installation, thereby extending its service life.

    Despite big choice colors, it is not always possible to choose the right one. In such a situation, the use of colorless concrete tiles will help out.


    I ordered the tiles without color, the facade of the building was covered with a water-repellent primer and painted with moisture-resistant, vapor-permeable paint. I like it better this way, and dust doesn’t settle on the walls, the house looks like new.


    Although it is also possible to glue such a finishing material to the base using special compounds, on top of the insulation and reinforcing layer, or directly on the walls, it is intended for installation on the sheathing. It is used to decorate facades made of cheap ordinary bricks, timber, logs or blocks, when the principle of increasing the vapor permeability of materials from the inside to the outside allows. In case of wooden houses, self-tapping tiles provide effective ventilation of the facade, both due to the ventilation gap and due to the joints between the modules, which do not require additional sealing. The possibility of application also depends on the type of foundation and the strength of the enclosing structures. Since on average a square of facade tiles weighs about forty kilograms, with large areas the load on the walls and foundation increases significantly. This is how it turned out for one of the participants in our popular construction portal.

    Belmar FORUMHOUSE Member

    Strip foundation, walls made of profiled timber, 145 mm thick. The whole mass hangs on the walls of the house, it weighs about 40 kg/m². With our facade area of ​​more than 250 m² (excluding the plinth area), the “village” walls weigh more than 10 tons.

    For walls, a wooden sheathing made of timber or boards is usually used; the distance between the vertical guides depends on the dimensions of the modules. A metal frame is often mounted on the plinth, since wood in wet areas can twist strongly, but if you treat the wood with protective agents, such a frame will be viable.


    In our experience, the most convenient way to lath a wall is to use a dry edged board 100x25 mm. Both due to the width of 10 cm, and because the screws are easily screwed into it and do not move. Optimal for plinth metallic profile for the civil code, there is a different direction and pitch of the sheathing.

    When installing the sheathing, it is necessary to maintain the level, especially on the “starting” rows. Even a slight distortion at the beginning is enough, and literally after a few rows it will result in solid cracks at the joints, which will not add attractiveness to the facade. There are other important nuances.


    A special feature of the installation is that it starts from the second row of facade tiles. The guide is screwed to the wall, and the second row and subsequent ones are installed on it. The tiles are easy to process (sawn, drilled) and do not create any particular difficulties when lining openings. After the walls, the base is installed, then the ebbs, then the first row. The last to be mounted, in our case, were the corners.

    Manufacturers offer not only wall and plinth facade tiles, but also corner elements, but you can also get by with plinth tiles at the corners. From corner elements Belmar refused both because of their lower density and fragility (visually more porous structure and chipped edges of the samples), but also because of difficulties with installation. If you use extensions, the installation of modules will have to start from the corner, and it is not always possible to go to the next corner without the need for cutting.


    When laying, it is easier to install “small chip” tiles on the corners - when installing at the corners, they are not cut at all (the thickness is only 17 mm), and when installing “large chips” at the corners of the base, they are sawed down at 45⁰, according to the manager. But we didn’t even cut it down; we made do with the joint.

    Tiling the facade of the house.

    For everyone who is interested in decorating the façade of a house themselves concrete tiles, Belmar gives some valuable advice.

    Despite the ease of processing, when drilling holes of small diameters, it is better to use a special concrete drill (with a Pobedit tip). And you shouldn’t skimp on consumables: a “dead” drill means an increase in pressure during drilling, and, as a result, cracking. For large diameter holes, a diamond-coated crown is suitable, and the treatment area should be watered. Again, if the coating has already worn off, instead of a neat hole you can actually get kinks and cracks.

    When installing the base, the vents are done right away, it’s easier than sawing them out in an already tiled wall. Installation is possible both from top to bottom and from bottom to top; the tiles are mounted offset, this increases the decorative effect. If you start installation from the bottom, the main load will be on the upper mortgages, and you will not have to drill through the bottom row.

    As for grouts, there is a huge selection on sale; any composition for exterior work based on cement, which can be used for wide joints, is suitable. It is more difficult to select a suitable tone, since the shade looks different on products from different batches; an option is to tint the tile stains with façade paint for concrete.

    For finishing the walls under the roof.

    Our company’s specialists perform a full range of facade works in Moscow and the Moscow region. Experienced craftsmen They will install facade tiles within a clearly defined time frame; the cost of work per square meter starts from 1,300 rubles.

    Quick calculation

    Fixed price estimate


    Site visit – free of charge

    TechnoNIKOL Hauberk facade tiles are ideal for cladding buildings of any purpose. Thanks to the construction of fiberglass treated with bitumen and natural basalt chips, the material demonstrates excellent strength, resistance to climatic and biological influences and durability.

    Installation price of TechnoNIKOL facade tiles Hauberk




    Subsystem with fasteners


    Installation of facade tiles2


    Laying insulation

    Tiling slopes

    Tiling arches

    Installation of ebb tides

    Installation of ebb and flow on the plinth

    Installing a canopy using climbers

    Laying the border

    Mosaic laying

    Grouting joints

    Sawing down the ends of the tiles at an angle of 45°

    Epoxy grout

    Basic prices shown. The final cost of installing facade tiles is calculated individually and depends on a number of factors: total area, complexity of architectural forms, height, etc. You can order a calculation by phone or by leaving a request on the website.

    Stages of installation of facade tiles

    1. Preparatory work. The surface of the facade is inspected for defects and, if necessary, minor repairs. Can act as a leveling base OSB boards or ordinary plywood with a thickness of at least 9 mm. Marking lines are drawn.
    2. Installation of basement drip. If there is a plinth, it is strongly recommended to install a drip tray.
    3. Installation of facade tiles TECHNONICOL HAUBERK. Work begins from the corner, retreating 5-10 mm. The petals of the tiles intended for the first row are trimmed. Each subsequent row is laid in a checkerboard pattern according to the principle of brickwork.
    4. Device internal corners. The tile closest to the corner is cut taking into account the required distance to the corner edge of 5-10 mm. For the installation of internal corners it is optimal to use metal corners TechnoNIKOL Hauberk, which are fastened with galvanized screws.
    5. Installation of openings. The tile closest to the opening is cut with a roofing knife, and after its installation the casing is laid. Upon completion of the work, the sill and window casing are installed.

    You can order installation of TECHNONICOL HAUBERK facade tiles by phone or by leaving a request on the website. We have been producing facade work of any complexity for more than 10 years and guarantee high quality.

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