Monterrey wave height. Metal tiles Monterey: technical characteristics. Types of protective coating

Metal tiles belong to the category of roofing materials that can the best way satisfy the customer's wishes. Such a roof is characterized by strength, reliability, long service life and external attractiveness. True, it would be fair to note that all these statements are true if we mean quality material reliable manufacturer.

The market for roofing materials offers a wide range of profile sheets of metal tiles different models having various decorative and technical solutions. Undoubtedly, Monterrey metal tiles are one of the most popular today. The technical characteristics of each of the developed series are somewhat different, however, they all share a number of advantages.

Advantages of metal tiles Monterrey

  • This material fits into the appearance of any home; it is equally suitable for both stone and wooden buildings.
  • Monterrey metal tiles are of any shape, however, there is one significant limitation - the slope: it should not be more than 14⁰.
  • Simple installation and high maintainability of the coating - changing a damaged profile if necessary will not be difficult.
  • The roof, depending on the model used, can last from 20 years to half a century.
  • Considering the low weight of the profile, less than 5 kg, truss structure does not require amplification.
  • Environmental friendliness, fire and fire resistance of the coating.
  • A variety of colors and textures make the roof visually attractive.

The profiles are distinguished by their reliability, resistance to temperature fluctuations, climatic influences, and ultraviolet radiation.

Technical characteristics - dimensions, colors, type of coating

The manufacturer has launched the production of three varieties of this metal tile: Monterrey, Supermonterrey and Maxi.

Geometric dimensions and thickness

One of the most important quality indicators of profiles is the thickness of the metal (in mm). It is made from cold-rolled steel in rolls, the thickness of which, in accordance with GOST, can vary from 0.4 to 0.2 mm. Numerous tests have shown that this may be quite enough for the profile to be resistant to deformation, rigid and durable. Products with greater thickness will place excessive stress on the rafters.

It is important that the thickness of the steel is the same over the entire surface of the profile. The permissible difference in thickness in the length of the product in accordance with GOST is 0.05 mm .

As for the geometric dimensions, that is, length, width, height and wave pitch, for Monterrey and Super Monterrey metal tiles they are as follows:

Obviously, Supermonterrey is more different high height profile, therefore it is especially in demand for covering the roofs of houses with a bright appearance, although such a roof will add style and expressiveness to a small, modest building.

Sheet structure

The sheet is multi-layered, and the surface of the steel is protected both above and below. Each layer of this cake performs a specific function, ultimately ensuring the quality of the sheet.

  • The zinc or zinc-alumina coating protects the inner layer, that is, the steel, from corrosion.
  • The primer used in the construction of the material has a high degree of paint adhesion to the metal surface.
  • The varnish layer protects the bottom of the sheet, and the polymer layer increases its resistance to adverse conditions and durability. More precisely, a polymer coating:
  • creates an anti-corrosion barrier, protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • the tiles do not fade;
  • its surface is less susceptible to mechanical damage and temperature changes.

The following are mainly used for covering metal tiles:

  • Polyester applied in a thin layer, only 25 microns, however, it is enough to effectively protect the roof from corrosion and damage due to mechanical stress.
  • Polyester matte adds sophistication to the roof and provides special resistance to atmospheric fluctuations. Products with such a coating can be laid in any climate zone.
  • Plastisol perfectly protects against UV radiation, corrosion and damage under the influence of various loads, mechanical or chemical
  • Pural perfectly tolerates sudden changes in temperature, provides almost absolute anti-corrosion protection against corrosion and does not allow the coating to fade.
  • PVDF does not fade from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, does not break under mechanical loads and ensures durability of the roofing covering.

Color spectrum

The entire range of Monterrey sheets is presented in. One of the most popular is chocolate brown, apparently due to its versatility. It looks equally impressive both in the private sector and on the roofs of city houses. The consumer's attention is often attracted by ivory, ultramarine and wine-colored sheets. Luxury coating gives a delightful shine to the profile on any surface, including matte.

Metal tile Monterrey: specifications on video

Laying and fastening scheme with self-tapping screws

Whatever the geometry of the slope, the tile profiles must be aligned horizontally with the eaves line.

In the case of a rectangular slope, they start from the end part, and it can be carried out in any direction, but some features should be taken into account:

  • when the installation direction is from left to right, vertical overlap of sheets is carried out, overlapping the next element of the row with the previous one;
  • from right to left - vice versa, that is, the next one overlaps the previous one.

Before fixing the tiles to the sheathing, assemble three or four profiles into a block, connecting them in a special way using sealing washers made of a special type of rubber under the screws. They are fixed into the deflection of the wave every other time at the rate of 8 screws/sq. m.

Monterrey metal tiles are made as follows. First, we note that the initial sheet at the top point is fixed with only one screw. This leaves it possible to rotate it around the fixation point - this greatly facilitates its alignment. The block is finally screwed to the sheathing only by carefully aligning it with the cornice and slope.

For triangular slopes, markings are first made, its center and the axis of symmetry passing along it are noted. The same is done on a sheet of tiles. When laying it, it is necessary to ensure that these lines coincide and fix it in the upper part using one self-tapping screw. Next, installation is carried out by analogy with rectangular slopes.

The variety of roofing materials on the market today allows each consumer to choose exactly the option that will satisfy all his needs. Particular attention should be paid to this issue. This material is made from sheets of thin steel, copper or aluminum.

For greater protection, the outside is covered with a special protective layer. The wavy structure gives it additional rigidity.

Among all the varieties of this roofing material it should be noted metal tiles Monterrey, capable of not only fulfilling its main characteristics with high quality, but also decorating any building.

By its appearance this type coatings are no different from . As for its structure, it has its own characteristics:

  • Main, The middle layer is a sheet of galvanized steel, which allows the material in question to withstand significant loads.
  • To protect steel from corrosion, on both sides it coated with aluminum or zinc, as well as an anti-corrosion composition.
  • Then metal treated with primer necessary for subsequent application of paint and its long service life.
  • Outside on tiles apply polymer, which performs the main protective functions required for this material.
  • The lowest inner layer is varnish, also protecting Monterrey from damage.

When planning to use Monterrey for your construction purposes, you must initially study all its technical characteristics that make each layer truly high-quality and durable.

The thickness of the sheet should vary between 0.4-0.5 mm, which gives the product the necessary strength and rigidity. Only cold-rolled rolled steel is used, the thickness of which must be the same throughout the entire sheet of tile.

This type of metal tile can have several varieties. Their main difference is what type of polymer was used for the outer layer of the tiles:

  • polyester– belongs to cheap coatings. Its thickness does not exceed 25 microns, but this is quite enough to protect the material from precipitation and various mechanical damage;
  • matte polyester has a thickness within 35 microns. Suitable for any type of climate. Has a wide range of colors. Copes well with various types of damage;
  • plastisol- Very thick layer(200 microns) coating that can withstand corrosion, precipitation, chemical and mechanical damage. Retains its color for quite a long time without fading under the influence of ultraviolet rays;
  • pural is a layer made of polyurethane. Its thickness reaches 50 microns. It does not corrode at all, practically does not fade in the sun, bends easily, and is also able to withstand significant temperature fluctuations;
  • PVDF made from polyvinyl chloride and acrylic. The thickness of this coating is 27 microns. Has a very long shelf life, does not fade in the sun, can withstand various kinds damage and also cleans well.


To build one roof, it is imperative to use material with only one coating and one manufacturer, because some sheets may not be combined or fit together.

Particular attention should be paid to the type of profile of the type of metal tile in question, because this will allow you to correctly calculate the material consumption and, accordingly, save a certain amount of money. Let's look at three types of profiles that exist on the market today:

  1. Metal tiles mp monterrey has a low cost, long term suitability, as well as its durability. The sheet width is 1180-1100 mm. The profile height reaches 39 mm with a wave pitch of 350 mm.
  2. Metal tiles supermonterrey has the greatest resemblance to the real one ceramic tiles. Supermonterrey metal tiles, characteristics: sheet width is in the range of 1180-1100 mm, profile height is 46 mm with a wave pitch of 350 mm.
  3. MP maxi makes the building very expressive and unlike others. The sheet width is also 1180-1100 mm, the profile height is 46 mm, and the wave pitch is 400 mm.

metal tiles Monterrey sizes

The thickness of the metal in all these varieties is 0.4-0.5 mm.

How Monterrey metal tiles differ from other tiles

When planning to purchase this type of roofing material, you need to carefully study all its advantages and disadvantages.

Among positive qualities you can note:

  1. It can withstand loads well because it has a high degree of rigidity.
  2. Does not allow moisture to pass through.
  3. Due to its texture and wide color scheme, goes well with buildings made of brick or wood.
  4. Does not require special skills when placed on the roof.
  5. It has a long shelf life (can serve its owner for 50 years).
  6. The weight of Monterrey metal tiles is 4 and 5 kilograms, for a thickness of 0.4 and 0.5 mm, respectively.
  7. Copes perfectly with temperature changes and exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  8. Due to its multilayer structure, the metal is completely protected from corrosion.
  9. It has the ability to quickly and easily replace damaged sheets of metal tiles without interfering with entire elements of the roofing material.
  10. Not flammable.
  11. Withstands various mechanical and chemical influences.
  12. Thanks to the availability different types profiles, you will be able to save money on creating frequent sheathing. With this material there is simply no need for it. It is quite possible to make the lathing sparse.

Composition of metal tiles Monterrey

You can’t do without some of the disadvantages of Monterrey metal tiles:

  1. Planning to do complex shape roofs, you need to be prepared for the fact that a lot of waste will remain during installation, which will make construction work not very economically profitable.
  2. During the installation process, you cannot do without high-quality soundproofing material, which during the operation of the roof will relieve its owners from the presence of excessive noise that can arise due to the metal base of the tiles.

Knowing about all the advantages and small disadvantages of this type of metal tile, you will always be able to decide whether you need to use it as a roofing material for your home.

Sheet sizes

What are the sizes of Supermonterrey metal tiles? The width is 1180-1100 mm. The profile height reaches 39 mm with a wave pitch of 350 mm. Domestic manufacturers provide the buyer with the opportunity to choose or cut it into the size that best suits the consumer’s requirements. Moreover, the maximum possible length of one Monterrey sheet is 8 meters.

The most convenient and optimal option is considered to be a length of 4-5 meters.

Lathing for Monterrey metal tiles: diagram and installation method

The main basis for metal tiles is the sheathing.

This is the most important stage in all construction work to create a roof, so you need to approach it with great responsibility, adhering to all tips and recommendations.

Laying Monterrey metal tiles begins after the following preparatory procedures:

Before using all wood sheathing elements, they must be treat with special compounds, which will prevent the material from rotting, and will also gain the ability to resist insects.

  1. Carefully check the thickness of all boards that will form the base for the roof. They must be the same thickness. Allowed wood thickness is from 27 to 35 mm.
  2. Most often, the expected cross-section of the sheathing components is within 25x100 mm(if boards will be placed on it) or 50x50 mm (in the case when bars will be used).
  3. The first component of the lattice must be at least a few millimeters larger than the others, because it is placed under the step of the metal tile sheet.
  4. The first element should only be placed parallel to the eaves, because this will subsequently affect the location of all sheets of roofing material.
  5. To calculate the sheathing pitch for Monterrey metal tiles, you need to know the transverse wavelength. Both of these indicators are equal to each other. For the type of metal tile in question, it is 350 mm. So, it is recommended to retreat up to 300 mm from the first component of the sheathing.
  6. The last element of the sheathing should be of such a size as to prevent the tile sheet from sagging.
  7. For the ridge, several additional boards are installed, on which elements for ventilation pipes are also installed.


In places where there are windows, a chimney or a valley, a continuous sheathing is created.

sheathing for tiles

When starting the construction of the sheathing, you should be careful at all stages of its creation, because if the roof base is of poor quality, all sheets of Monterrey metal tiles will eventually lie unevenly, which will lead to poor quality of the entire structure.

How to properly lay these tiles on the roof

To properly lay Monterrey metal tiles, you need to perform each stage of the work efficiently.

Supermonterrey metal tiles: installation and technological installation method.

  1. Check the location, because it is thanks to them that the slope of the roof and, accordingly, the evenness of the future covering are determined.
  2. and the cornice must be positioned strictly horizontally.
  3. Waterproofing is installed horizontally relative to the roof ridge. In this case, all its elements must be overlapped by at least 20 cm. There should be a slight sag between the sheathing (1-2 cm).
  4. The counter-lattice device is necessary in order to create high-quality ventilation between waterproofing and tiles.
  5. Otherwise, moisture will accumulate on the metal and the rafters will deteriorate. The length of the beams for the counter-lattice should be within 140 cm. Using nails, they are nailed to the rafters and waterproofing.
  6. Particular attention is paid to the ridge of the roof, which can be achieved by correctly connecting the beams from different sides. To do this, they are carefully filed down, creating. Monterrey metal tiles begin with the installation of counter-lattice. Boards are nailed to the counter-lattice, onto which sheets of metal tiles are screwed with self-tapping screws. The first sheet is placed 5 cm lower from the edge of the sheathing. All subsequent components of the roof are mounted with an overlap of the previous row of 15 cm. Having connected at least 2-3 sheets of tiles together, they begin to screw them to the sheathing. This must be done so that it is possible to level the roofing material if necessary. Based on 1 meter square material
  7. A metal apron is laid and secured along the entire perimeter.

coating installation

What other types of metal tiles exist?

Today on the market and in stores you can find a huge amount of metal tiles, which differ in the material from which any covering is made, the profile and type of polymer coating.

Thus, aluminum, steel and copper sheets are used for the production of metal tiles. Preference is given to galvanized steel because it has excellent technical characteristics and differs from other metals in its low cost.

Depending on the type of profile, the following types of metal tiles are distinguished: Monterrey, ,Joker, Andalusia, Banga and Shanghai. Each of them has its own positive properties, as well as their fans and customers.

As for the types of polymer coating, there are also several types: shiny and matte polyester, pural, purex, plastisol, PVDF, and also solano. Having examined each of them in more detail, you can always decide on the choice of a suitable polymer coating for a particular roofing material.

metal tiles Monterrey photo

Useful video

Installation instructions for Monterrey metal tiles in video format:


Among all types of metal tiles, Monterrey metal tiles are the most popular today. Choosing it or any other roofing material for your home is the decision of each person. At the same time, the main task is to make your living space truly warm, cozy and comfortable.

Monterrey metal tiles are a popular roofing material similar to traditional clay tiles. Her profile looks like an oncoming wave. Tiles are used both in restoration work to restore the appearance of ancient buildings, and for installing the roof of modern houses.

Manufacturers produce products with different geometries, which differ in wave width and height.

Stages of making tiles

Metal tiles are made from galvanized steel, protected polymer coating. Manufacturing process consists of several stages, which ensures high strength and reliability of products.

Product characteristics

Monterrey metal tiles have the following technical characteristics.

The thickness of the products is 0.35; 0.4; 0.45; 0.5 mm. Tiles with a thickness of 0.35 and 0.4 mm belong to the economy class. High quality materials are 0.5mm thick. A square meter of tiles weighs from 4.5 to 5 kg. It costs less than a square meter of conventional roofing material.

The polymer coating is applied before the product is given a wave-like shape. Its purpose:

  • protection from weather conditions, high and low temperatures;
  • maintaining an attractive appearance;
  • protection from moisture and ultraviolet radiation;
  • preventing damage and destruction of the product.

Metal roofing tiles are made on the basis of the following polymer materials:

Monterrey metal tiles come in a wide range of colors. On construction market can be found roofing tiles all colors from the RAL table, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable color. All colors match international standards quality. The most popular are classic brown, burgundy and green.

Types of metal tiles Monterrey

The tiles are selected taking into account following parameters: profile height, wave pitch, sheet length and width. This reduces roofing costs and the number of pieces cut.

For Monterrey metal tiles, the dimensions of a standard sheet are:

  • length - from 0.5 to 9 meters;
  • overall width - 1.18 meters;
  • useful width - 1.1 meters.

The profile height and wave pitch depend on the type of metal tile. Manufacturers produce three main types of products with different profile geometries.

MP Monterrey is the most common type of roofing tile. It is durable and economical, and lasts a long time. The profile size is 39 mm, and the wave pitch is 350 mm.

MP Supermonterrey - this type is most similar to classic tiles. It has a high profile height, making the roof look solid and respectable. Its profile is 46 mm, wave - 350 mm.

MP Maxi (Metal tile Monterrey Maxi). This is a product with increased wave width and height. The tiles are spectacular and expressive, they emphasize the architecture of the building. Its height is 46 mm, pitch is 400 mm.

Profile advantages and disadvantages

Metal tiles are a practical and reliable building material. It is economical and easy to use. But along with the advantages of this building material there are also disadvantages.



  • Metal tiles are suitable for regular roofs rectangular shape. If you cover a complex roof with it, then too much waste remains.
  • For roofs, covered with metal tiles, sound insulation is required, otherwise the noise of the wind and the sound of rain will be heard in the room. Good way out- connection of noise and heat insulation.

Price, manufacturers and transportation

Monterrey roofing tiles were originally produced by the Ruukki company from Finland. Now many companies have begun to produce metal tiles with characteristics similar to Finnish ones. Large European manufacturers who do not skimp on the quality of raw materials and comply with production standards produce the best products. Their metal tiles are different good quality and high price.

At the same time, a lot of cheap, low-quality Asian-made tiles have appeared on the markets, which quickly lose their commercial qualities during use.

Russian manufacturers produce medium-priced products.

How to choose roofing material

When choosing tiles, you should pay attention to the quality certificate. The requirements of the ISO standard are much stricter than those of GOST standards.

Features of high-quality tiles:

  • The geometric parameters coincide with the standard ones.
  • The polymer layer has the same thickness over the entire area, there are no drips or damage.

If you are purchasing inexpensive tiles, perform a visual inspection of the material and take measurements.

To avoid damage to tiles during transportation, the following rules must be observed:

  • Material is loaded and unloaded using gangways.
  • The length of the body should not be less than the length of the materials.
  • To avoid kinks, the sheets are carried in a vertical position.

To protect products from precipitation and moisture, packs with profiles are stored indoors or on a podium under a canopy.

Metal tile "Monterrey", the characteristics of which will be discussed below, is one of the most common. The most important parameters are the exact dimensions of the sheet, the multi-layer structure, as well as the presence of a special protective coating, which extends the service life.


This metal tile has become almost a classic today. It follows the shape as much as possible. Inside there is galvanized durable steel, which is strengthened with polymer. The material is used in restoring the roofs of historical buildings, repairing damaged areas, as well as in installing roofs on modern houses.

The sheet of Monterrey metal tiles, the characteristics of which will be useful to read before purchasing the product, consists of many layers. To protect the steel sheet, it is coated on both sides with a special compound. Each layer has a specific function. On top is the mounting protective film which covers polymer layer. Next comes the primer layer, and after that comes the anti-corrosion coating, followed by a layer of zinc and steel sheet. From below it is covered with another primer layer and protective varnish, as well as an anti-corrosion coating and a layer of zinc.

Additional qualities

The material can withstand significant loads due to the presence of an inner layer. Each side of the sheet is coated with aluminum and galvanized, which reduces the likelihood of corrosion. As for the primer, it has high adhesive characteristics, which is why the paint adheres more firmly to the metal. On the front side there is a polymer that not only protects the tiles, but also makes them more durable and resistant to adverse conditions. There is a varnish layer on the inside that guarantees additional protection.


The characteristics of Monterrey metal tiles must be considered before purchasing this material. Among others, we should highlight the thickness metal sheet, which is determined state standards. This value for metal tiles ranges from 0.4 to 0.6 mm.

In the production process, cold-rolled steel is used and the sheets are formed using a roll forming machine. Fluctuations in thickness are not allowed. A protective polymer layer is applied before the tiles take on their wave-like shape. The polymer layer creates a barrier to corrosion and sunlight, while the material does not lose its color for a long time. The surface is less destroyed, and in summer and cold periods the canvases are not subject to negative influences.

It is made on the basis of one of the most common polymers, among them polyester, which is applied with a thickness of 25 microns. It is based on polyester paint, which protects against mechanical damage and corrosion. Concerning matte polyester, then its application is carried out at a thickness of 35 microns. The appearance is exquisite, the material becomes particularly resistant to weather fluctuations.

What else is important to pay attention to?

This Monterrey metal tile, the characteristics of which are presented in the article, is suitable for any climate. Plastisol is a PVC coating that is applied up to 200 microns thick. As a result, it is possible to obtain a surface that is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, chemical and mechanical damage, as well as corrosion. The polyurethane coating is pural, it is applied in a layer of up to 50 microns and tolerates temperature fluctuations. The resulting colors are almost 100% corrosion resistant.

Additional technical specifications

The material described is highly flexible and durable, which simplifies the installation process. There are three options for metal tiles on the market. For example, “Monterrey” has a sheet width of 118 cm. As for the wave pitch and profile height, these parameters are 35 cm and 3.9 cm.

Metal tiles “Supermonterrey” have the same sheet width, the wave pitch remains the same, but the profile height is 4.6 cm. Metal tiles in the “Maxi” variety have a wave pitch that is 40 cm. The profile height is 4.6 cm. Overall width remains the same.

Monterrey metal tiles, the technical characteristics of which should be known not only to a professional, but also to an ordinary consumer, have a zinc coating. It can have different thicknesses. The larger this parameter, the higher the anti-corrosion properties. The material is highly frost-resistant; it can withstand temperatures ranging from -40 to +110 °C. In this case, the canvases do not delaminate or become cracked. The coating does not fade, which is especially important when exposed to sunlight.

The sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws, the consumption of which reaches 8 pieces per square meter. Metal tiles are available for sale in 40 different shades. This allows you to equip the roof for the most complex architectural structure.

Positive reviews

Consumers choose the described roofing material based on many factors, among them the following should be highlighted:

  • hardness;
  • ability to repel moisture;
  • UV resistance;
  • long service life.

Buyers emphasize that they first study the characteristics of Monterrey metal tiles. GOST is observed during the production process, so the material is excellent for a roof that repels water well. Ultraviolet light does not penetrate through the protective layer of polymer. Temperature fluctuations, as buyers emphasize, do not harm metal tiles. It does not crack from frost and does not lose its appearance from the heat.

Corrosion almost does not penetrate through the layers of polymer. The service life of the coating can reach 50 years. Before making a purchase, it is recommended to study the technical characteristics of Monterrey metal tiles. GOST standards for this material will be mentioned below. After reading them, you will be able to understand that the material described is distinguished by high quality characteristics. The canvases have little weight, so they do not put much load on the rafters. This indicates that it is not necessary to use a reinforced rafter system. Consumers also say that the material saves time and money.

Technical characteristics and features of Monterrey Lux

When considering the varieties of Monterrey metal tiles, you should pay special attention to the canvases under the Lux brand, weight 1 square meter which is 4.5 kg. The wave pitch is 350 mm, the steel thickness can vary from 0.4 to 0.5 mm. As for the profile height, it is equivalent to 24 mm. It is important to take into account the overall dimensions: the width of the sheet is 1190 mm. Its length can be equal to the limit from 0.5 to 8 m. The useful width of the sheet is 1100 mm.

Monterrey Lux metal tiles, the technical specifications of which should be read before purchasing the material, have a fairly wide range of sizes. In addition, the consumer has the opportunity to select the profile wavelength. The sheets fit as tightly as possible to each other, while the joints are almost invisible. The overlap should not be too large. Among other things, the canvases have a cornice groove. Due to the fact that the profile height is small, with the help of the described metal tiles it is possible to implement almost any roof format; these can be smooth or clear lines, while being durable and reliable roofing structure remain on top.

Metal tiles "Monterrey Lux", reviews of which should help you make right choice, is manufactured with several coating options, which provides a huge range of shades and colors. This material most closely replicates the appearance of traditional tiles, which makes the coating an ideal tool for creating a classic look for low-rise buildings and houses.


Experts recommend that you definitely study the characteristics of Monterrey metal tiles. GOST 24045 (more precisely, 24045-94) will help you sort this out. After familiarizing yourself with it, you can find out that this roofing material has a high degree of frost resistance and is perfectly resistant to exposure to sunlight.

Metal tiles are a modern and high-tech analogue of traditional clay tiles, which have been used as a roofing material for many years. In this article we'll talk about Monterrey tiles, their properties, varieties, as well as the installation features of this material.

At the tiles trademark Monterrey is there whole line benefits, including:

  • stylish design;
  • affordable price;
  • reliability and durability;
  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • small weight;
  • species diversity.

This material is produced in the Russian Federation together with such foreign companies as the Finnish Ruukki, the British Corus, the German Arcelor and the Swedish AkzoNobel. In the manufacturer’s product line you can find products for absolutely every taste and budget.

Manufacturing nuances

The production of Monterrey met tiles is carried out in several stages.

Here is the sequence of technological processes:

  • a layer of anti-corrosion agent is applied to rolled steel with a thickness of 0.4-0.6 mm zinc coating;
  • after galvanizing, the steel is subjected to double-sided priming;
  • the reverse side of the material is covered with a protective layer of varnish, and a polymer layer is applied to the front surface.

The result is a material with a thickness of 0.4 to 0.6 mm, which is resistant to mechanical and temperature loads. The weight of 1 m2 of Monterrey metal tile is 4.5-5 kg, which greatly facilitates the process of laying the roof.

Types of polymer layer

Several types of Monterrey metal tiles are produced, which differ in the type of polymer coating.

There are the following types of protective coatings for metal tiles:

  • Polyester– has the lowest cost among all options, has good characteristics resistance to temperature changes and other climatic factors.
  • Plastisol– the coating that is applied with the greatest layer thickness (200 microns) is characterized by good mechanical strength. However, this material does not cope with direct sun rays. It is mainly used in areas with temperate climate and low average annual temperatures.
  • Colorcoat Prisma coating– a material created on the basis of a mixture of polyurethane and polyamide, which is durable, reliable and resistant to external influences.
  • Polyvinyl fluoride- is a leader in strength characteristics and durability, able to withstand prolonged exposure to aggressive environmental factors.

The following types of coatings have been developed based on polyester:

  • Granite CLOUDY is smooth matte finish, a product from the German company Arcelor, which is characterized by resistance to direct solar radiation.
  • Viking is the result of collaboration with Swedish manufacturer work. It is highly resistant to fading and loss of color, and also has good flexibility.


Based on the type of coating, MP Monterrey metal tiles vary in their properties, therefore, their cost can vary significantly depending on the components of the material.

Here are the main technical characteristics of Monterrey metal tiles, which are provided by one or another type of polymer layer:

  • mechanical and shockproof strength;
  • reliable protection from UV radiation;
  • resistance to fading and preservation of original color;
  • resistance to high temperatures and their fluctuations;
  • anti-corrosion qualities;
  • resistance to impact chemical factors;
  • roof durability with a 50-year guarantee.

Standard sizes

The dimensions of Monterrey tiles are another advantage of the material from this manufacturer. The assortment includes sheets of various standard sizes, which will significantly reduce the amount of waste when laying them in each specific case.

The dimensional scale of metal profiles includes the following indicators:

  1. Length – sheets are produced with values ​​ranging from 0.5-9 meters.
  2. The width of Monterrey tiles has two types of values ​​– overall size 1.18 meters, as well as a usable area of ​​1.1 meters.
  3. The height of the metal tile profile is 39 mm.
  4. The wave pitch is 35 cm.

Thus, the choice in favor of one or another type of roofing material should be made based on the technical characteristics of Supermontery tiles.

At the time of selection, you should focus on a number of requirements for the material:

  • compliance with the financial capabilities of the buyer - the manufacturer MP Monterrey has provided a lot of options;
  • the ability to function effectively in a particular climate zone - which depends on the type of protective polymer layer;
  • the ability to choose a Monterrey that would fit perfectly into the overall exterior of the house.

If you decide to choose domestic material, then we will provide an algorithm for its correct installation.

Calculation of material quantity

To determine how much material is needed for the job, let’s make some calculations:

  1. Measure the parameters of the roof, and, if possible, make detailed drawing with the exact dimensions of the slopes.
  2. Calculate the number of sheets by width based on the size of the material being produced.
  3. Based on the length of the slopes, you need to select an acceptable sheet length from the sizes offered by the manufacturer.
  4. Determine the number of rows of metal tiles according to the length and width of one slope, and then calculate the required number of sheets. Perform similar actions on each roof slope.

Pay attention to the fact that metal tiles are not symmetrical, that is, when laid, they must be placed in one direction. Consequently, slightly more material may be required than in the calculations, which must be taken into account when purchasing.

In addition, the metal tile sheets have a common width in width, as well as usable area. It is based on this area that the final calculations must be made.

For those consumers who are not sure that they can correctly perform the calculations on their own, it is advisable to seek help from professionals in order to avoid problems and unnecessary financial costs.

To work with Monterrey metal tiles you will need the following tools:

  • pencil or marker for marking;
  • roulette;
  • construction stapler with staples;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • instructions for the material and roof diagram.

Monterrey tile laying technology

Before installing a Monterrey metal tile roof, be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions. However, there are a few more rules that will help you not only correctly lay the material, but also avoid problems during the operation of the roof in the future.

So, here are some rules:

  1. You need to work in soft shoes so that when moving on the metal tiles you do not damage its outer covering.
  2. If scratches occur on the surface of the material during installation, they must be painted over.
  3. The best option This material will be for roofs with a slope of 14º.
  4. When working, it is better to use RAL 4.8×35 screws, which will require about 5-6 pieces for every 1 m2.

Under no circumstances should you use tools with an abrasive disc to cut sheets.

Making a frame for metal tiles

Installation of the structure " roofing pie"under such metal tiles does not differ much from the installation of other types of roofing: a layer of moisture-repellent material is laid on the thermal insulation layer in order to prevent the formation of condensation under the roofing.

After this, a frame is mounted under the metal tile, which is made of boards 24-40 mm thick. The bottom board should be one and a half times thicker. The outermost sheet of metal tiles should extend beyond the frame by 60-100 mm.

The gaps between the upper boards of the frame should be about 300 mm, and between the lower ones - within 200 mm, because this length corresponds to the pitch of the metal tile waves.

If Monterrey Standard is selected as the roofing material, then the pitch between the sheathing boards should be 350 mm, and for Monterrey Super or Lux - 400 mm.

A counter-lattice is laid on top of a layer of moisture-repellent material according to the same principle as the lathing.

In the process of laying the sheathing, among other things, you will need to calculate in advance the places for fixing ventilation, grounding, drainage, snow retention, antenna and other structures and devices.

It is worth noting that rafter system and the frame, even before laying the metal tiles, must be opened with an antiseptic agent in order to avoid future rotting of wood structures.

It is noteworthy that for Monterey metal tiles there is no need to additionally strengthen the rafter system, since its weight is the same as, for example, a soft roof.

Laying metal tiles Monterrey

All work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The first sheet is laid and aligned along the edge of the roof, after which it is fastened with a self-tapping screw in the upper part, on the ridge. If it starts on the right, the second sheet is laid with an overlap, and if it starts on the left, the sheet is placed under the first sheet.
  2. They are fixed to the edges of the roof with self-tapping screws in increments of 50 mm. end strips. It’s better if you buy the screws yourself High Quality so that they last as long as metal tiles.
  3. Next, insulation is laid on the ridge, while it should already have holes for ventilation.
  4. Holders for drainage system need to be fixed no higher than the level of the metal tile sheet - this way the gutter will be covered from snow and will not be damaged in the future.
  5. To ensure that moisture leaves the ventilation hole unhindered, the gutter is mounted in the upper part of the eaves strip.
  6. The staircase is selected according to the length of the slope, it is attached to the ridge using brackets. The gaps at the joints must be sealed.
  7. Safety fence Mounted at the height of the eaves.
  8. To access communications, special bridges are installed, thanks to which the surface of the sheets of roofing material will remain undamaged.
  9. The snow guard is installed at a height of 350 mm - this is below the cornice. At long slope It is better to install it in two levels.
  10. Metal tiles must be grounded. This will protect the roof from lightning from outside, and from current surges inside the house.

You can make external protection yourself; this will require a pipe or fittings. A steel, preferably copper, round wire of more than 0.6 mm in diameter is welded to the lightning rod.

The rod is mounted on the roof ridge. The wire is fixed at a distance of at least 150 cm from the house on steel structure, which is dug deep into the ground.

A roof covered with metal tiles will not require complex maintenance. You just need to remove accumulated leaves and other debris from the roof from time to time and wash it occasionally. Remember that for cleaning you cannot use tools with a metal working part (brushes and the like).

The main thing is not to forget that in order for the roof to serve you for as long as possible, its installation must be carried out according to all the rules.

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